/* * All modifications in this file to the original code are * (C) Copyright 1992, ..., 2014 the "DOSEMU-Development-Team". * * for details see file COPYING in the DOSEMU distribution */ /*********************************************** * File: DOSDBG.C * Program for DOSEMU * Written: 12/15/93 by Tim Bird * * NOTES: * DOSDBG supports the following commands: * DOSDBG * shows the current state of the debug variables * DOSDBG string * where string contains letters and + and - which allow the * various debug options to be turned on and off * DOSDBG HELP or DOSDBG ? * show usage information for DOSDBG ??? * * Modified: 03/14/95 by Kang-Jin Lee * sync'd debug flags with pre0.53.49 * cosmetic changes * 03/27/95 minor changes * Modified: 05/14/95 * sync'd debug flags with 0.60.2+ * Modified: 08/18/95 by PeaK * added support for debug levels (they're used by PIC emulation) * Modified: 11/05/95 by Michael Beck * sync'd debug flags with ***********************************************/ #include /* printf */ #include #include #include "emu.h" #include "memory.h" #include "doshelpers.h" #include "builtins.h" #include "dosdbg.h" #define printf com_printf #define FP_OFF(x) DOSEMU_LMHEAP_OFFS_OF(x) #define FP_SEG(x) DOSEMU_LMHEAP_SEG typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned int uint16; #define CARRY_FLAG 1 /* carry bit in flags register */ #define CC_SUCCESS 0 #define MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH 100 static void Usage(void) { printf("Usage: EMUCONF [string|HELP]\n"); printf("If no string is specified, then EMUCONF will show the current debug settings.\n"); printf(" If HELP is specified, then this screen is displayed. Otherwise \n"); printf(" is parsed and used to change the current debug settings.\n\n"); printf(" can contain letters, and the '+' and '-' characters.\n"); printf(" Letters denote specific message classes, except for 'a' which is\n"); printf(" shorthand for all classes\n\n"); printf("Any classes following a '+', up until the end of string or a '-',\n"); printf(" will be turned on. Likewise, any classes following a '-', to the\n"); printf(" end of string or a '+' will be turned off.\n\n"); printf("The character 'a' acts like a string of all possible debugging classes,\n"); printf(" so \"-a\" turns all message off, and \"+a-RW\" would turn all messages\n"); printf(" on except for disk Read and Write messages."); } static uint16 SetDebugString(char *debugStr) { return SetDebugFlagsHelper(debugStr); } static void ShowDebugString(void) { char s[1024]; printf("Current debug message class settings:\n"); if (!GetDebugInfoHelper(s, sizeof s)) printf("Warning: output truncated!\n"); printf("%s\n", s); } static uint16 ParseAndSetDebugString(char *userDebugStr) { uint16 ccode; char debugStr[MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH]; int i, j, k; char cls, value; #ifdef X_SUPPORT const char debugAll[] = "-d-R-W-D-C-v-X-k-i-T-s-m-#-p-g-c-w-h-I-E-x-M-n-P-r-S-e"; #else const char debugAll[] = "-d-R-W-D-C-v-k-i-T-s-m-#-p-g-c-w-h-I-E-x-M-n-P-r-S-e"; #endif /*expand the user string to a canonical form *by inserting a value before each class letter, and *by replacing 'a' with all values */ j = 0; value = '+'; /* assume ON for start of string */ for (i = 0; i < strlen(userDebugStr); i++) { cls = userDebugStr[i]; /* change sense of value if required */ if (cls == '+' || cls == '-' || (cls >= '0' && cls <= '9')) { value = cls; continue; } if (cls == 'a') { strcpy(debugStr, debugAll); j = strlen(debugStr); for (k = 0; k < j; k += 2) debugStr[k] = value; continue; } debugStr[j++] = value; debugStr[j++] = cls; } debugStr[j] = 0; ccode = SetDebugString(debugStr); if (ccode == 0) { printf("Debug settings were adjusted...\n"); ShowDebugString(); } return (ccode); } int emuconf_main(int argc, char **argv) { uint16 ccode; /* need to parse the command line */ /* if no parameters, then just show current mappings */ if (argc == 1) { ShowDebugString(); return (0); } if (strequalDOS(argv[1], "HELP") || argv[1][0] == '?') { Usage(); return (0); } if (argc == 2) { ccode = ParseAndSetDebugString(argv[1]); } else { /* if wrong number of parameters, force a usage screen */ ccode = 1; } if (ccode) { Usage(); } return (ccode); }