/* * This program is is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: c62edea675fd52d0a3eff33c9a707428918528ba $ * @file trustrouter.c * @brief Integration with external trust router code * * @copyright 2014 Network RADIUS SARL */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_TRUST_ROUTER_TR_DH_H #include "trustrouter.h" #include #include struct resp_opaque { REALM *orig_realm; REALM *output_realm; TID_RC result; char err_msg[1024]; char *fr_realm_name; }; /* * This structure represents a rekey context. It is created once a new REALM is added to the REALM rbtree and it * contains the values required to recreate the TIDC request that originated that REALM. */ struct rekey_ctx { REALM *realm; char const *realm_name; char const *community; char const *rprealm; char const *trustrouter; unsigned int port; unsigned int times; unsigned int failed; fr_event_t *ev; }; /* Thread, event list, and mutexes to protect access to the event list */ static pthread_t rekeyer_thread_id; static fr_event_list_t *rekey_evl = NULL; static pthread_mutex_t evl_mutex; static pthread_mutexattr_t evl_mutex_attr; /* Mutex to control concurrent acceses to the realm tree */ static pthread_mutex_t realm_tree_mutex; /* Mutexes to serialise TID queries for the same realm */ #define REALM_MUTEX_MAX 16 static pthread_mutex_t realm_mutex[REALM_MUTEX_MAX]; /* Constant declarations */ static uint MAX_FAILED_REKEYS = 5; // Max number of tolerable consecutive rekey errors static uint REKEY_ERROR_DELAY = 10; // Number of seconds we wait until we start a new rekey after a failure static uint REKEY_THRESHOLD = 60; // Number of seconds before the REALM expires to start a rekey /* Configuration parameters */ static uint32_t realm_lifetime = 0; // Number of seconds the REALM can be used static bool rekey_enabled = false; // Is the rekey functionality enabled? /* Forward declarations */ static void tr_response_func(TIDC_INSTANCE*, TID_REQ*, TID_RESP*, void*); static void _tr_do_rekey(void *); /* Copied from dict_hashname */ #define FNV_MAGIC_INIT (0x811c9dc5) #define FNV_MAGIC_PRIME (0x01000193) static uint32_t realm_name_hash(const char* realm_name) { uint32_t hash = FNV_MAGIC_INIT; char const *p; for (p = realm_name; *p != '\0'; p++) { int c = *(unsigned char const *) p; if (isalpha(c)) c = tolower(c); hash *= FNV_MAGIC_PRIME; hash ^= (uint32_t ) (c & 0xff); } return hash % REALM_MUTEX_MAX; } static void realm_lock(const char *realm_name) { int index = realm_name_hash(realm_name); DEBUG2("Locking realm %s using mutex %d", realm_name, index); pthread_mutex_lock(&realm_mutex[index]); } static void realm_unlock(const char *realm_name) { int index = realm_name_hash(realm_name); DEBUG2("Unlocking realm %s using mutex %d", realm_name, index); pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm_mutex[index]); } /* * Builds a rekey_ctx context using the given parameters. * Memory context is attached to the REALM object, whereas all the char* fields are copied. */ static struct rekey_ctx *build_rekey_ctx(REALM *realm, char const *realm_name, char const *community, char const *rprealm, const char *trustrouter, int port) { struct rekey_ctx *ctx = talloc_zero(realm, struct rekey_ctx); ctx->realm = realm; ctx->realm_name = talloc_strdup(ctx, realm_name); ctx->community = talloc_strdup(ctx, community); ctx->rprealm = talloc_strdup(ctx, rprealm); ctx->trustrouter = talloc_strdup(ctx, trustrouter); ctx->port = port; ctx->times = 0; ctx->ev = NULL; return ctx; } /* * Main function for the rekeyer thread, which implements the rekey event loop. * A recursive lock is used to protect access to the event list, which might receive insertions from * other threads (i.e. REQUESTS). * If there are no rekey events to be executed, it sleeps for 1 second. */ void *rekeyer_thread(UNUSED void* args) { struct timeval when; int rv = 0; while (true) { gettimeofday(&when, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&evl_mutex); rv = fr_event_run(rekey_evl, &when); // DEBUG2("REALMs to be rekeyed: %d. Next rekey event in %lu seconds", // fr_event_list_num_elements(rekey_evl), when.tv_sec - time(NULL)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&evl_mutex); if (!rv) sleep(1); } return NULL; } /* * Sends a TIDC request and fills up the provided cookie with the response. * Returns FALSE if a response cannot be obtained for some reason (e.g. cannot connect to the TR) */ static bool tidc_send_recv(const char *trustrouter, int port, const char *rprealm, const char *realm_name, const char *community, struct resp_opaque *cookie) { gss_ctx_id_t gssctx; int conn = 0; int rcode; bool result = false; /* Open TIDC connection */ DEBUG2("Opening TIDC connection to %s:%u for resolving realm %s", trustrouter, port, realm_name); TIDC_INSTANCE *tidc = tidc_create(); if (!tidc) { DEBUG2( "tr_init: Error creating global TIDC instance.\n"); goto cleanup; } if (!tidc_set_dh(tidc, tr_create_dh_params(NULL, 0))) { DEBUG2( "tr_init: Error creating client DH params.\n"); goto cleanup; } conn = tidc_open_connection(tidc, (char *) trustrouter, port, &gssctx); if (conn < 0) { DEBUG2("Error in tidc_open_connection."); goto cleanup; } /* Send TIDC request */ rcode = tidc_send_request(tidc, conn, gssctx, (char *) rprealm, (char *) realm_name, (char *) community, &tr_response_func, cookie); if (rcode < 0) { DEBUG2("Error in tidc_send_request for %s, rc = %d.", realm_name, rcode); goto cleanup; } result = true; cleanup: tidc_destroy(tidc); return result; } /* * Gets the maximum expiration time of the realm's auth pool. */ static time_t get_realm_expiration(REALM const *realm) { time_t expiration = 0; for (int i = 0; i < realm->auth_pool->num_home_servers; i++) { home_server_t *server = realm->auth_pool->servers[i]; if (server->expiration > expiration) expiration = server->expiration; } return expiration; } /* * Schedules a rekey event with the indicated context by inserting a new event in the list. * It uses the evl_mutex to make sure no other thread accesses the event list at the same time. */ static int schedule_rekey(struct rekey_ctx *rekey_ctx) { int rv = 0; struct timeval when; gettimeofday(&when, NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&evl_mutex); /* If last attempt was a failure, schedule a rekey in REKEY_ERROR_DELAY seconds. * Else, schedule the rekey for REKEY_THRESHOLD seconds before the actual REALM expiration. */ if (rekey_ctx->failed) when.tv_sec += REKEY_ERROR_DELAY; else when.tv_sec = get_realm_expiration(rekey_ctx->realm) - REKEY_THRESHOLD; rv = fr_event_insert(rekey_evl, _tr_do_rekey, rekey_ctx, &when, &rekey_ctx->ev); pthread_mutex_unlock(&evl_mutex); DEBUG2("Scheduled a rekey for realm %s in %lu seconds", rekey_ctx->realm_name, when.tv_sec - time(NULL)); return rv; } /* * Callback that performs the actual rekey of a REALM. It receives a rekey_ctx which is used to replicate the * original TIDC query. If the request is sucessful, a new rekey is scheduled based on the expiration lifetime and * the configured threshold (REKEY_THRESHOLD). * When a failure is found, a new rekey is scheduled in a shorter period of time (REKEY_ERROR_DELAY). */ static void _tr_do_rekey(void *ctx){ struct rekey_ctx *rekey_ctx = (struct rekey_ctx *) ctx; bool result; struct resp_opaque cookie; /* clear the cookie structure and copy values from the rekey context */ memset (&cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie)); cookie.fr_realm_name = (char*) rekey_ctx->realm->name; cookie.orig_realm = rekey_ctx->realm; DEBUG2("Rekeying realm %s for the %dth time", rekey_ctx->realm_name, ++rekey_ctx->times); /* send the TIDC request and get the response. Use REALM mutext */ realm_lock(rekey_ctx->realm_name); result = tidc_send_recv(rekey_ctx->trustrouter, rekey_ctx->port, rekey_ctx->rprealm, rekey_ctx->realm_name, rekey_ctx->community, &cookie); realm_unlock(rekey_ctx->realm_name); /* If the rekey failed, schedule a new rekey in REKEY_ERROR_DELAY seconds, unless we have failed more than MAX_FAILED_REKEYS times in a row. In that case, return without scheduling a rekey */ if (!result || cookie.result != TID_SUCCESS) { if (++rekey_ctx->failed >= MAX_FAILED_REKEYS) { DEBUG2("Reached the maximum number of failed rekeys (%d) for realm %s. Giving up.", MAX_FAILED_REKEYS, rekey_ctx->realm_name); talloc_free(rekey_ctx); return; } DEBUG2("Rekey for realm %s failed for the %dth time.", rekey_ctx->realm_name, rekey_ctx->failed); } /* if rekey is successful, reset the failed counter */ else { rekey_ctx->failed = 0; } /* schedule the new rekey */ if (!schedule_rekey(rekey_ctx)){ DEBUG2("Error scheduling rekey event for realm %s!", rekey_ctx->realm_name); talloc_free(rekey_ctx); } } bool tr_init(bool cnf_rekey_enabled, uint32_t cnf_realm_lifetime) { int i = 0; DEBUG2( "tr_init: Init Trust Router module.\n"); realm_lifetime = cnf_realm_lifetime; rekey_enabled = cnf_rekey_enabled; /* create the locks */ pthread_mutex_init(&realm_tree_mutex, NULL); for (i=0; i= 0x10100000L const BIGNUM *dh_pubkey = NULL; #endif tls = tls_server_conf_alloc(hs); if (!tls) return NULL; aaa_server_dh = tid_srvr_get_dh(server); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L DH_get0_key(aaa_server_dh, &dh_pubkey, NULL); if (NULL == dh_pubkey) { DEBUG2("DH error"); goto error; } keylen = tr_compute_dh_key(&key_buf, BN_dup(dh_pubkey), tidc_get_dh(inst)); #else keylen = tr_compute_dh_key(&key_buf, aaa_server_dh->pub_key, tidc_get_dh(inst)); #endif if (keylen <= 0) { DEBUG2("DH error"); goto error; } hexbuf = talloc_size(tls, keylen*2 + 1); if (!hexbuf) goto error; tr_bin_to_hex(key_buf, keylen, hexbuf, 2*keylen + 1); tls->psk_password = hexbuf; tls->psk_identity = talloc_strdup(tls, tid_srvr_get_key_name(server)->buf); tls->cipher_list = talloc_strdup(tls, "aPSK"); tls->fragment_size = 4200; tls->ctx = tls_init_ctx(tls, 1, NULL, NULL); if (!tls->ctx) goto error; memset(key_buf, 0, keylen); tr_dh_free(key_buf); return tls; error: if (key_buf) { memset(key_buf, 0, keylen); tr_dh_free(key_buf); } if (hexbuf) memset(hexbuf, 0, keylen*2); if (tls) talloc_free(tls); return NULL; } static char *build_pool_name(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, TID_RESP *resp) { size_t index, sa_len, sl; TID_SRVR_BLK *server; char *pool_name = NULL; char addr_buf[256]; const struct sockaddr *sa; pool_name = talloc_strdup(ctx, "hp-"); tid_resp_servers_foreach(resp, server, index) { tid_srvr_get_address(server, &sa, &sa_len); if (0 != getnameinfo(sa, sa_len, addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf)-1, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) { DEBUG2("getnameinfo failed"); return NULL; } sl = strlen(addr_buf); rad_assert(sl+2 <= sizeof(addr_buf)); addr_buf[sl] = '-'; addr_buf[sl+1] = '\0'; pool_name = talloc_strdup_append(pool_name, addr_buf); } return pool_name; } static home_server_t *srvr_blk_to_home_server(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, TIDC_INSTANCE *inst, TID_SRVR_BLK *blk, char const *realm_name) { home_server_t *hs = NULL; const struct sockaddr *sa = NULL; size_t sa_len = 0; fr_ipaddr_t home_server_ip; uint16_t port; char nametemp[256]; time_t now = time(NULL); struct timeval key_expiration; rad_assert(blk != NULL); tid_srvr_get_address(blk, &sa, &sa_len); if (sa == NULL) { DEBUG2("tid_srvr_get_address failed"); return NULL; } fr_sockaddr2ipaddr((struct sockaddr_storage *) sa, sa_len, &home_server_ip, &port); if (0 != getnameinfo(sa, sa_len, nametemp, sizeof nametemp, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) { DEBUG2("getnameinfo failed"); return NULL; } hs = talloc_zero(ctx, home_server_t); if (!hs) return NULL; /* * All dynamic home servers are for authentication. */ hs->type = HOME_TYPE_AUTH; hs->ipaddr = home_server_ip; hs->src_ipaddr.af = home_server_ip.af; hs->log_name = talloc_asprintf(hs, "%s-for-%s", nametemp, realm_name); hs->name = talloc_strdup(hs, nametemp); hs->port = port; hs->proto = IPPROTO_TCP; hs->secret = talloc_strdup(hs, "radsec"); hs->response_window.tv_sec = 30; hs->last_packet_recv = now; /* * We want sockets using these servers to close as soon as possible, * to make sure that whenever a pool is replaced, sockets using old ones * will not last long (hopefully less than 300s). */ hs->limit.idle_timeout = 5; /* * Set the expiration of the server. * If a realm_lifetime configuration parameter is provided (i.e. >0), use: now + realm_lifetime * Else use the value from the TIDC response (if the accessor function is available) or now + 600 */ #ifdef HAVE_TRUST_ROUTER_GET_KEY_EXP tid_srvr_get_key_expiration(blk, &key_expiration); #else key_expiration.tv_sec = now + 600; #endif hs->expiration = realm_lifetime > 0 ? (now + realm_lifetime) : key_expiration.tv_sec; hs->tls = construct_tls(inst, hs, blk); if (!hs->tls) goto error; realm_home_server_sanitize(hs, NULL); return hs; error: talloc_free(hs); return NULL; } static home_pool_t *servers_to_pool(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, TIDC_INSTANCE *inst, TID_RESP *resp, const char *realm_name) { home_pool_t *pool = NULL; size_t num_servers = 0, index; TID_SRVR_BLK *server = NULL; num_servers = tid_resp_get_num_servers(resp); pool = talloc_zero_size(ctx, sizeof(*pool) + num_servers *sizeof(home_server_t *)); if (!pool) goto error; pool->type = HOME_POOL_CLIENT_PORT_BALANCE; pool->server_type = HOME_TYPE_AUTH; pool->name = build_pool_name(pool, resp); if (!pool->name) goto error; pool->num_home_servers = num_servers; tid_resp_servers_foreach(resp, server, index) { home_server_t *hs; hs = srvr_blk_to_home_server(pool, inst, server, realm_name); if (!hs) goto error; pool->servers[index] = hs; } return pool; error: if (pool) talloc_free(pool); return NULL; } static void tr_response_func( TIDC_INSTANCE *inst, UNUSED TID_REQ *req, TID_RESP *resp, void *cookie) { struct resp_opaque *opaque = (struct resp_opaque *) cookie; REALM *nr = opaque->orig_realm; if (tid_resp_get_result(resp) != TID_SUCCESS) { size_t err_msg_len; opaque->result = tid_resp_get_result(resp); memset(opaque->err_msg, 0, sizeof(opaque->err_msg)); if (tid_resp_get_err_msg(resp)) { TR_NAME *err_msg = tid_resp_get_err_msg(resp); err_msg_len = err_msg->len+1; if (err_msg_len > sizeof(opaque->err_msg)) err_msg_len = sizeof(opaque->err_msg); strlcpy(opaque->err_msg, err_msg->buf, err_msg_len); } return; } pthread_mutex_lock(&realm_tree_mutex); if (!nr) { nr = talloc_zero(NULL, REALM); if (!nr) goto error; nr->name = talloc_move(nr, &opaque->fr_realm_name); nr->auth_pool = servers_to_pool(nr, inst, resp, nr->name); if (!nr->auth_pool) { ERROR("Unable to create pool for %s", nr->name); goto error; } if (!realm_realm_add(nr, NULL)) goto error; } else { home_pool_t *old_pool = nr->auth_pool; home_pool_t *new_pool; new_pool = servers_to_pool(nr, inst, resp, opaque->fr_realm_name); if (!new_pool) { ERROR("Unable to recreate pool for %s", opaque->fr_realm_name); goto error; } nr->auth_pool = new_pool; /* * Mark the old pool as "to be freed" */ realm_pool_free(old_pool); } opaque->output_realm = nr; pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm_tree_mutex); return; error: if (nr && !opaque->orig_realm) { talloc_free(nr); } opaque->result = TID_ERROR; snprintf(opaque->err_msg, sizeof(opaque->err_msg), "There was an error creating the pool for %s", opaque->fr_realm_name); pthread_mutex_unlock(&realm_tree_mutex); return; } static bool update_required(REALM const *r) { const home_pool_t *pool; int i; const home_server_t *server; time_t now = time(NULL); /* * No pool. Not our realm. */ if (!r->auth_pool) return false; pool = r->auth_pool; for (i = 0; i < pool->num_home_servers; i++) { server = pool->servers[i]; /* * The realm was loaded from the configuration * files. */ if (server->cs) return false; /* * These values don't make sense. */ if ((server->last_packet_recv > (now + 5)) || (server->last_failed_open > (now + 5))) { continue; } /* * If home server is expired, update */ if (now > server->expiration) continue; /* * If we've opened in the last 10 minutes, then * open rather than update. */ if ((now - server->last_failed_open) > 600) { return false; } } return true; } REALM *tr_query_realm(REQUEST *request, char const *realm, char const *community, char const *rprealm, char const *trustrouter, unsigned int port) { VALUE_PAIR *vp; struct resp_opaque cookie; bool rv = false; if (!realm) return NULL; if (!trustrouter || (strcmp(trustrouter, "none") == 0)) return NULL; /* clear the cookie structure */ memset (&cookie, 0, sizeof(cookie)); /* See if the request overrides the community*/ vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_UKERNA_TR_COI, VENDORPEC_UKERNA, TAG_ANY); if (vp) community = vp->vp_strvalue; else pair_make_request("Trust-Router-COI", community, T_OP_SET); /* Check if we already have a valid REALM and return it */ cookie.fr_realm_name = talloc_asprintf(NULL, "%s%%%s", community, realm); cookie.orig_realm = cookie.output_realm = realm_find(cookie.fr_realm_name); if (cookie.orig_realm && !update_required(cookie.orig_realm)) goto cleanup; /* We use this lock for serializing TID requests for this realm */ realm_lock(realm); /* Check again that the realm was not created while we were waiting to acquire the lock. */ cookie.orig_realm = cookie.output_realm = realm_find(cookie.fr_realm_name); if (cookie.orig_realm && !update_required(cookie.orig_realm)){ realm_unlock(realm); goto cleanup; } /* Perform the request/response exchange with the trust router server */ rv = tidc_send_recv(trustrouter, port, (char *) rprealm, (char *) realm, (char *)community, &cookie); realm_unlock(realm); /* If we weren't able to get a response from the trust router server, goto cleanup (hence return NULL realm) */ if (!rv) { DEBUG2("Could not connect with Trust Router server for realm %s, rv = %d\n", realm, rv); module_failure_msg(request, "Could not connect with Trust Router server for realm %s", realm); goto cleanup; } /* If we got a response but it is an error one, include a Reply-Message and Error-Cause attributes */ if (cookie.result != TID_SUCCESS) { DEBUG2("TID response is error, rc = %d: %s.\n", cookie.result, cookie.err_msg?cookie.err_msg:"(NO ERROR TEXT)"); module_failure_msg(request, "TID response is error, rc = %d: %s.\n", cookie.result, cookie.err_msg?cookie.err_msg:"(NO ERROR TEXT)"); if (cookie.err_msg) pair_make_reply("Reply-Message", cookie.err_msg, T_OP_SET); pair_make_reply("Error-Cause", "502", T_OP_SET); /*proxy unroutable*/ } /* TIDC request was successful. If rekey is enabled, create a rekey event */ else if (rekey_enabled) { struct rekey_ctx *rctx = build_rekey_ctx(cookie.output_realm, realm, community, rprealm, trustrouter, port); if (!schedule_rekey(rctx)){ talloc_free(rctx); DEBUG2("Error scheduling rekey event for realm %s!", realm); } } cleanup: if (cookie.fr_realm_name) talloc_free(cookie.fr_realm_name); return cookie.output_realm; } #endif /* HAVE_TRUST_ROUTER_TR_DH_H */