/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: ab2d9d0ab8bec872243555323f0b8d9f82ba4904 $ * * @brief Wrapper functions around the libcouchbase Couchbase client driver. * @file couchbase.c * * @author Aaron Hurt * @copyright 2013-2014 The FreeRADIUS Server Project. */ RCSID("$Id: ab2d9d0ab8bec872243555323f0b8d9f82ba4904 $") #include #include "couchbase.h" #include "jsonc_missing.h" /** Couchbase callback for cluster statistics requests * * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param cookie Couchbase cookie for returning information from callbacks. * @param error Couchbase error object. * @param resp Couchbase statistics response object. */ void couchbase_stat_callback(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, lcb_error_t error, const lcb_server_stat_resp_t *resp) { if (error != LCB_SUCCESS) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (stats_callback) %s (0x%x)", lcb_strerror(instance, error), error); } /* silent compiler */ (void)cookie; (void)resp; } /** Couchbase callback for store (write) operations * * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param cookie Couchbase cookie for returning information from callbacks. * @param operation Couchbase storage operation object. * @param error Couchbase error object. * @param resp Couchbase store operation response object. */ void couchbase_store_callback(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, lcb_storage_t operation, lcb_error_t error, const lcb_store_resp_t *resp) { if (error != LCB_SUCCESS) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (store_callback) %s (0x%x)", lcb_strerror(instance, error), error); } /* silent compiler */ (void)cookie; (void)operation; (void)resp; } /** Couchbase callback for get (read) operations * * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param cookie Couchbase cookie for returning information from callbacks. * @param error Couchbase error object. * @param resp Couchbase get operation response object. */ void couchbase_get_callback(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, lcb_error_t error, const lcb_get_resp_t *resp) { cookie_u cu; /* union of const and non const pointers */ cu.cdata = cookie; /* set const union member to cookie passed from couchbase */ cookie_t *c = (cookie_t *) cu.data; /* set our cookie struct using non-const member */ const char *bytes = resp->v.v0.bytes; /* the payload of this chunk */ lcb_size_t nbytes = resp->v.v0.nbytes; /* length of this data chunk */ /* check error */ switch (error) { case LCB_SUCCESS: /* check for valid bytes */ if (bytes && nbytes > 1) { /* debug */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: (get_callback) got %zu bytes", nbytes); /* parse string to json object */ c->jobj = json_tokener_parse_ex(c->jtok, bytes, nbytes); /* switch on tokener error */ switch ((c->jerr = json_tokener_get_error(c->jtok))) { case json_tokener_continue: /* check object - should be null */ if (c->jobj != NULL) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (get_callback) object not null on continue!"); } break; case json_tokener_success: /* do nothing */ break; default: /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (get_callback) json parsing error: %s", json_tokener_error_desc(c->jerr)); break; } } break; case LCB_KEY_ENOENT: /* ignored */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: (get_callback) key does not exist"); break; default: /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (get_callback) %s (0x%x)", lcb_strerror(instance, error), error); break; } } /** Couchbase callback for http (view) operations * * @param request Couchbase http request object. * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param cookie Couchbase cookie for returning information from callbacks. * @param error Couchbase error object. * @param resp Couchbase http response object. */ void couchbase_http_data_callback(lcb_http_request_t request, lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, lcb_error_t error, const lcb_http_resp_t *resp) { cookie_u cu; /* union of const and non const pointers */ cu.cdata = cookie; /* set const union member to cookie passed from couchbase */ cookie_t *c = (cookie_t *) cu.data; /* set our cookie struct using non-const member */ const char *bytes = resp->v.v0.bytes; /* the payload of this chunk */ lcb_size_t nbytes = resp->v.v0.nbytes; /* length of this data chunk */ /* check error */ switch (error) { case LCB_SUCCESS: /* check for valid bytes */ if (bytes && nbytes > 1) { /* debug */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: (http_data_callback) got %zu bytes", nbytes); /* parse string to json object */ c->jobj = json_tokener_parse_ex(c->jtok, bytes, nbytes); /* switch on tokener error */ switch ((c->jerr = json_tokener_get_error(c->jtok))) { case json_tokener_continue: /* check object - should be null */ if (c->jobj != NULL) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (http_data_callback) object not null on continue!"); } break; case json_tokener_success: /* do nothing */ break; default: /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (http_data_callback) json parsing error: %s", json_tokener_error_desc(c->jerr)); break; } } break; default: /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: (http_data_callback) %s (0x%x)", lcb_strerror(instance, error), error); break; } /* silent compiler */ (void)request; } /** Initialize a Couchbase connection instance * * Initialize all information relating to a Couchbase instance and configure available method callbacks. * This function forces synchronous operation and will wait for a connection or timeout. * * @param instance Empty (un-allocated) Couchbase instance object. * @param host The Couchbase server or list of servers. * @param bucket The Couchbase bucket to associate with the instance. * @param pass The Couchbase bucket password (NULL if none). * @return Couchbase error object. */ lcb_error_t couchbase_init_connection(lcb_t *instance, const char *host, const char *bucket, const char *pass) { lcb_error_t error; /* couchbase command return */ struct lcb_create_st options; /* init create struct */ /* init options */ memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options)); /* assign couchbase create options */ options.v.v0.host = host; options.v.v0.bucket = bucket; /* assign user and password if they were both passed */ if (bucket != NULL && pass != NULL) { options.v.v0.user = bucket; options.v.v0.passwd = pass; } /* create couchbase connection instance */ if ((error = lcb_create(instance, &options)) != LCB_SUCCESS) { /* return error */ return error; } /* initiate connection */ if ((error = lcb_connect(*instance)) == LCB_SUCCESS) { /* set general method callbacks */ lcb_set_stat_callback(*instance, couchbase_stat_callback); lcb_set_store_callback(*instance, couchbase_store_callback); lcb_set_get_callback(*instance, couchbase_get_callback); lcb_set_http_data_callback(*instance, couchbase_http_data_callback); /* wait on connection */ lcb_wait(*instance); } else { /* return error */ return error; } /* return instance */ return error; } /** Request Couchbase server statistics * * Setup and execute a request for cluster statistics and wait for the result. * * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param cookie Couchbase cookie for returning information from callbacks. * @return Couchbase error object. */ lcb_error_t couchbase_server_stats(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie) { lcb_error_t error; /* couchbase command return */ lcb_server_stats_cmd_t cmd; /* server stats command stuct */ const lcb_server_stats_cmd_t *commands[1]; /* server stats commands array */ /* init commands */ commands[0] = &cmd; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); /* populate command struct */ cmd.v.v0.name = "tap"; cmd.v.v0.nname = strlen(cmd.v.v0.name); /* get statistics */ if ((error = lcb_server_stats(instance, cookie, 1, commands)) == LCB_SUCCESS) { /* enter event look on success */ lcb_wait(instance); } /* return error */ return error; } /** Store a document by key in Couchbase * * Setup and execute a Couchbase set operation and wait for the result. * * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param key Document key to store in the database. * @param document Document body to store in the database. * @param expire Expiration time for the document (0 = never) * @return Couchbase error object. */ lcb_error_t couchbase_set_key(lcb_t instance, const char *key, const char *document, int expire) { lcb_error_t error; /* couchbase command return */ lcb_store_cmd_t cmd; /* store command stuct */ const lcb_store_cmd_t *commands[1]; /* store commands array */ /* init commands */ commands[0] = &cmd; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); /* populate command struct */ cmd.v.v0.key = key; cmd.v.v0.nkey = strlen(cmd.v.v0.key); cmd.v.v0.bytes = document; cmd.v.v0.nbytes = strlen(cmd.v.v0.bytes); cmd.v.v0.exptime = expire; cmd.v.v0.operation = LCB_SET; /* store key/document in couchbase */ if ((error = lcb_store(instance, NULL, 1, commands)) == LCB_SUCCESS) { /* enter event loop on success */ lcb_wait(instance); } /* return error */ return error; } /** Retrieve a document by key from Couchbase * * Setup and execute a Couchbase get request and wait for the result. * * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param cookie Couchbase cookie for returning information from callbacks. * @param key Document key to fetch. * @return Couchbase error object. */ lcb_error_t couchbase_get_key(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const char *key) { cookie_u cu; /* union of const and non const pointers */ cu.cdata = cookie; /* set const union member to cookie passed from couchbase */ cookie_t *c = (cookie_t *) cu.data; /* set our cookie struct using non-const member */ lcb_error_t error; /* couchbase command return */ lcb_get_cmd_t cmd; /* get command struct */ const lcb_get_cmd_t *commands[1]; /* get commands array */ /* init commands */ commands[0] = &cmd; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); /* populate command struct */ cmd.v.v0.key = key; cmd.v.v0.nkey = strlen(cmd.v.v0.key); /* clear cookie */ memset(c, 0, sizeof(cookie_t)); /* init tokener error */ c->jerr = json_tokener_success; /* create token */ c->jtok = json_tokener_new(); /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: fetching document %s", key); /* get document */ if ((error = lcb_get(instance, c, 1, commands)) == LCB_SUCCESS) { /* enter event loop on success */ lcb_wait(instance); } /* free token */ json_tokener_free(c->jtok); /* return error */ return error; } /** Query a Couchbase design document view * * Setup and execute a Couchbase view request and wait for the result. * * @param instance Couchbase connection instance. * @param cookie Couchbase cookie for returning information from callbacks. * @param path The fully qualified view path including the design document and view name. * @param post The post payload (NULL for none). * @return Couchbase error object. */ lcb_error_t couchbase_query_view(lcb_t instance, const void *cookie, const char *path, const char *post) { cookie_u cu; /* union of const and non const pointers */ cu.cdata = cookie; /* set const union member to cookie passed from couchbase */ cookie_t *c = (cookie_t *) cu.data; /* set our cookie struct using non-const member */ lcb_error_t error; /* couchbase command return */ lcb_http_cmd_t cmd; /* http command struct */ const lcb_http_cmd_t *commands; /* http commands array */ commands = &cmd; memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); /* populate command struct */ cmd.v.v0.path = path; cmd.v.v0.npath = strlen(cmd.v.v0.path); cmd.v.v0.body = post; cmd.v.v0.nbody = post ? strlen(post) : 0; cmd.v.v0.method = post ? LCB_HTTP_METHOD_POST : LCB_HTTP_METHOD_GET; cmd.v.v0.chunked = 1; cmd.v.v0.content_type = "application/json"; /* clear cookie */ memset(c, 0, sizeof(cookie_t)); /* init tokener error */ c->jerr = json_tokener_success; /* create token */ c->jtok = json_tokener_new(); /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: fetching view %s", path); /* query the view */ if ((error = lcb_make_http_request(instance, c, LCB_HTTP_TYPE_VIEW, commands, NULL)) == LCB_SUCCESS) { /* enter event loop on success */ lcb_wait(instance); } /* free token */ json_tokener_free(c->jtok); /* return error */ return error; }