/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: 1d4e024b8d037410be86696b4f3f972fab9068ad $ * * @brief Utillity functions used in the module. * @file mod.c * * @author Aaron Hurt * @copyright 2013-2014 The FreeRADIUS Server Project. */ RCSID("$Id: 1d4e024b8d037410be86696b4f3f972fab9068ad $") #include #include "mod.h" #include "couchbase.h" #include "jsonc_missing.h" /** Delete a conneciton pool handle and free related resources * * Destroys the underlying Couchbase connection handle freeing any related * resources and closes the socket connection. * * @param chandle The connection handle to destroy. * @return Always returns 0 (success) in all conditions. */ static int _mod_conn_free(rlm_couchbase_handle_t *chandle) { lcb_t cb_inst = chandle->handle; /* couchbase instance */ /* destroy/free couchbase instance */ lcb_destroy(cb_inst); /* return */ return 0; } /** Create a new connection pool handle * * Create a new connection to Couchbase within the pool and initialize * information associated with the connection instance. * * @param ctx The connection parent context. * @param instance The module instance. * @return The new connection handle or NULL on error. */ void *mod_conn_create(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, void *instance) { rlm_couchbase_t *inst = instance; /* module instance pointer */ rlm_couchbase_handle_t *chandle = NULL; /* connection handle pointer */ cookie_t *cookie = NULL; /* couchbase cookie */ lcb_t cb_inst; /* couchbase connection instance */ lcb_error_t cb_error; /* couchbase error status */ /* create instance */ cb_error = couchbase_init_connection(&cb_inst, inst->server, inst->bucket, inst->password); /* check couchbase instance */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to initiate couchbase connection: %s (0x%x)", lcb_strerror(NULL, cb_error), cb_error); /* destroy/free couchbase instance */ lcb_destroy(cb_inst); /* fail */ return NULL; } /* allocate memory for couchbase connection instance abstraction */ chandle = talloc_zero(ctx, rlm_couchbase_handle_t); talloc_set_destructor(chandle, _mod_conn_free); /* allocate cookie off handle */ cookie = talloc_zero(chandle, cookie_t); /* init tokener error and json object */ cookie->jerr = json_tokener_success; cookie->jobj = NULL; /* populate handle */ chandle->cookie = cookie; chandle->handle = cb_inst; /* return handle struct */ return chandle; } /** Build a JSON object map from the configuration "update" section * * Parse the "map" section from the module configuration file and store this * as a JSON object (key/value list) in the module instance. This map will be * used to lookup and map attributes for all incoming accounting requests. * * @param conf Configuration section. * @param instance The module instance. * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int mod_build_attribute_element_map(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_couchbase_t *inst = instance; /* our module instance */ CONF_SECTION *cs; /* module config section */ CONF_ITEM *ci; /* config item */ CONF_PAIR *cp; /* conig pair */ const char *attribute, *element; /* attribute and element names */ /* find update section */ cs = cf_section_sub_find(conf, "update"); /* backwards compatibility */ if (!cs) { cs = cf_section_sub_find(conf, "map"); WARN("rlm_couchbase: found deprecated 'map' section - please change to 'update'"); } /* check section */ if (!cs) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to find 'update' section in config"); /* fail */ return -1; } /* create attribute map object */ inst->map = json_object_new_object(); /* parse update section */ for (ci = cf_item_find_next(cs, NULL); ci != NULL; ci = cf_item_find_next(cs, ci)) { /* validate item */ if (!cf_item_is_pair(ci)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to parse invalid item in 'update' section"); /* free map */ if (inst->map) { json_object_put(inst->map); } /* fail */ return -1; } /* get value pair from item */ cp = cf_item_to_pair(ci); /* get pair name (attribute name) */ attribute = cf_pair_attr(cp); if (!dict_attrbyname(attribute)) { ERROR("Unknown RADIUS attribute '%s'", attribute); return -1; } /* get pair value (element name) */ element = cf_pair_value(cp); /* add pair name and value */ json_object_object_add(inst->map, attribute, json_object_new_string(element)); /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: added attribute '%s' to element '%s' mapping", attribute, element); } /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: built attribute to element mapping %s", json_object_to_json_string(inst->map)); /* return */ return 0; } /** Map attributes to JSON element names * * Attempt to map the passed attribute name to the configured JSON element * name using the JSON object map mod_build_attribute_element_map(). * * @param name The character name of the requested attribute. * @param map The JSON object map to use for the lookup. * @param buf The buffer where the given element will be stored if found. * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int mod_attribute_to_element(const char *name, json_object *map, void *buf) { json_object *jval; /* json object values */ /* clear buffer */ memset((char *) buf, 0, MAX_KEY_SIZE); /* attempt to map attribute */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(map, name, &jval)) { /* copy and check size */ if (strlcpy(buf, json_object_get_string(jval), MAX_KEY_SIZE) >= MAX_KEY_SIZE) { /* oops ... this value is bigger than our buffer ... error out */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: json map value larger than MAX_KEY_SIZE - %d", MAX_KEY_SIZE); /* return fail */ return -1; } /* looks good */ return 0; } /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: skipping attribute with no map entry - %s", name); /* default return */ return -1; } /** Build value pairs from the passed JSON object and add to the request * * Parse the passed JSON object and create value pairs that will be injected into * the given request for authorization. * * Example JSON document structure: * @code{.json} * { * "docType": "raduser", * "userName": "test", * "config": { * "SHA-Password": { * "value": "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3", * "op": ":=" * } * }, * "reply": { * "Reply-Message": { * "value": "Hidey Ho!", * "op": "=" * } * } * } * @endcode * * @param json The JSON object representation of the user documnent. * @param section The pair section ("config" or "reply"). * @param request The request to which the generated pairs should be added. */ void *mod_json_object_to_value_pairs(json_object *json, const char *section, REQUEST *request) { json_object *jobj, *jval, *jop; /* json object pointers */ TALLOC_CTX *ctx; /* talloc context for fr_pair_make */ VALUE_PAIR *vp, **ptr; /* value pair and value pair pointer for fr_pair_make */ /* assign ctx and vps for fr_pair_make based on section */ if (strcmp(section, "config") == 0) { ctx = request; ptr = &(request->config); } else if (strcmp(section, "reply") == 0) { ctx = request->reply; ptr = &(request->reply->vps); } else { /* log error - this shouldn't happen */ RERROR("invalid section passed for fr_pair_make"); /* return */ return NULL; } /* get config payload */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, section, &jobj)) { /* make sure we have the correct type */ if ((jobj == NULL) || !json_object_is_type(jobj, json_type_object)) { /* log error */ RERROR("invalid json type for '%s' section - sections must be json objects", section); /* reuturn */ return NULL; } /* loop through object */ json_object_object_foreach(jobj, attribute, json_vp) { /* check for appropriate type in value and op */ if ((jobj == NULL) || !json_object_is_type(json_vp, json_type_object)) { /* log error */ RERROR("invalid json type for '%s' attribute - attributes must be json objects", attribute); /* return */ return NULL; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("parsing '%s' attribute: %s => %s", section, attribute, json_object_to_json_string(json_vp)); /* create pair from json object */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json_vp, "value", &jval) && json_object_object_get_ex(json_vp, "op", &jop)) { /* check for null before getting type */ if (jval == NULL) return NULL; /* make correct pairs based on json object type */ switch (json_object_get_type(jval)) { case json_type_double: case json_type_int: case json_type_string: /* debugging */ RDEBUG("adding '%s' attribute to '%s' section", attribute, section); /* add pair */ vp = fr_pair_make(ctx, ptr, attribute, json_object_get_string(jval), fr_str2int(fr_tokens, json_object_get_string(jop), 0)); /* check pair */ if (!vp) { RERROR("could not build value pair for '%s' attribute (%s)", attribute, fr_strerror()); /* return */ return NULL; } break; case json_type_object: case json_type_array: /* log error - we want to handle these eventually */ RERROR("skipping unhandled nested json object or array value pair object"); break; default: /* log error - this shouldn't ever happen */ RERROR("skipping unhandled json type in value pair object"); break; } } else { /* log error */ RERROR("failed to get 'value' or 'op' element for '%s' attribute", attribute); } } /* return NULL */ return NULL; } /* debugging */ RDEBUG("couldn't find '%s' section in json object - not adding value pairs for this section", section); /* return NULL */ return NULL; } /** Convert value pairs to json objects * * Take the passed value pair and convert it to a json-c JSON object. * This code is heavily based on the vp_prints_value_json() function * from src/lib/print.c. * * @param request The request object. * @param vp The value pair to convert. * @param raw_value Print all values as raw, even if enum values exist. * @return Returns a JSON object. */ json_object *mod_value_pair_to_json_object(REQUEST *request, VALUE_PAIR *vp, bool raw_value) { char value[255]; /* radius attribute value */ /* add this attribute/value pair to our json output */ if (!vp->da->flags.has_tag) { unsigned int i; switch (vp->da->type) { case PW_TYPE_INTEGER: i = vp->vp_integer; goto print_int; case PW_TYPE_SHORT: i = vp->vp_short; goto print_int; case PW_TYPE_BYTE: i = vp->vp_byte; print_int: /* add a raw value to our json output - i.e. do not try resolve enum. skip this if raw_value is false, and we have a value in the dictionary */ if (!raw_value && !vp->da->flags.has_value) break; #ifdef HAVE_JSON_OBJECT_NEW_INT64 /* debug */ RDEBUG3("creating new int64 for unsigned 32 bit int/byte/short '%s'", vp->da->name); /* return as 64 bit int - JSON spec does not support unsigned ints */ return json_object_new_int64(i); #else /* debug */ RDEBUG3("creating new int for unsigned 32 bit int/byte/short '%s'", vp->da->name); /* return as 64 bit int - JSON spec does not support unsigned ints */ return json_object_new_int(i); #endif case PW_TYPE_SIGNED: #ifdef HAVE_JSON_OBJECT_NEW_INT64 /* debug */ RDEBUG3("creating new int64 for signed 32 bit integer '%s'", vp->da->name); /* return as 64 bit int - json-c represents all ints as 64 bits internally */ return json_object_new_int64(vp->vp_signed); #else RDEBUG3("creating new int for signed 32 bit integer '%s'", vp->da->name); /* return as signed int */ return json_object_new_int(vp->vp_signed); #endif case PW_TYPE_INTEGER64: #ifdef HAVE_JSON_OBJECT_NEW_INT64 /* debug */ RDEBUG3("creating new int64 for 64 bit integer '%s'", vp->da->name); /* return as 64 bit int - because it is a 64 bit int */ return json_object_new_int64(vp->vp_integer64); #else /* warning */ RWARN("skipping 64 bit integer attribute '%s' - please upgrade json-c to 0.10+", vp->da->name); break; #endif default: /* silence warnings - do nothing */ break; } } /* keep going if not set above */ switch (vp->da->type) { case PW_TYPE_STRING: /* debug */ RDEBUG3("assigning string '%s' as string", vp->da->name); /* return string value */ return json_object_new_string(vp->vp_strvalue); default: /* debug */ RDEBUG3("assigning unhandled '%s' as string", vp->da->name); /* get standard value */ vp_prints_value(value, sizeof(value), vp, 0); /* return string value from above */ return json_object_new_string(value); } } /** Ensure accounting documents always contain a valid timestamp * * Inspect the given JSON object representation of an accounting document * fetched from Couchbase and ensuse it contains a valid (non NULL) timestamp value. * * @param json JSON object representation of an accounting document. * @param vps The value pairs associated with the current accounting request. * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int mod_ensure_start_timestamp(json_object *json, VALUE_PAIR *vps) { json_object *jval; /* json object value */ struct tm tm; /* struct to hold event time */ time_t ts = 0; /* values to hold time in seconds */ VALUE_PAIR *vp; /* values to hold value pairs */ char value[255]; /* store radius attribute values and our timestamp */ /* get our current start timestamp from our json body */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, "startTimestamp", &jval) == 0) { /* debugging ... this shouldn't ever happen */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: failed to find 'startTimestamp' in current json body"); /* return */ return -1; } /* check for null value */ if (json_object_get_string(jval) != NULL) { /* already set - nothing left to do */ return 0; } /* get current event timestamp */ if ((vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(vps, PW_EVENT_TIMESTAMP, 0, TAG_ANY)) != NULL) { /* get seconds value from attribute */ ts = vp->vp_date; } else { /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: failed to find event timestamp in current request"); /* return */ return -1; } /* clear value */ memset(value, 0, sizeof(value)); /* get elapsed session time */ if ((vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(vps, PW_ACCT_SESSION_TIME, 0, TAG_ANY)) != NULL) { /* calculate diff */ ts = (ts - vp->vp_integer); /* calculate start time */ size_t length = strftime(value, sizeof(value), "%b %e %Y %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime_r(&ts, &tm)); /* check length */ if (length > 0) { /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: calculated start timestamp: %s", value); /* store new value in json body */ json_object_object_add(json, "startTimestamp", json_object_new_string(value)); } else { /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: failed to format calculated timestamp"); /* return */ return -1; } } /* default return */ return 0; } /** Handle client value processing for client_map_section() * * @param out Character output * @param cp Configuration pair * @param data The client data * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ static int _get_client_value(char **out, CONF_PAIR const *cp, void *data) { json_object *jval; if (!json_object_object_get_ex((json_object *)data, cf_pair_value(cp), &jval)) { *out = NULL; return 0; } if (!jval) return -1; *out = talloc_strdup(NULL, json_object_get_string(jval)); if (!*out) return -1; return 0; } /** Load client entries from Couchbase client documents on startup * * This function executes the view defined in the module configuration and loops * through all returned rows. The view is called with "stale=false" to ensure the * most accurate data available when the view is called. This will force an index * rebuild on this design document in Couchbase. However, since this function is only * run once at sever startup this should not be a concern. * * @param inst The module instance. * @param tmpl Default values for new clients. * @param map The client attribute configuration section. * @return Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. */ int mod_load_client_documents(rlm_couchbase_t *inst, CONF_SECTION *tmpl, CONF_SECTION *map) { rlm_couchbase_handle_t *handle = NULL; /* connection pool handle */ char vpath[256], vid[MAX_KEY_SIZE], vkey[MAX_KEY_SIZE]; /* view path and fields */ char error[512]; /* view error return */ size_t idx = 0; /* row array index counter */ int retval = 0; /* return value */ lcb_error_t cb_error = LCB_SUCCESS; /* couchbase error holder */ json_object *json, *jval; /* json object holders */ json_object *jrows = NULL; /* json object to hold view rows */ CONF_SECTION *client; /* freeradius config section */ RADCLIENT *c; /* freeradius client */ int slen; /* get handle */ handle = fr_connection_get(inst->pool); /* check handle */ if (!handle) return -1; /* set couchbase instance */ lcb_t cb_inst = handle->handle; /* set cookie */ cookie_t *cookie = handle->cookie; /* build view path */ slen = snprintf(vpath, sizeof(vpath), "%s?stale=false", inst->client_view); if (slen >= (int) sizeof(vpath) || slen < 0) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: view path too long"); retval=-1; goto free_and_return; } /* query view for document */ cb_error = couchbase_query_view(cb_inst, cookie, vpath, NULL); /* check error and object */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success || !cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to execute view request or parse return"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* check for error in json object */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "error", &json)) { /* build initial error buffer */ strlcpy(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); /* get error reason */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "reason", &json)) { /* append divider */ strlcat(error, " - ", sizeof(error)); /* append reason */ strlcat(error, json_object_get_string(json), sizeof(error)); } /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: view request failed with error: %s", error); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* check for document id in return */ if (!json_object_object_get_ex(cookie->jobj, "rows", &json)) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch rows from view payload"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* get and hold rows */ jrows = json_object_get(json); /* free cookie object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: jrows == %s", json_object_to_json_string(jrows)); /* check for valid row value */ if ((jrows == NULL) || !json_object_is_type(jrows, json_type_array) || json_object_array_length(jrows) < 1) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: no valid rows returned from view: %s", vpath); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* loop across all row elements */ for (idx = 0; idx < (size_t)json_object_array_length(jrows); idx++) { /* fetch current index */ json = json_object_array_get_idx(jrows, idx); /* get view id */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, "id", &jval)) { /* clear view id */ memset(vid, 0, sizeof(vid)); /* copy and check length */ if (strlcpy(vid, json_object_get_string(jval), sizeof(vid)) >= sizeof(vid)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: id from row longer than MAX_KEY_SIZE (%d)", MAX_KEY_SIZE); continue; } } else { WARN("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch id from row - skipping"); continue; } /* get view key */ if (json_object_object_get_ex(json, "key", &jval)) { /* clear view key */ memset(vkey, 0, sizeof(vkey)); /* copy and check length */ if (strlcpy(vkey, json_object_get_string(jval), sizeof(vkey)) >= sizeof(vkey)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: key from row longer than MAX_KEY_SIZE (%d)", MAX_KEY_SIZE); continue; } } else { WARN("rlm_couchbase: failed to fetch key from row - skipping"); continue; } /* fetch document */ cb_error = couchbase_get_key(cb_inst, cookie, vid); /* check error and object */ if (cb_error != LCB_SUCCESS || cookie->jerr != json_tokener_success || !cookie->jobj) { /* log error */ ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to execute get request or parse return"); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG3("rlm_couchbase: cookie->jobj == %s", json_object_to_json_string(cookie->jobj)); /* allocate conf section */ client = tmpl ? cf_section_dup(NULL, tmpl, "client", vkey, true) : cf_section_alloc(NULL, "client", vkey); if (client_map_section(client, map, _get_client_value, cookie->jobj) < 0) { /* free config setion */ talloc_free(client); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* * @todo These should be parented from something. */ c = client_afrom_cs(NULL, client, false, false); if (!c) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to allocate client"); /* free config setion */ talloc_free(client); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* * Client parents the CONF_SECTION which defined it. */ talloc_steal(c, client); /* attempt to add client */ if (!client_add(NULL, c)) { ERROR("rlm_couchbase: failed to add client '%s' from '%s', possible duplicate?", vkey, vid); /* free client */ client_free(c); /* set return */ retval = -1; /* return */ goto free_and_return; } /* debugging */ DEBUG("rlm_couchbase: client '%s' added", c->longname); /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } } free_and_return: /* free rows */ if (jrows) { json_object_put(jrows); } /* free json object */ if (cookie->jobj) { json_object_put(cookie->jobj); cookie->jobj = NULL; } /* release handle */ if (handle) { fr_connection_release(inst->pool, handle); } /* return */ return retval; }