Known tweaks needed to run programs under dosemu

This file lists programs that needs specific tweaks in order to run them under dosemu2.

Table of Contents
1. Millenium
1.1. Millenium game fails to detect Sound Blaster, unless the SB IRQ is 5
1.2. Millenium game crashes when entering space combat
2. Need For Speed Special Edition
2.1. Wrong colors in video clips.
2.2. Hangs or glitches in video clips.
2.3. Installer crashes or unstable.
3. Gobliiins
3.1. Goblins halts at startup with "Divide Error" message
4. Prehistorik 2
4.1. Game freezes or crashes shortly after start.
5. Carmageddon
5.1. Timer is too fast during race
6. Simon 2
6.1. Game freezes at start.
7. Prince of Persia 2
7.1. Game slows down unbearably after some playing.
8. Cosmo game by Apogee Software
8.1. Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure doesn't start
9. Pinball Fantasies
9.1. Long start-up delay (like half a minute)
9.2. Black screen and hang after choosing the table.
9.3. Game doesn't see the Fx keys that should start the game.
10. WordPerfect 6.2
10.1. Hang trying to play the MIDI file embedded in document.
11. LEXICON 1.2 (mod 8.98)
11.1. dosemu crashes after a few minutes of work.

1. Millenium

1.1. Millenium game fails to detect Sound Blaster, unless the SB IRQ is 5

Solution: set $_sb_irq=(5). Fortunately this is a default setting, so in most cases you won't care.

1.2. Millenium game crashes when entering space combat

Solution: to the file 2200gx.exe apply the following patch:

    000030B2: AA 47

2. Need For Speed Special Edition

2.1. Wrong colors in video clips.

Solution: to file nfs.exe apply the following patch:

    000607E6: 00 08
see here for details

2.2. Hangs or glitches in video clips.

Solution: to file nfs.exe apply the following patch:

    000B8E5A: 78 EB
    000B8E72: 78 EB

2.3. Installer crashes or unstable.

Solution: to file infsd.exe apply the following patch:

    0002873E: 7C EB
see here for details

3. Gobliiins

3.1. Goblins halts at startup with "Divide Error" message

Solution: apply the following patch to gobega.exe:

    00004A19: F7 90
    00004A1A: F3 90

4. Prehistorik 2

4.1. Game freezes or crashes shortly after start.

Solution: set

    $_umb_f0 = (off)
in your dosemu.conf or .dosemurc.

5. Carmageddon

5.1. Timer is too fast during race

see here for details

Solution: for hi-res mode, apply the following patch to carma.exe:

    00083549: 89 83
    0008354A: C5 E8
    0008354B: 29 04
    0008354C: F5 90
    0008354D: 89 90
    0008354E: 2D A3

For low-res mode, apply the following patch to carma.exe:

    00083549: 89 83
    0008354A: C5 E8
    0008354B: 29 02
    0008354C: F5 90
    0008354D: 89 90
    0008354E: 2D A3

Unfortunately the timer is still a bit unstable, and runs as slower as faster you drive your car. To completely disable the timer, apply the following patch to carma.exe:

    00083549: 89 83
    0008354A: C5 E8
    0008354B: 29 00
    0008354C: F5 90
    0008354D: 89 90
    0008354E: 2D A3

6. Simon 2

6.1. Game freezes at start.

Solution: apply the following patch to runflat.exe:

    000130FF: 75 90
    00013100: F7 90
    00013110: 75 90
    00013111: F6 90
    00013112: D1 90
    00013113: E9 90

7. Prince of Persia 2

7.1. Game slows down unbearably after some playing.

Solution: update to v1.1 of the game or apply the following patch to prince.exe:

    00016549: CF CB

8. Cosmo game by Apogee Software

8.1. Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure doesn't start

Solution: Unpack the cosmo1.exe which is packed with LZEXE. Then apply the following patch:

    00011F8F: 75 90
    00011F90: F9 90

9. Pinball Fantasies

9.2. Black screen and hang after choosing the table.

Solution: A few driver files needs to be patched. Or just patch the one that you selected in a sound setup.

Apply the following patch to sb16.sdr:

    00002007: F7 90
    00002008: F3 90

Apply the following patch to sbpro.sdr:

    000020A4: F7 90
    000020A5: F3 90

Apply the following patch to sb20.sdr:

    0000206B: F7 90
    0000206C: F3 90

Apply the following patch to sblaster.sdr:

    00001F25: F7 90
    00001F26: F3 90

10. WordPerfect 6.2

10.1. Hang trying to play the MIDI file embedded in document.

Apply the following patch to

    00002C4B: 72 90
    00002C4C: 0D 90
    00002C5B: 01 00
see here for details

11. LEXICON 1.2 (mod 8.98)

11.1. dosemu crashes after a few minutes of work.

Looking at lexicon code, the crash seems intentional. Probably some kind of a copy protection. Apply the following patch to lexicon.exe:

    0000ED9C: 74 EB
    00011DAE: 74 EB