/* * Copyright (C) 2015, 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: aCaB <acab@clamav.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include <string.h> #include "scanners.h" #include "cltypes.h" #include "others.h" #include "clamav.h" #include "fmap.h" #include "binhex.h" static const uint8_t hqxtbl[] = { /* 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f */ /* 00-0f */ 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, /* 10-1f */ 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, /* 20-2f */ 0xff,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a,0x0b,0x0c,0xff,0xff, /* 30-3f */ 0x0d,0x0e,0x0f,0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0xff,0x14,0x15,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, /* 40-4f */ 0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f,0x20,0x21,0x22,0x23,0x24,0xff, /* 50-5f */ 0x25,0x26,0x27,0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0xff,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e,0x2f,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff, /* 60-6f */ 0x30,0x31,0x32,0x33,0x34,0x35,0x36,0xff,0x37,0x38,0x39,0x3a,0x3b,0x3c,0xff,0xff, /* 70-7f */ 0x3d,0x3e,0x3f,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff }; #define BH_FLUSH_SZ (BUFSIZ - 256) int cli_binhex(cli_ctx *ctx) { fmap_t *map = *ctx->fmap; const uint8_t *encoded = NULL; uint8_t decoded[BUFSIZ], spare_bits = 0, last_byte = 0, this_byte = 0, offset = 0; size_t enc_done=0, enc_todo=map->len; unsigned int dec_done=0, chunksz = 0, chunkoff=0; uint32_t datalen = 0, reslen = 0; int in_data = 0, in_run = 0, datafd, resfd, ret = CL_CLEAN; enum binhex_phase { IN_BANNER, IN_HEADER, IN_DATA, IN_LIMBO1, IN_LIMBO2, IN_RES } write_phase = IN_BANNER; char *dname, *rname; cli_dbgmsg("in cli_binhex\n"); if(!map->len) return CL_CLEAN; if((ret = cli_gentempfd(ctx->engine->tmpdir, &dname, &datafd)) != CL_SUCCESS) return ret; if((ret = cli_gentempfd(ctx->engine->tmpdir, &rname, &resfd)) != CL_SUCCESS) { close(datafd); if(cli_unlink(dname)) ret = CL_EUNLINK; free(dname); return ret; } memset(decoded, 0, 24); while(1) { uint8_t b; if(!enc_todo || dec_done >= BH_FLUSH_SZ) { if(write_phase == IN_HEADER) { uint32_t namelen = (uint32_t)decoded[0], hdrlen = 1 + namelen + 1 + 4 + 4 + 2; if(!dec_done) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: file is empty\n"); break; } datalen = (decoded[hdrlen]<<24) | (decoded[hdrlen+1]<<16) | (decoded[hdrlen+2]<<8) | decoded[hdrlen+3]; hdrlen += 4; reslen = (decoded[hdrlen]<<24) | (decoded[hdrlen+1]<<16) | (decoded[hdrlen+2]<<8) | decoded[hdrlen+3]; hdrlen += 4 + 2; decoded[namelen+1] = 0; if(dec_done <= hdrlen) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: file too short for header\n"); break; } if((ret = cli_checklimits("cli_binhex(data)", ctx, datalen, 0, 0)) != CL_CLEAN) break; if(cli_checklimits("cli_binhex(resources)", ctx, reslen, 0, 0) != CL_CLEAN) reslen = 0; cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: decoding '%s' - %u bytes of data to %s - %u bytes or resources to %s\n", decoded+1, datalen, dname, reslen, rname); memmove(decoded, &decoded[hdrlen], dec_done - hdrlen); dec_done -= hdrlen; write_phase++; } if(dec_done && write_phase == IN_DATA) { unsigned int todo = MIN(dec_done, datalen); datalen -= todo; dec_done -= todo; if(cli_writen(datafd, decoded, todo)!=(int)todo) { ret = CL_EWRITE; break; } if(!datalen) { write_phase++; if (lseek(datafd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: call to lseek() has failed\n"); ret = CL_ESEEK; break; } ret = cli_magic_scandesc(datafd, ctx); if(ret == CL_VIRUS) break; } if(dec_done) memmove(decoded, &decoded[todo], dec_done); } if(dec_done && write_phase == IN_LIMBO1) { if(dec_done > 1) { if(reslen<5) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: skipping resources (too small)\n"); break; } dec_done-=2; write_phase+=2; if(dec_done) memmove(decoded, &decoded[2], dec_done); } else { dec_done--; write_phase++; if(dec_done) memmove(decoded, &decoded[1], dec_done); } } if(dec_done && write_phase == IN_LIMBO2) { if(reslen<5) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: skipping resources (too small)\n"); break; } write_phase++; if(--dec_done) memmove(decoded, &decoded[1], dec_done); } if(dec_done && write_phase == IN_RES) { unsigned int todo = MIN(dec_done, reslen); reslen -= todo; dec_done -= todo; if(cli_writen(resfd, decoded, todo)!=(int)todo) { ret = CL_EWRITE; break; } if(!reslen) { if (lseek(resfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: call to lseek() has failed\n"); ret = CL_ESEEK; break; } ret = cli_magic_scandesc(resfd, ctx); break; } } if(!enc_todo) { if(write_phase == IN_DATA) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: scanning partially extracted data fork\n"); if (lseek(datafd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: call to lseek() has failed\n"); ret = CL_ESEEK; break; } ret = cli_magic_scandesc(datafd, ctx); } else if(write_phase == IN_RES) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: scanning partially extracted resource fork\n"); if (lseek(resfd, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: call to lseek() has failed\n"); ret = CL_ESEEK; break; } ret = cli_magic_scandesc(resfd, ctx); } break; } } // 'chunksz' must be 0 the first iteration, // so that 'encoded' will be initialized before first dereference. if(!chunksz) { chunksz = MIN(enc_todo, map->pgsz); encoded = fmap_need_off_once(map, enc_done, chunksz); if(!encoded) { ret = CL_EREAD; break; } chunkoff = 0; } chunksz--; b = encoded[chunkoff++]; enc_done++; enc_todo--; if((char)b == '\r' || (char)b == '\n') { in_data = 1; continue; } if(!in_data) continue; if(write_phase == IN_BANNER) { if((char)b != ':') { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: broken file (missing stream start identifier)\n"); break; } write_phase++; } if((char)b == ':') continue; if(b > 0x7f || (b = hqxtbl[b]) == 0xff) { cli_dbgmsg("cli_binhex: Invalid character (%02x)\n", encoded[chunkoff-1]); break; } switch((offset++) & 3) { /* 6 bits per char */ case 0: /* left-6h */ spare_bits = b<<2; continue; case 1: /* left-2l + middle-4h */ this_byte = spare_bits | (b>>4); spare_bits = b<<4; break; case 2: /* middle-4l + right-2h */ this_byte = spare_bits | (b>>2); spare_bits = b<<6; break; case 3: /* right-6l */ this_byte = spare_bits | b; } if(in_run) { in_run = 0; if(!this_byte) this_byte = 0x90; else { while(--this_byte) decoded[dec_done++] = last_byte; continue; } } else if(this_byte == 0x90) { in_run = 1; continue; } decoded[dec_done++] = this_byte; last_byte = this_byte; } close(datafd); close(resfd); if(!ctx->engine->keeptmp) { if(cli_unlink(dname) && ret != CL_VIRUS) ret = CL_EUNLINK; if(cli_unlink(rname) && ret != CL_VIRUS) ret = CL_EUNLINK; } free(dname); free(rname); return ret; }