@echo off :: compile.bat :: Compiles dbf on Microsoft Windows System :: You need nmake and a working Visual Studio installation :: Copyright (c) 2003, Bjoern Berg, clergyman@gmx.de echo ====== Changing directory @cd src echo ====== Building dbf.exe if exist Debug goto COMPILEDYET @nmake /f dbf.mak echo ====== Going back to root @cd .. echo ====== Compilation complete, please check src/Debug goto ENDBATCH :COMPILEDYET echo ERROR: ** dbf was compiled before echo Please remove the Directory src/Debug echo Then run compile.bat again @cd .. goto ENDBATCH :NO_NMAKE echo ERROR: ** nmake not found goto ENDBATCH :NO_LINKER echo ERROR: ** linker not found goto ENDBATCH :ENDBATCH echo ====== Terminating process :@exit