/* * This program is is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: e720c8e7aa0158a69399f44bd0b180907d54f9e5 $ * @file rlm_sql_map.c * @brief Tracks data usage and other counters using SQL. * * @copyright 2001,2006 The FreeRADIUS server project * @copyright 2001 Alan DeKok <aland@ox.org> */ RCSID("$Id: e720c8e7aa0158a69399f44bd0b180907d54f9e5 $") #include <freeradius-devel/radiusd.h> #include <freeradius-devel/modules.h> #include <freeradius-devel/rad_assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <rlm_sql.h> #define MAX_QUERY_LEN 2048 typedef struct rlm_sql_map_t { char const *sql_instance_name; //!< Instance of SQL module to use, //!< usually just 'sql'. bool multiple_rows; //!< Process all rows creating an attr[*] array char const *query; //!< SQL query to retrieve current rlm_sql_t *sql_inst; CONF_SECTION *cs; /* * SQL columns to RADIUS stuff */ vp_map_t *user_map; } rlm_sql_map_t; /* * A mapping of configuration file names to internal variables. * * Note that the string is dynamically allocated, so it MUST * be freed. When the configuration file parse re-reads the string, * it free's the old one, and strdup's the new one, placing the pointer * to the strdup'd string into 'config.string'. This gets around * buffer over-flows. */ static const CONF_PARSER module_config[] = { { "sql_module_instance", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_sql_map_t, sql_instance_name), NULL }, { "multiple_rows", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_BOOLEAN, rlm_sql_map_t, multiple_rows), "no" }, { "query", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_XLAT | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED | PW_TYPE_NOT_EMPTY, rlm_sql_map_t, query), NULL }, CONF_PARSER_TERMINATOR }; #define SQL_MAX_ATTRMAP (128) static int sql_map_verify(vp_map_t *map, UNUSED void *instance) { /* * Destinations where we can put the VALUE_PAIRs we * create using SQL values. */ switch (map->lhs->type) { case TMPL_TYPE_ATTR: break; case TMPL_TYPE_ATTR_UNDEFINED: cf_log_err(map->ci, "Unknown attribute %s", map->lhs->tmpl_unknown_name); return -1; default: cf_log_err(map->ci, "Left hand side of map must be an attribute, not a %s", fr_int2str(tmpl_names, map->lhs->type, "<INVALID>")); return -1; } /* * The RHS MUST be only a column number. */ switch (map->rhs->type) { case TMPL_TYPE_LITERAL: case TMPL_TYPE_DATA: if (tmpl_cast_in_place(map->rhs, PW_TYPE_INTEGER, NULL) < 0) { cf_log_err(map->ci, "Failed parsing right hand side of map as an integer."); return -1; } if (map->rhs->tmpl_data_value.integer > SQL_MAX_ATTRMAP) { cf_log_err(map->ci, "Column number %u is larger than allowed maximum %u", map->rhs->tmpl_data_value.integer, SQL_MAX_ATTRMAP); return -1; } break; default: cf_log_err(map->ci, "Right hand side of map must be a column number, not a %s", fr_int2str(tmpl_names, map->rhs->type, "<INVALID>")); return -1; } /* * Only =, :=, += and -= operators are supported for SQL mappings. */ switch (map->op) { case T_OP_SET: case T_OP_EQ: case T_OP_SUB: case T_OP_ADD: break; default: cf_log_err(map->ci, "Operator \"%s\" not allowed for SQL mappings", fr_int2str(fr_tokens, map->op, "<INVALID>")); return -1; } return 0; } typedef struct sql_map_row_s { int num_columns; char **row; } sql_map_row_t; /** Callback for map_to_request * * Performs exactly the same job as map_to_vp, but pulls attribute values from SQL entries * * @see map_to_vp */ static int sql_map_getvalue(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, VALUE_PAIR **out, REQUEST *request, vp_map_t const *map, void *uctx) { VALUE_PAIR *head = NULL, *vp; int column; sql_map_row_t *data = uctx; char *value; vp_cursor_t cursor; *out = NULL; fr_cursor_init(&cursor, &head); switch (map->lhs->type) { /* * Iterate over all the retrieved values, * don't try and be clever about changing operators * just use whatever was set in the attribute map. */ case TMPL_TYPE_ATTR: fr_assert(map->rhs->type == TMPL_TYPE_DATA); fr_assert(map->rhs->tmpl_data_type == PW_TYPE_INTEGER); column = map->rhs->tmpl_data_value.integer; if (column >= data->num_columns) { RWDEBUG("Ignoring source column number %u, as it is larger than the number of returned columns %d", column, data->num_columns); return 0; } if (!data->row[column]) { RWDEBUG("Ignoring source column number %u - it is empty", column); return 0; } value = data->row[column]; vp = fr_pair_afrom_da(ctx, map->lhs->tmpl_da); rad_assert(vp); if (fr_pair_value_from_str(vp, value, -1) < 0) { char *escaped; escaped = fr_aprints(vp, value, -1, '"'); RWDEBUG("Failed parsing value \"%s\" for attribute %s: %s", escaped, map->lhs->tmpl_da->name, fr_strerror()); talloc_free(vp); /* also frees escaped */ break; } vp->op = map->op; fr_cursor_insert(&cursor, vp); break; default: rad_assert(0); } *out = head; return 0; } /** Convert attribute map into valuepairs * * Use the attribute map built earlier to convert SQL values into valuepairs and insert them into whichever * list they need to go into. * * This is *NOT* atomic, but there's no condition for which we should error out... * * @param[in] inst module configuration. * @param[in] request Current request. * @param[in] handle associated with entry. * @return * - Number of maps successfully applied. * - -1 on failure. */ static int sql_map_do(const rlm_sql_map_t *inst, REQUEST *request, rlm_sql_handle_t **handle) { vp_map_t const *map; int applied = 0; /* How many maps have been applied to the current request */ sql_map_row_t ctx; /* * Cache all of the rows in a simple array. */ while ((inst->sql_inst->module->sql_fetch_row)(*handle, inst->sql_inst->config) == RLM_SQL_OK) { #ifdef __clang_analyzer__ if (!*handle) return -1; /* only true when return code is not RLM_SQL_OK */ #endif ctx.row = (*handle)->row; ctx.num_columns = (inst->sql_inst->module->sql_num_fields)(*handle, inst->sql_inst->config); if (applied >= 1 && !inst->multiple_rows) { RWDEBUG("Ignoring multiple rows. Enable the option 'multiple_rows' if you need multiple rows."); break; } for (map = inst->user_map; map != NULL; map = map->next) { /* * If something bad happened, just skip, this is probably * a case of the dst being incorrect for the current * request context */ if (map_to_request(request, map, sql_map_getvalue, &ctx) < 0) { return -1; /* Fail */ } } applied++; } return applied; } /* * Do any per-module initialization that is separate to each * configured instance of the module. e.g. set up connections * to external databases, read configuration files, set up * dictionary entries, etc. * * If configuration information is given in the config section * that must be referenced in later calls, store a handle to it * in *instance otherwise put a null pointer there. */ static int mod_instantiate(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_sql_map_t *inst = instance; module_instance_t *sql_inst; CONF_SECTION *update; sql_inst = module_instantiate(cf_section_find("modules"), inst->sql_instance_name); if (!sql_inst) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Failed to find sql instance named %s", inst->sql_instance_name); return -1; } inst->sql_inst = (rlm_sql_t *)sql_inst->insthandle; inst->cs = conf; /* * Build the attribute map */ update = cf_section_sub_find(inst->cs, "update"); if (!update) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Failed to find 'update' section"); return -1; } if (map_afrom_cs(&inst->user_map, update, PAIR_LIST_REPLY, PAIR_LIST_REQUEST, sql_map_verify, inst, SQL_MAX_ATTRMAP) < 0) { return -1; } return 0; } static int mod_bootstrap(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_sql_map_t *inst = instance; char const *p = inst->query; if (!p || !*p) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "'query' cannot be empty"); return -1; } while (isspace((int) *p)) p++; if ((strncasecmp(p, "insert", 6) == 0) || (strncasecmp(p, "update", 6) == 0) || (strncasecmp(p, "delete", 6) == 0)) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "'query' MUST be 'SELECT ...', not 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', or 'DELETE'"); return -1; } return 0; } /** Detach from the SQL server and cleanup internal state. * */ static int mod_detach(void *instance) { rlm_sql_map_t *inst = instance; talloc_free(inst->user_map); return 0; } /* * Find the named user in this modules database. Create the set * of attribute-value pairs to check and reply with for this user * from the database. The authentication code only needs to check * the password, the rest is done here. */ static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_map(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { int res; rlm_rcode_t rcode = RLM_MODULE_NOOP; char *query; rlm_sql_map_t *inst = instance; rlm_sql_handle_t *handle; handle = fr_connection_get(inst->sql_inst->pool); if (!handle) { REDEBUG("Failed reserving SQL connection"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } if (inst->sql_inst->sql_set_user(inst->sql_inst, request, NULL) < 0) { return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } if (radius_axlat(&query, request, inst->query, inst->sql_inst->sql_escape_func, handle) < 0) { return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } res = inst->sql_inst->sql_select_query(inst->sql_inst, request, &handle, query); talloc_free(query); if (res != RLM_SQL_OK) { if (handle) fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, handle); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } fr_assert(handle != NULL); if (sql_map_do(inst, request, &handle) > 0) rcode = RLM_MODULE_UPDATED; if (handle) { (inst->sql_inst->module->sql_finish_query)(handle, inst->sql_inst->config); fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, handle); } return rcode; } /* * The module name should be the only globally exported symbol. * That is, everything else should be 'static'. * * If the module needs to temporarily modify it's instantiation * data, the type should be changed to RLM_TYPE_THREAD_UNSAFE. * The server will then take care of ensuring that the module * is single-threaded. */ extern module_t rlm_sql_map; module_t rlm_sql_map = { .magic = RLM_MODULE_INIT, .name = "sqlcounter", .type = RLM_TYPE_THREAD_SAFE, .inst_size = sizeof(rlm_sql_map_t), .config = module_config, .bootstrap = mod_bootstrap, .instantiate = mod_instantiate, .detach = mod_detach, .methods = { [MOD_AUTHENTICATE] = mod_map, [MOD_AUTHORIZE] = mod_map, [MOD_PREACCT] = mod_map, [MOD_ACCOUNTING] = mod_map, [MOD_PRE_PROXY] = mod_map, [MOD_POST_PROXY] = mod_map, [MOD_POST_AUTH] = mod_map, #ifdef WITH_COA [MOD_RECV_COA] = mod_map, [MOD_SEND_COA] = mod_map #endif }, };