# -*- text -*- # Copyright (C) 2019 The FreeRADIUS Server project and contributors # This work is licensed under CC-BY version 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 # # Version $Id: b954351fd5bd135752f3b1b931ab7a9f203b934b $ # # DO NOT EDIT THE FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY # # The files in this directory are maintained and updated by # the FreeRADIUS project. Newer releases of software may update # or change these files. # # Use the main dictionary file (usually /etc/raddb/dictionary) # for local system attributes and $INCLUDEs. # # # # This file contains dictionary translations for parsing # requests and generating responses. All transactions are # composed of Attribute/Value Pairs. The value of each attribute # is specified as one of a few data types. Valid data types are: # # string - printable text, generally UTF-8 encoded. (The RFCs call this "text") # ipaddr - 4 octets in network byte order # ipv4prefix - 1 octet reserved, one octet prefix, 4 octets ipaddr # integer - 32 bit value in big endian order # integer64 - 64 bit value in big endian order # date - 32 bit value in big endian order - seconds since # 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970 # ifid - 8 octets in network byte order # ipv6addr - 16 octets in network byte order # ipv6prefix - 1 octet reserved, one octet prefix, 16 octets ipv6addr # tlv - type-length-value # # FreeRADIUS includes data types which are not defined # in the RFC's. These data types are: # # abinary - Ascend's binary filter format. # byte - 8 bit unsigned integer # ether - 6 octets of hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh # where 'h' is hex digits, upper or lowercase. # short - 16-bit unsigned integer in network byte order # signed - 32-bit signed integer in network byte order # octets - raw octets, printed and input as hex strings. # e.g.: 0x123456789abcdef The RFCs call this "string". # # FreeRADIUS uses a number of data types which are defined in # RFC 6929. These data types should NEVER be used in any other # dictionary. We won't even list them here. # # # Enumerated values are stored in the user file with dictionary # VALUE translations for easy administration. # # Example: # # ATTRIBUTE VALUE # --------------- ----- # Framed-Protocol = PPP # 7 = 1 (integer encoding) # # # Include compatibility dictionary for older users file. Move # this directive to the end of this file if you want to see the # old names in the logfiles, instead of the new names. # $INCLUDE dictionary.compat # # These dictionaries define attributes in the IETF managed space. # (i.e. 1..255). This is wrong. We include them here to allow them. # The IETF allocated ones are listed below, which gives them priority. # # i.e. don't do this. Don't use these attributes # $INCLUDE dictionary.usr.illegal $INCLUDE dictionary.ascend.illegal # # IETF allocated attributes and values. Split out into # the RFC which defined them. # # For a complete list of the standard attributes and values, # see: # http://www.iana.org/assignments/radius-types # $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2865 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2866 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2867 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2868 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc2869 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3162 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3576 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc3580 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4072 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4372 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4603 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4675 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4679 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4818 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc4849 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc5176 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc5447 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc5580 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc5607 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc5904 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc6519 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc6572 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc6677 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc6911 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc6929 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc6930 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc7055 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc7155 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc7268 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc7499 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc7930 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc8045 $INCLUDE dictionary.rfc8559 # # Mostly values which have been allocated by IANA under # "expert review", but which don't have an RFC associated with them. # $INCLUDE dictionary.iana # # Commented out because of attribute conflicts. # #$INCLUDE dictionary.alvarion.wimax.v2_2 #$INCLUDE dictionary.nokia.conflict #$INCLUDE dictionary.openser #$INCLUDE dictionary.starent.vsa1 #$INCLUDE dictionary.wimax.wichorus # # Vendor dictionaries are listed after the standard ones. # $INCLUDE dictionary.3com $INCLUDE dictionary.3gpp $INCLUDE dictionary.3gpp2 $INCLUDE dictionary.acc $INCLUDE dictionary.acme $INCLUDE dictionary.actelis $INCLUDE dictionary.adtran $INCLUDE dictionary.aerohive $INCLUDE dictionary.airespace $INCLUDE dictionary.alcatel $INCLUDE dictionary.alcatel-lucent.aaa $INCLUDE dictionary.alcatel.esam $INCLUDE dictionary.alcatel.sr $INCLUDE dictionary.alteon $INCLUDE dictionary.altiga $INCLUDE dictionary.alvarion $INCLUDE dictionary.apc $INCLUDE dictionary.aptilo $INCLUDE dictionary.aptis $INCLUDE dictionary.arbor $INCLUDE dictionary.arista $INCLUDE dictionary.aruba $INCLUDE dictionary.ascend $INCLUDE dictionary.asn $INCLUDE dictionary.audiocodes $INCLUDE dictionary.avaya $INCLUDE dictionary.azaire $INCLUDE dictionary.bay $INCLUDE dictionary.bigswitch $INCLUDE dictionary.bintec $INCLUDE dictionary.bluecoat $INCLUDE dictionary.boingo $INCLUDE dictionary.bristol $INCLUDE dictionary.broadsoft $INCLUDE dictionary.brocade $INCLUDE dictionary.bskyb $INCLUDE dictionary.bt $INCLUDE dictionary.cablelabs $INCLUDE dictionary.cabletron $INCLUDE dictionary.cambium $INCLUDE dictionary.camiant $INCLUDE dictionary.centec $INCLUDE dictionary.checkpoint $INCLUDE dictionary.chillispot $INCLUDE dictionary.cisco $INCLUDE dictionary.cisco.asa # # The Cisco VPN300 dictionary uses the same Vendor ID as the ASA one. # You shouldn't use both at the same time. # # Note : the altiga dictionary, not listed here, also uses the same Vendor ID # #$INCLUDE dictionary.cisco.vpn3000 $INCLUDE dictionary.cisco.bbsm $INCLUDE dictionary.cisco.vpn5000 $INCLUDE dictionary.citrix $INCLUDE dictionary.clavister $INCLUDE dictionary.cnergee $INCLUDE dictionary.colubris $INCLUDE dictionary.columbia_university $INCLUDE dictionary.compatible $INCLUDE dictionary.cosine $INCLUDE dictionary.dante $INCLUDE dictionary.dellemc $INCLUDE dictionary.digium $INCLUDE dictionary.dlink $INCLUDE dictionary.dragonwave $INCLUDE dictionary.efficientip $INCLUDE dictionary.eltex $INCLUDE dictionary.epygi $INCLUDE dictionary.equallogic $INCLUDE dictionary.ericsson $INCLUDE dictionary.ericsson.ab $INCLUDE dictionary.ericsson.packet.core.networks $INCLUDE dictionary.erx $INCLUDE dictionary.extreme $INCLUDE dictionary.f5 $INCLUDE dictionary.fdxtended $INCLUDE dictionary.force10 $INCLUDE dictionary.fortinet $INCLUDE dictionary.foundry $INCLUDE dictionary.freeradius $INCLUDE dictionary.freeswitch $INCLUDE dictionary.gandalf $INCLUDE dictionary.garderos $INCLUDE dictionary.gemtek $INCLUDE dictionary.h3c $INCLUDE dictionary.hillstone $INCLUDE dictionary.hp $INCLUDE dictionary.huawei $INCLUDE dictionary.iea $INCLUDE dictionary.infinera $INCLUDE dictionary.infoblox $INCLUDE dictionary.infonet $INCLUDE dictionary.ipunplugged $INCLUDE dictionary.issanni $INCLUDE dictionary.itk $INCLUDE dictionary.juniper $INCLUDE dictionary.karlnet $INCLUDE dictionary.kineto $INCLUDE dictionary.lancom $INCLUDE dictionary.lantronix $INCLUDE dictionary.livingston $INCLUDE dictionary.localweb $INCLUDE dictionary.lucent $INCLUDE dictionary.manzara $INCLUDE dictionary.meinberg $INCLUDE dictionary.meraki $INCLUDE dictionary.merit $INCLUDE dictionary.meru $INCLUDE dictionary.microsemi $INCLUDE dictionary.microsoft $INCLUDE dictionary.mikrotik $INCLUDE dictionary.mimosa $INCLUDE dictionary.motorola $INCLUDE dictionary.motorola.wimax $INCLUDE dictionary.navini $INCLUDE dictionary.net $INCLUDE dictionary.netscreen $INCLUDE dictionary.networkphysics $INCLUDE dictionary.nexans $INCLUDE dictionary.nokia $INCLUDE dictionary.nomadix $INCLUDE dictionary.nortel $INCLUDE dictionary.ntua $INCLUDE dictionary.packeteer $INCLUDE dictionary.paloalto $INCLUDE dictionary.patton $INCLUDE dictionary.perle $INCLUDE dictionary.pfsense $INCLUDE dictionary.pica8 $INCLUDE dictionary.propel $INCLUDE dictionary.prosoft $INCLUDE dictionary.proxim $INCLUDE dictionary.purewave $INCLUDE dictionary.quiconnect $INCLUDE dictionary.quintum $INCLUDE dictionary.rcntec $INCLUDE dictionary.redcreek $INCLUDE dictionary.riverbed $INCLUDE dictionary.riverstone $INCLUDE dictionary.roaringpenguin $INCLUDE dictionary.ruckus $INCLUDE dictionary.ruggedcom $INCLUDE dictionary.sangoma $INCLUDE dictionary.sg $INCLUDE dictionary.shasta $INCLUDE dictionary.shiva $INCLUDE dictionary.siemens $INCLUDE dictionary.slipstream $INCLUDE dictionary.sofaware $INCLUDE dictionary.softbank $INCLUDE dictionary.sonicwall $INCLUDE dictionary.springtide $INCLUDE dictionary.starent $INCLUDE dictionary.surfnet $INCLUDE dictionary.symbol $INCLUDE dictionary.t_systems_nova $INCLUDE dictionary.telebit $INCLUDE dictionary.telkom $INCLUDE dictionary.telrad $INCLUDE dictionary.terena $INCLUDE dictionary.trapeze $INCLUDE dictionary.travelping $INCLUDE dictionary.tripplite $INCLUDE dictionary.tropos $INCLUDE dictionary.ukerna $INCLUDE dictionary.unix $INCLUDE dictionary.usr $INCLUDE dictionary.utstarcom $INCLUDE dictionary.valemount $INCLUDE dictionary.vasexperts $INCLUDE dictionary.verizon $INCLUDE dictionary.versanet $INCLUDE dictionary.walabi $INCLUDE dictionary.waverider $INCLUDE dictionary.wichorus $INCLUDE dictionary.wifialliance $INCLUDE dictionary.wimax $INCLUDE dictionary.wispr $INCLUDE dictionary.xedia $INCLUDE dictionary.xylan $INCLUDE dictionary.yubico $INCLUDE dictionary.zeus $INCLUDE dictionary.zte $INCLUDE dictionary.zyxel # # And finally the server internal attributes. # These are attributes which NEVER go into a RADIUS packet. # $INCLUDE dictionary.freeradius.internal