#========================================================================== # Module: calamaris::calAxestype3d.pm # # Copyright # # calAxestype3d.pm Copyright (c) 2004 Michael Pophal based on # GD::Graph Copyright (c) 1999 Martien Verbruggen. # (http://search.cpan.org/~mverb/GDGraph-1.43/Graph.pm) # # All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute # it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # # Acknowledgements # # Thanks to Martien Verbruggen's ingenious tool GD::Graph, which is basically # the same, except some small changes needed for calamaris. #========================================================================== # # Adapted to calamaris by: (c) 2004 Michael Pophal # # Based on: # GD::Graph::axestype3d.pm,v 1.21 2000/04/15 08:59:36 mgjv # http://search.cpan.org/~mverb/GDGraph-1.43/Graph.pm # Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Martien Verbruggen # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Name: # calamaris::calAxestype3d.pm # # $Id: calAxestype3d.pm,v 3.2 2004-09-15 21:02:13 cord Exp $ # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Date Modification Author # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2004AUG30 Adapted to calamaris staehler #========================================================================== package calamaris::calAxestype3d; use strict; use lib '/usr/share'; use GD::Graph; use calamaris::calAxestype; use GD::Graph::utils qw(:all); use GD::Graph::colour qw(:colours); use Carp; @calamaris::calAxestype3d::ISA = qw(calamaris::calAxestype); $calamaris::calAxestype3d::VERSION = '0.63'; # Commented inheritance from GD::Graph::axestype unless otherwise noted. use constant PI => 4 * atan2(1,1); my %Defaults = ( depth_3d => 20, '3d_shading' => 1, # the rest are inherited ); # Inherit _has_default # Can't inherit initialise, because %Defaults is referenced file- # specific, not class specific. sub initialise { my $self = shift; my $rc = $self->SUPER::initialise(); while( my($key, $val) = each %Defaults ) { $self->{$key} = $val } # end while return $rc; } # end initialise # PUBLIC # Inherit plot # Inherit set # Inherit setup_text # Inherit set_x_label_font # Inherit set_y_label_font # Inherit set_x_axis_font # Inherit set_y_axis_font # Inherit set_legend # Inherit set_legend_font # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Sub: init_graph # # Args: (None) # # Description: # Override GD::Graph::init_graph to add 3d shading colors, # if requested # # [From GD::Graph] # Initialise the graph output canvas, setting colours (and # getting back index numbers for them) setting the graph to # transparent, and interlaced, putting a logo (if defined) # on there. # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Date Modification Author # ---------------------------------------------------------- # 20Aug2000 Added to support 3d graph extensions JW # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub init_graph { my $self = shift; # Sets up the canvas and color palette $self->SUPER::init_graph( @_ ); # Now create highlights and showdows for each color # in the palette if( $self->{'3d_shading'} ) { $self->{'3d_highlights'} = []; $self->{'3d_shadows'} = []; $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{bgci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{bgclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{bgci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{bgclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{fgci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{fgclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{fgci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{fgclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{tci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{textclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{tci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{textclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{lci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{labelclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{lci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{labelclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{alci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{axislabelclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{alci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{axislabelclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{acci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{accentclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{acci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{accentclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{valuesci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{valuesclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{valuesci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{valuesclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{legendci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{legendclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{legendci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{legendclr}) ) ); if( $self->{boxclr} ) { $self->{'3d_highlights'}[$self->{boxci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_brighten( _rgb($self->{boxclr}) ) ); $self->{'3d_shadows'}[$self->{boxci}] = $self->set_clr( $self->_darken( _rgb($self->{boxclr}) ) ); } # end if } # end if return $self; } # end init_graph # PRIVATE # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Sub: _brighten # # Args: $r, $g, $b # $r, $g, $b The Red, Green, and Blue components of a color # # Description: Brightens the color by adding white # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Date Modification Author # ---------------------------------------------------------- # 21AUG2000 Created to build 3d highlights table JW # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub _brighten { my $self = shift; my( $r, $g, $b ) = @_; my $p = ($r + $g + $b) / 70; $p = 3 if $p < 3; my $f = _max( $r / $p, _max( $g / $p, $b / $p ) ); $r = _min( 255, int( $r + $f ) ); $g = _min( 255, int( $g + $f ) ); $b = _min( 255, int( $b + $f ) ); return( $r, $g, $b ); } # end _brighten # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Sub: _darken # # Args: $r, $g, $b # $r, $g, $b The Red, Green, and Blue components of a color # # Description: Darkens the color by adding black # ---------------------------------------------------------- # Date Modification Author # ---------------------------------------------------------- # 21AUG2000 Created to build 3d shadows table JW # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub _darken { my $self = shift; my( $r, $g, $b ) = @_; my $p = ($r + $g + $b) / 70; $p = 3 if $p < 3; my $f = _max( $r / $p, _max( $g / $p, $b / $p) ); $r = _max( 0, int( $r - $f ) ); $g = _max( 0, int( $g - $f ) ); $b = _max( 0, int( $b - $f ) ); return( $r, $g, $b ); } # end _darken # inherit check_data from GD::Graph # [JAW] Setup boundaries as parent, the adjust for 3d extrusion sub _setup_boundaries { my $self = shift; $self->SUPER::_setup_boundaries(); # adjust for top of 3-d extrusion $self->{top} += $self->{depth_3d}; return $self->_set_error('Vertical size too small') if $self->{bottom} <= $self->{top}; # adjust for right of 3-d extrusion $self->{right} -= $self->{depth_3d}; return $self->_set_error('Horizontal size too small') if $self->{right} <= $self->{left}; return $self; } # end _setup_boundaries # [JAW] Determine 3d-extrusion depth, then call parent sub setup_coords { my $self = shift; # Calculate the 3d-depth of the graph # Note this sets a minimum depth of ~20 pixels # if (!defined $self->{x_tick_number}) { my $depth = _max( $self->{bar_depth}, $self->{line_depth} ); if( $self->{overwrite} == 1 ) { $depth *= $self->{_data}->num_sets(); } # end if $self->{depth_3d} = _max( $depth, $self->{depth_3d} ); # } # end if $self->SUPER::setup_coords(); return $self; } # end setup_coords # Inherit create_y_labels # Inherit get_x_axis_label_height # Inherit create_x_labels # inherit open_graph from GD::Graph # Inherit draw_text # [JAW] Draws entire bounding cube for 3-d extrusion sub draw_axes { my $s = shift; my $g = $s->{graph}; my ($l, $r, $b, $t) = ( $s->{left}, $s->{right}, $s->{bottom}, $s->{top} ); my $depth = $s->{depth_3d}; if ( $s->{box_axis} ) { # -- Draw a bounding box if( $s->{boxci} ) { # -- Fill the box with color # Back box $g->filledRectangle($l+$depth+1, $t-$depth+1, $r+$depth-1, $b-$depth-1, $s->{boxci}); # Left side my $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $t ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $t - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $l, $b ); if( $s->{'3d_shading'} ) { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{'3d_shadows'}[$s->{boxci}] ); } else { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{boxci} ); } # end if # Bottom $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $b ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $r + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $r, $b ); if( $s->{'3d_shading'} ) { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{'3d_highlights'}[$s->{boxci}] ); } else { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{boxci} ); } # end if } # end if # -- Draw the box frame # Back box $g->rectangle($l+$depth, $t-$depth, $r+$depth, $b-$depth, $s->{fgci}); # Connecting frame $g->line($l, $t, $l + $depth, $t - $depth, $s->{fgci}); $g->line($r, $t, $r + $depth, $t - $depth, $s->{fgci}); $g->line($l, $b, $l + $depth, $b - $depth, $s->{fgci}); $g->line($r, $b, $r + $depth, $b - $depth, $s->{fgci}); # Front box $g->rectangle($l, $t, $r, $b, $s->{fgci}); } else { if( $s->{boxci} ) { # -- Fill the background box with color # Back box $g->filledRectangle($l+$depth+1, $t-$depth+1, $r+$depth-1, $b-$depth-1, $s->{boxci}); # Left side my $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $t ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $t - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $l, $b ); if( $s->{'3d_shading'} ) { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{'3d_shadows'}[$s->{boxci}] ); } else { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{boxci} ); } # end if # Bottom $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $b ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $r + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $r, $b ); if( $s->{'3d_shading'} ) { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{'3d_highlights'}[$s->{boxci}] ); } else { $g->filledPolygon( $poly, $s->{boxci} ); } # end if } # end if # -- Draw the frame only for back & sides # Back box $g->rectangle($l + $depth, $t - $depth, $r + $depth, $b - $depth, $s->{fgci}); # Y axis my $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $t ); $poly->addPt( $l, $b ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $t - $depth ); $g->polygon( $poly, $s->{fgci} ); # X axis if( !$s->{zero_axis_only} ) { $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $b ); $poly->addPt( $r, $b ); $poly->addPt( $r + $depth, $b - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $b - $depth ); $g->polygon( $poly, $s->{fgci} ); } # end if # Second Y axis if( $s->{two_axes} ){ $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $r, $b ); $poly->addPt( $r, $t ); $poly->addPt( $r + $depth, $t - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $r + $depth, $b - $depth ); $g->polygon( $poly, $s->{fgci} ); } # end if } # end if # Zero axis if ($s->{zero_axis} or $s->{zero_axis_only}) { my ($x, $y) = $s->val_to_pixel(0, 0, 1); my $poly = new GD::Polygon; $poly->addPt( $l, $y ); $poly->addPt( $r, $y ); $poly->addPt( $r + $depth, $y - $depth ); $poly->addPt( $l + $depth, $y - $depth); $g->polygon( $poly, $s->{fgci} ); } # end if } # end draw_axes # [JAW] Draws ticks and values for y axes in 3d extrusion # Modified from MVERB source sub draw_y_ticks { my $self = shift; for my $t (0 .. $self->{y_tick_number}) { for my $a (1 .. ($self->{two_axes} + 1)) { my $value = $self->{y_values}[$a][$t]; my $label = $self->{y_labels}[$a][$t]; my ($x, $y) = $self->val_to_pixel(0, $value, $a); $x = ($a == 1) ? $self->{left} : $self->{right}; # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw on the back of the extrusion $x += $self->{depth_3d}; $y -= $self->{depth_3d}; if ($self->{y_long_ticks}) { $self->{graph}->line( $x, $y, $x + $self->{right} - $self->{left}, $y, $self->{fgci} ) unless ($a-1); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw conector ticks $self->{graph}->line( $x - $self->{depth_3d}, $y + $self->{depth_3d}, $x, $y, $self->{fgci} ) unless ($a-1); } else { $self->{graph}->line( $x, $y, $x + (3 - 2 * $a) * $self->{y_tick_length}, $y, $self->{fgci} ); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw conector ticks $self->{graph}->line( $x - $self->{depth_3d}, $y + $self->{depth_3d}, $x - $self->{depth_3d} + (3 - 2 * $a) * $self->{y_tick_length}, $y + $self->{depth_3d} - (3 - 2 * $a) * $self->{y_tick_length}, $self->{fgci} ); } next if $t % ($self->{y_label_skip}) || ! $self->{y_plot_values}; $self->{gdta_y_axis}->set_text($label); $self->{gdta_y_axis}->set_align('center', $a == 1 ? 'right' : 'left'); $x -= (3 - 2 * $a) * $self->{axis_space}; # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Subtract 3-d extrusion width from left axis label # (it was added for ticks) $x -= (2 - $a) * $self->{depth_3d}; # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Add 3-d extrusion height to label # (it was subtracted for ticks) $y += $self->{depth_3d}; $self->{gdta_y_axis}->draw($x, $y); } # end foreach } # end foreach return $self; } # end draw_y_ticks # [JAW] Darws ticks and values for x axes wih 3d extrusion # Modified from MVERB source sub draw_x_ticks { my $self = shift; for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{_data}->num_points; $i++) { my ($x, $y) = $self->val_to_pixel($i + 1, 0, 1); $y = $self->{bottom} unless $self->{zero_axis_only}; # CONTRIB Damon Brodie for x_tick_offset next if (!$self->{x_all_ticks} and ($i - $self->{x_tick_offset}) % $self->{x_label_skip} and $i != $self->{_data}->num_points - 1 ); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw on the back of the extrusion $x += $self->{depth_3d}; $y -= $self->{depth_3d}; if ($self->{x_ticks}) { if ($self->{x_long_ticks}) { # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Move up by 3d depth $self->{graph}->line( $x, $self->{bottom} - $self->{depth_3d}, $x, $self->{top} - $self->{depth_3d}, $self->{fgci}); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw conector ticks $self->{graph}->line( $x - $self->{depth_3d}, $y + $self->{depth_3d}, $x, $y, $self->{fgci} ); } else { $self->{graph}->line( $x, $y, $x, $y - $self->{x_tick_length}, $self->{fgci} ); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw conector ticks $self->{graph}->line( $x - $self->{depth_3d}, $y + $self->{depth_3d}, $x - $self->{depth_3d} + $self->{x_tick_length}, $y + $self->{depth_3d} - $self->{x_tick_length}, $self->{fgci} ); } } # CONTRIB Damon Brodie for x_tick_offset next if ($i - $self->{x_tick_offset}) % ($self->{x_label_skip}) and $i != $self->{_data}->num_points - 1; $self->{gdta_x_axis}->set_text($self->{_data}->get_x($i)); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Subtract 3-d extrusion width from left label # Add 3-d extrusion height to left label # (they were changed for ticks) $x -= $self->{depth_3d}; $y += $self->{depth_3d}; my $yt = $y + $self->{axis_space}; if ($self->{x_labels_vertical}) { $self->{gdta_x_axis}->set_align('center', 'right'); $self->{gdta_x_axis}->draw($x, $yt, PI/2); } else { $self->{gdta_x_axis}->set_align('top', 'center'); $self->{gdta_x_axis}->draw($x, $yt); } } # end for return $self; } # end draw_x_ticks # CONTRIB Scott Prahl # Assume x array contains equally spaced x-values # and generate an appropriate axis # #### # 'True' numerical X axis addition # From: Gary Deschaines # # These modification to draw_x_ticks_number pass x-tick values to the # val_to_pixel subroutine instead of x-tick indices when ture[sic] numerical # x-axis mode is detected. Also, x_tick_offset and x_label_skip are # processed differently when true numerical x-axis mode is detected to # allow labeled major x-tick marks and un-labeled minor x-tick marks. # # For example: # # x_tick_number => 14, # x_ticks => 1, # x_long_ticks => 1, # x_tick_length => -4, # x_min_value => 100, # x_max_value => 800, # x_tick_offset => 2, # x_label_skip => 2, # # # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # | | | | | | | | | | | | | # 1 -| | | | | | | | | | | | | # | | | | | | | | | | | | | # 0 _|_________|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|_________| # | | | | | | | | | | | # 200 300 400 500 600 700 #### # [JAW] Added commented items for 3d rendering # Based on MVERB source sub draw_x_ticks_number { my $self = shift; for my $i (0 .. $self->{x_tick_number}) { my ($value, $x, $y); if (defined($self->{x_min_value}) && defined($self->{x_max_value})) { next if ($i - $self->{x_tick_offset}) < 0; next if ($i + $self->{x_tick_offset}) > $self->{x_tick_number}; $value = $self->{x_values}[$i]; ($x, $y) = $self->val_to_pixel($value, 0, 1); } else { $value = ($self->{_data}->num_points - 1) * ($self->{x_values}[$i] - $self->{true_x_min}) / ($self->{true_x_max} - $self->{true_x_min}); ($x, $y) = $self->val_to_pixel($value + 1, 0, 1); } $y = $self->{bottom} unless $self->{zero_axis_only}; # Draw on the back of the extrusion $x += $self->{depth_3d}; $y -= $self->{depth_3d}; if ($self->{x_ticks}) { if ($self->{x_long_ticks}) { # XXX This mod needs to be done everywhere ticks are # drawn if ( $self->{x_tick_length} >= 0 ) { # Move up by 3d depth $self->{graph}->line( $x, $self->{bottom} - $self->{depth_3d}, $x, $self->{top} - $self->{depth_3d}, $self->{fgci}); } else { $self->{graph}->line( $x, $self->{bottom} - $self->{x_tick_length}, $x, $self->{top}, $self->{fgci}); } # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw conector ticks $self->{graph}->line( $x - $self->{depth_3d}, $y + $self->{depth_3d}, $x, $y, $self->{fgci} ); } else { $self->{graph}->line($x, $y, $x, $y - $self->{x_tick_length}, $self->{fgci} ); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Draw conector ticks $self->{graph}->line( $x - $self->{depth_3d}, $y + $self->{depth_3d}, $x, - $self->{depth_3d} + $self->{tick_length}, $y, + $self->{depth_3d} - $self->{tick_length}, $self->{fgci} ); } # end if -- x_long_ticks } # end if -- x_ticks # If we have to skip labels, we'll do it here. # Make sure to always draw the last one. next if $i % $self->{x_label_skip} && $i != $self->{x_tick_number}; $self->{gdta_x_axis}->set_text($self->{x_labels}[$i]); # CONTRIB Jeremy Wadsack # Subtract 3-d extrusion width from left label # Add 3-d extrusion height to left label # (they were changed for ticks) $x -= $self->{depth_3d}; $y += $self->{depth_3d}; if ($self->{x_labels_vertical}) { $self->{gdta_x_axis}->set_align('center', 'right'); my $yt = $y + $self->{text_space}/2; $self->{gdta_x_axis}->draw($x, $yt, PI/2); } else { $self->{gdta_x_axis}->set_align('top', 'center'); my $yt = $y + $self->{text_space}/2; $self->{gdta_x_axis}->draw($x, $yt); } # end if } # end for return $self; } # end draw_x_tick_number # Inherit draw_ticks # Inherit draw_data # Inherit draw_data_set # Inherit set_max_min # Inherit get_max_y # Inherit get_min_y # Inherit get_max_min_y_all # Inherit _get_bottom # Inherit val_to_pixel # Inherit setup_legend # [JW] Override draw_legend and reverse the drawing order # if cumulate is enabled so legend matches data on chart sub draw_legend { my $self = shift; return unless defined $self->{legend}; my $xl = $self->{lg_xs} + $self->{legend_spacing}; my $y = $self->{lg_ys} + $self->{legend_spacing} - 1; # If there's a frame, offset by the size and margin $xl += $self->{legend_frame_margin} + $self->{legend_frame_size} if $self->{legend_frame_size}; $y += $self->{legend_frame_margin} + $self->{legend_frame_size} if $self->{legend_frame_size}; my $i = 0; my $row = 1; my $x = $xl; # start position of current element my @legends = @{$self->{legend}}; my $i_step = 1; # If we are working in cumulate mode, then reverse the drawing order if( $self->{cumulate} ) { @legends = reverse @legends; $i = scalar(@legends); $i = $self->{_data}->num_sets if $self->{_data}->num_sets < $i; $i++; $i_step = -1; } # end if foreach my $legend (@legends) { $i += $i_step; # Legend for Pie goes over first set, and all points # Works in either direction last if $i > $self->{_data}->num_sets; last if $i < 1; my $xe = $x; # position within an element next unless defined($legend) && $legend ne ""; $self->draw_legend_marker($i, $xe, $y); $xe += $self->{legend_marker_width} + $self->{legend_spacing}; my $ys = int($y + $self->{lg_el_height}/2 - $self->{lgfh}/2); $self->{gdta_legend}->set_text($legend); $self->{gdta_legend}->draw($xe, $ys); $x += $self->{lg_el_width}; if (++$row > $self->{lg_cols}) { $row = 1; $y += $self->{lg_el_height}; $x = $xl; } } # If there's a frame, draw it now if( $self->{legend_frame_size} ) { $x = $self->{lg_xs} + $self->{legend_spacing}; $y = $self->{lg_ys} + $self->{legend_spacing} - 1; for $i ( 0 .. $self->{legend_frame_size} - 1 ) { $self->{graph}->rectangle( $x + $i, $y + $i, $x + $self->{lg_x_size} + 2 * $self->{legend_frame_margin} - $i - 1, $y + $self->{lg_y_size} + 2 * $self->{legend_frame_margin} - $i - 1, $self->{acci}, ); } # end for } # end if } # Inherit draw_legend_marker 1;