 * (C) Copyright 1992, ..., 2014 the "DOSEMU-Development-Team".
 * for details see file COPYING in the DOSEMU distribution

 * Emulates most machine code instructions for VGAEmu.
 * Some ideas were taken from Bochs (see www.bochs.com).
 * The emulator stays in emulation until either we have a pending
 * signal, or if COUNT instructions do not access the VGA memory, or
 * the instruction is not known.  In future this may be merged with
 * cpuemu.
 * Note that this emulation short-circuits "IN" and "OUT" port reads and
 * and writes, but only if these refer to the standard vga ports,
 * that is, if VGA_emulate_outb() and VGA_emulate_inb() can handle
 * them.
 * The emulator has some sort of a RISC structure: for each read or write
 * it is checked whether it refers to video memory, and if that is the case
 * we call Logical_VGA_read() or Logical_VGA_write(), respectively.
 * These functions are in vgaemu.c.
 * 2000/05/18: Moved instr_sim and friends from vgaemu.c (Bart)
 * Updated to remove MASTERCOUNT option and get out of the emulator
 * if we have a signal pending.
 * --EB 27 May 2000
 * 2000/06/01: Over the last weeks: added many 32-bit instructions,
 * improved speed and cleaned up the source. (Bart)

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#include "emu.h"
#include "vgaemu.h"
#include "dpmi.h"
#include "emu-ldt.h"
#include "cpu.h"
#include "dis8086.h"
#include "instremu.h"

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 * some configurable options
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

 * Debug level for the Graphics Controller.
 * 0 - normal / 1 - useful / 2 - too much
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#define DEBUG_INSTR	0	/* (<= 2) instruction emulation */

#define COUNT  150	/* bail out when this #instructions were simulated
			   after a VGA r/w access */

#define R_LO(a) LO_BYTE_d(a)
#define R_HI(a) HI_BYTE_d(a)
#define R_WORD(a) LO_WORD(a)
#define R_DWORD(a) (*((unsigned *) &(a)))
#define AL (R_LO(x86->eax))
#define AH (R_HI(x86->eax))
#define AX (R_WORD(x86->eax))
#define BL (R_LO(x86->ebx))
#define BH (R_HI(x86->ebx))
#define BX (R_WORD(x86->ebx))
#define CL (R_LO(x86->ecx))
#define CH (R_HI(x86->ecx))
#define CX (R_WORD(x86->ecx))
#define DL (R_LO(x86->edx))
#define DH (R_HI(x86->edx))
#define DX (R_WORD(x86->edx))
#define SI (R_WORD(x86->esi))
#define DI (R_WORD(x86->edi))
#define SP (R_WORD(x86->esp))
#define BP (R_WORD(x86->ebp))
#define EFLAGS (R_DWORD(x86->eflags))
#define OP_JCC(cond) eip += (cond) ? 2 + *(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) : 2; break;

/* assembly macros to speed up x86 on x86 emulation: the cpu helps us in setting
   the flags */

#define OPandFLAG0(eflags, insn, op1, istype) __asm__ __volatile__("\n\
	"#insn"	%0\n\
	pushf; pop	%1\n \
	" : #istype (op1), "=g" (eflags) : "0" (op1));

#define OPandFLAG1(eflags, insn, op1, istype) __asm__ __volatile__("\n\
	"#insn"	%0, %0\n\
	pushf; pop	%1\n \
	" : #istype (op1), "=g" (eflags) : "0" (op1));

#define OPandFLAG(eflags, insn, op1, op2, istype, type) __asm__ __volatile__("\n\
	"#insn"	%3, %0\n\
	pushf; pop	%1\n \
	" : #istype (op1), "=g" (eflags) : "0" (op1), #type (op2));

#define OPandFLAGC(eflags, insn, op1, op2, istype, type) __asm__ __volatile__("\n\
       shr     $1, %0\n\
       "#insn" %4, %1\n\
       pushf; pop     %0\n \
       " : "=r" (eflags), #istype (op1)  : "0" (eflags), "1" (op1), #type (op2));

#if !defined True
#define False 0
#define True 1

#define instr_msg(x...) v_printf("instremu: " x)

#define instr_deb(x...) v_printf("instremu: " x)

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
#define instr_deb2(x...) v_printf("instremu: " x)
#define instr_deb2(x...)

enum {REPNZ = 0, REPZ = 1, REP_NONE = 2};

typedef struct x86_regs {
  unsigned eax, ecx, edx, ebx, esp, ebp, esi, edi;
  /* this sequence is important because this is the cpu's order and thus
     gives us an optimization */
  unsigned eip;
  unsigned eflags;
  unsigned es, cs, ss, ds, fs, gs;
  unsigned cs_base, ds_base, es_base, ss_base, fs_base, gs_base;
  unsigned seg_base, seg_ss_base;
  unsigned _32bit:1;	/* 16/32 bit code */
  unsigned address_size; /* in bytes so either 4 or 2 */
  unsigned operand_size;
  unsigned prefixes, rep;
  unsigned (*instr_binary)(unsigned op, unsigned op1,
                           unsigned op2, unsigned *eflags);
  unsigned (*instr_read)(const unsigned char *addr);
  void (*instr_write)(unsigned char *addr, unsigned u);
  unsigned char *(*modrm)(unsigned char *cp, struct x86_regs *x86, int *inst_len);
} x86_regs;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 1
static char *seg_txt[7] = { "", "es: ", "cs: ", "ss: ", "ds: ", "fs: ", "gs: " };
static char *rep_txt[3] = { "", "repnz ", "repz " };
static char *lock_txt[2] = { "", "lock " };

static unsigned wordmask[5] = {0,0xff,0xffff,0xffffff,0xffffffff};

static unsigned char it[0x100] = {
  7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 1, 1,    7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 1, 0,
  7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 1, 1,    7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 1, 1,
  7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 0, 1,    7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 0, 1,
  7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 0, 1,    7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 3, 0, 1,

  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  1, 1, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0,    3, 9, 2, 8, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,    2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,

  8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7,    7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,
  1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,    1, 1, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1,    2, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,    3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,

  8, 8, 3, 1, 7, 7, 8, 9,    5, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1,
  7, 7, 7, 7, 2, 2, 1, 1,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,    4, 4, 6, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1,
  0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 7, 7,    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 7, 7

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
static unsigned seg, lock, rep;
static int count;
#define vga_base vga.mem.bank_base
#define vga_end (vga_base + vga.mem.bank_len)

static unsigned arg_len(unsigned char *, int);

static unsigned char instr_read_byte(const unsigned char *addr);
static unsigned instr_read_word(const unsigned char *addr);
static unsigned instr_read_dword(const unsigned char *addr);
static void instr_write_byte(unsigned char *addr, unsigned char u);
static void instr_write_word(unsigned char *addr, unsigned u);
static void instr_write_dword(unsigned char *addr, unsigned u);
static void instr_flags(unsigned val, unsigned smask, unsigned *eflags);
static unsigned instr_shift(unsigned op, unsigned op1, unsigned op2, unsigned size, unsigned *eflags);
static unsigned char *sib(unsigned char *cp, x86_regs *x86, int *inst_len);
static unsigned char *modrm32(unsigned char *cp, x86_regs *x86, int *inst_len);
static unsigned char *modrm16(unsigned char *cp, x86_regs *x86, int *inst_len);

static void dump_x86_regs(x86_regs *x86)
    "eax=%08x ebx=%08x ecx=%08x edx=%08x esi=%08x edi=%08x ebp=%08x esp=%08x\n",
    x86->eax, x86->ebx, x86->ecx, x86->edx, x86->esi, x86->edi, x86-> ebp, x86->esp
    "eip=%08x cs=%04x/%08x ds=%04x/%08x es=%04x/%08x d=%u c=%u p=%u a=%u z=%u s=%u o=%u\n",
    x86->eip, x86->cs, x86->cs_base, x86->ds, x86->ds_base, x86->es, x86->es_base,

/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */

 * Returns the length of an instruction; 0 if it could not
 * be determined.

int instr_len(unsigned char *p, int is_32)
  unsigned u, osp, asp;
  unsigned char *p0 = p;
#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 1
  unsigned char *p1 = p;

  seg = lock = rep = 0;
  osp = asp = is_32;

  for(u = 1; u && p - p0 < 17;) switch(*p++) {		/* get prefixes */
    case 0x26:	/* es: */
      seg = 1; break;
    case 0x2e:	/* cs: */
      seg = 2; break;
    case 0x36:	/* ss: */
      seg = 3; break;
    case 0x3e:	/* ds: */
      seg = 4; break;
    case 0x64:	/* fs: */
      seg = 5; break;
    case 0x65:	/* gs: */
      seg = 6; break;
    case 0x66:	/* operand size */
      osp ^= 1; break;
    case 0x67:	/* address size */
      asp ^= 1; break;
    case 0xf0:	/* lock */
      lock = 1; break;
    case 0xf2:	/* repnz */
      rep = 2; break;
    case 0xf3:	/* rep(z) */
      rep = 1; break;
    default:	/* no prefix */
      u = 0;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 1
  p1 = p;

  if(p - p0 >= 16) return 0;

  if(*p == 0x0f) {
    switch (*p) {
    case 0xba:
      p += 4;
      return p - p0;
      /* not yet */
      error("unsupported instr_len %x %x\n", p[0], p[1]);
      return 0;

  switch(it[*p]) {
    case 1:	/* op-code */
      p += 1; break;

    case 2:	/* op-code + byte */
      p += 2; break;

    case 3:	/* op-code + word/dword */
      p += osp ? 5 : 3; break;

    case 4:	/* op-code + [word/dword] */
      p += asp ? 5 : 3; break;

    case 5:	/* op-code + word/dword + byte */
      p += osp ? 6 : 4; break;

    case 6:	/* op-code + [word/dword] + word */
      p += asp ? 7 : 5; break;

    case 7:	/* op-code + mod + ... */
      p += (u = arg_len(p, asp));
      if(!u) p = p0;

    case 8:	/* op-code + mod + ... + byte */
      p += (u = arg_len(p, asp)) + 1;
      if(!u) p = p0;

    case 9:	/* op-code + mod + ... + word/dword */
      p += (u = arg_len(p, asp)) + (osp ? 4 : 2);
      if(!u) p = p0;

      p = p0;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 1
  if(p >= p0) {
    instr_deb("instr_len: instr = ");
      osp ? "osp " : "", asp ? "asp " : "",
      lock_txt[lock], rep_txt[rep], seg_txt[seg]
    if(p > p1) for(u = 0; u < p - p1; u++) {
      v_printf("%02x ", p1[u]);

  return p - p0;

unsigned arg_len(unsigned char *p, int asp)
  unsigned u = 0, m, s = 0;

  m = *p & 0xc7;
  if(asp) {
    if(m == 5) {
      u = 5;
    else {
      if((m >> 6) < 3 && (m & 7) == 4) s = 1;
      switch(m >> 6) {
        case 1:
          u = 2; break;
        case 2:
          u = 5; break;
          u = 1;
      u += s;
  else {
    if(m == 6)
      u = 3;
      switch(m >> 6) {
        case 1:
          u = 2; break;
        case 2:
          u = 3; break;
          u = 1;

  instr_deb2("arg_len: %02x %02x %02x %02x: %u bytes\n", p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], u);

  return u;

 * Some functions to make using the vga emulation easier.

unsigned char instr_read_byte(const unsigned char *address)
  unsigned char u;
  dosaddr_t addr = DOSADDR_REL(address);

  if(addr >= vga_base && addr < vga_end) {
    count = COUNT;
    u = vga_read(addr);
  else {
    u = *address;
#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
  instr_deb2("Read byte 0x%x", u);
  if (addr<0x8000000) v_printf(" from address %x\n", addr); else v_printf("\n");

  return u;

unsigned instr_read_word(const unsigned char *address)
  unsigned u;

   * segment wrap-arounds within a data word are not allowed since
   * at least i286, so no problems here
  dosaddr_t addr = DOSADDR_REL(address);
  if(addr >= vga_base && addr < vga_end) {
    count = COUNT;
    u = 0;
    R_LO(u) = vga_read(addr);
    R_HI(u) = vga_read(addr+1);
  } else
    u = *(const unsigned short *)address;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
  instr_deb2("Read word 0x%x", u);
  if (addr<0x8000000) v_printf(" from address %x\n", addr); else v_printf("\n");
  return u;

unsigned instr_read_dword(const unsigned char *address)
  unsigned u;

   * segment wrap-arounds within a data word are not allowed since
   * at least i286, so no problems here
  dosaddr_t addr = DOSADDR_REL(address);
  if(addr >= vga_base && addr < vga_end) {
    count = COUNT;
    R_LO(u) = vga_read(addr);
    R_HI(u) = vga_read(addr+1);
    ((unsigned char *) &u)[2] = vga_read(addr+2);
    ((unsigned char *) &u)[3] = vga_read(addr+3);
  } else
    u = *(const unsigned *)address;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
  instr_deb2("Read word 0x%x", u);
  if (addr<0x8000000) v_printf(" from address %x\n", addr); else v_printf("\n");
  return u;

void instr_write_byte(unsigned char *address, unsigned char u)
  dosaddr_t addr = DOSADDR_REL(address);

  if(addr >= vga_base && addr < vga_end) {
    count = COUNT;
    vga_write(addr, u);
  else {
    *address = u;
#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
  instr_deb2("Write byte 0x%x", u);
  if (addr<0x8000000) v_printf(" at address %x\n", addr); else v_printf("\n");

void instr_write_word(unsigned char *address, unsigned u)
  dosaddr_t dst = DOSADDR_REL(address);
   * segment wrap-arounds within a data word are not allowed since
   * at least i286, so no problems here.
   * we assume application do not try to mix here

  if(dst >= vga_base && dst < vga_end) {
    count = COUNT;
    vga_write(dst, R_LO(u));
    vga_write(dst+1, R_HI(u));
    *(unsigned short *)address = u;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
  instr_deb2("Write word 0x%x", u);
  if (dst<0x8000000) v_printf(" at address %x\n", dst); else v_printf("\n");

void instr_write_dword(unsigned char *address, unsigned u)
  dosaddr_t dst = DOSADDR_REL(address);

   * segment wrap-arounds within a data word are not allowed since
   * at least i286, so no problems here.
   * we assume application do not try to mix here

  if(dst >= vga_base && dst < vga_end) {
    count = COUNT;
    vga_write(dst, R_LO(u));
    vga_write(dst+1, R_HI(u));
    vga_write(dst+2, ((unsigned char *) &u)[2]);
    vga_write(dst+3, ((unsigned char *) &u)[3]);
    *(unsigned *)address = u;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
  instr_deb2("Write word 0x%x", u);
  if (dst<0x8000000) v_printf(" at address %x\n", dst); else v_printf("\n");

/* We use the cpu itself to set the flags, which is easy since we are
   emulating x86 on x86. */
void instr_flags(unsigned val, unsigned smask, unsigned *eflags)
  unsigned long flags;

  *eflags &= ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF);
  if (val & smask)
    *eflags |= SF;
  OPandFLAG1(flags, orl, val, =r);
  *eflags |= flags & (ZF|PF);

/* 6 logical and arithmetic "RISC" core functions
unsigned char instr_binary_byte(unsigned char op, unsigned char op1, unsigned char op2, unsigned *eflags)
  unsigned long flags;

  switch (op&0x7){
  case 1: /* or */
    OPandFLAG(flags, orb, op1, op2, =q, q);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 4: /* and */
    OPandFLAG(flags, andb, op1, op2, =q, q);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 6: /* xor */
    OPandFLAG(flags, xorb, op1, op2, =q, q);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 0: /* add */
    *eflags &= ~CF; /* Fall through */
  case 2: /* adc */
    flags = *eflags;
    OPandFLAGC(flags, adcb, op1, op2, =q, q);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|AF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|AF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 5: /* sub */
  case 7: /* cmp */
    *eflags &= ~CF; /* Fall through */
  case 3: /* sbb */
    flags = *eflags;
    OPandFLAGC(flags, sbbb, op1, op2, =q, q);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|AF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|AF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  return 0;

unsigned instr_binary_word(unsigned op, unsigned op1, unsigned op2, unsigned *eflags)
  unsigned long flags;
  unsigned short opw1 = op1;
  unsigned short opw2 = op2;

  switch (op&0x7){
  case 1: /* or */
    OPandFLAG(flags, orw, opw1, opw2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return opw1;
  case 4: /* and */
    OPandFLAG(flags, andw, opw1, opw2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return opw1;
  case 6: /* xor */
    OPandFLAG(flags, xorw, opw1, opw2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return opw1;
  case 0: /* add */
    *eflags &= ~CF; /* Fall through */
  case 2: /* adc */
    flags = *eflags;
    OPandFLAGC(flags, adcw, opw1, opw2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|AF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|AF|SF|PF|CF));
    return opw1;
  case 5: /* sub */
  case 7: /* cmp */
    *eflags &= ~CF; /* Fall through */
  case 3: /* sbb */
    flags = *eflags;
    OPandFLAGC(flags, sbbw, opw1, opw2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|AF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|AF|SF|PF|CF));
    return opw1;
  return 0;

unsigned instr_binary_dword(unsigned op, unsigned op1, unsigned op2, unsigned *eflags)
  unsigned long flags;

  switch (op&0x7){
  case 1: /* or */
    OPandFLAG(flags, orl, op1, op2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 4: /* and */
    OPandFLAG(flags, andl, op1, op2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 6: /* xor */
    OPandFLAG(flags, xorl, op1, op2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 0: /* add */
    *eflags &= ~CF; /* Fall through */
  case 2: /* adc */
    flags = *eflags;
    OPandFLAGC(flags, adcl, op1, op2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|AF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|AF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  case 5: /* sub */
  case 7: /* cmp */
    *eflags &= ~CF; /* Fall through */
  case 3: /* sbb */
    flags = *eflags;
    OPandFLAGC(flags, sbbl, op1, op2, =r, r);
    *eflags = (*eflags & ~(OF|ZF|SF|AF|PF|CF)) | (flags & (OF|ZF|AF|SF|PF|CF));
    return op1;
  return 0;

unsigned instr_shift(unsigned op, unsigned op1, unsigned op2, unsigned size, unsigned *eflags)
  unsigned result, carry;
  unsigned width = size * 8;
  unsigned mask = wordmask[size];
  unsigned smask = (mask >> 1) + 1;
  op2 &= 31;

  switch (op&0x7){
  case 0: /* rol */
    op2 &= width-1;
    result = (((op1 << op2) | ((op1&mask) >> (width-op2)))) & mask;
    if (op2 > 0) {
      *eflags &= ~(CF|OF);
      *eflags |= (result & CF) | ((((result >> (width-1)) ^ result) << 11) & OF);
    return result;
  case 1:/* ror */
    op2 &= width-1;
    result = ((((op1&mask) >> op2) | (op1 << (width-op2)))) & mask;
    if (op2 > 0) {
      *eflags &= ~(CF|OF);
      carry = (result >> (width-1)) & CF;
      *eflags |=  carry | (((carry ^ (result >> (width-2))) << 11) & OF);
    return result;
  case 2: /* rcl */
    op2 %= width+1;
    result = (((op1 << op2) | ((op1&mask) >> (width+1-op2))) | ((*eflags&CF) << (op2-1))) & mask;
    if (op2 > 0) {
      *eflags &= ~(CF|OF);
      carry = (op1>>(width-op2))&CF;
      *eflags |= carry | ((((result >> (width-1)) ^ carry) << 11) & OF);
    return result;
  case 3:/* rcr */
    op2 %= width+1;
    result = ((((op1&mask) >> op2) | (op1 << (width+1-op2))) | ((*eflags&CF) << (width-op2))) & mask;
    if (op2 > 0) {
      *eflags &= ~(CF|OF);
      carry = (op1>>(op2-1))&CF;
      *eflags |= carry | ((((result >> (width-1)) ^ (result >> (width-2))) << 11) & OF);
    return result;
  case 4: /* shl */
    result = (op1 << op2) & mask;
    if (op2 > 0) {
      instr_flags(result, smask, eflags);
      *eflags &= ~(CF|OF);
      *eflags |= ((op1 >> (width-op2))&CF) |
        ((((op1 >> (width-1)) ^ (op1 >> (width-2))) << 11) & OF);
    return result;
  case 5: /* shr */
    result = ((unsigned)(op1&mask) >> op2);
    if (op2 > 0) {
      instr_flags(result, smask, eflags);
      *eflags &= ~(CF|OF);
      *eflags |= ((op1 >> (op2-1)) & CF) | (((op1 >> (width-1)) << 11) & OF);
    return result;
  /* case 6 - sal? */
  case 7: /* sar */
    result = op1 >> op2;
    if (op2 > 0) {
      instr_flags(result, smask, eflags);
      *eflags &= ~(CF|OF);
      *eflags |= (op1 >> (op2-1)) & CF;
    return result;
  return 0;

static inline void push(unsigned val, x86_regs *x86)
  unsigned char *mem;

  if (x86->_32bit)
    x86->esp -= x86->operand_size;
    SP -= x86->operand_size;
  mem = MEM_BASE32(x86->ss_base + (x86->esp & wordmask[(x86->_32bit+1)*2]));
  if (x86->operand_size == 4)
    instr_write_dword(mem, val);
    instr_write_word(mem, val);

static inline void pop(unsigned *val, x86_regs *x86)
  unsigned char *mem = MEM_BASE32(x86->ss_base + (x86->esp & wordmask[(x86->_32bit+1)*2]));
  if (x86->_32bit)
    x86->esp += x86->operand_size;
    SP += x86->operand_size;
  *val = (x86->operand_size == 4 ? instr_read_dword(mem) : instr_read_word(mem));

 * description:
 * instr_sim is used to simulate instructions that access the
 * VGA video memory in planar modes when using X as the video output
 * device.
 * It is necessary to do this in order to simulate the effects
 * of the hardware VGA controller in X mode.
 * If the return value is 0, it means the instruction was not one
 * that for which a simulation is provided.  The return value is 1 for success,
 * but the function exits because we need to go back to the DOSEMU's main loop
 * or count runs out.
 * arguments:
 * x86: the structure holding everything about the cpu-state we need.

/* helper functions/macros reg8/reg/sreg/sib/modrm16/32 for instr_sim
   for address and register decoding */

#define reg8(reg, x86) (((unsigned char *)(x86))+((reg)&0x3)*4+(((reg)>>2)&1))
#define reg(reg, x86) ((&(x86)->eax)+((reg)&0x7))
#define sreg(reg, x86) ((&((x86)->es))+((reg)&0x7))
#define sreg_idx(reg) (es_INDEX+((reg)&0x7))

unsigned char *sib(unsigned char *cp, x86_regs *x86, int *inst_len)
  unsigned addr = 0;

  switch(cp[1] & 0xc0) { /* decode modifier */
  case 0x40:
    addr = (int)(signed char)cp[3];
  case 0x80:
    addr = R_DWORD(cp[3]);

  if ((cp[2] & 0x38) != 0x20) /* index cannot be esp */
    addr += *reg(cp[2]>>3, x86) << (cp[2] >> 6);

  switch(cp[2] & 0x07) { /* decode address */
  case 0x00:
  case 0x01:
  case 0x02:
  case 0x03:
  case 0x06:
  case 0x07:
    return MEM_BASE32(addr + *reg(cp[2], x86) + x86->seg_base);
  case 0x04: /* esp */
    return MEM_BASE32(addr + x86->esp + x86->seg_ss_base);
  case 0x05:
    if (cp[1] >= 0x40)
      return MEM_BASE32(addr + x86->ebp + x86->seg_ss_base);
    else {
      *inst_len += 4;
      return MEM_BASE32(addr + R_DWORD(cp[3]) + x86->seg_base);
  return 0; /* keep gcc happy */

unsigned char *modrm16(unsigned char *cp, x86_regs *x86, int *inst_len)
  unsigned addr = 0;
  *inst_len = 0;

  switch(cp[1] & 0xc0) { /* decode modifier */
  case 0x40:
    addr = (short)(signed char)cp[2];
    *inst_len = 1;
  case 0x80:
    addr = R_WORD(cp[2]);
    *inst_len = 2;
  case 0xc0:
    if (cp[0]&1) /*(d)word*/
      return (unsigned char *)reg(cp[1], x86);
      return reg8(cp[1], x86);

  switch(cp[1] & 0x07) { /* decode address */
  case 0x00:
    return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->ebx + x86->esi) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_base);
  case 0x01:
    return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->ebx + x86->edi) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_base);
  case 0x02:
    return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->ebp + x86->esi) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_ss_base);
  case 0x03:
    return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->ebp + x86->edi) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_ss_base);
  case 0x04:
    return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->esi) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_base);
  case 0x05:
    return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->edi) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_base);
  case 0x06:
    if (cp[1] >= 0x40)
      return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->ebp) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_ss_base);
    else {
      *inst_len += 2;
      return MEM_BASE32(R_WORD(cp[2]) + x86->seg_base);
  case 0x07:
    return MEM_BASE32(((addr + x86->ebx) & 0xffff) + x86->seg_base);
  return 0; /* keep gcc happy */

unsigned char *modrm32(unsigned char *cp, x86_regs *x86, int *inst_len)
  unsigned addr = 0;
  *inst_len = 0;

  switch(cp[1] & 0xc0) { /* decode modifier */
  case 0x40:
    addr = (int)(signed char)cp[2];
    *inst_len = 1;
  case 0x80:
    addr = R_DWORD(cp[2]);
    *inst_len = 4;
  case 0xc0:
    if (cp[0]&1) /*(d)word*/
      return ((unsigned char *)reg(cp[1], x86));
      return reg8(cp[1], x86);
  switch(cp[1] & 0x07) { /* decode address */
  case 0x00:
  case 0x01:
  case 0x02:
  case 0x03:
  case 0x06:
  case 0x07:
    return MEM_BASE32(addr + *reg(cp[1], x86) + x86->seg_base);
  case 0x04: /* sib byte follows */
    *inst_len += 1;
    return sib(cp, x86, inst_len);
  case 0x05:
    if (cp[1] >= 0x40)
      return MEM_BASE32(addr + x86->ebp + x86->seg_ss_base);
    else {
      *inst_len += 4;
      return MEM_BASE32(R_DWORD(cp[2]) + x86->seg_base);
  return 0; /* keep gcc happy */

static int handle_prefixes(x86_regs *x86)
  unsigned eip = x86->eip;
  int prefix = 0;

  for (;; eip++) {
    switch(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(x86->cs_base + eip)) {
    /* handle (some) prefixes */
      case 0x26:
        x86->seg_base = x86->seg_ss_base = x86->es_base;
      case 0x2e:
        x86->seg_base = x86->seg_ss_base = x86->cs_base;
      case 0x36:
        x86->seg_base = x86->seg_ss_base = x86->ss_base;
      case 0x3e:
        x86->seg_base = x86->seg_ss_base = x86->ds_base;
      case 0x64:
        x86->seg_base = x86->seg_ss_base = x86->fs_base;
      case 0x65:
        x86->seg_base = x86->seg_ss_base = x86->gs_base;
      case 0x66:
        x86->operand_size = 6 - x86->operand_size;
        if (x86->operand_size == 4) {
          x86->instr_binary = instr_binary_dword;
          x86->instr_read = instr_read_dword;
          x86->instr_write = instr_write_dword;
        } else {
          x86->instr_binary = instr_binary_word;
          x86->instr_read = instr_read_word;
          x86->instr_write = instr_write_word;
      case 0x67:
        x86->address_size = 6 - x86->address_size;
        x86->modrm = (x86->address_size == 4 ? modrm32 : modrm16);
      case 0xf2:
        x86->rep = REPNZ;
      case 0xf3:
        x86->rep = REPZ;
        return prefix;
  return prefix;

static void prepare_x86(x86_regs *x86)
  x86->seg_base = x86->ds_base;
  x86->seg_ss_base = x86->ss_base;
  x86->address_size = x86->operand_size = (x86->_32bit + 1) * 2;

  x86->modrm = (x86->address_size == 4 ? modrm32 : modrm16);
  x86->rep = REP_NONE;

  if (x86->operand_size == 4) {
    x86->instr_binary = instr_binary_dword;
    x86->instr_read = instr_read_dword;
    x86->instr_write = instr_write_dword;
  } else {
    x86->instr_binary = instr_binary_word;
    x86->instr_read = instr_read_word;
    x86->instr_write = instr_write_word;

/* return value: 1 => instruction known; 0 => instruction not known */
static inline int instr_sim(x86_regs *x86, int pmode)
  unsigned char *reg_8;
  unsigned char uc;
  unsigned short uns;
  unsigned *dstreg;
  unsigned und, und2, repcount;
  unsigned long unl;
  unsigned char *mem;
  int i, i2, inst_len;
  int loop_inc = (EFLAGS&DF) ? -1 : 1;		// make it a char ?
  unsigned eip = x86->eip;
  unsigned cs = x86->cs_base;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2
    int refseg, rc;
    unsigned char frmtbuf[256];
    refseg = x86->cs;
    rc = dis_8086(MEM_BASE32(cs+eip), frmtbuf, x86->_32bit, &refseg, MEM_BASE32(cs));
    instr_deb("vga_emu_fault: about to simulate %d: %s\n", count, frmtbuf);

  if (x86->prefixes) {

  x86->prefixes = handle_prefixes(x86);
  eip += x86->prefixes;

  if (x86->rep != REP_NONE) {
    /* TODO: All these rep instruction can still be heavily optimized */
    i2 = 0;
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      repcount = x86->ecx;
      switch(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)) {
      case 0xa4:         /* rep movsb */
#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 1
        if (x86->es_base >= 0xa0000 && x86->es_base < 0xb0000 &&
            x86->seg_base >= 0xa0000 && x86->seg_base < 0xb0000)
          instr_deb("VGAEMU: Video to video memcpy, ecx=%x\n", x86->ecx);
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memcpy */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;
             i += loop_inc, und++)
          instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi+i),
            instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi+i)));
        x86->edi += i;
        x86->esi += i;

      case 0xa5:         /* rep movsw/d */
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memcpy */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;
             i += loop_inc*x86->operand_size, und++)
          x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi+i),
            x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi+i)));
        x86->edi += i;
        x86->esi += i;

      case 0xa6:         /* rep cmpsb */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          instr_binary_byte(7, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi+i)),
            instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi+i)), &EFLAGS);
          i += loop_inc;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0xf2 repnz 0xf3 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        x86->edi += i;
        x86->esi += i;

      case 0xa7:         /* rep cmpsw/d */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          x86->instr_binary(7, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi+i)),
            x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi+i)), &EFLAGS);
          i += loop_inc*x86->operand_size;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0xf2 repnz 0xf3 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        x86->edi += i;
        x86->esi += i;

      case 0xaa: /* rep stosb */
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memset */
        for (und2 = x86->edi, und = 0; und < repcount;
             und2 += loop_inc, und++)
          instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + und2), AL);
        x86->edi = und2;

      case 0xab: /* rep stosw */
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memset */
        for (und2 = x86->edi, und = 0; und < repcount;
             und2 += loop_inc*x86->operand_size, und++)
          x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + und2), x86->eax);
        x86->edi = und2;

      case 0xae: /* rep scasb */
        for (und2 = x86->edi, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          instr_binary_byte(7, AL, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + und2)), &EFLAGS);
          und2 += loop_inc;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0x0 repnz 0x1 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        x86->edi = und2;

      case 0xaf: /* rep scasw */
        for (und2 = x86->edi, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          x86->instr_binary(7, x86->eax, x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + und2)), &EFLAGS);
          und2 += loop_inc*x86->operand_size;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0x0 repnz 0x1 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        x86->edi = und2;

        return 0;

      x86->ecx -= und;
      if (x86->ecx > 0 && i2 == 0) return 1;

    } else {
      repcount = CX;
      switch(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)) {
      case 0xa4:         /* rep movsb */
#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 1
        if (x86->es_base >= 0xa0000 && x86->es_base < 0xb0000 &&
            x86->seg_base >= 0xa0000 && x86->seg_base < 0xb0000)
          instr_deb("VGAEMU: Video to video memcpy, cx=%x\n", CX);
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memcpy */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;
             i += loop_inc, und++)
          instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + ((x86->edi+i) & 0xffff)),
            instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + ((x86->esi+i) & 0xffff))));
        DI += i;
        SI += i;

      case 0xa5:         /* rep movsw/d */
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memcpy */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;
             i += loop_inc*x86->operand_size, und++)
          x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + ((x86->edi+i) & 0xffff)),
            x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + ((x86->esi+i) & 0xffff))));
        DI += i;
        SI += i;

      case 0xa6: /* rep?z cmpsb */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          instr_binary_byte(7, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + ((x86->esi+i) & 0xffff))),
            instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + ((x86->edi+i) & 0xffff))), &EFLAGS);
          i += loop_inc;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0x0 repnz 0x1 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        DI += i;
        SI += i;

      case 0xa7: /* rep?z cmpsw/d */
        for (i = 0, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          x86->instr_binary(7, x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + ((x86->esi+i) & 0xffff))),
                      x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + ((x86->edi+i) & 0xffff))), &EFLAGS);
          i += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0x0 repnz 0x1 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        DI += i;
        SI += i;

      case 0xaa: /* rep stosb */
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memset */
        for (uns = DI, und = 0; und < repcount;
             uns += loop_inc, und++)
          instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + uns), AL);
        DI = uns;

      case 0xab: /* rep stosw/d */
        /* TODO: accelerate this using memset */
        for (uns = DI, und = 0; und < repcount;
             uns += loop_inc*x86->operand_size, und++)
          x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + uns), (x86->operand_size == 4 ? x86->eax : AX));
        DI = uns;

      case 0xae: /* rep scasb */
        for (uns = DI, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          instr_binary_byte(7, AL, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + uns)), &EFLAGS);
          uns += loop_inc;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0x0 repnz 0x1 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        DI = uns;

      case 0xaf: /* rep scasw/d */
        for (uns = DI, und = 0; und < repcount;) {
          x86->instr_binary(7, AX, instr_read_word(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + uns)), &EFLAGS);
          uns += loop_inc*x86->operand_size;
          if (((EFLAGS & ZF) >> 6) != x86->rep) /* 0x0 repnz 0x1 repz */ {
            i2 = 1; /* we're fine now! */
        DI = uns;

        return 0;
      CX -= und;
      if (CX > 0 && i2 == 0) return 1;
  else switch(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)) {
  case 0x00:		/* add r/m8,reg8 */
  case 0x08:		/* or r/m8,reg8 */
  case 0x10:		/* adc r/m8,reg8 */
  case 0x18:		/* sbb r/m8,reg8 */
  case 0x20:		/* and r/m8,reg8 */
  case 0x28:		/* sub r/m8,reg8 */
  case 0x30:		/* xor r/m8,reg8 */
  case 0x38:		/* cmp r/m8,reg8 */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    uc = instr_binary_byte((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip))>>3,
	instr_read_byte(mem), *reg8((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1))>>3, x86), &EFLAGS);
    if (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)<0x38)
      instr_write_byte(mem, uc);
    eip += 2 + inst_len; break;

  case 0x01:		/* add r/m16,reg16 */
  case 0x09:		/* or r/m16,reg16 */
  case 0x11:		/* adc r/m16,reg16 */
  case 0x19:		/* sbb r/m16,reg16 */
  case 0x21:		/* and r/m16,reg16 */
  case 0x29:		/* sub r/m16,reg16 */
  case 0x31:		/* xor r/m16,reg16 */
  case 0x39:		/* cmp r/m16,reg16 */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    und = x86->instr_binary(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)>>3, x86->instr_read(mem), *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86), &EFLAGS);
    if (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)<0x38)
      x86->instr_write(mem, und);
    eip += 2 + inst_len; break;

  case 0x02:		/* add reg8,r/m8 */
  case 0x0a:		/* or reg8,r/m8 */
  case 0x12:		/* adc reg8,r/m8 */
  case 0x1a:		/* sbb reg8,r/m8 */
  case 0x22:		/* and reg8,r/m8 */
  case 0x2a:		/* sub reg8,r/m8 */
  case 0x32:		/* xor reg8,r/m8 */
  case 0x3a:		/* cmp reg8,r/m8 */
    reg_8 = reg8(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86);
    uc = instr_binary_byte(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)>>3,
	*reg_8, instr_read_byte(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip),
	x86, &inst_len)), &EFLAGS);
    if (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)<0x38) *reg_8 = uc;
    eip += 2 + inst_len; break;

  case 0x03:		/* add reg,r/m16 */
  case 0x0b:		/* or reg,r/m16 */
  case 0x13:		/* adc reg,r/m16 */
  case 0x1b:		/* sbb reg,r/m16 */
  case 0x23:		/* and reg,r/m16 */
  case 0x2b:		/* sub reg,r/m16 */
  case 0x33:		/* xor reg,r/m16 */
  case 0x3b:		/* cmp reg,r/m16 */
    dstreg = reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86);
    und = x86->instr_binary(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)>>3,
	*dstreg, x86->instr_read(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86,
	&inst_len)), &EFLAGS);
    if (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)<0x38) {
      if (x86->operand_size == 2)
        R_WORD(*dstreg) = und;
        *dstreg = und;
    eip += 2 + inst_len; break;

  case 0x04:		/* add al,imm8 */
  case 0x0c:		/* or al,imm8 */
  case 0x14:		/* adc al,imm8 */
  case 0x1c:		/* sbb al,imm8 */
  case 0x24:		/* and al,imm8 */
  case 0x2c:		/* sub al,imm8 */
  case 0x34:		/* xor al,imm8 */
  case 0x3c:		/* cmp al,imm8 */
    uc = instr_binary_byte(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)>>3, AL,
	*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1), &EFLAGS);
    if (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)<0x38) AL = uc;
    eip += 2; break;

  case 0x05:		/* add ax,imm16 */
  case 0x0d:		/* or ax,imm16 */
  case 0x15:		/* adc ax,imm16 */
  case 0x1d:		/* sbb ax,imm16 */
  case 0x25:		/* and ax,imm16 */
  case 0x2d:		/* sub ax,imm16 */
  case 0x35:		/* xor ax,imm16 */
  case 0x3d:		/* cmp ax,imm16 */
    und = x86->instr_binary(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)>>3,
	x86->eax, R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)), &EFLAGS);
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) {
      if (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)<0x38) AX = und;
      eip += 3;
    } else {
      if (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)<0x38) x86->eax = und;
      eip += 5;

  case 0x06:  /* push sreg */
  case 0x0e:
  case 0x16:
  case 0x1e:
    push(*sreg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip)>>3, x86), x86);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x07:		/* pop es */
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      pop(&x86->es, x86);
      SREG(es) = x86->es;
      x86->es_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->es, 0);

  /* don't do 0x0f (extended instructions) for now */
  /* 0x17 pop ss is a bit dangerous and rarely used */

  case 0x1f:		/* pop ds */
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      pop(&x86->ds, x86);
      SREG(ds)  = x86->ds;
      x86->ds_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->ds, 0);
      x86->seg_base = x86->ds_base;

  case 0x27:  /* daa */
    if (((AL & 0xf) > 9) || (EFLAGS&AF)) {
      AL += 6;
      EFLAGS |= AF;
    } else
      EFLAGS &= ~AF;
    if ((AL > 0x9f) || (EFLAGS&CF)) {
      AL += 0x60;
      instr_flags(AL, 0x80, &EFLAGS);
      EFLAGS |= CF;
    } else
      instr_flags(AL, 0x80, &EFLAGS);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x2f:  /* das */
    if (((AL & 0xf) > 9) || (EFLAGS&AF)) {
      AL -= 6;
      EFLAGS |= AF;
    } else
      EFLAGS &= ~AF;
    if ((AL > 0x9f) || (EFLAGS&CF)) {
      AL -= 0x60;
      instr_flags(AL, 0x80, &EFLAGS);
      EFLAGS |= CF;
    } else
      instr_flags(AL, 0x80, &EFLAGS);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x37:  /* aaa */
    if (((AL & 0xf) > 9) || (EFLAGS&AF)) {
      AL = (x86->eax+6) & 0xf;
      EFLAGS |= (CF|AF);
    } else
      EFLAGS &= ~(CF|AF);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x3f:  /* aas */
    if (((AL & 0xf) > 9) || (EFLAGS&AF)) {
      AL = (x86->eax-6) & 0xf;
      EFLAGS |= (CF|AF);
    } else
      EFLAGS &= ~(CF|AF);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x40:
  case 0x41:
  case 0x42:
  case 0x43:
  case 0x44:
  case 0x45:
  case 0x46:
  case 0x47: /* inc reg */
    EFLAGS &= ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
    dstreg = reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86);
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) {
      OPandFLAG0(unl, incw, R_WORD(*dstreg), =r);
    } else {
      OPandFLAG0(unl, incl, *dstreg, =r);
    EFLAGS |= unl & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x48:
  case 0x49:
  case 0x4a:
  case 0x4b:
  case 0x4c:
  case 0x4d:
  case 0x4e:
  case 0x4f: /* dec reg */
    EFLAGS &= ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
    dstreg = reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86);
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) {
      OPandFLAG0(unl, decw, R_WORD(*dstreg), =r);
    } else {
      OPandFLAG0(unl, decl, *dstreg, =r);
    EFLAGS |= unl & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x50:
  case 0x51:
  case 0x52:
  case 0x53:
  case 0x54:
  case 0x55:
  case 0x56:
  case 0x57: /* push reg */
    push(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip),x86), x86);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x58:
  case 0x59:
  case 0x5a:
  case 0x5b:
  case 0x5c:
  case 0x5d:
  case 0x5e:
  case 0x5f: /* pop reg */
    pop(&und, x86);
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip),x86)) = und;
      *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip),x86) = und;
    eip++; break;

    /* 0x60 */
  case 0x68: /* push imm16 */
    push(R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)), x86);
    eip += x86->operand_size + 1; break;

  case 0x6a: /* push imm8 */
    push((int)*(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1), x86);
    eip += 2; break;

  case 0x70: OP_JCC(EFLAGS & OF);         /*jo*/
  case 0x71: OP_JCC(!(EFLAGS & OF));      /*jno*/
  case 0x72: OP_JCC(EFLAGS & CF);         /*jc*/
  case 0x73: OP_JCC(!(EFLAGS & CF));      /*jnc*/
  case 0x74: OP_JCC(EFLAGS & ZF);         /*jz*/
  case 0x75: OP_JCC(!(EFLAGS & ZF));      /*jnz*/
  case 0x76: OP_JCC(EFLAGS & (ZF|CF));    /*jbe*/
  case 0x77: OP_JCC(!(EFLAGS & (ZF|CF))); /*ja*/
  case 0x78: OP_JCC(EFLAGS & SF);         /*js*/
  case 0x79: OP_JCC(!(EFLAGS & SF));      /*jns*/
  case 0x7a: OP_JCC(EFLAGS & PF);         /*jp*/
  case 0x7b: OP_JCC(!(EFLAGS & PF));      /*jnp*/
  case 0x7c: OP_JCC((EFLAGS & SF)^((EFLAGS & OF)>>4))         /*jl*/
  case 0x7d: OP_JCC(!((EFLAGS & SF)^((EFLAGS & OF)>>4)))      /*jnl*/
  case 0x7e: OP_JCC((EFLAGS & (SF|ZF))^((EFLAGS & OF)>>4))    /*jle*/
  case 0x7f: OP_JCC(!((EFLAGS & (SF|ZF))^((EFLAGS & OF)>>4))) /*jg*/

  case 0x80:		/* logical r/m8,imm8 */
  case 0x82:
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    uc = instr_binary_byte(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,
	instr_read_byte(mem), *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2 + inst_len), &EFLAGS);
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) < 0x38)
      instr_write_byte(mem, uc);
    eip += 3 + inst_len; break;

  case 0x81:		/* logical r/m,imm */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    und = x86->instr_binary(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,
	x86->instr_read(mem), R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2 + inst_len)), &EFLAGS);
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) < 0x38) x86->instr_write(mem, und);
    eip += x86->operand_size + 2 + inst_len;

  case 0x83:		/* logical r/m,imm8 */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    und = x86->instr_binary(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,
	x86->instr_read(mem), (int)*(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2 + inst_len),
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) < 0x38)
	x86->instr_write(mem, und);
    eip += inst_len + 3; break;

  case 0x84: /* test r/m8, reg8 */
    instr_flags(instr_read_byte(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len)) &
		*reg8(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,x86),
                0x80, &EFLAGS);
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x85: /* test r/m16, reg */
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      instr_flags(instr_read_word(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86,
		&inst_len)) & R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,x86)),
                0x8000, &EFLAGS);
      instr_flags(instr_read_dword(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len)) &
		*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,x86),
                0x80000000, &EFLAGS);
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x86:		/* xchg r/m8,reg8 */
    reg_8 = reg8(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86);
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    uc = *reg_8;
    *reg_8 = instr_read_byte(mem);
    instr_write_byte(mem, uc);
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x87:		/* xchg r/m16,reg */
    dstreg = reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86);
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    und = *dstreg;
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      R_WORD(*dstreg) = instr_read_word(mem);
      *dstreg = instr_read_dword(mem);
    x86->instr_write(mem, und);
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x88:		/* mov r/m8,reg8 */
    instr_write_byte(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len),
	*reg8(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x89:		/* mov r/m16,reg */
    x86->instr_write(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len),
	*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x8a:		/* mov reg8,r/m8 */
    *reg8(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86) =
	instr_read_byte(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x8b:		/* mov reg,r/m16 */
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86)) =
        instr_read_word(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len));
      *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86) =
        instr_read_dword(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x8c: /* mov r/m16,segreg */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) & 0xc0) == 0xc0) /* compensate for mov r,segreg */
      mem = (unsigned char *)reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1), x86);
    instr_write_word(mem, *sreg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, x86));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x8d: /* lea */
    unsigned mem = x86->seg_ss_base;
    x86->seg_ss_base = x86->seg_base;
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,x86)) =
        x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len) - (unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base);
      *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,x86) =
        x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len) - (unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base);
    x86->seg_ss_base = mem;
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0x8e:		/* mov segreg,r/m16 */
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else switch (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) {
    case 0:
      mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
      if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) & 0xc0) == 0xc0)  /* compensate for mov r,segreg */
        mem = (unsigned char *)reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1), x86);
      SREG(es) = x86->es = instr_read_word(mem);
      x86->es_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->es, 0);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x18:
      mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
      if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) & 0xc0) == 0xc0) /* compensate for mov es,reg */
	mem = (unsigned char *)reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1), x86);
      SREG(ds) = x86->ds = instr_read_word(mem);
      x86->ds_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->ds, 0);
      x86->seg_base = x86->ds_base;
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
      return 0;

  case 0x8f: /*pop*/
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) == 0){
      pop(&und, x86);
      x86->instr_write(x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len), und);
      eip += inst_len + 2;
    } else
      return 0;

  case 0x90: /* nop */
    eip++; break;
  case 0x91:
  case 0x92:
  case 0x93:
  case 0x94:
  case 0x95:
  case 0x96:
  case 0x97: /* xchg reg, ax */
    dstreg = reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip),x86);
    und = x86->eax;
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) {
      AX = *dstreg;
      R_WORD(*dstreg) = und;
    } else {
      x86->eax = *dstreg;
      *dstreg = und;
    eip++; break;

  case 0x98:
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) { /* cbw */
      AH = (AL & 0x80) ? 0xff : 0;
    } else {                      /* cwde */
      if (AX & 0x8000)
        x86->eax |= 0xffff0000;
        x86->eax &= 0x0000ffff;
    eip++; break;

  case 0x99:
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) /* cwd */
      DX = (AX > 0x7fff ? 0xffff : 0);
    else /* cdq */
      x86->edx = (x86->eax > 0x7fffffff ? 0xffffffff : 0);
    eip++; break;

  case 0x9a: /*call far*/
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      push(x86->cs, x86);
      push(eip + 5, x86);
      x86->cs = R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 3));
      SREG(cs)  = x86->cs;
      x86->cs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->cs, 0);
      eip = R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));
      cs = x86->cs_base;
    /* NO: 0x9b wait 0x9c pushf 0x9d popf*/

  case 0x9e: /* sahf */
    R_LO(EFLAGS) = AH;
    eip++; break;

  case 0x9f: /* lahf */
    AH = R_LO(EFLAGS);
    eip++; break;

  case 0xa0:		/* mov al,moff16 */
    AL = instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32((R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)) &
    eip += 1 + x86->address_size; break;

  case 0xa1:		/* mov ax,moff16 */
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      AX = instr_read_word(MEM_BASE32((R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)) &
      x86->eax = instr_read_dword(MEM_BASE32((R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)) &
    eip += 1 + x86->address_size; break;

  case 0xa2:		/* mov moff16,al */
    instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32((R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)) &
	wordmask[x86->address_size])+x86->seg_base), AL);
    eip += 1 + x86->address_size; break;

  case 0xa3:		/* mov moff16,ax */
    x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32((R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)) &
	wordmask[x86->address_size])+x86->seg_base), x86->eax);
    eip += 1 + x86->address_size; break;

  case 0xa4:		/* movsb */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi),
        instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi)));
      x86->edi += loop_inc;
      x86->esi += loop_inc;
    } else {
      instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI),
        instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + SI)));
      DI += loop_inc;
      SI += loop_inc;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xa5:		/* movsw */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi),
        x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi)));
      x86->edi += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
      x86->esi += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    else {
      x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI),
        x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + SI)));
      DI += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
      SI += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xa6: /*cmpsb */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      instr_binary_byte(7, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi)),
                  instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi)), &EFLAGS);
      x86->edi += loop_inc;
      x86->esi += loop_inc;
    } else {
      instr_binary_byte(7, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + SI)),
                  instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI)), &EFLAGS);
      DI += loop_inc;
      SI += loop_inc;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xa7: /* cmpsw */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      x86->instr_binary(7, x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi)),
                  x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi)), &EFLAGS);
      x86->edi += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
      x86->esi += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    } else {
      x86->instr_binary(7, x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + SI)),
                  x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI)), &EFLAGS);
      DI += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
      SI += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xa8: /* test al, imm */
    instr_flags(AL & *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1), 0x80, &EFLAGS);
    eip += 2; break;

  case 0xa9: /* test ax, imm */
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) {
      instr_flags(AX & R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)), 0x8000, &EFLAGS);
      eip += 3; break;
    } else {
      instr_flags(x86->eax & R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)), 0x80000000, &EFLAGS);
      eip += 5; break;

  case 0xaa:		/* stosb */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi), AL);
      x86->edi += loop_inc;
    } else {
      instr_write_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI), AL);
      DI += loop_inc;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xab:		/* stosw */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi), x86->eax);
      x86->edi += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    } else {
      x86->instr_write(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI), x86->eax);
      DI += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xac:		/* lodsb */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      AL = instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi));
      x86->esi += loop_inc;
    } else {
      AL = instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + SI));
      SI += loop_inc;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xad: /* lodsw */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      und = x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + x86->esi));
      x86->esi += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    } else {
      und = x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base + SI));
      SI += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      AX = und;
      x86->eax = und;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xae: /* scasb */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      instr_binary_byte(7, AL, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi)), &EFLAGS);
      x86->edi += loop_inc;
    } else {
      instr_binary_byte(7, AL, instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI)), &EFLAGS);
      DI += loop_inc;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xaf: /* scasw */
    if (x86->address_size == 4) {
      x86->instr_binary(7, x86->eax, x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + x86->edi)), &EFLAGS);
      x86->edi += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    } else {
      x86->instr_binary(7, x86->eax, x86->instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86->es_base + DI)), &EFLAGS);
      DI += loop_inc * x86->operand_size;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xb0:
  case 0xb1:
  case 0xb2:
  case 0xb3:
  case 0xb4:
  case 0xb5:
  case 0xb6:
  case 0xb7:
    *reg8(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86) = *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1);
    eip += 2; break;

  case 0xb8:
  case 0xb9:
  case 0xba:
  case 0xbb:
  case 0xbc:
  case 0xbd:
  case 0xbe:
  case 0xbf:
    if (x86->operand_size == 2) {
      R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86)) =
        R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));
      eip += 3; break;
    } else {
      *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86) =
        R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));
      eip += 5; break;

  case 0xc0: /* shift byte, imm8 */
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38)==0x30) return 0;
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    instr_write_byte(mem,instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, (signed char) instr_read_byte(mem),
                *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2+inst_len), 1, &EFLAGS));
    eip += inst_len + 3; break;

  case 0xc1: /* shift word, imm8 */
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38)==0x30) return 0;
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      instr_write_word(mem, instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, (short)instr_read_word(mem),
                  *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2+inst_len), 2, &EFLAGS));
      instr_write_dword(mem, instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, instr_read_dword(mem),
                  *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2+inst_len), 4, &EFLAGS));
    eip += inst_len + 3; break;

  case 0xc2:		/* ret imm16*/
    pop(&und, x86);
    if (x86->_32bit)
      x86->esp += R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));
      SP += R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));
    eip = und;

  case 0xc3:		/* ret */
    pop(&eip, x86);

  case 0xc4:		/* les */
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
      x86->es = instr_read_word(mem+2);
      SREG(es)  = x86->es;
      x86->es_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->es, 0);
      R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) >> 3, x86)) = instr_read_word(mem);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xc5:		/* lds */
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
      x86->ds = instr_read_word(mem+2);
      SREG(ds)  = x86->ds;
      x86->ds_base = x86->seg_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->ds, 0);
      R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) >> 3, x86)) = instr_read_word(mem);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xc6:		/* mov r/m8,imm8 */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    instr_write_byte(mem, *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2 + inst_len));
    eip += inst_len + 3; break;

  case 0xc7:		/* mov r/m,imm */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    x86->instr_write(mem, R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2 + inst_len)));
    eip += x86->operand_size + inst_len + 2;
    /* 0xc8 enter */

  case 0xc9: /*leave*/
    if (x86->_32bit)
      x86->esp = x86->ebp;
      SP = BP;
    pop(&x86->ebp, x86);
    eip++; break;

  case 0xca: /*retf imm 16*/
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      pop(&und, x86);
      pop(&x86->cs, x86);
      SREG(cs)  = x86->cs;
      x86->cs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->cs, 0);
      SP += R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));
      cs = x86->cs_base;
      eip = und;

  case 0xcb: /*retf*/
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      pop(&eip, x86);
      pop(&x86->cs, x86);
      SREG(cs)  = x86->cs;
      x86->cs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->cs, 0);
      cs = x86->cs_base;

    /* 0xcc int3 0xcd int 0xce into 0xcf iret */

  case 0xd0: /* shift r/m8, 1 */
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38)==0x30) return 0;
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    instr_write_byte(mem, instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3,
	    (signed char) instr_read_byte(mem),
                                        1, 1, &EFLAGS));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xd1: /* shift r/m16, 1 */
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38)==0x30) return 0;
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      instr_write_word(mem, instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, (short) instr_read_word(mem),
                                        1, 2, &EFLAGS));
      instr_write_dword(mem, instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, instr_read_dword(mem), 1, 4, &EFLAGS));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xd2: /* shift r/m8, cl */
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38)==0x30) return 0;
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    instr_write_byte(mem,instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, (signed char) instr_read_byte(mem),
                                       CL, 1, &EFLAGS));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xd3: /* shift r/m16, cl */
    if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38)==0x30) return 0;
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    if (x86->operand_size == 2)
      instr_write_word(mem, instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, (short) instr_read_word(mem),
                                       CL, 2, &EFLAGS));
      instr_write_dword(mem, instr_shift(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)>>3, instr_read_dword(mem),
                                       CL, 4, &EFLAGS));
    eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xd4:  /* aam byte */
    AH = AL / *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1);
    AL = AL % *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1);
    instr_flags(AL, 0x80, &EFLAGS);
    eip += 2; break;

  case 0xd5:  /* aad byte */
    AL = AH * *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) + AL;
    AH = 0;
    instr_flags(AL, 0x80, &EFLAGS);
    eip += 2; break;

  case 0xd6: /* salc */
    AL = EFLAGS & CF ? 0xff : 0;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xd7: /* xlat */
    AL =  instr_read_byte(MEM_BASE32(x86->seg_base+(x86->ebx & wordmask[x86->address_size])+AL));
    eip++; break;
    /* 0xd8 - 0xdf copro */

  case 0xe0: /* loopnz */
    eip += ( (x86->address_size == 4 ? --x86->ecx : --CX) && !(EFLAGS & ZF) ?
             2 + *(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) : 2); break;

  case 0xe1: /* loopz */
    eip += ( (x86->address_size == 4 ? --x86->ecx : --CX) && (EFLAGS & ZF) ?
             2 + *(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) : 2); break;

  case 0xe2: /* loop */
    eip += ( (x86->address_size == 4 ? --x86->ecx : --CX) ?
             2 + *(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1) : 2); break;

  case 0xe3:  /* jcxz */
    eip += ((x86->address_size == 4 ? x86->ecx : CX) ? 2 :
	2 + *(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));

  /* 0xe4 in ib 0xe5 in iw 0xe6 out ib 0xe7 out iw */

  case 0xe8: /* call near */
    push(eip + 1 + x86->operand_size, x86);
    /* fall through */

  case 0xe9: /* jmp near */
    eip += x86->operand_size + 1 + (R_DWORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)) & wordmask[x86->operand_size]);

  case 0xea: /*jmp far*/
    if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
      return 0;
    else {
      x86->cs = R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip+3));
      SREG(cs)  = x86->cs;
      x86->cs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->cs, 0);
      eip = R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1));
      cs = x86->cs_base;

  case 0xeb: /* jmp short */
    eip += 2 + *(signed char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1); break;

  case 0xec: /* in al, dx */
    /* Note that we short circuit if we can */
    if ((uc=VGA_emulate_inb(DX))!=0xff) {
      AL = uc;
      eip++; break;
      return 0;
  /* 0xed in ax,dx */

  case 0xee: /* out dx, al */
    /* Note that we short circuit if we can */
    if (VGA_emulate_outb(DX, AL) && vga.inst_emu)
      return 0;

  case 0xef: /* out dx, ax */
    if ((x86->operand_size == 2) &&
        VGA_emulate_outb(DX, AL) &&
	      VGA_emulate_outb(DX + 1, AH) &&
      return 0;

    /* 0xf0 lock 0xf1 int1 */

    /* 0xf2 repnz 0xf3 repz handled above */
    /* 0xf4 hlt */

  case 0xf5: /* cmc */
    EFLAGS ^= CF;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xf6:
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    switch (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) {
    case 0x00: /* test mem byte, imm */
      instr_flags(instr_read_byte(mem) & *(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2+inst_len), 0x80, &EFLAGS);
      eip += inst_len + 3; break;
    case 0x08: return 0;
    case 0x10: /*not byte*/
      instr_write_byte(mem, ~instr_read_byte(mem));
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x18: /*neg byte*/
      instr_write_byte(mem, instr_binary_byte(7, 0, instr_read_byte(mem), &EFLAGS));
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x20: /*mul byte*/
      AX = AL * instr_read_byte(mem);
      EFLAGS &= ~(CF|OF);
      if (AH)
        EFLAGS |= (CF|OF);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x28: /*imul byte*/
      AX = (signed char)AL * (signed char)instr_read_byte(mem);
      EFLAGS &= ~(CF|OF);
      if (AH)
        EFLAGS |= (CF|OF);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x30: /*div byte*/
      und = AX;
      uc = instr_read_byte(mem);
      if (uc == 0) return 0;
      und2 = und / uc;
      if (und2 & 0xffffff00) return 0;
      AL = und2 & 0xff;
      AH = und % uc;
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x38: /*idiv byte*/
      i = (short)AX;
      uc = instr_read_byte(mem);
      if (uc == 0) return 0;
      i2 = i / (signed char)uc;
      if (i2<-128 || i2>127) return 0;
      AL = i2 & 0xff;
      AH = i % (signed char)uc;
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xf7:
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    switch (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) {
    case 0x00: /* test mem word, imm */
      if (x86->operand_size == 4) return 0;
      instr_flags(instr_read_word(mem) & R_WORD(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 2+inst_len)), 0x8000, &EFLAGS);
      eip += inst_len + 4; break;
    case 0x08: return 0;
    case 0x10: /*not word*/
      x86->instr_write(mem, ~x86->instr_read(mem));
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x18: /*neg word*/
      x86->instr_write(mem, x86->instr_binary(7, 0, x86->instr_read(mem), &EFLAGS));
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x20: /*mul word*/
      if (x86->operand_size == 4) return 0;
      und = AX * instr_read_word(mem);
      AX = und & 0xffff;
      DX = und >> 16;
      EFLAGS &= ~(CF|OF);
      if (DX)
        EFLAGS |= (CF|OF);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x28: /*imul word*/
      if (x86->operand_size == 4) return 0;
      i = (short)AX * (short)instr_read_word(mem);
      AX = i & 0xffff;
      DX = i >> 16;
      EFLAGS &= ~(CF|OF);
      if (DX)
        EFLAGS |= (CF|OF);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x30: /*div word*/
      if (x86->operand_size == 4) return 0;
      und = ((uint32_t)DX<<16) + AX;
      uns = instr_read_word(mem);
      if (uns == 0) return 0;
      und2 = und / uns;
      if (und2 & 0xffff0000) return 0;
      AX = und2 & 0xffff;
      DX = und % uns;
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x38: /*idiv word*/
      if (x86->operand_size == 4) return 0;
      i = ((uint32_t)DX<<16) + AX;
      uns = instr_read_word(mem);
      if (uns == 0) return 0;
      i2 = i / (short)uns;
      if (i2<-32768 || i2>32767) return 0;
      AX = i2 & 0xffff;
      DX = i % (short)uns;
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;

  case 0xf8: /* clc */
    EFLAGS &= ~CF;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xf9: /* stc */
    EFLAGS |= CF;
    eip++; break;

    /* 0xfa cli 0xfb sti */

  case 0xfc: /* cld */
    EFLAGS &= ~DF;
    loop_inc = 1;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xfd: /* std */
    EFLAGS |= DF;
    loop_inc = -1;
    eip++; break;

  case 0xfe: /* inc/dec mem */
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    uc = instr_read_byte(mem);
    switch (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) {
    case 0x00:
      EFLAGS &= ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      OPandFLAG0(unl, incb, uc, =q);
      EFLAGS |= unl & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      instr_write_byte(mem, uc);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x08:
      EFLAGS &= ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      OPandFLAG0(unl, decb, uc, =q);
      EFLAGS |= unl & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      instr_write_byte(mem, uc);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
      return 0;

  case 0xff:
    if (x86->operand_size == 4) return 0;
    mem = x86->modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + eip), x86, &inst_len);
    uns = instr_read_word(mem);
    switch (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + eip + 1)&0x38) {
    case 0x00: /* inc */
      EFLAGS &= ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      OPandFLAG0(unl, incw, uns, =r);
      EFLAGS |= unl & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      instr_write_word(mem, uns);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x08: /* dec */
      EFLAGS &= ~(OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      OPandFLAG0(unl, decw, uns, =r);
      EFLAGS |= unl & (OF|ZF|SF|PF|AF);
      instr_write_word(mem, uns);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
    case 0x10: /*call near*/
      push(eip + inst_len + 2, x86);
      eip = uns;

    case 0x18: /*call far*/
      if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
        return 0;
      else {
        push(x86->cs, x86);
        x86->cs = instr_read_word(mem+2);
        push(eip + inst_len + 2, x86);
        SREG(cs)  = x86->cs;
        x86->cs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->cs, 0);
        eip = uns;
        cs = x86->cs_base;

    case 0x20: /*jmp near*/
      eip = uns;

    case 0x28: /*jmp far*/
      if (pmode || x86->operand_size == 4)
        return 0;
      else {
        x86->cs = instr_read_word(mem+2);
        SREG(cs)  = x86->cs;
        x86->cs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->cs, 0);
        eip = uns;
        cs = x86->cs_base;

    case 0x30: /*push*/
      push(uns, x86);
      eip += inst_len + 2; break;
      return 0;

  default:		/* First byte doesn't match anything */
    return 0;
  }	/* switch (cs[eip]) */

  eip &= wordmask[(x86->_32bit + 1) * 2];
  x86->eip = eip;

#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 2

  return 1;

static void scp_to_x86_regs(x86_regs *x86, sigcontext_t *scp, int pmode)
  if(pmode) {
    x86->eax = _eax;
    x86->ebx = _ebx;
    x86->ecx = _ecx;
    x86->edx = _edx;
    x86->esi = _esi;
    x86->edi = _edi;
    x86->ebp = _ebp;
    x86->esp = _esp;
    x86->eip = _eip;
    x86->eflags = _eflags;
    x86->cs = _cs;
    x86->ds = _ds;
    x86->es = _es;
    x86->ss = _ss;
    x86->fs = _fs;
    x86->gs = _gs;
    x86->cs_base = GetSegmentBase(_cs);
    x86->ds_base = GetSegmentBase(_ds);
    x86->es_base = GetSegmentBase(_es);
    x86->ss_base = GetSegmentBase(_ss);
    x86->fs_base = GetSegmentBase(_fs);
    x86->gs_base = GetSegmentBase(_gs);
    x86->_32bit = _cs && dpmi_segment_is32(_cs) ? 1 : 0;
  else {
    x86->eax = REG(eax);
    x86->ebx = REG(ebx);
    x86->ecx = REG(ecx);
    x86->edx = REG(edx);
    x86->esi = REG(esi);
    x86->edi = REG(edi);
    x86->ebp = REG(ebp);
    x86->esp = REG(esp);
    x86->eip = REG(eip);
    x86->eflags = REG(eflags);
    x86->cs = SREG(cs);
    x86->ds = SREG(ds);
    x86->es = SREG(es);
    x86->ss = SREG(ss);
    x86->fs = SREG(fs);
    x86->gs = SREG(gs);
    x86->cs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->cs, 0);
    x86->ds_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->ds, 0);
    x86->es_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->es, 0);
    x86->ss_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->ss, 0);
    x86->fs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->fs, 0);
    x86->gs_base = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86->gs, 0);
    x86->_32bit = 0;

static void x86_regs_to_scp(x86_regs *x86, sigcontext_t *scp, int pmode)
  if(pmode) {
    _cs = x86->cs;
    _ds = x86->ds;
    _es = x86->es;
    _fs = x86->fs;
    _gs = x86->gs;
    _ss = x86->ss;
    _eax = x86->eax;
    _ebx = x86->ebx;
    _ecx = x86->ecx;
    _edx = x86->edx;
    _esi = x86->esi;
    _edi = x86->edi;
    _ebp = x86->ebp;
    _esp = x86->esp;
    _eip = x86->eip;
    _eflags = x86->eflags;
  else {
    REG(eax) = x86->eax;
    REG(ebx) = x86->ebx;
    REG(ecx) = x86->ecx;
    REG(edx) = x86->edx;
    REG(esi) = x86->esi;
    REG(edi) = x86->edi;
    REG(ebp) = x86->ebp;
    REG(esp) = x86->esp;
    REG(eip) = x86->eip;
    REG(eflags) = x86->eflags;

 * description:
 * instr_emu is the main interface to instr_sim. It puts the processor
 * state in the x86 structure.
 * arguments:
 * scp - A pointer to a sigcontext_t holding some relevant data.
 * pmode - flags protected mode
 * cnt - number of instructions to be simulated

int instr_emu(sigcontext_t *scp, int pmode, int cnt)
#if DEBUG_INSTR >= 1
  int refseg, rc;
  int i = 0;
  x86_regs x86;

  scp_to_x86_regs(&x86, scp, pmode);
  count = cnt ? : COUNT + 1;
  x86.prefixes = 1;

  do {
    if (!instr_sim(&x86, pmode)) {
      if (debug_level('v')) {
        dosaddr_t cp = SEGOFF2LINEAR(x86.cs_base, x86.eip);
        unsigned int ref;
        char frmtbuf[256];
        dis_8086(cp, frmtbuf, x86._32bit ? 3 : 0, &ref, x86.cs_base);
        instr_deb("vga_emu_fault: %u bytes not simulated %d: %s fault addr=%08x\n",
            instr_len(MEM_BASE32(cp), x86._32bit), count, frmtbuf, (unsigned) _cr2);
    if (!cnt && signal_pending())
  } while (--count > 0);

  if (debug_level('v') >= 5)
    instr_deb("simulated %i, left %i\n", i, count);
  if (i == 0) /* really an unknown instruction from the beginning */
    return False;

  x86_regs_to_scp(&x86, scp, pmode);
  return True;

int decode_modify_segreg_insn(sigcontext_t *scp, int pmode,
    unsigned int *new_val)
  unsigned char *mem;
  unsigned cs;
  int inst_len, ret = -1;
  x86_regs x86;

  scp_to_x86_regs(&x86, scp, pmode);

  cs = x86.cs_base;
  x86.prefixes = handle_prefixes(&x86);
  x86.eip += x86.prefixes;

  switch(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip)) {
    case 0x8e:		/* mov segreg,r/m16 */
      ret = sreg_idx(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3);
      mem = x86.modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip), &x86, &inst_len);
      if ((*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) & 0xc0) == 0xc0)  /* compensate for mov r,segreg */
        mem = (unsigned char *)reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1), &x86);
      *new_val = instr_read_word(mem);
      x86.eip += inst_len + 2;

    case 0xca: /*retf imm 16*/
    case 0xcb: /*retf*/
    case 0xcf: /*iret*/
      unsigned tmp_eip;
      pop(&tmp_eip, &x86);
      pop(new_val, &x86);
      ret = cs_INDEX;
      switch (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip)) {
        case 0xca: /*retf imm 16*/
	  x86.esp += ((unsigned short *) (MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1)))[0];
        case 0xcf: /*iret*/
	  unsigned flags;
          pop(&flags, &x86);
	  x86.eflags = flags;
      x86.eip = tmp_eip;

    case 0xea:			/* jmp seg:off16/off32 */
      unsigned tmp_eip;
      tmp_eip = x86.instr_read(MEM_BASE32(x86.cs_base + x86.eip + 1));
      *new_val = instr_read_word(MEM_BASE32(x86.cs_base + x86.eip + 1 + x86.operand_size));
      ret = cs_INDEX;
      x86.eip = tmp_eip;

    case 0xc4:		/* les */
      mem = x86.modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip), &x86, &inst_len);
      *new_val = instr_read_word(mem+x86.operand_size);
      if (x86.operand_size == 2)
	R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86)) = instr_read_word(mem);
	*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86) = instr_read_dword(mem);
      ret = es_INDEX;
      x86.eip += inst_len + 2;

    case 0xc5:		/* lds */
      mem = x86.modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip), &x86, &inst_len);
      *new_val = instr_read_word(mem+x86.operand_size);
      if (x86.operand_size == 2)
	R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86)) = instr_read_word(mem);
	*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86) = instr_read_dword(mem);
      ret = ds_INDEX;
      x86.eip += inst_len + 2;

    case 0x07:	/* pop es */
    case 0x17:	/* pop ss */
    case 0x1f:	/* pop ds */
      ret = sreg_idx(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip) >> 3);
      pop(new_val, &x86);

    case 0x0f:
      switch (*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip)) {
        case 0xa1:	/* pop fs */
        case 0xa9:	/* pop gs */
	  pop(new_val, &x86);
	  ret = sreg_idx(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip) >> 3);

	case 0xb2:	/* lss */
	  mem = x86.modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip), &x86, &inst_len);
	  *new_val = instr_read_word(mem+x86.operand_size);
	  if (x86.operand_size == 2)
	    R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86)) = instr_read_word(mem);
	    *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86) = instr_read_dword(mem);
	  ret = ss_INDEX;
	  x86.eip += inst_len + 2;

	case 0xb4:	/* lfs */
	  mem = x86.modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip), &x86, &inst_len);
	  *new_val = instr_read_word(mem+x86.operand_size);
	  if (x86.operand_size == 2)
	    R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86)) = instr_read_word(mem);
	    *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86) = instr_read_dword(mem);
	  ret = fs_INDEX;
	  x86.eip += inst_len + 2;

	case 0xb5:	/* lgs */
	  mem = x86.modrm(MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip), &x86, &inst_len);
	  *new_val = instr_read_word(mem+x86.operand_size);
	  if (x86.operand_size == 2)
	    R_WORD(*reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86)) = instr_read_word(mem);
	    *reg(*(unsigned char *)MEM_BASE32(cs + x86.eip + 1) >> 3, &x86) = instr_read_dword(mem);
	  ret = gs_INDEX;
	  x86.eip += inst_len + 2;

  x86_regs_to_scp(&x86, scp, pmode);
  return ret;