/* * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* * Portions Copyright (C) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Modified by: Kevin Lin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations * including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source * files in the program, then also delete it here. */ #include #include #include #include "lzwdec.h" #include "../others.h" #define MAXCODE(n) ((1L<<(n))-1) /* * The spec specifies that encoded bit * strings SHOULD range from 9 to 12 bits. */ #define BITS_MIN 9 /* start with 9 bits */ #define BITS_VALID 12 /* 12 bit codes are the max valid */ #define BITS_MAX 14 /* max of 14 bit codes (2 bits extension) */ /* predefined codes */ #define CODE_BASIC 256 /* last basic code + 1 */ #define CODE_CLEAR 256 /* code to clear string table */ #define CODE_EOI 257 /* end-of-information code */ #define CODE_FIRST 258 /* first free code entry */ #define CODE_VALID MAXCODE(BITS_VALID) #define CODE_MAX MAXCODE(BITS_MAX) #define CSIZE (MAXCODE(BITS_MAX)+1L) typedef uint16_t hcode_t; /* codes fit in 16 bits */ /* * Decoding-specific state. */ typedef struct code_ent { struct code_ent *next; uint16_t length; /* string len, including this token */ uint8_t value; /* data value */ uint8_t firstchar; /* first token of string */ } code_t; struct lzw_internal_state { /* general state */ uint16_t nbits; /* # of bits/code */ long nextdata; /* next bits of i/o */ long nextbits; /* # of valid bits in lzw_nextdata */ /* decoding-specific state */ long dec_nbitsmask; /* lzw_nbits 1 bits, right adjusted */ long dec_restart; /* restart count */ code_t *dec_codep; /* current recognized code */ code_t *dec_oldcodep; /* previously recognized code */ code_t *dec_free_entp; /* next free entry */ code_t *dec_maxcodep; /* max available entry */ code_t *dec_codetab; /* kept separate for small machines */ }; static void code_print(code_t *code); static void dict_print(code_t *codetab, uint16_t start, uint16_t maxcode); #define GetNextCode(code) { \ if (have == 0) \ break; \ nextdata = nextdata << 8 | *(from)++; \ have--; \ nextbits += 8; \ if (nextbits < nbits) { \ if (have == 0) \ break; \ nextdata = nextdata << 8 | *(from)++; \ have--; \ nextbits += 8; \ } \ code = (hcode_t)((nextdata >> (nextbits-nbits)) & nbitsmask); \ nextbits -= nbits; \ } #define CodeClear(code) { \ free_code = CODE_FIRST; \ free_entp = state->dec_codetab + CODE_FIRST; \ nbits = BITS_MIN; \ nbitsmask = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); \ maxcodep = state->dec_codetab + nbitsmask-1; \ while (code == CODE_CLEAR) /* clears out consecutive CODE_CLEARs */ \ GetNextCode(code); \ if (code < CODE_BASIC) \ *to++ = code, left--; \ else if (code == CODE_EOI) \ ret = LZW_STREAM_END; \ else if (code >= CODE_FIRST) { \ /* cannot reference unpopulated dictionary entries */ \ strm->msg = "cannot reference unpopulated dictionary entries"; \ ret = LZW_DATA_ERROR; \ } \ oldcodep = state->dec_codetab + code; \ } int lzwInit(lzw_streamp strm) { struct lzw_internal_state *state; hcode_t code; state = cli_malloc(sizeof(struct lzw_internal_state)); if (state == NULL) { strm->msg = "failed to allocate state"; return LZW_MEM_ERROR; } /* general state setup */ state->nbits = BITS_MIN; state->nextdata = 0; state->nextbits = 0; /* dictionary setup */ state->dec_codetab = cli_calloc(CSIZE, sizeof(code_t)); if (state->dec_codetab == NULL) { free(state); strm->msg = "failed to allocate code table"; return LZW_MEM_ERROR; } for (code = 0; code < CODE_BASIC; code++) { state->dec_codetab[code].next = NULL; state->dec_codetab[code].length = 1; state->dec_codetab[code].value = code; state->dec_codetab[code].firstchar = code; } state->dec_restart = 0; state->dec_nbitsmask = MAXCODE(BITS_MIN); state->dec_free_entp = state->dec_codetab + CODE_FIRST; state->dec_oldcodep = &state->dec_codetab[CODE_CLEAR]; state->dec_maxcodep = &state->dec_codetab[state->dec_nbitsmask-1]; strm->state = state; return LZW_OK; } int lzwInflate(lzw_streamp strm) { struct lzw_internal_state *state; uint8_t *from, *to; unsigned in, out; unsigned have, left; long nbits, nextbits, nextdata, nbitsmask; code_t *codep, *free_entp, *maxcodep, *oldcodep; uint8_t *wp; hcode_t code, free_code; int echg, cext, ret = LZW_OK; uint32_t flags; if (strm == NULL || strm->state == NULL || strm->next_out == NULL || (strm->next_in == NULL && strm->avail_in != 0)) return LZW_STREAM_ERROR; /* load state */ to = strm->next_out; out = left = strm->avail_out; from = strm->next_in; in = have = strm->avail_in; flags = strm->flags; state = strm->state; nbits = state->nbits; nextdata = state->nextdata; nextbits = state->nextbits; nbitsmask = state->dec_nbitsmask; oldcodep = state->dec_oldcodep; free_entp = state->dec_free_entp; maxcodep = state->dec_maxcodep; echg = flags & LZW_FLAG_EARLYCHG; cext = flags & LZW_FLAG_EXTNCODE; free_code = free_entp - &state->dec_codetab[0]; if (oldcodep == &state->dec_codetab[CODE_EOI]) return LZW_STREAM_END; /* * Restart interrupted output operation. */ if (state->dec_restart) { long residue; codep = state->dec_codep; residue = codep->length - state->dec_restart; if (residue > left) { /* * Residue from previous decode is sufficient * to satisfy decode request. Skip to the * start of the decoded string, place decoded * values in the output buffer, and return. */ state->dec_restart += left; do { codep = codep->next; } while (--residue > left); to = wp = to + left; do { *--wp = codep->value; codep = codep->next; } while (--left); goto inf_end; } /* * Residue satisfies only part of the decode request. */ to += residue, left -= residue; wp = to; do { *--wp = codep->value; codep = codep->next; } while (--residue); state->dec_restart = 0; } /* guarantee valid initial state */ if (left > 0 && (oldcodep == &state->dec_codetab[CODE_CLEAR])) { code = CODE_CLEAR; CodeClear(code); if (ret != LZW_OK) goto inf_end; } while (left > 0) { GetNextCode(code); if (code == CODE_EOI) { ret = LZW_STREAM_END; break; } if (code == CODE_CLEAR) { CodeClear(code); if (ret != LZW_OK) break; continue; } codep = state->dec_codetab + code; /* cap dictionary codes to valid range (12-bits) */ if (free_code < CODE_VALID+1 || cext) { /* non-earlychange bit expansion */ if (!echg && free_entp > maxcodep) { if (++nbits > BITS_VALID) { if (!cext) nbits = BITS_VALID; else if (nbits > BITS_MAX) nbits = BITS_MAX; } nbitsmask = MAXCODE(nbits); maxcodep = state->dec_codetab + nbitsmask-1; } /* * Add the new entry to the code table. */ if (&state->dec_codetab[0] > free_entp || free_entp >= &state->dec_codetab[CSIZE]) { cli_dbgmsg("%p <= %p, %p < %p(%ld)\n", &state->dec_codetab[0], free_entp, free_entp, &state->dec_codetab[CSIZE], CSIZE); strm->msg = "full dictionary, cannot add new entry"; flags |= LZW_FLAG_FULLDICT; ret = LZW_DICT_ERROR; break; } free_entp->next = oldcodep; free_entp->firstchar = free_entp->next->firstchar; free_entp->length = free_entp->next->length+1; free_entp->value = (codep < free_entp) ? codep->firstchar : free_entp->firstchar; free_entp++; /* earlychange bit expansion */ if (echg && free_entp > maxcodep) { if (++nbits > BITS_VALID) { if (!cext) nbits = BITS_VALID; else if (nbits > BITS_MAX) nbits = BITS_MAX; } nbitsmask = MAXCODE(nbits); maxcodep = state->dec_codetab + nbitsmask-1; } if (free_code++ > CODE_VALID) flags |= LZW_FLAG_EXTNCODEUSE; oldcodep = codep; } else flags |= LZW_FLAG_FULLDICT; if (code >= CODE_BASIC) { /* check if code is valid */ if (code >= free_code) { strm->msg = "cannot reference unpopulated dictionary entries"; flags |= LZW_FLAG_INVALIDCODE; ret = LZW_DATA_ERROR; break; } /* * Code maps to a string, copy string * value to output (written in reverse). */ if (codep->length > left) { /* * String is too long for decode buffer, * locate portion that will fit, copy to * the decode buffer, and setup restart * logic for the next decoding call. */ state->dec_codep = codep; do { codep = codep->next; } while (codep->length > left); state->dec_restart = left; to = wp = to + left; do { *--wp = codep->value; codep = codep->next; } while (--left); goto inf_end; } to += codep->length, left -= codep->length; wp = to; do { *--wp = codep->value; codep = codep->next; } while(codep != NULL); } else *to++ = code, left--; } inf_end: /* restore state */ strm->next_out = to; strm->avail_out = left; strm->next_in = from; strm->avail_in = have; strm->flags = flags; state->nbits = (uint16_t)nbits; state->nextdata = nextdata; state->nextbits = nextbits; state->dec_nbitsmask = nbitsmask; state->dec_oldcodep = oldcodep; state->dec_free_entp = free_entp; state->dec_maxcodep = maxcodep; /* update state */ in -= strm->avail_in; out -= strm->avail_out; strm->total_in += in; strm->total_out += out; if ((in == 0 && out == 0) && ret == LZW_OK) { strm->msg = "no data was processed"; ret = LZW_BUF_ERROR; } return ret; } int lzwInflateEnd(lzw_streamp strm) { free(strm->state->dec_codetab); free(strm->state); strm->state = NULL; return LZW_OK; } static void code_print(code_t *code) { code_t *cpt = code; uint8_t *string; int i = 0; string = cli_calloc(code->length+1, sizeof(uint8_t)); if (!string) return; while (cpt && (i < code->length)) { if (isalnum(cpt->value)) string[code->length - i - 1] = cpt->value; else string[code->length - i - 1] = '*'; i++; cpt = cpt->next; } printf("%s\n", string); free(string); } static void dict_print(code_t *codetab, uint16_t start, uint16_t maxcode) { int i; for (i = start; i < maxcode; i++) { printf("%d: ", i); code_print(codetab + i); } }