/* * This program is is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: 7762b153e7cfc074950fb737f0fb885292e46259 $ * @file rlm_ippool.c * @brief Allocates an IPv4 address from a pool stored in a GDBM database. * * @copyright 2000,2006 The FreeRADIUS server project * @copyright 2002 Kostas Kalevras */ RCSID("$Id: 7762b153e7cfc074950fb737f0fb885292e46259 $") #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include #ifdef WITH_DHCP #include #endif #include "../../include/md5.h" #include #ifdef NEEDS_GDBM_SYNC # define GDBM_SYNCOPT GDBM_SYNC #else # define GDBM_SYNCOPT 0 #endif #ifdef GDBM_NOLOCK #define GDBM_IPPOOL_OPTS (GDBM_SYNCOPT | GDBM_NOLOCK) #else #define GDBM_IPPOOL_OPTS (GDBM_SYNCOPT) #endif /* * Define a structure for our module configuration. * * These variables do not need to be in a structure, but it's * a lot cleaner to do so, and a pointer to the structure can * be used as the instance handle. */ typedef struct rlm_ippool_t { char const *filename; char const *ip_index; char const *name; char const *key; fr_ipaddr_t range_start_addr; fr_ipaddr_t range_stop_addr; fr_ipaddr_t netmask_addr; uint32_t range_start; uint32_t range_stop; uint32_t netmask; uint32_t max_timeout; uint32_t cache_size; bool override; GDBM_FILE gdbm; GDBM_FILE ip; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_H pthread_mutex_t op_mutex; #endif } rlm_ippool_t; #ifndef HAVE_PTHREAD_H /* * This is easier than ifdef's throughout the code. */ #define pthread_mutex_init(_x, _y) #define pthread_mutex_destroy(_x) #define pthread_mutex_lock(_x) #define pthread_mutex_unlock(_x) #endif typedef struct ippool_info { uint32_t ipaddr; char active; char cli[32]; char extra; time_t timestamp; time_t timeout; } ippool_info; typedef struct ippool_key { char key[16]; } ippool_key; static const CONF_PARSER module_config[] = { { "session-db", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_FILE_OUTPUT | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_ippool_t, filename), NULL }, { "filename", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_FILE_OUTPUT | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_ippool_t, filename), NULL }, { "ip-index", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_ippool_t, ip_index), NULL }, { "ip_index", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_ippool_t, ip_index), NULL }, { "key", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED | PW_TYPE_XLAT, rlm_ippool_t, key), "%{NAS-IP-Address} %{NAS-Port}" }, { "range-start", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_IPV4_ADDR | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_ippool_t, range_start_addr), NULL }, { "range_start", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_IPV4_ADDR, rlm_ippool_t, range_start_addr), "0" }, { "range-stop", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_IPV4_ADDR | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_ippool_t, range_stop_addr), NULL }, { "range_stop", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_IPV4_ADDR, rlm_ippool_t, range_stop_addr), "0" }, { "netmask", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_IPV4_ADDR, rlm_ippool_t, netmask_addr), "0" }, { "cache-size", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_INTEGER | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_ippool_t, cache_size), NULL }, { "cache_size", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_INTEGER, rlm_ippool_t, cache_size), "1000" }, { "override", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_BOOLEAN, rlm_ippool_t, override), "no" }, { "maximum-timeout", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_INTEGER | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_ippool_t, max_timeout), NULL }, { "maximum_timeout", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_INTEGER, rlm_ippool_t, max_timeout), "0" }, CONF_PARSER_TERMINATOR }; /* * Do any per-module initialization that is separate to each * configured instance of the module. e.g. set up connections * to external databases, read configuration files, set up * dictionary entries, etc. * * If configuration information is given in the config section * that must be referenced in later calls, store a handle to it * in *instance otherwise put a null pointer there. */ static int mod_instantiate(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_ippool_t *inst = instance; int cache_size; ippool_info entry; ippool_key key; datum key_datum; datum data_datum; char const *cli = "0"; char const *pool_name = NULL; int rcode; uint32_t i, j; uint32_t or_result; char str[32]; char init_str[17]; /* * Add the ip pool name */ inst->name = NULL; pool_name = cf_section_name2(conf); if (pool_name != NULL) { inst->name = talloc_typed_strdup(inst, pool_name); } cache_size = inst->cache_size; rad_assert(inst->filename && *inst->filename); rad_assert(inst->ip_index && *inst->ip_index); inst->range_start = htonl(*((uint32_t *)(&(inst->range_start_addr.ipaddr.ip4addr)))); inst->range_stop = htonl(*((uint32_t *)(&(inst->range_stop_addr.ipaddr.ip4addr)))); inst->netmask = htonl(*((uint32_t *)(&(inst->netmask_addr.ipaddr.ip4addr)))); if (inst->range_start == 0 || inst->range_stop == 0 || \ inst->range_start >= inst->range_stop ) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid data range"); return -1; } { char *file; memcpy(&file, &inst->filename, sizeof(file)); inst->gdbm = gdbm_open(file, sizeof(int), GDBM_WRCREAT | GDBM_IPPOOL_OPTS, 0600, NULL); } if (!inst->gdbm) { ERROR("rlm_ippool: Failed to open file %s: %s", inst->filename, fr_syserror(errno)); return -1; } { char *file; memcpy(&file, &inst->ip_index, sizeof(file)); inst->ip = gdbm_open(file, sizeof(int), GDBM_WRCREAT | GDBM_IPPOOL_OPTS, 0600, NULL); } if (!inst->ip) { ERROR("rlm_ippool: Failed to open file %s: %s", inst->ip_index, fr_syserror(errno)); return -1; } if (gdbm_setopt(inst->gdbm, GDBM_CACHESIZE, &cache_size, sizeof(int)) == -1) { ERROR("rlm_ippool: Failed to set cache size"); } if (gdbm_setopt(inst->ip, GDBM_CACHESIZE, &cache_size, sizeof(int)) == -1) { ERROR("rlm_ippool: Failed to set cache size"); } pthread_mutex_init(&inst->op_mutex, NULL); key_datum = gdbm_firstkey(inst->gdbm); if (key_datum.dptr) { free(key_datum.dptr); return 0; } /* * If the database does not exist initialize it. * We set the nas/port pairs to not existent values and * active = 0 */ DEBUG("rlm_ippool: Initializing database"); for (i = inst->range_start, j=~0; i <= inst->range_stop; i++, j--){ /* * Net and Broadcast addresses are excluded */ or_result = i | inst->netmask; if (~inst->netmask != 0 && (or_result == inst->netmask || (~or_result == 0))) { DEBUG("rlm_ippool: IP %s excluded", ip_ntoa(str, ntohl(i))); continue; } sprintf(init_str,"%016d",j); DEBUG("rlm_ippool: Initialized bucket: %s",init_str); memcpy(key.key, init_str,16); key_datum.dptr = (char *) &key; key_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_key); entry.ipaddr = ntohl(i); entry.active = 0; entry.extra = 0; entry.timestamp = 0; entry.timeout = 0; strcpy(entry.cli,cli); data_datum.dptr = (char *) &entry; data_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_info); rcode = gdbm_store(inst->gdbm, key_datum, data_datum, GDBM_REPLACE); if (rcode < 0) { ERROR("rlm_ippool: Failed storing data to %s: %s", inst->filename, gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno)); gdbm_close(inst->gdbm); gdbm_close(inst->ip); return -1; } } return 0; } /** Decrease allocated count from the ip index * */ static int decrease_allocated_count(rlm_ippool_t *inst, REQUEST *request, ippool_info *entry, datum *save_datum) { datum data_datum; datum key_datum; int num; key_datum.dptr = (char *) &(entry->ipaddr); key_datum.dsize = sizeof(uint32_t); data_datum = gdbm_fetch(inst->ip, key_datum); if (!data_datum.dptr) { return 0; } memcpy(&num, data_datum.dptr, sizeof(int)); free(data_datum.dptr); if (num > 0){ int rcode; num--; RDEBUG("Allocated count now: %i", num); data_datum.dptr = (char *) # data_datum.dsize = sizeof(int); rcode = gdbm_store(inst->ip, key_datum, data_datum, GDBM_REPLACE); if (rcode < 0) { RDEBUG("Failed storing data to %s: %s", inst->ip_index, gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno)); return -1; } if ((num > 0) && entry->extra == 1){ /* * We are doing MPPP and we still have nas/port entries referencing * this ip. Delete this entry so that eventually we only keep one * reference to this ip. */ gdbm_delete(inst->gdbm, *save_datum); } } return 0; } /* * Check for an Accounting-Stop * If we find one and we have allocated an IP to this nas/port combination, deallocate it. */ static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_accounting(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { rlm_ippool_t *inst = instance; datum key_datum; ippool_key key; datum data_datum; ippool_info entry; datum save_datum; int rcode; VALUE_PAIR *vp; char str[32]; uint8_t key_str[17]; char hex_str[35]; char xlat_str[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int ret; vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, 0, TAG_ANY); if (!vp) { RDEBUG2("Could not find account status type in packet"); return RLM_MODULE_INVALID; } switch (vp->vp_integer) { case PW_STATUS_STOP: { FR_MD5_CTX md5_context; if (radius_xlat(xlat_str, sizeof(xlat_str), request, inst->key, NULL, NULL) < 0){ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } fr_md5_init(&md5_context); fr_md5_update(&md5_context, (uint8_t *)xlat_str, strlen(xlat_str)); fr_md5_final(key_str, &md5_context); key_str[16] = '\0'; fr_bin2hex(hex_str, key_str, 16); hex_str[32] = '\0'; RDEBUG2("MD5 on 'key' directive maps to: %s", hex_str); memcpy(key.key, key_str, 16); break; } default: /* We don't care about any other accounting packet */ RDEBUG2("This is not an Accounting-Stop"); return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } RDEBUG2("Searching for an entry for key: '%s'", xlat_str); key_datum.dptr = (char *) &key; key_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_key); pthread_mutex_lock(&inst->op_mutex); data_datum = gdbm_fetch(inst->gdbm, key_datum); if (data_datum.dptr == NULL) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); RDEBUG2("Entry not found"); return RLM_MODULE_NOTFOUND; } /* * If the entry was found set active to zero */ memcpy(&entry, data_datum.dptr, sizeof(ippool_info)); free(data_datum.dptr); RDEBUG("Deallocated entry for ip: %s", ip_ntoa(str, entry.ipaddr)); entry.active = 0; entry.timestamp = 0; entry.timeout = 0; /* * Save the reference to the entry */ save_datum.dptr = key_datum.dptr; save_datum.dsize = key_datum.dsize; data_datum.dptr = (char *) &entry; data_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_info); rcode = gdbm_store(inst->gdbm, key_datum, data_datum, GDBM_REPLACE); if (rcode < 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); REDEBUG("Failed storing data to %s: %s", inst->filename, gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno)); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* * Decrease allocated count from the ip index */ ret = decrease_allocated_count(inst, request, &entry, &save_datum); pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); if (ret < 0) { return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } return RLM_MODULE_OK; } static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_post_auth(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { rlm_ippool_t *inst = instance; datum key_datum; ippool_key key; datum nextkey; datum data_datum; ippool_info entry; datum save_datum; int delete = 0; bool found = false; int mppp = 0; int extra = 0; int rcode; int num = 0; VALUE_PAIR *vp; char const *cli = NULL; char str[32]; uint8_t key_str[17]; char hex_str[35]; char xlat_str[MAX_STRING_LEN]; FR_MD5_CTX md5_context; #ifdef WITH_DHCP bool dhcp = false; #endif int attr_ipaddr = PW_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS; int attr_ipmask = PW_FRAMED_IP_NETMASK; int vendor_ipaddr = 0; /* * Check if Pool-Name attribute exists. If it exists check our name and * run only if they match */ vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->config, PW_POOL_NAME, 0, TAG_ANY); if (vp != NULL){ if (!inst->name || (strcmp(inst->name,vp->vp_strvalue) && strcmp(vp->vp_strvalue,"DEFAULT"))) return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } else { RDEBUG("Could not find Pool-Name attribute"); return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* * Find the caller id */ vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_CALLING_STATION_ID, 0, TAG_ANY); if (vp != NULL) { cli = vp->vp_strvalue; } #ifdef WITH_DHCP if (request->listener->type == RAD_LISTEN_DHCP) { dhcp = 1; attr_ipaddr = PW_DHCP_YOUR_IP_ADDRESS; vendor_ipaddr = DHCP_MAGIC_VENDOR; attr_ipmask = PW_DHCP_SUBNET_MASK; } #endif if (radius_xlat(xlat_str, sizeof(xlat_str), request, inst->key, NULL, NULL) < 0){ return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } fr_md5_init(&md5_context); fr_md5_update(&md5_context, (uint8_t *)xlat_str, strlen(xlat_str)); fr_md5_final(key_str, &md5_context); key_str[16] = '\0'; fr_bin2hex(hex_str, key_str, 16); hex_str[32] = '\0'; RDEBUG("MD5 on 'key' directive maps to: %s", hex_str); memcpy(key.key, key_str, 16); RDEBUG("Searching for an entry for key: '%s'", hex_str); key_datum.dptr = (char *) &key; key_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_key); pthread_mutex_lock(&inst->op_mutex); data_datum = gdbm_fetch(inst->gdbm, key_datum); if (data_datum.dptr != NULL){ /* * If there is a corresponding entry in the database with active=1 it is stale. * Set active to zero */ found = true; memcpy(&entry, data_datum.dptr, sizeof(ippool_info)); free(data_datum.dptr); if (entry.active){ int ret; RDEBUG("Found a stale entry for ip: %s",ip_ntoa(str,entry.ipaddr)); entry.active = 0; entry.timestamp = 0; entry.timeout = 0; /* * Save the reference to the entry */ save_datum.dptr = key_datum.dptr; save_datum.dsize = key_datum.dsize; data_datum.dptr = (char *) &entry; data_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_info); rcode = gdbm_store(inst->gdbm, key_datum, data_datum, GDBM_REPLACE); if (rcode < 0) { REDEBUG("Failed storing data to %s: %s", inst->filename, gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* * Decrease allocated count for the ip */ ret = decrease_allocated_count(inst, request, &entry, &save_datum); pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); if (ret < 0) { return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); /* * If there is a Framed-IP-Address (or Dhcp-Your-IP-Address) * attribute in the reply, check for override */ if (fr_pair_find_by_num(request->reply->vps, attr_ipaddr, vendor_ipaddr, TAG_ANY) != NULL) { RDEBUG("Found IP address attribute in reply attribute list"); if (!inst->override) { RDEBUG("override is set to no. Return NOOP"); return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } RDEBUG("Override supplied IP address"); fr_pair_delete_by_num(&request->reply->vps, attr_ipaddr, vendor_ipaddr, TAG_ANY); } /* * Walk through the database searching for an active=0 entry. * We search twice. Once to see if we have an active entry with the same caller_id * so that MPPP can work ok and then once again to find a free entry. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&inst->op_mutex); key_datum.dptr = NULL; if (cli != NULL){ key_datum = gdbm_firstkey(inst->gdbm); while (key_datum.dptr) { data_datum = gdbm_fetch(inst->gdbm, key_datum); if (data_datum.dptr){ memcpy(&entry,data_datum.dptr, sizeof(ippool_info)); free(data_datum.dptr); /* * If we find an entry for the same caller-id with active=1 * then we use that for multilink (MPPP) to work properly. */ if (strcmp(entry.cli,cli) == 0 && entry.active){ mppp = 1; break; } } nextkey = gdbm_nextkey(inst->gdbm, key_datum); free(key_datum.dptr); key_datum = nextkey; } } if (!key_datum.dptr){ key_datum = gdbm_firstkey(inst->gdbm); while(key_datum.dptr){ data_datum = gdbm_fetch(inst->gdbm, key_datum); if (data_datum.dptr){ memcpy(&entry,data_datum.dptr, sizeof(ippool_info)); free(data_datum.dptr); /* * Find an entry with active == 0 * or an entry that has expired */ if (entry.active == 0 || (entry.timestamp && ((entry.timeout && request->timestamp >= (entry.timestamp + entry.timeout)) || (inst->max_timeout && request->timestamp >= (entry.timestamp + inst->max_timeout))))){ datum tmp; tmp.dptr = (char *) &entry.ipaddr; tmp.dsize = sizeof(uint32_t); data_datum = gdbm_fetch(inst->ip, tmp); /* * If we find an entry in the ip index and the number is zero (meaning * that we haven't allocated the same ip address to another nas/port pair) * or if we don't find an entry then delete the session entry so * that we can change the key * Else we don't delete the session entry since we haven't yet deallocated the * corresponding ip address and we continue our search. */ if (data_datum.dptr){ memcpy(&num,data_datum.dptr, sizeof(int)); free(data_datum.dptr); if (num == 0){ delete = 1; break; } } else{ delete = 1; break; } } } nextkey = gdbm_nextkey(inst->gdbm, key_datum); free(key_datum.dptr); key_datum = nextkey; } } /* * If we have found a free entry set active to 1 then add a Framed-IP-Address attribute to * the reply * We keep the operation mutex locked until after we have set the corresponding entry active */ if (key_datum.dptr){ if (found && !mppp){ /* * Found == 1 means we have the nas/port combination entry in our database * We exchange the ip address between the nas/port entry and the free entry * Afterwards we will save the free ip address to the nas/port entry. * That is: * --------------------------------------------- * - NAS/PORT Entry |||| Free Entry ||| Time * - IP1 IP2(Free) BEFORE * - IP2(Free) IP1 AFTER * --------------------------------------------- * * We only do this if we are NOT doing MPPP * */ datum key_datum_tmp; datum data_datum_tmp; ippool_key key_tmp; memcpy(key_tmp.key,key_str,16); key_datum_tmp.dptr = (char *) &key_tmp; key_datum_tmp.dsize = sizeof(ippool_key); data_datum_tmp = gdbm_fetch(inst->gdbm, key_datum_tmp); if (data_datum_tmp.dptr != NULL){ rcode = gdbm_store(inst->gdbm, key_datum, data_datum_tmp, GDBM_REPLACE); free(data_datum_tmp.dptr); if (rcode < 0) { REDEBUG("Failed storing data to %s: %s", inst->filename, gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } } } else{ /* * We have not found the nas/port combination */ if (delete) { /* * Delete the entry so that we can change the key * All is well. We delete one entry and we add one entry */ gdbm_delete(inst->gdbm, key_datum); } else{ /* * We are doing MPPP. (mppp should be 1) * We don't do anything. * We will create an extra not needed entry in the database in this case * but we don't really care since we always also use the ip_index database * when we search for a free entry. * We will also delete that entry on the accounting section so that we only * have one nas/port entry referencing each ip */ if (mppp) { extra = 1; } if (!mppp) { REDEBUG("mppp is not one. Please report this behaviour"); } } } free(key_datum.dptr); entry.active = 1; entry.timestamp = request->timestamp; if ((vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->reply->vps, PW_SESSION_TIMEOUT, 0, TAG_ANY)) != NULL) { entry.timeout = (time_t) vp->vp_integer; #ifdef WITH_DHCP if (dhcp) { vp = radius_pair_create(request->reply, &request->reply->vps, PW_DHCP_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME, DHCP_MAGIC_VENDOR); vp->vp_integer = entry.timeout; fr_pair_delete_by_num(&request->reply->vps, PW_SESSION_TIMEOUT, 0, TAG_ANY); } #endif } else { entry.timeout = 0; } if (extra) { entry.extra = 1; } data_datum.dptr = (char *) &entry; data_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_info); memcpy(key.key, key_str, 16); key_datum.dptr = (char *) &key; key_datum.dsize = sizeof(ippool_key); RDEBUG2("Allocating ip to key: '%s'",hex_str); rcode = gdbm_store(inst->gdbm, key_datum, data_datum, GDBM_REPLACE); if (rcode < 0) { REDEBUG("Failed storing data to %s: %s", inst->filename, gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* Increase the ip index count */ key_datum.dptr = (char *) &entry.ipaddr; key_datum.dsize = sizeof(uint32_t); data_datum = gdbm_fetch(inst->ip, key_datum); if (data_datum.dptr){ memcpy(&num,data_datum.dptr,sizeof(int)); free(data_datum.dptr); } else { num = 0; } num++; RDEBUG("num: %d",num); data_datum.dptr = (char *) # data_datum.dsize = sizeof(int); rcode = gdbm_store(inst->ip, key_datum, data_datum, GDBM_REPLACE); if (rcode < 0) { REDEBUG("Failed storing data to %s: %s", inst->ip_index, gdbm_strerror(gdbm_errno)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); RDEBUG("Allocated ip %s to client key: %s",ip_ntoa(str,entry.ipaddr),hex_str); vp = radius_pair_create(request->reply, &request->reply->vps, attr_ipaddr, vendor_ipaddr); vp->vp_ipaddr = entry.ipaddr; /* * If there is no Framed-Netmask attribute in the * reply, add one */ if (fr_pair_find_by_num(request->reply->vps, attr_ipmask, vendor_ipaddr, TAG_ANY) == NULL) { vp = radius_pair_create(request->reply, &request->reply->vps, attr_ipmask, vendor_ipaddr); vp->vp_ipaddr = ntohl(inst->netmask); } } else{ pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->op_mutex); RDEBUG("No available ip addresses in pool"); return RLM_MODULE_NOTFOUND; } return RLM_MODULE_OK; } static int mod_detach(void *instance) { rlm_ippool_t *inst = instance; gdbm_close(inst->gdbm); gdbm_close(inst->ip); pthread_mutex_destroy(&inst->op_mutex); return 0; } /* * The module name should be the only globally exported symbol. * That is, everything else should be 'static'. * * If the module needs to temporarily modify it's instantiation * data, the type should be changed to RLM_TYPE_THREAD_UNSAFE. * The server will then take care of ensuring that the module * is single-threaded. */ extern module_t rlm_ippool; module_t rlm_ippool = { .magic = RLM_MODULE_INIT, .name = "ippool", .type = RLM_TYPE_THREAD_SAFE, .inst_size = sizeof(rlm_ippool_t), .config = module_config, .instantiate = mod_instantiate, .detach = mod_detach, .methods = { [MOD_ACCOUNTING] = mod_accounting, [MOD_POST_AUTH] = mod_post_auth }, };