/* * This program is is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /** * $Id: 32b03bcb440972759f515a98ce2faba91ad91b04 $ * @file rlm_sqlhpwippool.c * @brief Allocates an IPv4 address from pools defined in ASN Netvim. * * Current bugs/limits: * - probably works only with newer versions of MySQL (subqueries) * - requires FreeRADIUS' SQL user to have proper permissions on proper tables * from Netvim database * - of course uses dirty hacks to get access to the database * - queries and table names are not configurable * - IPv4 only (I don't even care about IPv6 by now) * - pool names (fetched from database) are not "escaped" * - you have to set encoding of radius.acctuniqueid to same as * netvim.ips.rsv_by * * @copyright 2005-2006 Pawel Foremski , * @copyright 2000-2006 The FreeRADIUS server project */ #include #include #include #include #include "rlm_sql.h" #define VENDORPEC_ASN 23782 #define ASN_IP_POOL_NAME 1 #define RLM_NETVIM_LOG_FMT "rlm_sqlhpwippool(%s, line %u): %s" #define RLM_NETVIM_MAX_ROWS 1000000 #define RLM_NETVIM_TMP_PREFIX "auth-tmp-" #define MAX_QUERY_LEN 4096 RCSID("$Id: 32b03bcb440972759f515a98ce2faba91ad91b04 $") typedef struct rlm_sqlhpwippool_t { char const *myname; //!< Name of this instance rlm_sql_t *sql_inst; rlm_sql_module_t *db; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_D pthread_mutex_t mutex; //!< Used "with" sync_after #endif uint32_t sincesync; //!< req. done so far since last free IP sync. /* from config */ char const *sql_module_instance; //!< rlm_sql instance to use. char const *db_name; //!< Netvim database. bool no_free_fail; //!< Fail if no free IP addresses found. uint32_t free_after; //!< How many seconds an IP should not be used after freeing. uint32_t sync_after; //!< How often to sync with radacct. } rlm_sqlhpwippool_t; /* char *name, int type, * size_t offset, void *data, char *dflt */ static CONF_PARSER module_config[] = { { "sql_module_instance", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t, sql_module_instance), "sql" }, { "db_name", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_STRING, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t, db_name), "netvim" }, { "no_free_fail", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_BOOLEAN, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t, no_free_fail), "yes" }, { "free_after", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_INTEGER, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t, free_after), "300" }, { "sync_after", FR_CONF_OFFSET(PW_TYPE_INTEGER, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t, sync_after), "25" }, CONF_PARSER_TERMINATOR }; int nvp_log(unsigned int line, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, int lvl, char const *fmt, ...) CC_HINT(format (printf, 4, 5)); DIAG_OFF(format-nonliteral) /* wrapper around radlog which adds prefix with module and instance name */ int nvp_log(unsigned int line, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, int lvl, char const *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int r; char pfmt[4096]; /* prefix log message with RLM_NETVIM_LOG_FMT */ snprintf(pfmt, sizeof(pfmt), RLM_NETVIM_LOG_FMT, data->myname, line, fmt); va_start(ap, fmt); r = vradlog(lvl, pfmt, ap); va_end(ap); return r; } /* handy SQL query tool */ static int nvp_vquery(unsigned int line, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock, char const *fmt, va_list ap) { char query[MAX_QUERY_LEN]; vsnprintf(query, MAX_QUERY_LEN, fmt, ap); if (!sqlsock) return 0; if (rlm_sql_query(data->sql_inst, NULL, &sqlsock, query)) { nvp_log(__LINE__, data, L_ERR, "nvp_vquery(): query from line %u", line); return 0; } return 1; } DIAG_ON(format-nonliteral) /* wrapper around nvp_vquery */ static int nvp_query(unsigned int line, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock, char const *fmt, ...) { int r; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); r = nvp_vquery(line, data, sqlsock, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return r; } /* handy wrapper around data->db->sql_finish_query() */ static int nvp_finish(rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock) { return (data->db->sql_finish_query)(sqlsock, data->sql_inst->config); } /* executes query and fetches first row * -1 on no results * 0 on db error * 1 on success */ static int nvp_select(unsigned int line, rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock, char const *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); if (!nvp_vquery(line, data, sqlsock, fmt, ap)) { va_end(ap); return 0; } va_end(ap); if (data->db->sql_store_result && (data->db->sql_store_result)(sqlsock, data->sql_inst->config)) { nvp_log(__LINE__, data, L_ERR, "nvp_select(): error while saving results of query from line %u", line); return 0; } if (data->db->sql_num_rows && ((data->db->sql_num_rows)(sqlsock, data->sql_inst->config) < 1)) { nvp_log(__LINE__, data, L_DBG, "nvp_select(): no results in query from line %u", line); return -1; } if ((data->db->sql_fetch_row)(sqlsock, data->sql_inst->config)) { nvp_log(__LINE__, data, L_ERR, "nvp_select(): couldn't fetch row " "from results of query from line %u", line); return 0; } return 1; } static int nvp_select_finish(rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock) { return ((data->db->sql_free_result)(sqlsock, data->sql_inst->config) || nvp_finish(data, sqlsock)); } /* frees IPs of closed sessions (eg. by external modifications to db) */ static int nvp_freeclosed(rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock) { if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, data, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ips`, `radacct` " "SET " "`ips`.`rsv_until` = `radacct`.`acctstoptime` + INTERVAL %u SECOND " "WHERE " "`radacct`.`acctstoptime` IS NOT NULL AND " /* session is closed */ "(" /* address is being used */ "`ips`.`pid` IS NOT NULL AND " "(`rsv_until` = 0 OR `rsv_until` > NOW())" ") AND " "`radacct`.`acctuniqueid` = `ips`.`rsv_by`", data->db_name, data->free_after)) { return 0; } nvp_finish(data, sqlsock); return 1; } /* updates number of free IP addresses in pools */ static int nvp_syncfree(rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data, rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock) { if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, data, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ip_pools` " "SET `ip_pools`.`free` = " "(SELECT COUNT(*) " "FROM `%1$s`.`ips` " "WHERE " "`ips`.`ip` BETWEEN " "`ip_pools`.`ip_start` AND `ip_pools`.`ip_stop` AND " "(" "`ips`.`pid` IS NULL OR " "(`ips`.`rsv_until` > 0 AND `ips`.`rsv_until` < NOW())" "))", data->db_name)) { return 0; } nvp_finish(data, sqlsock); return 1; } /* cleanup IP pools and sync them with radacct */ static int nvp_cleanup(rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *data) { rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock; /* initialize the SQL socket */ sqlsock = fr_connection_get(data->sql_inst->pool); if (!sqlsock) { nvp_log(__LINE__, data, L_ERR, "nvp_cleanup(): error while " "requesting new SQL connection"); return 0; } /* free IPs of closed sessions */ if (!nvp_freeclosed(data, sqlsock)) { fr_connection_release(data->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return 0; } /* add sessions opened in the meantime */ if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, data, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ips`, `radacct` " "SET " "`ips`.`pid` = 0, " "`ips`.`rsv_by` = `radacct`.`acctuniqueid`, " "`ips`.`rsv_since` = `radacct`.`acctstarttime`, " "`ips`.`rsv_until` = 0 " "WHERE " "`radacct`.`acctstoptime` IS NULL AND " /* session is opened */ "`ips`.`ip` = INET_ATON(`radacct`.`framedipaddress`) AND " "(" "`ips`.`pid` IS NULL OR " /* "(`ips`.`rsv_until` > 0 AND `ips.`rsv_until` < NOW()) " */ "`ips`.`rsv_until` != 0" /* no acct pkt received yet */ ")", data->db_name)) { fr_connection_release(data->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return 0; } else { nvp_finish(data, sqlsock); } /* count number of free IP addresses in IP pools */ if (!nvp_syncfree(data, sqlsock)) { fr_connection_release(data->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return 0; } fr_connection_release(data->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return 1; } /* standard foobar code */ static int mod_instantiate(CONF_SECTION *conf, void *instance) { rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *inst = instance; module_instance_t *sql_inst; /* save my name */ inst->myname = cf_section_name2(conf); if (!inst->myname) { inst->myname = "(no name)"; } inst->sincesync = 0; sql_inst = module_instantiate(cf_section_find("modules"), (inst->sql_module_instance)); if (!sql_inst) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_instantiate(): cannot find module instance " "named \"%s\"", inst->sql_module_instance); return -1; } /* check if the given instance is really a rlm_sql instance */ if (strcmp(sql_inst->entry->name, "rlm_sql") != 0) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_instantiate(): given instance (%s) is not " "an instance of the rlm_sql module", inst->sql_module_instance); return -1; } /* save pointers to useful "objects" */ inst->sql_inst = (rlm_sql_t *) sql_inst->insthandle; inst->db = (rlm_sql_module_t *) inst->sql_inst->module; return ((nvp_cleanup(inst)) ? 0 : -1); } /* assign new IP address, if required */ static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_post_auth(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { VALUE_PAIR *vp; char const *pname; /* name of requested IP pool */ uint32_t nasip; /* NAS IP in host byte order */ struct in_addr ip = {0}; /* reserved IP for client (net. byte order) */ rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock; unsigned long s_gid, /* _s_elected in sql result set */ s_prio, /* as above */ s_pid, /* as above */ gid, /* real integer value */ pid, /* as above */ weights_sum, used_sum, ip_start, ip_stop, connid; long prio; rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *inst = (rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *) instance; /* if IP is already there, then nothing to do */ vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->reply->vps, PW_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, 0, TAG_ANY); if (vp) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): IP address " "already in the reply packet - exiting"); return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* if no pool name, we don't need to do anything */ vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->reply->vps, ASN_IP_POOL_NAME, VENDORPEC_ASN, TAG_ANY); if (vp) { pname = vp->vp_strvalue; nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): pool name = '%s'", pname); } else { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): no IP pool name - exiting"); return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* if no NAS IP address, assign 0 */ vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_NAS_IP_ADDRESS, 0, TAG_ANY); if (vp) { nasip = ntohl(vp->vp_ipaddr); } else { nasip = 0; nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): no NAS IP address in " "the request packet - using \"\" (any)"); } /* get our database connection */ sqlsock = fr_connection_get(inst->sql_inst->pool); if (!sqlsock) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_post_auth(): error while requesting an SQL socket"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* get connection id as temporary unique integer */ if (nvp_select(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "SELECT CONNECTION_ID()") < 1) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_post_auth(): WTF ;-)!"); nvp_select_finish(inst, sqlsock); fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } connid = strtoul(sqlsock->row[0], (char **) NULL, 10); nvp_select_finish(inst, sqlsock); /* synchronize with radacct db, if needed */ if (++inst->sincesync >= inst->sync_after #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_D && (pthread_mutex_trylock(&inst->mutex)) == 0 #endif ) { int r; inst->sincesync = 0; nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): syncing with radacct table"); r = (nvp_freeclosed(inst, sqlsock) && nvp_syncfree(inst, sqlsock)); #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD_D pthread_mutex_unlock(&inst->mutex); #endif if (!r) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_post_auth(): synchronization failed"); fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } } for (s_gid = 0; s_gid < RLM_NETVIM_MAX_ROWS && !(ip.s_addr); s_gid++) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): selecting gid on position %lu", s_gid); /* find the most specific group which NAS belongs to */ switch (nvp_select(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "SELECT `host_groups`.`gid` " "FROM " "`%s`.`host_groups`, " "`%1$s`.`gid_ip`, " "`%1$s`.`ids` " "WHERE " "`host_groups`.`gid` = `ids`.`id` AND " "`ids`.`enabled` = 1 AND " "`host_groups`.`gid` = `gid_ip`.`gid` AND " "%lu BETWEEN `gid_ip`.`ip_start` AND `gid_ip`.`ip_stop` " "ORDER BY (`gid_ip`.`ip_stop` - `gid_ip`.`ip_start`) ASC " "LIMIT %lu, 1", inst->db_name, nasip, s_gid)) { case -1: nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_post_auth(): couldn't find " "any more matching host groups"); goto end_gid; /* exit the main loop */ case 0: fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* store the group ID and free memory occupied by results */ gid = strtoul(sqlsock->row[0], (char **) NULL, 10); nvp_select_finish(inst, sqlsock); for (s_prio = 0; s_prio < RLM_NETVIM_MAX_ROWS && !(ip.s_addr); s_prio++) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): selecting prio on position %lu", s_prio); /* prepare to search for best fit pool */ switch (nvp_select(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "SELECT " "`ip_pools`.`prio`, " "SUM(`ip_pools`.`weight`) AS `weights_sum`, " "(SUM(`ip_pools`.`total`) - " "SUM(`ip_pools`.`free`)) AS `used_sum` " "FROM " "`%s`.`ip_pools`, " "`%1$s`.`ids`, " "`%1$s`.`pool_names` " "WHERE " "`ip_pools`.`gid` = %lu AND " "`ids`.`id` = `ip_pools`.`pid` AND " "`ids`.`enabled` = 1 AND " "`pool_names`.`pnid` = `ip_pools`.`pnid` AND " "`pool_names`.`name` = '%s' AND " "`ip_pools`.`free` > 0 " "GROUP BY `prio` " "ORDER BY `prio` ASC " "LIMIT %lu, 1", inst->db_name, gid, pname, s_prio)) { case -1: nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): couldn't find " "any more matching pools for gid = %lu", gid); goto end_prio; /* select next gid */ case 0: fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* store the prio and weights sum */ prio = strtol(sqlsock->row[0], (char **) NULL, 10); weights_sum = strtoul(sqlsock->row[1], (char **) NULL, 10); used_sum = strtoul(sqlsock->row[2], (char **) NULL, 10); /* free memory */ nvp_select_finish(inst, sqlsock); for (s_pid = 0; s_pid < RLM_NETVIM_MAX_ROWS && !(ip.s_addr); s_pid++) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): selecting PID on position %lu", s_pid); /* search for best fit pool */ switch (nvp_select(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "SELECT " "`ip_pools`.`pid`, " "`ip_pools`.`ip_start`, " "`ip_pools`.`ip_stop` " "FROM " "`%s`.`ip_pools`, " "`%1$s`.`ids`, " "`%1$s`.`pool_names` " "WHERE " "`ip_pools`.`gid` = %lu AND " "`ids`.`id` = `ip_pools`.`pid` AND " "`ids`.`enabled` = 1 AND " "`pool_names`.`pnid` = `ip_pools`.`pnid` AND " "`pool_names`.`name` = '%s' AND " "`ip_pools`.`free` > 0 AND " "`prio` = %ld " "ORDER BY (`weight`/%lu.0000 - (`total` - `free`)/%lu) DESC " "LIMIT %lu, 1", inst->db_name, gid, pname, prio, weights_sum, used_sum, s_pid)) { case -1: nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): couldn't find any more " "matching pools of prio = %ld for gid = %lu", prio, gid); goto end_pid; /* select next prio */ case 0: fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* store the inst and free memory occupied by results */ pid = strtoul(sqlsock->row[0], (char **) NULL, 10); ip_start = strtoul(sqlsock->row[1], (char **) NULL, 10); ip_stop = strtoul(sqlsock->row[2], (char **) NULL, 10); nvp_select_finish(inst, sqlsock); /* reserve an IP address */ if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ips` " "SET " "`pid` = %lu, " "`rsv_since` = NOW(), " "`rsv_by` = '" RLM_NETVIM_TMP_PREFIX "%lu', " "`rsv_until` = NOW() + INTERVAL %d SECOND " "WHERE " "`ip` BETWEEN %lu AND %lu AND " "(" "`pid` IS NULL OR " "(`rsv_until` > 0 AND `rsv_until` < NOW())" ") " "ORDER BY RAND() " "LIMIT 1", inst->db_name, pid, connid, inst->free_after, ip_start, ip_stop)) { fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } else { nvp_finish(inst, sqlsock); } /* select assigned IP address */ switch (nvp_select(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "SELECT `ip` " "FROM `%s`.`ips` " "WHERE `rsv_by` = '" RLM_NETVIM_TMP_PREFIX "%lu' " "ORDER BY `rsv_since` DESC " "LIMIT 1", inst->db_name, connid)) { case -1: nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_post_auth(): couldn't reserve an IP address " "from pool of pid = %lu (prio = %ld, gid = %lu)", pid, prio, gid); continue; /* select next pid */ case 0: fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } /* update free IPs count */ if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ip_pools` " "SET " "`free` = `free` - 1 " "WHERE " "`pid` = %lu " "LIMIT 1", inst->db_name, pid)) { fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } else { nvp_finish(inst, sqlsock); } /* get assigned IP and free memory */ ip.s_addr = htonl(strtoul(sqlsock->row[0], (char **) NULL, 10)); nvp_select_finish(inst, sqlsock); } /* pid */ end_pid: continue; /* stupid */ } /* prio */ end_prio: continue; /* stupid */ } /* gid */ end_gid: /* release SQL socket */ fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); /* no free IP address found */ if (!ip.s_addr) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_INFO, "mod_post_auth(): no free IP address found!"); if (inst->no_free_fail) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): rejecting user"); return RLM_MODULE_REJECT; } else { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): exiting"); return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } } /* add IP address to reply packet */ vp = radius_pair_create(request->reply, &request->reply->vps, PW_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, 0); vp->vp_ipaddr = ip.s_addr; nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_DBG, "mod_post_auth(): returning %s", inet_ntoa(ip)); return RLM_MODULE_OK; } static rlm_rcode_t CC_HINT(nonnull) mod_accounting(void *instance, REQUEST *request) { VALUE_PAIR *vp; rlm_sql_handle_t *sqlsock; struct in_addr nasip; /* NAS IP */ char const *sessid; /* unique session id */ char nasipstr[16]; /* NAS IP in string format */ uint32_t framedip = 0; /* client's IP, host byte order */ uint32_t acct_type; rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *inst = (rlm_sqlhpwippool_t *) instance; /* if no unique session ID, don't even try */ vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_ACCT_UNIQUE_SESSION_ID, 0, TAG_ANY); if (vp) { sessid = vp->vp_strvalue; } else { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_accounting(): unique session ID not found"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_ACCT_STATUS_TYPE, 0, TAG_ANY); if (vp) { acct_type = vp->vp_integer; } else { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_accounting(): " "couldn't find type of accounting packet"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } if (!(acct_type == PW_STATUS_START || acct_type == PW_STATUS_ALIVE || acct_type == PW_STATUS_STOP || acct_type == PW_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_OFF || acct_type == PW_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_ON)) { return RLM_MODULE_NOOP; } /* connect to database */ sqlsock = fr_connection_get(inst->sql_inst->pool); if (!sqlsock) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_accounting(): couldn't connect to database"); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } switch (acct_type) { case PW_STATUS_START: case PW_STATUS_ALIVE: vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_FRAMED_IP_ADDRESS, 0, TAG_ANY); if (!vp) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_accounting(): no framed IP"); fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } framedip = ntohl(vp->vp_ipaddr); if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ips` " "SET " "`rsv_until` = 0, " "`rsv_by` = '%s' " "WHERE `ip` = %lu", inst->db_name, sessid, framedip)) { fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } nvp_finish(inst, sqlsock); break; case PW_STATUS_STOP: if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ips`, `%1$s`.`ip_pools` " "SET " "`ips`.`rsv_until` = NOW() + INTERVAL %u SECOND, " "`ip_pools`.`free` = `ip_pools`.`free` + 1 " "WHERE " "`ips`.`rsv_by` = '%s' AND " "`ips`.`ip` BETWEEN `ip_pools`.`ip_start` AND `ip_pools`.`ip_stop`", inst->db_name, inst->free_after, sessid)) { fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } nvp_finish(inst, sqlsock); break; case PW_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_OFF: case PW_STATUS_ACCOUNTING_ON: vp = fr_pair_find_by_num(request->packet->vps, PW_NAS_IP_ADDRESS, 0, TAG_ANY); if (!vp) { nvp_log(__LINE__, inst, L_ERR, "mod_accounting(): no NAS IP"); fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } nasip.s_addr = vp->vp_ipaddr; strlcpy(nasipstr, inet_ntoa(nasip), sizeof(nasipstr)); if (!nvp_query(__LINE__, inst, sqlsock, "UPDATE `%s`.`ips`, `radacct` " "SET `ips`.`rsv_until` = NOW() + INTERVAL %u SECOND " "WHERE " "`radacct`.`nasipaddress` = '%s' AND " "`ips`.`rsv_by` = `radacct`.`acctuniqueid`", inst->db_name, inst->free_after, nasipstr)) { fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_FAIL; } nvp_finish(inst, sqlsock); break; } fr_connection_release(inst->sql_inst->pool, sqlsock); return RLM_MODULE_OK; } extern module_t rlm_sqlhpwippool; module_t rlm_sqlhpwippool = { .magic = RLM_MODULE_INIT, .name = "sqlhpwippool", .type = RLM_TYPE_THREAD_SAFE, .inst_size = sizeof(rlm_sqlhpwippool_t), .config = module_config, .instantiate = mod_instantiate, .methods = { [MOD_ACCOUNTING] = mod_accounting, [MOD_POST_AUTH] = mod_post_auth }, };