NFStest 2.1.5 6.fc30	2458714	Unspecified	NFS Testing Tool
  Provides a set of tools for testing either the NFS client or the NFS server,
  most of the functionality is focused mainly on testing the client.
NLopt 2.5.0 2.fc30	519055	Unspecified	Open-Source library for nonlinear optimization
  NLopt is a library for nonlinear local and global optimization, for
  functions with and without gradient information.  It is designed as
  as simple, unified interface and packaging of several free/open-source
  nonlinear optimization libraries.
  It features bindings for GNU Guile, Octave and Python.  This build has
  been made with C++-support enabled.
NLopt 2.5.0 2.fc30	513879	Unspecified	Open-Source library for nonlinear optimization
  NLopt is a library for nonlinear local and global optimization, for
  functions with and without gradient information.  It is designed as
  as simple, unified interface and packaging of several free/open-source
  nonlinear optimization libraries.
  It features bindings for GNU Guile, Octave and Python.  This build has
  been made with C++-support enabled.
NLopt-devel 2.5.0 2.fc30	66993	Unspecified	Development files for NLopt
  This package contains development files for NLopt.
NLopt-devel 2.5.0 2.fc30	67001	Unspecified	Development files for NLopt
  This package contains development files for NLopt.
NLopt-doc 2.5.0 2.fc30	1745140	Unspecified	Documentation files for NLopt
  This package contains documentation files for NLopt.
NaturalDocs 1.52 14.fc30	1697306	Unspecified	Documentation generator for multiple programming languages
  Natural Docs is an open-source documentation generator for multiple
  programming languages.  You document your code in a natural syntax that
  reads like plain English.  Natural Docs then scans your code and builds
  high-quality HTML documentation from it.
NearTree 5.1.1 3.fc30	254583	Unspecified	An API for finding nearest neighbors
  This is a release of an API for finding nearest neighbors among
  points in spaces of arbitrary dimensions. This release provides a
  C++ template, TNear.h, and a C library, CNearTree.c, with
  example/test programs.
NearTree 5.1.1 3.fc30	255551	Unspecified	An API for finding nearest neighbors
  This is a release of an API for finding nearest neighbors among
  points in spaces of arbitrary dimensions. This release provides a
  C++ template, TNear.h, and a C library, CNearTree.c, with
  example/test programs.
NearTree-devel 5.1.1 3.fc30	535052	Unspecified	Development tools for compiling programs using NearTree
  The NearTree-devel package includes the header and library files for
  developing applications that use NearTree.
NearTree-devel 5.1.1 3.fc30	535052	Unspecified	Development tools for compiling programs using NearTree
  The NearTree-devel package includes the header and library files for
  developing applications that use NearTree.
NetworkManager 1.16.0 1.fc30	11084092	System Environment/Base	Network connection manager and user applications
  NetworkManager is a system service that manages network interfaces and
  connections based on user or automatic configuration. It supports
  Ethernet, Bridge, Bond, VLAN, Team, InfiniBand, Wi-Fi, mobile broadband
  (WWAN), PPPoE and other devices, and supports a variety of different VPN
NetworkManager-adsl 1.16.0 1.fc30	65608	System Environment/Base	ADSL device plugin for NetworkManager
  This package contains NetworkManager support for ADSL devices.
NetworkManager-bluetooth 1.16.0 1.fc30	226216	System Environment/Base	Bluetooth device plugin for NetworkManager
  This package contains NetworkManager support for Bluetooth devices.
NetworkManager-config-connectivity-fedora 1.16.0 1.fc30	88	System Environment/Base	NetworkManager config file for connectivity checking via Fedora servers
  This adds a NetworkManager configuration file to enable connectivity checking
  via Fedora infrastructure.
NetworkManager-config-server 1.16.0 1.fc30	463	System Environment/Base	NetworkManager config file for "server-like" defaults
  This adds a NetworkManager configuration file to make it behave more
  like the old "network" service. In particular, it stops NetworkManager
  from automatically running DHCP on unconfigured ethernet devices, and
  allows connections with static IP addresses to be brought up even on
  ethernet devices with no carrier.
  This package is intended to be installed by default for server
NetworkManager-dispatcher-routing-rules 1.16.0 1.fc30	3865	System Environment/Base	NetworkManager dispatcher file for advanced routing rules
  This adds a NetworkManager dispatcher file to support networking
  configurations using "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/rule-NAME" files
  (eg, to do policy-based routing).
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn 1.2.10 1.fc30	291587	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for Fortinet compatible SSLVPN
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the Fortinet compatible SSLVPN server with NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn-gnome 1.2.10 1.fc30	111592	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for SSLVPN - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the Fortinet compatible SSLVPN server with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-iodine 1.2.0 8.fc30	123766	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for iodine
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the iodine server and NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-iodine-gnome 1.2.0 8.fc30	43171	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for iodine - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the iodine server and NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-l2tp 1.2.12 1.fc30	608214	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for L2TP and L2TP/IPsec
  This package contains software for integrating L2TP and L2TP over
  IPsec VPN support with the NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-l2tp-gnome 1.2.12 1.fc30	290845	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for L2TP and L2TP/IPsec - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating L2TP and L2TP over
  IPsec VPN support with the NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-libnm 1.16.0 1.fc30	11452542	Development/Libraries	Libraries for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API).
  This package contains the libraries that make it easier to use some
  NetworkManager functionality from applications.  This is the new
  NetworkManager API.  See also NetworkManager-glib.
NetworkManager-libnm 1.16.0 1.fc30	11391906	Development/Libraries	Libraries for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API).
  This package contains the libraries that make it easier to use some
  NetworkManager functionality from applications.  This is the new
  NetworkManager API.  See also NetworkManager-glib.
NetworkManager-libnm-devel 1.16.0 1.fc30	10985729	Development/Libraries	Header files for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API).
  This package contains the header and pkg-config files for development
  applications using NetworkManager functionality from applications.  This
  is the new NetworkManager API. See also NetworkManager-glib-devel.
NetworkManager-libnm-devel 1.16.0 1.fc30	10988643	Development/Libraries	Header files for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API).
  This package contains the header and pkg-config files for development
  applications using NetworkManager functionality from applications.  This
  is the new NetworkManager API. See also NetworkManager-glib-devel.
NetworkManager-libreswan 1.2.10 1.fc30.1	497763	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plug-in for IPsec VPN
  This package contains software for integrating the libreswan VPN software
  with NetworkManager and the GNOME desktop
NetworkManager-libreswan-gnome 1.2.10 1.fc30.1	132365	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for libreswan - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the libreswan server with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-openconnect 1.2.4 11.fc30	2052386	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for openconnect
  This package contains software for integrating the openconnect VPN software
  with NetworkManager and the GNOME desktop
NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome 1.2.4 11.fc30	154005	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenConnect - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the OpenConnect client with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-openvpn 1.8.10 1.fc30	1187394	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the OpenVPN server with NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome 1.8.10 1.fc30	258784	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for OpenVPN - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the OpenVPN server with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-ovs 1.16.0 1.fc30	120232	System Environment/Base	Open vSwitch device plugin for NetworkManager
  This package contains NetworkManager support for Open vSwitch bridges.
NetworkManager-ppp 1.16.0 1.fc30	103736	System Environment/Base	PPP plugin for NetworkManager
  This package contains NetworkManager support for PPP.
NetworkManager-pptp 1.2.8 1.fc30.1	616122	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for PPTP
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the PPTP server with NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-pptp-gnome 1.2.8 1.fc30.1	154515	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for PPTP - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the PPTP server with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-ssh 1.2.9 1.fc30	187493	System Environment/Base	NetworkManager VPN plugin for SSH
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the OpenSSH server with NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-ssh-gnome 1.2.9 1.fc30	122742	System Environment/Base	NetworkManager VPN plugin for SSH - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the OpenSSH server with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-sstp 1.2.6 3.fc30	671460	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for SSTP
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities using
  the SSTP server with NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-sstp-gnome 1.2.6 3.fc30	178026	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for SSTP - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the SSTP server with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-strongswan 1.4.4 2.fc30	7953	Unspecified	NetworkManager strongSwan IPSec VPN plug-in
  This package contains software for integrating the strongSwan IPSec VPN
  with NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-strongswan-gnome 1.4.4 2.fc30	91416	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for strongswan - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating the strongSwan IPSec VPN
  with the graphical desktop.
NetworkManager-team 1.16.0 1.fc30	74456	System Environment/Base	Team device plugin for NetworkManager
  This package contains NetworkManager support for team devices.
NetworkManager-tui 1.16.0 1.fc30	926111	System Environment/Base	NetworkManager curses-based UI
  This adds a curses-based "TUI" (Text User Interface) to
  NetworkManager, to allow performing some of the operations supported
  by nm-connection-editor and nm-applet in a non-graphical environment.
NetworkManager-vpnc 1.2.6 2.fc30	647111	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for vpnc
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the vpnc server with NetworkManager.
NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome 1.2.6 2.fc30	120819	Unspecified	NetworkManager VPN plugin for vpnc - GNOME files
  This package contains software for integrating VPN capabilities with
  the vpnc server with NetworkManager (GNOME files).
NetworkManager-wifi 1.16.0 1.fc30	318912	System Environment/Base	Wifi plugin for NetworkManager
  This package contains NetworkManager support for Wifi and OLPC devices.
NetworkManager-wwan 1.16.0 1.fc30	241152	System Environment/Base	Mobile broadband device plugin for NetworkManager
  This package contains NetworkManager support for mobile broadband (WWAN)
n2n 2.1.0 15.fc30	197221	Unspecified	A layer-two peer-to-peer virtual private network
  n2n is a layer-two peer-to-peer virtual private network (VPN) which
  allows users to exploit features typical of P2P applications at
  network instead of application level. This means that users can gain
  native IP visibility (e.g. two PCs belonging to the same n2n network
  can ping each other) and be reachable with the same network IP address
  regardless of the network where they currently belong.  In a nutshell,
  as OpenVPN moved SSL from application (e.g. used to implement the
  HTTPS protocol) to network protocol, n2n moves P2P from application to
  network level.
nacl 20110221 21.fc30	1036138	Unspecified	Networking and Cryptography library
  NaCl (pronounced "salt") is a new easy-to-use high-speed software library for
  network communication, encryption, decryption, signatures, etc. NaCl's goal
  is to provide all of the core operations needed to build higher-level
  cryptographic tools.
nacl 20110221 21.fc30	805006	Unspecified	Networking and Cryptography library
  NaCl (pronounced "salt") is a new easy-to-use high-speed software library for
  network communication, encryption, decryption, signatures, etc. NaCl's goal
  is to provide all of the core operations needed to build higher-level
  cryptographic tools.
nacl-arm-binutils 2.26 7.git2c49145.fc30	49724801	Unspecified	A GNU collection of binary utilities
  Binutils is a collection of binary utilities, including ar (for
  creating, modifying and extracting from archives), as (a family of GNU
  assemblers), gprof (for displaying call graph profile data), ld (the
  GNU linker), nm (for listing symbols from object files), objcopy (for
  copying and translating object files), objdump (for displaying
  information from object files), ranlib (for generating an index for
  the contents of an archive), readelf (for displaying detailed
  information about binary files), size (for listing the section sizes
  of an object or archive file), strings (for listing printable strings
  from files), strip (for discarding symbols), and addr2line (for
  converting addresses to file and line).
nacl-binutils 2.24 14.git1d8592c.fc30	31131831	Unspecified	A GNU collection of binary utilities
  Binutils is a collection of binary utilities, including ar (for
  creating, modifying and extracting from archives), as (a family of GNU
  assemblers), gprof (for displaying call graph profile data), ld (the
  GNU linker), nm (for listing symbols from object files), objcopy (for
  copying and translating object files), objdump (for displaying
  information from object files), ranlib (for generating an index for
  the contents of an archive), readelf (for displaying detailed
  information about binary files), size (for listing the section sizes
  of an object or archive file), strings (for listing printable strings
  from files), strip (for discarding symbols), and addr2line (for
  converting addresses to file and line).
nacl-devel 20110221 21.fc30	37674	Unspecified	Development files
  Include files and devel library.
nacl-devel 20110221 21.fc30	37814	Unspecified	Development files
  Include files and devel library.
nacl-gcc 4.4.3 24.20150504gitf80d6b9.fc29	43945760	Unspecified	C and C++ compilers for nacl
  The GNU Compiler Collection (specifically for C and C++) for Native Client
  (NaCl) support. Native Client is the "architecture" used for some
  Chrome/Chromium applications.
nacl-newlib 2.1.0 15.20150528git8c4da47.fc30	7406874	Unspecified	C library intended for use on embedded systems
  Newlib is a C library intended for use on embedded systems. It is a
  conglomeration of several library parts, all under free software licenses
  that make them easily usable on embedded products. This is the nacl fork.
nacl-static 20110221 21.fc30	710780	Unspecified	Static version of the NaCl library
  Statically linkable version of the NaCl library.
nacl-static 20110221 21.fc30	748404	Unspecified	Static version of the NaCl library
  Statically linkable version of the NaCl library.
naev 0.7.0 8.fc30	1457776	Unspecified	2d action, RPG space game
  NAEV is a 2D space trading and combat game, in a similar vein to Escape
  NAEV is played from a top-down perspective, featuring fast-paced combat, many
  ships, a large variety of equipment and a large galaxy to explore. The game is
  highly open-ended, letting you proceed at your own pace.
naev-data 0.7.0 8.fc30	319608404	Unspecified	Data files for NAEV
  NAEV is a 2D space trading and combat game, in a similar vein to Escape
  NAEV is played from a top-down perspective, featuring fast-paced combat, many
  ships, a large variety of equipment and a large galaxy to explore. The game is
  highly open-ended, letting you proceed at your own pace.
  This package contains the data files needed to play the game
nafees-naskh-fonts 2.01 16.fc30	424940	Unspecified	Nafees naskh font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script with full aerab support
  Character based Nafees Naskh Open Type Font for writing Urdu in Naskh\
  script with full aerab support based on Unicode standard.
nafees-nastaleeq-fonts 1.02 15.fc30	1646094	Unspecified	Nafees nastaleeq font for writing Urdu in the Nastaleeq script
  Nafees Nastaleeq is developed according to calligraphic rules,\
  following the style of Syed Nafees Al-Hussaini (Nafees Raqam)\
  one of the finest calligraphers of Pakistan. Nafees Nasta’leeq\
  OTF contains approximately 1,000 glyphs, including about 26 ligatures.
nafees-pakistani-naskh-fonts 2.01 16.fc30	458177	Unspecified	Nafees pakistani naskh font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script
  The Nafees Pakistani Naskh Font is the extension of Nafees Naskh.\
  Nafees Pakistani Naskh Font for writing Urdu, Balochi, Pashto, Punjabi, \
  Sindhi and Saraiki in Naskh script.
nafees-pakistani-web-naskh-fonts 2.0 14.fc30	550242	Unspecified	Nafees pakistani web naskh font for writing Urdu
  This font is developed on Unicode standard and is based \
   on Naskh writing style. \
  Guidance and calligraphy of basic glyph s for the font \
  has been provided by Syed Jameel-ur- Rehman.
nafees-riqa-fonts 1.0 15.fc30	476069	Unspecified	Nafees riqa font for writing Urdu in the Riqa script
  Character based Nafees Riqa Open Type Font for writing Urdu in Riqa\
  script based on Unicode standard.
nafees-tehreer-naskh-fonts 1.0 15.fc30	1453840	Unspecified	Nafees tehreer naskh font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script
  Nafees tehreer naskh Open Type Font for writing Urdu in Naskh\
  script. This font is a text font and specially designed for better\
  on screen readability at small point sizes.
nafees-web-naskh-fonts 1.2 20.fc30	126624	Unspecified	Nafees Web font for writing Urdu in the Naskh script
  Character based Nafees Web Naskh Open Type Font for writing Urdu in Naskh
  script based on Unicode standard. This version has complete support of
  Aerabs for Urdu and updated glyphs for Latin characters.
  Nafees Web Naskh OTF contains approximately 330 glyphs, including 5 ligatures.
naga 3.0 12.82svn.fc30	48136	Unspecified	Simplified Java NIO asynchronous sockets
  Naga aims to be a very small NIO library that provides a handful of
  java classes to wrap the usual Socket and ServerSocket with
  asynchronous NIO counterparts (similar to NIO2 planned for Java 1.7).
  All of this is driven from a single thread, making it useful for both
  client (e.g. allowing I/O to be done in the AWT-thread without any
  need for threads) and server programming (1 thread for all connections
  instead of 2 threads/connection).
  Internally Naga is a straightforward NIO implementation without any
  threads or event-queues thrown in, it is "just the NIO-stuff", to let
  you build things on top of it.
  Naga contains the code needed to get NIO up and running without having
  to code partially read buffers and setting various selection key
naga-javadoc 3.0 12.82svn.fc30	984741	Unspecified	Javadocs for naga
  This package contains the API documentation for naga.
nagi 2.06 23.fc30	399930	Unspecified	An interpreter for AGI games
  NAGI is an interpreter for AGI games, such as the early Space Quest,
  Leisure Suit Larry and King's Quest games.
nagios 4.4.3 4.fc30	11034655	Unspecified	Host/service/network monitoring program
  Nagios is a program that will monitor hosts and services on your
  network.  It has the ability to send email or page alerts when a
  problem arises and when a problem is resolved.  Nagios is written
  in C and is designed to run under Linux (and some other *NIX
  variants) as a background process, intermittently running checks
  on various services that you specify.
  The actual service checks are performed by separate "plugin" programs
  which return the status of the checks to Nagios. The plugins are
  available at
  This package provides the core program, web interface, and documentation
  files for Nagios. Development files are built as a separate package.
nagios-common 4.4.3 4.fc30	0	Unspecified	Provides common directories, uid and gid among nagios-related packages
  Provides common directories, uid and gid among nagios-related packages.
nagios-contrib 4.4.3 4.fc30	45679	Unspecified	Eventhandlers contributed to nagios
  Various contributed items used by plugins and other tools.
nagios-devel 4.4.3 4.fc30	490384	Unspecified	Provides include files that Nagios-related applications may compile against
  Nagios is a program that will monitor hosts and services on your
  network. It has the ability to email or page you when a problem arises
  and when a problem is resolved. Nagios is written in C and is
  designed to run under Linux (and some other *NIX variants) as a
  background process, intermittently running checks on various services
  that you specify.
  This package provides include files that Nagios-related applications
  may compile against.
nagios-devel 4.4.3 4.fc30	521222	Unspecified	Provides include files that Nagios-related applications may compile against
  Nagios is a program that will monitor hosts and services on your
  network. It has the ability to email or page you when a problem arises
  and when a problem is resolved. Nagios is written in C and is
  designed to run under Linux (and some other *NIX variants) as a
  background process, intermittently running checks on various services
  that you specify.
  This package provides include files that Nagios-related applications
  may compile against.
nagios-lcgdm 0.9.6 9.fc29	21864	Applications/System	Configuration files for a (DPM/LFC) site monitored using LCGDM nagios probes
  This package provides all the necessary configuration file for a (DPM/LFC) site
  monitored using the nagios-plugins-lcgdm probes
nagios-plugins 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	344990	Unspecified	Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios
  Nagios is a program that will monitor hosts and services on your
  network, and to email or page you when a problem arises or is
  resolved. Nagios runs on a Unix server as a background or daemon
  process, intermittently running checks on various services that you
  specify. The actual service checks are performed by separate "plugin"
  programs which return the status of the checks to Nagios. This package
  contains those plugins.
nagios-plugins-all 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	0	Unspecified	Nagios Plugins - All plugins
  This package provides all Nagios plugins.
nagios-plugins-apt 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	83928	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_apt
  Provides check_apt support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-bacula 9.4.1 6.fc30	29632	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_bacula
  Provides check_bacula support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-bdii 1.0.15 12.fc30	22831	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_bdii_entries
  Provides check_bdii_entries support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-bonding 1.4 12.fc30	55880	Unspecified	Nagios plugin to monitor Linux bonding interfaces
  This package contains check_linux_bonding, which is a plugin for
  Nagios that checks bonding network interfaces on Linux. The plugin
  will report any interfaces that are down (both masters and slaves), as
  well as other aspects which may point to a problem with bonded
nagios-plugins-breeze 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	2354	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_breeze
  Provides check_breeze support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-by_ssh 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	88440	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_by_ssh
  Provides check_by_ssh support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-check-updates 1.6.23 2.fc30	87828	Unspecified	A Nagios plugin to check if Red Hat or Fedora system is up-to-date
  A Nagios plugin to check if Red Hat or Fedora system is up-to-date.
nagios-plugins-cluster 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	67752	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_cluster
  Provides check_cluster support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-dbi 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	90336	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_dbi
  Provides check_dbi support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-dhcp 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	90176	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_dhcp
  Provides check_dhcp support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-dig 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	88120	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_dig
  Provides check_dig support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-disk 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	100416	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_disk
  Provides check_disk support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-disk_smb 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	10117	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_disk_smb
  Provides check_disk_smb support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-dns 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	92152	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_dns
  Provides check_dns support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-dpm-disk 0.9.6 9.fc29	29442	Applications/System	Nagios probes to be run in the DPM disk nodes
  This package provides the LCGDM nagios probes to be run in the grid
  Disk Pool Manager (DPM) disk nodes.
  They cover monitoring of the status of the different daemons, log file
  analysis, host certificate checks, etc.
nagios-plugins-dpm-head 0.9.6 9.fc29	28297	Applications/System	Nagios probes to be run in the DPM head node
  This package provides the LCGDM nagios probes to be run in the DPM head nodes.
  They cover monitoring of the status of the different daemons, log file
  analysis, host certificate checks, etc.
nagios-plugins-dummy 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	53400	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_dummy
  Provides check_dummy support for Nagios.
  This plugin does not actually check anything, simply provide it with a flag
  0-4 and it will return the corresponding status code to Nagios.
nagios-plugins-file_age 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	3868	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_file_age
  Provides check_file_age support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-flexlm 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	6512	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_flexlm
  Provides check_flexlm support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-fping 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	88088	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_fping
  Provides check_fping support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-fts 3.5.0 3.fc30	25848	Unspecified	Nagios probes to be run remotely against FTS3 machines
  This package provides the nagios probes for FTS3. Usually they are installed
  in the nagios host, and they will contact the remote services running in the
  FTS3 machines.
nagios-plugins-game 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	73824	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_game
  Provides check_game support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-hpjd 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	83736	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_hpjd
  Provides check_hpjd support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-http 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	137864	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_http
  Provides check_http support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-icmp 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	98080	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_icmp
  Provides check_icmp support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-ide_smart 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	67888	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ide_smart
  Provides check_ide_smart support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-ifoperstatus 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	15283	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ifoperstatus
  Provides check_ifoperstatus support for Nagios to monitor network interfaces.
nagios-plugins-ifstatus 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	13434	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ifstatus
  Provides check_ifstatus support for Nagios to monitor network interfaces.
nagios-plugins-ircd 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	6993	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ircd
  Provides check_ircd support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-lcgdm 0.9.6 9.fc29	24019	Applications/Internet	Nagios probes to be run remotely against DPM / LFC nodes
  This package provides the nagios probes for LCGDM components (DPM and LFC) that
  need to be run remotely. Usually they are installed in the nagios host, and
  they will contact the remote services running in the DPM and LFC hosts.
  The Disk Pool Manager (DPM) is a lightweight grid storage component, allowing
  access to data using commonly used grid protocols. The LCG File Catalog (LFC)
  is the main catalog being used by grid communities for both file bookkeeping
  and meta-data.
nagios-plugins-lcgdm-common 0.9.6 9.fc29	51752	Applications/System	Common libraries and files to all LCGDM nagios packages
  LCGDM includes both the Disk Pool Manager (DPM) and LCG File Catalog (LFC)
  components. This package provides the common libraries and files used by
  all LCGDM nagios probes.
nagios-plugins-ldap 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	92472	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ldap
  Provides check_ldap support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-lfc 0.9.6 9.fc29	51050	Applications/System	Nagios probes to be run in the LFC node
  This package provides the LCGDM nagios probes to be run in the LCG File
  Catalog (LFC) node.
  They cover monitoring of the status of the different daemons, log file
  analysis, host certificate checks, etc.
nagios-plugins-load 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	87800	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_load
  Provides check_load support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-log 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	7104	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_log
  Provides check_log support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-mailq 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	25583	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_mailq
  Provides check_mailq support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-mrtg 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	71912	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_mrtg
  Provides check_mrtg support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-mrtgtraf 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	71824	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_mrtgtraf
  Provides check_mrtgtraf support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-mysql 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	164456	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_mysql
  Provides check_mysql and check_mysql_query support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-nagios 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	73664	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_nagios
  Provides check_nagios support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-nrpe 3.2.1 7.fc30	107792	Unspecified	Provides nrpe plugin for Nagios
  Nrpe is a system daemon that will execute various Nagios plugins
  locally on behalf of a remote (monitoring) host that uses the
  check_nrpe plugin.  Various plugins that can be executed by the
  daemon are available at:
  This package provides the nrpe plugin for Nagios-related applications.
nagios-plugins-nt 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	86144	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_nt
  Provides check_nt support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-ntp 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	182792	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ntp
  Provides check_ntp support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-ntp-perl 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	14360	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin -
  Provides support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-nwstat 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	98336	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_nwstat
  Provides check_nwstat support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-openmanage 3.7.12 10.fc30	279372	Unspecified	Nagios plugin to monitor hardware health on Dell servers
  check_openmanage is a plugin for Nagios which checks the hardware
  health of Dell servers running OpenManage Server Administrator
  (OMSA). The plugin can be used remotely with SNMP or locally with
  NRPE, check_by_ssh or similar, whichever suits your needs and
  particular taste. The plugin checks the health of the storage
  subsystem, power supplies, memory modules, temperature probes etc.,
  and gives an alert if any of the components are faulty or operate
  outside normal parameters.
nagios-plugins-oracle 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	9465	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_oracle
  Provides check_oracle support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-overcr 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	81920	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_overcr
  Provides check_overcr support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-perl 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	2088	Unspecified	Nagios plugins perl dep.
  Perl dep for nagios plugins.  This is *NOT* an actual plugin it simply provides
nagios-plugins-pgsql 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	86400	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_pgsql
  Provides check_pgsql (PostgreSQL)  support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-ping 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	92184	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ping
  Provides check_ping support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-procs 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	108192	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_procs
  Provides check_procs support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-radius 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	82112	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_radius
  Provides check_radius support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-real 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	73824	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_real
  Provides check_real (rtsp) support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-remove_perfdata 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	59568	Unspecified	Nagios plugin tool to remove perf data
  Removes perfdata from specified plugin's output
nagios-plugins-rpc 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	9687	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_rpc
  Provides check_rpc support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-sensors 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	1638	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_sensors
  Provides check_sensors support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-smtp 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	98416	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_smtp
  Provides check_smtp support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-snmp 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	109432	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_snmp
  Provides check_snmp support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-snmp-disk-proc 1.3.1 9.fc30	75920	Unspecified	Nagios SNMP plugins to monitor remote disk and processes
  These plugins allow you to monitor disk space and running processes on
  a remote machine via SNMP.
nagios-plugins-ssh 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	73824	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ssh
  Provides check_ssh support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-swap 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	71784	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_swap
  Provides check_swap support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-tcp 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	94416	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_tcp
  Provides check_tcp, check_ftp, check_imap, check_jabber, check_nntp,
  check_nntps, check_pop, check_simap, check_spop, check_ssmtp, check_udp
  and check_clamd support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-time 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	73792	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_time
  Provides check_time support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-ups 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	81984	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_ups
  Provides check_ups support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-uptime 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	67720	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_uptime
  Provides check_uptime support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-users 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	67592	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_users
  Provides check_users support for Nagios.
nagios-plugins-wave 2.2.1 15.20180725git3429dad.fc30	3278	Unspecified	Nagios Plugin - check_wave
  Provides check_wave support for Nagios.
nagstamon 1.0.1 7.fc29	2165244	Unspecified	Nagios status monitor for desktop
  Nagstamon is a Nagios status monitor which takes place in system tray
  or on desktop (GNOME, KDE, Windows) as floating status bar to inform
  you in real-time about the status of your Nagios and derivatives
  monitored network. It allows to connect to multiple Nagios,
  Icinga, Opsview, Op5, Check_MK/Multisite, Centreon and Thruk servers.
nailgun 0.9.1 11.fc30	54097	Unspecified	Framework for running Java from the cli without the JVM startup overhead
  Nailgun is a client, protocol, and server for running Java programs from the
  command line without incurring the JVM startup overhead. Programs run in the
  server (which is implemented in Java), and are triggered by the client
  (written in C), which handles all I/O.
nailgun-javadoc 0.9.1 11.fc30	663971	Unspecified	Javadocs for nailgun
  This package contains the API documentation for nailgun.
nall 1.0 20.fc30	115951	Unspecified	A simple, non-intrusive, everything notifier in the system tray
  Nall is a small gtk+ application that discretely fits into your freedesktop
  system tray (such as trayer).
  Its purpose is to spawn periodically every kind of script and display a
  one-line output in the tooltip window. The main usage of nall is monitoring or
  just notifying of almost everything (it just depends upon your imagination and
  ability to script).
nano 4.0 2.fc30	2515252	Unspecified	A small text editor
  GNU nano is a small and friendly text editor.
nanomsg 1.1.5 1.fc30	526111	Unspecified	Socket library that provides several common communication patterns
  The nanomsg library is a simple high-performance implementation of several
  "scalability protocols". These scalability protocols are light-weight messaging
  protocols which can be used to solve a number of very common messaging patterns,
  such as request/reply, publish/subscribe, surveyor/respondent, and so forth.
  These protocols can run over a variety of transports such as TCP, UNIX sockets,
  and even WebSocket.
nanomsg 1.1.5 1.fc30	515195	Unspecified	Socket library that provides several common communication patterns
  The nanomsg library is a simple high-performance implementation of several
  "scalability protocols". These scalability protocols are light-weight messaging
  protocols which can be used to solve a number of very common messaging patterns,
  such as request/reply, publish/subscribe, surveyor/respondent, and so forth.
  These protocols can run over a variety of transports such as TCP, UNIX sockets,
  and even WebSocket.
nanomsg-devel 1.1.5 1.fc30	1500647	Unspecified	Development files for nanomsg
  This package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use nanomsg.
nanomsg-devel 1.1.5 1.fc30	1500663	Unspecified	Development files for nanomsg
  This package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use nanomsg.
nanomsg-doc 1.1.5 1.fc30	132924	Unspecified	Documentation for nanomsg
  This package contains documentation for nanomsg.
nant 0.92 22.fc30	3050026	Unspecified	NAnt is a build tool for Mono and .NET
  NAnt is a free .NET build tool. In theory it is kind of like make
  without make's wrinkles. In practice it's a lot like Ant.
nant-devel 0.92 22.fc30	228	Unspecified	Development file for nant
  Development file for nant
nant-devel 0.92 22.fc30	228	Unspecified	Development file for nant
  Development file for nant
nant-docs 0.92 22.fc30	1929551	Unspecified	Documentation package for nant
  Documentation for nant
nar-maven-plugin 3.0.0 19.fc30	594207	Unspecified	Native ARchive plugin for Maven
  The NAR plugin for Maven allows you to compile native code (C++, C and Fortran)
  on a number of different architectures (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, ...)
  and with a number of different compilers/linkers (g++, Microsoft Visual C++,
  CC, ...) The output produced is wrapped up in Native ARchive files (.nar) some
  of which are machine independent (-noarch), while others are machine specific
  and thus depend on a combination of machine architecture(A),
  operating-system(O) and linker(L) identified as AOL. These nar files can be
  installed in the local Maven repository and deployed to a standard Maven (web)
  server, using the standard maven-install-plugin and maven-deploy-plugin.
nar-maven-plugin-javadoc 3.0.0 19.fc30	11629065	Unspecified	Javadoc for nar-maven-plugin
  This package contains the API documentation for nar-maven-plugin.
narayana 5.3.3 4.fc29	9656555	Unspecified	Distributed Transaction Manager
  A set of JBoss modules that fully supports ACID transactions
  spread across multiple resource managers and application servers.
  It implements a Distributed Transaction Manager (DTM) with support
  for two-phase commit (2PC) across XA resource managers, JBoss
  server instances, and CORBA OTS resources.
  JBossJTS implements the Java Transaction Service (JTS) and CORBA
  Transaction Service (OTS) specifications.
narayana-javadoc 5.3.3 4.fc29	74148835	Unspecified	Javadoc for narayana
  This package contains the API documentation for narayana.
nas 1.9.4 16.fc30	836879	Unspecified	The Network Audio System (NAS)
  In a nutshell, NAS is the audio equivalent of an X display server.  The
  Network Audio System (NAS) was developed for playing, recording, and
  manipulating audio data over a network.  Like the X Window System, it uses the
  client/server model to separate applications from the specific drivers that
  control audio input and output devices.
  Key features of the Network Audio System include:
      • Device-independent audio over the network
      • Lots of audio file and data formats
      • Can store sounds in server for rapid replay
      • Extensive mixing, separating, and manipulation of audio data
      • Simultaneous use of audio devices by multiple applications
      • Use by a growing number of ISVs
      • Small size
      • Free!  No obnoxious licensing terms
nas-devel 1.9.4 16.fc30	742375	Unspecified	Development and doc files for the NAS
  Development files and the documentation for Network Audio System.
nas-devel 1.9.4 16.fc30	742375	Unspecified	Development and doc files for the NAS
  Development files and the documentation for Network Audio System.
nas-libs 1.9.4 16.fc30	296199	Unspecified	Run-time libraries for NAS
  Run-time libraries for NAS.
nas-libs 1.9.4 16.fc30	296671	Unspecified	Run-time libraries for NAS
  Run-time libraries for NAS.
nasm 2.13.03 3.fc30	2893998	Unspecified	A portable x86 assembler which uses Intel-like syntax
  NASM is the Netwide Assembler, a free portable assembler for the Intel
  80x86 microprocessor series, using primarily the traditional Intel
  instruction mnemonics and syntax.
nasm-doc 2.13.03 3.fc30	2191619	Unspecified	Documentation for NASM
  This package contains documentation for the Netwide Assembler (NASM),
  in HTML, PDF, PostScript, and text formats.
nasm-rdoff 2.13.03 3.fc30	622418	Unspecified	Tools for the RDOFF binary format, sometimes used with NASM
  Tools for the operating-system independent RDOFF binary format, which
  is sometimes used with the Netwide Assembler (NASM). These tools
  include linker, library manager, loader, and information dump.
native-maven-plugin 1.0 0.16.alpha.8.fc30	53344	Unspecified	Native Maven Plugin
  Native Maven Plugin.
native-platform 0.14 15.fc30	153000	Unspecified	Java bindings for various native APIs
  A collection of cross-platform Java APIs
  for various native APIs.
  These APIs support Java 5 and later. Some
  of these APIs overlap with APIs available
  in later Java versions.
native-platform-javadoc 0.14 15.fc30	1657281	Unspecified	Javadoc for native-platform
  This package contains javadoc for native-platform.
native2ascii-maven-plugin 1.0 0.17.beta1.fc30	20234	Unspecified	Native2Ascii Maven Plugin
  Converts files with characters in any
  supported character encoding to
  one with ASCII and/or Unicode escapes.
native2ascii-maven-plugin-javadoc 1.0 0.17.beta1.fc30	125032	Unspecified	Javadoc for native2ascii-maven-plugin
  This package contains javadoc for native2ascii-maven-plugin.
natural-earth-map-data-10m 4.1.0 2.fc30	809448933	Unspecified	Natural Earth map data - 10m resolution
  Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and
  1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with
  Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps
  with cartography or GIS software.
  This provides data at 1:10m resolution.
natural-earth-map-data-110m 4.1.0 2.fc30	17760543	Unspecified	Natural Earth map data - 110m resolution
  Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and
  1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with
  Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps
  with cartography or GIS software.
  This provides data at 1:110m resolution.
natural-earth-map-data-50m 4.1.0 2.fc30	73299009	Unspecified	Natural Earth map data - 50m resolution
  Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and
  1:110 million scales. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with
  Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps
  with cartography or GIS software.
  This provides data at 1:50m resolution.
naturette 1.3 18.fc30	319985	Unspecified	An AGI adventure game
  Naturette was made using AgiStudio. Naturette must find eight
  diamonds to go back to her house. Contains nude scenes.
nautilus 3.32.0 1.fc30	14582854	Unspecified	File manager for GNOME
  Nautilus is the file manager and graphical shell for the GNOME desktop
  that makes it easy to manage your files and the rest of your system.
  It allows to browse directories on local and remote filesystems, preview
  files and launch applications associated with them.
  It is also responsible for handling the icons on the GNOME desktop.
nautilus 3.32.0 1.fc30	14388050	Unspecified	File manager for GNOME
  Nautilus is the file manager and graphical shell for the GNOME desktop
  that makes it easy to manage your files and the rest of your system.
  It allows to browse directories on local and remote filesystems, preview
  files and launch applications associated with them.
  It is also responsible for handling the icons on the GNOME desktop.
nautilus-devel 3.32.0 1.fc30	373855	Unspecified	Support for developing nautilus extensions
  This package provides libraries and header files needed
  for developing nautilus extensions.
nautilus-devel 3.32.0 1.fc30	374193	Unspecified	Support for developing nautilus extensions
  This package provides libraries and header files needed
  for developing nautilus extensions.
nautilus-extensions 3.32.0 1.fc30	102250	Unspecified	Nautilus extensions library
  This package provides the libraries used by nautilus extensions.
nautilus-extensions 3.32.0 1.fc30	99558	Unspecified	Nautilus extensions library
  This package provides the libraries used by nautilus extensions.
nautilus-font-manager 0.7.2 4.fc24	4680	Applications/Publishing	Nautilus extension for Font Manager
  This package provides integration with the Nautilus file manager.
nautilus-gsconnect 21 2.fc30	6185	Unspecified	Nautilus extension for GSConnect
  The nautilus-gsconnect package provides a Nautilus context menu for sending
  files to devices that are online, paired and have the "Share and receive" plugin
nautilus-image-converter 0.3.1 0.17.git430afce31.fc30	131847	Unspecified	Nautilus extension to mass resize images
  Adds a "Resize Images..." menu item to the context menu of all images. This
  opens a dialog where you set the desired image size and file name. A click
  on "Resize" finally resizes the image(s) using ImageMagick's convert tool.
nautilus-pastebin 0.7.2 9.fc30	132994	Unspecified	Nautilus extension to send files to a pastebin
  A Nautilus extension written in Python, which allows users to
  upload text-only files to a pastebin service just by
  right-clicking on them. Users can also add their favorite service
  just by creating new presets.
nautilus-python 1.2.2 3.fc30	66850	Unspecified	Python bindings for Nautilus
  Python bindings for Nautilus
nautilus-python 1.2.2 3.fc30	63550	Unspecified	Python bindings for Nautilus
  Python bindings for Nautilus
nautilus-python-devel 1.2.2 3.fc30	183068	Unspecified	Python bindings for Nautilus
  Python bindings for Nautilus
nautilus-python-devel 1.2.2 3.fc30	183073	Unspecified	Python bindings for Nautilus
  Python bindings for Nautilus
nautilus-search-tool 0.3.0 29.fc30	43905	Unspecified	A Nautilus extension that makes searching for files easier
  This package adds an option to the context menu of folders in Nautilus to
  search for files.
nautilus-sendto 3.8.6 4.fc30	254108	Unspecified	Nautilus context menu for sending files
  The nautilus-sendto package provides a Nautilus context menu for
  sending files via other desktop applications.  These functions are
  implemented as plugins, so nautilus-sendto can be extended with
  additional features.
nauty 2.6.11 2.fc30	1943829	Unspecified	Graph canonical labeling and automorphism group computation
  Nauty and Traces are programs for computing automorphism groups of
  graphs and digraphs.  (At present, Traces does not accept digraphs.)
  They can also produce a canonical label.  They are written in a portable
  subset of C, and run on a considerable number of different systems.
  There is a small suite of programs called gtools included in the
  package.  For example, geng can generate non-isomorphic graphs very
  quickly.  There are also generators for bipartite graphs, digraphs, and
  multigraphs, and programs for manipulating files of graphs in a compact
naver-nanum-barun-gothic-fonts 3.020 24.20140930.fc30	18306094	Unspecified	Nanum fonts Barun Gothic font faces
  Nanum fonts are collection of commonly-used Myeongjo and Gothic Korean
  font families, designed by Sandoll Communication and Fontrix. The
  publisher is Naver Corporation.
  This package consists of the Nanum fonts Barun Gothic font faces.
naver-nanum-barun-pen-fonts 3.020 24.20140930.fc30	21063122	Unspecified	Nanum fonts Barun Pen font faces
  Nanum fonts are collection of commonly-used Myeongjo and Gothic Korean
  font families, designed by Sandoll Communication and Fontrix. The
  publisher is Naver Corporation.
  This package consists of the Nanum fonts Barun Pen font faces.
naver-nanum-brush-fonts 3.020 24.20140930.fc30	3746105	Unspecified	Nanum fonts Brush font faces
  Nanum fonts are collection of commonly-used Myeongjo and Gothic Korean
  font families, designed by Sandoll Communication and Fontrix. The
  publisher is Naver Corporation.
  This package consists of the Nanum fonts Brush font faces.
naver-nanum-fonts-common 3.020 24.20140930.fc30	44935	Unspecified	Common files of naver-nanum-fonts
  Nanum fonts are collection of commonly-used Myeongjo and Gothic Korean
  font families, designed by Sandoll Communication and Fontrix. The
  publisher is Naver Corporation.
  This package consists of files used by other naver-nanum-fonts packages.
naver-nanum-gothic-coding-fonts 2.000 12.fc30	4563330	Unspecified	Nanum Gothic Coding family of Korean TrueType fonts
  Nanum Gothic Coding fonts are set of Gothic Korean font faces suitable
  for source code editing, designed by Sandoll Communication and
  published by NAVER Corporation.
naver-nanum-gothic-fonts 3.020 24.20140930.fc30	14327306	Unspecified	Nanum fonts Gothic font faces
  Nanum fonts are collection of commonly-used Myeongjo and Gothic Korean
  font families, designed by Sandoll Communication and Fontrix. The
  publisher is Naver Corporation.
  This package consists of the Nanum fonts Gothic font faces.
naver-nanum-myeongjo-fonts 3.020 24.20140930.fc30	12812470	Unspecified	Nanum fonts Myeongjo font faces
  Nanum fonts are collection of commonly-used Myeongjo and Gothic Korean
  font families, designed by Sandoll Communication and Fontrix. The
  publisher is Naver Corporation.
  This package consists of the Nanum fonts Myeongjo font faces.
naver-nanum-pen-fonts 3.020 24.20140930.fc30	3549379	Unspecified	Nanum fonts Pen font faces
  Nanum fonts are collection of commonly-used Myeongjo and Gothic Korean
  font families, designed by Sandoll Communication and Fontrix. The
  publisher is Naver Corporation.
  This package consists of the Nanum fonts Pen font faces.
navilu-fonts 1.2 13.fc30	142813	Unspecified	Free Kannada opentype sans-serif font
  This package provides a free Kannada sans-serif opentype font.
nawk 20121220 12.fc30	196421	Unspecified	"The one true awk" descended from UNIX V7
  This is the version of awk described in "The AWK Programming Language", by Al
  Aho, Brian Kernighan, and Peter Weinberger. (Addison-Wesley, 1988, ISBN
nazghul 0.7.1 24.20120228gitb0a402a.fc30	1859844	Unspecified	A computer role-playing game (CRPG) engine
  Nazghul is an old-school RPG engine modeled after those made in the
  heyday of top-down, 2d tile-based graphics. It is specifically modeled
  after Ultima V.
nbc 1.2.1.r3 18.fc30	3563728	Unspecified	Simple language and compiler to program the LEGO NXT brick
  Next Byte Codes (NBC) is a simple language with an assembly language
  syntax that can be used to program LEGO's NXT programmable brick
  (from the new LEGO Mindstorms NXT set).
  Not Exactly C (NXC) is a high level language, similar to C, built on
  top of the NBC compiler. It can also be used to program the NXT brick.
  NXC is basically NQC (Not Quite C) for the NXT.
nbd 3.19 1.fc30	397968	Unspecified	Network Block Device user-space tools (TCP version)
  Tools for the Linux Kernel's network block device, allowing you to use
  remote block devices over a TCP/IP network.
nbdkit 1.11.11 1.fc30	0	Unspecified	NBD server
  NBD is a protocol for accessing block devices (hard disks and
  disk-like things) over the network.
  nbdkit is a toolkit for creating NBD servers.
  The key features are:
  * Multithreaded NBD server written in C with good performance.
  * Minimal dependencies for the basic server.
  * Liberal license (BSD) allows nbdkit to be linked to proprietary
    libraries or included in proprietary code.
  * Well-documented, simple plugin API with a stable ABI guarantee.
    Lets you to export "unconventional" block devices easily.
  * You can write plugins in C or many other languages.
  * Filters can be stacked in front of plugins to transform the output.
  In Fedora, 'nbdkit' is a meta-package which pulls in the core server
  and a useful subset of plugins and filters.
  If you want just the server, install 'nbdkit-server'.
  To develop plugins, install the 'nbdkit-devel' package and start by
  reading the nbdkit(1) and nbdkit-plugin(3) manual pages.
nbdkit-bash-completion 1.11.11 1.fc30	5416	Unspecified	Bash tab-completion for nbdkit
  Install this package if you want intelligent bash tab-completion
  for nbdkit.
nbdkit-basic-filters 1.11.11 1.fc30	282227	Unspecified	Basic filters for nbdkit
  This package contains some basic filters for nbdkit which have only
  trivial dependencies.
  nbdkit-blocksize-filter    Adjust block size of requests sent to plugins.
  nbdkit-cache-filter        Server-side cache.
  nbdkit-cow-filter          Copy-on-write overlay for read-only plugins.
  nbdkit-delay-filter        Inject read and write delays.
  nbdkit-error-filter        Inject errors.
  nbdkit-fua-filter          Modify flush behaviour in plugins.
  nbdkit-log-filter          Log all transactions to a file.
  nbdkit-nozero-filter       Adjust handling of zero requests by plugins.
  nbdkit-offset-filter       Serve an offset and range.
  nbdkit-partition-filter    Serve a single partition.
  nbdkit-rate-filter         Limit bandwidth by connection or server.
  nbdkit-truncate-filter     Truncate, expand, round up or round down size.
nbdkit-basic-plugins 1.11.11 1.fc30	362461	Unspecified	Basic plugins for nbdkit
  This package contains some basic plugins for nbdkit which have only
  trivial dependencies.
  nbdkit-data-plugin         Serve small amounts of data from the command line.
  nbdkit-file-plugin         The normal file plugin for serving files.
  nbdkit-floppy-plugin       Create a virtual floppy disk from a directory.
  nbdkit-full-plugin         A virtual disk that returns ENOSPC errors.
  nbdkit-memory-plugin       A virtual memory plugin.
  nbdkit-nbd-plugin          An NBD forwarding plugin.
  nbdkit-null-plugin         A null (bitbucket) plugin.
  nbdkit-pattern-plugin      Fixed test pattern.
  nbdkit-partitioning-plugin Create virtual disks from partitions.
  nbdkit-random-plugin       Random content plugin for testing.
  nbdkit-sh-plugin           Write plugins as shell scripts or executables.
  nbdkit-split-plugin        Concatenate one or more files.
  nbdkit-streaming-plugin    A streaming file serving plugin.
  nbdkit-zero-plugin         Zero-length plugin for testing.
nbdkit-curl-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	27158	Unspecified	HTTP/FTP (cURL) plugin for nbdkit
  This package contains cURL (HTTP/FTP) support for nbdkit.
nbdkit-devel 1.11.11 1.fc30	92598	Unspecified	Development files and documentation for nbdkit
  This package contains development files and documentation
  for nbdkit.  Install this package if you want to develop
  plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-devel 1.11.11 1.fc30	92604	Unspecified	Development files and documentation for nbdkit
  This package contains development files and documentation
  for nbdkit.  Install this package if you want to develop
  plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-example-plugins 1.11.11 1.fc30	68829	Unspecified	Example plugins for nbdkit
  This package contains example plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-ext2-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	26544	Unspecified	ext2, ext3 and ext4 filesystem support for nbdkit
  This package contains ext2, ext3 and ext4 filesystem support for
nbdkit-guestfs-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	31669	Unspecified	libguestfs plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a libguestfs plugin for nbdkit.
nbdkit-gzip-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	25885	Unspecified	GZip file serving plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a gzip file serving plugin for nbdkit.
nbdkit-iso-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	28719	Unspecified	Virtual ISO 9660 plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a virtual ISO 9660 (CD-ROM) plugin for nbdkit.
nbdkit-libvirt-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	26056	Unspecified	Libvirt plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a libvirt plugin for nbdkit.  It lets you access
  libvirt guest disks readonly.  It is implemented using the libvirt
  virDomainBlockPeek API.
nbdkit-linuxdisk-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	47205	Unspecified	Virtual Linux disk plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a virtual Linux disk plugin for nbdkit.
nbdkit-lua-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	31985	Unspecified	Lua plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you write Lua plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-ocaml-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	35196	Unspecified	OCaml plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you run OCaml plugins for nbdkit.
  To compile OCaml plugins you will also need to install
nbdkit-ocaml-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	36116	Unspecified	OCaml plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you run OCaml plugins for nbdkit.
  To compile OCaml plugins you will also need to install
nbdkit-ocaml-plugin-devel 1.11.11 1.fc30	25008	Unspecified	OCaml development environment for nbdkit
  This package lets you write OCaml plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-ocaml-plugin-devel 1.11.11 1.fc30	33664	Unspecified	OCaml development environment for nbdkit
  This package lets you write OCaml plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-perl-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	40815	Unspecified	Perl plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you write Perl plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-python-plugin-common 1.11.11 1.fc30	11427	Unspecified	Python 2 and 3 plugin common files for nbdkit
  This package contains common files shared between Python 2
  and Python 3 nbdkit plugins.
  You should not install this package directly.  Instead install
  either nbdkit-python2-plugin or nbdkit-python3-plugin.
nbdkit-python2-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	25136	Unspecified	Python 2 plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you write Python 2 plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-python3-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	25264	Unspecified	Python 3 plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you write Python 3 plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-ruby-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	32329	Unspecified	Ruby plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you write Ruby plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-server 1.11.11 1.fc30	198074	Unspecified	The nbdkit server
  This package contains the nbdkit server with no plugins or filters.
nbdkit-server 1.11.11 1.fc30	196494	Unspecified	The nbdkit server
  This package contains the nbdkit server with no plugins or filters.
nbdkit-ssh-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	31717	Unspecified	SSH plugin for nbdkit
  This package contains SSH support for nbdkit.
nbdkit-tar-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	13634	Unspecified	Tar archive plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a tar archive plugin for nbdkit.
nbdkit-tcl-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	32038	Unspecified	Tcl plugin for nbdkit
  This package lets you write Tcl plugins for nbdkit.
nbdkit-vddk-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	38209	Unspecified	VMware VDDK plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a plugin for nbdkit which connects to
  VMware VDDK for accessing VMware disks and servers.
nbdkit-xz-filter 1.11.11 1.fc30	38530	Unspecified	XZ filter for nbdkit
  This package is the xz filter for nbdkit.
nbdkit-xz-plugin 1.11.11 1.fc30	38812	Unspecified	XZ file serving plugin for nbdkit
  This package is a xz file serving plugin for nbdkit.
  This is deprecated and will be removed in nbdkit 1.12.  You should
  start to use nbdkit-xz-filter instead.
nbtscan 1.5.1 21.fc30	71804	Unspecified	Tool to gather NetBIOS info from Windows networks
  NBTscan is a program for scanning IP networks for NetBIOS name information.
  It sends a NetBIOS status query to each address in supplied range and lists
  received information in human readable form.
ncbi-blast+ 2.2.31 4.fc24	41274123	Unspecified	NCBI BLAST+ finds regions of similarity between biological sequences
  The NCBI Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of
  local similarity between sequences. The program compares nucleotide or
  protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical
  significance of matches. BLAST can be used to infer functional and
  evolutionary relationships between sequences as well as help identify
  members of gene families.
ncdc 1.20 7.fc30	545282	Unspecified	Modern and lightweight direct connect client
  Ncdc is a modern and lightweight direct connect client with a
  friendly ncurses interface.
ncdu 1.14 1.fc30	125695	Unspecified	Text-based disk usage viewer
  ncdu (NCurses Disk Usage) is a curses-based version of the well-known 'du',
  and provides a fast way to see what directories are using your disk space.
ncftp 3.2.5 17.fc30	2340418	Unspecified	Improved console FTP client
  Ncftp is an improved FTP client. Ncftp's improvements include support
  for command line editing, command histories, recursive gets, automatic
  anonymous logins, and more.
ncid 1.10.1 7.fc30	2660051	Unspecified	Network Caller ID server, client and gateways
  NCID is Caller ID (CID) distributed over a network to a variety of
  devices and computers.  NCID includes a server, gateways, a client,
  client output modules and command line tools.
  The NCID server obtains the Caller ID information from a modem,
  a serial or USB device and from gateways: NCID, OBI, SIP, WC, YAC and XDMF.
  This package contains the server and command line tools.
  The gateways are in the ncid-gateways package.
  The client is in the ncid-client package.
ncid-client 1.10.1 7.fc30	271896	Unspecified	NCID (Network Caller ID) client
  The NCID client obtains the Caller ID from the NCID server and normally
  displays it in a GUI window.  It can also display the Called ID in a
  terminal window or, using an output module, format the output and send it
  to another program.
  This package contains the NCID client and output modules that are not
  separate packages.
ncid-gateways 1.10.1 7.fc30	423657	Unspecified	NCID (Network Caller ID) gateways
  NCID is Caller ID (CID) distributed over a network to a variety of
  devices and computers.  NCID includes a server, gateways, a client,
  client output modules and command line tools.
  This package contains the NCID gateways.
ncid-kpopup 1.10.1 7.fc30	9115	Unspecified	NCID kpopup module displays Caller ID info in a KDE window
  The NCID kpopup module displays Caller ID information in a KDE pop-up window
  and optionally speaks the number via voice synthesis.  The KDE or Gnome
  desktop must be running.
ncid-mysql 1.10.1 7.fc30	15643	Unspecified	NCID mysql module inputs Caller ID information into a SQL database
  The NCID mysql module inputs NCID Caller information into a SQL database
  using either MariaDB or a MySQL database.
ncid-mythtv 1.10.1 7.fc30	8583	Unspecified	NCID mythtv module sends Caller ID information to MythTV
  The NCID MythTV module displays Caller ID information using mythutil
ncid-samba 1.10.1 7.fc30	8078	Unspecified	NCID samba module sends Caller ID information to windows machines
  The NCID samba module sends Caller ID information to a windows machine
  as a pop-up.  This will not work if the messenger service is disabled.
ncid-speak 1.10.1 7.fc30	11150	Unspecified	NCID speak module speaks Caller ID information via voice synthesis
  The NCID speak module announces Caller Id information verbally, using
  the Festival text-to-speech voice synthesis system.
ncl 6.5.0 3.fc30	48977219	Unspecified	NCAR Command Language and NCAR Graphics
  NCAR Command Language (NCL) is an interpreted language designed specifically
  for scientific data processing and visualization.  Portable, robust, and free,
  NCL supports netCDF3/4, GRIB1/2, HDF-SDS, HDF4-EOS, binary, shapefiles, and
  ASCII files.  Numerous analysis functions are built-in.  High quality graphics
  are easily created and customized with hundreds of graphic resources.  Many
  example scripts and their corresponding graphics are available.
ncl-common 6.5.0 3.fc30	82415763	Unspecified	Common files for NCL and NCAR Graphics
  Common files for NCL and NCAR Graphics.
ncl-devel 6.5.0 3.fc30	49206149	Unspecified	Development files for NCL and NCAR Graphics
  Development files for NCL and NCAR Graphics.
ncl-devel 6.5.0 3.fc30	61276170	Unspecified	Development files for NCL and NCAR Graphics
  Development files for NCL and NCAR Graphics.
ncl-examples 6.5.0 3.fc30	37469315	Unspecified	Example programs and data using NCL
  Example programs and data using NCL.
ncmpc 0.27 7.fc30	840437	Unspecified	A curses client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
  ncmpc is a curses client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). ncmpc connects to
  a MPD running on a machine on the local network, and controls this with an
  interface inspired by cplay.
ncmpcpp 0.8.2 8.fc30	4493178	Unspecified	Featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc
  A featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc. The main features are:
  - tag editor
  - playlist editor
  - easy to use search engine
  - media library
  - music visualizer
  - ability to fetch artist info from
  - new display mode
  - alternative user interface
  - ability to browse and add files from outside of MPD music directory
  .. and a lot more minor functions.
nco 4.7.9 1.fc30	8805281	Unspecified	Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files
  The netCDF Operators, NCO, are a suite of command line programs known
  as operators.  The operators facilitate manipulation and analysis of
  self-describing data stored in the freely available netCDF and HDF
  formats ( and, respectively).  Each NCO operator (e.g.,
  ncks) takes netCDF or HDF input file(s), performs an operation (e.g.,
  averaging, hyperslabbing, or renaming), and outputs a processed netCDF
  file.  Although most users of netCDF and HDF data are involved in
  scientific research, these data formats, and thus NCO, are generic and
  are equally useful in fields from agriculture to zoology.  The NCO
  User's Guide illustrates NCO use with examples from the field of
  climate modeling and analysis.  The NCO homepage is
nco-devel 4.7.9 1.fc30	72793	Unspecified	Development files for NCO
  This package contains the NCO header and development files.
nco-devel 4.7.9 1.fc30	72793	Unspecified	Development files for NCO
  This package contains the NCO header and development files.
nco-static 4.7.9 1.fc30	1897418	Unspecified	Static libraries for NCO
  This package contains the NCO static libs.
nco-static 4.7.9 1.fc30	2305366	Unspecified	Static libraries for NCO
  This package contains the NCO static libs.
ncompress 15.fc30	43445	Unspecified	Fast compression and decompression utilities
  The ncompress package contains the compress and uncompress file
  compression and decompression utilities, which are compatible with the
  original UNIX compress utility (.Z file extensions).  These utilities
  can't handle gzipped (.gz file extensions) files, but gzip can handle
  compressed files.
  Install ncompress if you need compression/decompression utilities
  which are compatible with the original UNIX compress utility.
ncrack 0.6 2.fc30	1865857	Unspecified	A high-speed network auth cracking tool
  Ncrack is a high-speed network authentication cracking tool. It was
  built to help companies secure their networks by proactively testing
  all their hosts and networking devices for poor passwords. Security
  professionals also rely on Ncrack when auditing their clients. Ncrack
  was designed using a modular approach, a command-line syntax similar to
  Nmap and a dynamic engine that can adapt its behaviour based on network
  feedback. It allows for rapid, yet reliable large-scale auditing of
  multiple hosts.
ncurses 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	670875	Unspecified	Ncurses support utilities
  The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
  updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
  (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
  discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.
  This package contains support utilities, including a terminfo compiler
  tic, a decompiler infocmp, clear, tput, tset, and a termcap conversion
  tool captoinfo.
ncurses-base 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	295407	Unspecified	Descriptions of common terminals
  This package contains descriptions of common terminals. Other terminal
  descriptions are included in the ncurses-term package.
ncurses-c++-libs 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	197484	Unspecified	Ncurses C++ bindings
  The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
  updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
  (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
  discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.
  This package contains C++ bindings of the ncurses ABI version 6 libraries.
ncurses-c++-libs 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	209136	Unspecified	Ncurses C++ bindings
  The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
  updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
  (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
  discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.
  This package contains C++ bindings of the ncurses ABI version 6 libraries.
ncurses-compat-libs 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	1848232	Unspecified	Ncurses compatibility libraries
  The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
  updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
  (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
  discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.
  This package contains the ABI version 5 of the ncurses libraries for
ncurses-compat-libs 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	1881376	Unspecified	Ncurses compatibility libraries
  The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
  updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
  (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
  discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.
  This package contains the ABI version 5 of the ncurses libraries for
ncurses-devel 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	836726	Unspecified	Development files for the ncurses library
  The header files and libraries for developing applications that use
  the ncurses terminal handling library.
  Install the ncurses-devel package if you want to develop applications
  which will use ncurses.
ncurses-devel 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	836894	Unspecified	Development files for the ncurses library
  The header files and libraries for developing applications that use
  the ncurses terminal handling library.
  Install the ncurses-devel package if you want to develop applications
  which will use ncurses.
ncurses-libs 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	1740856	Unspecified	Ncurses libraries
  The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
  updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
  (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
  discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.
  This package contains the ncurses libraries.
ncurses-libs 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	1741808	Unspecified	Ncurses libraries
  The curses library routines are a terminal-independent method of
  updating character screens with reasonable optimization.  The ncurses
  (new curses) library is a freely distributable replacement for the
  discontinued 4.4 BSD classic curses library.
  This package contains the ncurses libraries.
ncurses-static 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	8472476	Unspecified	Static libraries for the ncurses library
  The ncurses-static package includes static libraries of the ncurses library.
ncurses-static 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	10278242	Unspecified	Static libraries for the ncurses library
  The ncurses-static package includes static libraries of the ncurses library.
ncurses-term 6.1 10.20180923.fc30	1777335	Unspecified	Terminal descriptions
  This package contains additional terminal descriptions not found in
  the ncurses-base package.
ncview 2.1.8 6.fc30	2366060	Unspecified	A visual browser for netCDF format files
  Ncview is a visual browser for netCDF format files.  Typically you
  would use ncview to get a quick and easy, push-button look at your
  netCDF files.  You can view simple movies of the data, view along
  various dimensions, take a look at the actual data values, change
  color maps, invert the data, etc.
ndctl 64.1 1.fc30	460700	Unspecified	Manage "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
  Utility library for managing the "libnvdimm" subsystem.  The "libnvdimm"
  subsystem defines a kernel device model and control message interface for
  platform NVDIMM resources like those defined by the ACPI 6+ NFIT (NVDIMM
  Firmware Interface Table).
ndctl-devel 64.1 1.fc30	73044	Unspecified	Development files for libndctl
  The ndctl-devel package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use ndctl.
ndctl-devel 64.1 1.fc30	73046	Unspecified	Development files for libndctl
  The ndctl-devel package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use ndctl.
ndctl-libs 64.1 1.fc30	517491	Unspecified	Management library for "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
  Libraries for ndctl.
ndctl-libs 64.1 1.fc30	518123	Unspecified	Management library for "libnvdimm" subsystem devices (Non-volatile Memory)
  Libraries for ndctl.
ndesk-dbus 0.6.1a 27.fc30	104705	Unspecified	Managed C# implementation of DBus
  Managed C# implementation of DBus
ndesk-dbus-devel 0.6.1a 27.fc30	324	Unspecified	Develpment files for the managed C# implementation of DBus
  Development files for ndesk-dbus
ndesk-dbus-devel 0.6.1a 27.fc30	324	Unspecified	Develpment files for the managed C# implementation of DBus
  Development files for ndesk-dbus
ndesk-dbus-glib 0.4.1 28.fc30	10612	Unspecified	Provides glib mainloop integration for ndesk-dbus
  ndesk-dbus-glib provides glib mainloop integration for ndesk-dbus
ndesk-dbus-glib-devel 0.4.1 28.fc30	291	Unspecified	Development files for ndesk-dbus-glib
  Development files for ndesk-dbus-glib
ndesk-dbus-glib-devel 0.4.1 28.fc30	291	Unspecified	Development files for ndesk-dbus-glib
  Development files for ndesk-dbus-glib
ndisc6 1.0.3 8.fc30	314709	Unspecified	IPv6 diagnostic tools
  This package gathers a few diagnostic tools for IPv6 networks:
  - ndisc6, which performs ICMPv6 Neighbor Discovery in user-land,
  - rdisc6, which performs ICMPv6 Router Discovery in user-land,
  - rltraceroute6, yet another IPv6 implementation of traceroute,
  - tcptraceroute6, a TCP/IPv6-based traceroute implementation,
  - tracert6, a ICMPv6 Echo Request based traceroute,
  - tcpspray6, a TCP/IP Discard/Echo bandwidth meter.
ndjbdns 1.06 12.fc30	2557653	Unspecified	New djbdns: usable djbdns
  New djbdns: is a usable fork of djbdns. `djbdns' is a Domain Name System
  originally written by the eminent author of Qmail, Dr D. J. Bernstein.
  This *new* version of djbdns is a complete makeover to the original
  source(djbdns-1.05) and is meant to make life a lot more pleasant. The
  notable changes so far are in the set-up & configuration steps and
  integration with the systemd(1) framework. This new release is free from
  the clutches of `daemon-tools'. The original source is in public-domain
  since late Dec 2007(see:;
ndoutils 2.1.2 8.fc30	920482	Unspecified	Stores all configuration and event data from Nagios in a database
  The NDOUtils add on is designed to store all configuration and event data from
  Nagios in a MySQL database. Storing information from Nagios in a database will
  allow for quicker retrieval and processing of that data.
ndtpd 1.0 35.fc30	327133	Unspecified	Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol server
  This package contains a daemon program to speak Network Dictionary Transfer
neXtaw 0.15.1 31.fc30	644173	Unspecified	Modified version of the Athena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
  neXtaw is a replacement library for the Athena (libXaw) widget set. It
  is based on Xaw3d, by Kaleb Keithley and is almost 100% backward
  compatible with it. Its goal is to try to emulate the look and feel of
neXtaw 0.15.1 31.fc30	669757	Unspecified	Modified version of the Athena Widgets with N*XTSTEP appearance
  neXtaw is a replacement library for the Athena (libXaw) widget set. It
  is based on Xaw3d, by Kaleb Keithley and is almost 100% backward
  compatible with it. Its goal is to try to emulate the look and feel of
neXtaw-devel 0.15.1 31.fc30	350881	Unspecified	Development files for the neXtaw library
  neXtaw is a replacement library for the Athena (libXaw) widget set. It
  is based on Xaw3d, by Kaleb Keithley and is almost 100% backward
  compatible with it. Its goal is to try to emulate the look and feel of
  the N*XTSTEP GUI. This package contains the development files of the
  neXtaw library.
neXtaw-devel 0.15.1 31.fc30	350881	Unspecified	Development files for the neXtaw library
  neXtaw is a replacement library for the Athena (libXaw) widget set. It
  is based on Xaw3d, by Kaleb Keithley and is almost 100% backward
  compatible with it. Its goal is to try to emulate the look and feel of
  the N*XTSTEP GUI. This package contains the development files of the
  neXtaw library.
neard 0.16 6.fc30	434769	Unspecified	Near Field Communication (NFC) manager
  neard is an NFC (Near Field Communication) daemon for managing NFC operations
  on devices running the Linux operating system. It relies on the Linux kernel NFC
  socket and generic netlink families, and is a fully modular system that can be
  extended through plug-ins.
  It supports all 4 NFC tag types reading and writing, along with NFC LLCP
  (peer to peer mode) in both target and initiator modes.
neard 0.16 6.fc30	414341	Unspecified	Near Field Communication (NFC) manager
  neard is an NFC (Near Field Communication) daemon for managing NFC operations
  on devices running the Linux operating system. It relies on the Linux kernel NFC
  socket and generic netlink families, and is a fully modular system that can be
  extended through plug-ins.
  It supports all 4 NFC tag types reading and writing, along with NFC LLCP
  (peer to peer mode) in both target and initiator modes.
neard-devel 0.16 6.fc30	52801	Unspecified	Development package for neard
  Files for development with neard.
neard-devel 0.16 6.fc30	52803	Unspecified	Development package for neard
  Files for development with neard.
nebula 0.2.3 19.fc30	211551	Unspecified	Intrusion signature generator
  Nebula is an intrusion signature generator. It can help securing a network
  by automatically calculating filter rules from attack traces. In a common
  setup nebula runs as a daemon and receives attacks from honeypots.
nec2c 1.3 10.fc30	372532	Unspecified	Translation of NEC2 antenna modeling tool from FORTRAN to C
  nec2c is a translation of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC2)
  from FORTRAN to C.
  Operationally nec2c differs from NEC2 by being a command line
  non-interactive program, taking as arguments the input file name
  and optionally the output file name.
nedit 5.7 6.fc30	1678039	Unspecified	A GUI text editor for systems with X
  NEdit is a GUI text editor for the X Window System. NEdit is
  very easy to use, especially if you are familiar with the
  Macintosh or Microsoft Windows style of interface.
needrestart 3.3 2.fc30	217649	Unspecified	Restart daemons after library updates
  needrestart checks which daemons need to be restarted after library
  upgrades. It is inspired by checkrestart from the debian-goodies
neethi 3.0.3 3.fc30	103368	Unspecified	Web Services Policy framework
  Apache Neethi provides general framework for the programmers to
  use WS Policy. It is compliant with latest WS Policy specification
  which was published in March 2006. This framework is specifically
  written to enable the Apache Web services stack to use WS Policy as
  a way of expressing it's requirements and capabilities.
neethi-javadoc 3.0.3 3.fc30	1477006	Unspecified	API documentation for neethi
  API documentation for neethi.
neko-htmlunit 2.23 6.fc30	139233	Unspecified	HtmlUnit adaptation of NekoHtml
  HtmlUnit adaptation of NekoHtml. It has the
  same functionality but exposing HTMLElements
  to be overridden.
neko-htmlunit-javadoc 2.23 6.fc30	2110994	Unspecified	Javadoc for neko-htmlunit
  This package contains javadoc for neko-htmlunit.
nekobee-dssi 0.1.7 21.fc30	339889	Unspecified	Acid sounds synthesizer
  Since it was first released in 2004, the Disposable Soft Synth Interface has
  allowed Linux audio users to have simple plugin software synthesizers. Over
  time, the number of these has grown as users and coders have developed new
  plugins for particular sounds. Now, nekosynth brings some new plugins to enrich
  your sonic palette.
  This package provides the nekobee DSSI plugin, which is suitable for recreating
  those squelchy acid sounds.
nekohtml 1.9.22 9.fc30	266841	Unspecified	HTML scanner and tag balancer
  NekoHTML is a simple HTML scanner and tag balancer that enables
  application programmers to parse HTML documents and access the
  information using standard XML interfaces. The parser can scan HTML
  files and "fix up" many common mistakes that human (and computer)
  authors make in writing HTML documents.  NekoHTML adds missing parent
  elements; automatically closes elements with optional end tags; and
  can handle mismatched inline element tags.
  NekoHTML is written using the Xerces Native Interface (XNI) that is
  the foundation of the Xerces2 implementation. This enables you to use
  the NekoHTML parser with existing XNI tools without modification or
  rewriting code.
nekohtml-demo 1.9.22 9.fc30	11719	Unspecified	Demo for nekohtml
  Demonstrations and samples for nekohtml.
nekohtml-javadoc 1.9.22 9.fc30	1718594	Unspecified	Javadoc for nekohtml
  Javadoc for nekohtml.
nekovm 2.2.0 10.fc30	1408871	Unspecified	Neko embedded scripting language and virtual machine
  Neko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language which can
  also be used as an embedded scripting language. It has been designed
  to provide a common run-time for several different languages. Neko is
  not only very easy to learn and use, but also has the flexibility of
  being able to extend the language with C libraries. You can even write
  generators from your own language to Neko and then use the Neko
  run-time to compile, run, and access existing libraries.
  If you need to add a scripting language to your application, Neko
  provides one of the best trade-offs available between simplicity,
  extensibility and speed.
  Neko allows the language designer to focus on design whilst reusing a
  fast and well constructed run-time, as well as existing libraries for
  accessing file system, network, databases, XML...
  Neko has a compiler and virtual machine. The Virtual Machine is both
  very lightweight and extremely well optimized so that it can run very
  quickly. The VM can be easily embedded into any application and your
  libraries are directly accessible using the C foreign function
  The compiler converts a source .neko file into a byte-code .n file that
  can be executed with the Virtual Machine. Although the compiler is
  written in Neko itself, it is still very fast. You can use the
  compiler as standalone command-line executable separated from the VM,
  or as a Neko library to perform compile-and-run for interactive
nekovm 2.2.0 10.fc30	1428379	Unspecified	Neko embedded scripting language and virtual machine
  Neko is a high-level dynamically typed programming language which can
  also be used as an embedded scripting language. It has been designed
  to provide a common run-time for several different languages. Neko is
  not only very easy to learn and use, but also has the flexibility of
  being able to extend the language with C libraries. You can even write
  generators from your own language to Neko and then use the Neko
  run-time to compile, run, and access existing libraries.
  If you need to add a scripting language to your application, Neko
  provides one of the best trade-offs available between simplicity,
  extensibility and speed.
  Neko allows the language designer to focus on design whilst reusing a
  fast and well constructed run-time, as well as existing libraries for
  accessing file system, network, databases, XML...
  Neko has a compiler and virtual machine. The Virtual Machine is both
  very lightweight and extremely well optimized so that it can run very
  quickly. The VM can be easily embedded into any application and your
  libraries are directly accessible using the C foreign function
  The compiler converts a source .neko file into a byte-code .n file that
  can be executed with the Virtual Machine. Although the compiler is
  written in Neko itself, it is still very fast. You can use the
  compiler as standalone command-line executable separated from the VM,
  or as a Neko library to perform compile-and-run for interactive
nekovm-devel 2.2.0 10.fc30	48408	Unspecified	Development files for nekovm
  The nekovm-devel package contains libraries and signature files for
  developing applications that use nekovm.
nekovm-devel 2.2.0 10.fc30	48424	Unspecified	Development files for nekovm
  The nekovm-devel package contains libraries and signature files for
  developing applications that use nekovm.
nemiver 0.9.6 12.fc30	10178279	Unspecified	A GNOME C/C++ Debugger
  Nemiver is an ongoing effort to write a standalone graphical debugger that
  integrates well in the GNOME desktop environment. It currently features a
  backend which uses the well known GNU Debugger (gdb) to debug C/C++ programs.
  The yelp package must be installed to make use of Nemiver's documentation.
nemo 4.0.6 2.fc30	6596821	Unspecified	File manager for Cinnamon
  Nemo is the file manager and graphical shell for the Cinnamon desktop
  that makes it easy to manage your files and the rest of your system.
  It allows to browse directories on local and remote filesystems, preview
  files and launch applications associated with them.
  It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop.
nemo 4.0.6 2.fc30	5732365	Unspecified	File manager for Cinnamon
  Nemo is the file manager and graphical shell for the Cinnamon desktop
  that makes it easy to manage your files and the rest of your system.
  It allows to browse directories on local and remote filesystems, preview
  files and launch applications associated with them.
  It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop.
nemo-compare 4.0.0 3.fc30	18518	Unspecified	Context menu comparison extension for nemo
  Context menu comparison extension for Nemo file manager.
nemo-devel 4.0.6 2.fc30	138179	Unspecified	Support for developing nemo extensions
  This package provides libraries and header files needed
  for developing nemo extensions.
nemo-devel 4.0.6 2.fc30	138183	Unspecified	Support for developing nemo extensions
  This package provides libraries and header files needed
  for developing nemo extensions.
nemo-emblems 4.0.0 3.fc30	41436	Unspecified	Emblem support for nemo
  Restores the emblems functionality that used to be in GNOME 2.
nemo-extensions 4.0.6 2.fc30	164704	Unspecified	Nemo extensions library
  This package provides the libraries used by nemo extensions.
nemo-extensions 4.0.6 2.fc30	158136	Unspecified	Nemo extensions library
  This package provides the libraries used by nemo extensions.
nemo-fileroller 4.0.0 3.fc30	90596	Unspecified	File Roller extension for Nemo
  This package contains the file-roller extension for the Nemo.
nemo-font-manager 0.7.2 4.fc24	4640	Applications/Publishing	Nemo extension for Font Manager
  This package provides integration with the Nemo file manager.
nemo-image-converter 4.0.0 3.fc30	199326	Unspecified	Nemo extension to mass resize images
  Adds a "Resize Images..." menu item to the context menu.
  This opens a dialog where you set the desired image size and file name.
nemo-pastebin 4.0.0 3.fc30	98279	Unspecified	Pastebin extension for Nemo
  nemo-pastebin is an extension for the Nemo file manager, which allows
  users to send files to pastebins just a right-click away.
nemo-preview 4.0.0 3.fc30	663789	Unspecified	A quick previewer for Nemo
  Nemo Preview is a GtkClutter and Javascript-based quick previewer
  for Nemo.
  It is capable of previewing documents, PDFs, sound and video files,
  some text files, and possibly others in the future.
  To activate the preview, left-click the file and hit space.
  The preview can be closed by hitting space again, or escape.
nemo-terminal 4.0.0 3.fc30	83293	Unspecified	Embedded terminal window for Nemo
  Embedded terminal window for Nemo
neofetch 6.0.0 2.fc30	406842	Unspecified	CLI system information tool written in Bash
  Neofetch displays information about your system next to an image,
  your OS logo, or any ASCII file of your choice. The main purpose of Neofetch
  is to be used in screenshots to show other users what OS/distribution you're
  running, what theme/icons you're using and more.
neon 0.30.2 10.fc30	374619	Unspecified	An HTTP and WebDAV client library
  neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C interface;
  providing a high-level interface to HTTP and WebDAV methods along
  with a low-level interface for HTTP request handling.  neon
  supports persistent connections, proxy servers, basic, digest and
  Kerberos authentication, and has complete SSL support.
neon 0.30.2 10.fc30	368663	Unspecified	An HTTP and WebDAV client library
  neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C interface;
  providing a high-level interface to HTTP and WebDAV methods along
  with a low-level interface for HTTP request handling.  neon
  supports persistent connections, proxy servers, basic, digest and
  Kerberos authentication, and has complete SSL support.
neon-backgrounds 0.0.1 18.fc30	367333	Unspecified	Neon desktop backgrounds
  This package contains desktop backgrounds for the Neon theme.
neon-devel 0.30.2 10.fc30	187551	Unspecified	Development libraries and C header files for the neon library
  The development library for the C language HTTP and WebDAV client library.
neon-devel 0.30.2 10.fc30	187523	Unspecified	Development libraries and C header files for the neon library
  The development library for the C language HTTP and WebDAV client library.
neovim 0.3.4 1.fc30	20358551	Unspecified	Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
  Neovim is a refactor - and sometimes redactor - in the tradition of
  Vim, which itself derives from Stevie. It is not a rewrite, but a
  continuation and extension of Vim. Many rewrites, clones, emulators
  and imitators exist; some are very clever, but none are Vim. Neovim
  strives to be a superset of Vim, notwithstanding some intentionally
  removed misfeatures; excepting those few and carefully-considered
  excisions, Neovim is Vim. It is built for users who want the good
  parts of Vim, without compromise, and more.
nes_ntsc 0.2.2 18.fc30	55099	Unspecified	Provides a NES NTSC video filtering library
  NES NTSC video filter library. Pixel artifacts and color mixing play an
  important role in NES games console graphics. Accepts pixels in native 6-bit
  NES palette format, or a 9-bit format that includes the three color emphasis
  bits in PPU register $2001. Can also output an RGB palette for use in a
  regular blitter
nes_ntsc 0.2.2 18.fc30	51811	Unspecified	Provides a NES NTSC video filtering library
  NES NTSC video filter library. Pixel artifacts and color mixing play an
  important role in NES games console graphics. Accepts pixels in native 6-bit
  NES palette format, or a 9-bit format that includes the three color emphasis
  bits in PPU register $2001. Can also output an RGB palette for use in a
  regular blitter
nes_ntsc-demos 0.2.2 18.fc30	157374	Unspecified	Examples using nes_ntsc
  Examples using nes_ntsc
nes_ntsc-devel 0.2.2 18.fc30	20800	Unspecified	Development files for nes_ntsc
  Development files for nes_ntsc
nes_ntsc-devel 0.2.2 18.fc30	20800	Unspecified	Development files for nes_ntsc
  Development files for nes_ntsc
nesc 1.3.5 12.fc30	1810258	Unspecified	Compiler used by TinyOS
  The nesC language was designed to support the TinyOS project.
  nesC provides several advantages over C: a component model based
  on bi-directional interfaces, whole-program compilation for
  performance and a simple concurrency model for embedded systems.
nessus-libraries 2.2.11 16.fc29	206117	System Environment/Libraries	Support libraries for nessus
  Support libraries for nessus
nessus-libraries 2.2.11 16.fc29	195689	System Environment/Libraries	Support libraries for nessus
  Support libraries for nessus
nessus-libraries-devel 2.2.11 16.fc29	90728	Development/Libraries	Development package for nessus-libraries
  The nessus-libraries-devel package contains the files needed for development
  with nessus-libraries.
nessus-libraries-devel 2.2.11 16.fc29	90728	Development/Libraries	Development package for nessus-libraries
  The nessus-libraries-devel package contains the files needed for development
  with nessus-libraries.
nest 2.16.0 11.fc30	15133225	Unspecified	The neural simulation tool
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-common 2.16.0 11.fc30	903732	Unspecified	Common files for nest
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-doc 2.16.0 11.fc30	11109792	Unspecified	Documentation for nest
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-headers 2.16.0 11.fc30	2411612	Unspecified	Header files for nest
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-mpich 2.16.0 11.fc30	15191022	Unspecified	nest built with mpich
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-mpich-common 2.16.0 11.fc30	537930	Unspecified	Common files for nest built with mpich support
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-mpich-headers 2.16.0 11.fc30	2411619	Unspecified	Header files for nest built with mpich support
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-openmpi 2.16.0 11.fc30	16172890	Unspecified	nest built with openmpi
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-openmpi-common 2.16.0 11.fc30	537930	Unspecified	Common files for nest built with openmpi support
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nest-openmpi-headers 2.16.0 11.fc30	2411621	Unspecified	Header files for nest built with openmpi support
  NEST is a simulator for spiking neural network models that focuses on the
  dynamics, size and structure of neural systems rather than on the exact
  morphology of individual neurons. The development of NEST is coordinated by the
  NEST Initiative.  NEST is ideal for networks of spiking neurons of any size,
  for example: Models of information processing e.g. in the visual or auditory
  cortex of mammals; Models of network activity dynamics, e.g. laminar cortical
  networks or balanced random networks; Models of learning and plasticity.
  Please read the file provided in each package for information on
  how these NEST packages are to be used.
  Documentation is available separately in the nest-doc package.
nested 1.2.2 22.fc29	4473872	Applications/Publishing	A specialized editor focused on creating structured documents
  An editor designed to help the user concentrate on writing content without been
  distracted by format or markup. It offers a rich WYSIWYM interface where the
  user writes plain text with a lightweight markup language.
net-snmp 5.8 6.fc30	911892	Unspecified	A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries
  SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol used for
  network management. The NET-SNMP project includes various SNMP tools:
  an extensible agent, an SNMP library, tools for requesting or setting
  information from SNMP agents, tools for generating and handling SNMP
  traps, a version of the netstat command which uses SNMP, and a Tk/Perl
  mib browser. This package contains the snmpd and snmptrapd daemons,
  documentation, etc.
  You will probably also want to install the net-snmp-utils package,
  which contains NET-SNMP utilities.
net-snmp-agent-libs 5.8 6.fc30	3099892	Unspecified	The NET-SNMP runtime agent libraries
  The net-snmp-agent-libs package contains the runtime agent libraries for shared
  binaries and applications.
net-snmp-agent-libs 5.8 6.fc30	2786680	Unspecified	The NET-SNMP runtime agent libraries
  The net-snmp-agent-libs package contains the runtime agent libraries for shared
  binaries and applications.
net-snmp-devel 5.8 6.fc30	812814	Unspecified	The development environment for the NET-SNMP project
  The net-snmp-devel package contains the development libraries and
  header files for use with the NET-SNMP project's network management
  Install the net-snmp-devel package if you would like to develop
  applications for use with the NET-SNMP project's network management
  tools. You'll also need to have the net-snmp and net-snmp-utils
  packages installed.
net-snmp-devel 5.8 6.fc30	812381	Unspecified	The development environment for the NET-SNMP project
  The net-snmp-devel package contains the development libraries and
  header files for use with the NET-SNMP project's network management
  Install the net-snmp-devel package if you would like to develop
  applications for use with the NET-SNMP project's network management
  tools. You'll also need to have the net-snmp and net-snmp-utils
  packages installed.
net-snmp-gui 5.8 6.fc30	31302	Unspecified	An interactive graphical MIB browser for SNMP
  The net-snmp-gui package contains tkmib utility, which is a graphical user
  interface for browsing the Message Information Bases (MIBs). It is also
  capable of sending or retrieving the SNMP management information to/from
  the remote agents interactively.
  Install the net-snmp-gui package, if you want to use this interactive utility.
net-snmp-libs 5.8 6.fc30	3509600	Unspecified	The NET-SNMP runtime client libraries
  The net-snmp-libs package contains the runtime client libraries for shared
  binaries and applications.
net-snmp-libs 5.8 6.fc30	3386956	Unspecified	The NET-SNMP runtime client libraries
  The net-snmp-libs package contains the runtime client libraries for shared
  binaries and applications.
net-snmp-perl 5.8 6.fc30	1262902	Unspecified	The perl NET-SNMP module and the mib2c tool
  The net-snmp-perl package contains the perl files to use SNMP from within
  Install the net-snmp-perl package, if you want to use mib2c or SNMP
  with perl.
net-snmp-utils 5.8 6.fc30	647117	Unspecified	Network management utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project
  The net-snmp-utils package contains various utilities for use with the
  NET-SNMP network management project.
  Install this package if you need utilities for managing your network
  using the SNMP protocol. You will also need to install the net-snmp
net-tools 2.0 0.54.20160912git.fc30	1416160	Unspecified	Basic networking tools
  The net-tools package contains basic networking tools,
  including ifconfig, netstat, route, and others.
  Most of them are obsolete. For replacement check iproute package.
netbeans-javaparser 8.0.1 4.fc26	2954504	Unspecified	NetBeans Java Parser
  Java parser to analyze Java source files inside of the NetBeans IDE
netbeans-resolver 6.7.1 18.fc30	122018	Unspecified	Resolver subproject of xml-commons patched for NetBeans
  Resolver subproject of xml-commons, version 1.2 with
  a patch for NetBeans.
netbeans-resolver-javadoc 6.7.1 18.fc30	1393416	Unspecified	Javadocs for netbeans-resolver
  This package contains the API documentation for netbeans-resolver
netbeans-svnclientadapter 7.3.1	262681	Unspecified	Subversion Client Adapter
  SVNClientAdapter is a high-level Java API for Subversion.
netbeans-svnclientadapter-javadoc 7.3.1	2108484	Unspecified	Javadoc for netbeans-svnclientadapter
  This package contains javadoc for netbeans-svnclientadapter.
netbsd-iscsi 20111006 4.fc30	338158	Unspecified	User-space implementation of iSCSI target from NetBSD project
  NetBSD iSCSI is an iSCSI target following the iSCSI RFC 3720.  It is based
  on the BSD-licensed Intel iSCSI reference model.  It has been tried and
  tested with the Microsoft iSCSI initiator, version 1.06.
netcdf 12.fc30	2918999	Unspecified	Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form
  NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented
  data access and a freely-distributed collection of software libraries
  for C, Fortran, C++, and perl that provides an implementation of the
  interface.  The NetCDF library also defines a machine-independent
  format for representing scientific data.  Together, the interface,
  library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of
  scientific data. The NetCDF software was developed at the Unidata
  Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.
  NetCDF data is:
     o Self-Describing: A NetCDF file includes information about the
       data it contains.
     o Network-transparent:  A NetCDF file is represented in a form that
       can be accessed by computers with different ways of storing
       integers, characters, and floating-point numbers.
     o Direct-access:  A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed
       efficiently, without first reading through all the preceding
     o Appendable:  Data can be appended to a NetCDF dataset along one
       dimension without copying the dataset or redefining its
       structure. The structure of a NetCDF dataset can be changed,
       though this sometimes causes the dataset to be copied.
     o Sharable:  One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously
       access the same NetCDF file.
netcdf 12.fc30	2897895	Unspecified	Libraries for the Unidata network Common Data Form
  NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is an interface for array-oriented
  data access and a freely-distributed collection of software libraries
  for C, Fortran, C++, and perl that provides an implementation of the
  interface.  The NetCDF library also defines a machine-independent
  format for representing scientific data.  Together, the interface,
  library, and format support the creation, access, and sharing of
  scientific data. The NetCDF software was developed at the Unidata
  Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.
  NetCDF data is:
     o Self-Describing: A NetCDF file includes information about the
       data it contains.
     o Network-transparent:  A NetCDF file is represented in a form that
       can be accessed by computers with different ways of storing
       integers, characters, and floating-point numbers.
     o Direct-access:  A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed
       efficiently, without first reading through all the preceding
     o Appendable:  Data can be appended to a NetCDF dataset along one
       dimension without copying the dataset or redefining its
       structure. The structure of a NetCDF dataset can be changed,
       though this sometimes causes the dataset to be copied.
     o Sharable:  One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously
       access the same NetCDF file.
netcdf-cxx 4.2 21.fc30	159195	Unspecified	Legacy netCDF C++ library
  Legacy netCDF C++ library.  This library is provided for backward
  compatibility only. New C++ development should be done with the netCDF
  CXX4 C++ library.
netcdf-cxx 4.2 21.fc30	156583	Unspecified	Legacy netCDF C++ library
  Legacy netCDF C++ library.  This library is provided for backward
  compatibility only. New C++ development should be done with the netCDF
  CXX4 C++ library.
netcdf-cxx-devel 4.2 21.fc30	1188012	Unspecified	Development files legacy netCDF C++ library
  This package contains the legacy netCDF C++ library header files and shared
  devel library.
netcdf-cxx-devel 4.2 21.fc30	1341082	Unspecified	Development files legacy netCDF C++ library
  This package contains the legacy netCDF C++ library header files and shared
  devel library.
netcdf-cxx-static 4.2 21.fc30	201334	Unspecified	Static libraries for legacy netCDF C++ library
  This package contains the netCDF static libraries.
netcdf-cxx-static 4.2 21.fc30	241074	Unspecified	Static libraries for legacy netCDF C++ library
  This package contains the netCDF static libraries.
netcdf-cxx4 4.3.0 8.fc30	473153	Unspecified	NetCDF-4 C++ library
  netCDF-4 C++ library.
netcdf-cxx4 4.3.0 8.fc30	491613	Unspecified	NetCDF-4 C++ library
  netCDF-4 C++ library.
netcdf-cxx4-devel 4.3.0 8.fc30	444805	Unspecified	Development files for netCDF-4 C++ API
  Development files for netCDF-4 C++ API.
netcdf-cxx4-devel 4.3.0 8.fc30	444809	Unspecified	Development files for netCDF-4 C++ API
  Development files for netCDF-4 C++ API.
netcdf-cxx4-mpich 4.3.0 8.fc30	473153	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich libraries
netcdf-cxx4-mpich 4.3.0 8.fc30	491613	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich libraries
netcdf-cxx4-mpich-devel 4.3.0 8.fc30	126879	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich development files
  NetCDF parallel mpich development files
netcdf-cxx4-mpich-devel 4.3.0 8.fc30	126885	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich development files
  NetCDF parallel mpich development files
netcdf-cxx4-mpich-static 4.3.0 8.fc30	1078426	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich static libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich static libraries
netcdf-cxx4-mpich-static 4.3.0 8.fc30	1389742	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich static libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich static libraries
netcdf-cxx4-openmpi 4.3.0 8.fc30	473153	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi libraries
netcdf-cxx4-openmpi 4.3.0 8.fc30	491613	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi libraries
netcdf-cxx4-openmpi-devel 4.3.0 8.fc30	126885	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi development files
  NetCDF parallel openmpi development files
netcdf-cxx4-openmpi-devel 4.3.0 8.fc30	126891	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi development files
  NetCDF parallel openmpi development files
netcdf-cxx4-openmpi-static 4.3.0 8.fc30	1076104	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi static libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi static libraries
netcdf-cxx4-openmpi-static 4.3.0 8.fc30	1383408	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi static libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi static libraries
netcdf-cxx4-static 4.3.0 8.fc30	1076104	Unspecified	Static library for netCDF-4 C++ API
  Static library for netCDF-4 C++ API.
netcdf-cxx4-static 4.3.0 8.fc30	1383408	Unspecified	Static library for netCDF-4 C++ API
  Static library for netCDF-4 C++ API.
netcdf-devel 12.fc30	265338	Unspecified	Development files for netcdf
  This package contains the netCDF C header files, shared devel libs, and
  man pages.
netcdf-devel 12.fc30	265299	Unspecified	Development files for netcdf
  This package contains the netCDF C header files, shared devel libs, and
  man pages.
netcdf-fortran 4.4.4 12.fc30	604639	Unspecified	Fortran libraries for NetCDF-4
  Fortran libraries for NetCDF-4.
netcdf-fortran 4.4.4 12.fc30	606971	Unspecified	Fortran libraries for NetCDF-4
  Fortran libraries for NetCDF-4.
netcdf-fortran-devel 4.4.4 12.fc30	462196	Unspecified	Development files for Fortran NetCDF API
  This package contains the NetCDF Fortran header files, shared devel libraries,
  and man pages.
netcdf-fortran-devel 4.4.4 12.fc30	462590	Unspecified	Development files for Fortran NetCDF API
  This package contains the NetCDF Fortran header files, shared devel libraries,
  and man pages.
netcdf-fortran-mpich 4.4.4 12.fc30	604639	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran mpich libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel mpich libraries
netcdf-fortran-mpich 4.4.4 12.fc30	606971	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran mpich libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel mpich libraries
netcdf-fortran-mpich-devel 4.4.4 12.fc30	245426	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran mpich development files
  NetCDF Fortran parallel mpich development files
netcdf-fortran-mpich-devel 4.4.4 12.fc30	245822	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran mpich development files
  NetCDF Fortran parallel mpich development files
netcdf-fortran-mpich-static 4.4.4 12.fc30	750718	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran mpich static libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel mpich static libraries
netcdf-fortran-mpich-static 4.4.4 12.fc30	849818	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran mpich static libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel mpich static libraries
netcdf-fortran-openmpi 4.4.4 12.fc30	604639	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran openmpi libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel openmpi libraries
netcdf-fortran-openmpi 4.4.4 12.fc30	606971	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran openmpi libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel openmpi libraries
netcdf-fortran-openmpi-devel 4.4.4 12.fc30	245430	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran openmpi development files
  NetCDF Fortran parallel openmpi development files
netcdf-fortran-openmpi-devel 4.4.4 12.fc30	245826	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran openmpi development files
  NetCDF Fortran parallel openmpi development files
netcdf-fortran-openmpi-static 4.4.4 12.fc30	750718	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran openmpi static libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel openmpi static libraries
netcdf-fortran-openmpi-static 4.4.4 12.fc30	849394	Unspecified	NetCDF Fortran openmpi static libraries
  NetCDF Fortran parallel openmpi static libraries
netcdf-fortran-static 4.4.4 12.fc30	750718	Unspecified	Static library for Fortran NetCDF API
  This package contains the NetCDF Fortran static library.
netcdf-fortran-static 4.4.4 12.fc30	849394	Unspecified	Static library for Fortran NetCDF API
  This package contains the NetCDF Fortran static library.
netcdf-java 4.6.2 9.fc30	4240472	Unspecified	Java interface to NetCDF files
  The NetCDF-Java Library is a Java interface to NetCDF files,
  as well as to many other types of scientific data formats.
netcdf-mpich 12.fc30	2983690	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich libraries
netcdf-mpich 12.fc30	2950298	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich libraries
netcdf-mpich-devel 12.fc30	140086	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich development files
  NetCDF parallel mpich development files
netcdf-mpich-devel 12.fc30	140053	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich development files
  NetCDF parallel mpich development files
netcdf-mpich-static 12.fc30	2307236	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich static libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich static libraries
netcdf-mpich-static 12.fc30	2737486	Unspecified	NetCDF mpich static libraries
  NetCDF parallel mpich static libraries
netcdf-openmpi 12.fc30	2987786	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi libraries
netcdf-openmpi 12.fc30	2958490	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi libraries
netcdf-openmpi-devel 12.fc30	140098	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi development files
  NetCDF parallel openmpi development files
netcdf-openmpi-devel 12.fc30	140065	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi development files
  NetCDF parallel openmpi development files
netcdf-openmpi-static 12.fc30	2307916	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi static libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi static libraries
netcdf-openmpi-static 12.fc30	2738862	Unspecified	NetCDF openmpi static libraries
  NetCDF parallel openmpi static libraries
netcdf-perl 1.2.4 31.fc30	104549	Unspecified	Perl extension module for scientific data access via the netCDF API
  The netCDF Perl package is a perl extension module for scientific data access
  via the netCDF API.
netcdf-static 12.fc30	2303488	Unspecified	Static libs for netcdf
  This package contains the netCDF C static libs.
netcdf-static 12.fc30	2733658	Unspecified	Static libs for netcdf
  This package contains the netCDF C static libs.
netcdf4-python 1.3.1 2.fc30	3059	Unspecified	Python/numpy interface to netCDF
  netCDF version 4 has many features not found in earlier versions of the
  library and is implemented on top of HDF5. This module can read and write
  files in both the new netCDF 4 and the old netCDF 3 format, and can create
  files that are readable by HDF5 clients. The API modeled after
  Scientific.IO.NetCDF, and should be familiar to users of that module.
  Most new features of netCDF 4 are implemented, such as multiple unlimited
  dimensions, groups and zlib data compression. All the new numeric data types
  (such as 64 bit and unsigned integer types) are implemented. Compound and
  variable length (vlen) data types are supported, but the enum and opaque data
  types are not. Mixtures of compound and vlen data types (compound types
  containing vlens, and vlens containing compound types) are not supported.
netcf 0.2.8 13.fc30	41791	Unspecified	Cross-platform network configuration library
  Netcf is a library used to modify the network configuration of a
  system. Network configurations are expressed in a platform-independent
  XML format, which netcf translates into changes to the system's
  'native' network configuration files.
netcf-devel 0.2.8 13.fc30	8730	Unspecified	Development files for netcf
  The netcf-devel package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use netcf.
netcf-devel 0.2.8 13.fc30	8732	Unspecified	Development files for netcf
  The netcf-devel package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use netcf.
netcf-libs 0.2.8 13.fc30	261060	Unspecified	Libraries for netcf
  The libraries for netcf.
netcf-libs 0.2.8 13.fc30	255012	Unspecified	Libraries for netcf
  The libraries for netcf.
netconsole-service 10.01 2.fc30	5543	Unspecified	Service for initializing of network console logging
  This packages provides a 'netconsole' service for loading of netconsole kernel
  module with the configured parameters. The netconsole kernel module itself then
  allows logging of kernel messages over the network.
netdata 1.13.0 2.fc30	3411319	Unspecified	Real-time performance monitoring
  netdata is the fastest way to visualize metrics. It is a resource
  efficient, highly optimized system for collecting and visualizing any
  type of realtime time-series data, from CPU usage, disk activity, SQL
  queries, API calls, web site visitors, etc.
  netdata tries to visualize the truth of now, in its greatest detail,
  so that you can get insights of what is happening now and what just
  happened, on your systems and applications.
netdata-conf 1.13.0 2.fc30	443979	Unspecified	Configuration files for netdata
  Configuration files for netdata
netdata-data 1.13.0 2.fc30	3931179	Unspecified	Data files for netdata
  Data files for netdata
netdata-freeipmi 1.13.0 2.fc30	124778	Unspecified	FreeIPMI plugin for netdata
  freeipmi plugin for netdata
netdump-server 0.7.16 500.fc30	76288	Unspecified	Server for network kernel message logging and crash dumps
  The netdump server listens to the network for crashed kernels to
  contact it and then writes the oops log and a memory dump to
  /var/netdump/crash before asking the crashed machine to reboot.
netgen 1.3.7 36.fc30	1172051	Unspecified	LVS netlist comparison tool for VLSI
  Netgen is a tool for comparing netlists, a process known as LVS,
  which stands for "Layout vs. Schematic". This is an important step
  in the integrated circuit design flow, ensuring that the geometry
  that has been laid out matches the expected circuit.
  The greatest need for LVS is in large analog or mixed-signal circuits
  that cannot be simulated in reasonable time. Even for small circuits,
  LVS can be done much faster than simulation, and provides feedback
  that makes it easier to find an error than does a simulation.
netgen-mesher 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	652884	Unspecified	Automatic mesh generation tool
  NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from
  constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL
  file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES
  and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical
  mesh refinement.
netgen-mesher 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	774024	Unspecified	Automatic mesh generation tool
  NETGEN is an automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator. It accepts input from
  constructive solid geometry (CSG) or boundary representation (BRep) from STL
  file format. The connection to a geometry kernel allows the handling of IGES
  and STEP files. NETGEN contains modules for mesh optimization and hierarchical
  mesh refinement.
netgen-mesher-common 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	1896934	Unspecified	Common files for netgen
  Common files for netgen.
netgen-mesher-devel 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	926594	Unspecified	Development files for netgen
  Development files for netgen.
netgen-mesher-devel 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	926958	Unspecified	Development files for netgen
  Development files for netgen.
netgen-mesher-devel-private 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	916050	Unspecified	Private headers of netgen
  Private headers of netgen, needed to build certain netgen based software
netgen-mesher-libs 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	7698512	Unspecified	Netgen libraries
  Netgen libraries.
netgen-mesher-libs 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	7488120	Unspecified	Netgen libraries
  Netgen libraries.
netgen-mesher-mpich 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	671092	Unspecified	Netgen compiled against mpich
  Netgen compiled against mpich.
netgen-mesher-mpich 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	792304	Unspecified	Netgen compiled against mpich
  Netgen compiled against mpich.
netgen-mesher-mpich-devel 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	882771	Unspecified	Development files for Netgen compiled against mpich
  Development files for Netgen compiled against mpich.
netgen-mesher-mpich-devel 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	882775	Unspecified	Development files for Netgen compiled against mpich
  Development files for Netgen compiled against mpich.
netgen-mesher-mpich-libs 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	7802432	Unspecified	Netgen libraries compiled against mpich
  Netgen libraries compiled against mpich.
netgen-mesher-mpich-libs 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	7583592	Unspecified	Netgen libraries compiled against mpich
  Netgen libraries compiled against mpich.
netgen-mesher-openmpi 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	794548	Unspecified	Netgen compiled against openmpi
  Netgen compiled against openmpi.
netgen-mesher-openmpi 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	930496	Unspecified	Netgen compiled against openmpi
  Netgen compiled against openmpi.
netgen-mesher-openmpi-devel 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	882775	Unspecified	Development files for Netgen compiled against openmpi
  Development files for Netgen compiled against openmpi.
netgen-mesher-openmpi-devel 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	882779	Unspecified	Development files for Netgen compiled against openmpi
  Development files for Netgen compiled against openmpi.
netgen-mesher-openmpi-libs 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	9297164	Unspecified	Netgen libraries compiled against openmpi
  Netgen libraries compiled against openmpi.
netgen-mesher-openmpi-libs 6.2 0.9.git94fd571.fc30	9225800	Unspecified	Netgen libraries compiled against openmpi
  Netgen libraries compiled against openmpi.
nethack 3.6.1 4.fc30	4687357	Unspecified	A rogue-like single player dungeon exploration game
  NetHack is a single player dungeon exploration game that runs on a
  wide variety of computer systems, with a variety of graphical and text
  interfaces all using the same game engine.
  Unlike many other Dungeons & Dragons-inspired games, the emphasis in
  NetHack is on discovering the detail of the dungeon and not simply
  killing everything in sight - in fact, killing everything in sight is
  a good way to die quickly.
  Each game presents a different landscape - the random number generator
  provides an essentially unlimited number of variations of the dungeon
  and its denizens to be discovered by the player in one of a number of
  characters: you can pick your race, your role, and your gender.
nethack-bitmap-fonts 3.6.1 4.fc30	51480	Unspecified	Bitmap fonts for Nethack
  Bitmap fonts for Nethack.
nethack-bitmap-fonts-core 3.6.1 4.fc30	0	Unspecified	X11 core fonts configuration for nethack-bitmap
  X11 core fonts configuration for nethack-bitmap.
nethack-vultures 2.1.2 23.fc30	34098212	Unspecified	NetHack - Vulture's Eye and Vulture's Claw
  Vulture's Eye is a mouse-driven interface for NetHack that enhances
  the visuals, audio and accessibility of the game, yet retains all the
  original gameplay and game features.  Vulture's Eye is based on
  Falcon's Eye, but is greatly extended.  Also included is Vulture's
  Claw, which is based on the Slash'Em core.
nethogs 0.8.5 7.fc30	111036	Unspecified	A tool resembling top for network traffic
  NetHogs is a small "net top" tool.
  Instead of breaking the traffic down per protocol or per subnet, like
  most such tools do, it groups bandwidth by process and does not rely
  on a special kernel module to be loaded.
  So if there's suddenly a lot of network traffic, you can fire up
  NetHogs and immediately see which PID is causing this, and if it's
  some kind of spinning process, kill it.
netlabel_tools 0.30.0 6.fc30	131595	Unspecified	Tools to manage the Linux NetLabel subsystem
  NetLabel is a kernel subsystem which implements explicit packet labeling
  protocols such as CIPSO for Linux.  Packet labeling is used in secure networks
  to mark packets with the security attributes of the data they contain.  This
  package provides the necessary user space tools to query and configure the
  kernel subsystem.
netmask 2.4.4 1.fc30	67643	Unspecified	Utility for determining network masks
  This is a handy tool for generating terse netmasks in several common
  formats.  If you've ever maintained a firewall with more than a few
  rules in it, you might use netmask to clean up and generalize sloppy
  rules left by the network administrator before you.  It will also
  convert netmasks from one format to another for the day you change
  your firewall software.
netpanzer 0.8.7 10.fc30	31782831	Unspecified	An Online Multiplayer Tactical Warfare Game
  netPanzer is an online multiplayer tactical warfare game designed for FAST
  ACTION combat. Gameplay concentrates on the core -- no resource management is
  needed. The game is based on quick tactical action and unit management in
  real-time. Battles progress quickly and constantly as destroyed players respawn
  with a set of new units. Players can join or leave multiplayer games at any
netpbm 10.86.00 1.fc30	639572	Unspecified	A library for handling different graphics file formats
  The netpbm package contains a library of functions which support
  programs for handling various graphics file formats, including .pbm
  (portable bitmaps), .pgm (portable graymaps), .pnm (portable anymaps),
  .ppm (portable pixmaps) and others.
netpbm 10.86.00 1.fc30	636252	Unspecified	A library for handling different graphics file formats
  The netpbm package contains a library of functions which support
  programs for handling various graphics file formats, including .pbm
  (portable bitmaps), .pgm (portable graymaps), .pnm (portable anymaps),
  .ppm (portable pixmaps) and others.
netpbm-devel 10.86.00 1.fc30	183364	Unspecified	Development tools for programs which will use the netpbm libraries
  The netpbm-devel package contains the header files and static libraries,
  etc., for developing programs which can handle the various graphics file
  formats supported by the netpbm libraries.
  Install netpbm-devel if you want to develop programs for handling the
  graphics file formats supported by the netpbm libraries.  You'll also need
  to have the netpbm package installed.
netpbm-devel 10.86.00 1.fc30	183364	Unspecified	Development tools for programs which will use the netpbm libraries
  The netpbm-devel package contains the header files and static libraries,
  etc., for developing programs which can handle the various graphics file
  formats supported by the netpbm libraries.
  Install netpbm-devel if you want to develop programs for handling the
  graphics file formats supported by the netpbm libraries.  You'll also need
  to have the netpbm package installed.
netpbm-doc 10.86.00 1.fc30	2501077	Unspecified	Documentation for tools manipulating graphics files in netpbm supported formats
  The netpbm-doc package contains a documentation in HTML format for utilities
  present in netpbm-progs package.
  If you need to look into the HTML documentation, you should install
  netpbm-doc.  You'll also need to install the netpbm-progs package.
netpbm-progs 10.86.00 1.fc30	8672309	Unspecified	Tools for manipulating graphics files in netpbm supported formats
  The netpbm-progs package contains a group of scripts for manipulating the
  graphics files in formats which are supported by the netpbm libraries.  For
  example, netpbm-progs includes the rasttopnm script, which will convert a
  Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap.  Netpbm-progs contains many other
  scripts for converting from one graphics file format to another.
  If you need to use these conversion scripts, you should install
  netpbm-progs.  You'll also need to install the netpbm package.
netplug 14.fc30	77322	Unspecified	Daemon that responds to network cables being plugged in and out
  Netplug is a daemon that manages network interfaces in response to
  link-level events such as cables being plugged in and out.  When a
  cable is plugged into an interface, the netplug daemon brings that
  interface up.  When the cable is unplugged, the daemon brings that
  interface back down.
  This is extremely useful for systems such as laptops, which are
  constantly being unplugged from one network and plugged into another,
  and for moving systems in a machine room from one switch to another
  without a need for manual intervention.
netresolve 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	0	Unspecified	Generic name resolution library
  Netresolve is a package for non-blocking network name resolution via backends
  intended as a replacement for name service switch based name resolution in
  glibc as well as a testbed for future glibc improvements.
netresolve 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	0	Unspecified	Generic name resolution library
  Netresolve is a package for non-blocking network name resolution via backends
  intended as a replacement for name service switch based name resolution in
  glibc as well as a testbed for future glibc improvements.
netresolve-backends-aresdns 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	20012	Unspecified	DNS backend for netresolve based on aresdns
  This package provides DNS capabilities including learning DNSSEC validity
  from the AD flag for netresolve using c-ares.
netresolve-backends-aresdns 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	24920	Unspecified	DNS backend for netresolve based on aresdns
  This package provides DNS capabilities including learning DNSSEC validity
  from the AD flag for netresolve using c-ares.
netresolve-backends-avahi 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	19892	Unspecified	Multicast DNS backend for netresolve based on libavahi
  This package provides Multicast DNS capabilities using Avahi daemon and
netresolve-backends-avahi 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	24736	Unspecified	Multicast DNS backend for netresolve based on libavahi
  This package provides Multicast DNS capabilities using Avahi daemon and
netresolve-backends-compat 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	178368	Unspecified	Backends for netresolve using existing tools
  This package provides backends for querying libc, glibc nsswitch backends,
  asyncns and other existing name resolution libraries.
netresolve-backends-compat 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	180560	Unspecified	Backends for netresolve using existing tools
  This package provides backends for querying libc, glibc nsswitch backends,
  asyncns and other existing name resolution libraries.
netresolve-backends-ubdns 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	19892	Unspecified	DNS backend for netresolve based on libunbound
  This package provides DNS capabilities including DNSSEC validation to
  netresolve using libunbound.
netresolve-backends-ubdns 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	24736	Unspecified	DNS backend for netresolve based on libunbound
  This package provides DNS capabilities including DNSSEC validation to
  netresolve using libunbound.
netresolve-compat 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	32233	Unspecified	Compatibility netresolve libraries and tools
  This package provides libraries and tools for using netresolve from applications
  built against other name resolution libraries.
netresolve-compat 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	33677	Unspecified	Compatibility netresolve libraries and tools
  This package provides libraries and tools for using netresolve from applications
  built against other name resolution libraries.
netresolve-core 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	247135	Unspecified	Core netresolve libraries
  This package provides core netresolve library with basic name resolution
  capabilities for tools and application.
netresolve-core 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	250519	Unspecified	Core netresolve libraries
  This package provides core netresolve library with basic name resolution
  capabilities for tools and application.
netresolve-devel 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	18368	Unspecified	Development files for netresolve
  This package contains header files and libraries needed to compile
  applications or shared objects that use netresolve.
netresolve-devel 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	18368	Unspecified	Development files for netresolve
  This package contains header files and libraries needed to compile
  applications or shared objects that use netresolve.
netresolve-tools 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	121996	Unspecified	Command line tools based on core netresolve libraries
  This package provides tools that provide netresolve capabilities using the
  command line.
netresolve-tools 0.0.1 0.24.20160317git.fc30	131880	Unspecified	Command line tools based on core netresolve libraries
  This package provides tools that provide netresolve capabilities using the
  command line.
netronome-firmware 20190312 94.fc30	139457504	Unspecified	Firmware for Netronome Smart NICs
  Firmware for Netronome Smart NICs
netsed 1.2 12.fc30	1108665	Unspecified	A tool to modify network packets
  NetSED is small and handful utility designed to alter the contents of
  packets forwarded through your network in real time. It is really useful
  for network hackers in following applications:
  * black-box protocol auditing - whenever there are two or more
    proprietary boxes communicating over undocumented protocol (by enforcing
    changes in ongoing transmissions, you will be able to test if tested
    application is secure),
  * fuzz-alike experiments, integrity tests - whenever you want to test
    stability of the application and see how it ensures data integrity,
  * other common applications - fooling other people, content filtering,
    etc - choose whatever you want to.
netsniff-ng 0.6.4 6.fc30	2494457	Unspecified	Packet sniffing beast
  netsniff-ng is a high performance Linux network sniffer for packet inspection.
  It can be used for protocol analysis, reverse engineering or network
  debugging. The gain of performance is reached by 'zero-copy' mechanisms, so
  that the kernel does not need to copy packets from kernelspace to userspace.
  netsniff-ng toolkit currently consists of the following utilities:
  * netsniff-ng: the zero-copy sniffer, pcap capturer and replayer itself.
  * trafgen: a high performance zero-copy network packet generator.
  * ifpps: a top-like kernel networking and system statistics tool.
  * curvetun: a lightweight curve25519-based multiuser IP tunnel.
  * ashunt: an autonomous system trace route and ISP testing utility.
  * flowtop: a top-like netfilter connection tracking tool.
  * bpfc: a tiny Berkeley Packet Filter compiler supporting Linux extensions.
netstat-monitor 1.1.3 10.fc30	79591	Unspecified	A command line tool to monitor network connections
  Netstat-monitor is a command line tool for monitoring network connections.
  Its output is similar to the output from the netstat command with the options
  "netstat --inet -alp". Netstat-monitor can be left running, though, and will
  report new connections as they are made. Also, filters can be used to limit
  what's displayed to just what's unexpected or interesting.
netstat-nat 1.4.10 16.fc30	56603	Unspecified	A tool that displays NAT connections
  Netstat-nat is a small program written in C. It displays NAT connections,
  managed by netfilter/iptables which comes with the > 2.4.x linux kernels.
  The program reads its information from '/proc/net/nf_conntrack', which is
  the temporary conntrack-storage of netfilter.
netsurf-buildsystem 1.7 2.fc30	60795	Unspecified	Makefiles shared by NetSurf projects
  netsurf-buildsystem contains makefiles shared by NetSurf projects.
nettee 18.fc30	124027	Unspecified	Network "tee" program
  nettee is a network "tee" program.  It can typically transfer data between N
  nodes at (nearly) the full bandwidth provided by the switch which connects
  them.  It is handy for cloning nodes or moving large database files.
nettle 3.4.1rc1 2.fc30	1111537	Unspecified	A low-level cryptographic library
  Nettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more
  or less any context: In crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages
  (C++, Python, Pike, ...), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in
  kernel space.
nettle 3.4.1rc1 2.fc30	1090137	Unspecified	A low-level cryptographic library
  Nettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more
  or less any context: In crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages
  (C++, Python, Pike, ...), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in
  kernel space.
nettle-devel 3.4.1rc1 2.fc30	1277639	Unspecified	Development headers for a low-level cryptographic library
  Nettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more
  or less any context: In crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages
  (C++, Python, Pike, ...), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in
  kernel space.  This package contains the files needed for developing
  applications with nettle.
nettle-devel 3.4.1rc1 2.fc30	1277643	Unspecified	Development headers for a low-level cryptographic library
  Nettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more
  or less any context: In crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages
  (C++, Python, Pike, ...), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in
  kernel space.  This package contains the files needed for developing
  applications with nettle.
netty 4.1.13 9.fc30	7164310	Unspecified	An asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tools for Java
  Netty is a NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy
  development of network applications such as protocol servers and
  clients. It greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming
  such as TCP and UDP socket server.
  'Quick and easy' doesn't mean that a resulting application will suffer
  from a maintainability or a performance issue. Netty has been designed
  carefully with the experiences earned from the implementation of a lot
  of protocols such as FTP, SMTP, HTTP, and various binary and
  text-based legacy protocols. As a result, Netty has succeeded to find
  a way to achieve ease of development, performance, stability, and
  flexibility without a compromise.
netty-javadoc 4.1.13 9.fc30	66673435	Unspecified	API documentation for netty
  API documentation for netty.
netty-tcnative 1.1.30 13.fc30	310200	Unspecified	Fork of Tomcat Native with improved OpenSSL and mavenized build
  netty-tcnative is a fork of Tomcat Native. It includes a set of changes
  contributed by Twitter, Inc, such as:
   *  Simplified distribution and linkage of native library
   *  Complete mavenization of the project
   *  Improved OpenSSL support
  To minimize the maintenance burden, we create a dedicated branch for each stable
  upstream release and apply our own changes on top of it, while keeping the
  number of maintained branches to minimum
netty-tcnative-javadoc 1.1.30 13.fc30	2124059	Unspecified	API documentation for netty-tcnative
  API documentation for netty-tcnative.
netty-xnio-transport 0.1.1 3.fc27	70426	Unspecified	Netty Transport powered by XNIO
  This is a Netty Transport powered by XNIO. It can be used to either wrap an
  existing StreamConnection and AcceptingChannel or to bootstrap a Netty powered
  server directly.
netty-xnio-transport-javadoc 0.1.1 3.fc27	411456	Unspecified	Javadoc for netty-xnio-transport
  This package contains the API documentation for netty-xnio-transport.
netty3 3.10.6 6.fc30	1484239	Unspecified	An asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tools for Java
  Netty is a NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy
  development of network applications such as protocol servers and
  clients. It greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming
  such as TCP and UDP socket server.
  'Quick and easy' doesn't mean that a resulting application will suffer
  from a maintainability or a performance issue. Netty has been designed
  carefully with the experiences earned from the implementation of a lot
  of protocols such as FTP, SMTP, HTTP, and various binary and
  text-based legacy protocols. As a result, Netty has succeeded to find
  a way to achieve ease of development, performance, stability, and
  flexibility without a compromise.
netty3-javadoc 3.10.6 6.fc30	28915606	Unspecified	API documentation for netty3
  API documentation for netty3.
network-manager-applet 1.8.20 2.fc30	781309	Unspecified	A network control and status applet for NetworkManager
  This package contains a network control and status notification area applet
  for use with NetworkManager.
network-scripts 10.01 2.fc30	182455	Unspecified	Legacy scripts for manipulating of network devices
  This package contains the legacy scripts for activating & deactivating of most
  network interfaces. It also provides a legacy version of 'network' service.
  The 'network' service is enabled by default after installation of this package,
  and if the network-scripts are installed alongside NetworkManager, then the
  ifup/ifdown commands from network-scripts take precedence over the ones provided
  by NetworkManager.
  If user has both network-scripts & NetworkManager installed, and wishes to
  use ifup/ifdown from NetworkManager primarily, then they has to run command:
   $ update-alternatives --config ifup
  Please note that running the command above will also disable the 'network'
network-scripts-openvswitch 2.10.1 2.fc30	12035	Unspecified	Open vSwitch legacy network service support
  This provides the ifup and ifdown scripts for use with the legacy network
network-scripts-ppp 2.4.7 31.fc30	5228	Unspecified	PPP legacy network service support
  This provides the ifup and ifdown scripts for use with the legacy network
network-scripts-teamd 1.28 2.fc30	6824	Unspecified	teamd legacy network service support
  This provides the ifup and ifdown scripts for use with the legacy network
neuron 7.5 5.20181214git5687519.fc30	5517895	Unspecified	A flexible and powerful simulator of neurons and networks
  NEURON is a simulation environment for modeling individual neurons and networks
  of neurons. It provides tools for conveniently building, managing, and using
  models in a way that is numerically sound and computationally efficient. It is
  particularly well-suited to problems that are closely linked to experimental
  data, especially those that involve cells with complex anatomical and
  biophysical properties.
  This package is currently built without GUI (iv) support.
  It does not include MPI support.
  Please install the neuron-devel package to compile nmodl files and so on.
neuron 7.5 5.20181214git5687519.fc30	5479069	Unspecified	A flexible and powerful simulator of neurons and networks
  NEURON is a simulation environment for modeling individual neurons and networks
  of neurons. It provides tools for conveniently building, managing, and using
  models in a way that is numerically sound and computationally efficient. It is
  particularly well-suited to problems that are closely linked to experimental
  data, especially those that involve cells with complex anatomical and
  biophysical properties.
  This package is currently built without GUI (iv) support.
  It does not include MPI support.
  Please install the neuron-devel package to compile nmodl files and so on.
neuron-devel 7.5 5.20181214git5687519.fc30	134492	Unspecified	Development files for neuron
  Headers and development shared libraries for the neuron package
neuron-devel 7.5 5.20181214git5687519.fc30	134496	Unspecified	Development files for neuron
  Headers and development shared libraries for the neuron package
neuron-doc 7.5 5.20181214git5687519.fc30	201769	Unspecified	Documentation for neuron
  Documentation for neuron
neurord 3.2.2 8.fc30	544303	Unspecified	Stochastic reaction-diffusion simulator
  A simulator for biological reaction-diffusion systems.
  Supports exact stochastic simulation, asynchronous leaping, fixed-Ï„ leaping,
  and stepped deterministic solutions. Output can be written as CSV text or HDF5
  binary files.
neurord-javadoc 3.2.2 8.fc30	5609131	Unspecified	Javadoc for neurord
  This package contains the API documentation for neurord.
neverball 1.6.0 16.fc30	257590757	Unspecified	Common files for neverball and neverputt
  This package provides common files needed by both the Neverball and Neverputt
neverball-neverball 1.6.0 16.fc30	509067	Unspecified	Roll a ball through an obstacle course
  Tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course within the
  given time.  If the ball falls or time expires, a ball is lost.
  Collect 100 coins to save your progress and earn an extra ball.  Red
  coins are worth 5.  Blue coins are worth 10.
neverball-neverputt 1.6.0 16.fc30	459109	Unspecified	Minigolf like game
  A hot-seat multiplayer miniature golf game, built on the physics and graphics
  engine of Neverball.
newlisp 10.7.1 8.fc30	2153269	Unspecified	Lisp-like general purpose scripting
  Lisp-like general purpose scripting language. newlisp is well suited for
  applications in AI, web search. It also can be used for embedded systems
newsbeuter 2.9 11.fc30	2602662	Unspecified	Configurable text-based feed reader
  Newsbeuter is a feed reader for text terminals.  Newsbeuter's great
  configurability and vast number of features make it a perfect choice for people
  that need a slick and fast feed reader that can be completely controlled via
newsboat 2.14.1 1.fc30	11445315	Unspecified	RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console
  Newsboat is a fork of Newsbeuter, an RSS/Atom feed reader for the text console.
newscache 1.2 0.33.rc6.fc30	1365659	Unspecified	Free cache server for USENET News
  NewsCache is a free cache server for USENET News. NewsCache acts to
  news reading clients like a news server, except that it stores only
  those articles that have been requested by at least one client.
  NewsCache targets problems of the current News System like network
  bandwidth consumption or the IO load caused by news clients.
newsx 1.6 30.fc30	291745	Unspecified	NNTP news exchange utility
  Newsx is an NNTP client that will connect to a remote NNTP server and
  post outgoing news articles batched by the news system (e.g. INN), as
  well as fetch incoming articles.
newt 0.52.20 14.fc30	249683	Unspecified	A library for text mode user interfaces
  Newt is a programming library for color text mode, widget based user
  interfaces.  Newt can be used to add stacked windows, entry widgets,
  checkboxes, radio buttons, labels, plain text fields, scrollbars,
  etc., to text mode user interfaces.  This package also contains the
  shared library needed by programs built with newt, as well as a
  /usr/bin/dialog replacement called whiptail.  Newt is based on the
  slang library.
newt 0.52.20 14.fc30	248527	Unspecified	A library for text mode user interfaces
  Newt is a programming library for color text mode, widget based user
  interfaces.  Newt can be used to add stacked windows, entry widgets,
  checkboxes, radio buttons, labels, plain text fields, scrollbars,
  etc., to text mode user interfaces.  This package also contains the
  shared library needed by programs built with newt, as well as a
  /usr/bin/dialog replacement called whiptail.  Newt is based on the
  slang library.
newt-devel 0.52.20 14.fc30	127444	Unspecified	Newt windowing toolkit development files
  The newt-devel package contains the header files and libraries
  necessary for developing applications which use newt.  Newt is a
  development library for text mode user interfaces.  Newt is based on
  the slang library.
  Install newt-devel if you want to develop applications which will use
newt-devel 0.52.20 14.fc30	127446	Unspecified	Newt windowing toolkit development files
  The newt-devel package contains the header files and libraries
  necessary for developing applications which use newt.  Newt is a
  development library for text mode user interfaces.  Newt is based on
  the slang library.
  Install newt-devel if you want to develop applications which will use
newtonsoft-json 9.0.1 14.fc30	790313	Unspecified	Popular high-performance JSON framework
  Newtonsoft.Json aka Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework
newtonsoft-json 9.0.1 14.fc30	790313	Unspecified	Popular high-performance JSON framework
  Newtonsoft.Json aka Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework
newtonsoft-json-devel 9.0.1 14.fc30	223	Unspecified	Development files for newtonsoft-json
  Development files for newtonsoft-json.
newtonsoft-json-devel 9.0.1 14.fc30	223	Unspecified	Development files for newtonsoft-json
  Development files for newtonsoft-json.
nex 20180712 2.fc30	288393	Unspecified	A lexer generator for Go that is similar to Lex/Flex
  Nex is a lexer similar to Lex/Flex that: (1) generates Go code instead
  of C code, (2) integrates with Go's Yacc instead of YACC/Bison, (3)
  supports UTF-8, and (4) supports nested structural regular expressions.
nexcontrol 0.2 17.fc30	22457	Unspecified	Software to control your Celestron NexStar Telescope
  NexControl is a perl code to interface with
  the NexStar series of scopes from Celestron.
nextcloud 10.0.4 7.fc30	83828712	Unspecified	Private file sync and share server
  NextCloud gives you universal access to your files through a web interface or
  WebDAV. It also provides a platform to easily view & sync your contacts,
  calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right
  on the web. NextCloud is extendable via a simple but powerful API for
  applications and plugins.
nextcloud-client 2.5.2 1.fc30	8755890	Unspecified	The Nextcloud Client
  Nextcloud-client enables you to connect to your private Nextcloud Server.
  With it you can create folders in your home directory, and keep the contents
  of those folders synced with your Nextcloud server. Simply copy a file into
  the directory and the Nextcloud Client does the rest.
nextcloud-client 2.5.2 1.fc30	8747006	Unspecified	The Nextcloud Client
  Nextcloud-client enables you to connect to your private Nextcloud Server.
  With it you can create folders in your home directory, and keep the contents
  of those folders synced with your Nextcloud server. Simply copy a file into
  the directory and the Nextcloud Client does the rest.
nextcloud-client-caja 2.5.2 1.fc30	18064	Unspecified	Caja overlay icons
  This package provides overlay icons to visualize the sync state
  in the caja file manager.
nextcloud-client-devel 2.5.2 1.fc30	68728	Unspecified	Development files for nextcloud-client
  Development headers for use of the nextcloud-client library
nextcloud-client-devel 2.5.2 1.fc30	68728	Unspecified	Development files for nextcloud-client
  Development headers for use of the nextcloud-client library
nextcloud-client-dolphin 2.5.2 1.fc30	146560	Unspecified	Dolphin overlay icons
  The nextcloud desktop client dolphin extension.
nextcloud-client-dolphin 2.5.2 1.fc30	141476	Unspecified	Dolphin overlay icons
  The nextcloud desktop client dolphin extension.
nextcloud-client-libs 2.5.2 1.fc30	2493699	Unspecified	Common files for nextcloud-client
  Provides common files for nextcloud-client such as the
  configuration file that determines the excluded files in a sync.
nextcloud-client-libs 2.5.2 1.fc30	2441619	Unspecified	Common files for nextcloud-client
  Provides common files for nextcloud-client such as the
  configuration file that determines the excluded files in a sync.
nextcloud-client-nautilus 2.5.2 1.fc30	18180	Unspecified	nextcloud client nautilus extension
  The nextcloud desktop client nautilus extension.
nextcloud-client-nemo 2.5.2 1.fc30	18064	Unspecified	Nemo overlay icons
  This package provides overlay icons to visualize the sync state
  in the nemo file manager.
nextcloud-httpd 10.0.4 7.fc30	6148	Unspecified	Httpd integration for NextCloud
  Httpd integration for NextCloud.
nextcloud-mysql 10.0.4 7.fc30	1201	Unspecified	MySQL database support for NextCloud
  This package ensures the necessary dependencies are in place for NextCloud to
  work with MySQL / MariaDB databases. It does not require a MySQL / MariaDB
  server to be installed, as you may well wish to use a remote database
  If you want the database to be on the same system as NextCloud itself, you must
  also install and enable a MySQL / MariaDB server package. See README.mysql for
  more details.
nextcloud-nginx 10.0.4 7.fc30	3521	Unspecified	Nginx integration for NextCloud
  Nginx integration for NextCloud.
nextcloud-postgresql 10.0.4 7.fc30	2069	Unspecified	PostgreSQL database support for NextCloud
  This package ensures the necessary dependencies are in place for NextCloud to
  work with a PostgreSQL database. It does not require the PostgreSQL server
  package to be installed, as you may well wish to use a remote database
  If you want the database to be on the same system as NextCloud itself, you must
  also install and enable the PostgreSQL server package. See README.postgresql
  for more details.
nextcloud-sqlite 10.0.4 7.fc30	0	Unspecified	SQLite 3 database support for NextCloud
  This package ensures the necessary dependencies are in place for NextCloud to
  work with an SQLite 3 database stored on the local system.
nextpnr 0 0.3.20190401gitd27ec2c.fc30	360420164	Unspecified	FPGA place and route tool
  nextpnr aims to be a vendor neutral, timing driven, FOSS FPGA place and
  route tool.
nfacct 1.0.1 11.fc30	41845	Unspecified	Command line tool to create/retrieve/delete accounting objects
  Nfacct is the command line tool to create/retrieve/delete accounting objects.
nfdump 1.6.17 3.fc30	931369	Unspecified	NetFlow collecting and processing tools
  Nfdump is a set of tools to collect and process NetFlow data. It's fast and has
  a powerful filter pcap like syntax. It supports NetFlow versions v1, v5, v7, v9
  and IPFIX as well as a limited set of sflow. It includes support for CISCO ASA
  (NSEL) and CISCO NAT (NEL) devices which export event logging records as v9
  flows. Nfdump is fully IPv6 compatible.
nfdump-libs 1.6.17 3.fc30	277464	Unspecified	Libraries used by NFDUMP packages
  Contains libraries used by NFDUMP utilities
nfft 3.3.2 6.fc30	503666	Unspecified	Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform
  The NFFT (nonequispaced fast Fourier transform or nonuniform fast Fourier
  transform) is a C subroutine library for computing the nonequispaced discrete
  Fourier transform (NDFT) and its generalisations in one or more dimensions,
  of arbitrary input size, and of complex data.
nfft 3.3.2 6.fc30	485962	Unspecified	Nonequispaced fast Fourier transform
  The NFFT (nonequispaced fast Fourier transform or nonuniform fast Fourier
  transform) is a C subroutine library for computing the nonequispaced discrete
  Fourier transform (NDFT) and its generalisations in one or more dimensions,
  of arbitrary input size, and of complex data.
nfft-devel 3.3.2 6.fc30	40083	Unspecified	Development files for nfft
  The nfft-devel package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use nfft.
nfft-devel 3.3.2 6.fc30	40085	Unspecified	Development files for nfft
  The nfft-devel package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use nfft.
nfft-doc 3.3.2 6.fc30	9025616	Unspecified	Documentation for nfft
  The nfft-doc package contains documentation for nfft
nfoview 1.26 2.fc30	275235	Unspecified	A viewer for NFO files
  NFO Viewer is a simple viewer for NFO files, which are "ASCII" art in
  the CP437 codepage. The advantages of using NFO Viewer instead of a
  text editor are preset font and encoding settings, automatic window
  size and clickable hyperlinks.
nfs-ganesha 2.7.3 1.fc30	2511638	Unspecified	NFS-Ganesha is a NFS Server running in user space
  nfs-ganesha : NFS-GANESHA is a NFS Server running in user space.
  It comes with various back-end modules (called FSALs) provided as
  shared objects to support different file systems and name-spaces.
nfs-ganesha-ceph 2.7.3 1.fc30	89140	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA CephFS FSAL
  This package contains a FSAL shared object to
  be used with NFS-Ganesha to support CephFS
nfs-ganesha-gluster 2.7.3 1.fc30	109144	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA GLUSTER FSAL
  This package contains a FSAL shared object to
  be used with NFS-Ganesha to support Gluster
nfs-ganesha-gpfs 2.7.3 1.fc30	178278	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA GPFS FSAL
  This package contains a FSAL shared object to
  be used with NFS-Ganesha to support GPFS backend
nfs-ganesha-lttng 2.7.3 1.fc30	183976	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA library for use with LTTng
  This package contains the library. When preloaded
  to the ganesha.nfsd server, it makes it possible to trace using LTTng.
nfs-ganesha-mount-9P 2.7.3 1.fc30	3368	Unspecified	a 9p mount helper
  This package contains the mount.9P script that clients can use
  to simplify mounting to NFS-GANESHA. This is a 9p mount helper.
nfs-ganesha-nullfs 2.7.3 1.fc30	42304	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA NULLFS Stackable FSAL
  This package contains a Stackable FSAL shared object to
  be used with NFS-Ganesha. This is mostly a template for future (more sophisticated) stackable FSALs
nfs-ganesha-proxy 2.7.3 1.fc30	116285	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA PROXY FSAL
  This package contains a FSAL shared object to
  be used with NFS-Ganesha to support PROXY based filesystems
nfs-ganesha-rados-grace 2.7.3 1.fc30	39722	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA command for managing the RADOS grace database
  This package contains the ganesha-rados-grace tool for interacting with the
  database used by the rados_cluster recovery backend.
nfs-ganesha-rgw 2.7.3 1.fc30	65237	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA Ceph RGW FSAL
  This package contains a FSAL shared object to
  be used with NFS-Ganesha to support Ceph RGW
nfs-ganesha-selinux 2.7.3 1.fc30	15143	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA SELINUX targeted policy
  This package contains an selinux policy for running ganesha.nfsd
nfs-ganesha-vfs 2.7.3 1.fc30	133526	Unspecified	The NFS-GANESHA VFS FSAL
  This package contains a FSAL shared object to
  be used with NFS-Ganesha to support VFS based filesystems
nfs-utils 2.3.3 7.rc2.fc30	1794591	Unspecified	NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
  The nfs-utils package provides a daemon for the kernel NFS server and
  related tools, which provides a much higher level of performance than the
  traditional Linux NFS server used by most users.
  This package also contains the showmount program.  Showmount queries the
  mount daemon on a remote host for information about the NFS (Network File
  System) server on the remote host.  For example, showmount can display the
  clients which are mounted on that host.
  This package also contains the mount.nfs and umount.nfs program.
nfs-utils-coreos 2.3.3 7.rc2.fc30	691615	Unspecified	Minimal NFS utilities for supporting clients
  Minimal NFS utilities for supporting clients
nfs4-acl-tools 0.3.5 1.fc30	200756	Unspecified	The nfs4 ACL tools
  This package contains commandline ACL utilities for the Linux
  NFSv4 client.
nfsometer 1.9 0.fc29	657260	Applications/System	NFS Performance Framework Tool
  NFSometer is a performance measurement framework for running workloads and
  reporting results across NFS protocol versions, NFS options and Linux
  NFS client implementations.
nfspy 1.0 15.fc30	209736	Unspecified	An ID-spoofing NFS client
  NfSpy is a Python library for automating the falsification of NFS credentials
  when mounting an NFS share. Included are two client programs:
  - nfspy uses the Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) library to mount an NFS share
    in Linux. This allows the use of any regular file-searching and manipulation
    programs like grep and find to explore the NFS export.
  - nfspysh is a ftp-like interactive shell for exploring NFS exports. It does
    not require the FUSE library, so it can run on non-Linux platforms.
nfswatch 4.99.11 16.fc30	149032	Unspecified	An NFS traffic monitoring tool
  Nfswatch is a command-line tool for monitoring NFS traffic.
  Nfswatch can capture and analyze the NFS packets on a particular
  network interface or on all interfaces.
  Install nfswatch if you need a program to monitor NFS traffic.
nftables 0.9.0 5.fc30	702449	Unspecified	Netfilter Tables userspace utillites
  Netfilter Tables userspace utilities.
nftables 0.9.0 5.fc30	718381	Unspecified	Netfilter Tables userspace utillites
  Netfilter Tables userspace utilities.
nftables-devel 0.9.0 5.fc30	2889	Unspecified	Development library for nftables / libnftables
  Development tools and static libraries and header files for the libnftables library.
nftables-devel 0.9.0 5.fc30	2891	Unspecified	Development library for nftables / libnftables
  Development tools and static libraries and header files for the libnftables library.
nghttp2 1.37.0 1.fc30	2143201	Unspecified	Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy
  This package contains the HTTP/2 client, server and proxy programs.
nginx 1.15.9 1.fc30	1963559	Unspecified	A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
  Nginx is a web server and a reverse proxy server for HTTP, SMTP, POP3 and
  IMAP protocols, with a strong focus on high concurrency, performance and low
  memory usage.
nginx-all-modules 1.15.9 1.fc30	0	Unspecified	A meta package that installs all available Nginx modules
  Meta package that installs all available nginx modules.
nginx-filesystem 1.15.9 1.fc30	0	Unspecified	The basic directory layout for the Nginx server
  The nginx-filesystem package contains the basic directory layout
  for the Nginx server including the correct permissions for the
nginx-mimetypes 2.1.48 5.fc30	40257	Unspecified	MIME type mappings for nginx
  MIME type mappings for nginx.
nginx-mod-http-image-filter 1.15.9 1.fc30	35944	Unspecified	Nginx HTTP image filter module
  Nginx HTTP image filter module.
nginx-mod-http-perl 1.15.9 1.fc30	68103	Unspecified	Nginx HTTP perl module
  Nginx HTTP perl module.
nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter 1.15.9 1.fc30	27751	Unspecified	Nginx XSLT module
  Nginx XSLT module.
nginx-mod-mail 1.15.9 1.fc30	138851	Unspecified	Nginx mail modules
  Nginx mail modules.
nginx-mod-stream 1.15.9 1.fc30	224045	Unspecified	Nginx stream modules
  Nginx stream modules.
ngircd 25 2.fc30	644747	Unspecified	Next Generation IRC Daemon
  ngIRCd is a free open source daemon for Internet Relay Chat (IRC),
  developed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It's written from
  scratch and is not based upon the original IRCd like many others.
ngrep 1.47 2.1.20180101git9b59468.fc30	83569	Unspecified	Network layer grep tool
  ngrep strives to provide most of GNU grep's common features, applying them
  to the network layer. ngrep is a pcap-aware tool that will allow you to
  specify extended regular or hexadecimal expressions to match against data
  payloads of packets. It currently recognizes TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP and Raw
  protocols across Ethernet, PPP, SLIP, FDDI, Token Ring, 802.11 and null
  interfaces, and understands bpf filter logic in the same fashion as more
  common packet sniffing tools, such as tcpdump and snoop.
ngspice 30 4.fc30	22595862	Unspecified	A mixed level/signal circuit simulator
  Ngspice is a general-purpose circuit simulator program.
  It implements three classes of analysis:
  - Nonlinear DC analyses
  - Nonlinear Transient analyses
  - Linear AC analyses
  Ngspice implements the usual circuits elements, like resistors, capacitors,
  inductors (single or mutual), transmission lines and a growing number of
  semiconductor devices like diodes, bipolar transistors, mosfets (both bulk
  and SOI), mesfets, jfet and HFET. Ngspice implements the EKV model but it
  cannot be distributed with the package since its license does not allow to
  redistribute EKV source code.
  Ngspice integrates Xspice, a mixed-mode simulator built upon spice3c1 (and
  then some tweak is necessary merge it with spice3f5). Xspice provides a
  codemodel interface and an event-driven simulation algorithm. Users can
  develop their own models for devices using the codemodel interface.
  It can be used for VLSI simulations as well.
nheko 0.6.3 1.fc30	9288762	Unspecified	Desktop client for the Matrix protocol
  The motivation behind the project is to provide a native desktop app
  for Matrix that feels more like a mainstream chat app.
nickle 2.77 17.fc30	1053976	Unspecified	A programming language-based prototyping environment
  Nickle is a programming language based prototyping environment with
  powerful programming and scripting capabilities. Nickle supports a
  variety of datatypes, especially arbitrary precision numbers. The
  programming language vaguely resembles C. Some things in C which do
  not translate easily are different, some design choices have been made
  differently, and a very few features are simply missing.
  Nickle provides the functionality of UNIX bc, dc and expr in
  much-improved form. It is also an ideal environment for prototyping
  complex algorithms. Nickle's scripting capabilities make it a nice
  replacement for spreadsheets in some applications, and its numeric
  features nicely complement the limited numeric functionality of
  text-oriented languages such as AWK and PERL.
nickle-devel 2.77 17.fc30	89595	Unspecified	Include files for Nickle
  Include files for Nickle, used for building external FFI (foreign
  function interface) libraries (e.g. the Cairo interface for Nickle).
nickle-devel 2.77 17.fc30	89595	Unspecified	Include files for Nickle
  Include files for Nickle, used for building external FFI (foreign
  function interface) libraries (e.g. the Cairo interface for Nickle).
nicotine+ 1.4.1 7.fc30	7366725	Unspecified	A graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system
  Nicotine+ is a graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system.
  Nicotine+ is an attempt to keep Nicotine working with the latest libraries, kill
  bugs, keep current with the Soulseek protocol and add some new features that
  users want and/or need.
nicstat 1.95 11.fc30	57591	Unspecified	CLI utility that prints out network statistics for all network interface
  nicstat is a Solaris and Linux command-line that prints out network statistics
  for all network interface cards (NICs), including packets, kilobytes per second,
  average packet sizes and more.
nifticlib 2.0.0 19.fc30	462708	Unspecified	A set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format
  Nifticlib is a set of C i/o libraries for reading and writing files in
  the nifti-1 data format. nifti-1 is a binary file format for storing
  medical image data, e.g. magnetic resonance image (MRI) and functional
  MRI (fMRI) brain images.
nifticlib 2.0.0 19.fc30	435188	Unspecified	A set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format
  Nifticlib is a set of C i/o libraries for reading and writing files in
  the nifti-1 data format. nifti-1 is a binary file format for storing
  medical image data, e.g. magnetic resonance image (MRI) and functional
  MRI (fMRI) brain images.
nifticlib-devel 2.0.0 19.fc30	114034	Unspecified	Libraries and header files for nifticlib development
  The nifticlib-devel package contains the header files and libraries
  necessary for developing programs that make use of the nifticlib library.
nifticlib-devel 2.0.0 19.fc30	114034	Unspecified	Libraries and header files for nifticlib development
  The nifticlib-devel package contains the header files and libraries
  necessary for developing programs that make use of the nifticlib library.
nifticlib-docs 2.0.0 19.fc30	2227801	Unspecified	Documentation for nifticlib
  The package contains documentation and example files for nifticlib.
nightfall 1.86 6.fc27	2001102	Applications/Engineering	Nightfall is an astronomy application for emulation of eclipsing stars
  Nightfall is an astronomy application for fun, education, and science.
  It can produce animated views of eclipsing binary stars,
  calculate synthetic lightcurves and radial velocity curves,
  and eventually determine the best-fit model for a given set of
  observational data of an eclipsing binary star system.
  It is, however, not able to fry your breakfast egg on your harddisk.
nightview 0.3.3 32.fc30	35147	Unspecified	A general astronomical software package to control of a CCD camera
  Nightview is a general astronomical software package to control of a CCD
  camera together with a telescope. It provides an intuitive graphical
  interface for getting of individual exposures and a telescope possitioning.
  An advanced command line interface is also offered to support of a scripting
  and a long time serie imaging.
  Nightview is designed as a fully network transparent providing maximum
  flexibility of its usage. Moreover, all components are prepared with
  possibility to be simply superseded by an user's equivalent for support of
  individual improvements and possible requested extendings.
nightview-cli 0.3.3 32.fc30	355134	Unspecified	Non-GUI tools from NightView suite
  Text based tools from NightView suite.
  See description of "nightview" package for more details.
nightview-cli 0.3.3 32.fc30	360602	Unspecified	Non-GUI tools from NightView suite
  Text based tools from NightView suite.
  See description of "nightview" package for more details.
nightview-doc 0.3.3 32.fc30	4685387	Unspecified	Documentation for NightView suite
  Documentation files for NightView suite in PDF, PostScript and HTML.
  See description of "nightview" package for more details.
nightview-gui 0.3.3 32.fc30	1259608	Unspecified	GUI tools from NightView suite
  Graphically oriented tools from NightView suite.
  See description of "nightview" package for more details.
nightview-server 0.3.3 32.fc30	214920	Unspecified	Server-side tools from NightView suite
  Server tools from NightView suite.
  See description of "nightview" package for more details.
nik4 1.6.0 8.fc30	30321	Unspecified	Command-line interface to a Mapnik rendering toolkit
  Nik4 is a mapnik-to-image exporting script.
nikto 2.1.6 3.fc30	2189827	Unspecified	Web server scanner
  Nikto is a web server scanner which performs comprehensive tests against web
  servers for multiple items, including over 3300 potentially dangerous
  files/CGIs, versions on over 625 servers, and version specific problems
  on over 230 servers. Scan items and plugins are frequently updated and
  can be automatically updated (if desired).
nilfs-utils 2.2.7 5.fc30	589047	Unspecified	Utilities for managing NILFS v2 filesystems
  Userspace utilities for creating and mounting NILFS v2 filesystems.
nilfs-utils 2.2.7 5.fc30	609067	Unspecified	Utilities for managing NILFS v2 filesystems
  Userspace utilities for creating and mounting NILFS v2 filesystems.
nilfs-utils-devel 2.2.7 5.fc30	38877	Unspecified	NILFS2 filesystem-specific headers
  nilfs-utils-devel contains the header files needed to develop NILFS
  filesystem-specific programs.
  You should install nilfs-utils-devel if you want to develop NILFS
  filesystem-specific programs. If you install nilfs-utils-devel, you'll
  also want to install nilfs-utils.
nilfs-utils-devel 2.2.7 5.fc30	38877	Unspecified	NILFS2 filesystem-specific headers
  nilfs-utils-devel contains the header files needed to develop NILFS
  filesystem-specific programs.
  You should install nilfs-utils-devel if you want to develop NILFS
  filesystem-specific programs. If you install nilfs-utils-devel, you'll
  also want to install nilfs-utils.
nim 0.19.4 2.fc30	12006879	Unspecified	Statically typed, imperative programming language
  Nim is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language with a
  design that focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that
  order of priority).
nim-doc 0.19.4 2.fc30	24073553	Unspecified	Documentation for Nim programming language
  Nim is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language with a
  design that focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that
  order of priority).
  This package provides documentation and reference manual for the language
  and its standard library.
nim-srpm-macros 1 4.fc30	1124	Unspecified	RPM macros for building Nimble source packages
  RPM macros for building Nimble source packages.
nim-tools 0.19.4 2.fc30	2972440	Unspecified	Tools for Nim programming language
  Nim is a compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language with a
  design that focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that
  order of priority).
  This package provides various tools, which help Nim programmers.
nimbus-icon-theme 0.1.4 18.fc30	9680566	Unspecified	Icons for nimbus
  Icons for nimbus.
nimbus-jose-jwt 5.12 4.fc30	367911	Unspecified	Nimbus JOSE+JWT
  Java library for Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
  and JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
nimbus-jose-jwt-javadoc 5.12 4.fc30	7103316	Unspecified	Javadoc for nimbus-jose-jwt
  This package contains javadoc for nimbus-jose-jwt.
nimbus-metacity-theme 0.1.4 18.fc30	131711	Unspecified	Metacity theme for nimbus
  Theme for metacity as part of nimbus.
nimbus-theme-gnome 0.1.4 18.fc30	596	Unspecified	Desktop theme from Sun
  The Nimbus theme pack for Gnome make use of Nimbus Metacity theme, Nimbus
  GTK2 theme and icon set. It originates from OpenSolaris by Sun.
ninja-build 1.9.0 2.fc30	408626	Unspecified	Small build system with a focus on speed
  Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed. It differs from other
  build systems in two major respects: it is designed to have its input files
  generated by a higher-level build system, and it is designed to run builds as
  fast as possible.
ninja-ide 2.3 9.fc27	3054063	Unspecified	Ninja IDE for Python development
  NINJA-IDE (from the recursive acronym: "Ninja-IDE Is Not Just Another IDE"),
  is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE). NINJA-IDE runs
  on Linux/X11, Mac OS X and Windows desktop operating systems, and allows
  developers to create applications for several purposes using all the tools and
  utilities of NINJA-IDE, making the task of writing software easier and more
ninvaders 0.1.1 19.fc30	109292	Unspecified	Space Invaders clone written in ncurses for cli gaming
  Ever wanted to place space invaders when you can't find a GUI? Now you can!
  ninvaders is a ncurses based space invaders clone to play from the command
nip2 8.7.1 2.fc30	15379292	Unspecified	Interactive tool for working with large images
  nip2 is a graphical front end to the VIPS package.
  With nip2, rather than directly editing images, you build
  relationships between objects in a spreadsheet-like fashion. When you
  make a change somewhere, nip2 recalculates the objects affected by
  that change. Since it is demand-driven this update is very fast, even
  for very, very large images. nip2 is very good at creating pipelines
  of image manipulation operations. It is not very good for image
  editing tasks like touching up photographs. For that, a tool like the
  GIMP should be used instead.
nipy-data 0.2 8.fc30	85932671	Unspecified	Test data and brain templates for nipy
  Test data and brain templates for nipy.
nitrogen 1.6.1 5.fc29	527638	User Interface/Desktops	Background browser and setter for X windows
  A background browser and setter for X windows that can be used in two
  modes: browser and recall. It features Multihead and Xinerama awareness,
  a recall mode to be used in start up scripts, uses the
  standard for thumbnails, can set the GNOME background, command line set
  modes for use in scripts, inotify monitoring of browse directory, lazy
  loading of thumbnails to conserve memory and an 'automatic' set mode
  which determines the best mode to set an image based on its size.
nitrokey-app 1.3.1 1.fc30.2	1285272	Unspecified	Nitrokey's Application
  Nitrokey's Application.
njam 1.25 32.fc30	3864457	Unspecified	Maze-game, eat all the cookies while avoiding the badguys
  Njam is a fast-paced maze-game where you must eat all the cookies while
  avoiding the badguys. Special cookies give you the power to freeze or eat the
  bad guys. The game features single and multiplayer modes, network play,
  duelling and cooperative games, great music and sound effects, customizable
  level skins, many different levels and an integrated level editor.
nkf 2.1.4 13.fc30	312963	Unspecified	A Kanji code conversion filter
  Nkf is a Kanji code converter for terminals, hosts, and networks. Nkf
  converts input Kanji code to 7-bit JIS, MS-kanji (shifted-JIS) or
nled 2.52 22.fc30	95183	Unspecified	Nifty Little EDitor
  Nled is a easy to use, curses-based text editor.
nload 0.7.4 15.fc30	242165	Unspecified	A tool can monitor network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time
  nload is a console application which monitors network traffic and bandwidth
  usage in real time. It visualizes the in and outgoing traffic using two graphs
  and provides additional info like total amount of transfered data and min/max
  network usage.
nm-connection-editor 1.8.20 2.fc30	5955577	Unspecified	A network connection configuration editor for NetworkManager
  This package contains a network configuration editor and Bluetooth modem
  utility for use with NetworkManager.
nm-tray 0.4.1 6.fc30	528756	Unspecified	NetworkManager tray icon
  nm-tray is a simple NetworkManager front end
  with information icon residing in system tray
  (like e.g. nm-applet).
  It's a pure Qt application.
nmap 7.70 6.fc30	25082677	Unspecified	Network exploration tool and security scanner
  Nmap is a utility for network exploration or security auditing.  It supports
  ping scanning (determine which hosts are up), many port scanning techniques
  (determine what services the hosts are offering), and TCP/IP fingerprinting
  (remote host operating system identification). Nmap also offers flexible target
  and port specification, decoy scanning, determination of TCP sequence
  predictability characteristics, reverse-identd scanning, and more. In addition
  to the classic command-line nmap executable, the Nmap suite includes a flexible
  data transfer, redirection, and debugging tool (netcat utility ncat), a utility
  for comparing scan results (ndiff), and a packet generation and response
  analysis tool (nping).
nmap-ncat 7.70 6.fc30	753654	Unspecified	Nmap's Netcat replacement
  Ncat is a feature packed networking utility which will read and
  write data across a network from the command line.  It uses both
  TCP and UDP for communication and is designed to be a reliable
  back-end tool to instantly provide network connectivity to other
  applications and users. Ncat will not only work with IPv4 and IPv6
  but provides the user with a virtually limitless number of potential
nmbscan 1.2.6 16.fc30	45615	Unspecified	NMB/SMB network scanner
  Scans a SMB shares network, using NMB and SMB protocols. Useful to acquire
  an information on a local area network (security audit, etc.)
  Matches the information such as NMB/SMB/Windows host name, IP address,
  IP host name, Ethernet MAC address, Windows user name,
  NMB/SMB/Windows domain name and master browser.
  Can discover all NMB/SMB/Windows hosts on a local area network thanks to
  hosts lists maintained by master browsers.
nmh 1.7.1 5.fc30	14123253	Unspecified	A capable MIME-email-handling system with a command-line interface
  nmh is a collection of single-purpose programs that send, receive,
  show, search, and otherwise manipulate emails, including MIME.
  They combine well with other Unix programs, easing the development
  of custom shorthand commands as shell scripts.
  Optional GUI interfaces are provided by the external xmh and exmh
  projects.  nmh is a descendant of the RAND MH, Mail Handler, project.
nml 0.4.5 2.fc30	2250796	Unspecified	NewGRF Meta Language compiler
  A tool to compile nml files to grf or nfo files, making newgrf coding easier.
nmon 16i 1.fc30	170124	Unspecified	Nigel's performance Monitor for Linux
  nmon is a systems administrator, tuner, benchmark tool, which provides
  information about CPU, disks, network, etc., all in one view.
nmstate 0.0.5 1.fc30	22149	Unspecified	Declarative network manager API
  NMState is a library with an accompanying command line tool that manages host
  networking settings in a declarative manner and aimed to satisfy enterprise
  needs to manage host networking through a northbound declarative API and multi
  provider support on the southbound.
nng 1.1.1 2.fc30	529706	Unspecified	nanomsg next generation: light-weight brokerless messaging
  nng (nanomsg next generation) is a socket library that provides several
  common communication patterns. It aims to make the networking layer fast,
  scalable, and easy to use. Implemented in C, it works on a wide range
  of operating systems with no further dependencies.
  The communication patterns, also called "scalability protocols", are
  basic blocks for building distributed systems. By combining them you can
  create a vast array of distributed applications.
nng 1.1.1 2.fc30	522898	Unspecified	nanomsg next generation: light-weight brokerless messaging
  nng (nanomsg next generation) is a socket library that provides several
  common communication patterns. It aims to make the networking layer fast,
  scalable, and easy to use. Implemented in C, it works on a wide range
  of operating systems with no further dependencies.
  The communication patterns, also called "scalability protocols", are
  basic blocks for building distributed systems. By combining them you can
  create a vast array of distributed applications.
nng-devel 1.1.1 2.fc30	9254264	Unspecified	Development files for the nng socket library
  This package contains files needed to develop applications using nanomsg,
  a socket library that provides several common communication patterns.
nng-devel 1.1.1 2.fc30	9254274	Unspecified	Development files for the nng socket library
  This package contains files needed to develop applications using nanomsg,
  a socket library that provides several common communication patterns.
nng-utils 1.1.1 2.fc30	44610	Unspecified	Command line interface for communicating with nng
  Includes nngcat, a simple utility for reading and writing to nanomsg
  sockets and bindings, which can include local and remote connections.
nnn 2.4 1.fc30	110253	Unspecified	The missing terminal file browser for X
  nnn is probably the fastest and most resource-sensitive (with all
  its capabilities) file browser you have ever used. It's extremely flexible
  too - integrates with your DE and favourite GUI utilities, works with
  the desktop opener, supports bookmarks, has smart navigation shortcuts,
  navigate-as-you-type mode, disk usage analyzer mode, comprehensive file
  details and much more. nnn was initially forked from noice but is
  significantly different today.
  Cool things you can do with nnn:
   - open any file in the default desktop application or a custom one
   - navigate-as-you-type (search-as-you-type enabled even on directory switch)
   - check disk usage with number of files in current directory tree
   - run desktop search utility (gnome-search-tool or catfish) in any directory
   - copy absolute file paths to clipboard, spawn a terminal and use the paths
   - navigate instantly using shortcuts like ~, -, & or handy bookmarks
   - use cd ..... at chdir prompt to go to a parent directory
   - detailed file stats, media info, list and extract archives
   - pin a directory you may need to revisit and jump to it anytime
   - lock the current terminal after a specified idle time
   - change directory on exit
no-more-secrets 0.3.2 6.fc30	77123	Unspecified	A recreation of the "decrypting text" effect from the 1992 movie Sneakers
  A tool set to recreate the famous "decrypting text" effect as seen in the 1992
  movie Sneakers.
node 0.3.2 25.fc30	171083	Unspecified	Simple node front end, modelled after the node shells of TheNet and G8BPQ nodes
  This is a simple node frontend for Linux kernel AX.25, NETROM,
  ROSE and TCP. It's based on pms.c by Alan Cox (GW4PTS) but has been
  heavily modified since.
node-gyp 3.6.0 7.fc30	103691	Unspecified	Node.js native addon build tool
  node-gyp is a cross-platform command-line tool written in Node.js for compiling
  native addon modules for Node.js, which takes away the pain of dealing with the
  various differences in build platforms. It is the replacement to the node-waf
  program which is removed for node v0.8.
nodejs 10.15.3 1.fc30	321370	Development/Languages	JavaScript runtime
  Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime
  for easily building fast, scalable network applications.
  Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that
  makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive
  real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
nodejs 10.15.3 1.fc30	322290	Development/Languages	JavaScript runtime
  Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime
  for easily building fast, scalable network applications.
  Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that
  makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive
  real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
nodejs-Base64 1.0.1 4.fc30	15320	Unspecified	Base64 encoding and decoding
  Base64 encoding and decoding
nodejs-GeographicLib 1.49 7.fc30	306220	Unspecified	NodeJS implementation of GeographicLib
  A translation of some of the GeographicLib C++ functionality to NodeJS
nodejs-JSV 4.0.2 14.fc30	631589	Unspecified	JSON Schema Validator
  JSV is a JavaScript implementation of a extendable, fully compliant
  JSON Schema validator with the following features:
  * The fastest extendable JSON validator available!
  * Complete implementation of all current JSON Schema draft revisions.
  * Supports creating individual environments (sandboxes) that validate
    using a particular schema specification.
  * Provides an intuitive API for creating new validating schema
    attributes, or whole new custom schema schemas.
  * Supports self, full and described by hyper links.
  * Validates itself, and is bootstrapped from the JSON Schema schemas.
  * Includes over 1100 unit tests for testing all parts of the specifications.
  * Works in all ECMAScript 3 environments, including all web browsers
    and Node.js.
  * Licensed under the FreeBSD License, a very open license.
nodejs-abbrev 1.0.7 8.fc30	3372	Unspecified	Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
  Calculate the set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings.
nodejs-acorn 5.2.1 4.fc30	423411	Unspecified	ECMAScript parser
  A tiny, fast JavaScript parser, written completely in JavaScript.
nodejs-acorn-dynamic-import 3.0.0 3.fc30	8280	Unspecified	Support dynamic imports in acorn
  Support dynamic imports in acorn
nodejs-acorn-jsx 4.1.1 3.fc30	23293	Unspecified	Alternative, faster React.js JSX parser
  Alternative, faster React.js JSX parser
nodejs-acorn-object-spread 1.0.0 4.fc30	3294	Unspecified	Support object spread in acorn
  Support object spread in acorn
nodejs-add-stream 1.0.0 2.fc29	4146	Unspecified	Append the contents of one stream onto another
  Append the contents of one stream onto another.
nodejs-after 0.8.2 5.fc30	4902	Unspecified	Nodejs module which provides after flow control
  Nodejs module which provides after flow control.
nodejs-agentkeepalive 3.5.2 1.fc30	36052	Unspecified	Missing keep-alive http.Agent
  The nodejs's missing keep alive http.Agent. Support HTTP and HTTPS.
nodejs-ain2 1.3.2 9.fc30	20263	Unspecified	A Node.js module for syslog logging (and a continuation of ain)
  This module provides syslog logging for Node.js.
  Ain2 is written with full compatibility with the Node.js console module.
  It implements all console functions and formatting. Ain2 also supports UTF-8.
  Ain2 can send messages by UDP to or to the a Unix socket such
  as /dev/log.
nodejs-align-text 1.0.2 4.fc30	9812	Unspecified	Align the text in a string
  Align the text in a string.
nodejs-alter 0.2.0 8.fc30	3605	Unspecified	Alters a string
  Alters a string by replacing multiple range fragments in one fast pass. Works
  in node and browsers.
nodejs-amdefine 0.0.4 11.fc30	17221	Unspecified	Provide AMD's define() API for declaring modules in the AMD format
  A module that can be used to implement the Asynchronous Module Definition's
  define() in Node. This allows you to code to the AMD API and have the module
  work in node programs without requiring those other programs to use AMD.
nodejs-ansi 0.3.0 7.fc30	16580	Unspecified	ANSI escape codes for Node.js
  ansi.js is a module for Node.js that provides an easy-to-use API for writing
  ANSI escape codes to Stream instances. ANSI escape codes are used to do fancy
  things in a terminal window, like render text in colors, delete characters,
  lines, the entire window, or hide and show the cursor, and lots more!
nodejs-ansi-bgblack 0.1.1 4.fc30	4858	Unspecified	The color bgblack, in ansi
  The color bgblack, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bgblue 0.1.1 4.fc30	4841	Unspecified	The color bgblue, in ansi
  The color bgblue, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bgcyan 0.1.1 4.fc30	4841	Unspecified	The color bgcyan, in ansi
  The color bgcyan, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bggreen 0.1.1 4.fc30	4858	Unspecified	The color bggreen, in ansi
  The color bggreen, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bgmagenta 0.1.1 4.fc30	4892	Unspecified	The color bgmagenta, in ansi
  The color bgmagenta, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bgred 0.1.1 4.fc30	4824	Unspecified	The color bgred, in ansi
  The color bgred, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bgwhite 0.1.1 4.fc30	4858	Unspecified	The color bgwhite, in ansi
  The color bgwhite, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bgyellow 0.1.1 4.fc30	4875	Unspecified	The color bgyellow, in ansi
  The color bgyellow, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-black 0.1.1 4.fc30	4824	Unspecified	The color black, in ansi
  The color black, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-blue 0.1.1 4.fc30	4807	Unspecified	The color blue, in ansi
  The color blue, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-bold 0.1.1 4.fc30	4806	Unspecified	The color bold, in ansi
  The color bold, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-colors 0.2.0 4.fc30	18884	Unspecified	Collection of ansi colors and styles
  Collection of ansi colors and styles.
nodejs-ansi-cyan 0.1.1 6.fc30	4807	Unspecified	The color cyan, in ansi
  The color cyan, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-dim 0.1.1 4.fc30	4789	Unspecified	The color dim, in ansi
  The color dim, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-escapes 3.1.0 3.fc30	7813	Unspecified	ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
  ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
nodejs-ansi-font 0.0.2 7.fc30	3642	Unspecified	ANSI font styling utils
  ANSI font styling utils.
nodejs-ansi-gray 0.1.1 4.fc30	4807	Unspecified	The color gray, in ansi
  The color gray, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-green 0.1.1 6.fc30	4824	Unspecified	The color green, in ansi
  The color green, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-grey 0.1.1 4.fc30	4807	Unspecified	The color grey, in ansi
  The color grey, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-hidden 0.1.1 4.fc30	4840	Unspecified	The color hidden, in ansi
  The color hidden, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-inverse 0.1.1 4.fc30	4857	Unspecified	The color inverse, in ansi
  The color inverse, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-italic 0.1.1 4.fc30	4840	Unspecified	The color italic, in ansi
  The color italic, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-magenta 0.1.1 6.fc30	4858	Unspecified	The color magenta, in ansi
  The color magenta, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-red 0.1.1 4.fc30	4790	Unspecified	The color red, in ansi
  The color red, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-regex 2.0.0 8.fc30	2872	Unspecified	Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
  Regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
nodejs-ansi-reset 0.1.1 4.fc30	4822	Unspecified	The color reset, in ansi
  The color reset, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-strikethrough 0.1.1 4.fc30	4959	Unspecified	The color strikethrough, in ansi
  The color strikethrough, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-styles 2.1.0 7.fc30	4721	Unspecified	ANSI escape codes for colorizing strings in the terminal
  ANSI escape codes for colorizing strings in the terminal.
nodejs-ansi-underline 0.1.1 4.fc30	4891	Unspecified	The color underline, in ansi
  The color underline, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-white 0.1.1 4.fc30	4824	Unspecified	The color white, in ansi
  The color white, in ansi.
nodejs-ansi-wrap 0.1.0 6.fc30	4916	Unspecified	Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes
  Create ansi colors by passing the open and close codes.
nodejs-ansi-yellow 0.1.1 6.fc30	4841	Unspecified	The color yellow, in ansi
  The color yellow, in ansi.
nodejs-ansicolors 0.3.2 11.fc30	5320	Unspecified	Functions that surround a string with ansi color codes so it prints in color
  Functions that surround a string with ansi color codes so it prints in color.
nodejs-ansidiff 1.0.0 8.fc30	4777	Unspecified	ANSI colored text diffs
  A small node.js library for ANSI colored text diffs.
nodejs-ansistyles 0.1.3 13.fc30	4810	Unspecified	Functions that surround a string with ansistyle codes so it prints in style
  Functions that surround a string with ansistyle codes so it prints in style.
nodejs-any-path 1.3.0 3.fc30	4003	Unspecified	Make the keys on an object path.sep agnostic
  make the keys on an object path.sep agnostic.
nodejs-any-promise 1.3.0 5.fc30	15402	Unspecified	Resolve any installed ES6 compatible promise
  Resolve any installed ES6 compatible promise
nodejs-ap 0.2.0 7.fc30	4242	Unspecified	Currying in javascript
  Currying in javascript. Like .bind() without also setting this.
  Function.prototype.bind sets this which is super annoying if you
  just want to do currying over arguments while passing this through.
nodejs-append-field 1.0.0 4.fc30	5575	Unspecified	A W3C HTML JSON forms spec compliant field appender
  A [W3C HTML JSON forms spec]( compliant
  field appender (for lack of a better name). Useful for people implementing
  'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' and 'multipart/form-data' parsers.
nodejs-append-transform 0.4.0 6.fc30	7752	Unspecified	Install a transform to `require.extensions` that always runs last
  Install a transform to `require.extensions` that always runs last, even if
  additional extensions are added later.
nodejs-archiver 1.0.1 5.fc29	43390	Unspecified	A streaming interface for archive generation
  A streaming interface for archive generation.
nodejs-archiver-utils 1.3.0 8.fc30	13294	Unspecified	Utility functions for nodejs-archiver
  Utility functions for nodejs-archiver.
nodejs-archy 1.0.0 7.fc30	5753	Unspecified	Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
  Render nested hierarchies with unicode pipes, `npm ls` style.
nodejs-are-we-there-yet 1.0.5 9.fc30	11073	Unspecified	Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processes
  Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processes
nodejs-argparse 1.0.9 6.fc30	128391	Unspecified	A native port of Python's argparse, an options parsing library
  This is a native port of Python's argparse, an options parsing library.
  It's a full port, except some very rare options. Method names have been
  changed to CamelCase.
nodejs-argsparser 0.0.7 8.fc30	4126	Unspecified	A tiny command line arguments parser
  A tiny command line arguments parser
nodejs-arr-diff 4.0.0 4.fc30	7904	Unspecified	Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array
  Returns an array with only the unique values from the first array, by excluding
  all values from additional arrays using strict equality for comparisons.
nodejs-arr-exclude 1.0.0 5.fc30	2478	Unspecified	Exclude certain items from an array
  Exclude certain items from an array
nodejs-arr-flatten 1.1.0 4.fc30	6876	Unspecified	Recursively flatten an array or arrays
  Recursively flatten an array or arrays. This is the fastest implementation of
  array flatten.
nodejs-arr-union 3.1.0 6.fc30	6656	Unspecified	Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values
  Combines a list of arrays, returning a single array with unique values, using
  strict equality for comparisons.
nodejs-array-buffer-from-string 0.1.0 4.fc30	3030	Unspecified	Create an ArrayBuffer with the [raw bytes][javascript-encoding] from a String
  Create an ArrayBuffer with the [raw bytes][javascript-encoding] from a String.
nodejs-array-differ 1.0.0 7.fc30	2568	Unspecified	Find values that are only present in the first input array
  Create an array with values that are present in the first input
  array but not additional ones.
nodejs-array-events 1.0.0 3.fc30	10422	Unspecified	Events and more for arrays
  Events and more for arrays
nodejs-array-filter 1.0.0 6.fc30	3751	Unspecified	Array#filter for older browsers
  Array#filter for older browsers.
nodejs-array-find 1.0.0 4.fc30	3249	Unspecified	ES6 Array.find ponyfill
  ES6 Array.find ponyfill. Return the first array element which satisfies a
  testing function.
nodejs-array-find-index 1.0.2 4.fc30	3117	Unspecified	ES2015 `Array#findIndex()` ponyfill
  ES2015 `Array#findIndex()` ponyfill
nodejs-array-flatten 2.0.0 6.fc30	5692	Unspecified	Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat array
  Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat array
nodejs-array-foreach 1.0.2 6.fc30	5511	Unspecified	Array#forEach ponyfill for older browsers
  Array#forEach ponyfill for older browsers
nodejs-array-ify 1.0.0 4.fc30	3198	Unspecified	Turn anything into an array
  Turn anything into an array
nodejs-array-index 1.0.0 7.fc30	11926	Unspecified	Invoke getter/setter functions on array-like objects
  Invoke getter/setter functions on array-like objects
nodejs-array-map 0.0.0 7.fc30	3022	Unspecified	`[].map(f)` for older browsers
  `[].map(f)` for older browsers
nodejs-array-reduce 0.0.0 6.fc30	3378	Unspecified	`[].reduce()` for old browsers
  `[].reduce()` for old browsers
nodejs-array-union 1.0.1 7.fc30	2460	Unspecified	Create an array of unique values, in order, from the input arrays
  Create an array of unique values, in order, from the input arrays.
nodejs-array-uniq 1.0.2 7.fc30	3540	Unspecified	Create an array without duplicates
  Create an array without duplicates.
nodejs-array-unique 0.3.2 5.fc30	7161	Unspecified	Return an array free of duplicate values
  Return an array free of duplicate values. Fastest ES5 implementation.
nodejs-arraybuffer-dot-slice 0.0.7 4.fc30	3430	Unspecified	Exports a function for slicing ArrayBuffers (no polyfilling)
  Exports a function for slicing ArrayBuffers (no polyfilling)
nodejs-arraybuffer-equal 1.0.4 4.fc30	2879	Unspecified	Determines if two array buffers contain the exact same content
  Determines if two array buffers contain the exact same content
nodejs-arrify 1.0.1 5.fc30	2339	Unspecified	Convert a value to an array
  Convert a value to an array.
nodejs-asap 2.0.3 8.fc30	28049	Unspecified	High-priority task queue for Node.js and browser
  High-priority task queue for Node.js and browser.
nodejs-ascii-tree 0.1.1 9.fc30	4202	Unspecified	A node module for generating a text tree in ASCII
  Editing an ASCII tree manually is not easy, the freetree module provides an
  easy way for creating in-memory tree data structure from simple bullet items.
  This ascii-tree module leverages freetree and outputs formatted tree in ascii
nodejs-ascli 1.0.0 6.fc30	21123	Unspecified	A uniform foundation for unobtrusive (ASCII art in) cli apps
  A uniform foundation for unobtrusive (ASCII art in) cli apps.
nodejs-asn1 0.1.11 13.fc30	18021	Unspecified	Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)
  nodejs-asn1 is a library for encoding and decoding Abstract Syntax Notation One
  (ASN.1) datatypes in pure JavaScript. ASN.1 is  is a standard and notation that
  describes rules and structures for representing, encoding, transmitting, and
  decoding data in telecommunications and computer networking.
  Currently Basic Encoding Rules (BER) encoding is supported; at some point
  Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) will likely also be supported.
nodejs-assert-plus 1.0.0 6.fc30	10798	Unspecified	Extra assertions on top of node's assert module
  This library is a super small wrapper over node's assert module that has two
  things: (1) the ability to disable assertions with the environment variable
  NODE_NDEBUG, and (2) some API wrappers for argument testing.
nodejs-assertion-error 1.1.0 4.fc30	5366	Unspecified	Error constructor for test and validation frameworks
  Error constructor for test and validation frameworks that implements
  standardized AssertionError specification.
nodejs-assume 2.1.0 1.fc30	153297	Unspecified	Expect-like assertions that works seamlessly in node and browsers
  Expect-like assertions that works seamlessly in node and browsers
nodejs-ast-traverse 0.1.1 8.fc30	5114	Unspecified	Simple but flexible AST traversal
  Simple but flexible AST traversal with pre and post visitors. Works in node and
nodejs-ast-types 0.8.13 7.fc30	132202	Unspecified	Esprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API
  This module provides an efficient, modular, Esprima-compatible implementation
  of the abstract syntax tree type hierarchy pioneered by the Mozilla Parser API.
nodejs-astral 0.1.0 11.fc30	6235	Unspecified	AST tooling framework for JavaScript
  AST tooling framework for JavaScript focused on modularity and performance.
  The goal is to make it easy to create, share, and combine tools that operate on
  ASTs. The architecture inspired by llvm.
nodejs-astral-angular-annotate 0.0.2 11.fc30	16491	Unspecified	AngularJS DI annotation pass for astral
  A pass for Astral to generate AngularJS DI annotations automatically.
nodejs-astral-pass 0.1.0 9.fc30	4632	Unspecified	Pass system for Astral
  Pass helper for Astral that simplifies traversal.
nodejs-async 1.5.2 6.fc30	107883	Unspecified	Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
  Async is a utility module which provides straight-forward, powerful functions
  for working with asynchronous JavaScript. Although originally designed for
  use with Node.js, it can also be used directly in the browser.
  Async provides around 20 functions that include the usual 'functional'
  suspects (map, reduce, filter, forEach…) as well as some common patterns
  for asynchronous control flow (parallel, series, waterfall…). All these
  functions assume you follow the Node.js convention of providing a single
  callback as the last argument of your async function.
nodejs-async-array-reduce 0.2.0 6.fc30	6128	Unspecified	Async reduce
  Async reduce.
nodejs-async-arrays 1.0.1 3.fc30	14490	Unspecified	Async control for arrays
  Async control for arrays
nodejs-async-cache 1.1.0 4.fc30	6250	Unspecified	Cache your async lookups and don't fetch the same thing more than necessary
  Cache your async lookups and don't fetch the same thing more than necessary.
nodejs-async-each 1.0.1 4.fc30	3565	Unspecified	Async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript
  Async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript.
nodejs-async-limiter 1.0.0 4.fc30	6696	Unspecified	An asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency
  An asynchronous function queue with adjustable concurrency.
nodejs-async-queue 0.1.0 8.fc30	5742	Unspecified	Simple FIFO queue to execute async functions linear
  Simple FIFO queue to execute async functions linear.
nodejs-async-some 1.0.2 7.fc30	4829	Unspecified	Short-circuited, asynchronous version of Array.prototype.some
  Short-circuited, asynchronous version of Array.prototype.some
nodejs-asynckit 0.4.0 4.fc30	27362	Unspecified	Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support
  Minimal async jobs utility library, with streams support
nodejs-atob 2.1.1 3.fc30	34009	Unspecified	An atob function for Node.JS and Linux / Mac / Windows CLI
  Provides atob for Node.JS and Linux / Mac / Windows CLI (it's a one-liner)
nodejs-auto-bind 1.1.0 4.fc30	3159	Unspecified	Automatically bind methods to their class instance
  Automatically bind methods to their class instance
nodejs-autoresolve 0.0.3 4.fc30	3472	Unspecified	A simple module to auto resolve module paths
  A simple module to auto resolve module paths.
nodejs-ava-init 0.2.1 3.fc29	7014	Unspecified	Add AVA to your project
  Add AVA to your project
nodejs-aws-sign 0.3.0 11.fc30	4344	Unspecified	AWS signing for Node.js
  Simple module to calculate Authorization header for Amazon AWS REST requests.
nodejs-aws-sign2 0.6.0 7.fc30	14187	Unspecified	Node.js module for AWS signing
  Node.js module for AWS signing.
nodejs-aws4 1.6.0 4.fc30	31861	Unspecified	Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4
  Signs and prepares requests using AWS Signature Version 4
nodejs-babel-code-frame 6.26.0 3.fc30	129436	Unspecified	Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations
  Generate errors that contain a code frame that point to source locations.
nodejs-babel-plugin-syntax-async-functions 6.13.0 3.fc30	2185	Unspecified	Allow parsing of async functions
  Allow parsing of async functions
nodejs-babel-plugin-syntax-async-generators 6.13.0 3.fc30	2213	Unspecified	Allow parsing of async generator functions
  Allow parsing of async generator functions
nodejs-babel-runtime 6.23.0 5.fc30	40317	Unspecified	The babel selfContained runtime
  The babel selfContained runtime
nodejs-babylon 6.18.0 3.fc30	282134	Unspecified	A JavaScript parser
  A JavaScript parser
nodejs-backbone 1.3.3 6.fc30	73438	Unspecified	Models, Views, Collections, and Events for JavaScript applications (Nodejs module)
  Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by providing
  models key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of
  enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it
  all to your existing application over a RESTful JSON interface.
  This package provides Backbone as a Nodejs module, for use in server-side
  applications or with browserify.
nodejs-backoff 2.5.0 4.fc30	493437	Unspecified	Fibonacci and exponential backoffs
  Fibonacci and exponential backoffs.
nodejs-balanced-match 1.0.0 4.fc30	6651	Unspecified	Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"
  Match balanced character pairs, like "{" and "}"
nodejs-base 0.13.1 4.fc30	123853	Unspecified	Framework for rapidly creating node.js applications, using plugins
  Framework for rapidly creating high quality node.js applications, using plugins
  like building blocks
nodejs-base-plugins 1.0.0 5.fc30	16229	Unspecified	Adds smart plugin support to your base application
  Adds smart plugin support to your base application.
nodejs-base32-encode 0.1.0 4.fc30	7401	Unspecified	Base32 encoder with support for multiple variants.
  Base32 encoder with support for multiple variants.
nodejs-base64-arraybuffer 0.1.5 4.fc30	4721	Unspecified	Encode/decode base64 data into ArrayBuffers
  Encode/decode base64 data into ArrayBuffers
nodejs-base64-js 1.0.2 7.fc30	6607	Unspecified	Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS
  base64-js does basic base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS.
  Many browsers already have base64 encoding/decoding functionality, but it is
  for text data, not all-purpose binary data.  Sometimes encoding/decoding binary
  data in the browser is useful, and that is what this module does.
nodejs-base64-url 2.2.0 3.fc30	3998	Unspecified	Base64 encode, decode, escape and unescape for URL applications
  Base64 encode, decode, escape and unescape for URL applications
nodejs-base64id 1.0.0 4.fc30	4236	Unspecified	Generates a base64 id
  Generates a base64 id
nodejs-bash-match 1.0.2 4.fc30	12096	Unspecified	Match strings using bash, does not work on windows
  Match strings using bash. Does not work on windows, and does not read from the
  file system. This library requires that Bash 4.3 or higher is installed and is
  mostly used for checking parity in unit tests.
nodejs-basic-auth 1.1.0 5.fc30	8089	Unspecified	Generic basic auth Authorization header field parser for whatever
  Generic basic auth Authorization header field parser for NodeJS
nodejs-basic-auth-connect 1.0.0 9.fc30	5938	Unspecified	Basic authentication middleware for Node.js and Connect
  Basic authentication middleware for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-basic-auth-parser 0.0.2 7.fc30	2329	Unspecified	Parse Basic Auth Authorization HTTP headers
  Parse Basic Auth Authorization HTTP headers.
nodejs-batch 0.5.0 10.fc30	7198	Unspecified	Asynchronous batch module with concurrency control and progress reporting
  Asynchronous batch module with concurrency control and progress reporting.
nodejs-bcrypt 0.8.7 14.fc30	1712232	Unspecified	A bcrypt library for NodeJS
  A bcrypt library for NodeJS.
nodejs-bcryptjs 2.4.3 4.fc30	147729	Unspecified	Optimized bcrypt in plain JavaScript with zero dependencies
  Optimized bcrypt in plain JavaScript with zero dependencies. Compatible to
nodejs-beeper 1.1.0 6.fc30	3700	Unspecified	Make your terminal beep
  Make your terminal beep
nodejs-benchmark 2.0.0 7.fc30	177883	Unspecified	A JavaScript benchmarking library
  A benchmarking library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms, supports
  high-resolution timers, and returns statistically significant results.
nodejs-better-assert 1.0.2 7.fc30	3840	Unspecified	C-style assert() for Node.js
  C-style assert() for Node.js, reporting the expression string as the error
nodejs-better-than-before 1.0.0 4.fc30	6791	Unspecified	Better setup for tests
  Better setup for tests
nodejs-bignumber-js 2.4.0 7.fc30	250057	Unspecified	Library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic
  A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic.
nodejs-bind-obj-methods 2.0.0 4.fc30	2985	Unspecified	Bind methods to an object from that object or some other source
  Bind methods to an object from that object or some other source. Optionally
  specify a set of methods to skip over.
nodejs-bindings 1.3.0 4.fc30	8925	Unspecified	Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
  This is a helper module for authors of Node.js native addon modules.
  It is basically the "swiss army knife" of require()ing your native module's
  .node file.
  Throughout the course of Node's native addon history, addons have ended up
  being compiled in a variety of different places, depending on which build tool
  and which version of node was used. To make matters worse, now the gyp build
  tool can produce either a Release or Debug build, each being built into
  different locations.
  This module checks all the possible locations that a native addon would be
  built at, and returns the first one that loads successfully.
nodejs-bit-mask 1.0.2 3.fc30	9910	Unspecified	A utility for manipulating bit masks
  A utility for manipulating bit masks
nodejs-bl 1.2.1 4.fc30	19231	Unspecified	A Node.js Buffer list collector, reader and streamer
  bl is a storage object for collections of Node Buffers, exposing them with the
  main Buffer readable API. Also works as a duplex stream so you can collect
  buffers from a stream that emits them and emit buffers to a stream that
  consumes them!
nodejs-blob 0.0.4 4.fc30	4055	Unspecified	Abstracts out Blob and uses BlobBulder in cases where it is supported
  Abstracts out Blob and uses BlobBulder in cases where it is supported with any
  vendor prefix.
nodejs-block-stream 0.0.7 10.fc30	8732	Unspecified	A stream of blocks
  Write data into it, and it'll output data in buffer blocks the size you
  specify, padding with zeroes if necessary.
nodejs-bluebird 2.9.12 8.fc30	388342	Unspecified	Full featured Promises/A+ implementation
  Bluebird is a fully featured promise library with focus on innovative features
  and performance
nodejs-body-parser 1.18.3 3.fc30	56015	Unspecified	Node.js body parsing middleware
  Parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers,
  available under the req.body property.
  This does not handle multipart bodies, due to their complex and
  typically large nature.
nodejs-boolbase 1.0.0 8.fc30	12891	Unspecified	Two functions: One that returns true, one that returns false
  Two functions: One that returns true, one that returns false
nodejs-boom 2.10.1 8.fc30	56063	Unspecified	HTTP friendly error objects
  This library provides friendly JavaScript objects that represent HTTP errors.
nodejs-brace-expansion 1.1.11 3.fc30	12179	Unspecified	Brace expansion as known from sh/bash
  Brace expansion as known from sh/bash
nodejs-braces 2.3.2 3.fc30	67852	Unspecified	Fastest brace expansion for node.js
  Fastest brace expansion for node.js, with the most complete support for the
  Bash 4.3 braces specification.
nodejs-breakable 1.0.0 8.fc30	4514	Unspecified	Break out of functions
  Break out of functions, recursive or not, in a more composable way than by
  using exceptions explicitly. Non-local return.
nodejs-browser-stdout 1.3.0 4.fc30	2276	Unspecified	A process.stdout for your browser
  A process.stdout for your browser.
nodejs-bson 0.4.23 7.fc30	179082	Unspecified	A bson parser for node.js and the browser
  A JS/C++ Bson parser for node, used in the MongoDB Native driver.
nodejs-buble 0.16.0 4.fc30	2455120	Unspecified	The blazing fast, batteries-included ES2015 compiler
  The blazing fast, batteries-included ES2015 compiler
nodejs-buf-compare 1.0.0 6.fc30	3238	Unspecified	Node.js 0.12 ponyfill
  Node.js 0.12 ponyfill
nodejs-buffer-crc32 0.2.1 15.fc30	7151	Unspecified	A pure JavaScript CRC32 algorithm that plays nice with binary data
  This Node.js module provides a pure JavaScript CRC32 algorithm that works
  with binary data and fancy character sets, output buffers, signed or unsigned
  data and also has tests.
  It is derived from the sample CRC implementation in the PNG specification:
nodejs-buffer-equal 0.0.0 14.fc30	2206	Unspecified	Returns whether two buffers are equal
  Returns whether two buffers are equal.
nodejs-buffer-writer 2.0.0 1.fc30	6906	Unspecified	Read binary packets...
  Read binary packets...
nodejs-buffertools 2.1.3 23.fc30	47141	Unspecified	Working with node.js buffers made easy
  Working with node.js buffers made easy.
nodejs-bufferutil 3.0.5 5.fc30	26263	Unspecified	WebSocket buffer utils
  bufferutil provides some utilities to efficiently perform
  some operations such as masking and unmasking the data
  payload of WebSocket frames.
nodejs-builtin-modules 1.1.1 7.fc30	3799	Unspecified	List of the Node.js builtin modules
  List of the Node.js builtin modules
nodejs-builtins 1.0.2 7.fc30	2534	Unspecified	List of node.js builtin modules
  List of node.js builtin modules
nodejs-bundle-dependencies 1.0.2 8.fc30	11338	Unspecified	Generates bundledDependencies package.json value
  Generates bundledDependencies package.json value using values of the
  dependencies property.
nodejs-bunker 0.1.2 14.fc30	8133	Unspecified	Code coverage in native JavaScript
  Bunker is a module to calculate code coverage written in native JavaScript.
  It uses AST trickery with the help of the nodejs-burrito package.
nodejs-bunyan 1.8.12 4.fc30	178107	Unspecified	A JSON logging library for node.js services
  A JSON logging library for node.js services
nodejs-burrito 0.2.12 18.fc30	194612	Unspecified	Wrap up expressions with a trace function while walking the AST
  Burrito makes it easy to do crazy stuff with the JavaScript AST.
  This is useful if you want to roll your own stack traces or build a code
  coverage tool.
nodejs-busboy 0.2.14 4.fc30	652168	Unspecified	A streaming parser for HTML form data for node.js
  A streaming parser for HTML form data for node.js
nodejs-byline 5.0.0 4.fc30	10002	Unspecified	Simple line-by-line stream reader
  Simple line-by-line stream reader
nodejs-bytes 2.4.0 5.fc30	9871	Unspecified	Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa
  Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa
nodejs-cache-base 1.0.1 5.fc30	16725	Unspecified	Basic object cache with get, set, del, and has methods
  Basic object cache with get, set, del, and has methods for node.js/javascript
nodejs-caching-transform 1.0.1 6.fc30	9164	Unspecified	Wraps a transform and provides caching
  Wraps a transform and provides caching
nodejs-call-delayed 1.0.0 5.fc30	3754	Unspecified	Like setTimeout, but with arguments reversed
  setTimeout, but with arguments reversed.
nodejs-call-matcher 1.0.1 4.fc30	15493	Unspecified	ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature
  ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature
nodejs-call-me-maybe 1.0.1 3.fc30	3081	Unspecified	Let your JS API users either give you a callback or receive a promise
  Let your JS API users either give you a callback or receive a promise
nodejs-call-signature 0.0.2 6.fc30	6216	Unspecified	Parse / Generate Method Signatures
  Parse / Generate Method Signatures
nodejs-callback-stream 1.1.0 4.fc30	5644	Unspecified	A pipeable stream that calls your callback
  A pipeable stream that calls your callback
nodejs-caller-callsite 2.0.0 6.fc30	3480	Unspecified	Get the callsite of the caller function
  Get the callsite of the caller function.
nodejs-caller-path 2.0.0 8.fc30	2827	Unspecified	Get the path of the caller module
  Get the path of the caller module. You can't use module.parent as modules are
  cached and it will return the first caller module, not necessarily the current
nodejs-callsite 1.0.0 13.fc30	3548	Unspecified	Provides access to V8's "raw" CallSites from Node.js
  Provides access to V8's "raw" CallSites from Node.js.
  This is useful for custom traces, C-style assertions, getting the line number in
  execution, and more.
nodejs-callsites 2.0.0 7.fc30	3934	Unspecified	Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API
  Get callsites from the V8 stack trace API.
nodejs-camel-case 1.2.0 7.fc30	4460	Unspecified	Camel case a string
  Camel case a string.
nodejs-camelcase 4.1.0 4.fc30	4317	Unspecified	Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase
  Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase:
  foo-bar → fooBar
nodejs-camelcase-keys 4.1.0 4.fc30	4628	Unspecified	Convert object keys to camelCase
  Convert object keys to camelCase
nodejs-caniuse-db 1.0.30000349 7.fc30	1211	Unspecified	Raw browser/feature support data from
  This repo contains raw data from the support tables. It servers
  two purposes:
nodejs-carrier 0.1.14 8.fc30	4972	Unspecified	Evented stream line reader for node.js
  carrier helps you implement new-line terminated protocols over node.js.
  The client can send you chunks of lines and carrier will only notify you on
  each completed line
nodejs-caseless 0.11.1 6.fc30	12638	Unspecified	Encode and decode streams into string streams
  Encode and decode streams into string streams.
nodejs-center-align 1.0.1 4.fc30	6678	Unspecified	Center-align the text in a string
  Center-align the text in a string.
nodejs-chai 3.5.0 9.fc30	387200	Unspecified	BDD/TDD assertion library for Node.js and the browser
  Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that
  can be delightfully paired with any JavaScript testing framework.
nodejs-chai-as-promised 7.1.1 3.fc30	27541	Unspecified	Extends Chai with assertions about promises
  Extends Chai with assertions about promises.
nodejs-chai-cheerio 1.0.0 3.fc30	10495	Unspecified	Cheerio assertions for the Chai assertion library
  Cheerio assertions for the Chai assertion library
nodejs-chai-connect-middleware 0.3.1 9.fc30	7916	Unspecified	Helpers for testing Connect middleware with Chai
  Helpers for testing Connect middleware with the Chai assertion library.
nodejs-chai-fs 2.0.0 3.fc30	56060	Unspecified	Chai assertions for Node.js filesystem
  Chai assertions for Node.js filesystem
nodejs-chai-json-schema 1.5.0 3.fc30	15680	Unspecified	Chai plugin for JSON Schema v4
  Chai plugin for JSON Schema v4
nodejs-chai-oauth2orize-grant 0.3.0 4.fc30	6660	Unspecified	Helpers for testing OAuth2orize grants with the Chai assertion library
  Helpers for testing OAuth2orize grants with the Chai assertion library.
nodejs-chai-passport-strategy 1.0.1 4.fc30	9003	Unspecified	Helpers for testing Passport strategies with Chai
  Helpers for testing Passport strategies with the Chai assertion library.
nodejs-chai-spies-next 0.9.3 3.fc30	54276	Unspecified	Spies for the Chai assertion library
  Spies for the Chai assertion library.
nodejs-chainer 0.0.6 4.fc30	7074	Unspecified	Super simple and lightweight function chain
  Super simple and lightweight function chain.
nodejs-chalk 1.1.3 6.fc30	12077	Unspecified	Terminal string styling done right
  Terminal string styling done right.
nodejs-change-case 2.3.0 7.fc30	16618	Unspecified	Convert a string between camelCase, PascalCase, Title Case, snake_case and more
  Convert strings between camelCase, PascalCase, Title Case, snake_case,
  lowercase, UPPERCASE, CONSTANT_CASE and more.
nodejs-char-spinner 1.0.1 10.fc30	3626	Unspecified	Node.js char spinner
  Put a little spinner on process.stderr, as unobtrusively as possible.
nodejs-character-parser 1.2.0 9.fc30	13603	Unspecified	Parse JavaScript one character at a time to look for snippets in templates
  Parse JavaScript one character at a time to look for snippets in templates.
  This is not a validator, it's just designed to allow you to have sections
  of JavaScript delimited by brackets robustly.
nodejs-chardet 0.7.0 2.fc30	74791	Unspecified	Character detection tool for NodeJS
  Chardet is a character detection module for NodeJS written in pure Javascript.
  Module is based on ICU project, which uses
  character occurency analysis to determine the most probable encoding.
nodejs-charenc 0.0.2 3.fc30	2933	Unspecified	Character encoding utilities
  Character encoding utilities.
nodejs-charm 0.1.2 13.fc30	17873	Unspecified	ANSI control sequences for terminal cursor hopping and colors
  Uses ANSI control sequences to write colors and cursor positions to terminals.
nodejs-check-env 1.3.0 2.fc30	3291	Unspecified	Makes sure that all required environment variables are set
  Makes sure that all required environment variables are set.
nodejs-check-error 1.0.2 3.fc30	20235	Unspecified	Error comparison and information related utility for node and the browser
  Error comparison and information related utility for node and the browser
nodejs-cheerio 0.20.0 4.fc30	102569	Unspecified	Tiny, fast implementation of core jQuery for the server
  Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically
  for the server
nodejs-child-process-close 0.1.1 12.fc30	3357	Unspecified	Make child_process objects emit 'close' events
  This module makes child process objects, (created with spawn, fork, exec or
  execFile) emit the close event in node v0.6 like they do in node v0.8. This
  makes it easier to write code that works correctly on both versions of node.
nodejs-chmodr 0.1.0 14.fc30	3120	Unspecified	Recursively change UNIX file permissions
  Recursively change UNIX file permissions, like `chmod -R`.
nodejs-chownr 1.0.1 7.fc30	2669	Unspecified	Changes file permissions recursively
  Changes file permissions recursively, like `chown -R`.
nodejs-chroma-js 2.0.3 1.fc30	153425	Unspecified	JavaScript library for color conversions
  JavaScript library for color conversions.
nodejs-chrono 1.0.5 9.fc30	15146	Unspecified	Format dates in JavaScript
  Allows formatting of time in a `strftime` style, but with syntax taken
  from PHP's date function. It implements pretty much all of the tokens
  from PHP's date function, except for B (Swatch internet time) and
  e (Content/City timezone identifier). You can escape characters with
  a `\` (remember to encode the `\` in a string as well). All other
  characters will be printed as they appear in the format string.
nodejs-ci-info 1.1.3 3.fc30	6120	Unspecified	Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment
  Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment
nodejs-circular-json 0.3.3 4.fc30	20931	Unspecified	JSON does not handle circular references. This version does
  JSON does not handle circular references. This version does
nodejs-cjson 0.3.2 8.fc30	11833	Unspecified	Commented JavaScript Object Notation
  cjson - Commented JavaScript Object Notation. It is a json loader, which parses
  only valid json files, but with comments enabled. Useful for loading configs.
nodejs-clap 1.2.3 4.fc30	25520	Unspecified	Command line argument parser
  Command line argument parser
nodejs-class-utils 0.3.6 3.fc30	21810	Unspecified	Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods
  Utils for working with JavaScript classes and prototype methods.
nodejs-clean-css 3.4.6 8.fc30	296215	Unspecified	A well-tested CSS minifier
  Clean-css is a fast and efficient [Node.js]( library for
  minifying CSS files.
nodejs-clean-yaml-object 0.1.0 6.fc30	5629	Unspecified	Clean up an object prior to serialization
  Clean up an object prior to serialization
nodejs-clear-require 2.0.0 3.fc30	3738	Unspecified	Clear a module from the require cache
  Clear a module from the require cache
nodejs-cli 0.5.0 9.fc30	49703	Unspecified	Node.js module for rapidly building command line apps
  cli is a toolkit for rapidly building command line apps. It includes:
   - Full featured options/arguments parser
   - Plugin support for adding common options and switches
   - Helper methods for working with input/output and spawning child processes
   - Output colored/styled messages, progress bars or spinners
   - Command auto-completion and glob support
nodejs-cli-color 1.1.0 7.fc30	54747	Unspecified	Colors, formatting and other tools for the console
  Colors, formatting and other tools for the console
nodejs-cli-spinner 0.2.4 6.fc30	83969	Unspecified	A simple spinner
  A simple spinner
nodejs-cli-table 0.3.1 6.fc30	15879	Unspecified	Pretty unicode tables for the CLI
  Pretty unicode tables for the CLI
nodejs-cliui 3.2.0 6.fc30	12872	Unspecified	Easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces
  Easily create complex multi-column command-line-interfaces
nodejs-clone 1.0.2 7.fc30	10506	Unspecified	Deep cloning of objects and arrays
  Offers foolproof deep cloning of variables in JavaScript.
nodejs-clone-deep 1.0.0 4.fc30	7384	Unspecified	Recursively (deep) clone types, like Object, Array, RegExp, Date, primitives
  Recursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types, like Object, Array, RegExp,
  Date as well as primitives.
nodejs-clone-stats 0.0.1 6.fc30	2948	Unspecified	Safely clone node's fs.Stats instances without losing their class methods
  Safely clone node's fs.Stats instances without losing their class methods
nodejs-closure-compiler 0.2.10 7.fc30	3771	Unspecified	Bindings to Google's Closure Compiler for Node.js
  A wrapper to the Google Closure compiler tool. It runs the jar file
  in a child process and returns the results in a callback.
nodejs-cls 0.1.5 8.fc30	8135	Unspecified	Class factory
  Class factory featuring inheritance of static properties, static constructors,
  lazy population of prototypes, and this._super.
nodejs-cmd-shim 2.0.2 5.fc30	7556	Unspecified	Used to create executable scripts on Windows and Unix
  The cmd-shim used in npm to create executable scripts on Windows, since symlinks
  are not suitable for this purpose there.
  On Unix systems, you should use a symbolic link instead, but this module
  supports creating shell script shims also.
nodejs-co 4.6.0 6.fc30	12508	Unspecified	Generator async flow control goodness
  Generator based flow-control goodness for nodejs and the browser, using
  thunks _or_ promises, letting you write non-blocking code in a nice-ish
nodejs-co-mocha 1.1.2 6.fc30	17282	Unspecified	Enable support for generators in Mocha tests
  Enable support for generators in Mocha tests
nodejs-co-with-promise 4.6.0 4.fc30	24623	Unspecified	Generator async control flow goodness
  Generator async control flow goodness
nodejs-coa 2.0.0 4.fc30	69382	Unspecified	Command-Option-Argument: Another parser for command line options
  Command-Option-Argument: Yet another parser for command line options.
nodejs-code-point-at 1.0.0 7.fc30	3071	Unspecified	ES2015 String#codePointAt() ponyfill
  ES2015 String#codePointAt() ponyfill
nodejs-codemirror 4.8.0 8.fc30	3004504	Unspecified	A versatile JS text editor
  CodeMirror is a JavaScript component that provides a code editor in
  the browser. When a mode is available for the language you are coding
  in, it will color your code, and optionally help with indentation.
nodejs-coffee-coverage 2.0.1 5.fc30	112594	Unspecified	Istanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for CoffeeScript files
  Istanbul and JSCoverage-style instrumentation for CoffeeScript files.
nodejs-collection-visit 1.0.0 4.fc30	6848	Unspecified	Visit a method over  items in object, or map visit over objects in array
  Visit a method over the items in an object, or map visit over the objects in an
nodejs-collections 1.2.4 7.fc30	215302	Unspecified	Data structures with idiomatic JavaScript collection interfaces
  This package contains JavaScript implementations of common data structures
  with idiomatic interfaces, including extensions for Array and Object.
nodejs-color-support 1.1.3 4.fc30	9229	Unspecified	A module which will guess your terminal's level of color support
  A module which will endeavor to guess your terminal's level of color support.
nodejs-colors 1.2.1 3.fc30	32096	Unspecified	Get colors in your Node.js console
  Get colors in your Node.js console.
nodejs-colour 0.7.1 8.fc30	22043	Unspecified	A cored, fixed, documented and optimized version of `colors.js`
  A cored, fixed, documented and optimized version of the popular `colors.js`:
  Get colors in your node.js console like what...
nodejs-columnify 1.5.4 7.fc30	38410	Unspecified	Render data in text columns. supports in-column text-wrap
  Render data in text columns. supports in-column text-wrap
nodejs-combined-stream 1.0.5 7.fc30	10576	Unspecified	A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
  A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another.
nodejs-commander 2.9.0 7.fc30	44243	Unspecified	Node.js command-line interfaces made easy
  The complete solution for Node.js command-line interfaces,
  inspired by Ruby's commander.
nodejs-common-path-prefix 1.0.0 4.fc30	4210	Unspecified	Computes the longest prefix string that is common to each path
  Computes the longest prefix string that is common to each path, excluding the
  base component
nodejs-commondir 1.0.1 6.fc30	3421	Unspecified	Compute the closest common parent for file paths
  Compute the closest common parent for file paths
nodejs-commoner 0.10.4 8.fc30	73328	Unspecified	Tool for translating any dialect of JavaScript to Node CommonJS modules
  Tool for translating any dialect of JavaScript to Node CommonJS modules.
nodejs-commonmark 0.24.0 7.fc30	131312	Unspecified	A strongly specified, highly compatible variant of Markdown
  A strongly specified, highly compatible variant of Markdown
nodejs-compare-func 1.3.2 4.fc30	4865	Unspecified	Get a compare function for array to sort
  Get a compare function for array to sort
nodejs-compare-versions 3.2.1 3.fc30	7281	Unspecified	Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser
  Compare semver version strings to find greater, equal or lesser.
nodejs-component-emitter 1.2.1 5.fc30	7220	Unspecified	An event emitter component for Node.js
  An event emitter component for Node.js.
nodejs-component-indexof 0.0.3 7.fc30	2059	Unspecified	A lame indexOf thing
  A lame indexOf thing
nodejs-component-inherit 0.0.3 4.fc30	1924	Unspecified	Prototype inheritance utility
  Prototype inheritance utility
nodejs-compress-commons 0.4.1 7.fc30	31362	Unspecified	A library that defines a common interface for working with archive formats
  Compress Commons is a library that defines a common interface for working with
  archive formats within node.
nodejs-compressible 2.0.9 5.fc30	6373	Unspecified	Compressible Content-Type/MIME checking for Node.js
  Compressible Content-Type/MIME checking for Node.js.
nodejs-compression 1.7.1 3.fc29	22818	Unspecified	Compression middleware for Node.js and Connect
  Compression middleware for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-concat-map 0.0.1 8.fc30	3743	Unspecified	Concatenative mapdashery
  Concatenative mapdashery
nodejs-concat-stream 1.6.0 6.fc30	9631	Unspecified	Writable stream that concatenates data and calls a callback with the result
  Writable stream that concatenates data and calls a callback with the result.
nodejs-config-chain 1.1.10 7.fc30	14387	Unspecified	Handle configuration once and for all
  Use this module to load all your configurations.
nodejs-connect 3.6.5 4.fc30	95184	Unspecified	High performance middleware framework for Node.js
  Connect is an extensible HTTP server framework for node, providing high
  performance "plugins" known as middleware.
  Connect is bundled with over 20 commonly used middleware, including a logger,
  session support, cookie parser, and more.
nodejs-connect-livereload 0.4.0 9.fc30	10524	Unspecified	Connect middleware for adding the livereload script to the response
  Connect middleware for adding the livereload script to the response.  No
  browser plugin is needed.  If you are happy with a browser plugin, then you
  don't need this middleware.
nodejs-connect-timeout 1.0.0 9.fc30	3285	Unspecified	Timeout middleware for Node.js and Connect
  Timeout middleware for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-console-browserify 1.1.0 8.fc30	5174	Unspecified	Emulate console for all the browsers
  Emulate console for all the browsers.
nodejs-console-dot-log 0.1.3 13.fc30	3310	Unspecified	A console.log implementation that plays nice with large amounts of data
  A console.log implementation that plays nice with large amounts of data.
  It keeps the node alive until the output has flushed to the screen.
nodejs-console-group 0.3.3 3.fc30	4678	Unspecified	A basic implementation for node
  A basic implementation for node
nodejs-consolemd 0.1.2 4.fc30	12736	Unspecified	An echomd conversion tool for browsers and console
  An echomd conversion tool for browsers and console.
nodejs-constant-case 1.1.1 7.fc30	3743	Unspecified	Constant case a string
  Constant case a string.
nodejs-constantinople 2.0.0 13.fc30	4520	Unspecified	Determine whether a JavaScript expression evaluates to a constant
  Determine whether a JavaScript expression evaluates to a constant.
nodejs-content-disposition 0.5.2 4.fc30	18530	Unspecified	Create and parse Content-Disposition header
  Create and parse Content-Disposition header
nodejs-content-type 1.0.4 4.fc30	10200	Unspecified	Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header according to RFC 7231
  Create and parse HTTP Content-Type header according to RFC 7231
nodejs-conventional-changelog 1.1.24 2.fc29	32488	Unspecified	Generate a changelog from git metadata
  Generate a changelog from git metadata
nodejs-conventional-changelog-angular 1.6.6 3.fc30	21657	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog angular preset
  A conventional-changelog angular preset
nodejs-conventional-changelog-atom 0.2.8 3.fc30	12331	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog atom preset
  A conventional-changelog atom preset.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-codemirror 0.3.8 3.fc30	11121	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog CodeMirror preset
  A conventional-changelog CodeMirror preset.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-core 2.0.11 2.fc29	36455	Unspecified	The conventional-changelog core
  The conventional-changelog core.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-ember 0.3.12 3.fc30	14813	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog ember preset
  A conventional-changelog ember preset.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-eslint 1.0.9 3.fc30	13672	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog eslint preset
  A conventional-changelog eslint preset.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-express 0.3.6 3.fc30	10457	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog express preset
  A conventional-changelog express preset.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-jquery 1.3.8 3.fc30	13225	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog jquery preset
  A conventional-changelog jquery preset
nodejs-conventional-changelog-jscs 0.1.0 3.fc30	6225	Unspecified	conventional-changelog jscs preset
  conventional-changelog jscs preset
nodejs-conventional-changelog-jshint 0.3.8 3.fc30	14251	Unspecified	A conventional-changelog jshint preset
  A conventional-changelog jshint preset.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-preset-loader 1.1.8 3.fc30	8884	Unspecified	Configuration preset loader for conventional-changelog
  Configuration preset loader for conventional-changelog.
nodejs-conventional-changelog-writer 3.0.9 3.fc30	28634	Unspecified	Write logs based on conventional commits and templates
  Write logs based on conventional commits and templates
nodejs-conventional-commits-filter 1.1.6 3.fc30	10025	Unspecified	Filter out reverted commits parsed by conventional-commits-parser
  Filter out reverted commits parsed by conventional-commits-parser
nodejs-conventional-commits-parser 2.1.7 4.fc30	48903	Unspecified	Parse raw conventional commits
  Parse raw conventional commits
nodejs-conventional-recommended-bump 2.0.8 2.fc29	20765	Unspecified	Get a recommended version bump based on conventional commits
  Get a recommended version bump based on conventional commits
nodejs-convert-hex 0.1.0 4.fc30	3731	Unspecified	Convert to/from hex string and array of bytes
  Convert to/from hex string and array of bytes
nodejs-convert-source-map 1.5.1 3.fc30	11000	Unspecified	Converts a source-map from/to different formats
  Converts a source-map from/to  different formats and allows adding/changing
nodejs-cookie 0.3.1 4.fc30	14202	Unspecified	Cookie parsing and serialization for Node.js
  This Node.js module is a basic cookie parser and serializer. It doesn't
  make assumptions about how you are going to deal with your cookies. It
  basically just provides a way to read and write the HTTP cookie headers.
  See RFC6265 for details about the HTTP header for cookies.
nodejs-cookie-jar 0.3.0 11.fc30	3269	Unspecified	A cookie handling and cookie jar library for Node.js
  A cookie handling and cookie jar library for Node.js.
nodejs-cookie-parser 1.4.3 5.fc30	9220	Unspecified	A Node.js module for cookie parsing with signatures
  Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies with an object keyed by the
  cookie names. Optionally you may enabled signed cookie support by passing a
  secret string, which assigns req.secret so it may be used by other middleware.
nodejs-cookie-session 1.3.2 4.fc30	14818	Unspecified	Cookie session middleware
  Cookie session middleware
nodejs-cookie-signature 1.0.6 4.fc30	5006	Unspecified	Node.js module to sign and unsign cookies
  Node.js module to sign and unsign cookies.
nodejs-cookiejar 2.0.6 5.fc30	13493	Unspecified	A simple, persistent cookie jar system for Node.js
  A simple, persistent cookie jar system for Node.js.
nodejs-cookies 0.7.1 4.fc30	19432	Unspecified	Cookies, optionally signed using Keygrip
  Cookies, optionally signed using Keygrip.
nodejs-copy-descriptor 0.1.1 4.fc30	8495	Unspecified	Copy a descriptor from object A to object B
  Copy a descriptor from object A to object B
nodejs-core-assert 0.2.1 4.fc30	15018	Unspecified	Node.js `assert` as a standalone module
  Node.js `assert` as a standalone module
nodejs-core-js 2.4.1 6.fc30	1874065	Unspecified	Standard library
  Standard library
nodejs-core-util-is 1.0.2 6.fc30	4927	Unspecified	The functions introduced in Node v0.12
  The functions introduced in Node v0.12.
nodejs-cors 2.8.4 4.fc30	19478	Unspecified	Node.js CORS middleware
  Node.js CORS middleware
nodejs-couch-login 0.1.18 10.fc30	20618	Unspecified	A module for doing logged-in requests to a couchdb server
  A module for doing logged-in requests to a couchdb server.
nodejs-coveralls 2.11.6 6.fc30	59903	Unspecified	Takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
  takes json-cov output into stdin and POSTs to
nodejs-crc 3.4.4 4.fc30	32332	Unspecified	Various CRC JavaScript implementations
  Various CRC JavaScript implementations
nodejs-crc32-stream 0.3.4 9.fc30	7430	Unspecified	A streaming CRC32 checksumer
  crc32-stream is a streaming CRC32 checksumer. It uses buffer-crc32 behind the
  scenes to reliably handle binary data and fancy character sets. Data is passed
  through untouched.
nodejs-cross-spawn 5.1.0 4.fc30	16704	Unspecified	Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync
  Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync
nodejs-cross-spawn-async 2.2.4 6.fc30	11072	Unspecified	Cross platform child_process#spawn
  Cross platform child_process#spawn
nodejs-crypt 0.0.2 3.fc30	6576	Unspecified	Utilities for encryption and hashing
  Utilities for encryption and hashing.
nodejs-cryptiles 2.0.5 8.fc30	4178	Unspecified	General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
  General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js.
nodejs-csrf 3.0.6 5.fc30	11532	Unspecified	Primary logic behind csrf tokens
  Primary logic behind csrf tokens
nodejs-css 1.6.0 9.fc30	3931	Unspecified	A CSS parser/stringifier for Node.js using css-parse and css-stringify
  A CSS parser/stringifier for Node.js using css-parse and css-stringify.
nodejs-css-parse 1.7.0 10.fc30	15900	Unspecified	A JavaScript CSS parser for Node.js and the browser
  A JavaScript CSS parser for Node.js and the browser.
nodejs-css-select 1.2.0 7.fc30	33646	Unspecified	A CSS selector compiler/engine
  A CSS selector compiler/engine
nodejs-css-stringify 1.4.1 10.fc30	19677	Unspecified	A CSS compiler for Node.js
  A CSS compiler for Node.js.
nodejs-css-tree 1.0.0 3.alpha24.1.fc30	473825	Unspecified	Fast detailed CSS parser
  Fast detailed CSS parser
nodejs-css-what 2.1.0 6.fc30	10181	Unspecified	A CSS selector parser
  A CSS selector parser
nodejs-csscomb-core 2.0.4 9.fc30	18957	Unspecified	Framework for writing postprocessors
  CSScomb Core is a framework for writing postprocessors.
nodejs-csslint 0.10.0 8.fc30	96284	Unspecified	CSSLint
  CSSLint is a tool to help point out problems with your CSS code. It does
  basic syntax checking as well as applying a set of rules to the code that
  look for problematic patterns or signs of inefficiency. The rules are all
  pluggable, so you can easily write your own or omit ones you don't want.
  You can find information about both using CSS Lint and contributing to the
  project in the wiki:
nodejs-csso 3.2.0 4.fc30	226464	Unspecified	CSSO (CSS Optimizer) is a CSS minifier with structural optimisations
  CSSO (CSS Optimizer) is a CSS minifier with structural optimisations
nodejs-cssom 0.3.0 9.fc30	43286	Unspecified	CSS Object Model implementation and CSS parser for Node.js
  CSS Object Model implementation and CSS parser for Node.js.
nodejs-csurf 1.1.0 9.fc30	5604	Unspecified	CSRF token middleware for Node.js and Connect
  CSRF token middleware for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-csv 1.1.1 4.fc30	7467	Unspecified	CSV parser with simple api, full of options and tested against large datasets
  CSV parser with simple api, full of options and tested against large datasets.
nodejs-csv-generate 1.0.0 6.fc30	11358	Unspecified	CSV and object generation implementing the Node.js `stream.Readable` API
  CSV and object generation implementing the Node.js `stream.Readable` API
nodejs-csv-parse 1.2.3 4.fc30	29204	Unspecified	CSV parsing implementing the Node.js 'stream.Transform' API
  CSV parsing implementing the Node.js 'stream.Transform' API.
nodejs-csv-spectrum 1.0.0 7.fc30	4643	Unspecified	Some csv test data for writing robust csv parsers
  A collection of csv test data for writing robust csv parsers
nodejs-csv-stringify 1.0.4 4.fc30	12321	Unspecified	CSV stringifier implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` API
  CSV stringifier implementing the Node.js `stream.Transform` API
nodejs-ctype 0.5.3 13.fc30	93820	Unspecified	Read and write binary structures and data types with Node.js
  Node-CType is a way to read and write binary data in a structured and easy to
  use format. Its name comes from the C header file.
  There are two APIs that you can use, depending on what abstraction you'd like.
  The low level API lets you read and write individual integers and floats from
  buffers. The higher level API lets you read and write structures of these.
nodejs-currently-unhandled 0.4.1 6.fc30	9755	Unspecified	Track the list of currently unhandled promise rejections
  Track the list of currently unhandled promise rejections.
nodejs-cycle 1.0.3 9.fc30	8101	Unspecified	A Node.js module implementing JSON encoders/decoders in JavaScript
  A Node.js module implementing JSON encoders/decoders in JavaScript.
nodejs-cyclist 1.0.1 4.fc30	4384	Unspecified	Cyclist is an efficient cyclic list implemention
  Cyclist is an efficient cyclic list implemention.
nodejs-d 1.0.0 8.fc30	11699	Unspecified	Property descriptor factory
  Property descriptor factory
nodejs-dargs 5.1.0 4.fc30	6766	Unspecified	Convert an object of options into an array of command-line arguments
  Reverse minimist. Convert an object of options into an array of command-line
nodejs-dashdash 1.10.1 8.fc30	61523	Unspecified	A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library for node.js
  A light, featureful and explicit option parsing library for node.js.
nodejs-data-uri-to-buffer 2.0.0 4.fc30	5522	Unspecified	Generate a Buffer instance from a Data URI string
  Generate a Buffer instance from a Data URI string
nodejs-date-now 1.0.1 8.fc30	3583	Unspecified	A requirable version of
  A requirable version of
nodejs-dateformat 3.0.3 1.fc29	15045	Unspecified	Steven Levithan's excellent dateFormat() function for Node.js
  This is a JavaScript port of Steven Levithan's excellent dateFormat()
  function, which provides a simple way to format dates and times
  according to a user-specified mask.
nodejs-death 1.1.0 4.fc30	6054	Unspecified	Gracefully cleanup when termination signals are sent to your process
  Gracefully cleanup when termination signals are sent to your process.
nodejs-debug 2.6.9 4.fc30	47843	Unspecified	A small debugging utility for Node.js
  This module is a tiny Node.js debugging utility modeled after node core's
  debugging technique.
nodejs-debug-fabulous 0.1.1 4.fc30	6519	Unspecified	The visionmedia debug extensions rolled into one
  The visionmedia debug extensions rolled into one
nodejs-debug-log 1.0.1 3.fc30	3008	Unspecified	Node.js 0.12 util.debuglog() ponyfill
  Node.js 0.12 util.debuglog() ponyfill
nodejs-debuglog 1.0.1 8.fc30	3421	Unspecified	Backport of util.debuglog from node v0.11
  To facilitate using the `util.debuglog()` function that will be available
  when node v0.12 is released now, this is a copy extracted from the source.
nodejs-decamelize 1.2.0 6.fc30	2940	Unspecified	Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one
  Convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator:
  unicornRainbow → unicorn_rainbow
nodejs-decamelize-keys 1.1.0 3.fc30	4173	Unspecified	Convert object keys from camelCase to lowercase with a custom separator
  Convert object keys from camelCase to lowercase with a custom separator
nodejs-decimal-js 10.0.1 3.fc30	419168	Unspecified	A library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic
  A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic.
nodejs-dedent 0.7.0 4.fc30	4854	Unspecified	An ES6 string tag that strips indentation from multi-line strings
  An ES6 string tag that strips indentation from multi-line strings
nodejs-deep-eql 0.1.3 11.fc30	8384	Unspecified	Improved deep equality testing for Node.js and the browser
  Improved deep equality testing for Node.js and the browser.
nodejs-deep-equal 1.0.1 9.fc30	7373	Unspecified	Node's assert.deepEqual algorithm
  Node's `assert.deepEqual()` algorithm implemented as a standalone module.
nodejs-deep-extend 0.6.0 2.fc30	9190	Unspecified	Recursive object extending
  Recursive object extending.
nodejs-deep-is 0.1.3 6.fc30	7032	Unspecified	Node's assert.deepEqual algorithm except for NaN being equal to NaN
  Node's assert.deepEqual algorithm except for NaN being equal to NaN
nodejs-deeper 2.1.0 7.fc30	11152	Unspecified	JavaScript "deep equality" / structural equality tester
  JavaScript "deep equality" / structural equality tester with Node.js flavor.
nodejs-default-require-extensions 1.0.0 6.fc30	3575	Unspecified	Node's default require extensions as a separate module
  Node's default require extensions as a separate module
nodejs-default-resolution 2.0.0 4.fc30	5185	Unspecified	Get the default resolution time based on the current node version
  Get the default resolution time based on the current node version, optionally
nodejs-defaults 1.0.3 7.fc30	2786	Unspecified	Merge single level defaults over a config object
  Merge single level defaults over a config object
nodejs-defence 1.0.5 7.fc30	4643	Unspecified	Extract fenced code from CommonMark documents
  Extract fenced code from CommonMark documents
nodejs-defence-cli 1.0.4 8.fc30	4944	Unspecified	Command-line tool for extracting fenced code from documents
  A command-line tool for extracting fenced code from CommonMark documents
nodejs-deferred 0.7.5 5.fc29	87595	Unspecified	Modular and fast Promises implementation for JavaScript
  Modular and fast Promises implementation for JavaScript.
nodejs-define-properties 1.1.3 2.fc30	8401	Unspecified	Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once
  Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once. Use
  Object.defineProperty when available; falls back to standard
  assignment in older engines. Existing properties are not
  overridden. Accepts a map of property names to a predicate
  that, when true, force-overrides.
nodejs-define-property 2.0.2 3.fc30	8470	Unspecified	Define a non-enumerable property on an object
  Define a non-enumerable property on an object.
nodejs-defined 1.0.0 8.fc30	3522	Unspecified	Return the first argument that is '!== undefined'
  Return the first argument that is '!== undefined'.
nodejs-defs 1.1.1 7.fc30	107279	Unspecified	Static scope analysis and transpilation
  Static scope analysis and transpilation of ES6 block scoped const and let
  variables, to ES3
  Node already supports `const` and `let` so you can use that today (run
  `node --harmony` and `"use strict"`). `defs.js` enables you to do the same
  for browser code. While developing you can rely on the experimental support
  in Chrome (chrome://flags, check Enable experimental JavaScript). `defs.js`
  is also a pretty decent static scope analyzer/linter.
nodejs-degenerator 1.0.4 4.fc30	7872	Unspecified	Turns sync functions into async generator functions
  Sometimes you need to write sync looking code that's really async under the
  hood. This module takes a String to one or more synchronous JavaScript
  functions, and returns a new String that with those JS functions transpiled
  into ES6 Generator Functions.
nodejs-del 2.2.0 6.fc30	9134	Unspecified	Delete files/folders using globs
  Delete files/folders using globs
nodejs-delayed-stream 1.0.0 7.fc30	7959	Unspecified	Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
  Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them.
nodejs-delegates 1.0.0 7.fc30	5561	Unspecified	Delegate methods and accessors to another property
  Delegate methods and accessors to another property
nodejs-delete 1.1.0 4.fc30	9985	Unspecified	Delete files and folders and any intermediate directories
  Delete files and folders and any intermediate directories if they exist (sync
  and async).
nodejs-dep-graph 1.1.0 15.fc30	23012	Unspecified	Simple dependency graph management in JavaScript
  This is a Node.js module for simple dependency graph management in JavaScript.
  Say you have a set of resources that depend on each other in some way. These
  resources can be anything (eg, files, chains of command etc.).
  All that matters is that each one has a unique string identifier, and a list
  of direct dependencies.
  dep-graph makes it easy to compute "chains" of dependencies, with guaranteed
  logical ordering and no duplicates. That's trivial in most cases, but if A
  depends on B and B depends on A, a naïve dependency graph would get trapped
  in an infinite loop. dep-graph throws an error if any such "cycles" are
nodejs-depd 1.1.1 4.fc30	30486	Unspecified	NodeJS library for displaying deprecation messages to users
  This library allows you to display deprecation messages to your users. This
  library goes above and beyond with deprecation warnings by introspection of
  the call stack (but only the bits that it is interested in).
nodejs-deprecated 0.0.1 6.fc30	4180	Unspecified	Tool for deprecating things
  Tool for deprecating things
nodejs-destroy 1.0.4 4.fc30	5197	Unspecified	Destroy a stream if possible
  Destroy a stream if possible
nodejs-detect-file 0.1.0 6.fc30	7997	Unspecified	Detect if a filepath exists and resolves the full filepath
  Detect if a filepath exists and resolves the full filepath.
nodejs-detect-indent 5.0.0 4.fc30	6507	Unspecified	Detect the indentation of code
  Detect the indentation of code
nodejs-detect-newline 2.1.0 4.fc30	3096	Unspecified	Detect the dominant newline character of a string
  Detect the dominant newline character of a string
nodejs-detect-node 2.0.3 4.fc30	2450	Unspecified	Detect Node.JS (as opposite to browser environment) (reliable)
  Detect Node.JS (as opposite to browser environment) (reliable)
nodejs-detective 2.3.0 10.fc30	5505	Unspecified	Node.js module to find all calls to require()
  Node.js module to find all calls to require(), no matter how crazily nested,
  using a proper walk of the AST.
nodejs-devel 10.15.3 1.fc30	595232	Development/Languages	JavaScript runtime - development headers
  Development headers for the Node.js JavaScript runtime.
nodejs-devel 10.15.3 1.fc30	595232	Development/Languages	JavaScript runtime - development headers
  Development headers for the Node.js JavaScript runtime.
nodejs-dezalgo 1.0.3 7.fc30	4253	Unspecified	Contain async insanity so that the dark pony lord doesn't eat souls
  Contain async insanity so that the dark pony lord doesn't eat souls
nodejs-dicer 0.2.5 4.fc30	33067	Unspecified	A very fast streaming multipart parser for node.js
  A very fast streaming multipart parser for node.js
nodejs-diff 1.0.8 9.fc30	18451	Unspecified	A JavaScript text diff implementation for Node.js
  A JavaScript text diff implementation for Node.js
nodejs-difflet 0.2.3 16.fc30	17513	Unspecified	Colorful diffs for JavaScript objects
  Creates colorful diffs for JavaScript objects,
nodejs-difflib 0.2.4 8.fc30	86860	Unspecified	Text diff library ported from Python's difflib module
  Text diff library ported from Python's difflib module
nodejs-dirty-chai 2.0.1 3.fc30	13460	Unspecified	Extends Chai with lint-friendly terminating assertions
  Extends Chai with lint-friendly terminating assertions.
nodejs-discord-js 11.4.2 2.fc30	686914	Unspecified	Powerful JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API
  discord.js is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to interact with
  the Discord API very easily.
nodejs-docopt 0.6.2 8.fc30	49493	Unspecified	A command line option parser that will make you smile
  A command line option parser that will make you smile
nodejs-docs 10.15.3 1.fc30	21644311	Documentation	Node.js API documentation
  The API documentation for the Node.js JavaScript runtime.
nodejs-doctrine 0.6.4 8.fc30	88364	Unspecified	A JSDoc parser
  doctrine is A JSDoc parser.
nodejs-dom-serializer 0.1.0 9.fc30	5229	Unspecified	Render dom nodes to string
  Render dom nodes to string.
nodejs-domelementtype 1.3.0 7.fc30	2043	Unspecified	All the types of nodes in htmlparser2's dom
  All the types of nodes in htmlparser2's dom.
nodejs-domhandler 2.3.0 9.fc30	10123	Unspecified	Handler for htmlparser2 that turns pages into a dom
  Handler for htmlparser2 that turns pages into a dom.
nodejs-domutils 1.5.1 9.fc30	13540	Unspecified	Utilities for working with htmlparser2's dom
  Utilities for working with htmlparser2's dom.
nodejs-dot-case 1.1.1 8.fc30	3440	Unspecified	Dot case a string
  Dot case a string.
nodejs-dot-prop 4.2.0 4.fc30	5905	Unspecified	Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path
  Get, set, or delete a property from a nested object using a dot path
nodejs-dotfile-regex 0.1.2 6.fc30	3225	Unspecified	Regular expression for matching dotfiles
  Regular expression for matching dotfiles.
nodejs-dreamopt 0.8.0 7.fc30	63311	Unspecified	Command-line parser with readable syntax from your sweetest dreams
  Command-line parser with readable syntax from your sweetest dreams.
nodejs-dryice 0.4.10 14.fc30	57328	Unspecified	A CommonJS/RequireJS packaging tool for browser scripts
  A CommonJS/RequireJS packaging tool for browser scripts.
  It is basically just a copy function. It takes input from a set of input files,
  which can be specified in various ways, optionally filters them and outputs them
  to something else.
nodejs-duplexer 0.1.1 9.fc30	4911	Unspecified	Creates a duplex stream
  Creates a duplex stream.
nodejs-duplexer2 0.1.4 6.fc30	6403	Unspecified	Like duplexer but using streams3
  Like duplexer but using streams3
nodejs-duplexify 3.5.1 4.fc30	16862	Unspecified	Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream
  Turn a writeable and readable stream into a single streams2 duplex stream.
nodejs-duration 0.2.0 7.fc30	11955	Unspecified	Time duration utilities
  Time duration utilities
nodejs-each 0.6.1 7.fc30	65681	Unspecified	Chained and parallel async iterator in one elegant function
  Chained and parallel async iterator in one elegant function
nodejs-each-async 1.1.1 8.fc30	4199	Unspecified	Async concurrent iterator (async forEach)
  Async concurrent iterator (async forEach).
nodejs-ebnf-parser 0.1.10 7.fc30	65543	Unspecified	A parser for BNF and EBNF grammars used by jison
  A parser for BNF and EBNF grammars used by jison
nodejs-echomd 0.1.2 4.fc30	12085	Unspecified	An md like conversion tool for shell terminals
  An md like conversion tool for shell terminals
nodejs-editor 1.0.0 7.fc30	3362	Unspecified	Launch the default text editor from Node.js programs
  Launch the default text editor from Node.js programs.
nodejs-ee-first 1.1.1 7.fc30	6259	Unspecified	Get the first event in a set of event emitters and event pairs
  Get the first event in a set of event emitters and event pairs, then clean up
  after itself
nodejs-ejs 1.0.0 10.fc30	43143	Unspecified	Embedded JavaScript templates for Node.js
  Embedded JavaScript templates for Node.js.
nodejs-emojione 2.2.7 7.fc30	32416685	Unspecified	EmojiOne is a complete set of emojis designed for the web
  EmojiOne is a complete set of emojis designed for the web. It includes
  libraries to easily convert unicode characters to shortnames (:smile:)
  and shortnames to our custom emoji images. PNG and SVG formats provided
  for the emoji images.
nodejs-emojione-android 2.2.7 7.fc30	166659	Unspecified	EmojiOne utility for Android
  This utility provides a method to convert from shortname to unicode characters.
nodejs-emojione-awesome 2.2.7 7.fc30	49341	Unspecified	Emojione awesome
  EmojiOne Awesome is for front end developers who just wanna drop an emoji on a
  page without using any sorts of scripts.
nodejs-emojione-ios 2.2.7 7.fc30	84338	Unspecified	EmojiOne utility for iOS
  EmojiOne utility is for iOS.
nodejs-emojione-json 2.2.7 7.fc30	676520	Unspecified	EmojiOne utility for Json files
  This utility provides Json files which can be utilized by other packages.
nodejs-emojione-meteor 2.2.7 7.fc30	522	Unspecified	EmojiOne utility for Meteor
  This utility provides a method to convert from shortname to unicode characters.
nodejs-emojione-python 2.2.7 7.fc30	185827	Unspecified	EmojiOne utility for Python
  EmojiOne utility is for Python.
nodejs-emojione-swift 2.2.7 7.fc30	170592	Unspecified	EmojiOne utility for Swift
  EmojiOne utility is for Swift.
nodejs-empty-dir 0.2.1 4.fc30	3884	Unspecified	Check if a directory is empty
  Check if a directory is empty.
nodejs-encodeurl 1.0.1 6.fc30	7469	Unspecified	Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequences
  Encode a URL to a percent-encoded form, excluding already-encoded sequences
nodejs-end-of-stream 1.4.0 5.fc30	5891	Unspecified	Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed
  Call a callback when a readable/writable/duplex stream has completed or failed.
nodejs-engine-dot-io 3.2.0 3.fc29	68851	Unspecified	The realtime engine behind Socket.IO
  The realtime engine behind Socket.IO. Provides the foundation of a
  bidirectional connection between client and server
nodejs-engine-dot-io-client 3.1.3 4.fc30	175886	Unspecified	Client for the realtime Engine
  Client for the realtime Engine
nodejs-engine-dot-io-parser 2.1.1 4.fc30	44893	Unspecified	Parser for the client for the realtime Engine
  Parser for the client for the realtime Engine
nodejs-entities 1.1.1 9.fc30	50956	Unspecified	Encode & decode XML/HTML entities with ease
  Encode & decode XML/HTML entities with ease.
nodejs-error-ex 1.3.1 5.fc30	9018	Unspecified	Easy error subclassing and stack customization
  Easy error subclassing and stack customization.
nodejs-error-symbol 0.1.0 4.fc30	3234	Unspecified	Cross-platform error symbol
  Cross-platform error symbol
nodejs-errorhandler 1.5.0 4.fc29	15031	Unspecified	The default error handler page for Connect
  The default error handler page for Connect.
nodejs-es-abstract 1.13.0 3.fc30	62441	Unspecified	ECMAScript spec abstract operations
  ECMAScript spec abstract operations. When different versions of the
  spec conflict, the default export will be the latest version of the
  abstract operation. All abstract operations will also be available
  under an es5/es6/es7 exported property if you require a specific version.
nodejs-es-to-primitive 1.2.0 5.fc30	11100	Unspecified	ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm
  ECMAScript “ToPrimitive” algorithm. Provides ES5 and ES6 versions. When
  different versions of the spec conflict, the default export will be the
  latest version of the abstract operation. Alternative versions will also
  be available under an es5/es6/es7 exported property if you require a
  specific version.
nodejs-es5-ext 0.10.12 6.fc30	291703	Unspecified	ECMAScript 5 extensions and ES6 shims
  ECMAScript 5 extensions and ES6 shims
nodejs-es5-shim 4.1.0 8.fc30	100832	Unspecified	ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
  es5-shim.js and es5-shim.min.js monkey-patch a JavaScript context to contain
  all EcmaScript 5 methods that can be faithfully emulated with a legacy
  JavaScript engine.
  es5-sham.js and es5-sham.min.js monkey-patch other ES5 methods as closely as
  possible. For these methods, as closely as possible to ES5 is not very close.
  Many of these shams are intended only to allow code to be written to ES5
  without causing run-time errors in older engines. In many cases, this means
  that these shams cause many ES5 methods to silently fail. Decide carefully
  whether this is what you want. Note: es5-sham.js requires es5-shim.js to be
  able to work properly.
nodejs-es6-iterator 2.0.0 8.fc30	16147	Unspecified	Iterator abstraction based on ES6 specification
  Iterator abstraction based on ES6 specification
nodejs-es6-map 0.1.4 5.fc29	18300	Unspecified	ECMAScript6 Map polyfill
  ECMAScript6 Map polyfill
nodejs-es6-promise 4.1.1 4.fc30	302517	Unspecified	Lightweight library that provides tools for organizing asynchronous code
  A lightweight library that provides tools for organizing
  asynchronous code
  This is a polyfill of the ES6 Promise. The implementation
  is a subset of rsvp.js.
nodejs-es6-promisify 5.0.0 4.fc30	8806	Unspecified	Converts callback-based functions to ES6 Promises
  Converts callback-based functions to ES6 Promises
nodejs-es6-set 0.1.4 5.fc29	14750	Unspecified	ECMAScript6 Set polyfill
  ECMAScript6 Set polyfill
nodejs-es6-shim 0.35.1 6.fc30	184473	Unspecified	ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
  ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
nodejs-es6-symbol 3.1.0 6.fc30	12596	Unspecified	ECMAScript 6 Symbol polyfill
  ECMAScript 6 Symbol polyfill
nodejs-es6-weak-map 2.0.1 8.fc30	7929	Unspecified	ECMAScript6 WeakMap polyfill
  ECMAScript6 WeakMap polyfill
nodejs-escallmatch 1.5.0 4.fc30	17234	Unspecified	ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature
  ECMAScript CallExpression matcher made from function/method signature
nodejs-escape-html 1.0.3 7.fc30	3660	Unspecified	Escape string for use in HTML
  Escape string for use in HTML
nodejs-escape-regexp-component 1.0.2 8.fc30	1814	Unspecified	Escape regular expression special characters
  Escape regular expression special characters
nodejs-escape-string-regexp 1.0.5 6.fc30	2688	Unspecified	Escape RegExp special characters
  Escape RegExp special characters
nodejs-escodegen 1.9.0 4.fc30	104432	Unspecified	ECMAScript code generator
  ECMAScript code generator.
nodejs-escope 3.6.0 4.fc30	291159	Unspecified	ECMAScript scope analyzer
  ECMAScript scope analyzer
nodejs-espower 2.0.3 4.fc30	62565	Unspecified	Power Assert feature instrumentor based on the ECMAScript AST
  Power Assert feature instrumentor based on the ECMAScript AST
nodejs-espower-location-detector 1.0.0 4.fc30	8210	Unspecified	AST source location detection helper for power-assert
  AST source location detection helper for power-assert
nodejs-esprima 2.7.2 6.fc30	218692	Unspecified	ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
  ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis.
nodejs-esprima-fb 15001.1.0 11.fc30	264652	Unspecified	Facebook-specific fork of the esprima project
  Esprima (, BSD license) is a high performance, standard-compliant
  ECMAScript parser written in ECMAScript (also popularly known as JavaScript).
  Esprima-FB is a fork of the Harmony branch of Esprima that implements JSX
  specification on top of ECMAScript syntax.
nodejs-esprima-harmony-jscs 1.1.0	193368	Unspecified	ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
  Esprima is a high performance, standard-compliant ECMAScript parser written in
  ECMAScript (also popularly known as JavaScript). Esprima is created and
  maintained by Ariya Hidayat with the help of many contributors.
nodejs-espurify 1.7.0 4.fc30	18596	Unspecified	Clone new AST without extra properties
  Clone new AST without extra properties
nodejs-esrecurse 4.1.0 7.fc30	12158	Unspecified	ECMAScript AST recursive visitor
  ECMAScript AST recursive visitor
nodejs-estraverse 4.2.0 6.fc30	29889	Unspecified	ECMAScript JS AST traversal functions
  ECMAScript JS AST traversal functions.
nodejs-estraverse-fb 1.3.1 6.fc30	7260	Unspecified	Drop-in for estraverse that enables traversal over React's JSX nodes
  Drop-in for estraverse that enables traversal over React's JSX nodes.
nodejs-estree-walker 0.5.2 3.fc30	12762	Unspecified	Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST
  Traverse an ESTree-compliant AST
nodejs-esutils 2.0.2 6.fc30	49261	Unspecified	Utility box for ECMAScript language tools
  Utility box for ECMAScript language tools.
nodejs-etag 1.8.1 4.fc30	10809	Unspecified	Node.js module to create simple ETags
  Node.js module to create simple ETags.
nodejs-event-emitter 0.3.4 9.fc30	14104	Unspecified	Environment agnostic event emitter
  Environment agnostic event emitter
nodejs-eventemitter2 0.4.13 9.fc30	24586	Unspecified	A Node.js event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards and TTL
  A Node.js event emitter implementation with namespaces, wildcards,
  time to live (TTL) and browser support.
nodejs-events 1.0.2 8.fc30	38377	Unspecified	Node's event emitter
  Node's event emitter for node.js
nodejs-events-to-array 1.0.2 8.fc30	3736	Unspecified	Put a bunch of emitted events in an array, for testing
  Put a bunch of emitted events in an array, for testing.
nodejs-everything-dot-js 1.0.3 4.fc30	20494	Unspecified	A JS file with every ECMA-262 edition 5.1 grammatical production
  A single javascript file that contains every ECMA-262 edition 5.1 grammatical
nodejs-execa 0.8.0 3.fc29	18452	Unspecified	A better child_process
  A better child_process
nodejs-exit 0.1.2 9.fc30	5572	Unspecified	A process.exit alternative that ensures STDIO are fully drained before exiting
  A process.exit alternative that ensures STDIO are fully drained before exiting.
nodejs-expand-brackets 3.0.0 3.fc30	26390	Unspecified	Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns
  Expand POSIX bracket expressions (character classes) in glob patterns.
nodejs-expand-range 2.0.1 4.fc30	10558	Unspecified	Fast, bash-like range expansion
  Fast, bash-like range expansion. Expand a range of numbers or letters, uppercase
  or lowercase. See the benchmarks. Used by micromatch.
nodejs-expand-tilde 2.0.2 4.fc30	2946	Unspecified	Bash-like tilde expansion for node.js
  Bash-like tilde expansion for node.js. Expands a leading tilde in a file path
  to the user home directory, or `~+` to the cwd.
nodejs-expect 1.20.2 7.fc30	210401	Unspecified	Write better assertions
  Write better assertions
nodejs-expect-dot-js 0.2.0 15.fc30	42866	Unspecified	Behavior-driven development (BDD) style assertions for Node.js and the browser
  Behavior-driven development (BDD) style assertions for Node.js and the browser.
nodejs-express 3.5.2 12.fc30	178454	Unspecified	Sinatra inspired web development framework for Node.js
  This Node.js module is a fast, minimalist web development framework inspired
  by Sinatra.
  The Express philosophy is to provide small, robust tooling for HTTP servers.
  Making it a great solution for single page applications, web sites, hybrids,
  or public HTTP APIs.
  Built on Connect you can use only what you need, and nothing more,
  applications can be as big or as small as you like, even a single file.
  Express does not force you to use any specific ORM or template engine. With
  support for over 14 template engines via Consolidate.js you can quickly craft
  your perfect framework.
nodejs-express-session 1.15.5 4.fc30	69435	Unspecified	A module to setup a session store with the given options
  A module to setup a session store with the given options.
nodejs-extend 3.0.0 7.fc30	6771	Unspecified	Port of jQuery.extend for node.js and the browser
  nodejs-extend is a port of the classic extend() method from jQuery. It behaves
  as you expect.  It is simple, tried and true.
nodejs-extend-shallow 2.0.1 6.fc30	4819	Unspecified	Extend an object with the properties of additional objects
  Extend an object with the properties of additional objects. A node.js/javascript
nodejs-extended-emitter 1.0.2 3.fc30	7463	Unspecified	An emitter with expanded utility, UMD with dependencies for node and the browser
  An emitter with expanded utility, UMD with dependencies for node and the browser
nodejs-extglob 2.0.4 4.fc30	37450	Unspecified	Convert extended globs to regex-compatible strings
  Convert extended globs to regex-compatible strings. Add (almost) the expressive
  power of regular expressions to glob patterns.
nodejs-extsprintf 1.3.0 7.fc30	6885	Unspecified	Extended POSIX-style sprintf
  Extended POSIX-style sprintf.
nodejs-eyes 0.1.8 12.fc30	12532	Unspecified	A customizable value inspector for Node.js
  A customizable value inspector for Node.js
nodejs-fake 0.2.2 4.fc30	30336	Unspecified	Test your JavaScript with focused programmer tests
  Test your JavaScript with focused programmer tests. Fake dependencies.
nodejs-fancy-log 1.2.0 6.fc30	3280	Unspecified	Log things, prefixed with a timestamp
  Log things, prefixed with a timestamp
nodejs-far 0.0.7 7.fc30	11387	Unspecified	Find and run Node.js files
  Find and run Node.js files.
nodejs-fast-levenshtein 1.1.3 7.fc30	13393	Unspecified	Efficient implementation of Levenshtein algorithm
  Efficient implementation of Levenshtein algorithm with asynchronous callback
nodejs-fastfall 1.5.1 4.fc30	11380	Unspecified	call your callbacks in a waterfall, at speed
  call your callbacks in a waterfall, at speed
nodejs-faucet 0.0.1 4.fc30	11584	Unspecified	Human-readable TAP summarizer
  A human-readable TAP summarizer.
nodejs-faye-websocket 0.7.2 10.fc30	30680	Unspecified	A standards-compliant WebSocket server and client for Node.js
  A standards-compliant WebSocket server and client for Node.js.
nodejs-fd 0.0.2 8.fc30	10618	Unspecified	File descriptor manager for Node.js
  File descriptor manager for Node.js.
nodejs-fg-lodash 0.0.2 8.fc30	2844	Unspecified	FG variant of lodash
  FG variant of lodash.
nodejs-figures 1.7.0 7.fc30	8827	Unspecified	Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks
  Unicode symbols with Windows CMD fallbacks
nodejs-file-entry-cache 1.2.4 6.fc30	16239	Unspecified	Super simple cache for file metadata
  Super simple cache for file metadata, useful for process that work o a given
  series of files and that only need to repeat the job on the changed ones since
  the previous run of the process
nodejs-file-sync-cmp 0.1.1 6.fc30	3055	Unspecified	Synchronous file comparison
  Synchronous file comparison
nodejs-file-uri-to-path 1.0.0 4.fc30	2543	Unspecified	Convert a file: URI to a file path
  Accepts a file: URI and returns a regular file path suitable for use with the
  fs module functions.
nodejs-filelist 0.0.6 6.fc30	22564	Unspecified	Lazy-evaluating list of files, based on globs or regexes
  A FileList is a lazy-evaluated list of files. When given a list of
  glob patterns for possible files to be included in the file list,
  instead of searching the file structures to find the files, a FileList
  holds the pattern for latter use.
  This allows you to define a FileList to match any number of files, but
  only search out the actual files when then FileList itself is actually
  used. The key is that the first time an element of the FileList/Array
  is requested, the pending patterns are resolved into a real list of
  file names.
nodejs-filename-regex 2.0.0 6.fc30	3237	Unspecified	Regular expression for matching file names
  Regular expression for matching file names, with or without extension.
nodejs-fileset 0.2.1 9.fc30	8816	Unspecified	A wrapper around glob and minimatch for Node.js
  This Node.js module exposes a basic wrapper on top of nodejs-glob and
  nodejs-minimatch. It adds multiple patterns matching and allows a list
  of include patterns and optional exclude patterns.
nodejs-fill-keys 1.0.2 7.fc30	3899	Unspecified	Fill keys in a destination that are defined on the source
  Fill keys in a destination that are defined on the source. Copies
  descriptors so properties like enumerable will persist.
nodejs-fill-range 4.0.0 4.fc30	17176	Unspecified	Fill in a range of numbers or letters
  Fill in a range of numbers or letters, optionally passing an increment or
  multiplier to use.
nodejs-finalhandler 1.1.0 4.fc30	16522	Unspecified	Node.js final http responder
  Node.js final http responder
nodejs-find-cache-dir 0.1.1 6.fc30	6712	Unspecified	My well-made module
  My well-made module
nodejs-find-up 2.1.0 4.fc30	4803	Unspecified	Find a file by walking up parent directories
  Find a file by walking up parent directories
nodejs-findup-sync 0.3.0 7.fc30	5265	Unspecified	Find the first file matching a given pattern
  Find the first file matching a given pattern in the current directory or
  the nearest ancestor directory.
nodejs-first-chunk-stream 2.0.0 6.fc30	8011	Unspecified	Transform the first chunk in a stream
  Transform the first chunk in a stream
nodejs-flagged-respawn 0.3.2 6.fc30	5677	Unspecified	A tool for respawning node binaries when special flags are present
  A tool for respawning node binaries when special flags are present.
nodejs-flat-cache 1.2.2 4.fc30	20564	Unspecified	A stupidly simple key/value storage using files to persist some data
  A stupidly simple key/value storage using files to persist some data
nodejs-flot 0.8.3 9.fc30	377553	Unspecified	Javascript plotting library for jQuery
  Flot is a Javascript plotting library for jQuery.
  Read more at the website: <>
nodejs-flush-write-stream 1.0.2 4.fc30	6370	Unspecified	A write stream constructor that supports a flush function
  A write stream constructor that supports a flush function that is called before
  finish is emitted.
nodejs-fmix 0.1.0 4.fc30	1992	Unspecified	MurmurHash3 x86 finalization mix implemented in JavaScript
  MurmurHash3 x86 finalization mix implemented in JavaScript.
nodejs-fn-dot-name 1.0.1 5.fc30	4333	Unspecified	Extract names from functions
  Extract names from functions
nodejs-fn-name 2.0.1 7.fc30	2499	Unspecified	Get the name of a named function
  Get the name of a named function.
nodejs-for-each 0.3.2 3.fc30	4284	Unspecified	A better forEach
  A better forEach
nodejs-for-in 1.0.2 4.fc30	6284	Unspecified	Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object
  Iterate over the own and inherited enumerable properties of an object, and
  return an object with properties that evaluate to true from the callback.
  Exit early by returning `false`.
nodejs-for-own 1.0.0 4.fc30	6473	Unspecified	Iterate over the own enumerable properties of an object
  Iterate over the own enumerable properties of an object, and return an object
  with properties that evaluate to true from the callback. Exit early by returning
nodejs-foreach 2.0.5 8.fc30	3519	Unspecified	Iterate over the key value pairs of an object
  Iterate over the key value pairs of either an array-like
  object or a dictionary like object.
nodejs-foreground-child 1.5.6 4.fc30	7983	Unspecified	Run a child as if it's the foreground process
  Run a child as if it's the foreground process.  Give it stdio.  Exit when it
nodejs-forever-agent 0.6.1 7.fc30	14007	Unspecified	HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
  HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests.
nodejs-form-data 0.2.0 9.fc30	16488	Unspecified	A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
  A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams.  Can be used to
  submit forms and file uploads to other web applications.
nodejs-formatio 1.2.0 5.fc30	17330	Unspecified	Human-readable object formatting
  Pretty formatting of arbitrary JavaScript values. Currently only supports
  ascii formatting, suitable for command-line utilities. Like JSON.stringify, it
  formats objects recursively, but unlike JSON.stringify, it can handle regular
  expressions, functions, circular objects and more.
  formatio is a general-purpose library. It works in browsers (including old and
  rowdy ones, like IE6) and Node. It will define itself as an AMD module if you
  want it to (i.e. if there's a define function available).
nodejs-formidable 1.1.1 5.fc30	37547	Unspecified	A Node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads
  This is a Node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
  It was developed for Transloadit, a service focused on uploading and encoding
  images and videos.
  It offers:
   - Fast (~500mb/sec), non-buffering multipart parser
   - Automatically writing file uploads to disk
   - Low memory footprint
   - Graceful error handling
   - Very high test coverage
nodejs-forwarded 0.1.2 4.fc30	5550	Unspecified	Parse HTTP X-Forwarded-For header
  Parse HTTP X-Forwarded-For header
nodejs-fragment-cache 0.2.1 4.fc30	9905	Unspecified	A cache for managing namespaced sub-caches
  A cache for managing namespaced sub-caches
nodejs-freetree 0.2.2 6.fc30	6311	Unspecified	A node module for creating tree data structure from text input
  A node module for creating tree data structure from text input.
nodejs-fresh 0.5.2 4.fc30	10116	Unspecified	HTTP response freshness testing for Node.js
  This Node.js module provides HTTP response freshness testing, checking
  the freshness of req and res headers.
  When the cache is "fresh" true is returned, otherwise false is returned
  to indicate that the cache is now stale.
nodejs-from 0.1.7 5.fc30	4536	Unspecified	Easy way to make a Readable Stream
  Easy way to make a Readable Stream.
nodejs-fs-dot-notify 0.0.4 4.fc30	10299	Unspecified	File change notification that just works
  File change notification that just works.
nodejs-fs-exists-cached 1.0.0 4.fc30	1918	Unspecified	Just like fs.exists and fs.existsSync, but cached
  Just like `fs.exists` and `fs.existsSync`, but cached
nodejs-fs-exists-sync 0.1.0 6.fc30	7482	Unspecified	Drop-in replacement for `fs.existsSync` with zero dependencies
  Drop-in replacement for `fs.existsSync` with zero dependencies. Other libs I
  found either have crucial differences from fs.existsSync, or unnecessary
  dependencies. See for more info.
nodejs-fs-ext 1.0.0 8.fc30	49646	Unspecified	Extensions to core 'fs' module for Node.js
  Extensions to core 'fs' module for Node.js.
nodejs-fs-extra 0.30.0 6.fc29	226718	Unspecified	A drop-in replacement for Node's native fs module with a few extra methods
  A drop-in replacement for Node's native fs module with a few extra methods.
nodejs-fs-promise 2.0.3 4.fc30	3309	Unspecified	Filesystem methods as promises with fs-extra
  Filesystem methods as promises with fs-extra
nodejs-fs-temp 1.1.2 4.fc30	10079	Unspecified	A quick and simple way to create temporary files and directories
  A quick and simple way to create temporary files and directories.
nodejs-fs-vacuum 1.2.7 7.fc30	5825	Unspecified	Recursively remove empty directories -- to a point
  Recursively remove empty directories -- to a point
nodejs-fs-write-stream-atomic 1.0.8 7.fc30	6389	Unspecified	Like `fs.createWriteStream(...)`, but atomic
  Like `fs.createWriteStream(...)`, but atomic
nodejs-fs2 0.2.3 7.fc30	79404	Unspecified	Node.js fs (file system package) extensions
  Node.js fs (file system package) extensions.
nodejs-fstream 1.0.11 4.fc30	126596	Unspecified	Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
  Provides advanced file system stream objects for Node.js.  These objects are
  like FS streams, but with stat on them, and support directories and
  symbolic links, as well as normal files.  Also, you can use them to set
  the stats on a file, even if you don't change its contents, or to create
  a symlink, etc.
nodejs-fstream-ignore 1.0.5 4.fc30	9829	Unspecified	A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
  A file stream object that can ignore files by globs.
nodejs-fstream-npm 1.0.7 7.fc30	15075	Unspecified	An fstream class for creating npm packages
  An fstream class for creating npm packages.
nodejs-ftp 0.3.10 7.fc30	48851	Unspecified	An FTP client module for node.js
  node-ftp is an FTP client module for node.js that provides an asynchronous
  interface for communicating with an FTP server.
nodejs-function-bind 1.1.1 4.fc30	5627	Unspecified	Implementation of Function.prototype.bind
  Implementation of Function.prototype.bind.
nodejs-function-loop 1.0.1 4.fc30	2892	Unspecified	Run a list of functions in order in a given object context
  Run a list of functions in order in a given object context.  The functions can
  be callback-taking or promise-returning.
nodejs-gauge 1.2.5 7.fc30	13540	Unspecified	A terminal based horizontal gauge
  A terminal based horizontal gauge
nodejs-gaze 0.5.1 7.fc27	23340	System Environment/Libraries	A globbing wrapper built from parts of other watch libraries
  This Node.js module provides a globbing wrapper built from the best
  parts of other fine watch libraries: speedy data behavior from chokidar, the
  API interface from watch, and file globbing using glob.
nodejs-gdal 0.9.8 2.fc30	1084827	Unspecified	Node.js bindings to GDAL
  Read and write raster and vector geospatial datasets straight
  from Node.js with this native GDAL binding.
nodejs-generate-function 2.0.0 7.fc30	5434	Unspecified	Module that helps you write generated functions in Node
  Module that helps you write generated functions in Node.
nodejs-generate-object-property 1.2.0 7.fc30	2492	Unspecified	Generate safe JS code that can used to reference a object property
  Generate safe JS code that can used to reference a object property.
nodejs-generic-pool 2.0.3 11.fc30	28189	Unspecified	Generic resource pooling for Node.js
  Generic resource pooling for Node.js
nodejs-get 1.4.0 8.fc30	19043	Unspecified	A slightly higher-level HTTP client for node
  A slightly higher-level HTTP client for node
nodejs-get-pkg-repo 2.0.0 2.fc29	12400	Unspecified	Get normalized repository from package json data
  Get normalized repository from package json data
nodejs-get-port 3.1.0 5.fc30	2892	Unspecified	Get an available port
  Get an available port
nodejs-get-stdin 5.0.1 7.fc30	3683	Unspecified	Nodejs module for easier stdin
  Nodejs module for easier stdin.
nodejs-get-uri 2.0.1 4.fc30	22679	Unspecified	Returns a stream.Readable from a URI string
  This high-level module accepts a URI string and returns a `Readable` stream
  instance. There is built-in support for a variety of "protocols", and it's
  easily extensible with more:
nodejs-get-value 2.0.6 4.fc30	3732	Unspecified	Use property paths (a.b.c) to get a nested value from an object
  Use property paths (`a.b.c`) to get a nested value from an object.
nodejs-getobject 0.1.0 9.fc30	4149	Unspecified	Get and set deep objects easily
  Get and set deep objects easily.
nodejs-git-dummy-commit 1.3.0 3.fc29	3407	Unspecified	Create a dummy commit for testing
  Create a dummy commit for testing
nodejs-git-raw-commits 1.3.6 2.fc29	10569	Unspecified	Get raw git commits out of your repository using git-log(1)
  Get raw git commits out of your repository using git-log(1)
nodejs-git-remote-origin-url 2.0.0 4.fc30	2853	Unspecified	Get the remote origin url of a git repository
  Get the remote origin url of a git repository
nodejs-git-semver-tags 1.3.6 2.fc29	9165	Unspecified	Get all git semver tags of your repository in reverse chronological order
  Get all git semver tags of your repository in reverse chronological order
nodejs-git-tails 1.1.0 4.fc30	5589	Unspecified	Get git tail hashes from your repository in reverse chronological order
  Get git tail hashes from your repository in reverse chronological order
nodejs-gitconfiglocal 2.0.1 4.fc30	3847	Unspecified	Parse the .git/config file into a useful data structure
  Parse the .git/config file into a useful data structure
nodejs-github-url-from-git 1.5.0 5.fc30	6679	Unspecified	Parse a GitHub git URL and return the GitHub repository URL
  Parse a GitHub git URL and return the GitHub repository URL.
nodejs-github-url-from-username-repo 1.0.2 9.fc30	3363	Unspecified	Create urls from username/repo
  Create urls from username/repo
nodejs-glob 6.0.4 7.fc30	52677	Unspecified	A little globber for Node.js
  This is a glob implementation in pure JavaScript. It uses the minimatch library
  to do its matching.
nodejs-glob-base 0.3.0 9.fc30	8057	Unspecified	Returns an object with the (non-glob) base path and the actual pattern
  Returns an object with the (non-glob) base path and the actual pattern.
nodejs-glob-expand 0.2.1 4.fc30	7430	Unspecified	A sync glob / minimatch / RegExp function
  A sync glob / minimatch / RegExp function with a gruntjs-like *expand* of
  patterns, with minimum dependencies. Derived from gruntjs's v0.4.1
nodejs-glob-parent 3.1.0 4.fc30	6152	Unspecified	Strips glob magic from a string to provide the parent path
  Strips glob magic from a string to provide the parent path
nodejs-glob-to-regexp 0.4.0 3.fc30	9804	Unspecified	Convert globs to regular expressions
  Convert globs to regular expressions
nodejs-global-modules 1.0.0 6.fc30	3169	Unspecified	The directory used by npm for globally installed npm modules
  The directory used by npm for globally installed npm modules.
nodejs-global-prefix 1.0.2 4.fc30	5079	Unspecified	Get the npm global path prefix
  Get the npm global path prefix.
nodejs-globals 9.9.0 6.fc30	33319	Unspecified	Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
  Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
nodejs-globby 4.0.0 7.fc30	5966	Unspecified	Extends `glob` with support for multiple patterns and exposes a Promise API
  Extends `glob` with support for multiple patterns and exposes a Promise API
nodejs-globule 0.2.0 11.fc30	14620	Unspecified	An easy-to-use wildcard globbing library for Node.js
  An easy-to-use wildcard globbing library for Node.js.
nodejs-glogg 1.0.0 6.fc30	4864	Unspecified	Global logging utility
  Global logging utility
nodejs-gnode 0.1.2 4.fc30	14652	Unspecified	Run node with ES6 Generators, today!
  Run node with ES6 Generators, today!
nodejs-gonzales-pe 3.0.0 0.9.9.fc30	453386	Unspecified	Gonzales Preprocessor Edition (fast CSS parser)
  Gonzales is a fast CSS parser.
  Gonzales PE is a rework with support of preprocessors.
nodejs-graceful-fs 4.1.11 4.fc30	24916	Unspecified	A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements
  A drop-in replacement for fs, making various improvements.
  The improvements are meant to normalize behavior across different
  platforms and environments, and to make filesystem access more
  resilient to errors.
  Improvements over fs module
  * Queues up open and readdir calls, and retries them once something
    closes if there is an EMFILE error from too many file descriptors.
  * Fixes lchmod for Node versions prior to 0.6.2.
  * Implements fs.lutimes if possible. Otherwise it becomes a noop.
  * Ignores EINVAL and EPERM errors in chown, fchown or lchown if the
    user isn't root.
  * Makes lchmod and lchown become noops, if not available.
  * Retries reading a file if read results in EAGAIN error.
  On Windows, it retries renaming a file for up to one second if EACCESS
  or EPERM error occurs, likely because antivirus software has locked the
nodejs-graceful-readlink 1.0.1 7.fc30	2287	Unspecified	The graceful fs.readlink functionality
  The graceful fs.readlink functionality
nodejs-grip 0.1.5 11.fc30	16676	Unspecified	Generic Realtime Intermediary Protocol (GRIP) library for Node.js
  Generic Realtime Intermediary Protocol (GRIP) library for Node.js.
nodejs-growl 1.7.0 13.fc30	10128	Unspecified	Growl unobtrusive notifications for Node.js
  Growl unobtrusive notifications for Node.js
nodejs-grunt 1.0.1 10.fc30	79094	Unspecified	Grunt is a JavaScript library used for automation and running tasks
  Grunt is the JavaScript task runner. Why use a task runner? In one word:
  automation. The less work you have to do when performing repetitive tasks
  like minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc, the easier
  your job becomes. After you've configured it, a task runner can do most
  of that mundane work for you with basically zero effort.
nodejs-grunt-angular-templates 0.5.7 10.fc30	36004	Unspecified	Grunt build task to concatenate & register your AngularJS templates
  Speed up your AngularJS app by automatically minifying, combining, and
  automatically caching your HTML templates with $templateCache.
nodejs-grunt-banner 0.3.1 8.fc30	9847	Unspecified	Adds a simple banner to files
  Adds a simple banner to files
nodejs-grunt-cli 1.2.0 7.fc30	10003	Unspecified	Command-line interface for Grunt, the JavaScript testing framework
  Grunt is the JavaScript task runner.
  Grunt-cli gives you access to the grunt command-line interface anywhere on
  your system, which is useful when running a locally installed Grunt for your
nodejs-grunt-compare-size 0.4.0 9.fc30	17607	Unspecified	Compare file sizes on this branch to master
  Compare file sizes on this branch to master.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-clean 0.7.0 7.fc30	10838	Unspecified	A Grunt plugin to clean files and folders
  A Grunt plugin to clean files and folders.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-concat 0.4.0 10.fc30	15173	Unspecified	Concatenate files with grunt
  Concatenate files with grunt.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-connect 0.11.2 8.fc29	49141	Unspecified	Start a connect web server
  Start a connect web server.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-copy 1.0.0 4.fc29	16547	Unspecified	Copy files and folders
  Copy files and folders.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-csslint 0.4.0 12.fc30	11492	Unspecified	Lint CSS files
  Lint CSS files.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-cssmin 0.14.0 9.fc30	10681	Unspecified	Compress CSS files
  Compress CSS files.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-htmlmin 0.6.0 8.fc30	6345	Unspecified	Minify HTML
  Minify HTML.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-internal 0.4.13 7.fc30	9961	Unspecified	Internal tasks for managing the grunt-contrib project
  Internal tasks for managing the grunt-contrib project.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-less 1.2.0 6.fc30	17060	Unspecified	Compile LESS files to CSS
  Compile LESS files to CSS.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-nodeunit 0.4.1 4.fc26	18556	System Environment/Libraries	Run Nodeunit unit tests with grunt
  Run Nodeunit unit tests with grunt.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-requirejs 0.4.4 8.fc30	10083	Unspecified	Optimize RequireJS projects using r.js
  Optimize RequireJS projects using r.js.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-uglify 0.11.1 10.fc30	52425	Unspecified	Minify files with UglifyJS
  Minify files with UglifyJS.
nodejs-grunt-contrib-watch 0.6.1 12.fc30	44393	Unspecified	Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added/changed/deleted
  Run predefined tasks whenever watched file patterns are added/changed/deleted.
nodejs-grunt-git-authors 1.2.0 11.fc30	3702	Unspecified	A Grunt module to generate a list of authors from git history
  A Grunt module to generate a list of authors from git history.
nodejs-grunt-init 0.3.2 9.fc30	118782	Unspecified	Generate project scaffolding from a template when using Grunt
  Grunt is the JavaScript task runner.
  Grunt-init is a scaffolding tool used to automate project creation when using
  Grunt. It will build an entire directory structure based on the current
  environment and the answers to a few questions. The exact files and contents
  created depend on the template chosen along with the answers to the questions
nodejs-grunt-known-options 1.1.0 6.fc30	4172	Unspecified	The known options used in Grunt
  The known options used in Grunt.
nodejs-grunt-legacy-log 1.0.2 3.fc30	11022	Unspecified	The Grunt 0.4.x logger
  The Grunt 0.4.x logger.
nodejs-grunt-legacy-log-utils 1.0.0 7.fc30	5981	Unspecified	Static methods for the Grunt 0.4.x logger
  Static methods for the Grunt 0.4.x logger.
nodejs-grunt-legacy-util 1.0.0 6.fc29	10254	System Environment/Libraries	Deprecated Grunt utils provided for backwards compatibility
  Deprecated Grunt utils provided for backwards compatibility.
nodejs-grunt-lib-contrib 0.7.1 7.fc30	5764	Unspecified	Common functionality shared across grunt-contrib tasks
  Common functionality shared across grunt-contrib tasks.
nodejs-grunt-saucelabs 8.6.1 11.fc30	28267	Unspecified	Grunt task running tests using Sauce Labs
  A Grunt task for running QUnit, Jasmine, Mocha, YUI tests, or any framework
  using Sauce Labs' Cloudified Browsers.
nodejs-grunt-sed 0.1.1 8.fc30	5028	Unspecified	Grunt task for search and replace
  Built on top of replace, grunt-sed is a Grunt plugin for performing search and
  replace on files.
nodejs-grunt-simple-mocha 0.4.1 8.fc30	6740	Unspecified	A simple wrapper for running tests with Mocha
  A simple wrapper for running tests with Mocha.
nodejs-grunt-svgmin 4.0.0 2.fc29	5649	Unspecified	Minify SVG
  Minify SVG
nodejs-grunt-util-args 0.0.3 8.fc30	2478	Unspecified	Grunt util for extracting arguments
  Grunt util for extracting arguments.
nodejs-grunt-util-options 0.0.2 8.fc30	2738	Unspecified	Grunt util for getting options
  Grunt util for getting options.
nodejs-grunt-util-process 0.0.1 7.fc30	2480	Unspecified	Grunt util for processing values in an object
  Grunt util for processing values in an object.
nodejs-grunt-util-property 0.0.1 7.fc30	2841	Unspecified	Grunt util for getting and setting properties
  Grunt util for getting and setting properties.
nodejs-grunt-wrap 0.3.1 3.fc30	7153	Unspecified	A Grunt plugin for wrapping project text files
  A Grunt plugin for wrapping project text files.
nodejs-gulp-mocha 4.3.1 3.fc29	6870	Unspecified	Run Mocha tests
  Run Mocha tests
nodejs-gulp-ng-classify 4.0.1 2.fc29	14613	Unspecified	Compile CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules
  Compile CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules
nodejs-gulp-util 3.0.8 5.fc29	13359	Unspecified	Utility functions for gulp plugins
  Utility functions for gulp plugins
nodejs-gulplog 1.0.0 6.fc30	4230	Unspecified	Logger for gulp and gulp plugins
  Logger for gulp and gulp plugins
nodejs-gzip-size 3.0.0 6.fc30	3749	Unspecified	Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer
  Get the gzipped size of a string or buffer.
nodejs-handle-thing 1.2.5 2.fc29	13824	Unspecified	Wrap Streams2 instance into a HandleWrap
  Wrap Streams2 instance into a HandleWrap
nodejs-handlebars 4.0.13 1.fc30	2500115	Unspecified	Mustache extension for Node.js
  Handlebars.js is an extension to the Mustache templating language created by
  Chris Wanstrath. Handlebars.js and Mustache are both logicless templating
  languages that keep the view and the code separated like we all know they should
nodejs-har-validator 2.0.3 8.fc30	24003	Unspecified	Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema
  Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema.
nodejs-has 1.0.3 1.fc30	2439	Unspecified shortcut shortcut.
nodejs-has-ansi 2.0.0 8.fc30	3342	Unspecified	Check if a string has ANSI escape codes
  Check if a string has ANSI escape codes
nodejs-has-binary 0.1.7 4.fc30	3116	Unspecified	Returns true if its argument contains binary data
  A function that takes anything in javascript and returns true if its argument
  contains binary data.
nodejs-has-binary2 1.0.2 4.fc30	3191	Unspecified	Returns true if argument contains binary data
  A function that takes anything in javascript and returns true if its argument
  contains binary data.
nodejs-has-color 0.1.7 9.fc30	2867	Unspecified	Detects whether a terminal supports color
  Detects whether a terminal supports color.
nodejs-has-cors 1.1.0 4.fc30	2812	Unspecified	Detects support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
  Detects support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
nodejs-has-flag 2.0.0 4.fc30	3880	Unspecified	Check if argv has a specific flag
  Check if argv has a specific flag.
nodejs-has-glob 1.0.0 5.fc30	8128	Unspecified	Returns `true` if an array has a glob pattern
  Returns `true` if an array has a glob pattern.
nodejs-has-gulplog 0.1.0 6.fc30	1894	Unspecified	Check if gulplog is available before attempting to use it
  Check if gulplog is available before attempting to use it
nodejs-has-symbols 1.0.0 2.fc30	7006	Unspecified	Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support
  Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.
nodejs-has-unicode 2.0.1 7.fc30	3436	Unspecified	Try to guess if your terminal supports unicode
  Try to guess if your terminal supports unicode.
nodejs-has-value 1.0.0 4.fc30	7909	Unspecified	Returns true if a value exists, false if empty
  Returns true if a value exists, false if empty. Works with deeply nested values
  using object paths.
nodejs-has-values 1.0.0 4.fc30	8173	Unspecified	Returns true if any values exist, false if empty
  Returns true if any values exist, false if empty. Works for booleans,
  functions, numbers, strings, nulls, objects and arrays.
nodejs-has-yarn 1.0.0 5.fc30	2684	Unspecified	Check if a project is using Yarn
  Check if a project is using Yarn
nodejs-hash_file 0.1.1 8.fc30	3960	Unspecified	A simple utility for getting a hash of a file
  A simple utility for getting a hash of a file.
nodejs-hashish 0.0.4 10.fc30	21293	Unspecified	Hash data structure manipulation functions
  Hashish is a node.js library for manipulating hash data structures.
  It is distilled from the finest that ruby, perl, and haskell have
  to offer by way of hash/map interfaces.
nodejs-hawk 4.1.2 5.fc30	180482	Unspecified	HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
  Hawk is an HTTP authentication scheme using a message authentication code (MAC)
  algorithm to provide partial HTTP request cryptographic verification.
nodejs-heap 0.2.6 10.fc30	15276	Unspecified	Binary heap (priority queue) algorithms
  Binary heap (priority queue) algorithms (ported from Python's heapq module)
nodejs-hex-to-array-buffer 0.1.0 4.fc30	3087	Unspecified	Turn a string of hexadecimal characters into an `ArrayBuffer`
  Turn a string of hexadecimal characters into an `ArrayBuffer`.
nodejs-highlight-js 8.0.0 11.fc30	293024	Unspecified	Highlight.js syntax highlighting with language auto-detection for Node.js
  Highlight.js highlights syntax in code examples on blogs, forums and, in fact,
  on any web page. It's very easy to use because it works automatically: finds
  blocks of code, detects a language, and highlights it.
nodejs-historic-readline 1.0.8 6.fc30	2218	Unspecified	A JavaScript library extending the node readline module to save history to file
  A JavaScript library extending the node readline module to save history to file.
nodejs-hock 1.2.0 8.fc30	24498	Unspecified	A mocking server for HTTP requests
  A mocking server for HTTP requests.
nodejs-hoek 0.9.1 11.fc30	68160	Unspecified	General purpose Node.js utilities
  This package contains some general purpose Node.js utilities, including
  utilities for working with objects, timers, binary encoding/decoding, escaping
  characters, errors, and loading files.
nodejs-homedir-polyfill 1.0.1 4.fc30	7134	Unspecified	Node.js os.homedir polyfill for older versions of node.js
  Node.js os.homedir polyfill for older versions of node.js.
nodejs-hook-std 0.4.0 4.fc30	3923	Unspecified	Hook and modify stdout/stderr
  Hook and modify stdout/stderr
nodejs-hooker 0.2.3 13.fc30	25912	Unspecified	Monkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging
  Monkey-patch (hook) functions for debugging.
nodejs-hosted-git-info 2.1.4 8.fc30	13075	Unspecified	Provides metadata and conversions from repository urls for Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab
  Provides metadata and conversions from repository urls for Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab
nodejs-hsluv 0.0.1 4.fc30	12666	Unspecified	Human-friendly HSL
  Human-friendly HSL.
nodejs-html-minifier 1.0.0 7.fc30	93305	Unspecified	HTML minifier with lint-like capabilities
  HTMLMinifier is a highly configurable, well-tested, Javascript-based HTML
  minifier, with lint-like capabilities.
nodejs-htmlparser2 3.9.2 5.fc30	48463	Unspecified	Fast & forgiving HTML/XML/RSS parser
  Fast & forgiving HTML/XML/RSS parser.
nodejs-http-deceiver 1.2.7 4.fc30	9901	Unspecified	Deceive HTTP parser
  Deceive HTTP parser
nodejs-http-errors 1.6.2 4.fc30	15805	Unspecified	Create HTTP errors for Express, Koa, Connect, etc. with ease
  Create HTTP errors for Express, Koa, Connect, etc. with ease
nodejs-http-signature 0.10.0 14.fc30	36023	Unspecified	Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme
  nodejs-http-signature is a node.js library that has client and server components
  for Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme.
nodejs-http2 3.3.7 4.fc30	213903	Unspecified	An HTTP/2 client and server implementation
  An HTTP/2 client and server implementation
nodejs-https-proxy-agent 2.1.0 3.fc29	15280	Unspecified	An HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTPS
  This module provides an `http.Agent` implementation that connects to a
  specified HTTP or HTTPS proxy server, and can be used with the built-in
  `https` module.
nodejs-humanize-ms 1.2.1 5.fc30	3656	Unspecified	Transform humanize time to ms
  Transform humanize time to ms.
nodejs-i 0.3.2 9.fc30	27961	Unspecified	Custom inflections for Node.js
  Custom inflections for Node.js.
nodejs-i18n-transform 2.1.3 7.fc30	46697	Unspecified	i18n transforms to a json object.
  i18n transforms to a json object.
nodejs-i2c 0.2.3 13.fc30	52039	Unspecified	Node.js native bindings for i2c-dev
  Node.js native bindings for i2c-dev.
  Plays well with Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone.
nodejs-iconv 2.3.4 1.fc30	39617	Unspecified	Text recoding in JavaScript for fun and profit
  Text recoding in JavaScript for fun and profit.
nodejs-iconv-lite 0.4.18 5.fc30	334542	Unspecified	Convert character encodings in pure JavaScript
  Convert character encodings in pure JavaScript.
nodejs-iferr 0.1.5 7.fc30	3419	Unspecified	Higher-order functions for easier error handling
  Higher-order functions for easier error handling
nodejs-ignore 3.1.3 7.fc30	12700	Unspecified	Ignore is a manager and filter for .gitignore rules
  Ignore is a manager and filter for .gitignore rules.
nodejs-image-size 0.6.3 2.fc30	27494	Unspecified	A Node module to get dimensions of any image file
  A Node module to get dimensions of any image file.
nodejs-immutable 3.8.2 3.fc30	436509	Unspecified	Immutable Data Collections
  Immutable Data Collections
nodejs-import-local 1.0.0 3.fc30	3759	Unspecified	Let a globally installed package use a locally installed version of itself
  Let a globally installed package use a locally installed version of itself if
nodejs-imul 1.0.1 4.fc30	2464	Unspecified	ES2015 Math.imul() ponyfill
  ES2015 Math.imul() ponyfill
nodejs-imurmurhash 0.1.4 7.fc30	13233	Unspecified	An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3
  An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3
nodejs-indent-string 3.0.0 6.fc30	4553	Unspecified	Indent each line in a string
  Indent each line in a string
nodejs-indexof 0.0.1 4.fc30	570	Unspecified	Lame indexOf thing
  Lame indexOf thing.
nodejs-inflight 1.0.4 12.fc30	3306	Unspecified	Node.js inflight
  Add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplication
nodejs-info-symbol 0.1.0 4.fc30	3219	Unspecified	Cross-platform info symbol
  Cross-platform info symbol.
nodejs-inherit 2.2.5 6.fc30	10564	Unspecified	Inheritance module for Node.js and browsers
  Inheritance module for Node.js and browsers
nodejs-inherits 2.0.3 5.fc30	2887	Unspecified	A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
  A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js.
nodejs-inherits1 1.0.0 21.fc30	2793	Unspecified	A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JS - legacy version
  A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in JavaScript.
  This is the legacy version used by many Node.js modules for many years, and is
  retained for backward compatibility.  New modules should use the inheritance
  functionality available in core Node.js or use the new version of inherits if
  they need browser support as well.
nodejs-ini 1.3.4 7.fc30	8773	Unspecified	An INI parser/serializer for node.js
  An INI file parser and serializer for node.js.
nodejs-init-package-json 1.9.3 6.fc29	14575	System Environment/Libraries	A node module to get your node module started
  A node module to get your node module started, by creating its package.json
  metadata file.
nodejs-inline-source-map 0.6.2 4.fc29	9964	Unspecified	Adds source mappings and base64 encodes them
  Adds source mappings and base64 encodes them, so they can be inlined in your
  generated file.
nodejs-install 0.4.0 7.fc30	419405	Unspecified	Minimal JavaScript module loader
  Minimal JavaScript module loader.
nodejs-int64-buffer 0.1.10 3.fc30	21801	Unspecified	64bit Long Integer on Buffer/Array/ArrayBuffer in Pure JavaScript
  JavaScript's number based on IEEE-754 could only handle 53 bits precision. This
  module provides a couple of classes: Int64BE and Uint64BE which could hold 64
  bits long integer and loose no bit.
nodejs-intercept-require 1.1.0 3.fc30	7302	Unspecified	Intercept calls to require()
  Intercept calls to require()
nodejs-interpret 1.0.1 6.fc30	10777	Unspecified	A dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders
  A dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders.
nodejs-invert-kv 1.0.0 6.fc30	2661	Unspecified	Invert the key/value of an object. Example: {foo: 'bar'} → {bar: 'foo'}
  Invert the key/value of an object. Example: {foo: 'bar'} → {bar: 'foo'}
nodejs-ip 1.1.5 5.fc30	13602	Unspecified	IP address utilities for node.js
  IP address utilities for node.js.
nodejs-ipaddr-dot-js 1.5.2 4.fc30	38617	Unspecified	A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript
  A library for manipulating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in JavaScript.
nodejs-irc-colors 1.4.2 2.fc29	8630	Unspecified	Color and formatting for irc made easy
  Easily use colored output and formatting in your irc bots.
nodejs-irc-formatting 1.0.0 0.2.rc3.fc30	13396	Unspecified	Turns IRC formatted text into easy to use blocks
  Turns IRC formatted text into easy to use blocks. This library is meant to
  parse and facilitate compiling to and from the irc caret notation.
nodejs-irc-upd 0.10.0 3.fc30	205679	Unspecified	NodeJS IRC client library
  node-irc is an IRC client library written in JavaScript for Node.
nodejs-irregular-plurals 1.2.0 6.fc30	5612	Unspecified	Map of nouns to their irregular plural form
  Map of nouns to their irregular plural form
nodejs-is 3.2.1 5.fc30	27865	Unspecified	The definitive JavaScript type testing library
  The definitive JavaScript type testing library.
nodejs-is-absolute 1.0.0 1.fc29	8878	Unspecified	Returns true if a file path is absolute
  Returns true if a file path is absolute.
nodejs-is-accessor-descriptor 0.1.6 4.fc30	7358	Unspecified	Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid accessor descriptor
  Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid accessor descriptor.
nodejs-is-arrayish 1.3.1 6.fc30	2819	Unspecified	Check if an object can be used like an Array
  Check if an object can be used like an Array.
nodejs-is-arrow-function 2.0.3 6.fc30	5777	Unspecified	Determine if a function is an ES6 arrow function or not
  Determine if a function is an ES6 arrow function or not.
nodejs-is-boolean-object 1.0.0 6.fc30	5302	Unspecified	Is this value a JS Boolean?
  Is this value a JS Boolean? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite
  ES6 @@toStringTag.
nodejs-is-buffer 1.1.5 4.fc30	4396	Unspecified	Determine if an object is Buffer
  Determine if an object is Buffer
nodejs-is-builtin-module 1.0.0 8.fc30	2917	Unspecified	Check if a string matches the name of a Node.js builtin module
  Check if a string matches the name of a Node.js builtin module
nodejs-is-callable 1.1.4 3.fc30	8882	Unspecified	Is this JS value callable?
  Is this JS value callable? Works with Functions and
  GeneratorFunctions, despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
nodejs-is-data-descriptor 0.1.4 4.fc30	6550	Unspecified	Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid data descriptor
  Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript data
nodejs-is-date-object 1.0.1 7.fc30	5225	Unspecified	Is this value a JS Date object?
  Is this value a JS Date object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and
  despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
nodejs-is-descriptor 1.0.0 4.fc30	9413	Unspecified	Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid descriptor
  Returns true if a value has the characteristics of a valid JavaScript
  descriptor. Works for data descriptors and accessor descriptors.
nodejs-is-dir 1.0.0 6.fc30	4387	Unspecified	Tests if a given path resolves to a directory
  Tests if a given path resolves to a directory.
nodejs-is-dotfile 1.0.2 6.fc30	4481	Unspecified	Return true if a file path is (or has) a dotfile
  Return true if a file path is (or has) a dotfile. Returns false if the path
  is a dot directory.
nodejs-is-equal 1.5.5 3.fc29	23343	Unspecified	Are these two values conceptually equal?
  Are these two values conceptually equal?
nodejs-is-equal-shallow 0.1.3 6.fc30	5589	Unspecified	Does a shallow comparison of two objects
  Does a shallow comparison of two objects, returning false if the keys or values
nodejs-is-error 2.2.1 4.fc30	4194	Unspecified	Detect whether a value is an error
  Detect whether a value is an error
nodejs-is-extendable 0.1.1 6.fc30	5091	Unspecified	True if a value is array, regexp, plain object, function or date
  Returns true if a value is any of the object types: array, regexp, plain object,
  function or date. This is useful for determining if a value can be extended,
  e.g. "can the value have keys?"
nodejs-is-extglob 2.1.1 4.fc30	6217	Unspecified	Returns true if a string has an extglob
  Returns true if a string has an extglob.
nodejs-is-finite 1.0.1 6.fc30	2983	Unspecified	ES6 Number.isFinite() ponyfill
  ES6 Number.isFinite() ponyfill
nodejs-is-fullwidth-code-point 1.0.0 6.fc30	4252	Unspecified	Check if given Unicode code point is fullwidth
  Check if the character represented by a given Unicode code point is fullwidth
nodejs-is-function 1.0.1 3.fc30	2986	Unspecified	Is that thing a function? Use this module to find out
  Is that thing a function? Use this module to find out
nodejs-is-generator 1.0.2 6.fc30	3952	Unspecified	Check whether a value is a generator or generator function
  Check whether a value is a generator or generator function
nodejs-is-generator-fn 1.0.0 6.fc30	2584	Unspecified	Check if something is a generator function
  Check if something is a generator function
nodejs-is-generator-function 1.0.6 4.fc30	6465	Unspecified	Determine if a function is an ES6 generator function or not
  Determine if a function is an ES6 generator function or not.
nodejs-is-glob 4.0.0 4.fc30	10999	Unspecified	Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern
  Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern or an extglob
  pattern. This makes it easy to create code that only uses external modules
  like node-glob when necessary, resulting in much faster code execution and
  initialization time, and a better user experience.
nodejs-is-lower-case 1.1.1 8.fc30	3459	Unspecified	Check if a string is lower cased
  Check if a string is lower cased.
nodejs-is-module 1.0.0 3.fc30	4826	Unspecified	Check if a source string is an es6 module
  Check if a source string is an es6 module
nodejs-is-my-json-valid 2.12.4 7.fc30	25633	Unspecified	A JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast
  A JSONSchema validator that uses code generation to be extremely fast.
nodejs-is-negated-glob 1.0.0 4.fc30	6009	Unspecified	Returns an object with a negated boolean and the ! stripped
  Returns an object with a negated boolean and the ! stripped from negation
  patterns. Also respects extglobs.
nodejs-is-node 1.0.2 3.fc30	2627	Unspecified	Detect if current process is a node application or not
  Detect if current process is a node application or not.
nodejs-is-number 2.1.0 6.fc30	6005	Unspecified	Returns true if the value is a number
  Returns true if the value is a number. comprehensive tests.
nodejs-is-number-object 1.0.3 6.fc30	5465	Unspecified	Is this value a JS Number object
  Is this value a JS Number object? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and
  despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
nodejs-is-obj 1.0.1 5.fc30	2403	Unspecified	Check if a value is an object
  Check if a value is an object
nodejs-is-object 1.0.1 8.fc30	3940	Unspecified	Checks whether a value is an object
  Checks whether a value is an object.
nodejs-is-observable 0.2.0 5.fc30	2631	Unspecified	Check if a value is an Observable
  Check if a value is an Observable
nodejs-is-odd 2.0.0 3.fc30	7308	Unspecified	Returns true if the given number is odd
  Returns true if the given number is odd.
nodejs-is-path-cwd 1.0.0 6.fc30	2283	Unspecified	Check if a path is CWD
  Check if a path is CWD
nodejs-is-path-in-cwd 1.0.0 6.fc30	2448	Unspecified	Check if a path is in the current working directory
  Check if a path is in the current working directory
nodejs-is-path-inside 1.0.0 6.fc30	2504	Unspecified	Check if a path is inside another path
  Check if a path is inside another path
nodejs-is-plain-object 2.0.4 4.fc30	7667	Unspecified	Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor
  Returns true if an object was created by the `Object` constructor.
nodejs-is-primitive 2.0.0 6.fc30	3433	Unspecified	Returns `true` if the value is a primitive
  Returns `true` if the value is a primitive.
nodejs-is-promise 2.1.0 6.fc30	3998	Unspecified	Test whether an object looks like a promises-a+ promise
  Test whether an object looks like a promises-a+ promise
nodejs-is-property 1.0.2 7.fc30	13464	Unspecified	Tests if a json property can be safely accessed using the .syntax
  Tests if a json property can be safely accessed using the .syntax.
nodejs-is-regex 1.0.4 5.fc30	6411	Unspecified	Is this value a JS regex?
  Is this value a JS regex? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and
  despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
nodejs-is-regexp 1.0.0 8.fc30	2812	Unspecified	Check whether a variable is a regular expression
  Check whether a variable is a regular expression
nodejs-is-registered 0.1.5 6.fc30	5798	Unspecified	Optionally prevents a plugin from being registered more than once
  Util for Base that optionally prevents a plugin from being registered more than
  once on an instance
nodejs-is-relative 1.0.0 3.fc30	7712	Unspecified	Returns `true` if the path appears to be relative
  Returns `true` if the path appears to be relative.
nodejs-is-stream 1.1.0 5.fc30	3234	Unspecified	Check if something is a Node.js stream
  Check if something is a Node.js stream.
nodejs-is-string 1.0.4 6.fc30	5464	Unspecified	Is this value a JS String object or primitive
  Is this value a JS String object or primitive? This module works
  cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
nodejs-is-subset 0.1.1 4.fc30	6889	Unspecified	Check if an object is contained within another one
  Check if an object is contained within another one
nodejs-is-symbol 1.0.2 2.fc30	5057	Unspecified	Determine if a value is an ES6 Symbol or not
  Determine if a value is an ES6 Symbol or not.
nodejs-is-text-path 1.0.1 5.fc30	2753	Unspecified	Check if a filepath is a text file
  Check if a filepath is a text file
nodejs-is-typedarray 1.0.0 7.fc30	4407	Unspecified	Detect whether or not an object is a Typed Array
  Detect whether or not an object is a Typed Array.
nodejs-is-unc-path 1.0.0 3.fc30	6513	Unspecified	Returns true if a filepath is a windows UNC file path
  Returns true if a filepath is a windows UNC file path.
nodejs-is-upper-case 1.1.1 8.fc30	3586	Unspecified	Check if a string is upper cased
  Check if a string is upper cased.
nodejs-is-url 1.2.2 6.fc30	2267	Unspecified	Check whether a string is a URL
  Check whether a string is a URL.
nodejs-is-utf8 0.2.1 6.fc30	4344	Unspecified	Detect if a buffer is utf8 encoded
  Detect if a buffer is utf8 encoded.
nodejs-is-valid-glob 1.0.0 4.fc30	6626	Unspecified	Return true if a value is a valid glob pattern or patterns
  Return true if a value is a valid glob pattern or patterns.
nodejs-is-valid-instance 0.3.0 4.fc30	9707	Unspecified	Returns true if a value is a valid instance of Base
  Returns true if a value is a valid instance of Base.
nodejs-is-windows 1.0.2 3.fc30	3730	Unspecified	Returns true if the platform is windows
  Returns true if the platform is windows.
nodejs-isarray 0.0.1 8.fc30	2735	Unspecified	Array#isArray for older browsers
  Array#isArray for older browsers.
nodejs-isexe 2.0.0 3.fc30	5937	Unspecified	Minimal module to check if a file is executable
  Minimal module to check if a file is executable.
nodejs-iso8601 1.1.1 14.fc30	3754	Unspecified	Node.js module to parse and print ISO8601 dates
  Node.js module to parse and print ISO8601 dates
nodejs-isobject 3.0.1 3.fc30	7134	Unspecified	Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null
  Returns true if the value is an object and not an array or null.
nodejs-isodate 0.1.4 12.fc30	4345	Unspecified	JavaScript ISO 8601 date/time parser for Node.js
  JavaScript ISO 8601 date/time parser for Node.js.
nodejs-isstream 0.1.2 8.fc30	5155	Unspecified	Determine if an object is a Stream
  Determine if an object is a Stream.
nodejs-istanbul 0.4.5 4.fc30	306001	Unspecified	A JS code coverage tool written in JS
  A JS code coverage tool written in JS.
nodejs-istanbul-lib-coverage 1.2.0 3.fc30	21474	Unspecified	Data library for istanbul coverage objects
  Data library for istanbul coverage objects
nodejs-istanbul-lib-hook 1.1.0 3.fc30	13687	Unspecified	Hooks for require, vm and script used in istanbul
  Hooks for require, vm and script used in istanbul
nodejs-istanbul-lib-report 1.1.3 3.fc30	33513	Unspecified	Base reporting library for istanbul
  Base reporting library for istanbul
nodejs-istanbul-lib-source-maps 1.2.3 3.fc30	22482	Unspecified	Source maps support for istanbul
  Source maps support for istanbul
nodejs-istanbul-reports 1.3.0 3.fc30	87807	Unspecified	istanbul reports
  istanbul reports
nodejs-jade 1.3.1 12.fc30	653556	Unspecified	Jade template engine for Node.js
  Jade is a high performance template engine heavily influenced by Haml and
  implemented with JavaScript for Node.js.
nodejs-jasmine-growl-reporter 0.2.1 9.fc30	5690	Unspecified	Growl notifications when running Jasmine tests
  Growl notifications when running Jasmine tests.
nodejs-jasmine-reporters 0.4.1 9.fc30	41612	Unspecified	Reporters for the Jasmine behavior-driven development (BDD) framework
  Reporters for the Jasmine behavior-driven development (BDD) framework
nodejs-jest-mock 22.4.3 3.fc30	25250	Unspecified	Mock testing API
  Mock testing API for Jest
nodejs-jison 0.4.18 2.fc29	133024	Unspecified	A parser generator with Bison's API
  A parser generator with Bison's API.
nodejs-jison-lex 0.3.4 7.fc30	25443	Unspecified	Lexical analyzer generator used by jison
  Lexical analyzer generator used by jison
nodejs-jju 1.2.1 6.fc27	69214	Unspecified	A set of utilities to work with JSON / JSON5 documents
  A set of utilities to work with JSON / JSON5 documents
nodejs-joose 3.50.0 11.fc30	911493	Unspecified	Post modern self-hosting meta object system for JavaScript
  Post modern self-hosting meta object system for JavaScript with support
  for classes, inheritance, roles, traits, method modifiers and more.
nodejs-joosex-namespace-depended 0.18.0 10.fc30	285588	Unspecified	Cross-platform (browser/NodeJS), non-blocking, handling of dependencies
  Cross-platform (browser/NodeJS), non-blocking, handling of dependencies.
nodejs-joosex-simplerequest 0.2.2 12.fc30	59997	Unspecified	Simple XHR request abstraction for Node.js
  Simple XHR request abstraction for Node.js.
nodejs-js-base64 2.1.7 9.fc30	10102	Unspecified	Yet another Base64 transcoder in pure-JS
  Yet another Base64 transcoder
nodejs-js-string-escape 1.0.1 3.fc30	3626	Unspecified	Escape any string to be a valid JavaScript string literal
  Escape any string to be a valid JavaScript string literal
  between double quotes or single quotes.
nodejs-js-tokens 4.0.0 3.fc30	15069	Unspecified	A regex that tokenizes JavaScript
  A regex that tokenizes JavaScript.
nodejs-js-yaml 3.10.0 4.fc30	139103	Unspecified	YAML 1.2 parser and serializer
  This is an implementation of YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language), a human
  friendly data serialization language. It started as PyYAML port, and was
  completely rewritten from scratch.  Now it's very fast, and supports the
  1.2 spec.
nodejs-jschardet 1.4.2 5.fc30	470204	Unspecified	Character encoding auto-detection in JavaScript (port of python's chardet)
  Character encoding auto-detection in JavaScript (port of python's chardet)
nodejs-jscoverage 0.3.8 10.fc30	29401	Unspecified	A JavaScript coverage tool for Node.js and browser development
  A JavaScript coverage tool for Node.js and browser development.
nodejs-json-diff 0.5.2 4.fc30	59106	Unspecified	JSON diff
  JSON diff
nodejs-json-localizer 0.0.3 7.fc30	5708	Unspecified	Utility to localize a JSON object
  Utility to localize a JSON object from another JSON object or
  a simple API.
  Used when you need humans to localize a JSON object from a
  config file. Typical use case is for a local config file to
  extend an application config on the fly.
nodejs-json-parse-helpfulerror 1.0.3 9.fc30	2942	Unspecified	A drop-in replacement for JSON.parse that uses `jju` to give helpful errors
  A drop-in replacement for JSON.parse that uses `jju` to give helpful errors
nodejs-json-stable-stringify 1.0.1 6.fc30	7538	Unspecified	Deterministic JSON.stringify() with custom sorting
  Deterministic JSON.stringify() with custom sorting to get deterministic hashes
  from stringified results.
nodejs-json-stringify-safe 5.0.1 7.fc30	4463	Unspecified	JSON.stringify that handles circular references
  This module provides functionality similar to JavaScript's JSON.stringify, but
  it doesn't blow up when it encounters circular references.
nodejs-json3 3.3.2 4.fc30	63630	Unspecified	A modern JSON implementation compatible with nearly all JavaScript platforms
  A modern JSON implementation compatible with nearly all JavaScript platforms.
nodejs-jsonfile 2.2.3 6.fc30	9220	Unspecified	Easily read/write JSON files
  Easily read/write JSON files.
nodejs-jsonify 0.0.0 11.fc30	14049	Unspecified	JSON without touching any globals
  This module provides Douglas Crockford's JSON implementation without
  modifying any globals. 'stringify' and 'parse' are merely exported
  without respect to whether or not a global JSON object exists.
nodejs-jsonm 1.0.9 5.fc30	51382	Unspecified	JSON compressor for packing messages with memoization
  JSON compressor for packing messages with memoization
nodejs-jsonparse 1.2.0 6.fc30	16934	Unspecified	Pure-js JSON streaming parser for node.js
  This is a streaming JSON parser for Node.js
nodejs-jsonpointer 3.0.0 7.fc30	5437	Unspecified	Simple JSON Addressing
  Simple JSON Addressing.
nodejs-jsonpointer-dot-js 0.4.0 3.fc30	11976	Unspecified	JavaScript implementation of JSON Pointer
  JavaScript implementation of JSON Pointer
nodejs-jsonselect 0.4.0 11.fc30	41867	Unspecified	CSS-like selectors for JSON
  CSS-like selectors for JSON
nodejs-jsonstream 1.3.1 5.fc30	14472	Unspecified	Streaming JSON.parse and stringify for Node.js
  Streaming JSON.parse and stringify for Node.js
nodejs-jwt-simple 0.2.0 9.fc30	6546	Unspecified	JWT(JSON Web Token) encode and decode module for Node.js
  JWT(JSON Web Token) encode and decode module for Node.js
nodejs-keep-alive-agent 0.0.1 4.fc30	7046	Unspecified	A keep-alive agent for http and https
  a keep-alive agent for http and https
nodejs-keygrip 1.0.2 4.fc30	9258	Unspecified	Key signing and verification for rotated credentials
  Key signing and verification for rotated credentials
nodejs-keypress 0.2.1 9.fc30	15202	Unspecified	Make any Node ReadableStream emit "keypress" events
  Previous to Node v0.8.x, there was an undocumented "keypress" event that
  process.stdin would emit when it was a TTY. Some people discovered this
  hidden gem, and started using it in their own code.
  In Node v0.8.x, this "keypress" event does not get emitted by default,
  but rather only when it is being used in conjunction with the readline
  (or by extension, the repl) module.
  This module is the exact logic from the node v0.8.x releases ripped out
  into its own module.
nodejs-kind-of 3.2.2 5.fc30	13734	Unspecified	Get the native type of a value
  Get the native type of a value.
nodejs-klaw 2.0.0 6.fc30	12325	Unspecified	File system walker with Readable stream interface
  File system walker with Readable stream interface.
nodejs-kuler2gpl 0.0.6 4.fc30	200266	Unspecified	Converts Kuler ASE files to GIMP / Inkscape GPL color palette files
  Converts Kuler ASE files to GIMP / Inkscape GPL color palette files.
nodejs-latest-version 2.0.0 5.fc29	3095	Unspecified	Get the latest version of a npm package
  Get the latest version of a npm package
nodejs-lazy-cache 2.0.2 4.fc30	10958	Unspecified	Cache requires to be lazy-loaded when needed
  Cache requires to be lazy-loaded when needed.
nodejs-lazystream 1.0.0 7.fc30	7562	Unspecified	Create streams lazily when they are read from or written to
  Create streams lazily when they are read from or written to.
nodejs-lcid 1.0.0 6.fc30	6793	Unspecified	Mapping between standard locales and Windows locales
  Mapping between standard locale identifiers and Windows locale identifiers
nodejs-lcov-parse 0.0.10 8.fc30	7200	Unspecified	Parse lcov results files and return JSON
  Parse lcov results files and return JSON
nodejs-leaflet 1.0.3 6.fc30	1579	Unspecified	An open source JavaScript Library for Interactive Maps
  An open source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly
  interactive maps.
nodejs-leaflet-formbuilder 0.2.3 6.fc30	423	Unspecified	Helpers to build forms in Leaflet
  Helpers to build forms in Leaflet.
nodejs-leaflet-hash 0.2.1 9.fc30	574	Unspecified	Linkable location hashes for Leaflet
  Leaflet-hash lets you to add dynamic URL hashes to web pages with
  Leaflet maps. You can easily link users to specific map views.
nodejs-leche 2.1.1 6.fc30	30959	Unspecified	A JavaScript testing utility designed to work with Mocha and Sinon
  A JavaScript testing utility designed to work with Mocha and Sinon
nodejs-left-pad 1.2.0 4.fc30	3388	Unspecified	String left pad
  String left pad
nodejs-less 3.8.1 2.fc30	573719	Unspecified	Less.js The dynamic stylesheet language
  LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations
  and functions. LESS runs on both the client-side (Chrome, Safari, Firefox)
  and server-side, with Node.js and Rhino.
nodejs-less-plugin-clean-css 1.5.1 2.fc30	19587	Unspecified	Compresses the css output from less using clean-css
  Compresses the css output from less using clean-css.
nodejs-levn 0.3.0 7.fc30	34032	Unspecified	Light ECMAScript Value Notation - human written, concise, typed
  Light ECMAScript (JavaScript) Value Notation - human written, concise, typed,
nodejs-lex-parser 0.1.4 6.fc29	45375	Unspecified	A parser for lexical grammars used by jison
  A parser for lexical grammars used by jison
nodejs-libpq 1.8.8 4.fc30	125460	Unspecified	Node native bindings to the PostgreSQL libpq C client library
  Node native bindings to the PostgreSQL libpq C client library. This module
  attempts to mirror as closely as possible the C API provided by libpq and
  provides the absolute minimum level of abstraction. It is intended to be
  extremely low level and allow you the same access as you would have to libpq
  directly from C, except in node.js! The obvious trade-off for being "close to
  the metal" is having to use a very "c style" API in JavaScript.
nodejs-libs 10.15.3 1.fc30	39466616	Development/Languages	Node.js and v8 libraries
  Libraries to support Node.js and provide stable v8 interfaces.
nodejs-libs 10.15.3 1.fc30	40833648	Development/Languages	Node.js and v8 libraries
  Libraries to support Node.js and provide stable v8 interfaces.
nodejs-libxmljs 0.18.7 7.fc30	253480	Unspecified	Node.js module that provides libxml bindings for the v8 javascript engine
  Node.js module that provides libxml bindings for the v8 javascript engine.
nodejs-line-numbers 0.2.2 5.fc30	5152	Unspecified	Add line numbers to a string
  Add line numbers to a string.
nodejs-line-reader 0.4.0 6.fc30	12960	Unspecified	Asynchronous line-by-line file reader
  Nodejs line reader is asynchronous line-by-line file reader
nodejs-linefix 0.1.1 6.fc30	5335	Unspecified	Recursively repair line endings
  Recursively repair line endings
nodejs-linkify-it 2.0.0 6.fc30	33538	Unspecified	Links recognition library with FULL unicode support
  Links recognition library with FULL unicode support
nodejs-load-grunt-tasks 3.5.0 7.fc30	6800	Unspecified	Load multiple grunt tasks using globbing patterns
  Load multiple grunt tasks using globbing patterns.
nodejs-load-json-file 2.0.0 5.fc29	3319	Unspecified	Read and parse a JSON file
  Read and parse a JSON file
nodejs-locate-character 2.0.5 3.fc30	7090	Unspecified	Get the line and column number of a specific character in a string
  Get the line and column number of a specific character in a string
nodejs-locate-path 2.0.0 5.fc30	3969	Unspecified	Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths
  Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths
nodejs-lockfile 1.0.1 7.fc30	24850	Unspecified	A very polite lock file utility
  A very polite lock file utility, which endeavors to not litter, and to wait
  patiently for others.
nodejs-lodash 3.10.1 11.fc30	829556	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash modular utilities
  The modern build of lodash exported as Node.js/io.js modules.
nodejs-lodash-add 3.10.1 11.fc30	3434	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.add as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.add as a module.
nodejs-lodash-after 3.10.1 11.fc30	4382	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.after as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.after as a module.
nodejs-lodash-arraycopy 3.10.1 11.fc30	3491	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._arraycopy as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._arraycopy as a module.
nodejs-lodash-arrayeach 3.10.1 11.fc30	3571	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._arrayeach as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._arrayeach as a module.
nodejs-lodash-arrayevery 3.10.1 11.fc30	3639	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._arrayevery as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._arrayevery as a module.
nodejs-lodash-arrayfilter 3.10.1 11.fc30	3683	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._arrayfilter as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._arrayfilter as a module.
nodejs-lodash-arraymap 3.10.1 11.fc30	3582	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._arraymap as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._arraymap as a module.
nodejs-lodash-ary 3.10.1 11.fc30	4235	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.ary as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.ary as a module.
nodejs-lodash-assign 3.10.1 11.fc30	5701	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.assign as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.assign as a module.
nodejs-lodash-at 3.10.1 11.fc30	4117	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-attempt 3.10.1 11.fc30	4034	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.attempt as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.attempt as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseassign 3.10.1 11.fc30	3650	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseassign as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseassign as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseat 3.10.1 11.fc30	6030	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseat as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseat as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basecallback 3.10.1 11.fc30	14046	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basecallback as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basecallback as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseclone 3.10.1 11.fc30	11225	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseclone as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseclone as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basecompareascending 3.10.1 11.fc30	4181	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basecompareascending as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basecompareascending as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basecopy 3.10.1 11.fc30	3574	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basecopy as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basecopy as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basecreate 3.10.1 11.fc30	4274	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basecreate as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basecreate as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basedelay 3.10.1 11.fc30	3748	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basedelay as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basedelay as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basedifference 3.10.1 11.fc30	4595	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basedifference as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basedifference as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseeach 3.10.1 11.fc30	8061	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseeach as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseeach as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseeachright 3.10.1 11.fc30	7061	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseeachright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseeachright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basefilter 3.10.1 11.fc30	3726	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basefilter as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basefilter as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basefind 3.10.1 11.fc30	3956	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basefind as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basefind as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basefindindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	3778	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basefindindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basefindindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseflatten 3.10.1 11.fc30	6532	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseflatten as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseflatten as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basefor 3.10.1 11.fc30	5159	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basefor as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basefor as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseforright 3.10.1 11.fc30	5067	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseforright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseforright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basefunctions 3.10.1 11.fc30	3821	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basefunctions as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basefunctions as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseget 3.10.1 11.fc30	4673	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseget as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseget as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseindexof 3.10.1 11.fc30	4316	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseindexof as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseindexof as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseisequal 3.10.1 11.fc30	14214	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseisequal as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseisequal as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseismatch 3.10.1 11.fc30	5484	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseismatch as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseismatch as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basematches 3.10.1 11.fc30	5598	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basematches as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basematches as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basematchesproperty 3.10.1 11.fc30	6939	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basematchesproperty as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basematchesproperty as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basepullat 3.10.1 11.fc30	4540	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basepullat as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basepullat as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baserandom 3.10.1 11.fc30	3614	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baserandom as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baserandom as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basereduce 3.10.1 11.fc30	4031	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basereduce as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basereduce as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseslice 3.10.1 11.fc30	3869	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseslice as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseslice as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basesortby 3.10.1 11.fc30	3588	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basesortby as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basesortby as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basesortbyorder 3.10.1 11.fc30	8120	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basesortbyorder as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basesortbyorder as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basetostring 3.10.1 11.fc30	3390	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basetostring as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basetostring as a module.
nodejs-lodash-baseuniq 3.10.1 11.fc30	4715	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._baseuniq as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._baseuniq as a module.
nodejs-lodash-basevalues 3.10.1 11.fc30	3638	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._basevalues as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._basevalues as a module.
nodejs-lodash-before 3.10.1 11.fc30	4256	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.before as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.before as a module.
nodejs-lodash-binaryindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	4664	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._binaryindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._binaryindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-binaryindexby 3.10.1 11.fc30	4925	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._binaryindexby as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._binaryindexby as a module.
nodejs-lodash-bind 3.10.1 11.fc30	4901	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.bind as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.bind as a module.
nodejs-lodash-bindall 3.10.1 11.fc30	4883	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.bindall as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.bindall as a module.
nodejs-lodash-bindcallback 3.10.1 11.fc30	4560	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._bindcallback as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._bindcallback as a module.
nodejs-lodash-bindkey 3.10.1 11.fc30	5284	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.bindkey as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.bindkey as a module.
nodejs-lodash-cacheindexof 3.10.1 11.fc30	4307	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._cacheindexof as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._cacheindexof as a module.
nodejs-lodash-callback 3.10.1 11.fc30	6276	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.callback as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.callback as a module.
nodejs-lodash-camelcase 3.10.1 11.fc30	3871	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.camelcase as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.camelcase as a module.
nodejs-lodash-capitalize 3.10.1 11.fc30	3690	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.capitalize as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.capitalize as a module.
nodejs-lodash-ceil 3.10.1 11.fc30	4111	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.ceil as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.ceil as a module.
nodejs-lodash-charsleftindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	3620	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._charsleftindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._charsleftindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-charsrightindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	3601	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._charsrightindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._charsrightindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-chunk 3.10.1 11.fc30	4544	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.chunk as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.chunk as a module.
nodejs-lodash-cli 3.10.1 11.fc30	183017	Unspecified	The lodash command-line interface
  The lodash command-line interface for creating custom
  builds & precompiling templates
nodejs-lodash-clone 3.10.1 11.fc30	5514	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.clone as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.clone as a module.
nodejs-lodash-clonedeep 3.10.1 11.fc30	5012	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.clonedeep as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.clonedeep as a module.
nodejs-lodash-compact 3.10.1 11.fc30	3770	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.compact as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.compact as a module.
nodejs-lodash-compat 3.10.1 11.fc30	846403	Unspecified	The compatibility build of lodash modular utilities
  The compatibility build of lodash exported as Node.js/io.js modules.
nodejs-lodash-constant 3.10.1 11.fc30	3565	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.constant as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.constant as a module.
nodejs-lodash-countby 3.10.1 11.fc30	5115	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.countby as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.countby as a module.
nodejs-lodash-create 3.10.1 11.fc30	4491	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.create as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.create as a module.
nodejs-lodash-createaggregator 3.10.1 11.fc30	4381	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._createaggregator as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._createaggregator as a module.
nodejs-lodash-createassigner 3.10.1 11.fc30	4512	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._createassigner as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._createassigner as a module.
nodejs-lodash-createcache 3.10.1 11.fc30	5132	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._createcache as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._createcache as a module.
nodejs-lodash-createcompounder 3.10.1 11.fc30	3823	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._createcompounder as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._createcompounder as a module.
nodejs-lodash-createpadding 3.10.1 11.fc30	4093	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._createpadding as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._createpadding as a module.
nodejs-lodash-createwrapper 3.10.1 11.fc30	16670	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._createwrapper as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._createwrapper as a module.
nodejs-lodash-curry 3.10.1 11.fc30	5225	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.curry as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.curry as a module.
nodejs-lodash-curryright 3.10.1 11.fc30	5096	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.curryright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.curryright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-debounce 3.10.1 11.fc30	9829	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.debounce as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.debounce as a module.
nodejs-lodash-deburr 3.10.1 11.fc30	5438	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.deburr as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.deburr as a module.
nodejs-lodash-defaults 3.10.1 11.fc30	4885	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.defaults as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.defaults as a module.
nodejs-lodash-defaultsdeep 3.10.1 11.fc30	4869	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.defaultsdeep as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.defaultsdeep as a module.
nodejs-lodash-defer 3.10.1 11.fc30	3886	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.defer as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.defer as a module.
nodejs-lodash-delay 3.10.1 11.fc30	3929	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.delay as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.delay as a module.
nodejs-lodash-difference 3.10.1 11.fc30	5960	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.difference as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.difference as a module.
nodejs-lodash-drop 3.10.1 11.fc30	4086	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.drop as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.drop as a module.
nodejs-lodash-dropright 3.10.1 11.fc30	4184	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.dropright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.dropright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-droprightwhile 3.10.1 11.fc30	6255	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.droprightwhile as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.droprightwhile as a module.
nodejs-lodash-dropwhile 3.10.1 11.fc30	6180	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.dropwhile as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.dropwhile as a module.
nodejs-lodash-endswith 3.10.1 11.fc30	4253	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.endswith as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.endswith as a module.
nodejs-lodash-escape 3.10.1 11.fc30	5404	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.escape as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.escape as a module.
nodejs-lodash-escaperegexp 3.10.1 11.fc30	5496	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.escaperegexp as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.escaperegexp as a module.
nodejs-lodash-every 3.10.1 11.fc30	6156	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.every as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.every as a module.
nodejs-lodash-fill 3.10.1 11.fc30	4933	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.fill as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.fill as a module.
nodejs-lodash-filter 3.10.1 11.fc30	5422	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.filter as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.filter as a module.
nodejs-lodash-find 3.10.1 11.fc30	6014	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.find as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.find as a module.
nodejs-lodash-findindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	5473	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.findindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.findindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-findkey 3.10.1 11.fc30	5931	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.findkey as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.findkey as a module.
nodejs-lodash-findlast 3.10.1 11.fc30	4874	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.findlast as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.findlast as a module.
nodejs-lodash-findlastindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	5502	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.findlastindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.findlastindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-findlastkey 3.10.1 11.fc30	6004	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.findlastkey as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.findlastkey as a module.
nodejs-lodash-findwhere 3.10.1 11.fc30	4468	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.findwhere as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.findwhere as a module.
nodejs-lodash-first 3.10.1 11.fc30	3478	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.first as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.first as a module.
nodejs-lodash-flatten 3.10.1 11.fc30	4140	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.flatten as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.flatten as a module.
nodejs-lodash-flattendeep 3.10.1 11.fc30	3692	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.flattendeep as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.flattendeep as a module.
nodejs-lodash-floor 3.10.1 11.fc30	4134	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.floor as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.floor as a module.
nodejs-lodash-flow 3.10.1 11.fc30	4604	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.flow as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.flow as a module.
nodejs-lodash-flowright 3.10.1 11.fc30	4606	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.flowright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.flowright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-foreach 3.10.1 11.fc30	5261	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.foreach as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.foreach as a module.
nodejs-lodash-foreachright 3.10.1 11.fc30	5225	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.foreachright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.foreachright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-forin 3.10.1 11.fc30	4700	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.forin as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.forin as a module.
nodejs-lodash-forinright 3.10.1 11.fc30	4610	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.forinright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.forinright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-forown 3.10.1 11.fc30	5056	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.forown as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.forown as a module.
nodejs-lodash-forownright 3.10.1 11.fc30	4990	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.forownright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.forownright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-functions 3.10.1 11.fc30	3799	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.functions as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.functions as a module.
nodejs-lodash-get 3.10.1 11.fc30	4107	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.get as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.get as a module.
nodejs-lodash-getnative 3.10.1 11.fc30	6487	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._getnative as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._getnative as a module.
nodejs-lodash-groupby 3.10.1 11.fc30	5256	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.groupby as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.groupby as a module.
nodejs-lodash-gt 3.10.1 11.fc30	3531	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-gte 3.10.1 11.fc30	3569	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.gte as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.gte as a module.
nodejs-lodash-has 3.10.1 11.fc30	7907	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.has as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.has as a module.
nodejs-lodash-identity 3.10.1 11.fc30	3476	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.identity as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.identity as a module.
nodejs-lodash-includes 3.10.1 11.fc30	7215	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.includes as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.includes as a module.
nodejs-lodash-indexby 3.10.1 11.fc30	5187	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.indexby as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.indexby as a module.
nodejs-lodash-indexof 3.10.1 11.fc30	4897	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.indexof as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.indexof as a module.
nodejs-lodash-initial 3.10.1 11.fc30	4474	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.initial as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.initial as a module.
nodejs-lodash-inrange 3.10.1 11.fc30	4178	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.inrange as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.inrange as a module.
nodejs-lodash-intersection 3.10.1 11.fc30	6580	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.intersection as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.intersection as a module.
nodejs-lodash-invert 3.10.1 11.fc30	4774	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.invert as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.invert as a module.
nodejs-lodash-invoke 3.10.1 11.fc30	8026	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.invoke as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.invoke as a module.
nodejs-lodash-invokepath 3.10.1 11.fc30	6080	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._invokepath as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._invokepath as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isarguments 3.10.1 11.fc30	5823	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isarguments as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isarguments as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isarray 3.10.1 11.fc30	7856	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isarray as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isarray as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isboolean 3.10.1 11.fc30	4232	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isboolean as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isboolean as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isdate 3.10.1 11.fc30	4155	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isdate as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isdate as a module.
nodejs-lodash-iselement 3.10.1 11.fc30	3970	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.iselement as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.iselement as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isempty 3.10.1 11.fc30	6257	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isempty as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isempty as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isequal 3.10.1 11.fc30	5167	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isequal as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isequal as a module.
nodejs-lodash-iserror 3.10.1 11.fc30	4268	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.iserror as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.iserror as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isfinite 3.10.1 11.fc30	3932	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isfinite as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isfinite as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isfunction 3.10.1 11.fc30	4863	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isfunction as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isfunction as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isiterateecall 3.10.1 11.fc30	6698	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._isiterateecall as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._isiterateecall as a module.
nodejs-lodash-ismatch 3.10.1 11.fc30	6556	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.ismatch as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.ismatch as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isnan 3.10.1 11.fc30	3980	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isnan as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isnan as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isnative 3.10.1 11.fc30	4677	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isnative as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isnative as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isnull 3.10.1 11.fc30	3468	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isnull as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isnull as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isnumber 3.10.1 11.fc30	4378	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isnumber as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isnumber as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isobject 3.10.1 11.fc30	3853	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isobject as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isobject as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isplainobject 3.10.1 11.fc30	6123	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isplainobject as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isplainobject as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isregexp 3.10.1 11.fc30	4617	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isregexp as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isregexp as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isstring 3.10.1 11.fc30	4211	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isstring as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isstring as a module.
nodejs-lodash-istypedarray 3.10.1 11.fc30	6426	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.istypedarray as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.istypedarray as a module.
nodejs-lodash-isundefined 3.10.1 11.fc30	3548	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.isundefined as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.isundefined as a module.
nodejs-lodash-kebabcase 3.10.1 11.fc30	3840	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.kebabcase as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.kebabcase as a module.
nodejs-lodash-keys 3.10.1 11.fc30	9419	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.keys as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.keys as a module.
nodejs-lodash-keysin 3.10.1 11.fc30	6604	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.keysin as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.keysin as a module.
nodejs-lodash-last 3.10.1 11.fc30	3462	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.last as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.last as a module.
nodejs-lodash-lastindexof 3.10.1 11.fc30	5428	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.lastindexof as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.lastindexof as a module.
nodejs-lodash-lt 3.10.1 11.fc30	3525	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-lte 3.10.1 11.fc30	3563	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.lte as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.lte as a module.
nodejs-lodash-map 3.10.1 11.fc30	7778	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-mapkeys 3.10.1 11.fc30	5058	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.mapkeys as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.mapkeys as a module.
nodejs-lodash-mapvalues 3.10.1 11.fc30	5903	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.mapvalues as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.mapvalues as a module.
nodejs-lodash-matches 3.10.1 11.fc30	4322	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.matches as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.matches as a module.
nodejs-lodash-matchesproperty 3.10.1 11.fc30	4236	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.matchesproperty as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.matchesproperty as a module.
nodejs-lodash-max 3.10.1 11.fc30	7962	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.max as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.max as a module.
nodejs-lodash-memoize 3.10.1 11.fc30	7403	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.memoize as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.memoize as a module.
nodejs-lodash-merge 3.10.1 11.fc30	11625	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.merge as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.merge as a module.
nodejs-lodash-method 3.10.1 11.fc30	4094	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.method as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.method as a module.
nodejs-lodash-methodof 3.10.1 11.fc30	4117	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.methodof as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.methodof as a module.
nodejs-lodash-min 3.10.1 11.fc30	7964	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.min as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.min as a module.
nodejs-lodash-mixin 3.10.1 11.fc30	6689	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.mixin as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.mixin as a module.
nodejs-lodash-modargs 3.10.1 11.fc30	5261	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.modargs as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.modargs as a module.
nodejs-lodash-negate 3.10.1 11.fc30	3906	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.negate as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.negate as a module.
nodejs-lodash-node 3.10.1 11.fc30	1673308	Unspecified	lodash module bundles for Node.js/io.js
  The compatibility & modern builds of lodash exported as Node.js/io.js modules.
nodejs-lodash-noop 3.10.1 11.fc30	3413	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.noop as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.noop as a module.
nodejs-lodash-now 3.10.1 11.fc30	3749	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-omit 3.10.1 11.fc30	4976	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.omit as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.omit as a module.
nodejs-lodash-once 3.10.1 11.fc30	3794	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.once as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.once as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pad 3.10.1 11.fc30	4475	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.pad as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.pad as a module.
nodejs-lodash-padleft 3.10.1 11.fc30	4337	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.padleft as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.padleft as a module.
nodejs-lodash-padright 3.10.1 11.fc30	4356	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.padright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.padright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pairs 3.10.1 11.fc30	4844	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.pairs as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.pairs as a module.
nodejs-lodash-parseint 3.10.1 11.fc30	4745	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.parseint as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.parseint as a module.
nodejs-lodash-partial 3.10.1 11.fc30	5070	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.partial as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.partial as a module.
nodejs-lodash-partialright 3.10.1 11.fc30	5087	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.partialright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.partialright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-partition 3.10.1 11.fc30	5575	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.partition as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.partition as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pick 3.10.1 11.fc30	4780	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.pick as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.pick as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pickbyarray 3.10.1 11.fc30	4566	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._pickbyarray as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._pickbyarray as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pickbycallback 3.10.1 11.fc30	4149	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._pickbycallback as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._pickbycallback as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pluck 3.10.1 11.fc30	7111	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.pluck as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.pluck as a module.
nodejs-lodash-property 3.10.1 11.fc30	6375	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-propertyof 3.10.1 11.fc30	3983	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.propertyof as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.propertyof as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pull 3.10.1 11.fc30	4306	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.pull as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.pull as a module.
nodejs-lodash-pullat 3.10.1 11.fc30	4519	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.pullat as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.pullat as a module.
nodejs-lodash-random 3.10.1 11.fc30	5092	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.random as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.random as a module.
nodejs-lodash-range 3.10.1 11.fc30	4857	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.range as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.range as a module.
nodejs-lodash-rearg 3.10.1 11.fc30	4478	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.rearg as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.rearg as a module.
nodejs-lodash-reduce 3.10.1 11.fc30	6386	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.reduce as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.reduce as a module.
nodejs-lodash-reduceright 3.10.1 11.fc30	5775	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.reduceright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.reduceright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-reescape 3.10.1 11.fc30	3134	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._reescape as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._reescape as a module.
nodejs-lodash-reevaluate 3.10.1 11.fc30	3153	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._reevaluate as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._reevaluate as a module.
nodejs-lodash-reinterpolate 3.10.1 11.fc30	3184	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._reinterpolate as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._reinterpolate as a module.
nodejs-lodash-reject 3.10.1 11.fc30	4897	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.reject as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.reject as a module.
nodejs-lodash-remove 3.10.1 11.fc30	5092	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.remove as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.remove as a module.
nodejs-lodash-repeat 3.10.1 11.fc30	4259	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.repeat as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.repeat as a module.
nodejs-lodash-replaceholders 3.10.1 11.fc30	3815	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._replaceholders as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._replaceholders as a module.
nodejs-lodash-rest 3.10.1 11.fc30	4401	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-restparam 3.10.1 11.fc30	5029	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.restparam as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.restparam as a module.
nodejs-lodash-result 3.10.1 11.fc30	6855	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.result as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.result as a module.
nodejs-lodash-round 3.10.1 11.fc30	4114	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.round as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.round as a module.
nodejs-lodash-sample 3.10.1 11.fc30	4749	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.sample as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.sample as a module.
nodejs-lodash-set 3.10.1 11.fc30	6901	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.set as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.set as a module.
nodejs-lodash-shuffle 3.10.1 11.fc30	3813	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.shuffle as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.shuffle as a module.
nodejs-lodash-size 3.10.1 11.fc30	5099	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.size as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.size as a module.
nodejs-lodash-slice 3.10.1 11.fc30	4055	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.slice as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.slice as a module.
nodejs-lodash-snakecase 3.10.1 11.fc30	3817	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.snakecase as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.snakecase as a module.
nodejs-lodash-some 3.10.1 11.fc30	6720	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.some as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.some as a module.
nodejs-lodash-sortby 3.10.1 11.fc30	8392	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.sortby as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.sortby as a module.
nodejs-lodash-sortbyall 3.10.1 11.fc30	5223	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.sortbyall as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.sortbyall as a module.
nodejs-lodash-sortbyorder 3.10.1 11.fc30	5373	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.sortbyorder as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.sortbyorder as a module.
nodejs-lodash-sortedindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	5734	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.sortedindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.sortedindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-sortedlastindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	4710	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.sortedlastindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.sortedlastindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-spread 3.10.1 11.fc30	4283	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.spread as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.spread as a module.
nodejs-lodash-startcase 3.10.1 11.fc30	3881	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.startcase as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.startcase as a module.
nodejs-lodash-startswith 3.10.1 11.fc30	4170	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.startswith as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.startswith as a module.
nodejs-lodash-sum 3.10.1 11.fc30	5559	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.sum as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.sum as a module.
nodejs-lodash-support 3.10.1 11.fc30	3250	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-take 3.10.1 11.fc30	4087	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.take as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.take as a module.
nodejs-lodash-takeright 3.10.1 11.fc30	4179	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.takeright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.takeright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-takerightwhile 3.10.1 11.fc30	6224	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.takerightwhile as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.takerightwhile as a module.
nodejs-lodash-takewhile 3.10.1 11.fc30	6138	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.takewhile as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.takewhile as a module.
nodejs-lodash-template 3.10.1 11.fc30	16778	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.template as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.template as a module.
nodejs-lodash-templatesettings 3.10.1 11.fc30	4690	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.templatesettings as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.templatesettings as a module.
nodejs-lodash-throttle 3.10.1 11.fc30	6302	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.throttle as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.throttle as a module.
nodejs-lodash-times 3.10.1 11.fc30	4872	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.times as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.times as a module.
nodejs-lodash-toarray 3.10.1 11.fc30	5756	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.toarray as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.toarray as a module.
nodejs-lodash-toiterable 3.10.1 11.fc30	6466	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._toiterable as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._toiterable as a module.
nodejs-lodash-topath 3.10.1 11.fc30	4125	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._topath as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._topath as a module.
nodejs-lodash-toplainobject 3.10.1 11.fc30	3973	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.toplainobject as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.toplainobject as a module.
nodejs-lodash-transform 3.10.1 11.fc30	6622	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.transform as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.transform as a module.
nodejs-lodash-trim 3.10.1 11.fc30	4677	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.trim as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.trim as a module.
nodejs-lodash-trimleft 3.10.1 11.fc30	4364	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.trimleft as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.trimleft as a module.
nodejs-lodash-trimmedleftindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	4170	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._trimmedleftindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._trimmedleftindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-trimmedrightindex 3.10.1 11.fc30	4151	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _._trimmedrightindex as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _._trimmedrightindex as a module.
nodejs-lodash-trimright 3.10.1 11.fc30	4400	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.trimright as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.trimright as a module.
nodejs-lodash-trunc 3.10.1 11.fc30	7137	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.trunc as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.trunc as a module.
nodejs-lodash-unescape 3.10.1 11.fc30	4630	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.unescape as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.unescape as a module.
nodejs-lodash-union 3.10.1 11.fc30	3925	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.union as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.union as a module.
nodejs-lodash-uniq 3.10.1 11.fc30	6506	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.uniq as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.uniq as a module.
nodejs-lodash-uniqueid 3.10.1 11.fc30	3748	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.uniqueid as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.uniqueid as a module.
nodejs-lodash-unzip 3.10.1 11.fc30	5964	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.unzip as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.unzip as a module.
nodejs-lodash-unzipwith 3.10.1 11.fc30	5258	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.unzipwith as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.unzipwith as a module.
nodejs-lodash-values 3.10.1 11.fc30	3883	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.values as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.values as a module.
nodejs-lodash-valuesin 3.10.1 11.fc30	3893	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.valuesin as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.valuesin as a module.
nodejs-lodash-where 3.10.1 11.fc30	6635	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.where as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.where as a module.
nodejs-lodash-without 3.10.1 11.fc30	5474	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.without as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.without as a module.
nodejs-lodash-words 3.10.1 11.fc30	4375	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.words as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.words as a module.
nodejs-lodash-wrap 3.10.1 11.fc30	4459	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.wrap as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.wrap as a module.
nodejs-lodash-xor 3.10.1 11.fc30	5981	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.xor as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.xor as a module.
nodejs-lodash-zip 3.10.1 11.fc30	3788	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's as a module
  The modern build of lodash's as a module.
nodejs-lodash-zipobject 3.10.1 11.fc30	4310	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.zipobject as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.zipobject as a module.
nodejs-lodash-zipwith 3.10.1 11.fc30	4416	Unspecified	The modern build of lodash's _.zipwith as a module
  The modern build of lodash's _.zipwith as a module.
nodejs-log-driver 1.2.5 7.fc30	7014	Unspecified	A simple logging framework for logging to stdout
  A simple logging framework for logging to stdout
nodejs-log-ok 0.1.1 4.fc30	6576	Unspecified	Just console.log prefixed with a green check
  Just console.log prefixed with a green check.
nodejs-log-symbols 1.0.2 8.fc30	3163	Unspecified	Colored symbols for various log levels
  Colored symbols for various log levels.
nodejs-log-utils 0.2.1 4.fc30	10184	Unspecified	Basic logging utils: colors, symbols and timestamp
  Basic logging utils: colors, symbols and timestamp.
nodejs-lolex 1.3.2 7.fc30	21060	Unspecified	Fake JavaScript timers
  JavaScript implementation of the timer APIs; setTimeout, clearTimeout,
  setImmediate, clearImmediate, setInterval, clearInterval, and
  requestAnimationFrame, along with a clock instance that controls the flow of
  time. Lolex also provides a Date implementation that gets its time from the
nodejs-long 4.0.0 2.fc30	64401	Unspecified	Long class for representing a 64-bit two's-complement integer
  A Long class for representing a 64 bit two's-complement integer value derived
  from the Closure Library for stand-alone use and extended with unsigned
nodejs-longest 2.0.1 4.fc30	5294	Unspecified	Get the longest item in an array
  Get the longest item in an array.
nodejs-loophole 1.1.0 3.fc30	5417	Unspecified	A hack to enable use of libraries that depend on a basic form of eval in Atom
  A hack to enable use of libraries that depend on a basic form of eval in Atom
nodejs-loud-rejection 1.6.0 5.fc30	5046	Unspecified	Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail
  Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail
nodejs-lower-case 1.1.2 8.fc30	4600	Unspecified	Lowercase a string
  Lower case a string. Also handles non-string entities, such as objects with a
  toString property, numbers and booleans. Empty values (null and undefined)
  will come out as an empty string.
nodejs-lower-case-first 1.0.0 7.fc30	3774	Unspecified	Lower case the first character of a string
  Lower case the first character of a string. Supports Unicode (non-ASCII
  characters) and non-string entities, such as objects with a toString property,
  numbers and booleans. Empty values (null and undefined) will result in an
  empty string.
nodejs-lru-cache 4.1.2 3.fc30	17698	Unspecified	A least recently used cache object for Node.js
  A cache object that deletes the least recently used items.
nodejs-lru-queue 0.1.0 7.fc30	4484	Unspecified	LRU Queue
  LRU Queue
nodejs-ltx 0.5.0 9.fc30	27974	Unspecified	A Node.js module for parsing, modifying and building XML
  A Node.js module for parsing, modifying and building XML.
nodejs-magic-string 0.22.4 4.fc30	349100	Unspecified	Modify strings, generate sourcemaps
  Modify strings, generate sourcemaps
nodejs-make-arrow-function 1.1.0 8.fc30	5612	Unspecified	Function that returns an arbitrary arrow function
  Function that returns an arbitrary arrow function, or undefined
  if arrow function syntax is unsupported.
nodejs-make-dir 1.0.0 4.fc30	6351	Unspecified	Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think `mkdir -p`
  Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think 'mkdir -p'
nodejs-make-error 1.3.4 3.fc30	9903	Unspecified	Make your own error types!
  Make your own error types!
nodejs-make-generator-function 1.1.0 7.fc30	5391	Unspecified	Returns an arbitrary generator function
  Returns an arbitrary generator function, or undefined if generator
  syntax is unsupported. If both generator syntax and concise method
  syntax are supported, the generator function returned will have
  a "concise" property containing a concise generator method.
nodejs-make-node 0.3.5 4.fc30	6593	Unspecified	Useful makefiles for developing Node.js packages
  Useful makefiles for developing Node.js packages.
nodejs-makedir 0.0.11 4.fc30	7703	Unspecified	Recursively make directories that you need in node.js
  Recursively make directories that you need in node.js
nodejs-makeerror 1.0.11 4.fc30	6033	Unspecified	A library to make errors
  A library to make errors.
nodejs-map-cache 0.2.2 4.fc30	7598	Unspecified	Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs
  Basic cache object for storing key-value pairs.
nodejs-map-obj 2.0.0 4.fc30	5014	Unspecified	Map object keys and values into a new object
  Map object keys and values into a new object
nodejs-map-visit 1.0.0 4.fc30	8469	Unspecified	Map _visit_ over an array of objects
  Map _visit_ over an array of objects.
nodejs-mapnik 3.7.2 9.fc30	3132798	Unspecified	Bindings to Mapnik tile rendering library for Node.js
  Bindings to Mapnik tile rendering library for Node.js
nodejs-mapnik-pool 0.1.3 7.fc30	4434	Unspecified	Manage a pool of mapnik instances
  If you want to use node-mapnik in an app with concurrency, you'll
  want to use a map pool.
  Concurrently using a single map instance can crash your app, and
  several map instances will give you a significant speedup. mapnik-pool
  manages a generic-pool of mapnik.Map instances so you don't have to.
nodejs-mapnik-reference 8.10.0 2.fc30	1374229	Unspecified	Reference for Mapnik Styling Options
  Provides a parseable spec of what Mapnik can do - what main structures
  it supports (like layers, styles, and symbolizers) and the properties
  they can contain. It's useful for building parsers, tests, compilers, and
  syntax highlighting/checking for languages
nodejs-mapnik-vector-tile 1.6.1 4.fc30	251323	Unspecified	Mapnik API for working with vector tiles
  A high performance library for working with vector tiles from the
  team at MapBox.
  Provides C++ headers that support rendering geodata into vector tiles
  and rendering vector tiles into images.
nodejs-markdown 0.5.0 11.fc30	61097	Unspecified	A sensible Markdown parser for JavaScript
  A sensible Markdown parser for JavaScript.
nodejs-markdown-it-testgen 0.1.4 7.fc30	8204	Unspecified	Tests generator for markdown-it markdown parser
  Tests generator for markdown-it markdown parser
nodejs-marked 0.3.6 4.fc30	60295	Unspecified	A markdown parser built for speed
  A markdown parser built for speed
nodejs-matched 1.0.2 4.fc30	15143	Unspecified	Adds array support to node-glob, sync and async
  Adds array support to node-glob, sync and async. Also supports tilde expansion
  (user home) and resolving to global npm modules.
nodejs-max-timeout 1.0.0 6.fc30	2567	Unspecified	The max amount of milliseconds you can pass to `setTimeout()`
  The max amount of milliseconds you can pass to `setTimeout()`
nodejs-maxmin 2.1.0 7.fc30	8586	Unspecified	Get pretty output of the original, minified gzipped size of a string/buffer
  Get pretty output of the original, minified gzipped size of a string/buffer.
nodejs-mbtiles 0.8.2 9.fc30	39876	Unspecified	Utilities and tilelive integration for the MBTiles format
  Utilities and tilelive integration for the MBTiles format.
nodejs-md5 2.2.1 4.fc30	11518	Unspecified	Javascript function for hashing messages with MD5
  Javascript function for hashing messages with MD5.
nodejs-md5-hex 1.3.0 6.fc30	3388	Unspecified	Create a MD5 hash with hex encoding
  Create a MD5 hash with hex encoding
nodejs-md5-o-matic 0.1.1 6.fc30	8972	Unspecified	Fast and simple MD5 hashing utility with zero dependencies
  Fast and simple MD5 hashing utility with zero module dependencies. View the MD5
  Shootout results at
nodejs-mdn-data 1.0.0 4.fc30	381910	Unspecified	Open Web data by the Mozilla Developer Network
  Open Web data by the Mozilla Developer Network
nodejs-mdurl 1.0.1 8.fc30	22039	Unspecified	URL utilities for markdown-it
  URL utilities for markdown-it
nodejs-media-typer 0.3.0 7.fc30	11055	Unspecified	Simple RFC 6838 media type parser
  Simple RFC 6838 media type parser
nodejs-memoize-path 0.1.2 4.fc30	7519	Unspecified	Easily create reusable, stackable file paths from memoized path segments
  Easily create reusable, stackable file paths from memoized path segments.
nodejs-memoizee 0.3.9 9.fc30	43906	Unspecified	Memoize/cache function results
  Memoize/cache function results
nodejs-memwatch-next 0.3.0 2.fc29	65121	Unspecified	Keep an eye on your memory usage, and discover and isolate leaks
  Keep an eye on your memory usage, and discover and isolate leaks.
nodejs-meow 4.0.0 2.fc29	9070	Unspecified	CLI app helper
  CLI app helper
nodejs-merge-descriptors 1.0.1 7.fc30	4889	Unspecified	A Node.js module to merge objects using descriptors
  A Node.js module to merge objects using descriptors.
nodejs-merge-stream 1.0.0 5.fc29	3549	Unspecified	Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams
  Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams
nodejs-metascript 1.0.0 7.fc30	200735	Unspecified	Sophisticated meta programming in JavaScript
  Sophisticated meta programming in JavaScript, e.g. to build different versions
  of a library from a single source tree.
nodejs-method-override 2.3.8 6.fc30	14714	Unspecified	Provides faux HTTP method support for Connect
  Provides faux HTTP method support for Connect.
nodejs-methods 1.1.2 5.fc30	5288	Unspecified	HTTP methods that node supports
  HTTP methods that node supports.
nodejs-micromatch 3.1.10 3.fc30	54678	Unspecified	Glob matching for javascript/node.js
  Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A drop-in replacement and faster
  alternative to minimatch and multimatch. Just use `micromatch.isMatch()`
  instead of `minimatch()`, or use `micromatch()` instead of `multimatch()`.
nodejs-millstone 0.6.17 12.fc30	61425	Unspecified	Prepares data sources in an MML file for consumption in Mapnik
  As of carto 0.2.0, the Carto module expects all data sources and
  resources to be localized - remote references like URLs and providers
  are not downloaded when maps are rendered.
  Millstone now contains this logic - it provides two functions, resolve
  and flush. Resolve takes an MML file and returns a localized version, and
  flush can be used to clear the cache of a specific resource.
nodejs-mime 2.0.3 4.fc30	41283	Unspecified	A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
  Comprehensive MIME type mapping API. Includes all 600+ types and 800+ extensions
  defined by the Apache project, plus additional types submitted by the node.js
nodejs-mime-db 1.26.0 6.fc30	535639	Unspecified	This is a database of all mime types
  This is a database of all mime types. It consists of a single, public JSON
  file and does not include any logic, allowing it to remain as un-opinionated
  as possible with an API. It aggregates data from the following sources:
nodejs-mime-types 2.1.17 4.fc30	14006	Unspecified	The ultimate javascript content-type utility
  The ultimate javascript content-type utility
nodejs-mimeparse 0.1.4 10.fc30	11030	Unspecified	A Node.js module with basic functions for handling mime-types
  This Node.js module provides basic functions for handling mime-types. It can
  handle matching mime-types against a list of media-ranges. See section
  14.1 of the HTTP specification [RFC 2616] for a complete explanation:
nodejs-minimalistic-assert 1.0.0 4.fc30	1547	Unspecified	A minimalistic assert library
  A minimalistic assert library.
nodejs-minimatch 3.0.4 4.fc30	33115	Unspecified	JavaScript glob matcher
  Converts glob expressions to JavaScript "RegExp" objects.
nodejs-minimist 1.2.0 7.fc30	11677	Unspecified	Parse argument options in Node.js
  Parse argument options in Node.js.
  This module is the guts of nodejs-optimist's argument parser without all the
  fanciful decoration.
nodejs-minimist-options 3.0.2 2.fc29	5869	Unspecified	Pretty options for minimist
  Pretty options for minimist
nodejs-minipass 2.2.4 3.fc30	9926	Unspecified	Minimal implementation of a PassThrough stream
  Minimal implementation of a PassThrough stream.
nodejs-mixin-deep 1.3.1 3.fc30	7201	Unspecified	Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object
  Deeply mix the properties of objects into the first object. Like merge-deep,
  but doesn't clone.
nodejs-mixin-object 3.0.0 4.fc30	8945	Unspecified	Mixin the own and inherited properties of other objects onto the first object
  Mixin the own and inherited properties of other objects onto the first object.
  Pass an empty object as the first arg to shallow clone.
nodejs-mkdirp 0.5.1 9.fc30	6628	Unspecified	Recursive directory creation module for Node.js
  Creates directories recursively, like `mkdir -p`.
nodejs-mkfiletree 1.0.1 9.fc30	6411	Unspecified	Nodejs module to make a tree of files and directories
  Nodejs module to make a tree of files and directories.
nodejs-mock-bin 2.0.0 4.fc30	4399	Unspecified	Mock any executable binary
  Mock any executable binary
nodejs-mock-fs 4.8.0 1.fc30	92980	Unspecified	A configurable mock file system
  The mock-fs module allows Node's built-in fs module to be backed
  temporarily by an in-memory, mock file system. This lets you run
  tests against a set of mock files and directories instead of lugging
  around a bunch of test fixtures.
nodejs-mock-git 2.0.0 4.fc30	3962	Unspecified	Mock any git command
  Mock any git command
nodejs-modify-values 1.0.0 4.fc30	2873	Unspecified	Modify the values of an object
  Modify the values of an object
nodejs-module-not-found-error 1.0.1 7.fc30	2553	Unspecified	Create a module not found error
  Create a module not found error.
nodejs-moment 2.18.1 6.fc30	42310	Unspecified	Parse, manipulate and display dates
  Parse, manipulate and display dates.
nodejs-moment-timezone 0.5.17 2.fc29	2411061	Unspecified	Parse and display moments in any timezone
  Parse and display moments in any timezone.
nodejs-mongodb 2.1.18 7.fc30	642233	Unspecified	A node driver for MongoDB
  This is a node driver for MongoDB. It's a port (or close to a port) of
  the library for ruby at
nodejs-mongodb-core 1.2.32 7.fc30	370096	Unspecified	Core MongoDB driver functionality
  Core MongoDB driver functionality, no bells and whistles
  and meant for integration not end applications
  The MongoDB Core driver is the low level part of the 2.0
  or higher MongoDB driver and is meant for library developers
  not end users. It does not contain any abstractions or
  helpers outside of the basic management of MongoDB topology
  connections, CRUD operations and authentication.
nodejs-monocle 1.1.51 12.fc29	10197	System Environment/Libraries	A tool for watching directories for file changes
  A tool for watching directories for file changes.
nodejs-morgan 1.7.0 6.fc30	19285	Unspecified	Logging middleware for Connect
  Logging middleware for Connect.
nodejs-mraa 2.0.0 3.fc30	229346	Unspecified	NodeJS package for mraa low-level I/O library
  NodeJS bindings for Industrial IO.
nodejs-ms 2.0.0 5.fc30	6266	Unspecified	Tiny milliseconds conversion utility for Node.js
  This module is a tiny milliseconds conversion utility for Node.js.
  It does the following:
   - If a number is supplied to ms, a string with a unit is returned.
   - If a string that contains the number is supplied, it returns it as a
     number (e.g: it returns 100 for '100').
   - If you pass a string with a number and a valid unit, the number of
     equivalent milliseconds is returned.
nodejs-muffin 0.9.0 13.fc30	127711	Unspecified	Node.js module with handy helpers for building Cakefiles
  This Node.js module has handy helpers for building Cakefiles.
  It has a set of generic high level file operations you don't want to implement
  yourself, like copying files, CoffeeScript compilation and compile time
  requiring, minification, and SLOC counting.
nodejs-multiline 1.0.2 8.fc30	7314	Unspecified	Multiline strings in JavaScript
  Multiline strings in JavaScript.
nodejs-multimatch 2.1.0 7.fc30	4403	Unspecified	Adds multiple patterns support to minimatch.match()
  Adds multiple patterns support to minimatch.match().
nodejs-multiparty 3.2.4 9.fc30	33876	Unspecified	A multipart/form-data parser for Node.js which supports streaming
  A multipart/form-data parser for Node.js which supports streaming.
nodejs-multipipe 1.0.2 4.fc30	6914	Unspecified	Pipe streams with centralized error handling
  Pipe streams with centralized error handling.
nodejs-murmur-32 0.1.0 4.fc30	4592	Unspecified	MurmurHash3 x86 32-bit implemented in JavaScript
  MurmurHash3 x86 32-bit implemented in JavaScript.
nodejs-mustache 2.2.1 6.fc30	63520	Unspecified	mustache.js is an implementation of the mustache template system in JavaScript
  An implementation of the mustache template system in JavaScript.Mustache is a logic-less template syntax. It can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.
  We call it "logic-less" because there are no if statements, else clauses, or for loops. Instead there are only tags. Some tags are replaced with a value, some nothing, and others a series of values.
nodejs-mutate-fs 2.1.1 3.fc30	11395	Unspecified	Mutate the filesystem behavior for tests
  Mutate the filesystem behavior for tests.
nodejs-mute-stream 0.0.6 6.fc30	6471	Unspecified	Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
  This is a basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are
  silently dropped, rather than being passed through.
nodejs-mv 2.1.1 7.fc30	5343	Unspecified	A fs.rename that works across devices. Same as the unix utility 'mv'
  A fs.rename that works across devices. Same as the unix utility 'mv'
nodejs-mysql 2.10.1 8.fc30	388011	Unspecified	A node.js driver for mysql
  This is a node.js driver for mysql.
  It is written in JavaScript, does not require compiling,
  and is 100% MIT licensed.
nodejs-mz 2.6.0 6.fc30	9611	Unspecified	Modernize node.js to current ECMAScript standards
  Modernize node.js to current ECMAScript standards
nodejs-nan 2.13.2 1.fc30	401249	Unspecified	Native Abstractions for Node.js
  A header file filled with macro and utility goodness
  for making add on development for Node.js easier across
  versions 0.8, 0.10 and 0.11, and eventually 0.12.
  Thanks to the crazy changes in V8 (and some in Node core),
  keeping native add-on compiling happily across versions,
  particularly 0.10 to 0.11/0.12, is a minor nightmare.
  The goal of this project is to store all logic necessary
  to develop native Node.js add-on without having to inspect
  NODE_MODULE_VERSION and get yourself into a macro-tangle.
nodejs-nan0 0.8.0 10.fc30	75731	Unspecified	Native Abstractions for Node.js
  A header file filled with macro and utility goodness
  for making add on development for Node.js easier across
  versions 0.8, 0.10 and 0.11, and eventually 0.12.
  Thanks to the crazy changes in V8 (and some in Node core),
  keeping native add-on compiling happily across versions,
  particularly 0.10 to 0.11/0.12, is a minor nightmare.
  The goal of this project is to store all logic necessary
  to develop native Node.js add-on without having to inspect
  NODE_MODULE_VERSION and get yourself into a macro-tangle.
nodejs-nan1 1.9.0 7.fc30	177057	Unspecified	Native Abstractions for Node.js
  A header file filled with macro and utility goodness
  for making add on development for Node.js easier across
  versions 0.8, 0.10 and 0.11, and eventually 0.12.
  Thanks to the crazy changes in V8 (and some in Node core),
  keeping native add-on compiling happily across versions,
  particularly 0.10 to 0.11/0.12, is a minor nightmare.
  The goal of this project is to store all logic necessary
  to develop native Node.js add-on without having to inspect
  NODE_MODULE_VERSION and get yourself into a macro-tangle.
nodejs-nanomatch 1.2.9 3.fc30	99077	Unspecified	Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js
  Fast, minimal glob matcher for node.js. Similar to micromatch, minimatch and
  multimatch, but complete Bash 4.3 wildcard support only (no support for
  exglobs, posix brackets or braces).
nodejs-nanomsg 4.0.2 2.fc30	13400608	Unspecified	nanomsg for node
  Node.js binding for nanomsg
nodejs-nanoseconds 0.1.0 5.fc30	4203	Unspecified	Convert the process.hrtime array to a single nanoseconds value
  Convert the process.hrtime array to a single nanoseconds value.
nodejs-ncp 2.0.0 6.fc30	11594	Unspecified	Asynchronous recursive file copy utility for Node.js
  This module is an asynchronous recursive copy utility for Node.js.
  Think cp -r, but pure node, and asynchronous. ncp can be used both
  as a CLI tool and programmatically.
nodejs-needle 1.5.2 5.fc30	66645	Unspecified	The leanest and most handsome HTTP client in the Nodelands
  The leanest and most handsome HTTP client in the Nodelands.
nodejs-negative-zero 2.0.0 2.fc30	2396	Unspecified	Check if a number is negative zero
  Check if a number if negative zero.
nodejs-negotiator 0.6.1 5.fc30	32949	Unspecified	An HTTP content negotiator for Node.js
  An HTTP content negotiator for Node.js.
nodejs-net-browserify-alt 1.1.0 5.fc30	239572	Unspecified	A port of the net module for the browser
  net module for browserify, with a websocket server proxy. Supported methods:
  net.connect(options, cb)
  net.isIP(input), net.isIPv4(input), net.isIPv6(input)
  Examples are available in examples/.
nodejs-netmask 1.0.6 4.fc30	13246	Unspecified	Parse and lookup IP network blocks
  The Netmask class parses and understands IPv4 CIDR blocks so they can be
  explored and compared. This module is highly inspired by Perl Net::Netmask
nodejs-next 0.4.1 4.fc29	14189	Unspecified	Functions that extend and complement Node.js API
  Functions that extend and complement Node.js API.
nodejs-next-tick 0.2.2 8.fc30	3952	Unspecified	Environment agnostic nextTick polyfill
  Environment agnostic nextTick polyfill
nodejs-ng-classify 4.1.1 3.fc30	351125	Unspecified	Compile CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules
  Compile CoffeeScript classes to AngularJS modules
nodejs-node-dot-extend 2.0.0 3.fc30	7917	Unspecified	A port of jQuery.extend that actually works on node.js
  A port of jQuery.extend that actually works on node.js
nodejs-node-expat 2.3.11 18.fc30	68803	Unspecified	Fast libexpat XML SAX parser binding for Node.js
  Fast libexpat XML SAX parser binding for Node.js.
nodejs-node-int64 0.4.0 7.fc30	12395	Unspecified	Support for representing 64-bit integers in JavaScript
  JavaScript Numbers are represented as IEEE 754 double-precision floats.
  Unfortunately, this means they lose integer precision for values beyond +/-
  2^^53. For projects that need to accurately handle 64-bit ints, such as
  node-thrift, a performant, Number-like class is needed. Int64 is that class.
nodejs-node-markdown 0.1.1 11.fc30	9380	Unspecified	Parse markdown syntax with Node.js
  Based on showdown parser and parses markdown syntax into HTML code.
nodejs-node-static 0.7.8 7.fc30	42354	Unspecified	Simple, compliant file streaming module for node
  node-static is a simple, "rfc 2616 compliant" file streaming module
  for node.
  node-static has an in-memory file cache, making it highly efficient.
  node-static understands and supports "conditional GET" and "HEAD" requests.
  node-static was inspired by some of the other static-file serving modules
  out there, such as node-paperboy and antinode.
nodejs-node-stringprep 0.8.0 9.fc30	51064	Unspecified	ICU StringPrep profiles for Node.js
  This module exposes predefined Unicode normalization functions that are
  required by many protocols. This is just a binding to ICU, which is said
  to be fast.
nodejs-node-uuid 1.4.7 7.fc30	18007	Unspecified	Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
  This Node.js module provides simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4)
  UUIDs. It runs in Node.js and all browsers and can also generate
  cryptographically strong random numbers.
nodejs-nomnom 1.8.1 13.fc30	23920	Unspecified	Nodejs option parser with generated usage and commands
  Nomnom is an option parser for Node. It noms your args and gives them back to
  you in a hash.
nodejs-noncharacters 1.1.0 4.fc30	4846	Unspecified	34 non-character code points
  34 non-character code points (labeled <not a character>), that are set aside
  and guaranteed to never be used for a character. Perfect to use for
  placeholders or temporary replacements during string transformations.
nodejs-nopt 3.0.6 7.fc30	23276	Unspecified	Node.js option parsing
  An option parsing library for Node.js and its package manager (npm).
nodejs-nopt-usage 0.1.0 6.fc30	5746	Unspecified	This module generates a usage string for nopt options
  This module generates a usage string for nopt options. It's based on
  [this]( PR from Filirom1.
nodejs-noptify 0.0.3 12.fc30	17440	Unspecified	A wrapper for the nopt module with a commander-like API
  A wrapper for the nopt module with a commander-like API.
nodejs-normalize-git-url 3.0.2 6.fc30	4113	Unspecified	Normalizes Git URLs. For npm, but you can use it too.
  Normalizes Git URLs. For npm, but you can use it too.
nodejs-normalize-package-data 2.3.5 7.fc29	26727	Unspecified	Normalizes npm/package.json metadata
  normalize-package-data exports a function that normalizes package metadata. This
  data is typically found in a package.json file, but in principle could come from
  any source - for example the npm registry.
  normalize-package-data is used by read-package-json to normalize the data it
  reads from a package.json file. In turn, read-package-json is used by npm and
  various npm-related tools.
nodejs-normalize-path 3.0.0 3.fc30	9219	Unspecified	Nodejs library for normalizing filesystem paths
  Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes, regardless of OS
  (since in reality Windows doesn't care about slash direction anyway). Also
  condenses repeat slashes to a single slash and removes and trailing slashes.
nodejs-npm-cache-filename 1.0.2 7.fc30	2577	Unspecified	Return NPM cache folder
  Given a cache folder and url, return the appropriate cache folder.
nodejs-npm-install-checks 3.0.0 7.fc30	7218	Unspecified	Checks that npm runs during the installation of a module
  A package that contains checks that npm runs during the installation.
nodejs-npm-license 0.3.3 6.fc30	14735	Unspecified	Check license info for a module
  Check license info for a module
nodejs-npm-package-arg 4.1.0 7.fc30	9832	Unspecified	Parse the things that can be arguments to `npm install`
  Parse the things that can be arguments to `npm install`
nodejs-npm-registry-client 8.6.0 1.fc29	89071	System Environment/Libraries	Client for the npm registry
  Client for the npm registry, or private servers using the npm registry software.
nodejs-npm-run-path 2.0.2 5.fc30	4529	Unspecified	Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries
  Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries
nodejs-npm-user-validate 0.1.2 7.fc30	2970	Unspecified	Username, password, and e-mail validation for the npm registry
  This library validates usernames, passwords, and e-mail addresses to the
  standards required by the npm registry.
nodejs-npmlog 2.0.0 8.fc30	14834	Unspecified	Logger for npm
  The logger utility that npm uses.
  This logger is very basic. It does the logging for npm. It supports custom
  levels and colored output.
nodejs-nth-check 1.0.1 9.fc30	7659	Unspecified	Performant nth-check parser & compiler
  Performant nth-check parser & compiler
nodejs-number-is-nan 1.0.0 7.fc30	2419	Unspecified	ES6 Number.isNaN() ponyfill
  ES6 Number.isNaN() ponyfill
nodejs-numeral 2.0.6 5.fc30	62919	Unspecified	A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers
  A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers.
nodejs-oauth 0.9.15 6.fc30	52045	Unspecified	Library for interacting with OAuth 1.0, 1.0A, 2 and Echo
  Library for interacting with OAuth 1.0, 1.0A, 2 and Echo. Provides
  simplified client access and allows for construction of more complex
  APIs and OAuth providers.
nodejs-oauth-sign 0.8.1 7.fc30	13350	Unspecified	OAuth1 signing for Node.js
  OAuth1 signing for Node.js.
nodejs-oauth2orize 1.10.0 4.fc30	85850	Unspecified	OAuth 2.0 authorization server toolkit for Node.js
  OAuth 2.0 authorization server toolkit for Node.js.
nodejs-object-assign 4.1.1 7.fc30	9413	Unspecified	ES6 Object.assign() ponyfill
  ES6 Object.assign() ponyfill.
nodejs-object-copy 0.1.0 5.fc30	7869	Unspecified	Copy static or prototype properties, descriptors from one object to another
  Copy static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from one object
  to another.
nodejs-object-dot-assign 4.1.0 1.fc30	16658	Unspecified	An Object.assign shim
  An Object.assign shim. Invoke its "shim" method to shim Object.assign
  if it is unavailable.
  This package implements the es-shim API interface. It works in an
  ES3-supported environment and complies with the spec. In an ES6
  environment, it will also work properly with Symbols.
nodejs-object-dot-entries 1.0.4 4.fc30	7685	Unspecified	ES7 spec-compliant Object.entries shim
  ES7 spec-compliant Object.entries shim.
nodejs-object-dot-omit 3.0.0 5.fc30	8463	Unspecified	Return a copy of an object excluding the given key
  Return a copy of an object excluding the given key, or array of keys. Also
  accepts an optional filter function as the last argument.
nodejs-object-dot-pick 1.3.0 4.fc30	6570	Unspecified	Returns a filtered copy of an object with only the specified keys
  Returns a filtered copy of an object with only the specified keys, similar to
  `_.pick` from lodash / underscore.
nodejs-object-inspect 1.6.0 3.fc30	12527	Unspecified	String representations of objects in node and the browser
  String representations of objects in node and the browser.
nodejs-object-is 1.0.1 7.fc30	4326	Unspecified	ES6-compliant shim for
  ES6-compliant shim for - differentiates between -0 and +0.
nodejs-object-keys 1.1.1 1.fc30	14233	Unspecified	An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available
  An Object.keys replacement, in case Object.keys is not available.
nodejs-object-visit 1.0.1 4.fc30	6923	Unspecified	Call a specified method on each value in the given object
  Call a specified method on each value in the given object.
nodejs-observable-to-promise 0.5.0 4.fc30	3071	Unspecified	Convert an Observable to a Promise
  Convert an Observable to a Promise
nodejs-obuf 1.1.1 4.fc30	10841	Unspecified	Offset buffer implementation
  Offset buffer implementation.
nodejs-okay 1.0.0 3.fc30	7047	Unspecified	Bubble errors back up your big ol' nested callback chain
  Bubble errors back up your big ol' nested callback chain.
nodejs-on-finished 2.3.0 8.fc30	12311	Unspecified	Execute a callback when a HTTP request closes, finishes, or errors
  Execute a callback when a HTTP request closes, finishes, or errors
nodejs-on-headers 1.0.1 8.fc30	6272	Unspecified	Execute a listener when a response is about to write headers
  Execute a listener when a response is about to write headers
nodejs-once 1.3.3 8.fc30	2768	Unspecified	Run a function exactly one time
  Run a function exactly one time.
nodejs-onetime 1.0.0 8.fc30	3180	Unspecified	Only call a function once
  Only call a function once. Unlike the module `once`, this one isn't naughty
  extending `Function.prototype`.
nodejs-only-shallow 1.2.0 9.fc30	9006	Unspecified	Like `deeper` and `deepest`, but less strict, and with 90s flavor
  Like `deeper` and `deepest`, but less strict, and with 90s flavor
nodejs-oop 0.0.3 7.fc30	4536	Unspecified	Node.js module for simple & light-weight oop
  Node.js module for simple & light-weight oop.
nodejs-opal-runtime 1.0.3 3.fc30	858563	Unspecified	Opal Runtime
  Opal Runtime
nodejs-open 0.0.5 9.fc30	4457	Unspecified	Open a file or url in the user's preferred application
  Open a file or url in the user's preferred application.
nodejs-opener 1.4.1 7.fc30	4629	Unspecified	Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
  Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables, cross-platform.
nodejs-opn 3.0.3 7.fc30	6146	Unspecified	A better node-open which opens websites, files, executables
  A better node-open which opens websites, files, executables.
nodejs-optimist 0.6.1 6.fc30	26059	Unspecified	Light-weight option parsing for Node.js
  Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash. No optstrings attached.
nodejs-option-cache 4.0.0 4.fc30	19801	Unspecified	Simple API for managing options in JavaScript applications
  Simple API for managing options in JavaScript applications.
nodejs-option-chain 1.0.0 4.fc30	5790	Unspecified	Use fluent property chains in lieu of options objects
  Use fluent property chains in lieu of options objects
nodejs-optionator 0.8.1 6.fc30	61465	Unspecified	Option parsing and help generation
  Option parsing and help generation
nodejs-options 0.0.6 9.fc30	5191	Unspecified	Light-weight in-code option parser for nodejs
  A very light-weight in-code option parser for nodejs.
nodejs-optjs 3.2.2 6.fc30	3113	Unspecified	Probably the sole command line option parser you'll ever need
  Probably the sole command line option parser you'll ever need to...
nodejs-opts 1.2.2 15.fc30	15290	Unspecified	JavaScript Command Line Options for Node.js
  js-opts is a library for parsing command line options in JavaScript.
nodejs-orchestrator 0.3.7 6.fc30	20014	Unspecified	A module for sequencing and executing tasks and dependencies
  A module for sequencing and executing tasks and dependencies in maximum
nodejs-ordered-read-streams 0.3.0 6.fc30	4693	Unspecified	Combines array of streams into one read stream in strict order
  Combines array of streams into one read stream in strict order
nodejs-os-homedir 1.0.1 8.fc30	3175	Unspecified	An io.js 2.3.0 os.homedir() ponyfill
  An io.js 2.3.0 os.homedir() ponyfill
nodejs-os-locale 1.4.0 6.fc30	8288	Unspecified	Get the system locale
  Get the system locale
nodejs-os-shim 0.1.3 4.fc30	5515	Unspecified	Native OS module API shim for older node.js versions
  Native OS module API shim for older node.js versions
nodejs-os-tmpdir 1.0.2 6.fc30	3056	Unspecified	Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill
  Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill.
nodejs-osenv 0.1.3 7.fc30	4723	Unspecified	Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
  Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems.
nodejs-output-file-sync 1.1.1 7.fc30	7023	Unspecified	Synchronously write a file and create its ancestor directories if needed
  Synchronously write a file and create its ancestor directories if needed
nodejs-own-or 1.0.0 4.fc30	1760	Unspecified	Either use the object's own property, or a fallback
  Either use the object's own property, or a fallback
nodejs-own-or-env 1.0.0 4.fc30	2308	Unspecified	Use an objects own property, or an environment variable
  Use an objects own property, or an environment variable.  Optionally treat as a
  boolean if the env should be set to 1 or 0.
nodejs-p-finally 1.0.0 5.fc30	3111	Unspecified	Promise#finally() ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled
  Promise#finally() ponyfill - Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of
nodejs-p-limit 1.1.0 5.fc30	3982	Unspecified	Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
  Run multiple promise-returning & async functions with limited concurrency
nodejs-p-locate 2.0.0 5.fc30	5053	Unspecified	Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function
  Get the first fulfilled promise that satisfies the provided testing function
nodejs-pac-proxy-agent 2.0.0 5.fc30	10846	Unspecified	A PAC file proxy `http.Agent` implementation for HTTP
  This module provides an `http.Agent` implementation that retrieves the
  specified PAC proxy file and uses it to resolve which HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS
  proxy, or if a direct connection should be used to connect to the HTTP endpoint.
nodejs-pac-resolver 3.0.0 4.fc30	22557	Unspecified	Generates an asynchronous resolver function from a PAC file
  This module accepts a JavaScript String of code, which is meant to be a
  PAC proxy file, and returns a generated asynchronous `FindProxyForURL()`
nodejs-package 1.0.1 10.fc30	4070	Unspecified	Provides an easy way to export package.json data
  Provides an easy way to export package.json data.
nodejs-package-json 2.3.1 6.fc29	4981	Unspecified	Get the package.json of a package from the npm registry
  Get the package.json of a package from the npm registry
nodejs-package-license 0.4.1 7.fc30	14077	Unspecified	Checks the filesystem for potential license files
  Checks the filesystem for potential license files and attempts to detect what
  they are
nodejs-packaging 20 2.fc30	27769	Unspecified	RPM Macros and Utilities for Node.js Packaging
  This package contains RPM macros and other utilities useful for packaging
  Node.js modules and applications in RPM-based distributions.
nodejs-packet-reader 1.0.0 1.fc30	5023	Unspecified	Read binary packets...
  Read binary packets...
nodejs-pad 1.0.0 8.fc30	5403	Unspecified	Left and right string padding
  Left and right string padding
nodejs-pad-left 2.1.0 7.fc30	9096	Unspecified	Left pad a string with zeros or a specified string
  Left pad a string with zeros or a specified string. Fastest implementation.
nodejs-paperboy 0.0.5 10.fc30	136543	Unspecified	A node.js module for delivering static files
  A node.js module for delivering static files.
nodejs-parallel-transform 1.1.0 3.fc30	5589	Unspecified	Transform stream that allows you to run your transforms in parallel
  Transform stream that allows you to run your transforms in parallel without
  changing the order.
nodejs-param-case 1.1.1 8.fc30	3504	Unspecified	Param case a string
  Param case a string.
nodejs-parse-github-repo-url 1.4.1 4.fc30	4791	Unspecified	Parse a GitHub URL for user/project@version
  Parse a GitHub URL for user/project@version
nodejs-parse-glob 3.0.4 7.fc30	10322	Unspecified	Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens
  Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens.
nodejs-parse-ms 1.0.1 6.fc30	2521	Unspecified	Parse milliseconds into an object
  Parse milliseconds into an object
nodejs-parse-passwd 1.0.0 4.fc30	5957	Unspecified	Parse a passwd file into a list of users
  Parse a passwd file into a list of users.
nodejs-parsejson 0.0.3 4.fc30	2535	Unspecified	Method that parses a JSON string and returns a JSON object
  Method that parses a JSON string and returns a JSON object
nodejs-parseqs 0.0.5 4.fc30	2463	Unspecified	Methods for parsing a query string into an object, and vice versa
  Provides methods for parsing a query string into an object, and vice versa.
nodejs-parserlib 0.2.5 8.fc30	240142	Unspecified	CSS3 SAX-inspired parser
  CSS Parser
nodejs-parseuri 0.0.5 4.fc30	2959	Unspecified	Method that parses a URI and returns an array of its components
  Method that parses a URI and returns an array of its components
nodejs-parseurl 1.3.2 4.fc30	9719	Unspecified	Parse a URL with memoization
  Parse a URL with memoization.
nodejs-pascal-case 1.1.1 7.fc30	3882	Unspecified	Pascal case a string
  Pascal case a string.
nodejs-pascalcase 0.1.1 4.fc30	4462	Unspecified	Convert a string to pascal-case
  Convert a string to pascal-case.
nodejs-passport 0.4.0 4.fc30	46468	Unspecified	Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js
  Passport is an authentication framework for Connect and Express, which
  is extensible through "plugins" known as strategies.
  Passport is designed to be a general-purpose, yet simple, modular, and
  unobtrusive, authentication framework. Passport's sole purpose is to
  authenticate requests. In being modular, it doesn't force any particular
  authentication strategy on your application. In being unobtrusive, it
  doesn't mount routes in your application. The API is simple: you give
  Passport a request to authenticate, and Passport provides hooks for
  controlling what occurs when authentication succeeds or fails.
nodejs-passport-http-bearer 1.0.1 4.fc30	5920	Unspecified	HTTP Bearer authentication strategy for Passport
  HTTP Bearer authentication strategy for Passport.
nodejs-passport-oauth 1.0.0 9.fc30	3939	Unspecified	OAuth 1.0 and 2.0 authentication strategies for Passport
  General-purpose OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 authentication strategies for
  This module lets you authenticate using OAuth in your Node.js
  applications. By plugging into Passport, OAuth authentication can be
  easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework
  that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.
  Note that this strategy provides generic OAuth support. In many cases,
  a provider-specific strategy can be used instead, which cuts down on
  unnecessary configuration, and accommodates any provider-specific
  quirks. See the list below for supported providers.
nodejs-passport-oauth1 1.1.0 6.fc30	26176	Unspecified	OAuth 1.0 authentication strategy for Passport
  General-purpose OAuth 1.0 authentication strategy for Passport.
  This module lets you authenticate using OAuth in your Node.js
  applications. By plugging into Passport, OAuth authentication can be
  easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework
  that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.
  Note that this strategy provides generic OAuth support. In many cases,
  a provider-specific strategy can be used instead, which cuts down on
  unnecessary configuration, and accommodates any provider-specific
  quirks. See the list for supported providers.
  Developers who need to implement authentication against an OAuth
  provider that is not already supported are encouraged to sub-class
  this strategy. If you choose to open source the new provider-specific
  strategy, please add it to the list so other people can find it.
nodejs-passport-oauth2 1.4.0 6.fc30	26984	Unspecified	OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport
  General-purpose OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy for Passport.
  This module lets you authenticate using OAuth 2.0 in your Node.js
  applications. By plugging into Passport, OAuth 2.0 authentication can
  be easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or
  framework that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.
  Note that this strategy provides generic OAuth 2.0 support. In many
  cases, a provider-specific strategy can be used instead, which cuts
  down on unnecessary configuration, and accommodates any
  provider-specific quirks. See the list for supported providers.
  Developers who need to implement authentication against an OAuth 2.0
  provider that is not already supported are encouraged to sub-class
  this strategy. If you choose to open source the new provider-specific
  strategy, please add it to the list so other people can find it.
nodejs-passport-oauth2-client-password 0.1.2 4.fc30	2579	Unspecified	OAuth 2.0 client password authentication strategy for Passport
  OAuth 2.0 client password authentication strategy for Passport.
nodejs-passport-strategy 1.0.0 9.fc30	4563	Unspecified	An abstract class implementing Passport's strategy API
  This module exports an abstract Strategy class that is intended to be
  subclassed when implementing concrete authentication strategies. Once
  implemented, such strategies can be used by applications that utilize
  Passport middleware for authentication.
nodejs-path-array 1.0.1 6.fc30	10163	Unspecified	Treat your $PATH like a JavaScript Array
  Treat your $PATH like a JavaScript Array
nodejs-path-case 1.1.1 8.fc30	3465	Unspecified	Path case a string
  Path case a string.
nodejs-path-dirname 1.0.2 4.fc30	4072	Unspecified	Node.js path.dirname() ponyfill
  Node.js path.dirname() ponyfill
nodejs-path-exists 3.0.0 5.fc30	3316	Unspecified	Promisify a callback-style function
  Promisify a callback-style function.
nodejs-path-extra 4.2.1 4.fc30	6989	Unspecified	Contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js path package
  Contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla Node.js path package.
nodejs-path-is-absolute 1.0.0 7.fc30	3334	Unspecified	Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
  Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
nodejs-path-is-inside 1.0.1 7.fc30	3790	Unspecified	Tests whether one path is inside another path
  Tests whether one path is inside another path
nodejs-path-key 2.0.1 5.fc30	3020	Unspecified	Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform
  Get the PATH environment variable key cross-platform
nodejs-path-parse 1.0.5 3.fc30	5265	Unspecified	Node.js path.parse() ponyfill
  Node.js path.parse() ponyfill
nodejs-path-to-regexp 1.2.1 8.fc30	20932	Unspecified	Express style path to RegExp utility
  Express style path to RegExp utility
nodejs-path-type 2.0.0 5.fc30	3402	Unspecified	Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink
  Check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink
nodejs-path2 0.1.0 7.fc30	21297	Unspecified	Modular and extended version of `path` package
  Modular and extended version of `path` package
nodejs-pathval 1.1.0 5.fc30	23676	Unspecified	Object value retrieval given a string path
  Object value retrieval given a string path
nodejs-pause 0.0.1 11.fc30	2055	Unspecified	Node.js module to pause streams
  Node.js module to pause streams.
nodejs-pbkdf2-password 1.2.1 4.fc30	9408	Unspecified	Easy salt/password creation for Node.js, extracted from Mosca
  Easy salt/password creation for Node.js, extracted from Mosca
nodejs-pedding 1.1.0 6.fc30	5178	Unspecified	Just pedding for callback
  Just pedding for callback
nodejs-pend 1.2.0 8.fc30	3566	Unspecified	Dead-simple optimistic async helper
  Dead-simple optimistic async helper.
nodejs-pff 1.0.0 7.fc30	7212	Unspecified	Minimal implementation of printf, which is really fast
  Minimal implementation of printf, which is really fast.
nodejs-pg 7.8.2 1.fc30	86794	Unspecified	PostgreSQL client for Node.js - pure JavaScript and libpq with the same API
  PostgreSQL client for Node.js with pure JavaScript client and native
  libpq bindings that share the same API.
  Supported PostgreSQL features include:
   - parameterized queries
   - named statements with query plan caching
   - asynchronous notifications with LISTEN/NOTIFY
   - bulk import & export with COPY TO/COPY FROM
   - extensible js<->postgresql data-type coercion
nodejs-pg-connection-string 0.1.3 7.fc30	4028	Unspecified	Functions for dealing with a PostgresSQL connection string
  Functions for dealing with a PostgresSQL connection string.
nodejs-pg-cursor 2.0.0 1.fc30	6387	Unspecified	Use a PostgreSQL result cursor from node with an easy to use API
  Use a PostgreSQL result cursor from node with an easy to use API.
nodejs-pg-escape 0.2.0 8.fc30	7490	Unspecified	Escape postgres queries which do not support stored procedures
  Escape postgres queries which do not support stored procedures.
nodejs-pg-int8 1.0.1 4.fc30	3186	Unspecified	64-bit big-endian signed integer-to-string conversion for pg
  64-bit big-endian signed integer-to-string conversion designed for pg.
nodejs-pg-native 3.0.0 2.fc30	25752	Unspecified	High performance native bindings between node.js and PostgreSQL
  High performance native bindings between node.js and PostgreSQL via
  libpq with a simple API.
nodejs-pg-pool 2.0.6 1.fc30	22438	Unspecified	A connection pool for node-postgres
  A connection pool for node-postgres.
nodejs-pg-types 2.0.1 1.fc30	17489	Unspecified	Query result type converters for node-postgres
  Query result type converters for node-postgres.
nodejs-pgpass 1.0.2 5.fc30	10201	Unspecified	Module for reading .pgpass
  This module tries to read the ~/.pgpass file (or the equivalent
  for windows systems). If the environment variable PGPASSFILE is
  set, this file is used instead. If everything goes right, the
  password from said file is passed to the callback; if the password
  cannot be read undefined is passed to the callback.
nodejs-pify 2.3.0 5.fc30	6020	Unspecified	Promisify a callback-style function
  Promisify a callback-style function.
nodejs-pinkie 2.0.4 7.fc30	10513	Unspecified	Itty bitty little widdle twinkie pinkie ES6 Promise implementation
  Itty bitty little widdle twinkie pinkie ES6 Promise implementation.
nodejs-pinkie-promise 2.0.1 6.fc30	2576	Unspecified	Promise ponyfill with pinkie
  Promise ponyfill with pinkie.
nodejs-pkg-dir 1.0.0 7.fc30	3933	Unspecified	Find the root directory of a npm package
  Find the root directory of a npm package
nodejs-pkg-up 1.0.0 7.fc30	3797	Unspecified	Find the closest package.json file
  Find the closest package.json file
nodejs-pkginfo 0.3.0 12.fc30	34058	Unspecified	An easy way to expose properties on a module from a package.json
  This Node.js module provides an easy way to expose package.json properties.
  By invoking the pkginfo module all of the properties in your package.json
  file will be automatically exposed on the callee module (ie, the parent
  module of pkginfo).
nodejs-platform 1.3.5 2.fc30	49463	Unspecified	A platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms
  A platform detection library that works on nearly all JavaScript platforms.
nodejs-plur 2.1.2 6.fc30	3609	Unspecified	Naively pluralize a word
  Naively pluralize a word
nodejs-portscanner 1.0.0 10.fc30	8672	Unspecified	Asynchronous port scanner for Node.js
  The portscanner module is an asynchronous JavaScript port scanner for Node.js.
nodejs-posix-character-classes 1.0.0 4.fc30	6970	Unspecified	POSIX character classes for creating regular expressions
  POSIX character classes for creating regular expressions.
nodejs-postgres-array 2.0.0 1.fc30	4772	Unspecified	Parse postgres array columns
  Parse postgres array columns.
nodejs-postgres-bytea 1.0.0 8.fc30	3055	Unspecified	Postgres bytea parser
  Postgres bytea parser.
nodejs-postgres-date 1.0.4 1.fc30	4946	Unspecified	Postgres date column parser
  Postgres date column parser.
nodejs-postgres-interval 1.2.0 1.fc30	6305	Unspecified	Parse Postgres interval columns
  Parse Postgres interval columns.
nodejs-precond 0.2.3 4.fc30	14360	Unspecified	Precondition checking utilities
  Precondition checking utilities.
nodejs-prelude-ls 1.1.2 6.fc30	36015	Unspecified	The library is a functionally oriented utility is a functionally oriented utility library. It is powerful and
  flexible. Almost all of its functions are curried. It is written in, and is
  the recommended base library for, LiveScript.
nodejs-preserve 0.2.0 6.fc30	5449	Unspecified	Substitute tokens in the given `string` , then put them back
  Temporarily substitute tokens in the given `string` with placeholders, then
  put them back after transforming the string.
nodejs-pretty-bytes 4.0.2 5.fc30	3899	Unspecified	Convert bytes to a human readable string
  Convert bytes to a human readable string.
nodejs-pretty-hrtime 1.0.2 6.fc30	6240	Unspecified	Convert process.hrtime() to words
  Convert process.hrtime() to words
nodejs-pretty-ms 2.1.0 7.fc30	4882	Unspecified	Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 1337000000 → 15d 11h 23m 20s
  Convert milliseconds to a human readable string: 1337000000 → 15d 11h 23m 20s
nodejs-pretty-time 0.2.0 5.fc30	8435	Unspecified	Easily format the time from process.hrtime
  Easily format the time from node.js process.hrtime. Works with timescales
  ranging from weeks to nanoseconds.
nodejs-prism-media 0.3.1 2.fc30	42893	Unspecified	Easily transcode media using node.js
  Intuitive abstractions that make transcoding media easy. Provides
  behind-the-scenes audio support for discord.js.
nodejs-private 0.1.6 6.fc30	13332	Unspecified	Utility for associating truly private state with any JavaScript object
  A general-purpose utility for associating truly private state with any
  JavaScript object.
nodejs-process-nextick-args 2.0.0 1.fc30	3957	Unspecified	The process.nextTick() but always with args
  Always be able to pass arguments to process.nextTick, no matter the platform.
nodejs-proclaim 3.5.1 3.fc30	31225	Unspecified	A simple assertion library for server and client side JavaScript
  A simple assertion library for server and client side JavaScript
nodejs-progress 2.0.0 4.fc30	16878	Unspecified	Flexible ascii progress bar
  Flexible ascii progress bar
nodejs-progress-stream 2.0.0 5.fc30	8298	Unspecified	Read the progress of a stream
  Read the progress of a stream. Supports speed and eta.
  Gets the lengths of the stream automatically if you're using the request
  or http module. You can also pass the length on initiation. Progress-stream
  will also check to see if the stream already have a length property.
nodejs-promise 8.0.1 4.fc30	62245	Unspecified	Bare bones Promises/A+ implementation for Node.js
  This is a bare bones Promises/A+ implementation for Node.js. It is designed
  to get the basics spot on correct, so that you can build extended promise
  implementations on top of it.
nodejs-promises-aplus-tests 2.1.2 6.fc30	99926	Unspecified	Compliance test suite for Promises/A+
  Compliance test suite for Promises/A+
nodejs-prompt 0.2.14 8.fc30	90196	Unspecified	A beautiful command-line prompt for Node.js
  A beautiful command-line prompt for Node.js. Features include:
   - prompting for user input
   - validation and defaults
   - hiding of passwords
nodejs-promzard 0.3.0 7.fc30	21528	Unspecified	A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
  A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules.
  The goal is a nice drop-in enhancement for `npm init`.
nodejs-propagate 1.0.0 6.fc30	5371	Unspecified	Propagate events
  Propagate events
nodejs-propget 1.1.0 3.fc30	5978	Unspecified	Use dot notation to get properties from deeply nested structures
  Use dot notation to get properties from deeply nested object and array
nodejs-proto-list 1.2.4 7.fc30	3529	Unspecified	A list of objects bound by prototype chain
  A list of objects bound by prototype chain.  Used for the Node.js package
  manager (npm) configuration.
nodejs-proxy 0.2.4 7.fc30	21495	Unspecified	An HTTP proxy written with Node.js
  An HTTP proxy written with Node.js.
nodejs-proxy-addr 2.0.2 4.fc30	15491	Unspecified	Determine address of proxied request
  Determine address of proxied request
nodejs-proxyquire 2.0.1 4.fc30	39203	Unspecified	Proxies Node.js require to allow overriding dependencies
  Proxies Node,js's require in order to make overriding dependencies
  during testing easy while staying totally unobstrusive.
nodejs-pruddy-error 2.0.2 3.fc30	11619	Unspecified	Prettify given error object
  Prettify given error object
nodejs-pseudomap 1.0.2 6.fc30	6328	Unspecified	A thing that is a lot like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators
  A thing that is a lot like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators, for use in
  environments where `for..of` syntax and `Map` are not available.
nodejs-pubcontrol 0.3.5 9.fc30	14414	Unspecified	HTTP Extensible Pubsub Control Protocol (EPCP) library for Node.js
  HTTP Extensible Pubsub Control Protocol (EPCP) library for Node.js.
nodejs-pump 1.0.2 4.fc30	5102	Unspecified	Pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
  Pipe streams together and close all of them if one of them closes
nodejs-pumpify 1.3.5 4.fc30	2170	Unspecified	Combine an array of streams into a single duplex stream using pump and duplexify
  Combine an array of streams into a single duplex stream using pump and duplexify
nodejs-q 1.5.1 3.fc30	128746	Unspecified	A tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript
  Q is a tool for making and composing asynchronous promises in JavaScript.
  If a function cannot return a value or throw an exception without blocking,
  it can return a promise instead. A promise is an object that represents the
  return value or the thrown exception that the function may eventually provide.
  A promise can also be used as a proxy for a remote object to overcome latency.
  Q can exchange promises with jQuery, Dojo, When.js, WinJS, and more.
  Additionally, there are many libraries that produce and consume Q promises for
  everything from file system/database access or RPC to templating.
nodejs-q-io 1.13.4 4.fc30	178850	Unspecified	Interfaces for IO using Q promises in JavaScript on Node.js
  Interfaces for IO using Q promises in JavaScript on Node.js.
nodejs-qs 6.5.1 4.fc30	48431	Unspecified	Query string parser for Node.js
  This is a query string parser for node and the browser supporting nesting,
  as it was removed from 0.3.x, so this library provides the previous and
  commonly desired behavior (and twice as fast). Used by express, connect
  and others.
nodejs-qtdatastream 1.0.2 3.fc30	52057	Unspecified	Nodejs lib which can read/write Qt formatted Datastreams
  Nodejs lib which can read/write Qt formatted Datastreams.
  For the moment the following types are handled for reading and writing:
  QBool, QShort, QInt, QInt64, QUInt, QUInt64, QDouble, QMap, QList, QString,
  QVariant, QStringList, QByteArray, QUserType, QDateTime, QTime, QChar,
nodejs-queue-async 1.0.7 7.fc30	7566	Unspecified	A little helper for asynchronous JavaScript
  Queue.js is yet another asynchronous helper library for JavaScript. Think
  of it as a minimalist version of Async.js that allows fine-tuning over
  parallelism. Or, think of it as a version of TameJs that does not use code
nodejs-quick-lru 1.1.0 4.fc30	5532	Unspecified	Simple "Least Recently Used" (LRU) cache
  Simple "Least Recently Used" (LRU) cache
nodejs-qunit-extras 3.0.0 3.fc30	17971	Unspecified	Extends QUnit with extra features and CLI support
  Extends QUnit with extra features and CLI support.
nodejs-qunitjs 1.23.1 1.fc29	109313	Unspecified	An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework
  An easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.
nodejs-rainbowsocks 0.1.2 8.fc30	6232	Unspecified	SOCKS4a proxy client
  SOCKS4a client developed with rainbows.
nodejs-random-bytes 1.0.0 4.fc30	6235	Unspecified	URL and cookie safe UIDs
  URL and cookie safe UIDs
nodejs-random-path 0.1.1 4.fc30	3782	Unspecified	Generate a random path name
  Generate a random path name.
nodejs-randomatic 1.1.5 8.fc30	9130	Unspecified	Generate randomized strings of a specified length
  Generate randomized strings of a specified length, fast. Only the length is
  necessary, but you can optionally generate patterns using any combination of
  numeric, alpha-numeric, alphabetical, special or custom characters.
nodejs-range-parser 1.2.0 4.fc30	7906	Unspecified	Range header field string parser for Node.js
  Range header field string parser for Node.js.
nodejs-raw-body 2.2.0 7.fc30	13872	Unspecified	Get and validate the raw body of a readable stream
  This module gets the entire buffer of a stream either as a buffer or a string.
  It validates the stream's length against an expected length and maximum limit.
  It is ideal for parsing request bodies.
nodejs-re-emitter 1.1.3 6.fc30	4206	Unspecified	Re emit events from another emitter
  Re emit events from another emitter
nodejs-read 1.0.7 7.fc30	5951	Unspecified	An implementation of read(1) for node programs
  A method for reading user input from stdin in node.js.  Similar to readline's
  "question()" method, but with a few more features.
nodejs-read-all-stream 3.1.0 7.fc30	6930	Unspecified	Read all stream content and pass it to callback
  Read all stream content and pass it to callback.
nodejs-read-cmd-shim 1.0.1 8.fc30	4088	Unspecified	Figure out what a cmd-shim is pointing at
  Figure out what a cmd-shim is pointing at. This acts as the equivalent of
nodejs-read-dir-files 0.1.1 5.fc29	9810	Unspecified	Recursively read files from a directory
  Recursively read files from a directory
nodejs-read-file 0.2.0 6.fc30	5420	Unspecified	Thin wrapper around fs.readFile and fs.readFileSync
  Thin wrapper around fs.readFile and fs.readFileSync that also strips byte order
  marks when `utf8` encoding is chosen. Also optionally replaces windows newlines
  with unix newlines.
nodejs-read-installed 4.0.3 6.fc29	13818	System Environment/Libraries	Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
  Reads all the installed packages in a folder, and returns a tree structure with
  all the data.
nodejs-read-json-sync 4.fc30	2764	Unspecified	Read and parse a JSON file synchronously
  Read and parse a JSON file synchronously
nodejs-read-package-json 2.0.3 8.fc30	15721	Unspecified	npm's package.json parser
  The thing npm uses to read package.json files, with semantics, defaults and
nodejs-read-pkg 2.0.0 5.fc30	4367	Unspecified	Read a package.json file
  Read a package.json file
nodejs-read-pkg-up 2.0.0 5.fc29	4499	Unspecified	Read the closest package.json file
  Read the closest package.json file
nodejs-readable-stream 2.3.6 3.fc30	77544	Unspecified	Streams3, a user-land copy of the stream library from Node.js
  This package is a mirror of the Streams2 and Streams3 implementations in
nodejs-readdir-enhanced 2.2.1 3.fc30	50928	Unspecified	A fs.readdir with sync, async, and streaming APIs
  A fs.readdir with sync, async, and streaming APIs + filtering, recursion,
  absolute paths, etc.
nodejs-readdir-scoped-modules 1.0.2 7.fc30	3708	Unspecified	Like fs.readdir but handling @org/module dirs as if they were a single entry
  Like fs.readdir but handling @org/module dirs as if they were a single entry.
nodejs-readdirp 2.1.0 6.fc30	26876	Unspecified	Recursive version of Node's fs.readdir with a streaming API
  Recursive version of Node's fs.readdir with a streaming API.
nodejs-realize-package-specifier 3.0.1 9.fc30	5526	Unspecified	Producing full file paths and differentiating local tar and directory sources
  Producing full file paths and differentiating local tar and directory sources
nodejs-recast 0.10.39 8.fc30	149094	Unspecified	JavaScript syntax tree transformer
  JavaScript syntax tree transformer, conservative pretty-printer, and automatic
  source map generator
nodejs-rechoir 0.6.2 6.fc30	7959	Unspecified	Require any supported file as a node module
  Require any supported file as a node module.
nodejs-redent 2.0.0 6.fc30	3025	Unspecified	Strip redundant indentation and indent the string
  Strip redundant indentation and indent the string
nodejs-reduce-component 1.0.1 9.fc30	11836	Unspecified	An array reduce component for Node.js
  An array reduce component for Node.js.
nodejs-regenerator 0.8.46 6.fc30	67829	Unspecified	Source transformer enabling ECMAScript 6 generators
  This package implements a fully-functional source transformation that takes the
  proposed syntax for generators/yield from future versions of JS (ECMAScript6 or
  ES6, experimentally implemented in Node.js v0.11) and spits out efficient
  JS-of-today (ES5) that behaves the same way.
nodejs-regenerator-runtime 0.9.5 6.fc30	25474	Unspecified	Standalone runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions
  Standalone runtime for Regenerator-compiled generator and async functions.
nodejs-regex-cache 0.4.3 7.fc30	9064	Unspecified	Memoize the results of a call to the RegExp constructor
  Memoize the results of a call to the RegExp constructor, avoiding repetitious
  runtime compilation of the same string and options, resulting in dramatic speed
nodejs-regex-not 1.0.2 3.fc30	8671	Unspecified	Create a regex matching everything except the given string
  Create a javascript regular expression for matching everything except for the
  given string.
nodejs-relateurl 0.2.7 6.fc30	31411	Unspecified	Minify URLs by converting them from absolute to relative
  Minify URLs by converting them from absolute to relative.
nodejs-remove-trailing-separator 1.1.0 4.fc30	4246	Unspecified	Removes separators from the end of the string
  Removes separators from the end of the string.
nodejs-repeat-element 1.1.2 6.fc30	3797	Unspecified	Create an array by repeating the given value n times
  Create an array by repeating the given value n times.
nodejs-repeat-string 1.6.1 5.fc30	9089	Unspecified	Repeat the given string n times
  Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string.
nodejs-repeating 3.0.0 6.fc30	3737	Unspecified	Repeat a string - fast
  Repeat a string - fast
nodejs-repl 0.1.3 13.fc30	3286	Unspecified	A lightweight templating library for Node.js
  A lightweight templating library for Node.js.
nodejs-replace 1.0.0 3.fc30	14117	Unspecified	Command line search and replace utility using Nodejs
  replace is a command line utility for performing search-and-replace on files.
  It's similar to sed but there are a few differences:
  * Modifies files when matches are found
  * Recursive search on directories with -r
  * Uses JavaScript syntax for regular expressions and replacement strings.
nodejs-replace-ext 1.0.0 5.fc30	4217	Unspecified	Replaces a file extension with another one
  Replaces a file extension with another one
nodejs-replace-require-self 1.1.1 6.fc30	1748	Unspecified	Require($THIS_PACKAGE) -> require('./')
  Require($THIS_PACKAGE) -> require('./')
nodejs-request 2.67.0 12.fc30	126221	Unspecified	Simplified HTTP request client
  Request is designed to be the simplest way possible to make HTTP calls. It
  supports HTTPS and follows redirects by default.
  You can stream any response to a file stream. You can also stream a file to a
  PUT or POST request.  It also supports a few simple server and proxy functions.
nodejs-requestretry 1.4.0 7.fc30	7852	Unspecified	Request-retry wrap nodejs request to retry http(s) requests in case of error
  Request-retry wrap nodejs request to retry http(s) requests in case of error.
nodejs-require-all 2.0.0 7.fc30	4738	Unspecified	Require all files within a directory
  An easy way to require all files within a directory.
nodejs-require-cs 0.4.4 10.fc30	102763	Unspecified	An AMD loader plugin for CoffeeScript
  A CoffeeScript loader plugin that may work with module loaders like
  RequireJS, curl and backdraft.
  This loader plugin makes it easy to write your JS functionality in
  CoffeeScript, and easily use it in the browser, Node or Rhino. Plus,
  if you use the RequireJS optimizer, your CoffeeScript files can be
  translated to JavaScript and in-lined into optimized layers for fast
nodejs-require-directory 2.1.1 7.fc30	10174	Unspecified	Recursively iterates over specified directory, require()'ing each file
  Recursively iterates over specified directory, require()'ing each file.
nodejs-require-inject 1.2.0 7.fc30	3977	Unspecified	A simple mock injector needing no instrumentation in the libraries being tested
  A simple mock injector needing no instrumentation in the libraries being tested
nodejs-require-main-filename 1.0.1 3.fc30	2972	Unspecified	Shim for require.main.filename() that works in as many environments as possible
  Shim for require.main.filename() that works in as many environments as possible
nodejs-require-relative 0.8.7 3.fc30	2258	Unspecified	Require and resolve modules relative to a path of your choice
  Require and resolve modules relative to a path of your choice
nodejs-require-uncached 1.0.3 6.fc30	3869	Unspecified	Require a module bypassing the cache
  Useful for testing purposes when you need to freshly require a module.
nodejs-require-yaml 0.0.1 6.fc30	2657	Unspecified	Lets you load YAML/YML files using require syntax
  require('require-yaml') lets you load YAML/YML files using require syntax. For
  example: var config = require('./config.yaml');
nodejs-requirejs 2.1.11 10.fc30	1116816	Unspecified	Node.js adapter for RequireJS, for loading AMD modules
  RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for
  in-browser use, but it can be used in other JavaScript environments,
  like Rhino and Node. Using a modular script loader like RequireJS will
  improve the speed and quality of your code.
nodejs-resolve 1.7.1 3.fc30	23965	Unspecified	Resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously/synchronously
  Resolve like require.resolve() on behalf of files asynchronously/synchronously.
nodejs-resolve-cwd 2.0.0 5.fc30	3656	Unspecified	Like require.resolve() but from current working directory
  Resolve the path of a module like `require.resolve()` but from the current
  working directory.
nodejs-resolve-dir 1.0.1 4.fc30	6549	Unspecified	Resolve a directory
  Resolve a directory that is either local, global or in the user's home
nodejs-resolve-from 4.0.0 4.fc30	5658	Unspecified	Resolve the path of a module like require.resolve() but from a given path
  Resolve the path of a module like require.resolve() but from a given path.
nodejs-resolve-pkg 1.0.0 5.fc30	4588	Unspecified	Resolve the path of a package regardless of it having an entry
  Resolve the path of a package regardless of it having an entry
nodejs-resolve-url 0.2.1 4.fc30	5671	Unspecified	Like Node.js’ `path.resolve`/`url.resolve` for the browser
  Like Node.js’ `path.resolve`/`url.resolve` for the browser.
nodejs-response-time 1.0.0 9.fc30	2607	Unspecified	X-Response-Time header for Node.js and Connect
  X-Response-Time header for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-resumer 0.0.0 8.fc30	4124	Unspecified	A stream that starts paused and resumes on the next tick
  A through stream that starts paused and resumes on the next tick.
nodejs-ret 0.2.2 3.fc30	17038	Unspecified	Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression
  Tokenizes a string that represents a regular expression.
nodejs-retry 0.12.0 2.fc30	19907	Unspecified	Retry strategies for failed operations
  Abstraction for exponential and custom retry strategies for failed operations.
nodejs-reusify 1.0.2 4.fc30	5858	Unspecified	Reuse objects and functions with style
  Reuse objects and functions with style
nodejs-revalidator 0.1.7 9.fc30	38440	Unspecified	A cross-browser/Node.js validator used by resourceful
  A cross-browser/Node.js validator used by resourceful.
nodejs-rewire 2.5.2 6.fc30	26988	Unspecified	Easy dependency injection for node.js unit testing
  Rewire adds a special setter and getter to modules so you can
  modify their behavior for better unit testing. You may:
  * Inject mocks for other modules or globals like process
  * Leak private variables
  * Override variables within the module.
  Rewire does not load the file and eval the contents to emulate
  node's require mechanism. In fact it uses node's own require to
  load the module. Thus your module behaves exactly the same in
  your test environment as under regular circumstances (except
  your modifications).
nodejs-rfile 1.0.0 4.fc30	5870	Unspecified	Require a plain text or binary file in node.js
  Require a plain text or binary file in node.js
nodejs-rhea 0.3.9 2.fc30	395884	Unspecified	A reactive messaging library based on the AMQP protocol
  A reactive library for the AMQP protocol.
nodejs-right-align 0.1.3 4.fc30	4459	Unspecified	Right-align the text in a string
  Right-align the text in a string.
nodejs-rimraf 2.6.1 5.fc30	15123	Unspecified	A deep deletion module for node.js
  A deep deletion module for node.js (like `rm -rf`).
nodejs-rndm 1.2.0 7.fc30	3120	Unspecified	Random string generator
  Random string generator
nodejs-rollup 0.41.6 4.fc30	2886046	Unspecified	Next-generation ES6 module bundler
  Next-generation ES6 module bundler
nodejs-rollup-plugin-buble 0.19.2 3.fc30	7530	Unspecified	Compile ES2015 with buble
  Compile ES2015 with buble
nodejs-rollup-plugin-commonjs 9.1.3 3.fc30	173621	Unspecified	Convert CommonJS modules to ES2015
  Convert CommonJS modules to ES2015
nodejs-rollup-plugin-json 3.0.0 3.fc30	10576	Unspecified	Convert .json files to ES6 modules:
  Convert .json files to ES6 modules:
nodejs-rollup-plugin-node-resolve 3.3.0 3.fc30	23992	Unspecified	Bundle third-party dependencies in node_modules
  Bundle third-party dependencies in node_modules
nodejs-rollup-plugin-typescript 0.8.1 3.fc30	38233	Unspecified	Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript
  Seamless integration between Rollup and TypeScript.
nodejs-rollup-pluginutils 2.3.0 3.fc30	25695	Unspecified	Functionality commonly needed by Rollup plugins
  Functionality commonly needed by Rollup plugins
nodejs-ronn 0.4.0 13.fc30	19511	Unspecified	Markdown to roff/html converter
  JavaScript port of ronn, using markdown-js to produce roff man pages. Not fully
  compatible with ronn, although it aims to be, wherever possible.
nodejs-run-parallel-limit 1.0.1 7.fc30	7110	Unspecified	Run functions in parallel with a limit on concurrent tasks
  Run an array of functions in parallel, but limit the number of tasks executing
  at the same time.
nodejs-runforcover 0.0.2 13.fc30	5984	Unspecified	Require plugin for JS code coverage
  Runforcover hooks into the `require()` function and uses nodejs-bunker to
  provide code coverage data for your unit test library, whatever it might be.
nodejs-safe-buffer 5.1.1 4.fc30	22943	Unspecified	Node.js module for a safer buffer API
  Node.js module for a safer buffer API.
nodejs-safe-json-stringify 1.2.0 3.fc30	6965	Unspecified	Prevent defined property getters from throwing errors
  Prevent defined property getters from throwing errors
nodejs-safe-regex 1.1.0 3.fc30	4916	Unspecified	Detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressions
  Detect possibly catastrophic, exponential-time regular expressions.
nodejs-safecb 0.0.1 6.fc30	2173	Unspecified	Normalize callback arguments
  Normalize callback arguments
nodejs-samsam 1.1.2 7.fc30	22031	Unspecified	Value identification and comparison functions
  samsam is a collection of predicate and comparison functions useful to
  identify the type of values and to compare values with varying degrees of
  samsam is a general-purpose library with no dependencies. It works in browsers
  (including old and rowdy ones, like IE6) and Node. It will define itself as an
  AMD module if you want it to (i.e. if there's a define function available).
  samsam was originally extracted from the referee assertion library, which
  ships with the Buster.JS testing framework.
nodejs-sauce-tunnel 2.2.3 9.fc30	9390	Unspecified	A wrapper around the Sauce Labs tunnel jar
  A Node.js wrapper around the Saucelabs tunnel jar.
nodejs-saucelabs 0.1.1 9.fc30	15195	Unspecified	A wrapper around Sauce Labs REST API
  A wrapper around Sauce Labs REST API
nodejs-sax 0.6.0 9.fc30	433437	Unspecified	A streaming SAX-style XML parser in JavaScript for Node.js
  This is a SAX-style streaming XML parser in JavaScript for Node.js.
  It is:
   - A very simple tool to parse through an XML string.
   - A stepping stone to a streaming HTML parser.
   - A handy way to deal with RSS and other mostly-ok-but-kinda-broken XML docs.
nodejs-scmp 0.0.3 7.fc29	3205	System Environment/Libraries	Constant-time string comparison intended to be safer against timing attacks
  Constant-time string comparison intended to be safer against timing attacks.
nodejs-secure-random 1.1.1 6.fc30	8143	Unspecified	Normalize the creation of cryptographically strong random values
  Normalize the creation of cryptographically strong random values.
nodejs-seedrandom 2.4.3 4.fc30	49676	Unspecified	Seeded random number generator for Javascript
  Seeded random number generator for Javascript.
nodejs-select-hose 2.0.0 4.fc30	5568	Unspecified	Select protocol using first bytes of incoming data and hose stuff to the handler
  Select protocol using first bytes of incoming data and hose stuff to the handler
nodejs-semver 5.3.0 5.fc30	51565	Unspecified	Semantic versioner for npm
  The semantic version comparison library for the Node.js package manager (npm).
nodejs-send 0.16.1 5.fc30	46669	Unspecified	Better streaming static file server with Range and conditional-GET support
  Send is Connect's static() extracted for generalized use, a streaming static
  file server supporting partial responses (Ranges), conditional-GET
  negotiation, high test coverage, and granular events which may be leveraged
  to take appropriate actions in your application or framework.
nodejs-sentence-case 1.1.2 8.fc30	20220	Unspecified	Sentence case a string
  Sentence case a string, with full support for non-ASCII characters. Also
  handles non-string entities, such as objects with a toString property, numbers
  and booleans. Empty values (null and undefined) will come out as an empty
nodejs-sentiment 4.0.1 4.fc30	3078	Unspecified	AFINN-based sentiment analysis for Node.js
  AFINN-based sentiment analysis for Node.js
nodejs-sequencify 0.0.7 6.fc30	4684	Unspecified	A module for sequencing tasks and dependencies
  A module for sequencing tasks and dependencies
nodejs-serialize-error 1.1.0 6.fc30	3528	Unspecified	Serialize an error into a plain object
  Serialize an error into a plain object
nodejs-serve-index 1.0.1 11.fc30	79484	Unspecified	Middleware for serving directory listings for Node.js and Connect
  Middleware for serving directory listings for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-serve-static 1.1.0 6.fc27	7069	System Environment/Libraries	Middleware for serving static files for Node.js and Connect
  Middleware for serving static files for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-server-destroy 1.0.1 4.fc30	2679	Unspecified	Enable destroying a server, and all currently open connections
  Enable destroying a server, and all currently open connections.
nodejs-set-blocking 2.0.0 4.fc30	4224	Unspecified	Set blocking stdio and stderr ensuring that terminal output does not truncate
  Set blocking stdio and stderr ensuring that terminal output does not truncate
nodejs-set-getter 0.1.0 6.fc30	7718	Unspecified	Create nested getter properties and any intermediary paths
  Create nested getter properties and any intermediary dot notation (`'a.b.c'`)
nodejs-set-immediate 0.1.1 8.fc30	3980	Unspecified	A shim for the setImmediate API
  A simple and lightweight shim for the setImmediate W3C Draft API, for
  use in any browsers and NodeJS.
nodejs-set-immediate-shim 1.0.1 9.fc30	2515	Unspecified	Simple setImmediate shim
  Simple setImmediate shim.
nodejs-set-value 2.0.0 4.fc30	15982	Unspecified	Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (a.b.c) paths
  Create nested values and any intermediaries using dot notation (a.b.c) paths.
nodejs-setimmediate 1.0.1 9.fc30	15019	Unspecified	A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API
  A shim for the setImmediate efficient script yielding API.
nodejs-setprototypeof 1.1.0 4.fc30	2168	Unspecified	A small polyfill for Object.setprototypeof
  A small polyfill for Object.setprototypeof
nodejs-sha 2.0.1 7.fc30	7284	Unspecified	Check and get file hashes
  Check and get file hashes using MD5, SHA1, or any other algorithm supported by
nodejs-shallow-clone 1.0.0 5.fc30	9073	Unspecified	Make a shallow clone of an object, array or primitive
  Make a shallow clone of an object, array or primitive.
nodejs-shebang-command 1.2.0 4.fc30	2790	Unspecified	Get the command from a shebang
  Get the command from a shebang
nodejs-shebang-regex 2.0.0 4.fc30	2339	Unspecified	Regular expression for matching a shebang line
  Regular expression for matching a shebang line
nodejs-shelljs 0.7.3 3.fc29	115526	System Environment/Libraries	Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js
  Portable Unix shell commands for Node.js.
nodejs-shelljs-nodecli 0.1.1 7.fc30	8117	Unspecified	ShellJS Node CLI Extension
  ShellJS Node CLI Extension
nodejs-should 8.4.0 7.fc30	222727	Unspecified	A test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions for Node.js
  should is an expressive, readable, test framework agnostic, behavior-driven
  development (BDD)-style assertion library for Node.js.
  It extends the Object prototype with a single non-enumerable getter that
  allows you to express how that object should behave.
  should literally extends Node's assert module. For example,
  should.equal(str, 'foo') will work, just as assert.equal(str, 'foo') would,
  and should.AssertionError is assert.AssertionError, meaning any test framework
  supporting this constructor will function properly with should.
nodejs-should-equal 0.8.0 6.fc30	12492	Unspecified	Deep comparison of two instances for should.js
  Deep comparison of two instances for should.js.
nodejs-should-format 0.3.2 8.fc30	15476	Unspecified	Formatting of objects for should.js
  Formatting of objects for should.js.
nodejs-should-http 0.0.4 8.fc30	5366	Unspecified	Http requests, response assertions for should.js
  Http requests, response assertions for should.js.
nodejs-should-type 0.2.0 8.fc30	7248	Unspecified	Simple module to get instance type
  Simple module to get instance type. Like a bit more advanced version of typeof.
nodejs-showdown 0.5.4 5.fc30	372615	Unspecified	A JavaScript port of the original Perl version of Markdown
  A JavaScript port of the original Perl version of Markdown.
nodejs-sift 5.1.0 3.fc30	25962	Unspecified	Function for mongodb query style array filtering
  Function for mongodb query style array filtering
nodejs-sigmund 1.0.0 15.fc30	11818	Unspecified	Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
  Quick and dirty signatures for Objects.
  This is like a much faster `deepEquals` comparison, which returns a
  string key suitable for caches and the like.
nodejs-signal-exit 3.0.0 6.fc30	8624	Unspecified	When you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits
  When you want to fire an event no matter how a process exits.
nodejs-simple-assert 1.0.0 10.fc30	5214	Unspecified	Vanilla assertions for Node.js
  A simple assert wrapper around chaijs/assertion-error. This probably
  won't be useful to the average user unless you are a minimalist; you
  probably want Chai. This software is used to avoid circular dependencies
  when testing Chai's dependencies.
nodejs-simple-asyncify 1.0.0 4.fc30	3517	Unspecified	Turns sync functions into Node.js-style async ones
  Turns sync functions into Node.js-style async ones.
nodejs-simple-fmt 0.1.0 8.fc30	3566	Unspecified	Maximally minimal string formatting library
  A maximally minimal string formatting library. Use it to make your code more
  readable compared to plain old string concatenation using +. The code is
  shorter than the MIT license text so it doesn't hog you down and you can use it
  everywhere. Works in node and browsers.
nodejs-simple-is 0.2.0 8.fc30	4816	Unspecified	Maximally minimal type-testing library
  A maximally minimal type-testing library. Use it to make your code more
  readable. Works in node and browsers.
nodejs-simple-markdown 0.4.4 1.fc30	81295	Unspecified	Javascript markdown parsing, made simple
  simple-markdown is a markdown-like parser designed for simplicity
  and extensibility.
nodejs-single-line-log 1.1.2 6.fc30	4029	Unspecified	Keep writing to the same line in the terminal
  Node.js module that keeps writing to the same line in the console (or
  a stream). Very useful when you write progress bars, or a status message
  during longer operations. Supports multilines.
nodejs-sinon 1.17.1 7.fc30	212128	Unspecified	Test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript
  Standalone and test framework agnostic JavaScript test spies, stubs and mocks.
nodejs-sinon-chai 2.14.0 3.fc30	16249	Unspecified	Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework
  Extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework.
nodejs-sinon-restore 1.0.1 7.fc30	2444	Unspecified	Simply adds restoreAll() to sinon
  Simply adds restoreAll() to sinon
nodejs-slash 1.0.0 3.fc30	2823	Unspecified	Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
  Convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
nodejs-sliced 1.0.1 3.fc30	4816	Unspecified	A faster alternative to []
  A faster alternative to []
nodejs-slide 1.1.6 7.fc30	9702	Unspecified	A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
  Provides simple, easy callbacks for node.js.
nodejs-smart-buffer 1.0.3 8.fc30	24547	Unspecified	A smarter Buffer
  smart-buffer is a light Buffer wrapper that takes away the need to keep
  track of what position to read and write data to and from the underlying
  Buffer. It also adds null terminating string operations and **grows** as
  you add more data.
nodejs-snake-case 1.1.1 8.fc30	3487	Unspecified	Snake case a string
  Snake case a string.
nodejs-snapdragon 0.12.0 3.fc30	64893	Unspecified	Easy-to-use plugin system for parsers and compilers
  Easy-to-use plugin system for creating powerful, fast and versatile parsers and
  compilers, with built-in source-map support.
nodejs-snapdragon-capture 0.2.0 4.fc30	7900	Unspecified	Snapdragon plugin that adds a capture method to the parser instance
  Snapdragon plugin that adds a capture method to the parser instance.
nodejs-snapdragon-capture-set 1.0.1 6.fc30	11802	Unspecified	Plugin that adds a `.captureSet()` method to snapdragon
  Plugin that adds a `.captureSet()` method to snapdragon, for matching and
  capturing substrings that have an `open` and `close`, like braces, brackets,
nodejs-snapdragon-node 2.1.1 4.fc30	26071	Unspecified	Snapdragon utility for creating a new AST node in custom code
  Snapdragon utility for creating a new AST node in custom code, such as plugins.
nodejs-snapdragon-util 3.0.1 4.fc30	50639	Unspecified	Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler
  Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler.
nodejs-snekfetch 4.0.4 2.fc30	76286	Unspecified	Fast, efficient, and user-friendly http requests
  Snekfetch is a fast, efficient, and user-friendly library for making
  HTTP requests.
  It also supports native ALPN negotiation in node for efficient http/2
  The API was inspired by superagent, however it is much smaller and
  faster. In fact, in browser, it is a mere 4.0kb.
nodejs-snockets 1.3.8 14.fc30	73807	Unspecified	A JavaScript/CoffeeScript concatenation tool for Node.js inspired by Sprockets
  A JavaScript/CoffeeScript concatenation tool for Node.js inspired by Sprockets.
nodejs-sntp 2.0.1 6.fc30	14986	Unspecified	SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
  An SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js. Simply connects to the NTP or SNTP
  server requested and returns the server time along with the round-trip duration
  and clock offset. To adjust the local time to the NTP time, add the returned
  time offset to the local time.
nodejs-socket-dot-io-parser 3.2.0 3.fc30	16721	Unspecified	A protocol parser
  A protocol parser
nodejs-socks-client 1.1.4 11.fc30	28241	Unspecified	A SOCKS proxy client supporting SOCKS 4, 4a, and 5
  A SOCKS proxy client supporting SOCKS 4, 4a, and 5. (also supports
nodejs-socks-proxy-agent 3.0.1 4.fc30	8858	Unspecified	A SOCKS (v4a) proxy http.Agent implementation
  This module provides an http.Agent implementation that connects to a specified
  SOCKS (v4a) proxy server, and can be used with the built-in http or https
  It can also be used in conjunction with the ws module to establish a WebSocket
  connection over a SOCKS proxy.
nodejs-sort-keys 1.1.2 4.fc29	3582	Unspecified	Sort the keys of an object
  Sort the keys of an object
nodejs-sorted-object 1.0.0 7.fc30	2615	Unspecified	Returns a copy of an object with its keys sorted
  Although objects in JavaScript are theoretically unsorted, in practice most
  engines use insertion order-at least, ignoring numeric keys. This manifests
  itself most prominently when dealing with an object's JSON serialization.
nodejs-source-map 0.5.6 6.fc30	122933	Unspecified	Node.js library that generates and consumes source maps
  A Node.js library that generates and consumes source maps,
  A version suitable for use in the browser is available in the source-map
nodejs-source-map-fixtures 2.1.0 6.fc30	6631	Unspecified	Simple test fixtures backed by inline source maps and source map files
  Simple test fixtures backed by inline source maps and source map files
nodejs-source-map-resolve 0.5.0 4.fc30	31150	Unspecified	Resolve the source map and/or sources for a generated file
  Resolve the source map and/or sources for a generated file.
nodejs-source-map-support 0.4.18 4.fc30	98762	Unspecified	Fixes stack traces for files with source maps
  Fixes stack traces for files with source maps
nodejs-source-map-url 0.4.0 4.fc30	9376	Unspecified	Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments
  Tools for working with sourceMappingURL comments.
nodejs-sparkles 1.0.0 6.fc30	3581	Unspecified	Namespaced global event emitter
  Namespaced global event emitter
nodejs-spawn-sync 1.0.15 4.fc30	11998	Unspecified	Prollyfill for child_process.spawnSync
  Prollyfill for child_process.spawnSync
nodejs-spawn-wrap 1.3.8 4.fc30	23181	Unspecified	Wrap all spawned Node.js child processes with environs and args
  Wrap all spawned Node.js child processes by adding environs and arguments ahead
  of the main JavaScript file argument.
nodejs-spdx-correct 1.0.2 6.fc29	27550	Unspecified	Correct invalid SPDX identifiers
  correct invalid SPDX identifiers
nodejs-spdx-exceptions 1.0.5 6.fc30	2108	Unspecified	A list of SPDX standard license exceptions
  List of SPDX standard license exceptions
nodejs-spdx-license-ids 1.2.0 9.fc30	8796	Unspecified	A list of SPDX license identifiers
  A list of SPDX license identifiers
nodejs-spec 1.0.1 4.fc30	60462	Unspecified	An event-driven JavaScript unit testing library
  An event-driven JavaScript unit testing library.
nodejs-spec-js 1.0.0 3.fc30	3053	Unspecified	Creates fast, prototypicaly inherited, super-calling constructors
  Creates fast, prototypicaly inherited, super-calling constructors
nodejs-speedometer 1.0.0 7.fc30	2999	Unspecified	Simple speed measurement in Javascript
  Simple speed measurement in Javascript.
nodejs-sphericalmercator 1.0.4 7.fc30	10343	Unspecified	Transformations between Spherical Mercator and Lat/Lon
  Provides projection math for converting between mercator meters, screen
  pixels (of 256x256 or configurable-size tiles), and latitude/longitude.
nodejs-split 1.0.0 6.fc30	5968	Unspecified	Split a text stream into a line stream
  Break up a stream and reassemble it so that each line is a chunk.
  matcher may be a String, or a RegExp.
nodejs-split-string 3.0.2 4.fc30	13543	Unspecified	Split a string on a character except when the character is escaped
  Split a string on a character except when the character is escaped.
nodejs-split2 2.2.0 4.fc30	7736	Unspecified	Split a Text Stream into a Line Stream, using Stream 3
  Split a Text Stream into a Line Stream, using Stream 3
nodejs-sprintf 0.1.5 8.fc30	12101	Unspecified	JavaScript sprintf implementation
  Sprintf is a JavaScript sprintf implementation for node.js
nodejs-sprintf-js 1.1.0 5.fc30	19528	Unspecified	JavaScript sprintf implementation
  JavaScript sprintf implementation
nodejs-sqlite3 4.0.2 2.fc30	254082	Unspecified	Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js
  Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js.
nodejs-srs 1.2.0 6.fc30	21256	Unspecified	Spatial reference parser for Node.js
  This module tries to detect projections, also known as "spatial
  reference systems". It works similiarly to gdalsrsinfo.
nodejs-ssri 5.3.0 2.fc30	40500	Unspecified	Standard Subresource Integrity library
  Standard Subresource Integrity library --  parses, serializes, generates, and
  verifies integrity metadata according to the SRI spec.
nodejs-st 1.2.0 1.fc28	37619	Unspecified	Nodejs module for serving static files. Does etags, caching, etc
  Nodejs module for serving static files. Does etags, caching, etc.
nodejs-stable 0.1.5 8.fc30	8846	Unspecified	A stable array sort for JavaScript
  A stable array sort, because `Array#sort()` is not guaranteed stable.
nodejs-stack-trace 0.0.9 9.fc30	8044	Unspecified	Node.js module to get v8 stack traces as an array of CallSite objects
  Node.js module to get v8 stack traces as an array of CallSite objects.
nodejs-stack-utils 0.4.0 6.fc30	11373	Unspecified	Captures and cleans stack traces
  Captures and cleans stack traces
nodejs-static-extend 0.1.2 5.fc30	7952	Unspecified	Adds a static "extend" method to a class, to simplify inheritance
  Adds a static `extend` method to a class, to simplify inheritance. Extends the
  static properties, prototype properties, and descriptors from a `Parent`
  constructor onto `Child` constructors.
nodejs-static-favicon 1.0.2 9.fc30	5419	Unspecified	Favicon serving middleware with caching for Node.js and Connect
  Favicon serving middleware with caching for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-statuses 1.3.1 5.fc30	13412	Unspecified	HTTP status utility
  HTTP status utility.
nodejs-std-mocks 1.0.0 8.fc30	5234	Unspecified	Mock node stdout and stderr without pain
  Mock node stdout and stderr without pain.
nodejs-step 1.0.0 6.fc30	9141	Unspecified	A simple control-flow library for Node.js
  A simple control-flow library for Node.js that makes parallel
  execution, serial execution, and error handling painless.
nodejs-stream-combiner 0.2.1 8.fc30	3540	Unspecified	Turn a pipeline into a single stream
  Turn a pipeline into a single stream. Combine returns a stream that writes
  to the first stream and reads from the last stream.
nodejs-stream-consume 0.1.0 7.fc30	4004	Unspecified	Consume a stream to ensure it keeps flowing
  Consume a stream to ensure it keeps flowing
nodejs-stream-counter 0.2.0 10.fc30	2631	Unspecified	Keeps track of how many bytes have been written to a stream
  Keeps track of how many bytes have been written to a stream.
nodejs-stream-each 1.2.0 4.fc30	5098	Unspecified	Iterate all the data in a stream
  Iterate all the data in a stream
nodejs-stream-equal 0.1.7 7.fc30	7344	Unspecified	Test that two readable streams are equal to each other
  Test that two readable streams are equal to each other.
nodejs-stream-pair 1.0.3 4.fc30	4691	Unspecified	Create two coupled streams
  Create two coupled streams
nodejs-stream-replace 1.0.0 7.fc30	5661	Unspecified	Replace text in a stream
  Replace text in a stream
nodejs-stream-shift 1.0.0 6.fc30	2647	Unspecified	Returns the next buffer/object in a stream's readable queue
  Returns the next buffer/object in a stream's readable queue.
nodejs-stream-spigot 3.0.5 11.fc30	6302	Unspecified	Testing or converting simple functions into Readable streams
  A readable stream generator, useful for testing or converting simple functions
  into Readable streams.
nodejs-stream-to-array 2.3.0 5.fc30	4625	Unspecified	Concatenate a readable stream's data into a single array
  Concatenate a readable stream's data into a single array.
nodejs-stream-transform 0.1.2 4.fc30	8832	Unspecified	Object transformations implementing the Node.js 'stream.Transform' API
  Object transformations implementing the Node.js 'stream.Transform' API
nodejs-streamsearch 0.1.2 4.fc30	10142	Unspecified	Streaming Boyer-Moore-Horspool searching for node.js
  Streaming Boyer-Moore-Horspool searching for node.js
nodejs-streamsink 1.2.0 8.fc30	3541	Unspecified	Pipe to a buffer, then create readable streams from it
  Pipe to a buffer, then create readable streams from it.
nodejs-streamtest 1.2.1 6.fc30	13740	Unspecified	Streams test library
  Streams test library
nodejs-string 3.1.1 7.fc30	74017	Unspecified	Enhancements to the vanilla JavasScript string
  string contains methods that aren't included in the vanilla JavaScript string
  such as escaping html, decoding html entities, stripping tags, etc
nodejs-string-dot-prototype-dot-repeat 0.2.0 7.fc30	4551	Unspecified	A robust & optimized `String.prototype.repeat` polyfill
  A robust & optimized `String.prototype.repeat` polyfill, based on the
  ECMAScript 6 specification.
nodejs-string-dot-prototype-dot-trim 1.1.2 6.fc30	6849	Unspecified	ES5 spec-compliant shim for String.prototype.trim
  An ES5 spec-compliant String.prototype.trim shim. Invoke its "shim"
  method to shim String.prototype.trim if it is unavailable.
nodejs-string-width 1.0.1 7.fc30	3678	Unspecified	Get the visual width of a string
  Get the visual width of a string - the number of columns required to display it
nodejs-string_decoder 0.10.31 9.fc30	9950	Unspecified	The string_decoder module from Node core
  The string_decoder module from Node core.
nodejs-stringmap 0.2.2 8.fc30	12137	Unspecified	Fast and robust stringmap
  A fast and robust stringmap implementation that can hold any string keys,
  including __proto__, with minimal overhead compared to a plain object. Works in
  node and browsers.
  The API is created to be as close to the ES6 Map API as possible. Prefer
  sm.remove("key") for deleting a key. ES6 Map uses map.delete("key") instead and
  for that reason sm['delete']("key") is available as a stringmap alias as well.
  Never do sm.delete("key") unless you're certain to be in the land of ES5 or
nodejs-stringscanner 0.0.3 6.fc30	17736	Unspecified	StringScanner performs lexical scanning operations on a string
  StringScanner performs lexical scanning operations on a string.
nodejs-stringset 0.2.1 8.fc30	9441	Unspecified	Fast and robust stringset
  A fast and robust stringset implementation that can hold any string items,
  including __proto__, with minimal overhead compared to a plain object. Works in
  node and browsers.
  The API is created to be as close to the ES6 Set API as possible. Prefer
  ss.remove("key") for deleting a key. ES6 Set uses set.delete("key") instead and
  for that reason ss['delete']("key") is available as a stringset alias as well.
  Never do ss.delete("key") unless you're certain to be in the land of ES5 or
nodejs-stringstream 0.0.5 5.fc30	6171	Unspecified	Encode and decode streams into string streams
  Encode and decode streams into string streams.
nodejs-strip-ansi 3.0.1 6.fc30	3104	Unspecified	Strip ANSI escape codes (used for colorizing strings in the terminal)
  Strip ANSI escape codes (used for colorizing strings in the terminal).
nodejs-strip-bom 2.0.0 6.fc30	3128	Unspecified	Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string/buffer
  Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string/buffer
nodejs-strip-bom-stream 2.0.0 6.fc30	3229	Unspecified	Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a stream
  Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a stream
nodejs-strip-bom-string 1.0.0 4.fc30	5688	Unspecified	Strip a byte order mark (BOM) from a string
  Strip a byte order mark (BOM) from a string.
nodejs-strip-color 0.1.0 4.fc30	4388	Unspecified	Strip ANSI color codes from a string
  Strip ANSI color codes from a string. No dependencies.
nodejs-strip-eof 1.0.0 4.fc30	2638	Unspecified	Strip the End-Of-File (EOF) character from a string/buffer
  Strip the End-Of-File (EOF) character from a string/buffer
nodejs-strip-indent 2.0.0 6.fc30	3209	Unspecified	Strip leading whitespace from every line in a string
  Strip leading whitespace from every line in a string.
nodejs-strip-json-comments 2.0.1 6.fc30	5061	Unspecified	Strip comments from JSON
  Strip comments from JSON. Lets you use comments in your JSON files!
nodejs-strip-path 1.0.0 9.fc30	1734	Unspecified	Strip a path from a path
  Strip a path from a path
nodejs-strong-log-transformer 1.0.6 4.fc30	28176	Unspecified	Stream transformer that prefixes lines with timestamps and other things
  Stream transformer that prefixes lines with timestamps and other things.
nodejs-stylus 0.54.5 4.fc30	526728	Unspecified	Robust, expressive, and feature-rich CSS super-set for Node.js
  Stylus is a revolutionary new language, providing an efficient, dynamic,
  and expressive way to generate CSS. It supports both indented syntax and
  regular CSS style.
  It has many features, including mixins, keyword arguments, variables,
  interpolation, operators, conditionals, iteration, over 25 built-in functions,
  optional compression and many more.
nodejs-success-symbol 0.1.0 6.fc30	3263	Unspecified	Cross-platform success symbol
  Cross-platform success symbol.
nodejs-superagent 0.17.0 19.fc30	125956	Unspecified	A small, progressive client-side HTTP request library
  A small, progressive client-side HTTP request library crafted for flexibility,
  readability, and a low learning curve.
nodejs-supertest 0.11.0 10.fc30	16576	Unspecified	A superagent driven library for testing HTTP servers
  This module provides a high-level abstraction for testing HTTP servers,
  while still allowing you to drop down to the lower-level API provided by
nodejs-supervisor 0.12.0 5.fc30	26747	Unspecified	A supervisor program for running nodejs programs
  A little supervisor script for nodejs. It runs your program,
  and watches for code changes, so you can have hot-code
  reloading like behavior, without worrying about memory leaks
  and making sure you clean up all the inter-module references,
  and without a whole new require system.
nodejs-supports-color 4.4.0 4.fc30	13599	Unspecified	Detect whether a terminal supports color
  Detect whether a terminal supports color
nodejs-suspend 0.7.0 4.fc30	27299	Unspecified	Async control-flow for Node.js using ES6 generators
  Async control-flow for Node.js using ES6 generators.
nodejs-svgmin 0.1.0 4.fc29	7603	Unspecified	Minify SVG files
  Minify SVG files
nodejs-svgo 0.7.2 5.fc30	390024	Unspecified	Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
  Nodejs-based tool for optimizing SVG vector graphics files
nodejs-swap-case 1.1.1 7.fc30	4098	Unspecified	Swap the case of a string
  Swap the case of a string with non-ASCII character support. Also handles
  non-string entities, such as objects with a toString property, numbers and
  booleans. Empty values (null and undefined) will come out as an empty string.
nodejs-symbol-observable 1.0.4 6.fc30	8758	Unspecified	Symbol.observable ponyfill
  Symbol.observable ponyfill
nodejs-tad 0.2.4 8.fc29	29912	Unspecified	JavaScript test suite
  JavaScript test suite
nodejs-tap 0.7.1 7.fc30	76499	Unspecified	A Test Anything Protocol library
  This is a mix-and-match set of utilities that you can use to write test
  harnesses and frameworks that communicate with one another using the
  Test Anything Protocol.
nodejs-tap-mocha-reporter 0.0.24 7.fc30	107609	Unspecified	Format a TAP stream using Mocha's set of reporters
  Format a TAP stream using Mocha's set of reporters
nodejs-tap-out 2.0.0 4.fc30	16366	Unspecified	A different tap parser
  A different tap parser
nodejs-tap-parser 1.2.2 9.fc30	21652	Unspecified	Parse the test anything protocol
  Parse the test anything protocol.
nodejs-tap-spec 4.1.1 4.fc30	7675	Unspecified	Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
  Formatted TAP output like Mocha's spec reporter
nodejs-tape 4.9.0 3.fc30	41593	Unspecified	Tap-producing test harness for Node.js and browsers
  Tap-producing test harness for Node.js and browsers.
nodejs-tapes 4.1.0 4.fc30	6611	Unspecified	A more robust tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
  A more robust tap-producing test harness for node and browsers. Adds
  beforeEach, afterEach, etc.
nodejs-tar 2.2.1 8.fc30	54005	Unspecified	Tar for Node.js
  A Node.js module that supports reading and writing POSIX "tar" archives.
nodejs-tar-pack 3.4.0 4.fc30	13449	Unspecified	Package and un-package modules of some sort (in tar/gz bundles)
  Package and un-package modules of some sort (in tar/gz bundles).
nodejs-tar-stream 1.5.2 5.fc30	25085	Unspecified	A streaming tar parser and generator
  tar-stream is a streaming tar parser and generator and nothing else. It is
  streams2 and operates purely using streams which means you can easily
  extract/parse tarballs without ever hitting the file system.
nodejs-temp 0.8.3 7.fc30	17789	Unspecified	Temporary files and directories for Node.js
  This Node.js module handles generating a unique file/directory name under the
  appropriate system temporary directory, changing the file to an appropriate
  mode, and supports automatic removal.
  It has a similar API to the fs module.
nodejs-temp-dir 1.0.0 4.fc30	2787	Unspecified	Get the real path of the system temp directory
  Get the real path of the system temp directory
nodejs-temp-write 3.3.0 4.fc30	4819	Unspecified	Write string/buffer/stream to a random temp file
  Write string/buffer/stream to a random temp file
nodejs-tempfile 2.0.0 3.fc30	2958	Unspecified	Get a random temporary file path
  Get a random temporary file path
nodejs-temporary 0.0.8 9.fc30	11179	Unspecified	An easy way to create temporary files and directories
  An easy way to create temporary files and directories.
nodejs-tern 0.7.0 9.fc27	1000510	Unspecified	JavaScript code analyzer for deep, cross-editor language support
  Tern is a stand-alone, editor-independent JavaScript analyzer that can be used
  to improve the JavaScript integration of existing editors.
nodejs-tern-cordovajs 0.1.0 9.fc30	7840	Unspecified	A Tern plugin adding support for CordovaJS
  tern-cordovajs is a plugin which adds support for Apache Cordova(tm)
  JavaScript API to the JavaSript code intelligence system Tern.
nodejs-tern-liferay 0.1.0 8.fc30	20244	Unspecified	Tern plugin for Liferay JavaScript API
  tern-liferay is a plugin which adds support for Liferay JavaScript API
  to the JavaSript code intelligence system Tern.
nodejs-terst 0.3.0 6.fc30	8277	Unspecified	A JavaScript testing component with a terse syntax
  A JavaScript testing component with a terse syntax.
nodejs-test-exclude 4.2.1 2.fc29	13890	Unspecified	Test for inclusion or exclusion of paths using pkg-conf and globs
  Test for inclusion or exclusion of paths using pkg-conf and globs
nodejs-testdata-w3c-json-form 0.2.1 4.fc30	4224	Unspecified	Test data intended to be used by people building query parsers
  This repository contains test data intended to be used by people building query
  parsers that follows [the W3C JSON form
nodejs-testjs 1.0.4 6.fc29	28716	Unspecified	A compact testing module for node.js
  A compact testing module for node.js.
nodejs-testswarm 1.1.0 9.fc30	13018	Unspecified	A Node.js module for interacting with TestSwarm
  A Node.js module for interacting with TestSwarm.
nodejs-testutil 0.7.0 4.fc30	5875	Unspecified	Contains methods to aid in automatic testing of your application
  Contains methods to aid in automatic testing of your application.
nodejs-text-extensions 1.7.0 4.fc30	3906	Unspecified	List of text file extensions
  List of text file extensions
nodejs-text-table 0.2.0 8.fc30	7960	Unspecified	Generate borderless text table strings suitable for printing to stdout
  Generate borderless text table strings suitable for printing to stdout.
nodejs-thenify 3.2.1 7.fc30	5892	Unspecified	Promisify a callback-based function
  Promisify a callback-based function
nodejs-thenify-all 1.6.0 6.fc30	6586	Unspecified	Promisifies all the selected functions in an object
  Promisifies all the selected functions in an object
nodejs-thread-sleep 2.0.0 4.fc30	3757	Unspecified	A module for when you just need node to back off for a few milliseconds
  A module for when you just need node to back off for a few milliseconds
nodejs-through 2.3.8 6.fc30	6752	Unspecified	Simplified stream construction for Node.js
  Simplified stream construction for Node.js.
nodejs-through2 2.0.3 5.fc30	9765	Unspecified	Node streams2 Transform wrapper to avoid explicit subclassing noise
  A tiny wrapper around Node streams2 Transform to avoid explicit subclassing
nodejs-through2-filter 2.0.0 7.fc30	5457	Unspecified	A through2 to create an Array.prototype.filter analog for streams
  A through2 to create an Array.prototype.filter analog for streams.
nodejs-thunkify 2.1.2 8.fc30	1616	Unspecified	Turn callbacks, arrays, generators, and more into thunks
  Turn a regular node function into one which returns a thunk, useful for
  generator-based flow control such as
nodejs-tildify 1.2.0 6.fc30	3467	Unspecified	Convert an absolute path to a tilde path
  Convert an absolute path to a tilde path: `/Users/sindresorhus/dev` → `~/dev`
nodejs-tilejson 1.0.3 6.fc30	12353	Unspecified	Tile source backend for online tile sources
  Tile source backend for online tile sources
nodejs-tilelive 5.12.3 7.fc30	73397	Unspecified	Frontend for various tile backends, mapnik and mbtiles
  Tilelive is an interface for tilestore modules for Node.js. It defines
  an API to interact with implementations for a particular tile store.
nodejs-tilelive-mapnik 0.6.18 11.fc30	32186	Unspecified	Mapnik backend for tilelive
  Renderer backend for tilelive.js that uses node-mapnik to render
  tiles and grids from a Mapnik XML file. tilelive-mapnik implements
  the Tilesource API.
nodejs-tiletype 0.3.0 8.fc30	9657	Unspecified	Detect common map tile formats from a buffer
  Detect common map tile formats from a buffer.
nodejs-time-diff 0.3.1 5.fc30	15056	Unspecified	Returns the formatted time difference between start and end times
  Returns the formatted, high-resolution time difference between start and
  end times.
nodejs-time-stamp 1.0.1 6.fc30	7114	Unspecified	Get a formatted timestamp
  Get a formatted timestamp.
nodejs-timekeeper 2.0.0 4.fc30	9492	Unspecified	Easy testing of time-dependent code
  Easy testing of time-dependent code.
nodejs-timers-ext 0.1.0 7.fc30	5445	Unspecified	Timers extensions
  Timers extensions
nodejs-tiny-lr-fork 0.0.5 13.fc30	60718	Unspecified	A tiny LiveReload server implementation you can spawn in the background
  A tiny LiveReload server implementation you can spawn in the background.
nodejs-tinycolor 0.0.1 12.fc30	3005	Unspecified	A to-the-point color module for node
  This is a no-fuzz, bare bones color module for nodejs.
nodejs-tippex 3.0.0 4.fc30	79956	Unspecified	Find and erase strings and comments in JavaScript code
  Find and erase strings and comments in JavaScript code
nodejs-title-case 1.1.1 7.fc30	3708	Unspecified	Title case a string
  Title case a string.
nodejs-tlds 1.197.0 4.fc30	40725	Unspecified	List of TLDs
  List of TLDs
nodejs-tmatch 2.0.1 6.fc30	9648	Unspecified	This module exists to facilitate the `t.match()` method in `tap`
  This module exists to facilitate the `t.match()` method in `tap`
nodejs-tmp 0.0.30 6.fc30	19617	Unspecified	Temporary file and directory creator
  This is a widely used library to create temporary files and
  directories in a node.js environment.
  Tmp offers both an asynchronous and a synchronous API. For
  all API calls, all the parameters are optional.
  Tmp uses crypto for determining random file names, or, when
  using templates, a six letter random identifier. And just in
  case that you do not have that much entropy left on your
  system, Tmp will fall back to pseudo random numbers.
  You can set whether you want to remove the temporary file
  on process exit or not, and the destination directory can
  also be set.
nodejs-tmpl 1.0.4 4.fc30	2770	Unspecified	JavaScript micro templates
  JavaScript micro templates.
nodejs-to-absolute-glob 2.0.2 3.fc30	8971	Unspecified	Make a glob pattern absolute
  Make a glob pattern absolute, ensuring that negative globs and patterns with
  trailing slashes are correctly handled.
nodejs-to-array 0.1.4 3.fc30	2307	Unspecified	Turn an array like into an array
  Turn an array like into an array
nodejs-to-object-path 0.3.0 6.fc30	5598	Unspecified	Create an object path from a list or array of strings
  Create an object path from a list or array of strings.
nodejs-to-regex 3.0.2 3.fc30	12835	Unspecified	Generate a regex from a string or array of strings
  Generate a regex from a string or array of strings.
nodejs-to-regex-range 2.1.1 4.fc30	20581	Unspecified	Returns a regex-compatible range from two numbers, min and max
  Returns a regex-compatible range from two numbers, min and max. Validated
  against more than 1.1 million generated unit tests that run in less than 400ms!
  Useful for creating regular expressions to validate numbers, ranges, years,
nodejs-touch 3.1.0 3.fc30	10341	Unspecified	Like touch(1) in node
  Like touch(1) in node
nodejs-tough-cookie 2.3.2 3.fc29	229928	Unspecified	RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for Node.js
  RFC6265 Cookies and Cookie Jar for Node.js.
nodejs-tracejs 0.1.8 7.fc30	10549	Unspecified	Expand Error.stack traces into usable objects providing context
  Expand Error.stack traces into usable objects providing context and highlighting
nodejs-transformers 3.1.0 6.fc30	34883	Unspecified	String/Data transformations for Node.js
  String/Data transformations for use in templating libraries, static site
  generators and web frameworks. This gathers the most useful transformations
  you can apply to text or data into one library with a consistent API.
  Transformations can be pretty much anything but most are either compilers
  or templating engines.
nodejs-traverse 0.6.6 7.fc30	17679	Unspecified	Traverse and transform objects
  Traverse and transform objects by visiting every node on a recursive walk.
nodejs-treeify 1.0.1 6.fc30	7822	Unspecified	Converts a JS object into a nice and readable tree
  Converts a JS object into a nice and readable tree structure for the console
nodejs-tressa 0.3.1 4.fc30	316180	Unspecified	A little test utility
  A little test utility
nodejs-trim 0.0.1 4.fc30	4658	Unspecified	Trim string whitespace
  Trim string whitespace
nodejs-trim-newlines 1.0.0 6.fc30	3612	Unspecified	Trim newlines from the start and/or end of a string
  Trim newlines from the start and/or end of a string
nodejs-trim-off-newlines 1.0.1 4.fc30	2878	Unspecified	Similar to String#trim() but removes only newlines
  Similar to String#trim() but removes only newlines
nodejs-trivial-deferred 1.0.1 4.fc30	2199	Unspecified	The most dead-simple trivial Deferred implementation
  The most dead-simple trivial Deferred implementation
nodejs-try-open 0.1.3 6.fc30	5311	Unspecified	Tries to open a file using fs.openSync, fails gracefully
  Tries to open a file using fs.openSync (only necessary with sync), fails
  gracefully if the file path does not exist on the file system. Since
  fs.existsSync has been deprecated, this can be used as an alternative.
nodejs-try-thread-sleep 1.0.2 4.fc30	2949	Unspecified	Use thread-sleep if native compilation succeeded, otherwise it's a noop
  Use thread-sleep if native compilation succeeded, otherwise it's a noop
nodejs-tryor 0.1.2 8.fc30	2696	Unspecified	Return fn() or default value (in case of exception)
  Evalulate a function and return the value, or, in the case of an exception,
  return a default value.
nodejs-tsame 1.1.2 4.fc30	6794	Unspecified	The logic behind tap's t.same() and t.strictSame()
  The logic behind tap's t.same() and t.strictSame()
nodejs-tslib 1.9.1 3.fc30	57334	Unspecified	Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
  Runtime library for TypeScript helper functions
nodejs-tsscmp 1.0.5 7.fc30	4572	Unspecified	Timing safe string compare using double HMAC
  Timing safe string compare using double HMAC
nodejs-tunnel-agent 0.4.2 7.fc30	16575	Unspecified	HTTP proxy tunneling agent
  HTTP proxy tunneling agent.
nodejs-tv4 1.3.0 3.fc30	96981	Unspecified	A public domain JSON Schema validator for JavaScript
  A public domain JSON Schema validator for JavaScript
nodejs-tweetnacl 1.0.0 2.fc30	172971	Unspecified	Port of TweetNaCl cryptographic library to JavaScript
  The primary goal of this project is to produce a translation of TweetNaCl
  to JavaScript which is as close as possible to the original C
  implementation, plus a thin layer of idiomatic high-level API on top of it.
  There are two versions, you can use either of them:
  nacl.js is the port of TweetNaCl with minimum differences from the original
  + high-level API.
  nacl-fast.js is like nacl.js, but with some functions replaced with faster
  versions. (Used by default when importing NPM package.)
nodejs-tweetnacl-util 0.15.0 2.fc30	7631	Unspecified	Some string encoding utilities
  String encoding utilities extracted from early versions of tweetnacl-js.
  Used in nodejs-tweetnacl's unit tests.
nodejs-type-check 0.3.2 7.fc30	20856	Unspecified	Allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime
  type-check allows you to check the types of JavaScript values at runtime with a
  Haskell like type syntax.
nodejs-type-detect 2.0.2 7.fc30	23233	Unspecified	Improved typeof detection for Node.js and the browser
  Improved typeof detection for Node.js and the browser.
nodejs-type-is 1.6.15 4.fc30	15963	Unspecified	Infer the content-type of a request
  Infer the content-type of a request.
nodejs-type-name 2.0.2 6.fc30	13075	Unspecified	Just a reasonable typeof
  Just a reasonable typeof
nodejs-typeahead.js 0.10.5 10.fc30	1459	Unspecified	Autocomplete library for JavaScript
  Inspired by's autocomplete search functionality, typeahead.js is
  a flexible JavaScript library that provides a strong foundation for building
  robust typeaheads.
  The typeahead.js library consists of 2 components: the suggestion engine,
  Bloodhound, and the UI view, Typeahead. The suggestion engine is responsible
  for computing suggestions for a given query. The UI view is responsible for
  rendering suggestions and handling DOM interactions. Both components can be
  used separately, but when used together, they can provided a rich typeahead
nodejs-typescript 2.8.3 3.fc30	35903275	Unspecified	A language for application scale JavaScript development
  TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript. TypeScript
  adds optional types, classes, and modules to JavaScript. TypeScript
  supports tools for large-scale JavaScript applications for any browser,
  for any host, on any OS. TypeScript compiles to readable, standards-based
nodejs-uc-dot-micro 1.0.2 6.fc30	4214	Unspecified	Micro subset of unicode data files for markdown-it projects
  Micro subset of unicode data files for markdown-it projects.
nodejs-uglify-to-browserify 1.0.2 10.fc30	3798	Unspecified	A transform to make UglifyJS work in browserify
  A transform to make UglifyJS work in browserify.
nodejs-uid-number 0.0.6 7.fc30	3930	Unspecified	Convert a username/group name to a UID/GID number
  Convert a username/group name to a UID/GID number.
nodejs-uid-safe 2.1.5 4.fc30	7467	Unspecified	URL and cookie safe UIDs
  URL and cookie safe UIDs
nodejs-uid2 0.0.3 11.fc30	2217	Unspecified	Node.js module to generate strong unique IDs
  Node.js module to generate strong unique IDs.
nodejs-ultron 1.1.1 4.fc30	19387	Unspecified	Ultron is a high-intelligence robot
  Ultron is a high-intelligence robot. It gathers intelligence
  so it can start improving upon his rudimentary design. It will
  learn your event emitting patterns and find ways to exterminate
  them. Allowing you to remove only the event emitters that you
  assigned and not the ones that your users or developers assigned.
  This can prevent race conditions, memory leaks and even file
  descriptor leaks from ever happening as you won't remove clean
  up processes.
nodejs-umask 1.1.0 9.fc30	5593	Unspecified	Convert umask from string <-> number
  Convert umask from string <-> number
nodejs-unc-path-regex 0.1.2 3.fc30	5963	Unspecified	Regular expression to test if a file path is a windows UNC path
  Regular expression for testing if a file path is a windows UNC file path. Can
  also be used as a component of another regexp via the `.source` property.
nodejs-underscore 1.9.1 3.fc30	113118	Unspecified	JavaScript's functional programming helper library
  Underscore.js is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides support
  for the usual functional suspects (each, map, reduce, filter...) without
  extending any core JavaScript objects.
nodejs-underscore-dot-logger 0.3.1 14.fc30	10421	Unspecified	Cross-browser and Node.js empowered logging
  Cross-browser and Node.js empowered logging.
nodejs-underscore-dot-string 2.3.1 12.fc30	45706	Unspecified	String manipulation extensions for the Underscore.js JavaScript library
  String manipulation extensions for the Underscore.js JavaScript library.
nodejs-unicode-length 1.0.2 6.fc30	4356	Unspecified	Get the length of unicode strings
  Get the length of unicode strings
nodejs-union-value 1.0.0 5.fc30	7083	Unspecified	Set an array of unique values as the property of an object
  Set an array of unique values as the property of an object. Supports setting
  deeply nested properties using using object-paths/dot notation.
nodejs-unique-filename 1.1.0 7.fc30	2812	Unspecified	Generate a unique filename for use in temporary directories or caches
  Generate a unique filename for use in temporary directories or caches.
nodejs-unique-slug 2.0.0 8.fc30	2406	Unspecified	Generate a unique character string suitable for use in files and URLs
  Generate a unique character string suitable for use in files and URLs.
nodejs-unique-stream 2.2.1 6.fc30	6289	Unspecified	A node.js through stream that emits a unique stream of objects
  A node.js through stream that emits a unique stream of objects based on
nodejs-unique-temp-dir 1.0.0 4.fc30	3812	Unspecified	Provides a uniquely named temp directory
  Provides a uniquely named temp directory.
nodejs-unpipe 1.0.0 8.fc30	4311	Unspecified	Unpipe a stream from all destinations
  Unpipe a stream from all destinations
nodejs-unset-value 1.0.0 6.fc30	8779	Unspecified	Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation
  Delete nested properties from an object using dot notation.
nodejs-upm 1.7.1 2.fc30	26323978	Unspecified	NodeJS package for sensors and actuators
  NodeJS bindings for sensors and actuators
nodejs-upper-case 1.1.2 8.fc30	4465	Unspecified	Upper case a string
  Upper case a string.
nodejs-upper-case-first 1.1.1 7.fc30	3774	Unspecified	Upper case the first character of a string
  Upper case the first character of a string. Also handles non-string entities,
  such as objects with a toString property, numbers and booleans. Empty values
  (null and undefined) will come out as an empty string.
nodejs-uri-js 4.2.2 4.fc30	393369	Unspecified	URI parsing/validating/resolving library for Javascript
  URI.js is an RFC 3986 compliant, scheme extendable URI
  parsing/validating/resolving library for all JavaScript
  environments (browsers, Node.js, etc).
nodejs-uri-path 1.0.0 6.fc30	3394	Unspecified	Convert relative file system paths into safe URI paths
  Convert relative file system paths into safe URI paths.
nodejs-urix 0.1.0 7.fc30	2647	Unspecified	Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly
  Makes Windows-style paths more unix and URI friendly.
nodejs-url2 1.0.0 10.fc30	7430	Unspecified	The Node.js URL module plus relative paths
  This module builds upon the existing URL module in Node.js, but adds
  relative(source, target) which returns the shortest relative path between
  any two equally qualified URLs. If the paths are not equally qualified,
  it returns the target.
  In addition, this package augments the URL object definition as returned
  by parse and consumed by format.
nodejs-use 3.0.0 6.fc30	11361	Unspecified	Easily add plugin support to your node.js application
  Easily add plugin support to your node.js application.
nodejs-user-home 2.0.0 4.fc30	2646	Unspecified	Get the path to the user home directory
  Get the path to the user home directory
nodejs-utf8 2.1.2 4.fc30	7175	Unspecified	A well-tested UTF-8 encoder/decoder written in JavaScript
  A well-tested UTF-8 encoder/decoder written in JavaScript.
nodejs-utfx 1.0.1 6.fc29	51968	Unspecified	A compact library to encode, decode and convert UTF8 / UTF16
  A compact library to encode, decode and convert UTF8 / UTF16 in JavaScript.
nodejs-util 0.10.3 9.fc30	18069	Unspecified	Node.JS util module
  Node.JS util module.
nodejs-util-deprecate 1.0.2 6.fc30	5199	Unspecified	The Node.js `util.deprecate()` function with browser support
  In Node.js, this module simply re-exports the util.deprecate() function.
  In the web browser (i.e. via browserify), a browser-specific implementation
  of the util.deprecate() function is used.
nodejs-util-extend 1.0.1 10.fc30	3110	Unspecified	Node's internal object extension function
  The object extending function used with Node.js.
nodejs-util-inspect 0.1.8 3.fc30	14329	Unspecified	A cross-browser node.js util.inspect module
  A cross-browser node.js util.inspect module
nodejs-utile 0.3.0 7.fc29	20495	System Environment/Libraries	A Node.js drop-in replacement for `util` with some additional functions
  A Node.js drop-in replacement for `util` with some additional functions.
nodejs-utilities 1.0.5 5.fc30	152729	Unspecified	A classic collection of JavaScript utilities
  A classic collection of JavaScript utilities.
nodejs-utils-merge 1.0.1 4.fc30	3641	Unspecified	Node.js module to merge properties between objects
  Merges the properties from a source object into a destination object.
nodejs-uuid 3.1.0 5.fc30	18519	Unspecified	Rigorous implementation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs
  Rigorous implementation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs.
nodejs-vali-date 1.0.0 6.fc30	2436	Unspecified	Validate a date
  Validate a date
nodejs-validate-npm-package-license 3.0.1 6.fc29	14368	Unspecified	Validates an npm package license string
  Give me a string and I'll tell you if it's a valid npm package license string.
nodejs-validate-npm-package-name 2.2.2 8.fc30	7103	Unspecified	Give me a string and I'll tell you if it's a valid npm package name
  Give me a string and I'll tell you if it's a valid npm package name
nodejs-vary 1.1.2 4.fc30	8747	Unspecified	Node.js module to Manipulate the HTTP Vary header
  Node.js module to Manipulate the HTTP Vary header.
nodejs-vasync 1.6.4 7.fc30	35150	Unspecified	Utilities for observable asynchronous control flow
  Utilities for observable asynchronous control flow
nodejs-verror 1.8.1 6.fc30	35520	Unspecified	Richer JavaScript errors
  Richer JavaScript errors.
nodejs-vhost 3.0.2 5.fc30	9795	Unspecified	Virtual domain hosting middleware for Node.js and Connect
  Virtual domain hosting middleware for Node.js and Connect.
nodejs-vinyl 1.1.1 7.fc29	30231	Unspecified	A virtual file format
  A virtual file format
nodejs-vlq 0.2.2 4.fc30	5486	Unspecified	Generate, and decode, base64 VLQ mappings for source maps and other uses
  Generate, and decode, base64 VLQ mappings for source maps and other uses
nodejs-vow 0.4.9 8.fc30	40037	Unspecified	Promises/A+ proposal compatible promises library
  A Promises/A+ implementation.
nodejs-vow-fs 0.3.4 7.fc30	14646	Unspecified	File I/O by Vow
  [Vow]( file I/O for Node.js
nodejs-vow-queue 0.4.1 8.fc30	10152	Unspecified	Vow-based task queue
  vow-queue is a module for task queue with weights and priorities
nodejs-vows 0.8.2 12.fc30	111599	Unspecified	Asynchronous behavior-driven development (BDD) and continuous integration
  Vows is an asynchronous behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for
  Vows was built from the ground up to test asynchronous code. It
  executes your tests in parallel when it makes sense, and sequentially
  when there are dependencies. Emphasis was put on speed of execution,
  clarity and user experience.
nodejs-walkdir 0.0.7 11.fc30	10839	Unspecified	Walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it finds
  This Node.js module walks a directory tree emitting events based on what it
  finds. It presents a familiar callback/emitter/sync interface and can walk a
  tree of any depth.
nodejs-walker 1.0.7 4.fc30	5742	Unspecified	A simple directory tree walker
  A simple directory tree walker.
nodejs-ware 1.3.0 4.fc30	7280	Unspecified	Easily create your own middleware layer
  Easily create your own middleware layer.
nodejs-warning-symbol 0.1.0 4.fc30	3297	Unspecified	Cross-platform warning symbol
  Cross-platform warning symbol.
nodejs-watchit 0.0.4 16.fc30	56250	Unspecified	A sensible wrapper around for Node.js
  A sensible wrapper around for Node.js.
nodejs-watershed 0.3.4 4.fc30	26238	Unspecified	A simple websockets (RFC6455) client and server
  A simple websockets (RFC6455) client and server.
nodejs-wbuf 1.7.3 2.fc30	12034	Unspecified	Write buffer
  Write buffer
nodejs-wcwidth 1.0.0 13.fc30	12612	Unspecified	Port of C's wcwidth() and wcswidth()
  Determine columns needed for a fixed-size wide-character string.
nodejs-weak-map 1.0.5 8.fc30	33159	Unspecified	A WeakMap shim for Node.js and browsers
  WeakMap is a collection introduced to JavaScript with EcmaScript 6. It
  provides a mapping from objects to values, but allows any entry to be
  garbage collected if the key is provably lost.
  In order for it to be possible that a key is provably lost, weak maps
  do not provide a way to access the key list.
  This is a Node.js module that provides a shim and patcher for missing
  or broken WeakMap implementations, suitable for use in Node.js and
  browsers that provide the EcmaScript 5 property description interfaces.
nodejs-websocket-driver 0.3.3 9.fc30	51511	Unspecified	WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O for Node.js
  WebSocket protocol handler with pluggable I/O for Node.js.
nodejs-when 3.7.7 7.fc30	428319	Unspecified	A lightweight Promises/A+ and when() implementation
  When.js is a rock solid, battle-tested Promises/A+ and when() implementation,
  including a complete ES6 Promise shim. It's a powerful combination of small
  size, high performance, debuggability, and rich features:
   * Resolve arrays and hashes of promises, as well as infinite promise sequences
   * Execute tasks in parallel or sequentially
   * Transform Node-style and other callback-based APIs into promise-based APIs
  When.js is one of the many stand-alone components of cujoJS, the JavaScript
  Architectural Toolkit.
nodejs-whet-dot-extend 0.9.9 4.fc30	5292	Unspecified	A sharped version of port of jQuery.extend
  A sharped version of port of jQuery.extend that actually works on node.js
nodejs-which 1.3.0 5.fc30	6979	Unspecified	A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
  A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command.
nodejs-win-spawn 2.0.0 6.fc30	3781	Unspecified	Spawn for node.js but in a way that works regardless of which OS you're using
  Spawn for node.js but in a way that works regardless of which OS you're using
nodejs-window-size 0.1.0 9.fc30	3458	Unspecified	Get the height and width of the terminal in a node.js environment
  Reliable way to to get the height and width of the terminal/console in a
  node.js environment.
nodejs-winston 0.7.3 11.fc30	136109	Unspecified	A multiple transport asynchronous logging library for Node.js
  This module is a multiple transport asynchronous logging library for Node.js.
  Winston is designed to be a simple and universal logging library with support
  for multiple transports. A transport is essentially a storage device for your
  logs. Each instance of a winston logger can have multiple transports
  configured at different levels. For example, one may want error logs to be
  stored in a persistent remote location (like a database), but all logs output
  to the console or a local file.
  There also seemed to be a lot of logging libraries out there that coupled
  their implementation of logging (ie, how the logs are stored/indexed) to the
  API that they exposed to the programmer. This library aims to decouple those
  parts of the process to make it more flexible and extensible.
nodejs-with 3.0.0 13.fc30	23903	Unspecified	Compile time `with` for strict mode JavaScript
  Compile time `with` for strict mode JavaScript.
nodejs-wolfy87-eventemitter 5.2.4 3.fc30	49772	Unspecified	Event based JavaScript for the browser
  Event based JavaScript for the browser
nodejs-woothee 1.4.0 7.fc30	110683	Unspecified	User-Agent string parser (js implementation)
  User-Agent string parser (js implementation)
nodejs-wordwrap 1.0.0 6.fc30	6262	Unspecified	Word wrapping library for node
  Wrap those words. Show them at what columns to start and stop.
nodejs-wrap-ansi 2.0.0 7.fc30	10527	Unspecified	Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes
  Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes
nodejs-wrap-fn 0.1.5 7.fc30	6451	Unspecified	Support sync, async, and generator functions
  Support sync, async, and generator functions
nodejs-wrappy 1.0.2 6.fc30	2961	Unspecified	Callback wrapping utility
  Callback wrapping utility for node.js
nodejs-write 1.0.3 4.fc30	14686	Unspecified	Write files to disk, creating intermediate directories if they don't exist
  Write files to disk, creating intermediate directories if they don't exist.
nodejs-write-file-atomic 1.1.4 7.fc30	4497	Unspecified	Write files in an atomic fashion w/configurable ownership
  Write files in an atomic fashion w/configurable ownership
nodejs-write-json-file 2.0.0 4.fc29	4558	Unspecified	Stringify and write JSON to a file atomically
  Stringify and write JSON to a file atomically
nodejs-write-pkg 3.0.1 4.fc29	3994	Unspecified	Write a package.json file
  Write a package.json file
nodejs-ws 3.3.2 4.fc30	98816	Unspecified	Web socket client, server and console for nodejs
  Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested
  web socket client, server and console for nodejs,
  up-to-date against RFC-6455
nodejs-xdg-basedir 3.0.0 4.fc30	4082	Unspecified	A JavaScript library to work with XDG Base Directory paths
  A JavaScript library to work with XDG Base Directory paths.
nodejs-xml2js 0.4.19 4.fc30	41309	Unspecified	Simple XML to JavaScript object converter
  Ever had the urge to parse XML? And wanted to access the data in
  some sane, easy way? Don't want to compile a C parser, for whatever
  reason? Then xml2js is what you're looking for!
nodejs-xmlbuilder 4.2.1 7.fc30	53400	Unspecified	An XML builder for Node.js
  An XMLBuilder for Node.js similar to java-xmlbuilder.
nodejs-xmlhttprequest 1.8.0 3.fc30	21618	Unspecified	XMLHttpRequest for Node
  XMLHttpRequest for Node
nodejs-xmlhttprequest-ssl 1.5.4 4.fc30	23395	Unspecified	XMLHttpRequest for Node
  XMLHttpRequest for Node
nodejs-xregexp 2.0.0 8.fc30	143665	Unspecified	Extended JavaScript regular expressions
  XRegExp provides augmented, extensible, cross-browser JavaScript regular
  expressions. You get new syntax and flags beyond what browsers support
  natively, along with a collection of utils to make your client-side
  grepping and parsing easier. XRegExp also frees you from worrying about
  pesky inconsistencies in cross-browser regex handling and the dubious
  `lastIndex` property.
nodejs-xtend 4.0.1 5.fc30	5350	Unspecified	Extend like a boss
  xtend is a basic utility library which allows you to extend an object by
  appending all of the properties from each object in a list. When there
  are identical properties, the right-most property takes precedence.
nodejs-y18n 3.2.1 6.fc30	8754	Unspecified	The bare-bones internationalization library used by yargs
  The bare-bones internationalization library used by yargs
nodejs-yallist 3.0.2 3.fc30	13723	Unspecified	Yet Another Linked List
  Yet Another Linked List
nodejs-yamlish 0.0.5 13.fc30	8740	Unspecified	Parser/encoder for the yamlish format
  This is a module to parse the "yamlish" format used to serialize
  objects in the TAP format.
  It's like yaml, but just a tiny little bit smaller.
nodejs-yapool 1.0.0 4.fc30	2842	Unspecified	Yet Another object pool in JavaScript
  Yet Another object pool in JavaScript
nodejs-yargs 3.2.1 10.fc30	59929	Unspecified	Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash
  Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin' ter parse optstrings against
  their will where even the boo box be not enough to coerce them. This here
  module is fer scallywags lookin' ter plunder all the sunken -shipz of their
  --treasures thru program usage but be tired of optstrings disincling to
  acquiesce to yer requests.
  With yargs, ye be havin' a map that leads straight to yer treasure! Treasure of
  course, being a simple option hash.
nodejs-yargs-parser 7.0.0 4.fc30	32181	Unspecified	The mighty option parser used by yargs
  The mighty option parser used by yargs
nodejs-yarn 1.13.0 1.fc30	19831495	Unspecified	Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
  Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.
nodejs-yeast 0.1.2 4.fc30	6424	Unspecified	Tiny but linear growing unique id generator
  Tiny but linear growing unique id generator
nodejs-yn 2.0.0 3.fc30	4988	Unspecified	Parse yes/no like values
  Parse yes/no like values
nodejs-zap 0.2.9 8.fc30	8641	Unspecified	A tiny test runner
  A tiny test runner. Each test is run in a separate node
  instance - zap require()s your module once to work out what
  tests are in it, then once for each test in a new node process.
nodejs-zeropad 1.1.0 2.fc30	3939	Unspecified	Zeropad your integers with optional n-length padding
  Zeropad your integers with optional n-length padding.
nodejs-zip-stream 0.7.0 9.fc30	11012	Unspecified	A streaming zip archive generator
  zip-stream is a streaming zip archive generator based on the
  ZipArchiveOutputStream prototype found in the compress-commons project.
nodejs-zipfile 0.5.12 3.fc30	100022	Unspecified	C++ library for handling zipfiles in Node.js
  Bindings to libzip for handling zipfile archives in Node.js.
nodejs-zlib-browserify 0.0.3 9.fc30	4004	Unspecified	Wrapper for zlib.js to allow for use in browsers
  Wrapper for zlib.js to allow for use in browsers.
nodejs-zlibjs 0.2.0 9.fc30	20536	Unspecified	JavaScript library reimplementing compression, made available for Node.js
  This module allows zlib.js to be used by other Node.js modules.
  zlib.js is ZLIB(RFC1950), DEFLATE(RFC1951), GZIP(RFC1952), and
  PKZIP implementation in JavaScript. This library can be used to
  perform compression and decompression in the browser.
nodepool 3.0.0 4.fc30	451591	Unspecified	Node pool management for a distributed test infrastructure
  Nodepool is a service used by the OpenStack CI team to deploy and manage a pool
  of devstack images on a cloud server for use in OpenStack project testing.
nodepool-builder 3.0.0 4.fc30	12885	Unspecified	Nodepool builder service
  Nodepool builder service
nodepool-doc 3.0.0 4.fc30	887537	Unspecified	The Nodepool documentation
  The Nodepool documentation
nodepool-driver-openstack 3.0.0 4.fc30	102858	Unspecified	Nodepool OpenStack driver
  Nodepool OpenStack driver
nodepool-driver-static 3.0.0 4.fc30	33429	Unspecified	Nodepool OpenStack driver
  Nodepool Static driver
nodepool-launcher 3.0.0 4.fc30	12782	Unspecified	Nodepool launcher service
  Nodepool launcher service
nodeunit 0.9.1 8.fc29	166004	System Environment/Libraries	Easy asynchronous unit testing framework for Node.js
  Nodeunit provides an easy asynchronous unit testing framework for Node.js:
   - helps you avoid common pitfalls when testing asynchronous code
   - easy to add test cases with setUp and tearDown functions if you wish
   - flexible reporters for custom output
   - built-in support for HTML and jUnit XML
   - allows the use of mocks and stubs
nodm 0.13 6.fc30	76881	Unspecified	A display manager automatically starting an X session
  An automatic display manager which automatically starts an X session at
  system boot. It is meant for devices like smartphones, but can be used
  on a regular computer as well, if the security implications are acceptable.
nodoka-filesystem 0.3.90 17.fc30	0	Unspecified	The directory infrastructure for Nodoka
  The directory infrastructure needed by various Nodoka packages.
nodoka-metacity-theme 0.3.90 17.fc30	35397	Unspecified	The Nodoka theme for Metacity
  The Nodoka theme for metacity. A clean theme featuring soft gradients and
  Echoey look and feel.
nodoka-theme-gnome 0.3.90 17.fc30	19195	Unspecified	The Nodoka Theme Pack for Gnome
  The Nodoka Theme Pack for Gnome make use of Nodoka Metacity theme, Nodoka gtk2
  theme and Echo Icon set.
noggit 0.7 7.fc30	43975	Unspecified	JSON streaming parser
  Fast streaming JSON parser for Java.
noggit-javadoc 0.7 7.fc30	464884	Unspecified	Javadoc for noggit
  This package contains javadoc for noggit.
nogravity 2.00 32.fc30	1213036	Unspecified	Space shooter in 3D
  No Gravity is a fantastic and futuristic universe made of five
  intergalactic worlds. An arcade type game with great playability,
  where it is easy to plunge into space battles against spacefighters,
  space stations and more!
nogravity-data 2.00 19.fc30	37993829	Unspecified	Data files for No Gravity
  Data files (audio, maps, etc) for No Gravity.
noip 2.1.9 27.fc30	96199	Unspecified	A dynamic DNS update client
  Keep your current IP address in sync with your No-IP host or domain with
  this Dynamic Update Client (DUC). The client continually checks for IP
  address changes in the background and automatically updates the DNS at
  No-IP whenever it changes.
  N.B. You need to run
  	%# noip2 -C
  before starting the service.
nom-tam-fits 1.15.1 6.fc30	539651	Unspecified	Java library for reading and writing FITS files
  FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is the standard data format in
  astronomy used for the transport, analysis, and archival storage of
  scientific data sets.
  This library provides efficient I/O for FITS images and binary
  tables. All basic FITS formats and GZIP compressed files are
nom-tam-fits-javadoc 1.15.1 6.fc30	9447915	Unspecified	Javadoc for nom-tam-fits
  This package contains javadoc for nom-tam-fits.
nomacs 3.8.1 0.3.20180223git9b305e2.fc29	7224374	Unspecified	Lightweight image viewer
  nomacs is image viewer based on Qt5 library.
  nomacs is small, fast and able to handle the most common image formats.
  Additionally it is possible to synchronize multiple viewers
  running on the same computer or via LAN is possible.
  It allows to compare images and spot the differences
  e.g. schemes of architects to show the progress).
nomacs 3.8.1 0.3.20180223git9b305e2.fc29	7355230	Unspecified	Lightweight image viewer
  nomacs is image viewer based on Qt5 library.
  nomacs is small, fast and able to handle the most common image formats.
  Additionally it is possible to synchronize multiple viewers
  running on the same computer or via LAN is possible.
  It allows to compare images and spot the differences
  e.g. schemes of architects to show the progress).
nomarch 1.4 21.fc30	45775	Unspecified	GPLed Arc de-archiver
  nomarch lists/extracts/tests `.arc' archives. (It also handles `.ark'
  files, they're exactly the same.) This is a *very* outdated file
  format which should never be used for anything new, but unfortunately,
  you can still run into it every so often.
non-daw 1.2.0 15.git16885e69.fc29	1230438	Applications/Multimedia	A digital audio workstation for JACK
  Non-daw is a digital audio workstation for JACK
non-mixer 1.2.0 15.git16885e69.fc29	2126492	Applications/Multimedia	A digital audio mixer for JACK
  non-mixer is a powerful, reliable and fast modular Digital Audio Mixer
non-ntk 1.3.0 0.14.20130730gitd006352.fc29	1462808	Applications/Multimedia	A fork of FLTK for the non audio suite
  non-ntk is a fork of the FLTK UI toolkit. It employs cairo support and
  other additions not accepted upstream. It is currently used by the non-*
  audio suite of programs.
non-ntk 1.3.0 0.14.20130730gitd006352.fc29	1427896	Applications/Multimedia	A fork of FLTK for the non audio suite
  non-ntk is a fork of the FLTK UI toolkit. It employs cairo support and
  other additions not accepted upstream. It is currently used by the non-*
  audio suite of programs.
non-ntk-devel 1.3.0 0.14.20130730gitd006352.fc29	844380	Development/Libraries	Development files for the non-ntk GUI library
  Development files for the Non-ntk GUI library
non-ntk-devel 1.3.0 0.14.20130730gitd006352.fc29	844380	Development/Libraries	Development files for the non-ntk GUI library
  Development files for the Non-ntk GUI library
non-ntk-fluid 1.3.0 0.14.20130730gitd006352.fc29	608596	Applications/Multimedia	Fast Light User Interface Designer
  Fast Light User Interface Designer, an interactive GUI designer for non-ntk.
non-sequencer 1.2.0 15.git16885e69.fc29	1031724	Applications/Multimedia	A MIDI sequencer for JACK
  non-sequencer is a powerful, lightweight, real-time, pattern-based MIDI
non-session-manager 1.2.0 15.git16885e69.fc29	531296	Applications/Multimedia	A session manager for JACK
  non-session-manager is an audio project session manager. It preserves
  application state including JACK and MIDI connections between audio sessions.
nopaste 1.012 2.fc30	2364	Unspecified	Access pastebins from the command line
  This application lets you post text to pastebins from the command line.
  Pastebins (also known as nopaste sites) let you post text, usually code, for
  public viewing. They're used a lot in IRC channels to show code that would
  normally be too long to give directly in the channel (hence the name nopaste).
nordugrid-arc 5.4.4 1.fc30	7552743	Unspecified	Advanced Resource Connector Grid Middleware
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) brings computing resources
  together across institutional boundaries. This concept is commonly
  referred to as a "computational grid". Historically, grids address the
  organization of distributed storage of data and parallel computation,
  but could be expanded to arbitrary services.
  Just like the web, ARC has its roots in the IT infrastructure that was
  erected to analyze the experiments for high energy physics at CERN.
  The first release, ARC-0.x, was dependent on Globus, the current
  release keeps that compatibility but can also be used independently.
nordugrid-arc 5.4.4 1.fc30	7369527	Unspecified	Advanced Resource Connector Grid Middleware
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  The Advanced Resource Connector (ARC) brings computing resources
  together across institutional boundaries. This concept is commonly
  referred to as a "computational grid". Historically, grids address the
  organization of distributed storage of data and parallel computation,
  but could be expanded to arbitrary services.
  Just like the web, ARC has its roots in the IT infrastructure that was
  erected to analyze the experiments for high energy physics at CERN.
  The first release, ARC-0.x, was dependent on Globus, the current
  release keeps that compatibility but can also be used independently.
nordugrid-arc-acix-cache 5.4.4 1.fc30	32313	Unspecified	ARC cache index - cache server
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  Cache server component of the ARC Cache Index (ACIX), usually installed
  alongside A-REX. This component collects information on the content of
  an A-REX cache.
nordugrid-arc-acix-core 5.4.4 1.fc30	36493	Unspecified	ARC cache index - core
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  Core components of the ARC Cache Index (ACIX).
nordugrid-arc-acix-index 5.4.4 1.fc30	15003	Unspecified	ARC cache index - index server
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  Index server component of the ARC Cache Index (ACIX), usually installed
  independently of any A-REX installation. This component pulls cache content
  from cache servers and can be queried by clients for the location of cached
nordugrid-arc-arex 5.4.4 1.fc30	7767776	Unspecified	ARC Remote EXecution service
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  The ARC Remote EXecution service (AREX) provides a service for the
  execution of compute jobs and the transfer of input or output data.
nordugrid-arc-aris 5.4.4 1.fc30	77228	Unspecified	ARC local information system
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the LDAP based information system for ARC.
  This package is not self-contained but is closely connected to
nordugrid-arc-ca-utils 5.4.4 1.fc30	0	Unspecified	NorduGrid authentication tools
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  The nordugrid-arc-ca-utils packages has been obsoleted.
  The functionality of the grid-update-crls tool is provided by the
  fetch-crl tool in the fetch-crl package.
nordugrid-arc-cache-service 5.4.4 1.fc30	1300611	Unspecified	ARC cache service
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the ARC cache service. It provides a way to perform
  some operations on the A-REX cache remotely. It can be especially helpful
  for data management within a pilot job framework.
nordugrid-arc-client 5.4.4 1.fc30	2803311	Unspecified	ARC command line interface
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  For the regular user of any ARC-based computational grid,
  this client package contains (or depends on) all packages
  that are needed to submit jobs, query their status and
  retrieve results.
nordugrid-arc-datadelivery-service 5.4.4 1.fc30	330468	Unspecified	ARC data delivery service
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the ARC data delivery service.
nordugrid-arc-devel 5.4.4 1.fc30	1242156	Unspecified	ARC development files
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  Header files and libraries needed to develop applications using ARC.
nordugrid-arc-devel 5.4.4 1.fc30	1249032	Unspecified	ARC development files
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  Header files and libraries needed to develop applications using ARC.
nordugrid-arc-doc 2.0.21 1.fc30	8876700	Unspecified	Advanced Resource Connector Documentation
  The NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance
  and support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced
  Resource Connector (ARC).
nordugrid-arc-egiis 5.4.4 1.fc30	133406	Unspecified	ARC EGIIS service
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  The EGIIS is the Information Index Service used by ARC, This service is
  used to set up a ldap-based server that local information systems register
nordugrid-arc-gangliarc 1.0.2 7.fc30	61936	Unspecified	Ganglia monitoring for ARC services
  gangliarc provides a way to monitor ARC services through an existing ganglia
  installation. Running gangliarc adds various ARC metrics to ganglia which can
  then be viewed along with regular ganglia metrics for the ARC host.
nordugrid-arc-gridftpd 5.4.4 1.fc30	3007353	Unspecified	ARC gridftp server
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the ARC gridftp server which has a plugin framework.
  Current plugins include:
    fileplugin : Standard gridftp server based on Globus globus-ftp-control
    jobplugin  : Classical ARC job submission interface
nordugrid-arc-gridmap-utils 5.4.4 1.fc30	52400	Unspecified	NorduGrid authorization tools
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the ARC authorization machinery.
  A prominent tool distributed in this package is the nordugridmap
  script to collect user information from the virtual organizations.
nordugrid-arc-hed 5.4.4 1.fc30	379404	Unspecified	ARC Hosting Environment Daemon
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  The ARC Hosting Environment Daemon (HED). This daemon is a container for
  ARC services.
nordugrid-arc-java 5.4.4 1.fc30	2752870	Unspecified	ARC Java wrapper
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  Java bindings for ARC.
nordugrid-arc-ldap-infosys 5.4.4 1.fc30	90040	Unspecified	ARC LDAP information service
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the LDAP based information system for ARC.
  This package is not self-contained. it should be pulled in by either
  nordugrid-arc-arex to be a part of a local information system or by
  nordugrid-arc-egiis to be a part of a EGIIS service.
nordugrid-arc-ldap-monitor 5.4.4 1.fc30	851228	Unspecified	ARC LDAP monitor service
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the LDAP monitor system for ARC.
  This package is self-contained. It is used to set up a web-based monitor
  which pulls information from a EGIIS and shows it graphically.
nordugrid-arc-misc-utils 5.4.4 1.fc30	553810	Unspecified	NorduGrid misc tools
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains utilities for various tasks including testing. The
  package is usually not required by users or sysadmins but is mainly for
nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins 1.9.1 8.fc30	528309	Unspecified	Nagios plugins for ARC
  This package provides the Nagios plugins for testing ARC computing element.
nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins-doc 1.9.1 8.fc30	691852	Unspecified	HTML documentation for the ARC Nagios plugins
  HTML documentation for the ARC Nagios plugins.
nordugrid-arc-nagios-plugins-egi 1.9.1 8.fc30	10288	Unspecified	EGI configuration and dependencies for the ARC Nagios plugins
  EGI configuration and dependencies for the ARC Nagios plugins.
nordugrid-arc-plugins-gfal 5.4.4 1.fc30	159521	Unspecified	ARC GFAL plugins
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  ARC plugins for GFAL2. This allows third-party transfer and adds support
  for several extra transfer protocols (rfio, dcap, gsidcap). Specific
  protocol support is provided by separate gfal2-plugin packages.
nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus 5.4.4 1.fc30	789778	Unspecified	ARC Globus plugins
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  ARC Globus plugins. This includes the Globus dependent Data Manager
  Components (DMCs).
nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus 5.4.4 1.fc30	783574	Unspecified	ARC Globus plugins
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  ARC Globus plugins. This includes the Globus dependent Data Manager
  Components (DMCs).
nordugrid-arc-plugins-needed 5.4.4 1.fc30	6166812	Unspecified	ARC base plugins
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  ARC base plugins. This includes the Message Chain Components (MCCs) and
  Data Manager Components (DMCs).
nordugrid-arc-plugins-s3 5.4.4 1.fc30	100907	Unspecified	ARC S3 plugins
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  ARC plugins for S3. These allow access to data through the S3 protocol.
nordugrid-arc-plugins-xrootd 5.4.4 1.fc30	128324	Unspecified	ARC xrootd plugins
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  ARC xrootd plugins. These allow access to data through the xrootd protocol.
nordugrid-arc-ws-monitor 5.4.4 1.fc30	297332	Unspecified	ARC WS monitor service
  NorduGrid is a collaboration aiming at development, maintenance and
  support of the free Grid middleware, known as the Advanced Resource
  Connector (ARC).
  This package contains the WS monitor system for ARC.
  This package is self-contained. It is used to set up a web-based monitor
  which pulls information from ISIS and shows it graphically.
normaliz 3.6.3 2.fc30	2050606	Unspecified	A tool for mathematical computations
  Normaliz is a tool for computations in affine monoids, vector
  configurations, lattice polytopes, and rational cones.
  Documentation and examples can be found in /usr/share/doc/normaliz,
  in particular you may find Normaliz3.6.3Documentation.pdf useful.
nosync 1.1 5.fc30	30458	Unspecified	Preload library for disabling file's content synchronization
  nosync is a small preload library that can be used to disable
  synchronization of file's content with storage devices on GNU/Linux.
  It works by overriding implementations of certain standard functions
  like fsync or open.
nosync 1.1 5.fc30	31374	Unspecified	Preload library for disabling file's content synchronization
  nosync is a small preload library that can be used to disable
  synchronization of file's content with storage devices on GNU/Linux.
  It works by overriding implementations of certain standard functions
  like fsync or open.
notejot 1.5.5 1.fc30	642151	Unspecified	Stupidly-simple sticky notes applet
  Stupidly simple sticky notes applet.
notepadqq 1.4.8 5.fc30	4696801	Unspecified	An advanced text editor for developers
  A qt text editor for developers, with advanced tools, but remaining simple.
  It supports syntax highlighting, themes and more
notification-daemon 3.20.0 7.fc30	244433	Unspecified	Desktop Notification Daemon
  notification-daemon is the server implementation of the
  desktop notification specification. Notifications can be used to inform
  the user about an event or display some form of information without getting
  in the user's way.
notification-daemon-engine-nodoka 0.1.0 28.fc30	72814	Unspecified	The Nodoka theme engine for the notification daemon
  The Nodoka theme engine for the notification daemon.
notify-sharp 0.4.1 0.6.20130131git28d2f65.fc30	15932	Unspecified	A C# implementation for Desktop Notifications
  notify-sharp is a C# client implementation for Desktop Notifications,
  i.e. notification-daemon. It is inspired by the libnotify API.
  Desktop Notifications provide a standard way of doing passive pop-up
  notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the
  user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box
  that they must close. Passive popups can automatically disappear after
  a short period of time.
notify-sharp-devel 0.4.1 0.6.20130131git28d2f65.fc30	252	Unspecified	Development files for notify-sharp
  Development files for notify-sharp
notify-sharp-devel 0.4.1 0.6.20130131git28d2f65.fc30	252	Unspecified	Development files for notify-sharp
  Development files for notify-sharp
notify-sharp-doc 0.4.1 0.6.20130131git28d2f65.fc30	7245	Unspecified	Documentation files for notify-sharp
  Documentation files for notify-sharp
notify-sharp3 3.0.3 9.fc30	15932	Unspecified	A C# implementation for Desktop Notifications
  notify-sharp is a C# client implementation for Desktop Notifications,
  i.e. notification-daemon. It is inspired by the libnotify API.
  Desktop Notifications provide a standard way of doing passive pop-up
  notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the
  user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box
  that they must close. Passive pop-ups can automatically disappear after
  a short period of time.
notify-sharp3 3.0.3 9.fc30	15932	Unspecified	A C# implementation for Desktop Notifications
  notify-sharp is a C# client implementation for Desktop Notifications,
  i.e. notification-daemon. It is inspired by the libnotify API.
  Desktop Notifications provide a standard way of doing passive pop-up
  notifications on the Linux desktop. These are designed to notify the
  user of something without interrupting their work with a dialog box
  that they must close. Passive pop-ups can automatically disappear after
  a short period of time.
notify-sharp3-devel 3.0.3 9.fc30	256	Unspecified	Development files for notify-sharp
  Development files for notify-sharp
notify-sharp3-devel 3.0.3 9.fc30	256	Unspecified	Development files for notify-sharp
  Development files for notify-sharp
notify-sharp3-doc 3.0.3 9.fc30	7247	Unspecified	Documentation files for notify-sharp
  Documentation files for notify-sharp
notmuch 0.28.3 1.fc30	648423	Unspecified	System for indexing, searching, and tagging email
  Fast system for indexing, searching, and tagging email.  Even if you
  receive 12000 messages per month or have on the order of millions of
  messages that you've been saving for decades, Notmuch will be able to
  quickly search all of it.
  Notmuch is not much of an email program. It doesn't receive messages
  (no POP or IMAP support). It doesn't send messages (no mail composer,
  no network code at all). And for what it does do (email search) that
  work is provided by an external library, Xapian. So if Notmuch
  provides no user interface and Xapian does all the heavy lifting, then
  what's left here? Not much.
notmuch 0.28.3 1.fc30	634027	Unspecified	System for indexing, searching, and tagging email
  Fast system for indexing, searching, and tagging email.  Even if you
  receive 12000 messages per month or have on the order of millions of
  messages that you've been saving for decades, Notmuch will be able to
  quickly search all of it.
  Notmuch is not much of an email program. It doesn't receive messages
  (no POP or IMAP support). It doesn't send messages (no mail composer,
  no network code at all). And for what it does do (email search) that
  work is provided by an external library, Xapian. So if Notmuch
  provides no user interface and Xapian does all the heavy lifting, then
  what's left here? Not much.
notmuch-devel 0.28.3 1.fc30	75626	Unspecified	Development libraries and header files for the Notmuch library
  Notmuch-devel contains the development libraries and header files for
  Notmuch email program.  These libraries and header files are
  necessary if you plan to do development using Notmuch.
  Install notmuch-devel if you are developing C programs which will use the
  Notmuch library.  You'll also need to install the notmuch package.
notmuch-devel 0.28.3 1.fc30	75626	Unspecified	Development libraries and header files for the Notmuch library
  Notmuch-devel contains the development libraries and header files for
  Notmuch email program.  These libraries and header files are
  necessary if you plan to do development using Notmuch.
  Install notmuch-devel if you are developing C programs which will use the
  Notmuch library.  You'll also need to install the notmuch package.
notmuch-mutt 0.28.3 1.fc30	11476	Unspecified	Notmuch (of a) helper for Mutt
  notmuch-mutt provide integration among the Mutt mail user agent and
  the Notmuch mail indexer.
notmuch-vim 0.28.3 1.fc30	27617	Unspecified	A Vim plugin for notmuch
  notmuch-vim is a Vim plugin that provides a fully usable mail client
  interface, utilizing the notmuch framework.
nototools 0 0.20170929.git0c99dff.fc30	247891	Unspecified	Noto fonts support tools and scripts plus web site generation
  The nototools python package contains python scripts
  used to maintain the Noto Fonts project,
  including the website.
nova-agent 2.1.20 2.fc30	98441	Unspecified	Agent for setting up clean servers on Xen
  Python agent for setting up clean servers on Xen using xenstore data.
novacom 1.1.0 0.19.rc1.git.ff7641193a.fc30	957	Unspecified	Utility to connect to WebOS devices
  Novacom allows you to connect to WebOS devices that are connected over USB.
  This package installs both the client and the server.  To use the client, you
  must first start the server using 'systemctl start novacomd.service' as root,
  and then run 'novacom' as a regular user.
novacom-client 1.1.0 0.19.rc1.git.ff7641193a.fc30	52482	Unspecified	Client for utility to connect to WebOS devices
  Novacom allows you to connect to WebOS devices that are connected over USB.
  You must have novacom-server installed to use it.
novacom-server 1.1.0 0.24.rc1.fc30	140063	Unspecified	Service for utility that connects to WebOS devices
  This service allows the novacom client to connect to WebOS devices that are
  connected over USB.
  It should be started using 'systemctl start novacomd.service' as root.
novnc 1.0.0 2.fc30	55247	Unspecified	VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas) with encryption support
  noVNC is both a HTML VNC client JavaScript library and an application built on
  top of that library. noVNC runs well in any modern browser including mobile
  browsers (iOS and Android).
npm 6.4.1	14870130	Development/Languages	Node.js Package Manager
  npm is a package manager for node.js. You can use it to install and publish
  your node programs. It manages dependencies and does other cool stuff.
npth 1.6 2.fc30	52377	Unspecified	The New GNU Portable Threads library
  nPth is a non-preemptive threads implementation using an API very similar
  to the one known from GNU Pth. It has been designed as a replacement of
  GNU Pth for non-ancient operating systems. In contrast to GNU Pth is is
  based on the system's standard threads implementation. Thus nPth allows
  the use of libraries which are not compatible to GNU Pth.
npth 1.6 2.fc30	53221	Unspecified	The New GNU Portable Threads library
  nPth is a non-preemptive threads implementation using an API very similar
  to the one known from GNU Pth. It has been designed as a replacement of
  GNU Pth for non-ancient operating systems. In contrast to GNU Pth is is
  based on the system's standard threads implementation. Thus nPth allows
  the use of libraries which are not compatible to GNU Pth.
npth-devel 1.6 2.fc30	56686	Unspecified	Development files for npth
  This package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use npth.
npth-devel 1.6 2.fc30	56692	Unspecified	Development files for npth
  This package contains libraries and header files for
  developing applications that use npth.
nqc 3.1.7 24.fc30	611526	Unspecified	Not Quite C compiler
  Not Quite C is a simple language with a C-like syntax that can be used to
  program Lego's RCX programmable brick (from the Mindstorms set).
nqc-doc 3.1.7 24.fc30	780493	Unspecified	English Documentation for NQC
  English Documentation for NQC
nqc-doc-de 3.1.7 24.fc30	1114112	Unspecified	German Documentation for NQC
  German Documentation for NQC
nqc-doc-es 3.1.7 24.fc30	441856	Unspecified	Spanish Documentation for NQC
  Spanish Documentation for NQC
nqc-doc-it 3.1.7 24.fc30	404992	Unspecified	Italian Documentation for NQC
  Italian Documentation for NQC
nqc-doc-ja 3.1.7 24.fc30	255212	Unspecified	Japanese Documentation for NQC
  Japanese Documentation for NQC
nqc-doc-nl 3.1.7 24.fc30	2192384	Unspecified	Dutch Documentation for NQC
  Dutch Documentation for NQC
nqc-doc-pt 3.1.7 24.fc30	562207	Unspecified	Portuguese Documentation for NQC
  Portuguese Documentation for NQC
nqc-doc-th 3.1.7 24.fc30	579072	Unspecified	Thai Documentation for NQC
  Thai Documentation for NQC
nqp 0.0.2019.03 1.fc30	3543866	Unspecified	Not Quite Perl (6)
  This is "Not Quite Perl" -- a lightweight Perl 6-like environment for virtual
  machines. The key feature of NQP is that it's designed to be a very small
  environment (as compared with, say, perl6 or Rakudo) and is focused on being
  a high-level way to create compilers and libraries for virtual machines (such
  as JVM and MoarVM). Unlike a full-fledged implementation of Perl 6, NQP
  strives to have as small a run-time footprint as it can, while still providing
  a Perl 6 object model and regular expression engine for the virtual machine.
nqp-doc 0.0.2019.03 1.fc30	226609	Unspecified	Documentation for Not Quite Perl (6)
  Documentation and also examples about NQP.
nrg2iso 0.4 21.fc30	40283	Unspecified	Convert Nero Burning Rom image files into ISO
  Nrg2Iso is a linux utility for converting CD (or DVD) image generated by
  Nero Burning Rom to ISO format.
nrpe 3.2.1 7.fc30	382188	Unspecified	Host/service/network monitoring agent for Nagios
  Nrpe is a system daemon that will execute various Nagios plugins
  locally on behalf of a remote (monitoring) host that uses the
  check_nrpe plugin.  Various plugins that can be executed by the
  daemon are available at:
  This package provides the core agent.
ns-bola-fonts 20080203 16.fc30	28383	Unspecified	Chunky Geometric Fonts
  A chunky geometric font like many others out there!
  It supports diacritics in addition to the basic latin set of characters.
  The font was created by Pablo Caro.
ns-tiza-chalk-fonts 20080210 16.fc30	379624	Unspecified	Chalky slab-serif fonts
  A bold, chalky slab-serif font inspired by the lovely slab-serif Giza.
  It supports diacritics in addition to the basic latin set of characters.
  The font was created by Pablo Caro.
nsca 2.9.2 7.fc30	86905	Unspecified	Nagios Service Check Acceptor
  The purpose of this addon is to allow you to execute Nagios/NetSaint
  plugins on a remote host in as transparent a manner as possible.
nsca-client 2.9.2 7.fc30	64881	Unspecified	Client application for sending updates to a nsca server
  Client application for sending updates to a nsca server.
nscd 2.29 9.fc30	263408	Unspecified	A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd).
  The nscd daemon caches name service lookups and can improve
  performance with LDAP, and may help with DNS as well.
nsd 4.1.24 3.fc30	2964647	Unspecified	Fast and lean authoritative DNS Name Server
  NSD is a complete implementation of an authoritative DNS name server.
  For further information about what NSD is and what NSD is not please
  consult the REQUIREMENTS document which is a part of this distribution.
nsdiff 1.77 1.fc30	49618	Unspecified	create an "nsupdate" script from DNS zone file differences
  The nsdiff program examines the old and new versions of a DNS zone, and
  outputs the differences as a script for use by BIND's nsupdate program.
  It provides a bridge between static zone files and dynamic updates.
  The nspatch script is a wrapper around `nsdiff | nsupdate` that checks
  and reports errors in a manner suitable for running from cron.
  The nsvi script makes it easy to edit a dynamic zone.
nsnake 3.0.1 8.fc30	3922895	Unspecified	The classic snake game with textual interface
  nSnake is a implementation of the classic snake game with textual interface.
  It is playable at command-line and uses the nCurses C library for graphics.
nspr 4.21.0 1.fc30	463774	Unspecified	Netscape Portable Runtime
  NSPR provides platform independence for non-GUI operating system
  facilities. These facilities include threads, thread synchronization,
  normal file and network I/O, interval timing and calendar time, basic
  memory management (malloc and free) and shared library linking.
nspr 4.21.0 1.fc30	446854	Unspecified	Netscape Portable Runtime
  NSPR provides platform independence for non-GUI operating system
  facilities. These facilities include threads, thread synchronization,
  normal file and network I/O, interval timing and calendar time, basic
  memory management (malloc and free) and shared library linking.
nspr-devel 4.21.0 1.fc30	459860	Unspecified	Development libraries for the Netscape Portable Runtime
  Header files for doing development with the Netscape Portable Runtime.
nspr-devel 4.21.0 1.fc30	459864	Unspecified	Development libraries for the Netscape Portable Runtime
  Header files for doing development with the Netscape Portable Runtime.
nss 3.43.0 1.fc30	4701246	Unspecified	Network Security Services
  Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to
  support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and
  server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2
  and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509
  v3 certificates, and other security standards.
nss 3.43.0 1.fc30	4543686	Unspecified	Network Security Services
  Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to
  support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and
  server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2
  and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509
  v3 certificates, and other security standards.
nss-altfiles 2.18.1 14.fc30	20918	Unspecified	NSS module to look up users in /usr/lib/passwd too
  When installed, this package allows looking up users
  in %{prefix}/lib/passwd, similarly, groups in %{prefix}/lib/group.
nss-altfiles 2.18.1 14.fc30	21638	Unspecified	NSS module to look up users in /usr/lib/passwd too
  When installed, this package allows looking up users
  in %{prefix}/lib/passwd, similarly, groups in %{prefix}/lib/group.
nss-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	1204598	Unspecified	Development libraries for Network Security Services
  Header and Library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
nss-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	1300886	Unspecified	Development libraries for Network Security Services
  Header and Library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
nss-mdns 0.14.1 3.fc30	181336	Unspecified	glibc plugin for .local name resolution
  nss-mdns is a plugin for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS) functionality of
  the GNU C Library (glibc) providing host name resolution via Multicast DNS
  (aka Zeroconf, aka Apple Rendezvous, aka Apple Bonjour), effectively allowing
  name resolution by common Unix/Linux programs in the ad-hoc mDNS domain .local.
  nss-mdns provides client functionality only, which means that you have to
  run a mDNS responder daemon separately from nss-mdns if you want to register
  the local host name via mDNS (e.g. Avahi).
nss-mdns 0.14.1 3.fc30	186712	Unspecified	glibc plugin for .local name resolution
  nss-mdns is a plugin for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS) functionality of
  the GNU C Library (glibc) providing host name resolution via Multicast DNS
  (aka Zeroconf, aka Apple Rendezvous, aka Apple Bonjour), effectively allowing
  name resolution by common Unix/Linux programs in the ad-hoc mDNS domain .local.
  nss-mdns provides client functionality only, which means that you have to
  run a mDNS responder daemon separately from nss-mdns if you want to register
  the local host name via mDNS (e.g. Avahi).
nss-pam-ldapd 0.9.10 2.fc30	624440	Unspecified	An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
  The nss-pam-ldapd daemon, nslcd, uses a directory server to look up name
  service information (users, groups, etc.) on behalf of a lightweight
  nsswitch module.
nss-pam-ldapd 0.9.10 2.fc30	584744	Unspecified	An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
  The nss-pam-ldapd daemon, nslcd, uses a directory server to look up name
  service information (users, groups, etc.) on behalf of a lightweight
  nsswitch module.
nss-pem 1.0.5 1.fc30	572379	Unspecified	PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS)
  PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS), implemented as a PKCS#11
nss-pkcs11-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	1048986	Unspecified	Development libraries for PKCS #11 (Cryptoki) using NSS
  Library files for developing PKCS #11 modules using basic NSS
  low level services.
nss-pkcs11-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	1251922	Unspecified	Development libraries for PKCS #11 (Cryptoki) using NSS
  Library files for developing PKCS #11 modules using basic NSS
  low level services.
nss-softokn 3.43.0 1.fc30	4087070	Unspecified	Network Security Services Softoken Module
  Network Security Services Softoken Cryptographic Module
nss-softokn 3.43.0 1.fc30	3990454	Unspecified	Network Security Services Softoken Module
  Network Security Services Softoken Cryptographic Module
nss-softokn-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	10991	Unspecified	Development libraries for Network Security Services
  Header and library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
nss-softokn-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	10993	Unspecified	Development libraries for Network Security Services
  Header and library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
nss-softokn-freebl 3.43.0 1.fc30	1078710	Unspecified	Freebl library for the Network Security Services
  NSS Softoken Cryptographic Module Freebl Library
  Install the nss-softokn-freebl package if you need the freebl library.
nss-softokn-freebl 3.43.0 1.fc30	1133130	Unspecified	Freebl library for the Network Security Services
  NSS Softoken Cryptographic Module Freebl Library
  Install the nss-softokn-freebl package if you need the freebl library.
nss-softokn-freebl-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	497199	Unspecified	Header and Library files for doing development with the Freebl library for NSS
  NSS Softoken Cryptographic Module Freebl Library Development Tools
  This package supports special needs of some PKCS #11 module developers and
  is otherwise considered private to NSS. As such, the programming interfaces
  may change and the usual NSS binary compatibility commitments do not apply.
  Developers should rely only on the officially supported NSS public API.
nss-softokn-freebl-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	585445	Unspecified	Header and Library files for doing development with the Freebl library for NSS
  NSS Softoken Cryptographic Module Freebl Library Development Tools
  This package supports special needs of some PKCS #11 module developers and
  is otherwise considered private to NSS. As such, the programming interfaces
  may change and the usual NSS binary compatibility commitments do not apply.
  Developers should rely only on the officially supported NSS public API.
nss-sysinit 3.43.0 1.fc30	22061	Unspecified	System NSS Initialization
  Default Operating System module that manages applications loading
  NSS globally on the system. This module loads the system defined
  PKCS #11 modules for NSS and chains with other NSS modules to load
  any system or user configured modules.
nss-tools 3.43.0 1.fc30	4192199	Unspecified	Tools for the Network Security Services
  Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to
  support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and
  server applications. Applications built with NSS can support SSL v2
  and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509
  v3 certificates, and other security standards.
  Install the nss-tools package if you need command-line tools to
  manipulate the NSS certificate and key database.
nss-util 3.43.0 1.fc30	423360	Unspecified	Network Security Services Utilities Library
  Utilities for Network Security Services and the Softoken module
nss-util 3.43.0 1.fc30	452396	Unspecified	Network Security Services Utilities Library
  Utilities for Network Security Services and the Softoken module
nss-util-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	266587	Unspecified	Development libraries for Network Security Services Utilities
  Header and library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
nss-util-devel 3.43.0 1.fc30	266589	Unspecified	Development libraries for Network Security Services Utilities
  Header and library files for doing development with Network Security Services.
nss_db 2.29 9.fc30	78934	Unspecified	Name Service Switch (NSS) module using hash-indexed files
  The nss_db Name Service Switch module uses hash-indexed files in /var/db
  to speed up user, group, service, host name, and other NSS-based lookups.
nss_db 2.29 9.fc30	83046	Unspecified	Name Service Switch (NSS) module using hash-indexed files
  The nss_db Name Service Switch module uses hash-indexed files in /var/db
  to speed up user, group, service, host name, and other NSS-based lookups.
nss_hesiod 2.29 9.fc30	47460	Unspecified	Name Service Switch (NSS) module using Hesiod
  The nss_hesiod Name Service Switch module uses the Domain Name System
  (DNS) as a source for user, group, and service information, following
  the Hesiod convention of Project Athena.
nss_hesiod 2.29 9.fc30	49976	Unspecified	Name Service Switch (NSS) module using Hesiod
  The nss_hesiod Name Service Switch module uses the Domain Name System
  (DNS) as a source for user, group, and service information, following
  the Hesiod convention of Project Athena.
nss_nis 3.0 9.fc30	113039	Unspecified	Name Service Switch (NSS) module using NIS
  The nss_nis Name Service Switch module uses the Network Information System (NIS)
  to obtain user, group, host name, and other data.
nss_nis 3.0 9.fc30	110579	Unspecified	Name Service Switch (NSS) module using NIS
  The nss_nis Name Service Switch module uses the Network Information System (NIS)
  to obtain user, group, host name, and other data.
nss_updatedb 10 17.fc30	50259	Unspecified	Maintains a local cache of network directory user and group information
  The nss_updatedb utility maintains a local cache of network directory user
  and group information. Used in conjunction with the pam_ccreds module,
  it provides a mechanism for disconnected use of network directories.
nss_wrapper 1.1.5 3.fc30	82801	Unspecified	A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
  There are projects which provide daemons needing to be able to create, modify
  and delete Unix users. Or just switch user ids to interact with the system e.g.
  a user space file server. To be able to test that you need the privilege to
  modify the passwd and groups file. With nss_wrapper it is possible to define
  your own passwd and groups file which will be used by software to act correctly
  while under test.
  If you have a client and server under test they normally use functions to
  resolve network names to addresses (dns) or vice versa. The nss_wrappers allow
  you to create a hosts file to setup name resolution for the addresses you use
  with socket_wrapper.
  To use it set the following environment variables:
  This package doesn't have a devel package cause this project is for
nss_wrapper 1.1.5 3.fc30	79649	Unspecified	A wrapper for the user, group and hosts NSS API
  There are projects which provide daemons needing to be able to create, modify
  and delete Unix users. Or just switch user ids to interact with the system e.g.
  a user space file server. To be able to test that you need the privilege to
  modify the passwd and groups file. With nss_wrapper it is possible to define
  your own passwd and groups file which will be used by software to act correctly
  while under test.
  If you have a client and server under test they normally use functions to
  resolve network names to addresses (dns) or vice versa. The nss_wrappers allow
  you to create a hosts file to setup name resolution for the addresses you use
  with socket_wrapper.
  To use it set the following environment variables:
  This package doesn't have a devel package cause this project is for
ntfs-3g 2017.3.23 11.fc30	874864	Unspecified	Linux NTFS userspace driver
  NTFS-3G is a stable, open source, GPL licensed, POSIX, read/write NTFS
  driver for Linux and many other operating systems. It provides safe
  handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows
  Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 NTFS file systems. NTFS-3G can
  create, remove, rename, move files, directories, hard links, and streams;
  it can read and write normal and transparently compressed files, including
  streams and sparse files; it can handle special files like symbolic links,
  devices, and FIFOs, ACL, extended attributes; moreover it provides full
  file access right and ownership support.
ntfs-3g 2017.3.23 11.fc30	779892	Unspecified	Linux NTFS userspace driver
  NTFS-3G is a stable, open source, GPL licensed, POSIX, read/write NTFS
  driver for Linux and many other operating systems. It provides safe
  handling of the Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows
  Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 NTFS file systems. NTFS-3G can
  create, remove, rename, move files, directories, hard links, and streams;
  it can read and write normal and transparently compressed files, including
  streams and sparse files; it can handle special files like symbolic links,
  devices, and FIFOs, ACL, extended attributes; moreover it provides full
  file access right and ownership support.
ntfs-3g-devel 2017.3.23 11.fc30	276820	Unspecified	Development files and libraries for ntfs-3g
  Headers and libraries for developing applications that use ntfs-3g
ntfs-3g-devel 2017.3.23 11.fc30	276822	Unspecified	Development files and libraries for ntfs-3g
  Headers and libraries for developing applications that use ntfs-3g
ntfs-3g-system-compression 1.0 1.fc30	57187	Unspecified	NTFS-3G plugin for reading "system compressed" files
  System compression, also known as "Compact OS", is a Windows feature that
  allows rarely modified files to be compressed using the XPRESS or LZX
  compression formats. It is not built directly into NTFS but rather is
  implemented using reparse points. This feature appeared in Windows 10 and it
  appears that many Windows 10 systems have been using it by default.
  This RPM contains a plugin which enables the NTFS-3G FUSE driver to
  transparently read from system-compressed files. Currently, only reading is
  supported. Compressing an existing file may be done by using the "compact"
  utility on Windows.
ntfsprogs 2017.3.23 11.fc30	1419921	Unspecified	NTFS filesystem libraries and utilities
  The ntfsprogs package currently consists of a library and utilities such as
  mkntfs, ntfscat, ntfsls, ntfsresize, and ntfsundelete (for a full list of
  included utilities see man 8 ntfsprogs after installation).
ntl 11.3.2 2.fc30	3312205	Unspecified	High-performance algorithms for vectors, matrices, and polynomials
  NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures
  and algorithms for arbitrary length integers; for vectors, matrices, and
  polynomials over the integers and over finite fields; and for arbitrary
  precision floating point arithmetic.
  NTL provides high quality implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms for:
  * arbitrary length integer arithmetic and arbitrary precision floating point
  * polynomial arithmetic over the integers and finite fields including basic
    arithmetic, polynomial factorization, irreducibility testing, computation
    of minimal polynomials, traces, norms, and more;
  * lattice basis reduction, including very robust and fast implementations of
    Schnorr-Euchner, block Korkin-Zolotarev reduction, and the new
    Schnorr-Horner pruning heuristic for block Korkin-Zolotarev;
  * basic linear algebra over the integers, finite fields, and arbitrary
    precision floating point numbers.
ntl 11.3.2 2.fc30	3292117	Unspecified	High-performance algorithms for vectors, matrices, and polynomials
  NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures
  and algorithms for arbitrary length integers; for vectors, matrices, and
  polynomials over the integers and over finite fields; and for arbitrary
  precision floating point arithmetic.
  NTL provides high quality implementations of state-of-the-art algorithms for:
  * arbitrary length integer arithmetic and arbitrary precision floating point
  * polynomial arithmetic over the integers and finite fields including basic
    arithmetic, polynomial factorization, irreducibility testing, computation
    of minimal polynomials, traces, norms, and more;
  * lattice basis reduction, including very robust and fast implementations of
    Schnorr-Euchner, block Korkin-Zolotarev reduction, and the new
    Schnorr-Horner pruning heuristic for block Korkin-Zolotarev;
  * basic linear algebra over the integers, finite fields, and arbitrary
    precision floating point numbers.
ntl-devel 11.3.2 2.fc30	3813374	Unspecified	Development files for ntl
  Development files for ntl.
ntl-devel 11.3.2 2.fc30	3822498	Unspecified	Development files for ntl
  Development files for ntl.
ntp 4.2.8p13 1.fc30	3416952	Unspecified	The NTP daemon and utilities
  The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize a computer's
  time with another reference time source. This package includes ntpd
  (a daemon which continuously adjusts system time) and utilities used
  to query and configure the ntpd daemon.
  Perl scripts are in the ntp-perl package, ntpdate is in the ntpdate
  package and sntp is in the sntp package. The documentation in HTML
  format is in the ntp-doc package.
ntp-doc 4.2.8p13 1.fc30	2007916	Unspecified	NTP documentation
  This package contains NTP documentation in HTML format.
ntp-perl 4.2.8p13 1.fc30	18423	Unspecified	NTP utilities written in Perl
  This package contains Perl scripts calc_tickadj, ntp-wait and ntptrace.
ntp-refclock 0.2 5.fc30	1315571	Unspecified	Drivers for hardware reference clocks
  ntp-refclock is a wrapper for reference clock drivers included in the ntpd
  daemon, which enables other NTP implementations to use the supported hardware
  reference clocks for synchronization of the system clock.
  It provides a minimal environment for the drivers to be able to run in a
  separate process, measuring the offset of the system clock relative to the
  reference clock and sending the measurements to another process controlling
  the system clock.
ntpdate 4.2.8p13 1.fc30	263225	Unspecified	Utility to set the date and time via NTP
  ntpdate is a program for retrieving the date and time from
  NTP servers.
ntpstat 0.5 3.fc30	8234	Unspecified	Utility to print NTP synchronization status
  This package contains a script which prints a brief summary of the system
  clock's synchronisation status when the ntpd or chronyd daemon is running.
ntsysv 1.11 4.fc30	50180	Unspecified	A tool to set the stop/start of system services in a runlevel
  Ntsysv provides a simple interface for setting which system services
  are started or stopped in various runlevels (instead of directly
  manipulating the numerous symbolic links in /etc/rc.d). Unless you
  specify a runlevel or runlevels on the command line (see the man
  page), ntsysv configures the current runlevel (5 if you're using X).
nudoku 1.0.0 2.fc30	62689	Unspecified	Ncurses based Sudoku game
  nudoku is a ncurses based Sudoku game.
nuget 2.8.7 8.fc30	1636047	Unspecified	Package manager for .Net/Mono development platform
  NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft
  development platform including .NET. The NuGet client
  tools provide the ability to produce and consume
  packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package
  repository used by all package authors and consumers.
nuget 2.8.7 8.fc30	1636047	Unspecified	Package manager for .Net/Mono development platform
  NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft
  development platform including .NET. The NuGet client
  tools provide the ability to produce and consume
  packages. The NuGet Gallery is the central package
  repository used by all package authors and consumers.
nuget-devel 2.8.7 8.fc30	408	Unspecified	Development files for nuget
  Development package for nuget
nuget-devel 2.8.7 8.fc30	408	Unspecified	Development files for nuget
  Development package for nuget
nulib2 3.1.0 3.fc30	346205	Unspecified	Disk and file archive program for NuFX (.SDK, .BXY) archives
  NuLib2 is a command-line file archiver for Apple II archives. It can operate
  on ShrinkIt and Binary II files (.shk, .sdk, .bxy, .bse, .bny, .bqy).
nullmodem 0.0.6 20.fc30	167977	Unspecified	A utility to loopback pseudo-terminals
  nullmodem creates a virtual network of pseudo-terminals. It can be
  used as an adapter to connect two programs that normally need serial
  interface cards.
numactl 2.0.12 2.fc30	214951	Unspecified	Library for tuning for Non Uniform Memory Access machines
  Simple NUMA policy support. It consists of a numactl program to run
  other programs with a specific NUMA policy.
numactl-devel 2.0.12 2.fc30	25350	Unspecified	Development package for building Applications that use numa
  Provides development headers for numa library calls
numactl-devel 2.0.12 2.fc30	25352	Unspecified	Development package for building Applications that use numa
  Provides development headers for numa library calls
numactl-libs 2.0.12 2.fc30	62960	Unspecified	libnuma libraries
  numactl-libs provides libnuma, a library to do allocations with
  NUMA policy in applications.
numactl-libs 2.0.12 2.fc30	64240	Unspecified	libnuma libraries
  numactl-libs provides libnuma, a library to do allocations with
  NUMA policy in applications.
numad 0.5 28.20150602git.fc30	64043	Unspecified	NUMA user daemon
  Numad, a daemon for NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) systems,
  that monitors NUMA characteristics and manages placement of processes
  and memory to minimize memory latency and thus provide optimum performance.
numatop 1.0.4 9.fc30	184313	Unspecified	Memory access locality characterization and analysis
  NumaTOP is an observation tool for runtime memory locality characterization and
  analysis of processes and threads running on a NUMA system. It helps the user
  characterize the NUMA behavior of processes and threads and identify where the
  NUMA-related performance bottlenecks reside.
  NumaTOP supports the Intel Xeon processors.
numix-gtk-theme 2.6.7 2.fc30	2181263	Unspecified	Numix Gtk Theme
  Numix is a modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements.
  It supports Gnome, Unity, XFCE and Openbox.
numix-icon-theme 0.1.0 20.20180717.git763489f.fc30	24964635	Unspecified	Numix Project icon theme
  Numix is the official icon theme from the Numix project.
  It is heavily inspired by, and based upon parts of the Elementary,
  Humanity and Gnome icon themes.
numix-icon-theme-circle 0.1.0 21.20190222.gita673d9d.fc30	12737238	Unspecified	Numix Project circle icon theme
  Numix is the official icon theme from the Numix project.
  It is heavily inspired by, and based upon parts of the Elementary,
  Humanity and Gnome icon themes.
numix-icon-theme-square 0.1.0 6.20190222.git3c95740.fc30	10051642	Unspecified	Numix Project square icon theme
  Numix Square is a modern icon theme for Linux from the Numix project.
numlockx 1.2 15.fc30	24516	Unspecified	Turns on NumLock after starting X
  Turns on NumLock after starting X
numptyphysics 0.4 0.17.20151231gitc0abd47.fc30	3467249	Unspecified	A crayon-drawing based physics puzzle game
  Harness gravity with your crayon and set about creating blocks, ramps,
  levers, pulleys and whatever else you fancy to get the little red thing to
  the little yellow thing.
nunit 3.7.1 7.fc30	1656100	Unspecified	Unit test framework for CLI
  NUnit is a unit testing framework for all .NET languages. It serves the
  same purpose as JUnit does in the Java world. It supports test
  categories, testing for exceptions and writing test results in plain
  text or XML.
  NUnit targets the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and supports Mono and
  the Microsoft .NET Framework.
nunit 3.7.1 7.fc30	1656100	Unspecified	Unit test framework for CLI
  NUnit is a unit testing framework for all .NET languages. It serves the
  same purpose as JUnit does in the Java world. It supports test
  categories, testing for exceptions and writing test results in plain
  text or XML.
  NUnit targets the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and supports Mono and
  the Microsoft .NET Framework.
nunit-devel 3.7.1 7.fc30	310	Unspecified	Development files for NUnit
  Development files for nunit.
nunit-devel 3.7.1 7.fc30	310	Unspecified	Development files for NUnit
  Development files for nunit.
nunit2 2.6.4 20.fc30	961573	Unspecified	Unit test framework for CLI
  NUnit is a unit testing framework for all .NET languages. It serves the
  same purpose as JUnit does in the Java world. It supports test
  categories, testing for exceptions and writing test results in plain
  text or XML.
  NUnit targets the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and supports Mono and
  the Microsoft .NET Framework.
nunit2 2.6.4 20.fc30	961573	Unspecified	Unit test framework for CLI
  NUnit is a unit testing framework for all .NET languages. It serves the
  same purpose as JUnit does in the Java world. It supports test
  categories, testing for exceptions and writing test results in plain
  text or XML.
  NUnit targets the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) and supports Mono and
  the Microsoft .NET Framework.
nunit2-devel 2.6.4 20.fc30	400	Unspecified	Development files for NUnit
  Development files for nunit2.
nunit2-devel 2.6.4 20.fc30	400	Unspecified	Development files for NUnit
  Development files for nunit2.
nunit2-doc 2.6.4 20.fc30	2946602	Unspecified	Documentation package for NUnit
  Documentation for NUnit
nunit2-gui 2.6.4 20.fc30	6980	Unspecified	Tools for run NUnit test
  Desktop application for run NUnit test
nuntius 0.2.0 9.fc29	189584	Unspecified	Get notifications from the phone or tablet
  Nuntius is a daemon that connects to another Nuntius app running on a phone or
  a tablet and proxies the notifications using Bluetooth.
nut 2.7.4 23.fc30	8380548	Unspecified	Network UPS Tools
  These programs are part of a developing project to monitor the assortment
  of UPSes that are found out there in the field. Many models have serial
  ports of some kind that allow some form of state checking. This
  capability has been harnessed where possible to allow for safe shutdowns,
  live status tracking on web pages, and more.
nut 2.7.4 23.fc30	8389258	Unspecified	Network UPS Tools
  These programs are part of a developing project to monitor the assortment
  of UPSes that are found out there in the field. Many models have serial
  ports of some kind that allow some form of state checking. This
  capability has been harnessed where possible to allow for safe shutdowns,
  live status tracking on web pages, and more.
nut-cgi 2.7.4 23.fc30	198377	Unspecified	CGI utilities for the Network UPS Tools
  This package includes CGI programs for accessing UPS status via a web
nut-client 2.7.4 23.fc30	754866	Unspecified	Network UPS Tools client monitoring utilities
  This package includes the client utilities that are required to monitor a
  ups that the client host has access to, but where the UPS is physically
  attached to a different computer on the network.
nut-client 2.7.4 23.fc30	775506	Unspecified	Network UPS Tools client monitoring utilities
  This package includes the client utilities that are required to monitor a
  ups that the client host has access to, but where the UPS is physically
  attached to a different computer on the network.
nut-devel 2.7.4 23.fc30	89547	Unspecified	Development files for NUT Client
  This package contains the development header files and libraries
  necessary to develop NUT client applications.
nut-devel 2.7.4 23.fc30	89553	Unspecified	Development files for NUT Client
  This package contains the development header files and libraries
  necessary to develop NUT client applications.
nut-nutrition 19.2 15.fc30	5775902	Unspecified	A nutritional Software
  NUT allows you to record what you eat and analyze your meals for
  nutrient composition. The database included is the USDA Nutrient
  Database for Standard Reference, Release 22.
nut-xml 2.7.4 23.fc30	145322	Unspecified	XML UPS driver for the Network UPS Tools
  This package adds the netxml-ups driver, that allows NUT to monitor a XML
  capable UPS.
nuttcp 6.1.2 21.fc30	137447	Unspecified	Tool for testing TCP connections
  nuttcp is a network performance measurement tool intended for use by
  network and system managers.  Its most basic usage is to determine the
  raw TCP (or UDP) network layer throughput by transferring memory buffers
  from a source system across an interconnecting network to a destination
  system, either transferring data for a specified time interval, or
  alternatively transferring a specified number of buffers.  In addition
  to reporting the achieved network throughput in Mbps, nuttcp also
  provides additional useful information related to the data transfer
  such as user, system, and wall-clock time, transmitter and receiver
  CPU utilization, and loss percentage (for UDP transfers).
nuvola-app-google-calendar 1.2 7.fc29	403526	Unspecified	Google Calendar web app for Nuvola Player 3
  Integration of Google Calendar web app into your linux desktop via Nuvola Apps.
nuvola-app-groove 2.0 2.fc28	416865	Unspecified	Microsoft Groove for Nuvola Player 3
  Integration of Microsoft Groove into your linux desktop via Nuvola Player.
nuvola-app-logitech-media-server 2.2 6.fc29	346232	Unspecified	Logitech Media Server for Nuvola Player 3
  Integration of Logitech Media Server into your Linux desktop via Nuvola Player.
nuvola-app-plex 1.3 5.fc29	326027	Unspecified	Plex integration for Nuvola Player
  Integration of Plex Music into your Linux desktop via Nuvola Player.
nuvola-app-soundcloud 1.3 5.fc29	267647	Unspecified	SoundCloud WebApp for Nuvola Player 3
  Integration of SoundCloud into your Linux desktop via Nuvola Player.
nuvola-app-yandex-music 1.5 5.fc29	314442	Unspecified	Yandex Music script for Nuvola Player 3
  Integration of Yandex Music into your Linux desktop via Nuvola Player.
nuvola-icon-theme 15.08.3 8.fc30	17526413	Unspecified	Nuvola icon theme
  Nuvola icon theme.
nv-codec-headers 1.fc30	312602	Unspecified	FFmpeg version of Nvidia Codec SDK headers
  FFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidias codec APIs.
nvi 1.81.6 20.fc30	847085	Unspecified	4.4BSD re-implementation of vi
  Vi is the original screen based text editor for Unix systems.
  It is considered the standard text editor, and is available on
  almost all Unix systems.
  Nvi is intended as a "bug-for-bug compatible" clone of the original
  BSD vi editor. As such, it doesn't have a lot of snazzy features as do
  some of the other vi clones such as elvis and vim. However, if all
  you want is vi, this is the one to get.
nvidia-query-resource-opengl 1.0.0 5.fc30	33234	Unspecified	Querying OpenGL resource usage of applications using the NVIDIA OpenGL driver
  A tool for querying OpenGL resource usage of applications using the NVIDIA
  OpenGL driver. Requires NVIDIA 387 or later.
nvidia-query-resource-opengl-lib 1.0.0 5.fc30	18772	Unspecified	Library for nvidia-query-resource-opengl
  This package contains library for nvidia-query-resource-opengl.
nvidia-query-resource-opengl-lib 1.0.0 5.fc30	19816	Unspecified	Library for nvidia-query-resource-opengl
  This package contains library for nvidia-query-resource-opengl.
nvidia-texture-tools 2.0.8 20.fc30	614029	Unspecified	Collection of image processing and texture manipulation tools
  The NVIDIA Texture Tools is a collection of image processing and texture
  manipulation tools, designed to be integrated in game tools and asset
  conditioning pipelines.
  The primary features of the library are mipmap and normal map generation,
  format conversion and DXT compression.
  DXT compression is based on Simon Brown's squish library. The library also
  contains an alternative GPU-accelerated compressor that uses CUDA and is
  one order of magnitude faster.
nvidia-texture-tools 2.0.8 20.fc30	655669	Unspecified	Collection of image processing and texture manipulation tools
  The NVIDIA Texture Tools is a collection of image processing and texture
  manipulation tools, designed to be integrated in game tools and asset
  conditioning pipelines.
  The primary features of the library are mipmap and normal map generation,
  format conversion and DXT compression.
  DXT compression is based on Simon Brown's squish library. The library also
  contains an alternative GPU-accelerated compressor that uses CUDA and is
  one order of magnitude faster.
nvidia-texture-tools-devel 2.0.8 20.fc30	13003	Unspecified	Development libraries/headers for nvidia-texture-tools
  Headers and libraries for development with nvidia-texture-tools.
nvidia-texture-tools-devel 2.0.8 20.fc30	13003	Unspecified	Development libraries/headers for nvidia-texture-tools
  Headers and libraries for development with nvidia-texture-tools.
nvme-cli 1.7 1.fc30	568394	Unspecified	NVMe management command line interface
  nvme-cli provides NVM-Express user space tooling for Linux.
nvmetcli 0.4 6.fc30	111101	Unspecified	An adminstration shell for NVMe storage targets
  This package contains the command line interface to the NVMe over Fabrics
  nvmet in the Linux kernel.  It allows configuring the nvmet interactively
  as well as saving / restoring the configuration to / from a json file.
nwchem 6.8.1 7.fc30	0	Unspecified	Delivering High-Performance Computational Chemistry to Science
  NWChem aims to provide its users with computational chemistry tools that are
  scalable both in their ability to treat large scientific computational
  chemistry problems efficiently, and in their use of available parallel
  computing resources from high-performance parallel supercomputers to
  conventional workstation clusters.
  Please cite the following reference when
  publishing results obtained with NWChem:
  M. Valiev, E.J. Bylaska, N. Govind, K. Kowalski, T.P. Straatsma,
  H.J.J. van Dam, D. Wang, J. Nieplocha, E. Apra, T.L. Windus, W.A. de Jong,
  "NWChem: a comprehensive and scalable open-source solution for
  large scale molecular simulations" Comput. Phys. Commun. 181, 1477 (2010)
  There is currently no serial version built.
nwchem-common 6.8.1 7.fc30	47988800	Unspecified	nwchem - common files
  NWChem aims to provide its users with computational chemistry tools that are
  scalable both in their ability to treat large scientific computational
  chemistry problems efficiently, and in their use of available parallel
  computing resources from high-performance parallel supercomputers to
  conventional workstation clusters.
  Please cite the following reference when
  publishing results obtained with NWChem:
  M. Valiev, E.J. Bylaska, N. Govind, K. Kowalski, T.P. Straatsma,
  H.J.J. van Dam, D. Wang, J. Nieplocha, E. Apra, T.L. Windus, W.A. de Jong,
  "NWChem: a comprehensive and scalable open-source solution for
  large scale molecular simulations" Comput. Phys. Commun. 181, 1477 (2010)
  This package contains the data files.
nwchem-mpich 6.8.1 7.fc30	90362568	Unspecified	nwchem - mpich version
  NWChem aims to provide its users with computational chemistry tools that are
  scalable both in their ability to treat large scientific computational
  chemistry problems efficiently, and in their use of available parallel
  computing resources from high-performance parallel supercomputers to
  conventional workstation clusters.
  Please cite the following reference when
  publishing results obtained with NWChem:
  M. Valiev, E.J. Bylaska, N. Govind, K. Kowalski, T.P. Straatsma,
  H.J.J. van Dam, D. Wang, J. Nieplocha, E. Apra, T.L. Windus, W.A. de Jong,
  "NWChem: a comprehensive and scalable open-source solution for
  large scale molecular simulations" Comput. Phys. Commun. 181, 1477 (2010)
  This package contains the mpich version.
nwchem-openmpi 6.8.1 7.fc30	90362224	Unspecified	nwchem - openmpi version
  NWChem aims to provide its users with computational chemistry tools that are
  scalable both in their ability to treat large scientific computational
  chemistry problems efficiently, and in their use of available parallel
  computing resources from high-performance parallel supercomputers to
  conventional workstation clusters.
  Please cite the following reference when
  publishing results obtained with NWChem:
  M. Valiev, E.J. Bylaska, N. Govind, K. Kowalski, T.P. Straatsma,
  H.J.J. van Dam, D. Wang, J. Nieplocha, E. Apra, T.L. Windus, W.A. de Jong,
  "NWChem: a comprehensive and scalable open-source solution for
  large scale molecular simulations" Comput. Phys. Commun. 181, 1477 (2010)
  This package contains the openmpi version.
nwipe 0.24 4.fc30	123837	Unspecified	Securely erase disks using a variety of recognized methods
  The nwipe is a command that will securely erase disks using a variety of
  recognized methods. It is a fork of the dwipe command used by Darik's
  Boot and Nuke (dban). Nwipe was created out of need to run the DBAN dwipe
  command outside of DBAN. This allows it to use any host distribution which
  gives better hardware support. It is essentially the same as dwipe, with
  a few changes:
  - pthreads is used instead of fork
  - The parted library is used to detect drives
  - The code is designed to be compiled with gcc
nwsclient 1.6.4 21.fc30	849139	Unspecified	NetWorkSpaces Client for Python
  NetWorkSpaces (NWS) is a powerful, open-source software package that makes it
  easy to use clusters from within scripting languages like Python, R, and
  Matlab. It uses a Space-based approach, similar to JavaSpaces (TM) for example,
  that makes it easier to write distributed applications.
  NetWorkSpaces for Python is the Python API to the NetWorkSpaces server. It
  allows different Python scripts to communicate and coordinate with each other,
  and (with some restrictions) with scripts written in other languages, such as
  R and Matlab.  The restriction is that only strings can be passed between
  different languages. NetWorkSpaces doesn't provide a standard way to serialize
  objects between different languages, but by allowing strings to be used,
  programmers can choose their own mechanism (XML or YAML, for example).
nx-libs 2.fc30	490469	Unspecified	NX X11 protocol compression libraries
  NX is a software suite which implements very efficient compression of
  the X11 protocol. This increases performance when using X
  applications over a network, especially a slow one.
nx-libs 2.fc30	490469	Unspecified	NX X11 protocol compression libraries
  NX is a software suite which implements very efficient compression of
  the X11 protocol. This increases performance when using X
  applications over a network, especially a slow one.
nx-libs-devel 2.fc30	29822	Unspecified	Include files and libraries for NX development
  NX is a software suite from NoMachine which implements very efficient
  compression of the X11 protocol. This increases performance when
  using X applications over a network, especially a slow one.
  This package contains all necessary include files and libraries
  needed to develop nx-X11 applications that require these.
nx-libs-devel 2.fc30	29822	Unspecified	Include files and libraries for NX development
  NX is a software suite from NoMachine which implements very efficient
  compression of the X11 protocol. This increases performance when
  using X applications over a network, especially a slow one.
  This package contains all necessary include files and libraries
  needed to develop nx-X11 applications that require these.
nx-proto-devel 2.fc30	621564	Unspecified	Include files for NX development
  This package contains all necessary include files and libraries
  for the nx_X11 wire protocol.
nx-proto-devel 2.fc30	621564	Unspecified	Include files for NX development
  This package contains all necessary include files and libraries
  for the nx_X11 wire protocol.
nxagent 2.fc30	5612403	Unspecified	NX Agent
  NX is a software suite which implements very efficient compression of
  the X11 protocol. This increases performance when using X
  applications over a network, especially a slow one.
  nxagent is an agent providing NX transport of X sessions. The
  application is based on the well-known Xnest server. nxagent, like
  Xnest, is an X server for its own clients, and at the same time, an X
  client for a system's local X server.
  The main scope of nxagent is to eliminate X round-trips or transform
  them into asynchronous replies. nxagent works together with nxproxy.
  nxproxy itself does not make any effort to minimize round-trips by
  itself, this is demanded of nxagent.
  Being an X server, nxagent is able to resolve all the property/atoms
  related requests locally, ensuring that the most common source of
  round-trips are nearly reduced to zero.
nxproxy 2.fc30	23595	Unspecified	NX Proxy
  This package provides the NX proxy (client) binary.
nxt_python 2.2.2 6.fc29	395415	Applications/Engineering	Nxt_python is a package for controlling a LEGO NXT robot using python
  nxt_python is a python package for controlling a LEGO NXT robot using the
  python programming language.  It can communicate using either USB or Bluetooth.
nxtrc 2.3 19.fc30	62664	Unspecified	Program to interact with LEGO NXT via BlueTooth
  nxtrc (NXT  Remote  Command) is a small program that allows to send various
  commands to a LEGO Mindstorm NXT Brick. It uses the Bluetooth protocol
  through the Bluez libraries.
nyquist 3.09 9.fc30	7632916	Unspecified	Sound synthesis and composition language with a Lisp syntax
  Nyquist is a language for sound synthesis and music
  composition. Unlike score languages that tend to deal only with
  events, or signal processing languages that tend to deal only with
  signals and synthesis, Nyquist handles both in a single integrated
  system. Nyquist is also flexible and easy to use because it is based
  on an interactive Lisp interpreter.
nyx 2.0.4 6.fc30	520665	Unspecified	Command-line monitor for Tor
  Nyx is a command-line monitor for Tor. With this you can get detailed
  real-time information about your relay such as bandwidth usage,
  connections, logs, and much more.
nyx-doc 2.0.4 6.fc30	4237156	Unspecified	Command-line monitor for Tor
  Nyx is a command-line monitor for Tor. With this you can get detailed
  real-time information about your relay such as bandwidth usage,
  connections, logs, and much more.
nyxmms2 0.8 58.fc30	0	Unspecified	Commandline client for XMMS2
  nyxmms2 is the new official commandline client for XMMS2. It can be run in
  either shell-mode (if started without arguments), or in inline-mode where
  it executes the command passed as argument directly.