---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nov 25 1995 - From Michael Beck : Fix to debugger D command Sep 27 1995 * Released DOSEMU Debugger V0.3 (by Hans Lermen ) - Enhanced dosdebug: Now 'kill' runs through 3 steps, first tries to terminate via 'leavedos()', then (after 2 second) tries 'kill SIGTERM', then kills the hard way by 'kill SIGKILL'. So, please wait what dosdebug is doing before you 'kill' manually. After doing SIGKILL, it offers the user to switch to another console. In conjunction with 'savetextmode' and 'textmode' out of SVGA-package and 'kbd_mode -a' we can recover from a total hang (however, you need to remote login). See README.recover for more info. New command: 'console n', where n is the console you want to switch to. This command can be given independend to 'kill'. - New commands: 'bpload', this sets a one-time break point to the entry point of the next program that will be loaded by DOS. So now you can debug a DOS-program from the very beginning. 'tf', this forces a single step over IRET and popf. I know this is a work around, but I did not succeed to fix the clearing of TF. - Changes to 'r' command, realized modifying of 32-bit register. e.g: 'r EAX 0x12345678' now works. - Fixed wrong low memory handling, know a20 is checked and then assumes 0x10fff0 as a valid real mode address. - several fixes on the disassembler output, mainly for SEG16 mode. - Changes to dpmi.c, so know the debugger reacts even if in DPMI, however, you will see only HLT if single stepping. But you may examine the data. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sep 16 1995 * Released DOSEMU Debugger V0.2 (by Hans Lermen ) - Integration into pre- - Replaced telnet type login by secure 'dosdebug' terminal. Added 'last command once more' when typing ENTER. Can handle debugging of more then one dosemu process. - Changes to emumod to better support the debug. - Avoided performance lost, general code optimization. Now debugger *realy* sleeps when not active. - New commands: kill, help. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 2 1995 * Released DOSEMU Debugger V0.1 (by Max Parke ) - based on dosemu-0.60.1