Core Functions Function: comedi_close -- close a Comedi device Retval: int Param: comedi * device Description: Close a device previously opened by comedi_open. Returns: If successful, comedi_close returns 0. On failure, -1 is returned. Function: comedi_data_read -- read single sample from channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int range Param: unsigned int aref Param: lsampl_t * data Description: Reads a single sample on the channel specified by the Comedi device device, the subdevice subdevice, and the channel channel. For the A/D conversion (if appropriate), the device is configured to use range specification range and (if appropriate) analog reference type aref. Analog reference types that are not supported by the device are silently ignored. The function comedi_data_read reads one data value from the specified channel and stores the value in *data. WARNING: comedi_data_read does not do any pausing to allow multiplexed analog inputs to settle before starting an analog to digital conversion. If you are switching between different channels and need to allow your analog input to settle for an accurate reading, use comedi_data_read_delayed, or set the input channel at an earlier time with comedi_data_read_hint. Data values returned by this function are unsigned integers less than or equal to the maximum sample value of the channel, which can be determined using the function comedi_get_maxdata. Conversion of data values to physical units can be performed by the functions comedi_to_phys (linear conversion) or comedi_to_physical (non-linear polynomial conversion). Returns: On success, comedi_data_read returns 1 (the number of samples read). If there is an error, -1 is returned. Function: comedi_data_read_n -- read multiple samples from channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int range Param: unsigned int aref Param: lsampl_t * data Param: unsigned int n Description: Similar to comedi_data_read except it reads n samples into the array data. The precise timing of the samples is not hardware controlled. Function: comedi_data_read_delayed -- read single sample from channel after delaying for specified settling time Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int range Param: unsigned int aref Param: lsampl_t * data Param: unsigned int nanosec Description: Similar to comedi_data_read except it will wait for the specified number of nanoseconds between setting the input channel and taking a sample. For analog inputs, most boards have a single analog to digital converter which is multiplexed to be able to read multiple channels. If the input is not allowed to settle after the multiplexer switches channels, the reading will be inaccurate. This function is useful for allowing a multiplexed analog input to settle when switching channels. Although the settling time is specified in nanoseconds, the actual settling time will be rounded up to the nearest microsecond. Function: comedi_data_read_hint -- tell driver which channel/range/aref you are going to read from next Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int range Param: unsigned int aref Description: Used to prepare an analog input for a subsequent call to comedi_data_read. It is not necessary to use this function, but it can be useful for eliminating inaccuracies caused by insufficient settling times when switching the channel or gain on an analog input. This function sets an analog input to the channel, range, and aref specified but does not perform an actual analog to digital conversion. Alternatively, one can simply use comedi_data_read_delayed, which sets up the input, pauses to allow settling, then performs a conversion. Function: comedi_data_write -- write single sample to channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int range Param: unsigned int aref Param: lsampl_t data Description: Writes a single sample on the channel that is specified by the Comedi device device, the subdevice subdevice, and the channel channel. If appropriate, the device is configured to use range specification range and analog reference type aref. Analog reference types that are not supported by the device are silently ignored. The function comedi_data_write writes the data value specified by the parameter data to the specified channel. Returns: On success, comedi_data_write returns 1 (the number of samples written). If there is an error, -1 is returned. Function: comedi_do_insn -- perform instruction Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: comedi_insn * instruction Description: The function comedi_do_insn performs a single instruction. Returns: If successful, returns a non-negative number. For the case of INSN_READ or INSN_WRITE instructions, comedi_do_insn returns the number of samples read or written, which may be less than the number requested. If there is an error, -1 is returned. Function: comedi_do_insnlist -- perform multiple instructions Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: comedi_insnlist * list Description: The function comedi_do_insnlist performs multiple Comedi instructions as part of one system call. This function can be used to avoid the overhead of multiple system calls. Returns: The function comedi_do_insnlist returns the number of successfully completed instructions. Error information for the unsuccessful instruction is not available. If there is an error before the first instruction can be executed, -1 is returned. Function: comedi_fileno -- get file descriptor for open Comedilib device Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Description: The function comedi_fileno returns the file descriptor for the device device. This descriptor can then be used as the file descriptor parameter of read, write, etc. This function is intended to mimic the standard C library function fileno. The returned file descriptor should not be closed, and will become invalid when comedi_close is called on device. Returns: A file descriptor, or -1 on error. Function: comedi_find_range -- search for range Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int unit Param: double min Param: double max Description: The function comedi_find_range tries to locate the optimal (smallest) range for the channel channel belonging to subdevice subdevice of the comedi device device, that includes both min and max in units of unit. Returns: If a matching range is found, the index of the matching range is returned. If no matching range is available, the function returns -1. Function: comedi_find_subdevice_by_type -- search for subdevice type Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: int type Param: unsigned int start_subdevice Description: The function comedi_find_subdevice_by_type tries to locate a subdevice belonging to comedi device device, having type type, starting with the subdevice start_subdevice. The comedi_subdevice_type enum specifies the possible subdevice types. Returns: If it finds a subdevice with the requested type, it returns its index. If there is an error, the function returns -1 and sets the appropriate error. Function: comedi_from_phys -- convert physical units to sample Retval: lsampl_t Param: double data Param: comedi_range * range Param: lsampl_t maxdata Description: Converts parameter data given in physical units (double) into sample values (lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata). The parameter range represents the conversion information to use, and the parameter maxdata represents the maximum possible data value for the channel that the data will be written to. The mapping between physical units and raw data is linear and assumes that the converter has ideal characteristics. Conversion is not affected by out-of-range behavior. Out-of-range data parameters are silently truncated to the range 0 to maxdata. Function: comedi_from_physical -- convert physical units to sample using calibration data Retval: lsampl_t Param: double data Param: const comedi_polynomial_t * conversion_polynomial Description: Converts data given in physical units into Comedi's integer sample values (lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata — see comedi_get_maxdata). The conversion_polynomial parameter is obtained from either comedi_get_hardcal_converter or comedi_get_softcal_converter. The allows non linear and board specific correction. The result will be rounded using the C library's current rounding direction. No range checking of the input data is performed. It is up to you to ensure your data is within the limits of the output range you are using. Returns: Comedi sample value corresponding to input physical value. Function: comedi_get_board_name -- Comedi device name Retval: const char * Param: comedi_t * device Description: The function comedi_get_board_name returns a pointer to a string containing the name of the comedi device represented by device. This pointer is valid until the device is closed. This function returns NULL if there is an error. Function: comedi_get_driver_name -- Comedi driver name Retval: char * Param: comedi_t * device Description: The function comedi_get_driver_name returns a pointer to a string containing the name of the driver being used by comedi for the comedi device represented by device. This pointer is valid until the device is closed. This function returns NULL if there is an error. Function: comedi_get_maxdata -- maximum sample of channel Retval: lsampl_t Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Description: The function comedi_get_maxdata returns the maximum valid data value for channel channel of subdevice subdevice belonging to the comedi device device. Returns: The maximum valid sample value, or 0 on error. Function: comedi_get_n_channels -- number of subdevice channels Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Description: The function comedi_get_n_channels returns the number of channels of the subdevice subdevice belonging to the comedi device device. This function returns -1 on error and the Comedilib error value is set. Function: comedi_get_n_ranges -- number of ranges of channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Description: The function comedi_get_n_ranges returns the number of ranges of the channel channel belonging to the subdevice subdevice of the comedi device device. This function returns -1 on error. Function: comedi_get_n_subdevices -- number of subdevices Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Description: The function comedi_get_n_subdevices returns the number of subdevices belonging to the Comedi device referenced by the parameter device, or -1 on error. Function: comedi_get_range -- range information of channel Retval: comedi_range * Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int channel Param: unsigned int range Description: The function comedi_get_range returns a pointer to a comedi_range structure that contains information on the range specified by the subdevice, channel, and range parameters. The pointer is valid until the Comedi device device is closed. If there is an error, NULL is returned. Function: comedi_get_subdevice_flags -- properties of subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Description: The function comedi_get_subdevice_flags returns a bitfield describing the capabilities of the specified subdevice subdevice of the Comedi device device. If there is an error, -1 is returned, and the Comedilib error value is set. Subdevice Flag Value (hex) Description SDF_BUSY 0x00000001 The subdevice is busy performing an asynchronous command. A subdevice being busy is slightly different from the running state flagged by SDF_RUNNING. A running subdevice is always busy, but a busy subdevice is not necessarily running. For example, suppose an analog input command has been completed by the hardware, but there are still samples in Comedi's buffer waiting to be read out. In this case, the subdevice is not running, but is still busy until all the samples are read out or comedi_cancel is called. SDF_BUSY_OWNER 0x00000002 The subdevice is busy, and the command it is running was started by the current process. SDF_LOCKED 0x00000004 The subdevice has been locked by comedi_lock. SDF_LOCK_OWNER 0x00000008 The subdevice is locked, and was locked by the current process. SDF_MAXDATA 0x00000010 The maximum data value for the subdevice depends on the channel. SDF_FLAGS 0x00000020 The subdevice flags depend on the channel (unfinished/broken support in library). SDF_RANGETYPE 0x00000040 The range type depends on the channel. SDF_CMD 0x00001000 The subdevice supports asynchronous commands. SDF_SOFT_CALIBRATED 0x00002000 The subdevice relies on the host to do calibration in software. Software calibration coefficients are determined by the comedi_soft_calibrate utility. See the description of the comedi_get_softcal_converter function for more information. SDF_READABLE 0x00010000 The subdevice can be read (e.g. analog input). SDF_WRITABLE 0x00020000 The subdevice can be written to (e.g. analog output). SDF_INTERNAL 0x00040000 The subdevice does not have externally visible lines. SDF_GROUND 0x00100000 The subdevice supports analog reference AREF_GROUND. SDF_COMMON 0x00200000 The subdevice supports analog reference AREF_COMMON. SDF_DIFF 0x00400000 The subdevice supports analog reference AREF_DIFF. SDF_OTHER 0x00800000 The subdevice supports analog reference AREF_OTHER SDF_DITHER 0x01000000 The subdevice supports dithering (via the CR_ALT_FILTER chanspec flag). SDF_DEGLITCH 0x02000000 The subdevice supports deglitching (via the CR_ALT_FILTER chanspec flag). SDF_RUNNING 0x08000000 An asynchronous command is running. You can use this flag to poll for the completion of an output command. SDF_LSAMPL 0x10000000 The subdevice uses the 32-bit lsampl_t type instead of the 16-bit sampl_t for asynchronous command data. SDF_PACKED 0x20000000 The subdevice uses bitfield samples for asynchronous command data, one bit per channel (otherwise it uses one sampl_t or lsampl_t per channel). Commonly used for digital subdevices. Function: comedi_get_subdevice_type -- type of subdevice Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Description: The function comedi_get_subdevice_type returns an integer describing the type of subdevice that belongs to the comedi device device and has the subdevice index subdevice. The comedi_subdevice_type enum specifies the possible values for the subdevice type. Returns: The function returns the subdevice type, or -1 if there is an error. Function: comedi_get_version_code -- Comedi version code Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Description: Returns the Comedi kernel module version code. A valid Comedi device referenced by the parameter device is necessary to communicate with the kernel module. On error, -1 is returned. The version code is encoded as a bitfield of three 8-bit numbers. For example, 0x00073d is the version code for version 0.7.61. This function is of limited usefulness. A typical mis-application of this function is to use it to determine if a certain feature is supported. If the application needs to know of the existence of a particular feature, an existence test function should be written and put in the Comedilib source. Function: comedi_internal_trigger -- generate soft trigger Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Param: unsigned int trig_num Description: This function sends an INSN_INTTRIG instruction to a subdevice, which causes an internal triggering event. This event can, for example, trigger a subdevice to start an asynchronous command. The trig_num parameter is reserved for future use, and should be set to 0. It is likely it will be used in the future to support multiple independent internal triggers. For example, an asynchronous command might be specified for a subdevice with a start_src of TRIG_INT, and a start_arg of 5. Then the start event would only be triggered if comedi_internal_trigger were called on the subdevice with a trig_num equal to the same value of 5. Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error. Function: comedi_lock -- subdevice reservation Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Description: The function comedi_lock reserves a subdevice for use by the current process. While the lock is held, no other process is allowed to read, write, or configure that subdevice, although other processes can read information about the subdevice. The lock is released by comedi_unlock, or when comedi_close is called on device. Returns: If successful, 0 is returned. If there is an error, -1 is returned. Function: comedi_maxdata_is_chan_specific -- maximum sample depends on channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Description: If each channel of the specified subdevice may have different maximum sample values, this function returns 1. Otherwise, this function returns 0. On error, this function returns -1. Function: comedi_open -- open a Comedi device Retval: comedi_t * Param: const char * filename Description: Open a Comedi device specified by the file filename. Returns: If successful, comedi_open returns a pointer to a valid comedi_t structure. This structure is opaque; the pointer should not be dereferenced by the application. NULL is returned on failure. Function: comedi_range_is_chan_specific -- range information depends on channel Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Description: If each channel of the specified subdevice may have different range information, this function returns 1. Otherwise, this function returns 0. On error, this function returns -1. Function: comedi_set_global_oor_behavior -- out-of-range behavior Retval: enum comedi_oor_behavior Param: enum comedi_oor_behavior behavior Description: This function changes the Comedilib out-of-range behavior. This currently affects the behavior of comedi_to_phys when converting endpoint sample values, that is, sample values equal to 0 or maxdata. If the out-of-range behavior is set to COMEDI_OOR_NAN, endpoint values are converted to NAN. If the out-of-range behavior is set to COMEDI_OOR_NUMBER, the endpoint values are converted similarly to other values. Returns: The previous out-of-range behavior is returned. Function: comedi_to_phys -- convert sample to physical units Retval: double Param: lsampl_t data Param: comedi_range * range Param: lsampl_t maxdata Description: Converts parameter data given in sample values (lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata) into physical units (double). The parameter range represents the conversion information to use, and the parameter maxdata represents the maximum possible data value for the channel that the data was read. The mapping between physical units is linear and assumes ideal converter characteristics. Conversion of endpoint sample values, that is, sample values equal to 0 or maxdata, is affected by the Comedilib out-of-range behavior (see function comedi_set_global_oor_behavior). If the out-of-range behavior is set to COMEDI_OOR_NAN, endpoint values are converted to NAN. If the out-of-range behavior is set to COMEDI_OOR_NUMBER, the endpoint values are converted similarly to other values. If there is an error, NAN is returned. Function: comedi_to_physical -- convert sample to physical units using polynomials Retval: double Param: lsampl_t data Param: const comedi_polynomial_t * conversion_polynomial Description: Converts data given in Comedi's integer sample values (lsampl_t, between 0 and maxdata) into physical units (double). The conversion_polynomial parameter is obtained from either comedi_get_hardcal_converter or comedi_get_softcal_converter. No range checking of the input data is performed. It is up to you to check for data values of 0 or maxdata if you want to detect possibly out-of-range readings. Returns: Physical value corresponding to the input sample value. Function: comedi_unlock -- subdevice reservation Retval: int Param: comedi_t * device Param: unsigned int subdevice Description: The function comedi_unlock releases a subdevice locked by comedi_lock. Returns: 0 on success, otherwise -1.