/*********************************************************************** * * event_tcp.c -- implementation of event-driven socket I/O. * * Copyright (C) 2001 Roaring Penguin Software Inc. * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Dianne Skoll * * This program may be distributed according to the terms of the GNU * General Public License, version 2 or (at your option) any later version. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later * ***********************************************************************/ #include "event_tcp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include static void free_state(EventTcpState *state); typedef struct EventTcpConnectState_t { int fd; EventHandler *conn; EventTcpConnectFunc f; void *data; } EventTcpConnectState; typedef struct EventTcpAcceptData_t { EventTcpAcceptFunc fn; void *data; } EventTcpAcceptData_t; /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: handle_accept * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * fd -- socket * flags -- ignored * data -- the accept callback function * %RETURNS: * Nothing * %DESCRIPTION: * Calls accept; if a connection arrives, calls the accept callback * function with connected descriptor ***********************************************************************/ static void handle_accept(EventSelector *es, int fd, unsigned int flags, void *data) { int conn; EventTcpAcceptData_t *d = (EventTcpAcceptData_t*) data; EVENT_DEBUG(("tcp_handle_accept(es=%p, fd=%d, flags=%u, data=%p)\n", es, fd, flags, data)); conn = accept(fd, NULL, NULL); if (conn < 0) return; d->fn(es, conn, d->data); } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: handle_connect * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * fd -- socket * flags -- ignored * data -- the accept callback function * %RETURNS: * Nothing * %DESCRIPTION: * Calls accept; if a connection arrives, calls the accept callback * function with connected descriptor ***********************************************************************/ static void handle_connect(EventSelector *es, int fd, unsigned int flags, void *data) { int error = 0; socklen_t len = sizeof(error); EventTcpConnectState *state = (EventTcpConnectState *) data; EVENT_DEBUG(("tcp_handle_connect(es=%p, fd=%d, flags=%u, data=%p)\n", es, fd, flags, data)); /* Cancel writable event */ Event_DelHandler(es, state->conn); state->conn = NULL; /* Timeout? */ if (flags & EVENT_FLAG_TIMEOUT) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; state->f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_TIMEOUT, state->data); free(state); return; } /* Check for pending error */ if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &error, &len) < 0) { state->f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR, state->data); free(state); return; } if (error) { errno = error; state->f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR, state->data); free(state); return; } /* It looks cool! */ state->f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_COMPLETE, state->data); free(state); } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: EventTcp_CreateAcceptor * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * socket -- listening socket * f -- function to call when a connection is accepted * data -- extra data to pass to f. * %RETURNS: * An event handler on success, NULL on failure. * %DESCRIPTION: * Sets up an accepting socket and calls "f" whenever a new * connection arrives. ***********************************************************************/ EventHandler * EventTcp_CreateAcceptor(EventSelector *es, int socket, EventTcpAcceptFunc f, void *data) { int flags; EVENT_DEBUG(("EventTcp_CreateAcceptor(es=%p, socket=%d)\n", es, socket)); /* Make sure socket is non-blocking */ flags = fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1) { return NULL; } if (fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { return NULL; } EventTcpAcceptData_t *d = malloc(sizeof(EventTcpAcceptData_t)); if (!d) return NULL; d->fn = f; d->data = data; EventHandler *eh = Event_AddHandler(es, socket, EVENT_FLAG_READABLE, handle_accept, (void *) d); if (!eh) { free(d); } return eh; } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: free_state * %ARGUMENTS: * state -- EventTcpState to free * %RETURNS: * Nothing * %DESCRIPTION: * Frees all state associated with the TcpEvent. ***********************************************************************/ static void free_state(EventTcpState *state) { if (!state) return; EVENT_DEBUG(("tcp_free_state(state=%p)\n", state)); if (state->buf) free(state->buf); if (state->eh) Event_DelHandler(state->es, state->eh); free(state); } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: handle_readable * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * fd -- the readable socket * flags -- ignored * data -- the EventTcpState object * %RETURNS: * Nothing * %DESCRIPTION: * Continues to fill buffer. Calls callback when done. ***********************************************************************/ static void handle_readable(EventSelector *es, int fd, unsigned int flags, void *data) { EventTcpState *state = (EventTcpState *) data; int done = state->cur - state->buf; int togo = state->len - done; int nread = 0; int flag; EVENT_DEBUG(("tcp_handle_readable(es=%p, fd=%d, flags=%u, data=%p)\n", es, fd, flags, data)); /* Timed out? */ if (flags & EVENT_FLAG_TIMEOUT) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; (state->f)(es, state->socket, state->buf, done, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_TIMEOUT, state->data); free_state(state); return; } if (state->delim < 0) { /* Not looking for a delimiter */ /* togo had better not be zero here! */ nread = read(fd, state->cur, togo); if (nread <= 0) { /* Change connection reset to EOF if we have read at least one char */ if (nread < 0 && errno == ECONNRESET && done > 0) { nread = 0; } flag = (nread) ? EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR : EVENT_TCP_FLAG_EOF; /* error or EOF */ (state->f)(es, state->socket, state->buf, done, flag, state->data); free_state(state); return; } state->cur += nread; done += nread; if (done >= state->len) { /* Read enough! */ (state->f)(es, state->socket, state->buf, done, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_COMPLETE, state->data); free_state(state); return; } } else { /* Looking for a delimiter */ while ( (togo > 0) && (nread = read(fd, state->cur, 1)) == 1) { togo--; done++; state->cur++; if (*(state->cur - 1) == state->delim) break; } if (nread <= 0) { /* Error or EOF -- check for EAGAIN */ if (nread < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) return; } /* Some other error, or EOF, or delimiter, or read enough */ if (nread < 0) { flag = EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR; } else if (nread == 0) { flag = EVENT_TCP_FLAG_EOF; } else { flag = EVENT_TCP_FLAG_COMPLETE; } (state->f)(es, state->socket, state->buf, done, flag, state->data); free_state(state); return; } } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: handle_writeable * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * fd -- the writeable socket * flags -- ignored * data -- the EventTcpState object * %RETURNS: * Nothing * %DESCRIPTION: * Continues to fill buffer. Calls callback when done. ***********************************************************************/ static void handle_writeable(EventSelector *es, int fd, unsigned int flags, void *data) { EventTcpState *state = (EventTcpState *) data; int done = state->cur - state->buf; int togo = state->len - done; int n; /* Timed out? */ if (flags & EVENT_FLAG_TIMEOUT) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; (state->f)(es, state->socket, state->buf, done, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_TIMEOUT, state->data); free_state(state); return; } /* togo had better not be zero here! */ n = write(fd, state->cur, togo); EVENT_DEBUG(("tcp_handle_writeable(es=%p, fd=%d, flags=%u, data=%p)\n", es, fd, flags, data)); if (n <= 0) { /* error */ if (state->f) { (state->f)(es, state->socket, state->buf, done, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR, state->data); } else { close(fd); } free_state(state); return; } state->cur += n; done += n; if (done >= state->len) { /* Written enough! */ if (state->f) { (state->f)(es, state->socket, state->buf, done, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_COMPLETE, state->data); } else { close(fd); } free_state(state); return; } } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: EventTcp_ReadBuf * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * socket -- socket to read from * len -- maximum number of bytes to read * delim -- delimiter at which to stop reading, or -1 if we should * read exactly len bytes * f -- function to call on EOF or when all bytes have been read * timeout -- if non-zero, timeout in seconds after which we cancel * operation. * data -- extra data to pass to function f. * %RETURNS: * A new EventTcpState token or NULL on error * %DESCRIPTION: * Sets up a handler to fill a buffer from a socket. ***********************************************************************/ EventTcpState * EventTcp_ReadBuf(EventSelector *es, int socket, int len, int delim, EventTcpIOFinishedFunc f, int timeout, void *data) { EventTcpState *state; int flags; struct timeval t; EVENT_DEBUG(("EventTcp_ReadBuf(es=%p, socket=%d, len=%d, delim=%d, timeout=%d)\n", es, socket, len, delim, timeout)); if (len <= 0) return NULL; if (socket < 0) return NULL; /* Make sure socket is non-blocking */ flags = fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1) { return NULL; } if (!(flags & O_NONBLOCK) && fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { return NULL; } state = malloc(sizeof(EventTcpState)); if (!state) return NULL; memset(state, 0, sizeof(EventTcpState)); state->socket = socket; state->buf = malloc(len); if (!state->buf) { free_state(state); return NULL; } state->cur = state->buf; state->len = len; state->f = f; state->es = es; if (timeout <= 0) { t.tv_sec = -1; t.tv_usec = -1; } else { t.tv_sec = timeout; t.tv_usec = 0; } state->eh = Event_AddHandlerWithTimeout(es, socket, EVENT_FLAG_READABLE, t, handle_readable, (void *) state); if (!state->eh) { free_state(state); return NULL; } state->data = data; state->delim = delim; EVENT_DEBUG(("EventTcp_ReadBuf() -> %p\n", state)); return state; } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: EventTcp_WriteBuf * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * socket -- socket to read from * buf -- buffer to write * len -- number of bytes to write * f -- function to call on EOF or when all bytes have been read * timeout -- timeout after which to cancel operation * data -- extra data to pass to function f. * %RETURNS: * A new EventTcpState token or NULL on error * %DESCRIPTION: * Sets up a handler to fill a buffer from a socket. ***********************************************************************/ EventTcpState * EventTcp_WriteBuf(EventSelector *es, int socket, char *buf, int len, EventTcpIOFinishedFunc f, int timeout, void *data) { EventTcpState *state; int flags; struct timeval t; EVENT_DEBUG(("EventTcp_WriteBuf(es=%p, socket=%d, len=%d, timeout=%d)\n", es, socket, len, timeout)); if (len <= 0) return NULL; if (socket < 0) return NULL; /* Make sure socket is non-blocking */ flags = fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1) { return NULL; } if (!(flags & O_NONBLOCK) && fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { return NULL; } state = malloc(sizeof(EventTcpState)); if (!state) return NULL; memset(state, 0, sizeof(EventTcpState)); state->socket = socket; state->buf = malloc(len); if (!state->buf) { free_state(state); return NULL; } memcpy(state->buf, buf, len); state->cur = state->buf; state->len = len; state->f = f; state->es = es; if (timeout <= 0) { t.tv_sec = -1; t.tv_usec = -1; } else { t.tv_sec = timeout; t.tv_usec = 0; } state->eh = Event_AddHandlerWithTimeout(es, socket, EVENT_FLAG_WRITEABLE, t, handle_writeable, (void *) state); if (!state->eh) { free_state(state); return NULL; } state->data = data; state->delim = -1; EVENT_DEBUG(("EventTcp_WriteBuf() -> %p\n", state)); return state; } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: EventTcp_Connect * %ARGUMENTS: * es -- event selector * fd -- descriptor to connect * addr -- address to connect to * addrlen -- length of address * f -- function to call with connected socket * data -- extra data to pass to f * %RETURNS: * Nothing * %DESCRIPTION: * Does a non-blocking connect on fd ***********************************************************************/ void EventTcp_Connect(EventSelector *es, int fd, struct sockaddr const *addr, socklen_t addrlen, EventTcpConnectFunc f, int timeout, void *data) { int flags; int n; EventTcpConnectState *state; struct timeval t; /* Make sure socket is non-blocking */ flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1 || fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR, data); return; } n = connect(fd, addr, addrlen); if (n < 0) { if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR, data); return; } } if (n == 0) { /* Connect succeeded immediately */ f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_COMPLETE, data); return; } state = malloc(sizeof(*state)); if (!state) { f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR, data); return; } state->f = f; state->fd = fd; state->data = data; if (timeout <= 0) { t.tv_sec = -1; t.tv_usec = -1; } else { t.tv_sec = timeout; t.tv_usec = 0; } state->conn = Event_AddHandlerWithTimeout(es, fd, EVENT_FLAG_WRITEABLE, t, handle_connect, (void *) state); if (!state->conn) { free(state); f(es, fd, EVENT_TCP_FLAG_IOERROR, data); return; } } /********************************************************************** * %FUNCTION: EventTcp_CancelPending * %ARGUMENTS: * s -- an EventTcpState * %RETURNS: * Nothing * %DESCRIPTION: * Cancels the pending event handler ***********************************************************************/ void EventTcp_CancelPending(EventTcpState *s) { free_state(s); }