/* * This program is is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: 9d3ba2b30b3fcc63acf6161b3c5ca80b9a8cb7e1 $ * @file rlm_sqlcounter.c * @brief Tracks data usage and other counters using SQL. * * @copyright 2001,2006 The FreeRADIUS server project * @copyright 2001 Alan DeKok */ RCSID("$Id: 9d3ba2b30b3fcc63acf6161b3c5ca80b9a8cb7e1 $") #include #include #include #include #define MAX_QUERY_LEN 2048 /* * Note: When your counter spans more than 1 period (ie 3 months * or 2 weeks), this module probably does NOT do what you want! It * calculates the range of dates to count across by first calculating * the End of the Current period and then subtracting the number of * periods you specify from that to determine the beginning of the * range. * * For example, if you specify a 3 month counter and today is June 15th, * the end of the current period is June 30. Subtracting 3 months from * that gives April 1st. So, the counter will sum radacct entries from * April 1st to June 30. Then, next month, it will sum entries from * May 1st to July 31st. * * To fix this behavior, we need to add some way of storing the Next * Reset Time. */ /* * Define a structure for our module configuration. * * These variables do not need to be in a structure, but it's * a lot cleaner to do so, and a pointer to the structure can * be used as the instance handle. */ typedef struct rlm_sqlcounter_t { char const *counter_name; //!< Daily-Session-Time. char const *limit_name; //!< Max-Daily-Session. char const *reply_name; //!< Session-Timeout. char const *key_name; //!< User-Name. char const *sqlmod_inst; //!< Instance of SQL module to use, //!< usually just 'sql'. char const *query; //!< SQL query to retrieve current //!< session time. char const *reset; //!< Daily, weekly, monthly, //!< never or user defined. time_t reset_time; time_t last_reset; DICT_ATTR const *key_attr; //!< Attribute number for key field. DICT_ATTR const *dict_attr; //!< Attribute number for the counter. DICT_ATTR const *reply_attr; //!< Attribute number for the reply. } rlm_sqlcounter_t; /* * A mapping of configuration file names to internal variables. * * Note that the string is dynamically allocated, so it MUST * be freed. When the configuration file parse re-reads the string, * it free's the old one, and strdup's the new one, placing the pointer * to the strdup'd string into 'config.string'. This gets around * buffer over-flows. */ static const CONF_PARSER module_config[] = { { "sql-module-instance", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, sqlmod_inst), NULL }, { "sql_module_instance", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, sqlmod_inst), NULL }, { "key", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, rlm_sqlcounter_t, key_name), NULL }, { "query", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_XLAT | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, query), NULL }, { "reset", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, reset), NULL }, { "counter-name", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, counter_name), NULL }, { "counter_name", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, counter_name), NULL }, { "check-name", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, limit_name), NULL }, { "check_name", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_REQUIRED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, limit_name), NULL }, { "reply-name", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_DEPRECATED, rlm_sqlcounter_t, reply_name), NULL }, { "reply_name", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING | PW_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, rlm_sqlcounter_t, reply_name), "Session-Timeout" }, CONF_PARSER_TERMINATOR }; static int find_next_reset(rlm_sqlcounter_t *inst, REQUEST *request, time_t timeval) { int ret = 0; size_t len; unsigned int num = 1; char last = '\0'; struct tm *tm, s_tm; char sCurrentTime[40], sNextTime[40]; tm = localtime_r(&timeval, &s_tm); tm->tm_sec = tm->tm_min = 0; rad_assert(inst->reset != NULL); /* * Reset every N hours, days, weeks, months. */ if (isdigit((int) inst->reset[0])){ len = strlen(inst->reset); if (len == 0) return -1; last = inst->reset[len - 1]; if (!isalpha((int) last)) { last = 'd'; } num = atoi(inst->reset); DEBUG("rlm_sqlcounter: num=%d, last=%c",num,last); } if (strcmp(inst->reset, "hourly") == 0 || last == 'h') { /* * Round up to the next nearest hour. */ tm->tm_hour += num; inst->reset_time = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "daily") == 0 || last == 'd') { /* * Round up to the next nearest day. */ tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_mday += num; inst->reset_time = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "weekly") == 0 || last == 'w') { /* * Round up to the next nearest week. */ tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_mday += (7 - tm->tm_wday) +(7*(num-1)); inst->reset_time = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "monthly") == 0 || last == 'm') { tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_mday = 1; tm->tm_mon += num; inst->reset_time = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "never") == 0) { inst->reset_time = 0; } else { return -1; } if (!request || (rad_debug_lvl < 2)) return ret; len = strftime(sCurrentTime, sizeof(sCurrentTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm); if (len == 0) *sCurrentTime = '\0'; len = strftime(sNextTime, sizeof(sNextTime),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",tm); if (len == 0) *sNextTime = '\0'; RDEBUG2("rlm_sqlcounter: Current Time: %" PRId64 " [%s], Next reset %" PRId64 " [%s]", (int64_t) timeval, sCurrentTime, (int64_t) inst->reset_time, sNextTime); return ret; } /* I don't believe that this routine handles Daylight Saving Time adjustments properly. Any suggestions? */ static int find_prev_reset(rlm_sqlcounter_t *inst, time_t timeval) { int ret = 0; size_t len; unsigned int num = 1; char last = '\0'; struct tm *tm, s_tm; char sCurrentTime[40], sPrevTime[40]; tm = localtime_r(&timeval, &s_tm); len = strftime(sCurrentTime, sizeof(sCurrentTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm); if (len == 0) *sCurrentTime = '\0'; tm->tm_sec = tm->tm_min = 0; rad_assert(inst->reset != NULL); if (isdigit((int) inst->reset[0])){ len = strlen(inst->reset); if (len == 0) return -1; last = inst->reset[len - 1]; if (!isalpha((int) last)) last = 'd'; num = atoi(inst->reset); DEBUG("rlm_sqlcounter: num=%d, last=%c",num,last); } if (strcmp(inst->reset, "hourly") == 0 || last == 'h') { /* * Round down to the prev nearest hour. */ tm->tm_hour -= num - 1; inst->last_reset = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "daily") == 0 || last == 'd') { /* * Round down to the prev nearest day. */ tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_mday -= num - 1; inst->last_reset = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "weekly") == 0 || last == 'w') { /* * Round down to the prev nearest week. */ tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_mday -= tm->tm_wday +(7*(num-1)); inst->last_reset = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "monthly") == 0 || last == 'm') { tm->tm_hour = 0; tm->tm_mday = 1; tm->tm_mon -= num - 1; inst->last_reset = mktime(tm); } else if (strcmp(inst->reset, "never") == 0) { inst->reset_time = 0; } else { return -1; } len = strftime(sPrevTime, sizeof(sPrevTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm); if (len == 0) *sPrevTime = '\0'; DEBUG2("rlm_sqlcounter: Current Time: %" PRId64 " [%s], Prev reset %" PRId64 " [%s]", (int64_t) timeval, sCurrentTime, (int64_t) inst->last_reset, sPrevTime); return ret; } /* * Replace % in a string. * * %b last_reset * %e reset_time * %k key_name * %S sqlmod_inst * */ static size_t sqlcounter_expand(char *out, int outlen, char const *fmt, rlm_sqlcounter_t *inst) { int freespace; char const *p; char *q; char tmpdt[40]; /* For temporary storing of dates */ q = out; p = fmt; while (*p) { /* Calculate freespace in output */ freespace = outlen - (q - out); if (freespace <= 1) { return -1; } /* * Non-% get copied as-is. */ if (*p != '%') { *q++ = *p++; continue; } p++; if (!*p) { /* % and then EOS --> % */ *q++ = '%'; break; } if (freespace <= 2) return -1; /* * We need TWO %% in a row before we do our expansions. * If we only get one, just copy the %s as-is. */ if (*p != '%') { *q++ = '%'; *q++ = *p++; continue; } p++; if (!*p) { *q++ = '%'; *q++ = '%'; break; } if (freespace <= 3) return -1; switch (*p) { case 'b': /* last_reset */ snprintf(tmpdt, sizeof(tmpdt), "%" PRId64, (int64_t) inst->last_reset); strlcpy(q, tmpdt, freespace); q += strlen(q); p++; break; case 'e': /* reset_time */ snprintf(tmpdt, sizeof(tmpdt), "%" PRId64, (int64_t) inst->reset_time); strlcpy(q, tmpdt, freespace); q += strlen(q); p++; break; case 'k': /* Key Name */ WARN("Please replace '%%k' with '${key}'"); strlcpy(q, inst->key_name, freespace); q += strlen(q); p++; break; /* * %%s gets copied over as-is. */ default: *q++ = '%'; *q++ = '%'; *q++ = *p++; break; } } *q = '\0'; DEBUG2("sqlcounter_expand: '%s'", out); return strlen(out); } /* * See if the counter matches. */ static int sqlcounter_cmp(void *instance, REQUEST *request, UNUSED VALUE_PAIR *req , VALUE_PAIR *check, UNUSED VALUE_PAIR *check_pairs, UNUSED VALUE_PAIR **reply_pairs) { rlm_sqlcounter_t *inst = instance; uint64_t counter; char query[MAX_QUERY_LEN], subst[MAX_QUERY_LEN]; char *expanded = NULL; size_t len; /* First, expand %k, %b and %e in query */ if (sqlcounter_expand(subst, sizeof(subst), inst->query, inst) <= 0) { REDEBUG("Insufficient query buffer space"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* Then combine that with the name of the module were using to do the query */ len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "%%{%s:%s}", inst->sqlmod_inst, subst); if (len >= sizeof(query) - 1) { REDEBUG("Insufficient query buffer space"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* Finally, xlat resulting SQL query */ if (radius_axlat(&expanded, request, query, NULL, NULL) < 0) { return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } if (sscanf(expanded, "%" PRIu64, &counter) != 1) { RDEBUG2("No integer found in string \"%s\"", expanded); } talloc_free(expanded); if (counter < check->vp_integer64) { return -1; } if (counter > check->vp_integer64) { return 1; } return 0; } static int mod_bootstrap(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_sqlcounter_t *inst = instance; DICT_ATTR const *da; ATTR_FLAGS flags; memset(&flags, 0, sizeof(flags)); flags.compare = 1; /* ugly hack */ da = dict_attrbyname(inst->counter_name); if (da && (da->type != PW_TYPE_INTEGER64)) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Counter attribute %s MUST be integer64", inst->counter_name); return -1; } if (!da && (dict_addattr(inst->counter_name, -1, 0, PW_TYPE_INTEGER64, flags) < 0)) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Failed to create counter attribute %s: %s", inst->counter_name, fr_strerror()); return -1; } /* * Register the counter comparison operation. */ if (paircompare_register_byname(inst->counter_name, NULL, true, sqlcounter_cmp, inst) < 0) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Failed registering counter attribute %s: %s", inst->counter_name, fr_strerror()); return -1; } inst->dict_attr = dict_attrbyname(inst->counter_name); if (!inst->dict_attr) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Failed to find counter attribute %s", inst->counter_name); return -1; } /* * Create a new attribute for the check item. */ flags.compare = 0; if ((dict_addattr(inst->limit_name, -1, 0, PW_TYPE_INTEGER64, flags) < 0) || !dict_attrbyname(inst->limit_name)) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Failed to create check attribute %s: %s", inst->limit_name, fr_strerror()); return -1; } return 0; } /* * Do any per-module initialization that is separate to each * configured instance of the module. e.g. set up connections * to external databases, read configuration files, set up * dictionary entries, etc. * * If configuration information is given in the config section * that must be referenced in later calls, store a handle to it * in *instance otherwise put a null pointer there. */ static int mod_instantiate(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_sqlcounter_t *inst = instance; DICT_ATTR const *da; time_t now; rad_assert(inst->query && *inst->query); da = dict_attrbyname(inst->key_name); if (!da) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid attribute '%s'", inst->key_name); return -1; } inst->key_attr = da; da = dict_attrbyname(inst->reply_name); if (!da) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid attribute '%s'", inst->reply_name); return -1; } inst->reply_attr = da; now = time(NULL); inst->reset_time = 0; if (find_next_reset(inst, NULL, now) < 0) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid reset '%s'", inst->reset); return -1; } /* * Discover the beginning of the current time period. */ inst->last_reset = 0; if (find_prev_reset(inst, now) < 0) { cf_log_err_cs(conf, "Invalid reset '%s'", inst->reset); return -1; } return 0; } /* * Find the named user in this modules database. Create the set * of attribute-value pairs to check and reply with for this user * from the database. The authentication code only needs to check * the password, the rest is done here. */ static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_authorize(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { rlm_sqlcounter_t *inst = instance; int rcode = RLM_MODULE_NOOP; uint64_t counter, unused; DICT_ATTR const *da; VALUE_PAIR *key_vp, *limit; VALUE_PAIR *reply_item; char msg[128]; char query[MAX_QUERY_LEN], subst[MAX_QUERY_LEN]; char *expanded = NULL; size_t len; /* * Before doing anything else, see if we have to reset * the counters. */ if (inst->reset_time && (inst->reset_time <= request->timestamp)) { /* * Re-set the next time and prev_time for this counters range */ inst->last_reset = inst->reset_time; find_next_reset(inst, request, request->timestamp); } /* * Look for the key. User-Name is special. It means * The REAL username, after stripping. */ if ((inst->key_attr->vendor == 0) && (inst->key_attr->attr == PW_USER_NAME)) { key_vp = request->username; } else { key_vp = fr_pair_find_by_da(request->packet->vps, inst->key_attr, TAG_ANY); } if (!key_vp) { RWDEBUG2("Couldn't find key attribute, request:%s, doing nothing...", inst->key_attr->name); return rcode; } /* * Look for the check item */ if ((da = dict_attrbyname(inst->limit_name)) == NULL) { return rcode; } limit = fr_pair_find_by_da(request->config, da, TAG_ANY); if (limit == NULL) { /* Yes this really is 'check' as distinct from control */ RWDEBUG2("Couldn't find check attribute, control:%s, doing nothing...", inst->limit_name); return rcode; } /* First, expand %k, %b and %e in query */ if (sqlcounter_expand(subst, sizeof(subst), inst->query, inst) <= 0) { REDEBUG("Insufficient query buffer space"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* Then combine that with the name of the module were using to do the query */ len = snprintf(query, sizeof(query), "%%{%s:%s}", inst->sqlmod_inst, subst); if (len >= (sizeof(query) - 1)) { REDEBUG("Insufficient query buffer space"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* Finally, xlat resulting SQL query */ if (radius_axlat(&expanded, request, query, NULL, NULL) < 0) { return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } if (sscanf(expanded, "%" PRIu64, &counter) != 1) { RDEBUG2("No integer found in result string \"%s\". May be first session, setting counter to 0", expanded); counter = 0; } talloc_free(expanded); /* * Check if check item > counter */ if (limit->vp_integer64 <= counter) { /* User is denied access, send back a reply message */ snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Your maximum %s usage time has been reached", inst->reset); pair_make_reply("Reply-Message", msg, T_OP_EQ); REDEBUG2("Maximum %s usage time reached", inst->reset); REDEBUG2("Rejecting user, &control:%s value (%" PRIu64 ") is less than counter value (%" PRIu64 ")", inst->limit_name, limit->vp_integer64, counter); return RLM_MODULE_REJECT; } unused = limit->vp_integer64 - counter; RDEBUG2("Allowing user, &control:%s value (%" PRIu64 ") is greater than counter value (%" PRIu64 ")", inst->limit_name, limit->vp_integer64, counter); /* * We are assuming that simultaneous-use=1. But * even if that does not happen then our user * could login at max for 2*max-usage-time Is * that acceptable? */ /* * If we are near a reset then add the next * limit, so that the user will not need to login * again. Do this only for Session-Timeout. */ if (((inst->reply_attr->vendor == 0) && (inst->reply_attr->attr == PW_SESSION_TIMEOUT)) && inst->reset_time && (unused >= (uint64_t)(inst->reset_time - request->timestamp))) { uint64_t next_reset = inst->reset_time - request->timestamp; RDEBUG2("Time (%" PRIu64 "s) to next reset is smaller than time remaining this reset (%" PRIu64 "s). " "Extending limit to end of next reset time (%" PRIu64 "s).", next_reset, unused, next_reset + limit->vp_integer); unused = next_reset + limit->vp_integer; } /* * Limit the reply attribute to the minimum of the existing value, or this new one. */ reply_item = fr_pair_find_by_da(request->reply->vps, inst->reply_attr, TAG_ANY); if (reply_item) { if (reply_item->vp_integer64 <= unused) { RDEBUG2("Leaving existing &reply:%s value of %" PRIu64, inst->reply_attr->name, reply_item->vp_integer64); return RLM_MODULE_OK; } } else { reply_item = radius_pair_create(request->reply, &request->reply->vps, inst->reply_attr->attr, inst->reply_attr->vendor); } reply_item->vp_integer64 = unused; RDEBUG2("Setting &reply:%s value to %" PRIu64, inst->reply_name, reply_item->vp_integer64); return RLM_MODULE_OK; } /* * The module name should be the only globally exported symbol. * That is, everything else should be 'static'. * * If the module needs to temporarily modify it's instantiation * data, the type should be changed to RLM_TYPE_THREAD_UNSAFE. * The server will then take care of ensuring that the module * is single-threaded. */ extern module_t rlm_sqlcounter; module_t rlm_sqlcounter = { .magic = RLM_MODULE_INIT, .name = "sqlcounter", .type = RLM_TYPE_THREAD_SAFE, .inst_size = sizeof(rlm_sqlcounter_t), .config = module_config, .bootstrap = mod_bootstrap, .instantiate = mod_instantiate, .methods = { [MOD_AUTHORIZE] = mod_authorize, [MOD_POST_AUTH] = mod_authorize, }, };