/* * This program is is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: 8e310abc291e3755ed614442f23b4bf3ac98ed9f $ * @file rlm_expr.c * @brief Register many xlat expansions including the expr expansion. * * @copyright 2001,2006 The FreeRADIUS server project * @copyright 2002 Alan DeKok */ RCSID("$Id: 8e310abc291e3755ed614442f23b4bf3ac98ed9f $") USES_APPLE_DEPRECATED_API #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_EVP_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_CRYPT_H # include #endif #include #include "rlm_expr.h" /* * Define a structure for our module configuration. */ typedef struct rlm_expr_t { char const *xlat_name; char const *allowed_chars; } rlm_expr_t; static const CONF_PARSER module_config[] = { { "safe_characters", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING, rlm_expr_t, allowed_chars), "@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_: /" }, CONF_PARSER_TERMINATOR }; /* * Lookup tables for randstr char classes */ static char randstr_punc[] = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~"; static char randstr_salt[] = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz/."; /* * Characters humans rarely confuse. Reduces char set considerably * should only be used for things such as one time passwords. */ static char randstr_otp[] = "469ACGHJKLMNPQRUVWXYabdfhijkprstuvwxyz"; static char const hextab[] = "0123456789abcdef"; /** Calculate powers * * @author Orson Peters * @note Borrowed from the gist here: https://gist.github.com/nightcracker/3551590. * * @param base a 32bit signed integer. * @param exp amount to raise base by. * @return base ^ pow, or 0 on underflow/overflow. */ static int64_t fr_pow(int64_t base, int64_t exp) { static const uint8_t highest_bit_set[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 // anything past 63 is a guaranteed overflow with base > 1 }; int64_t result = 1; if (exp > 63) { if (base == 1) { return 1; } if (base == -1) { return 1 - 2 * (exp & 1); } return 0; /* overflow */ } switch (highest_bit_set[exp]) { case 6: if (exp & 1) result *= base; exp >>= 1; base *= base; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 5: if (exp & 1) result *= base; exp >>= 1; base *= base; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 4: if (exp & 1) result *= base; exp >>= 1; base *= base; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 3: if (exp & 1) result *= base; exp >>= 1; base *= base; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 2: if (exp & 1) result *= base; exp >>= 1; base *= base; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 1: if (exp & 1) result *= base; /* FALL-THROUGH */ default: return result; } } /* * Start of expression calculator. */ typedef enum expr_token_t { TOKEN_NONE = 0, TOKEN_INTEGER, TOKEN_AND, TOKEN_OR, TOKEN_LSHIFT, TOKEN_RSHIFT, TOKEN_ADD, TOKEN_SUBTRACT, TOKEN_DIVIDE, TOKEN_REMAINDER, TOKEN_MULTIPLY, TOKEN_POWER, TOKEN_LAST } expr_token_t; static int precedence[TOKEN_LAST + 1] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, /* and or */ 2, 2, 3, 3, /* shift add */ 4, 4, 4, 5, /* mul, pow */ 0 }; typedef struct expr_map_t { char op; expr_token_t token; } expr_map_t; static expr_map_t map[] = { {'+', TOKEN_ADD }, {'-', TOKEN_SUBTRACT }, {'/', TOKEN_DIVIDE }, {'*', TOKEN_MULTIPLY }, {'%', TOKEN_REMAINDER }, {'&', TOKEN_AND }, {'|', TOKEN_OR }, {'^', TOKEN_POWER }, {0, TOKEN_LAST} }; static bool get_expression(REQUEST *request, char const **string, int64_t *answer, expr_token_t prev); static bool get_number(REQUEST *request, char const **string, int64_t *answer) { int64_t x; bool invert = false; bool negative = false; char const *p = *string; /* * Look for a number. */ while (isspace((int) *p)) p++; /* * ~1 == 0xff...ffe */ if (*p == '~') { invert = true; p++; } /* * No algrebraic operator found, the next thing * MUST be a number. * * If it isn't, then we die. */ if ((*p == '0') && (p[1] == 'x')) { char *end; x = strtoul(p, &end, 16); p = end; goto done; } if (*p == '-') { negative = true; p++; } /* * Look for an attribute. */ if (*p == '&') { ssize_t slen; VALUE_PAIR *vp; vp_tmpl_t vpt; p += 1; slen = tmpl_from_attr_substr(&vpt, p, REQUEST_CURRENT, PAIR_LIST_REQUEST, false, false); if (slen <= 0) { REDEBUG("Failed parsing attribute name '%s': %s", p, fr_strerror()); return false; } p += slen; if (tmpl_find_vp(&vp, request, &vpt) < 0) { RWDEBUG("Can't find &%.*s. Using 0 as operand value", (int)vpt.len, vpt.name); x = 0; goto done; } if (vp->da->type != PW_TYPE_INTEGER64) { value_data_t value; if (value_data_cast(vp, &value, PW_TYPE_INTEGER64, NULL, vp->da->type, vp->da, &vp->data, vp->vp_length) < 0) { REDEBUG("Failed converting &%.*s to an integer value: %s", (int) vpt.len, vpt.name, fr_strerror()); return false; } if (value.integer64 > INT64_MAX) { overflow: REDEBUG("Value of &%.*s would overflow a signed 64bit integer " "(our internal arithmetic type)", (int)vpt.len, vpt.name); return false; } x = (int64_t)value.integer64; RINDENT(); RDEBUG3("&%.*s --> %" PRIu64, (int)vpt.len, vpt.name, x); REXDENT(); } else { if (vp->vp_integer64 > INT64_MAX) goto overflow; x = (int64_t)vp->vp_integer64; } goto done; } /* * Do brackets recursively */ if (*p == '(') { p++; if (!get_expression(request, &p, &x, TOKEN_NONE)) return false; if (*p != ')') { RDEBUG("No trailing ')'"); return false; } p++; goto done; } while (isspace((int) *p)) p++; if ((*p < '0') || (*p > '9')) { RDEBUG2("Not a number at \"%s\"", p); return false; } /* * This is doing it the hard way, but it also allows * us to increment 'p'. */ x = 0; while ((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9')) { x *= 10; x += (*p - '0'); p++; } done: if (invert) x = ~x; if (negative) x = -x; *string = p; *answer = x; return true; } static bool calc_result(REQUEST *request, int64_t lhs, expr_token_t op, int64_t rhs, int64_t *answer) { switch (op) { default: case TOKEN_ADD: *answer = lhs + rhs; break; case TOKEN_SUBTRACT: *answer = lhs - rhs; break; case TOKEN_DIVIDE: if (rhs == 0) { RDEBUG("Division by zero!"); return false; } else { *answer = lhs / rhs; } break; case TOKEN_REMAINDER: if (rhs == 0) { RDEBUG("Division by zero!"); return false; } *answer = lhs % rhs; break; case TOKEN_MULTIPLY: *answer = lhs * rhs; break; case TOKEN_LSHIFT: if (rhs > 63) { RDEBUG("Shift must be less than 63 (was %lld)", (long long int) rhs); return false; } *answer = lhs << rhs; break; case TOKEN_RSHIFT: if (rhs > 63) { RDEBUG("Shift must be less than 63 (was %lld)", (long long int) rhs); return false; } *answer = lhs >> rhs; break; case TOKEN_AND: *answer = lhs & rhs; break; case TOKEN_OR: *answer = lhs | rhs; break; case TOKEN_POWER: if (rhs > 63) { REDEBUG("Exponent must be between 0-63 (was %lld)", (long long int) rhs); return false; } if (lhs > 65535) { REDEBUG("Base must be between 0-65535 (was %lld)", (long long int) lhs); return false; } *answer = fr_pow(lhs, rhs); break; } return true; } static bool get_operator(REQUEST *request, char const **string, expr_token_t *op) { int i; char const *p = *string; /* * All tokens are one character. */ for (i = 0; map[i].token != TOKEN_LAST; i++) { if (*p == map[i].op) { *op = map[i].token; *string = p + 1; return true; } } if ((p[0] == '<') && (p[1] == '<')) { *op = TOKEN_LSHIFT; *string = p + 2; return true; } if ((p[0] == '>') && (p[1] == '>')) { *op = TOKEN_RSHIFT; *string = p + 2; return true; } RDEBUG("Expected operator at \"%s\"", p); return false; } static bool get_expression(REQUEST *request, char const **string, int64_t *answer, expr_token_t prev) { int64_t lhs, rhs; char const *p, *op_p; expr_token_t this; p = *string; if (!get_number(request, &p, &lhs)) return false; redo: while (isspace((int) *p)) p++; /* * A number by itself is OK. */ if (!*p || (*p == ')')) { *answer = lhs; *string = p; return true; } /* * Peek at the operator. */ op_p = p; if (!get_operator(request, &p, &this)) return false; /* * a + b + c ... = (a + b) + c ... * a * b + c ... = (a * b) + c ... * * Feed the current number to the caller, who will take * care of continuing. */ if (precedence[this] <= precedence[prev]) { *answer = lhs; *string = op_p; return true; } /* * a + b * c ... = a + (b * c) ... */ if (!get_expression(request, &p, &rhs, this)) return false; if (!calc_result(request, lhs, this, rhs, answer)) return false; /* * There may be more to calculate. The answer we * calculated here is now the LHS of the lower priority * operation which follows the current expression. e.g. * * a * b + c ... = (a * b) + c ... * = d + c ... */ lhs = *answer; goto redo; } /* * Do xlat of strings! */ static ssize_t expr_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { int64_t result; char const *p; p = fmt; if (!get_expression(request, &p, &result, TOKEN_NONE)) { return -1; } if (*p) { RDEBUG("Invalid text after expression: %s", p); return -1; } snprintf(out, outlen, "%lld", (long long int) result); return strlen(out); } /** Generate a random integer value * */ static ssize_t rand_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, UNUSED REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { int64_t result; result = atoi(fmt); /* * Too small or too big. */ if (result <= 0) { *out = '\0'; return -1; } if (result >= (1 << 30)) result = (1 << 30); result *= fr_rand(); /* 0..2^32-1 */ result >>= 32; snprintf(out, outlen, "%ld", (long int) result); return strlen(out); } /** Generate a string of random chars * * Build strings of random chars, useful for generating tokens and passcodes * Format similar to String::Random. */ static ssize_t randstr_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, UNUSED REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char const *p; unsigned int result; unsigned int number; size_t freespace = outlen; if (outlen <= 1) return 0; *out = '\0'; p = fmt; while (*p && (--freespace > 0)) { number = 0; /* * Modifiers are polite. * * But we limit it to 100, because we don't want * utter stupidity. */ while (isdigit((int) *p)) { if (number >= 100) { p++; continue; } number *= 10; number += *p - '0'; p++; } redo: result = fr_rand(); switch (*p) { /* * Lowercase letters */ case 'c': *out++ = 'a' + (result % 26); break; /* * Uppercase letters */ case 'C': *out++ = 'A' + (result % 26); break; /* * Numbers */ case 'n': *out++ = '0' + (result % 10); break; /* * Alpha numeric */ case 'a': *out++ = randstr_salt[result % (sizeof(randstr_salt) - 3)]; break; /* * Punctuation */ case '!': *out++ = randstr_punc[result % (sizeof(randstr_punc) - 1)]; break; /* * Alpa numeric + punctuation */ case '.': *out++ = '!' + (result % 95); break; /* * Alpha numeric + salt chars './' */ case 's': *out++ = randstr_salt[result % (sizeof(randstr_salt) - 1)]; break; /* * Chars suitable for One Time Password tokens. * Alpha numeric with easily confused char pairs removed. */ case 'o': *out++ = randstr_otp[result % (sizeof(randstr_otp) - 1)]; break; /* * Binary data as hexits (we don't really support * non printable chars). */ case 'h': if (freespace < 2) { break; } snprintf(out, 3, "%02x", result % 256); /* Already decremented */ freespace -= 1; out += 2; break; /* * Binary data with uppercase hexits */ case 'H': if (freespace < 2) { break; } snprintf(out, 3, "%02X", result % 256); /* Already decremented */ freespace -= 1; out += 2; break; default: ERROR("rlm_expr: invalid character class '%c'", *p); return -1; } if (number > 0) { number--; goto redo; } p++; } *out++ = '\0'; return outlen - freespace; } /** URLencode special characters * * Example: "%{urlquote:http://example.org/}" == "http%3A%47%47example.org%47" */ static ssize_t urlquote_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, UNUSED REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char const *p; size_t freespace = outlen; if (outlen <= 1) return 0; p = fmt; while (*p && (--freespace > 0)) { if (isalnum(*p)) { *out++ = *p++; continue; } switch (*p) { case '-': case '_': case '.': case '~': *out++ = *p++; break; default: if (freespace < 3) break; /* MUST be upper case hex to be compliant */ snprintf(out, 4, "%%%02X", (uint8_t) *p++); /* %XX */ /* Already decremented */ freespace -= 2; out += 3; } } *out = '\0'; return outlen - freespace; } /** URLdecode special characters * * Example: "%{urlunquote:http%%3A%%47%%47example.org%%47}" == "http://example.org/" * * Remember to escape % with %% in strings, else xlat will try to parse it. */ static ssize_t urlunquote_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char const *p; char *c1, *c2; size_t freespace = outlen; if (outlen <= 1) return 0; p = fmt; while (*p && (--freespace > 0)) { if (*p != '%') { *out++ = *p++; continue; } /* Is a % char */ /* Don't need \0 check, as it won't be in the hextab */ if (!(c1 = memchr(hextab, tolower(*++p), 16)) || !(c2 = memchr(hextab, tolower(*++p), 16))) { REMARKER(fmt, p - fmt, "None hex char in % sequence"); return -1; } p++; *out++ = ((c1 - hextab) << 4) + (c2 - hextab); } *out = '\0'; return outlen - freespace; } /** Equivalent to the old safe_characters functionality in rlm_sql but with utf8 support * * @verbatim Example: "%{escape:foo.jpg}" == "=60img=62foo.jpg=60/img=62" @endverbatim */ static ssize_t escape_xlat(void *instance, UNUSED REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { rlm_expr_t *inst = instance; char const *p = fmt; size_t freespace = outlen; while (p[0]) { int chr_len = 1; int ret = 1; /* -Werror=uninitialized */ if (fr_utf8_strchr(&chr_len, inst->allowed_chars, p) == NULL) { /* * '=' 1 + ([hex]{2}) * chr_len) */ if (freespace <= (size_t)(1 + (chr_len * 3))) break; switch (chr_len) { case 4: ret = snprintf(out, freespace, "=%02X=%02X=%02X=%02X", (uint8_t)p[0], (uint8_t)p[1], (uint8_t)p[2], (uint8_t)p[3]); break; case 3: ret = snprintf(out, freespace, "=%02X=%02X=%02X", (uint8_t)p[0], (uint8_t)p[1], (uint8_t)p[2]); break; case 2: ret = snprintf(out, freespace, "=%02X=%02X", (uint8_t)p[0], (uint8_t)p[1]); break; case 1: ret = snprintf(out, freespace, "=%02X", (uint8_t)p[0]); break; } p += chr_len; out += ret; freespace -= ret; continue; } /* * Only one byte left. */ if (freespace <= 1) break; /* * Allowed character (copy whole mb chars at once) */ memcpy(out, p, chr_len); out += chr_len; p += chr_len; freespace -= chr_len; } *out = '\0'; return outlen - freespace; } /** Equivalent to the old safe_characters functionality in rlm_sql * * @verbatim Example: "%{unescape:=60img=62foo.jpg=60/img=62}" == "foo.jpg" @endverbatim */ static ssize_t unescape_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, UNUSED REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char const *p; char *c1, *c2, c3; size_t freespace = outlen; if (outlen <= 1) return 0; p = fmt; while (*p && (--freespace > 0)) { if (*p != '=') { next: *out++ = *p++; continue; } /* Is a = char */ if (!(c1 = memchr(hextab, tolower(*(p + 1)), 16)) || !(c2 = memchr(hextab, tolower(*(p + 2)), 16))) goto next; c3 = ((c1 - hextab) << 4) + (c2 - hextab); *out++ = c3; p += 3; } *out = '\0'; return outlen - freespace; } /** Convert a string to lowercase * * Example: "%{tolower:Bar}" == "bar" * * Probably only works for ASCII */ static ssize_t tolower_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, UNUSED REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char *q; char const *p; if (outlen <= 1) return 0; for (p = fmt, q = out; *p != '\0'; p++, outlen--) { if (outlen <= 1) break; *(q++) = tolower((int) *p); } *q = '\0'; return strlen(out); } /** Convert a string to uppercase * * Example: "%{toupper:Foo}" == "FOO" * * Probably only works for ASCII */ static ssize_t toupper_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, UNUSED REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char *q; char const *p; if (outlen <= 1) return 0; for (p = fmt, q = out; *p != '\0'; p++, outlen--) { if (outlen <= 1) break; *(q++) = toupper((int) *p); } *q = '\0'; return strlen(out); } /** Calculate the MD5 hash of a string or attribute. * * Example: "%{md5:foo}" == "acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8" */ static ssize_t md5_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { uint8_t digest[16]; ssize_t i, len, inlen; uint8_t const *p; FR_MD5_CTX ctx; /* * We need room for at least one octet of output. */ if (outlen < 3) { *out = '\0'; return 0; } inlen = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&p, request, fmt); if (inlen < 0) { return -1; } fr_md5_init(&ctx); fr_md5_update(&ctx, p, inlen); fr_md5_final(digest, &ctx); /* * Each digest octet takes two hex digits, plus one for * the terminating NUL. */ len = (outlen / 2) - 1; if (len > 16) len = 16; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { snprintf(out + i * 2, 3, "%02x", digest[i]); } return strlen(out); } /** Calculate the SHA1 hash of a string or attribute. * * Example: "%{sha1:foo}" == "0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33" */ static ssize_t sha1_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { uint8_t digest[20]; ssize_t i, len, inlen; uint8_t const *p; fr_sha1_ctx ctx; /* * We need room for at least one octet of output. */ if (outlen < 3) { *out = '\0'; return 0; } inlen = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&p, request, fmt); if (inlen < 0) { return -1; } fr_sha1_init(&ctx); fr_sha1_update(&ctx, p, inlen); fr_sha1_final(digest, &ctx); /* * Each digest octet takes two hex digits, plus one for * the terminating NUL. SHA1 is 160 bits (20 bytes) */ len = (outlen / 2) - 1; if (len > 20) len = 20; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { snprintf(out + i * 2, 3, "%02x", digest[i]); } return strlen(out); } /** Calculate any digest supported by OpenSSL EVP_MD * * Example: "%{sha256:foo}" == "0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33" */ #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_EVP_H static ssize_t evp_md_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen, EVP_MD const *md) { uint8_t digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int digestlen, i, len; ssize_t inlen; uint8_t const *p; EVP_MD_CTX *ctx; /* * We need room for at least one octet of output. */ if (outlen < 3) { *out = '\0'; return 0; } inlen = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&p, request, fmt); if (inlen < 0) { return -1; } ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_DigestInit_ex(ctx, md, NULL); EVP_DigestUpdate(ctx, p, inlen); EVP_DigestFinal_ex(ctx, digest, &digestlen); EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(ctx); /* * Each digest octet takes two hex digits, plus one for * the terminating NUL. */ len = (outlen / 2) - 1; if (len > digestlen) len = digestlen; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { snprintf(out + i * 2, 3, "%02x", digest[i]); } return strlen(out); } # define EVP_MD_XLAT(_md) \ static ssize_t _md##_xlat(void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen)\ {\ return evp_md_xlat(instance, request, fmt, out, outlen, EVP_##_md());\ } EVP_MD_XLAT(sha256) EVP_MD_XLAT(sha512) #endif /** Generate the HMAC-MD5 of a string or attribute * * Example: "%{hmacmd5:foo bar}" == "Zm9v" */ static ssize_t hmac_md5_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { uint8_t const *data, *key; char const *p; ssize_t data_len, key_len; uint8_t digest[MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char data_ref[256]; if (outlen <= (sizeof(digest) * 2)) { REDEBUG("Insufficient space to write digest, needed %zu bytes, have %zu bytes", (sizeof(digest) * 2) + 1, outlen); return -1; } p = strchr(fmt, ' '); if (!p) { REDEBUG("HMAC requires exactly two arguments (&data &key)"); return -1; } if ((size_t)(p - fmt) >= sizeof(data_ref)) { REDEBUG("Insufficient space to store HMAC input data, needed %zu bytes, have %zu bytes", (p - fmt) + 1, sizeof(data_ref)); return -1; } strlcpy(data_ref, fmt, (p - fmt) + 1); data_len = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&data, request, data_ref); if (data_len < 0) return -1; while (isspace(*p) && p++); key_len = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&key, request, p); if (key_len < 0) return -1; fr_hmac_md5(digest, data, data_len, key, key_len); return fr_bin2hex(out, digest, sizeof(digest)); } /** Generate the HMAC-SHA1 of a string or attribute * * Example: "%{hmacsha1:foo bar}" == "Zm9v" */ static ssize_t hmac_sha1_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { uint8_t const *data, *key; char const *p; ssize_t data_len, key_len; uint8_t digest[SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char data_ref[256]; if (outlen <= (sizeof(digest) * 2)) { REDEBUG("Insufficient space to write digest, needed %zu bytes, have %zu bytes", (sizeof(digest) * 2) + 1, outlen); return -1; } p = strchr(fmt, ' '); if (!p) { REDEBUG("HMAC requires exactly two arguments (&data &key)"); return -1; } if ((size_t)(p - fmt) >= sizeof(data_ref)) { REDEBUG("Insufficient space to store HMAC input data, needed %zu bytes, have %zu bytes", (p - fmt) + 1, sizeof(data_ref)); return -1; } strlcpy(data_ref, fmt, (p - fmt) + 1); data_len = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&data, request, data_ref); if (data_len < 0) return -1; while (isspace(*p) && p++); key_len = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&key, request, p); if (key_len < 0) return -1; fr_hmac_sha1(digest, data, data_len, key, key_len); return fr_bin2hex(out, digest, sizeof(digest)); } /** Crypt a string or attribute. * * Example: "%{crypt:ab:foo}" == "abQ9KY.KfrYrc" * Example: "%{crypt:$1$abcdefgh:foo}" == "$1$abcdefgh$XxzGe9Muun7wTYbZO4sdr0" * Example: "%{crypt:$1$%{randstr:aaaaaaaa}:&User-Password}" -> "$1$Z9hrfzst$hRkQwmSUApr/r10kb/d3W0" */ #ifdef HAVE_CRYPT_R static ssize_t crypt_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { ssize_t inlen; size_t len; uint8_t const *salt; uint8_t const *pass; char *p; struct crypt_data cdata; cdata.initialized = 0; /* * DES passwords will be at least 13 chars long. */ if (outlen < 14) { *out = '\0'; return 0; } p = strchr(fmt, ':'); if (!p) { REDEBUG("No salt specified in crypt xlat"); return -1; } *p = '\0'; p++; /* * Get salt */ inlen = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&salt, request, fmt); if (inlen < 0) { return -1; } /* * Get cleartext password */ inlen = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&pass, request, p); if (inlen < 0) { return -1; } p = crypt_r((const char *) pass, (const char *) salt, &cdata); if (!p) { switch (errno) { case EINVAL: REDEBUG("Crypt salt has the wrong format: '%s'", salt); break; default: REDEBUG("Crypt error"); } return -1; } len = strlen(p); if (outlen < len) { *out = '\0'; return 0; } strncpy(out, p, outlen); return len; } #else static ssize_t crypt_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, UNUSED char const *fmt, UNUSED char *out, UNUSED size_t outlen) { RERROR("Crypt not available at compile time (no 'crypt_r' support)"); return 0; } #endif /** Encode attributes as a series of string attribute/value pairs * * This is intended to serialize one or more attributes as a comma * delimited string. * * Example: "%{pairs:request:}" == "User-Name = 'foo', User-Password = 'bar'" */ static ssize_t pairs_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { vp_tmpl_t vpt; vp_cursor_t cursor; size_t len, freespace = outlen; char *p = out; VALUE_PAIR *vp; if (tmpl_from_attr_str(&vpt, fmt, REQUEST_CURRENT, PAIR_LIST_REQUEST, false, false) <= 0) { REDEBUG("%s", fr_strerror()); return -1; } for (vp = tmpl_cursor_init(NULL, &cursor, request, &vpt); vp; vp = tmpl_cursor_next(&cursor, &vpt)) { FR_TOKEN op = vp->op; vp->op = T_OP_EQ; len = vp_prints(p, freespace, vp); vp->op = op; if (is_truncated(len, freespace)) { no_space: REDEBUG("Insufficient space to store pair string, needed %zu bytes have %zu bytes", (p - out) + len, outlen); *out = '\0'; return -1; } p += len; freespace -= len; if (freespace < 2) { len = 2; goto no_space; } *p++ = ','; *p++ = ' '; freespace -= 2; } /* Trim the trailing ', ' */ if (p != out) p -= 2; *p = '\0'; return (p - out); } /** Encode string or attribute as base64 * * Example: "%{base64:foo}" == "Zm9v" */ static ssize_t base64_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { ssize_t inlen; uint8_t const *p; inlen = xlat_fmt_to_ref(&p, request, fmt); if (inlen < 0) { return -1; } /* * We can accurately calculate the length of the output string * if it's larger than outlen, the output would be useless so abort. */ if ((inlen < 0) || ((FR_BASE64_ENC_LENGTH(inlen) + 1) > (ssize_t) outlen)) { REDEBUG("xlat failed"); *out = '\0'; return -1; } return fr_base64_encode(out, outlen, p, inlen); } /** Convert base64 to hex * * Example: "%{base64tohex:Zm9v}" == "666f6f" */ static ssize_t base64_to_hex_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { uint8_t decbuf[1024]; ssize_t declen; ssize_t len = strlen(fmt); *out = '\0'; declen = fr_base64_decode(decbuf, sizeof(decbuf), fmt, len); if (declen < 0) { REDEBUG("Base64 string invalid"); return -1; } if ((size_t)((declen * 2) + 1) > outlen) { REDEBUG("Base64 conversion failed, output buffer exhausted, needed %zd bytes, have %zd bytes", (declen * 2) + 1, outlen); return -1; } return fr_bin2hex(out, decbuf, declen); } /** Split an attribute into multiple new attributes based on a delimiter * * @todo should support multibyte delimiter for string types. * * Example: "%{explode:&ref }" */ static ssize_t explode_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { vp_tmpl_t vpt; vp_cursor_t cursor, to_merge; VALUE_PAIR *vp, *head = NULL; ssize_t slen; int count = 0; char const *p = fmt; char delim; /* * Trim whitespace */ while (isspace(*p) && p++); slen = tmpl_from_attr_substr(&vpt, p, REQUEST_CURRENT, PAIR_LIST_REQUEST, false, false); if (slen <= 0) { REDEBUG("%s", fr_strerror()); return -1; } p += slen; if (*p++ != ' ') { arg_error: REDEBUG("explode needs exactly two arguments: &ref "); return -1; } if (*p == '\0') goto arg_error; delim = *p; fr_cursor_init(&to_merge, &head); for (vp = tmpl_cursor_init(NULL, &cursor, request, &vpt); vp; vp = tmpl_cursor_next(&cursor, &vpt)) { VALUE_PAIR *new; char const *end; char const *q; /* * This can theoretically operate on lists too * so we need to check the type of each attribute. */ switch (vp->da->type) { case PW_TYPE_OCTETS: case PW_TYPE_STRING: break; default: continue; } p = vp->data.ptr; end = p + vp->vp_length; while (p < end) { q = memchr(p, delim, end - p); if (!q) { /* Delimiter not present in attribute */ if (p == vp->data.ptr) goto next; q = end; } /* Skip zero length */ if (q == p) { p = q + 1; continue; } new = fr_pair_afrom_da(talloc_parent(vp), vp->da); if (!new) { fr_pair_list_free(&head); return -1; } new->tag = vp->tag; switch (vp->da->type) { case PW_TYPE_OCTETS: { uint8_t *buff; buff = talloc_array(new, uint8_t, q - p); memcpy(buff, p, q - p); fr_pair_value_memsteal(new, buff); } break; case PW_TYPE_STRING: { char *buff; buff = talloc_array(new, char, (q - p) + 1); memcpy(buff, p, q - p); buff[q - p] = '\0'; fr_pair_value_strsteal(new, (char *)buff); } break; default: rad_assert(0); } fr_cursor_insert(&to_merge, new); p = q + 1; /* next */ count++; } /* * Remove the unexploded version */ vp = fr_cursor_remove(&cursor); talloc_free(vp); next: continue; /* Apparently goto labels aren't allowed at the end of loops? */ } fr_cursor_merge(&cursor, head); return snprintf(out, outlen, "%i", count); } /** Calculate number of seconds until the next n hour(s), day(s), week(s), year(s). * * For example, if it were 16:18 %{nexttime:1h} would expand to 2520. * * The envisaged usage for this function is to limit sessions so that they don't * cross billing periods. The output of the xlat should be combined with %{rand:} to create * some jitter, unless the desired effect is every subscriber on the network * re-authenticating at the same time. */ static ssize_t next_time_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { long num; char const *p; char *q; time_t now; struct tm *local, local_buff; now = time(NULL); local = localtime_r(&now, &local_buff); p = fmt; num = strtoul(p, &q, 10); if (!q || *q == '\0') { REDEBUG("nexttime: must be followed by period specifier (h|d|w|m|y)"); return -1; } if (p == q) { num = 1; } else { p += q - p; } local->tm_sec = 0; local->tm_min = 0; switch (*p) { case 'h': local->tm_hour += num; break; case 'd': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday += num; break; case 'w': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday += (7 - local->tm_wday) + (7 * (num-1)); break; case 'm': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday = 1; local->tm_mon += num; break; case 'y': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday = 1; local->tm_mon = 0; local->tm_year += num; break; default: REDEBUG("nexttime: Invalid period specifier '%c', must be h|d|w|m|y", *p); return -1; } return snprintf(out, outlen, "%" PRIu64, (uint64_t)(mktime(local) - now)); } /** Calculate number of seconds until the previous n hour(s), day(s), week(s), year(s). * * For example, if it were 16:18 %{lasttime:1h} would expand to -2520. */ static ssize_t last_time_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { long num; char const *p; char *q; time_t now; struct tm *local, local_buff; now = time(NULL); local = localtime_r(&now, &local_buff); p = fmt; num = strtoul(p, &q, 10); if (!q || *q == '\0') { REDEBUG("nexttime: must be followed by period specifier (h|d|w|m|y)"); return -1; } if (p == q) { num = 1; } else { p += q - p; } local->tm_sec = 0; local->tm_min = 0; switch (*p) { case 'h': local->tm_hour -= num; break; case 'd': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday -= num; break; case 'w': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday -= (7 - local->tm_wday) + (7 * (num-1)); break; case 'm': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday = 1; local->tm_mon -= num; break; case 'y': local->tm_hour = 0; local->tm_mday = 1; local->tm_mon = 0; local->tm_year -= num; break; default: REDEBUG("lasttime: Invalid period specifier '%c', must be h|d|w|m|y", *p); return -1; } return snprintf(out, outlen, "%" PRIu64, (uint64_t)(now - mktime(local))); } /* * Parse the 3 arguments to lpad / rpad. */ static bool parse_pad(REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, vp_tmpl_t **pvpt, size_t *plength, char *fill) { ssize_t slen; unsigned long length; char const *p; char *end; vp_tmpl_t *vpt; *fill = ' '; /* the default */ p = fmt; while (isspace((int) *p)) p++; if (*p != '&') { RDEBUG("First argument must be an attribute reference"); return false; } vpt = talloc(request, vp_tmpl_t); if (!vpt) return false; slen = tmpl_from_attr_substr(vpt, p, REQUEST_CURRENT, PAIR_LIST_REQUEST, false, false); if (slen <= 0) { talloc_free(vpt); RDEBUG("Failed expanding string: %s", fr_strerror()); return false; } p = fmt + slen; while (isspace((int) *p)) p++; length = strtoul(p, &end, 10); if ((length == ULONG_MAX) || (length > 8192)) { talloc_free(vpt); RDEBUG("Invalid length found at: %s", p); return false; } p += (end - p); /* * The fill character is optional. * * But we must have a space after the previous number, * and we must have only ONE fill character. */ if (*p) { if (!isspace(*p)) { talloc_free(vpt); RDEBUG("Invalid text found at: %s", p); return false; } while (isspace((int) *p)) p++; if (p[1] != '\0') { talloc_free(vpt); RDEBUG("Invalid text found at: %s", p); return false; } *fill = *p; } *pvpt = vpt; *plength = length; return true; } /** left pad a string * * %{lpad:&Attribute-Name length 'x'} */ static ssize_t lpad_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char fill; size_t pad; ssize_t len; vp_tmpl_t *vpt; *out = '\0'; if (!parse_pad(request, fmt, &vpt, &pad, &fill)) { return 0; } if (outlen <= pad) { RWARN("Output is too short! Result will be truncated"); pad = outlen - 1; } /* * Print the attribute (left justified). If it's too * big, we're done. */ len = tmpl_expand(NULL, out, pad + 1, request, vpt, NULL, NULL); if (len <= 0) return 0; if ((size_t) len >= pad) return pad; /* * We have to shift the string to the right, and pad with * "fill" characters. */ memmove(out + (pad - len), out, len + 1); memset(out, fill, pad - len); return pad; } /** right pad a string * * %{rpad:&Attribute-Name length 'x'} */ static ssize_t rpad_xlat(UNUSED void *instance, REQUEST *request, char const *fmt, char *out, size_t outlen) { char fill; size_t pad; ssize_t len; vp_tmpl_t *vpt; *out = '\0'; if (!parse_pad(request, fmt, &vpt, &pad, &fill)) { return 0; } if (outlen <= pad) { RWARN("Output is too short! Result will be truncated"); pad = outlen - 1; } /* * Print the attribute (left justified). If it's too * big, we're done. */ len = tmpl_expand(NULL, out, pad + 1, request, vpt, NULL, NULL); if (len <= 0) return 0; if ((size_t) len >= pad) return pad; /* * We have to pad with "fill" characters. */ memset(out + len, fill, pad - len); out[pad] = '\0'; return pad; } /* * Do any per-module initialization that is separate to each * configured instance of the module. e.g. set up connections * to external databases, read configuration files, set up * dictionary entries, etc. * * If configuration information is given in the config section * that must be referenced in later calls, store a handle to it * in *instance otherwise put a null pointer there. */ static int mod_bootstrap(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_expr_t *inst = instance; inst->xlat_name = cf_section_name2(conf); if (!inst->xlat_name) { inst->xlat_name = cf_section_name1(conf); } xlat_register(inst->xlat_name, expr_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("rand", rand_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("randstr", randstr_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("urlquote", urlquote_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("urlunquote", urlunquote_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("escape", escape_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("unescape", unescape_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("tolower", tolower_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("toupper", toupper_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("md5", md5_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("sha1", sha1_xlat, NULL, inst); #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_EVP_H xlat_register("sha256", sha256_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("sha512", sha512_xlat, NULL, inst); #endif xlat_register("hmacmd5", hmac_md5_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("hmacsha1", hmac_sha1_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("crypt", crypt_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("pairs", pairs_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("base64", base64_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("base64tohex", base64_to_hex_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("explode", explode_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("nexttime", next_time_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("lasttime", last_time_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("lpad", lpad_xlat, NULL, inst); xlat_register("rpad", rpad_xlat, NULL, inst); /* * Initialize various paircompare functions */ pair_builtincompare_add(instance); return 0; } /* * The module name should be the only globally exported symbol. * That is, everything else should be 'static'. * * If the module needs to temporarily modify it's instantiation * data, the type should be changed to RLM_TYPE_THREAD_UNSAFE. * The server will then take care of ensuring that the module * is single-threaded. */ extern module_t rlm_expr; module_t rlm_expr = { .magic = RLM_MODULE_INIT, .name = "expr", .inst_size = sizeof(rlm_expr_t), .config = module_config, .bootstrap = mod_bootstrap, };