ARG from=alpine:latest FROM ${from} as build # # Install build tools # RUN apk update RUN apk add git gcc make # # Create build directory # RUN mkdir -p /usr/local/src/repositories WORKDIR /usr/local/src/repositories # # Shallow clone the FreeRADIUS source # ARG source= ARG release=v3.0.x RUN git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch ${release} ${source} WORKDIR freeradius-server # # Install build dependencies # # essential RUN apk add libc-dev talloc-dev RUN apk add openssl openssl-dev RUN apk add linux-headers # general RUN apk add pcre-dev libidn-dev krb5-dev samba-dev curl-dev json-c-dev RUN apk add openldap-dev unbound-dev # languages RUN apk add ruby-dev perl-dev python2-dev # databases RUN apk add hiredis-dev libmemcached-dev gdbm-dev libcouchbase-dev # sql RUN apk add postgresql-dev mariadb-dev unixodbc-dev sqlite-dev # # Build the server # RUN ./configure --prefix=/opt RUN make -j2 RUN make install RUN rm /opt/lib/*.a # # Clean environment and run the server # FROM ${from} COPY --from=build /opt /opt # # These are needed for the server to start # RUN apk update \ && apk add talloc libressl pcre libwbclient tzdata \ \ # # Libraries that are needed dependent on which modules are used # Some of these (especially the languages) are huge. A reasonable # selection has been enabled here. If you use modules needing # other dependencies then install any others required in your # local Dockerfile. # && apk add libcurl json-c libldap hiredis sqlite-dev \ #RUN apk add libidn krb5 #RUN apk add unbound-libs #RUN apk add ruby-libs perl python2-dev #RUN apk add libmemcached gdbm libcouchbase #RUN apk add postgresql-dev mariadb-dev unixodbc-dev \ && ln -s /opt/etc/raddb /etc/raddb COPY / EXPOSE 1812/udp 1813/udp ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["radiusd"]