2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] Welcome to the ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de archives. 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] If have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] rsync@ftp-stud.hs-esslingen.de. 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] All transfers are logged. 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] If you don't like this policy, then disconnect now. 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] This server does not support --checksum (-c) 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] This server does not support --compress (-z) 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] 2019/05/08 14:22:15 [1976] receiving file list 2019/05/08 14:22:24 [1976] sent 229 bytes received 2220204 bytes total size 70623867233