# Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, # CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # # Generic makefile, common to all platforms, products, and configurations. # The platform-specific makefiles `include' this file. # Ghostscript makefiles cannot use default compilation rules, because # they may place the output in (multiple) different directories. # All compilation rules must have the form # <> $(O_)<> $(C_)<> # to cope with the divergent syntaxes of the various compilers. # Spaces must appear where indicated, and nowhere else; in particular, # there must be no space between $(O_) and the output file name. # The platform-specific makefiles define the following symbols: # GS - the name of the executable (without the extension, if any). # GS_LIB_DEFAULT - the default directory/ies for searching for the # initialization and font files at run time. # GS_DEV_DEFAULT - array of default device names, in order of # preference. If empty the first DEVICE_DEV will be used. # GS_CACHE_DIR - the default directory for caching data between # ghostscript invocations. # SEARCH_HERE_FIRST - the default setting of -P (whether or not to # look for files in the current directory first). # GS_DOCDIR - the directory where documentation will be available # at run time. # FTSRCDIR - the directory where there the FreeType library # source code is stored, relative to the source directory. # JSRCDIR - the directory where the IJG JPEG library source code # is stored (at compilation time). # PNGSRCDIR - the same for libpng. # ZSRCDIR - the same for zlib. # SHARE_FT - normally 0; if set to 1, asks the linker to use # and existing compiled freetype library instead of compiling # in the source code availabel in FTSRCDIR. # SHARE_JPEG - normally 0; if set to 1, asks the linker to use # an existing compiled libjpeg (-ljpeg) instead of compiling and # linking libjpeg explicitly. (We strongly recommend against # doing this: see Make.htm details.) # JPEG_NAME - the name of the shared library, currently always # jpeg (libjpeg, -lpjeg). # SHARE_LIBPNG - normally 0; if set to 1, asks the linker to use # an existing compiled libpng (-lpng) instead of compiling and # linking libpng explicitly. # LIBPNG_NAME, the name of the shared libpng, currently always # png (libpng, -lpng). # SHARE_ZLIB - normally 0; if set to 1, asks the linker to use # an existing compiled zlib (-lgz or -lz) instead of compiling # and linking libgz/libz explicitly. # ZLIB_NAME - the name of the shared zlib, either gz (for libgz, -lgz) # or z (for libz, -lz). # JBIG2_LIB - choice of which jbig2 implementation to use # SHARE_JBIG2 - normally 0; if set to 1, asks the linker to use # an existing complied libjbig2dec instead of compiling and linking # in from a local copy of the source # JBIG2SRCDIR - the name of the jbig2dec library source directory # typically 'jbig2dec' or 'jbig2dec-/version/' # JPX_LIB - choice of which jpeg2k implementation to use # SHARE_JPX - If set to 1, asks the linker to use an existing # complied jpeg2k library. If set to 0, asks to compile and # link from a local copy of the source using our custom # makefile. # JPXSRCDIR - the name of the jpeg2k library source directory # e.g. 'openjpeg' # JPX_CFLAGS - any platform-specific flags that are required # to properly compile in the jpeg2k library source # SHARE_LCMS - If set to 1, asks the linker to use a separately # compiled lcms library. If set to 0, the build will compile # in the library source found in LCMSSRCDIR # LCMSSRCDIR - the name of the lcms library source directory # e.g. 'lcms' or 'lcms-' # DEVICE_DEVS - the devices to include in the executable. # See devs.mak for details. # DEVICE_DEVS1...DEVICE_DEVS21 - additional devices, if the definition # of DEVICE_DEVS doesn't fit on one line. See devs.mak for details. # FEATURE_DEVS - what features to include in the executable. # Normally this is one of: # $(PSD)psl1.dev - a PostScript Level 1 language interpreter. # $(PSD)psl2.dev - a PostScript Level 2 language interpreter. # $(PSD)psl3.dev - a PostScript LanguageLevel 3 language # interpreter. # and/or # pdf - a PDF 1.2 interpreter. # psl3 includes everything in psl2, and psl2 includes everything # in psl1. For backward compatibility, level1 is a synonym for # psl1, and level2 is a synonym for psl2. # The remaining features are of interest primarily to developers # who want to "mix and match" features to create custom # configurations: # btoken - support for binary token encodings. # Included automatically in the dps and psl2 features. # cidfont - (currently partial) support for CID-keyed fonts. # color - support for the Level 1 CMYK color extensions. # Included automatically in the dps and psl2 features. # compfont - support for composite (type 0) fonts. # Included automatically in the psl2 feature. # dct - support for DCTEncode/Decode filters. # Included automatically in the psl2 feature. # diskn - support for %disk IODevice emulation. Adds support # for %disk0 thru %disk9. Use requires setting the /Root # paramter for each %disk (see Language.htm). # dps - (partial) support for Display PostScript extensions: # see Language.htm for details. # epsf - support for recognizing and skipping the binary # header of MS-DOS EPSF files. # filter - support for Level 2 filters (other than eexec, # ASCIIHexEncode/Decode, NullEncode, PFBDecode, # RunLengthEncode/Decode, and SubFileDecode, which are # always included, and DCTEncode/Decode, # which are separate). # Included automatically in the psl2 feature. # fzlib - support for zlibEncode/Decode filters. # ttfont - support for TrueType fonts. # type1 - support for Type 1 fonts and eexec; # normally included automatically in all configurations. # type32 - support for Type 32 (downloaded bitmap) fonts. # Included automatically in the psl2 feature. # type42 - support for Type 42 (embedded TrueType) fonts. # Included automatically in the psl2 feature. # fapi - Font API (3d party font renderer interface). # There are quite a number of other sub-features that can be # selectively included in or excluded from a configuration, # but the above are the ones that are most likely to be of # interest. # COMPILE_INITS - normally 1; compiles the PostScript language # initialization files (gs_init.ps et al) and Resource/* tree # into the executable, eliminating the need for these files # to be present at run time. Files will be placed in the # %rom% device. # BAND_LIST_STORAGE - normally file; if set to memory, stores band # lists in memory (with compression if needed). # BAND_LIST_COMPRESSOR - normally zlib: selects the compression method # to use for band lists in memory. # FILE_IMPLEMENTATION - normally stdio; if set to fd, uses file # descriptors instead of buffered stdio for file I/O; if set to # both, provides both implementations with different procedure # names for the fd-based implementation (see sfxfd.c for # more information). # # It is very unlikely that anyone would want to edit the remaining # symbols, but we describe them here for completeness: # GS_INIT - the name of the initialization file for the interpreter, # normally gs_init.ps. # GSPLATFORM - a "device" name for the platform, so that platforms can # add various kinds of resources like devices and features. # CMD - the suffix for shell command files (e.g., null or .bat). # (This is only needed in a few places.) # D - the directory separator character (\ for MS-DOS, / for Unix). # O_ - the string for specifying the output file from the C compiler # (-o for MS-DOS, -o ./ for Unix). # OBJ - the extension for relocatable object files (e.g., o or obj). # XE - the extension for executable files (e.g., null or .exe). # XEAUX - the extension for the executable files (e.g., null or .exe) # for the utility programs (those compiled with CCAUX). # BEGINFILES - the list of additional files that `make clean' should # delete. # CCAUX - the C invocation for auxiliary programs (echogs, genarch, # genconf, gendev, genht, geninit). # CC_ - the C invocation for normal compilation. # CCD - the C invocation for files that store into frame buffers or # device registers. Needed because some optimizing compilers # will eliminate necessary stores. # CCINT - the C invocation for compiling the main interpreter module, # normally the same as CC_: this is needed because the # Borland compiler generates *worse* code for this module # (but only this module) when optimization (-O) is turned on. # AK - if a particular platform requires any programs or data files # to be built before compiling the source code, AK must list # them. # EXP - the prefix for invoking an executable program in a specified # directory (MCR on OpenVMS, null on all other platforms). # SH - the shell for scripts (null on MS-DOS, sh on Unix). # CONFILES - the arguments for genconf to generate the appropriate # linker control files (various). # CONFLDTR - the genconf switch for generating ld_tr. # CP_ - the command for copying one file to another. Because of # limitations in the MS-DOS/MS Windows environment, the # second argument must be either '.' (in which case the # write date may be either preserved or set to the current # date) or a file name (in which case the write date is # always updated). # RM_ - the command for deleting (a) file(s) (including wild cards, # but limited to a single file or pattern). # RMN_ = the command for deleting multiple files / patterns. # # The platform-specific makefiles must also include rules for creating # certain dynamically generated files: # gconfig_.h - this indicates the presence or absence of # certain system header files that are located in different # places on different systems. (It could be generated by # the GNU `configure' program.) # gconfigd.h - this is used for configuration-specific definitions # such as paths that must be defined by all top-level makefiles. #**************** PATCHES FTGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) FTOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) JGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) JOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) PNGGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) PNGOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) ZGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) ZOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) ZAUXDIR=$(AUXDIR) TIFFGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) TIFFOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) JBIG2GENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) JBIG2OBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) JPXGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) JPXOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) LCMSGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) LCMSOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) LCMS2GENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) LCMS2OBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) EXPATGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) EXPATOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) IJSGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) IJSOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) LCUPSGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) LCUPSOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) LCUPSIGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) LCUPSIOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) CALOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) #**************** END PATCHES GSGEN=$(GLGENDIR)$(D) GSOBJ=$(GLOBJDIR)$(D) # All top-level makefiles define DD. #DD=$(GLGEN) # Define the name of this makefile. GS_MAK=$(GLSRCDIR)$(D)gs.mak $(TOP_MAKEFILES) # Define the names of the executables. GS_XE=$(BINDIR)$(D)$(GS)$(XE) GPCL_XE=$(BINDIR)$(D)$(PCL)$(XE) GXPS_XE=$(BINDIR)$(D)$(XPS)$(XE) GPDL_XE=$(BINDIR)$(D)$(GPDL)$(XE) AUX=$(AUXDIR)$(D) ECHOGS_XE=$(AUX)echogs$(XEAUX) GENARCH_XE=$(AUX)genarch$(XEAUX) GENCONF_XE=$(AUX)genconf$(XEAUX) GENDEV_XE=$(AUX)gendev$(XEAUX) GENHT_XE=$(AUX)genht$(XEAUX) MKROMFS_XE=$(AUX)mkromfs$(XEAUX) PACKPS_XE=$(AUX)packps$(XEAUX) # Define the names of the generated header files. # gconfig*.h and gconfx*.h are generated dynamically. gconfig_h=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gconfig.h gconfxx_h=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gconfxx.h gconfigf_h=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gconfxc.h gconfigd_h=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gconfigd.h iconfxx_h=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)iconfxx.h iconfig_h=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)iconfig.h all default : $(GS_XE) $(PCL_XPS_PDL_TARGETS) $(GS_SHARED_OBJS) $(MAKEDIRSTOP) $(GS_MAK) $(MAKEDIRS) $(NO_OP) experimental: all $(NO_OP) # the distclean and maintainer-clean targets (if any) # are the responsibility of the platform-specific # makefiles. We only handle the internal build system # apparatus here. realclean : clean $(NO_OP) cleansub : mostlyclean $(RM_) $(GSGEN)arch.h $(RM_) $(GS_XE) $(RM_) $(GS_SHARED_OBJS) $(RMN_) -r $(BINDIR) $(GLGENDIR) $(GLOBJDIR) $(PSGENDIR) $(PSOBJDIR) clean : cleansub $(PCL_XPS_CLEAN) $(NO_OP) #****** FOLLOWING IS WRONG, NEEDS TO BE PER-SUBSYSTEM ****** mostlyclean : config-clean $(RMN_) $(GSOBJ)*.$(OBJ) $(GSOBJ)*.a $(GSOBJ)core $(GSOBJ)gmon.out $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)deflate.h $(GSGEN)zutil.h $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)gconfig*.c $(GSGEN)gscdefs*.c $(GSGEN)iconfig*.c $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)_temp_* $(GSGEN)_temp_*.* $(GSOBJ)*.map $(GSOBJ)*.sym $(RMN_) $(GENARCH_XE) $(GENCONF_XE) $(GENDEV_XE) $(GENHT_XE) $(RMN_) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)gs_init.ps $(BEGINFILES) $(RMN_) $(MKROMFS_XE) $(RMN_) $(MKROMFS_XE)_0 $(RMN_) $(MKROMFS_XE)_1 $(RMN_) $(PACKPS_XE) $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)gsromfs1.c $(GSGEN)gsromfs1_.c $(GSGEN)gsromfs1_1.c $(RMN_) $(AUX)*.$(OBJ) $(AUX)gscdefs*.c # Remove only configuration-dependent information. #****** FOLLOWING IS WRONG, NEEDS TO BE PER-SUBSYSTEM ****** config-clean : $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)*.dev $(GSGEN)devs*.tr $(GSGEN)gconfig*.h $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)gconfx*.h $(GSGEN)j*.h $(GSGEN)tif*.h $(RMN_) $(GSGEN)c*.tr $(GSGEN)o*.tr $(GSGEN)l*.tr # Macros for constructing the *.dev files that describe features and # devices. SETDEV=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -w- -l-dev -b -s -l-obj SETPDEV=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -w- -l-dev -b -s -l-include -l$(GLGENDIR)$(D)page -l-obj SETDEV2=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -w- -l-dev2 -b -s -l-obj SETPDEV2=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -w- -l-dev2 -b -s -l-include -l$(GLGENDIR)$(D)page -l-obj SETMOD=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -w- -l-obj ADDMOD=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -a- $(NULL) SETCOMP=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -w- -l-comp ADDCOMP=$(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -e .dev -a- -l-comp IJSI_=$(IJSSRCDIR) IJSF_= # Currently there is no option for sharing ijs. IJSCF_= JI_=$(JSRCDIR) JF_= JCF_=$(D_)SHARE_JPEG=$(SHARE_JPEG)$(_D) ZI_=$(ZSRCDIR) PI_=$(PNGSRCDIR) $(II)$(ZI_) # PF_ should include PNG_USE_CONST, but this doesn't work. #PF_=-DPNG_USE_CONST TI_=$(TIFFSRCDIR)$(D)libtiff $(II)$(TIFFCONFDIR)$(D)libtiff $(II)$(JGENDIR) $(II)$(ZI_) PF_= PCF_=$(D_)SHARE_LIBPNG=$(SHARE_LIBPNG)$(_D) ZI_=$(ZSRCDIR) ZF_= ZCF_=$(D_)SHARE_ZLIB=$(SHARE_ZLIB)$(_D) JB2I_=$(JBIG2SRCDIR) JB2CF_=$(JBIG2_CFLAGS) LDF_JB2I_=$(JBIG2SRCDIR)$(D)source$(D)libraries LWF_JPXI_=$(JPXSRCDIR)$(D)library$(D)source JPXCF_=$(JPX_CFLAGS) JPX_OPENJPEG_I_=$(JPXSRCDIR)$(D)src$(D)lib$(D)openjp2 ######################## How to define new 'features' ####################### # # One defines new 'features' exactly like devices (see devs.mak for details). # For example, one would define a feature abc by adding the following to # gs.mak: # # abc_=abc1.$(OBJ) ... # $(PSD)abc.dev : $(GS_MAK) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(abc_) # $(SETMOD) $(PSD)abc $(abc_) # $(ADDMOD) $(PSD)abc -obj ... [if needed] # $(ADDMOD) $(PSD)abc -oper ... [if appropriate] # $(ADDMOD) $(PSD)abc -ps ... [if appropriate] # # Use PSD for interpreter-related features, GLD for library-related. # If the abc feature requires the presence of some other features jkl and # pqr, then the rules must look like this: # # abc_=abc1.$(OBJ) ... # $(PSD)abc.dev : $(GS_MAK) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(abc_)\ # $(PSD)jkl.dev $(PSD)pqr.dev # $(SETMOD) $(PSD)abc $(abc_) # ... # $(ADDMOD) $(PSD)abc -include $(PSD)jkl # $(ADDMOD) $(PSD)abc -include $(PSD)pqr # --------------------- Configuration-dependent files --------------------- # # gconfig.h shouldn't have to depend on DEVS_ALL, but that would # involve rewriting gsconfig to only save the device name, not the # contents of the .dev files. # FEATURE_DEVS must precede DEVICE_DEVS so that devices can override # features in obscure cases. # FEATURE_DEVS_EXTRA and DEVICE_DEVS_EXTRA are explicitly reserved # to be set from the command line. GSPLAT_DEVS_ALL=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)$(GSPLATFORM).dev DEVICE_DEVS_ALL=$(DEVICE_DEVS) $(DEVICE_DEVS1) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS2) $(DEVICE_DEVS3) $(DEVICE_DEVS4) $(DEVICE_DEVS5) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS6) $(DEVICE_DEVS7) $(DEVICE_DEVS8) $(DEVICE_DEVS9) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS10) $(DEVICE_DEVS11) $(DEVICE_DEVS12) $(DEVICE_DEVS13) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS14) $(DEVICE_DEVS15) $(DEVICE_DEVS16) $(DEVICE_DEVS17) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS18) $(DEVICE_DEVS19) $(DEVICE_DEVS20) $(DEVICE_DEVS21) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS_EXTRA) PSI_DEVS_ALL=$(GSPLAT_DEVS_ALL) \ $(PSI_FEATURE_DEVS) \ $(PSD)iapi.dev \ $(FEATURE_DEVS) \ $(FEATURE_DEVS_EXTRA) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS_ALL) PCL_DEVS_ALL=$(GSPLAT_DEVS_ALL) \ $(FEATURE_DEVS) \ $(FEATURE_DEVS_EXTRA) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS_ALL) XPS_DEVS_ALL=$(GSPLAT_DEVS_ALL) \ $(FEATURE_DEVS) \ $(FEATURE_DEVS_EXTRA) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS_ALL) DEVS_ALL=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)$(GSPLATFORM).dev\ $(FEATURE_DEVS_EXTRA) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS) $(DEVICE_DEVS1) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS2) $(DEVICE_DEVS3) $(DEVICE_DEVS4) $(DEVICE_DEVS5) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS6) $(DEVICE_DEVS7) $(DEVICE_DEVS8) $(DEVICE_DEVS9) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS10) $(DEVICE_DEVS11) $(DEVICE_DEVS12) $(DEVICE_DEVS13) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS14) $(DEVICE_DEVS15) $(DEVICE_DEVS16) $(DEVICE_DEVS17) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS18) $(DEVICE_DEVS19) $(DEVICE_DEVS20) $(DEVICE_DEVS21) \ $(DEVICE_DEVS_EXTRA) $(GLGENDIR)$(D)fdevs.tr: $(GS_MAK) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(GSPLAT_DEVS_ALL) $(FEATURE_DEVS) $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(GLGENDIR)$(D)fdevs.tr - -include $(GLGENDIR)$(D)$(GSPLATFORM) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)fdevs.tr -+ $(FEATURE_DEVS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)fdevs.tr -+ $(FEATURE_DEVS_EXTRA) $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr: $(GS_MAK) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(DEVICE_DEVS_ALL) $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS1) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS2) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS3) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS4) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS5) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS6) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS7) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS8) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS9) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS10) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS11) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS12) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS13) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS14) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS15) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS16) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS17) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS18) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS19) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS20) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS21) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr -+ $(DEVICE_DEVS_EXTRA) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr - $(GLGENDIR)$(D)libcore devs_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)devs.tr psdevs_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)psdevs.tr $(devs_tr) : $(GS_MAK) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(GLGENDIR)$(D)fdevs.tr $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(devs_tr) -n -R $(GLGENDIR)$(D)fdevs.tr $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(devs_tr) -+ "" $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(devs_tr) -n -R $(GLGENDIR)$(D)devdevs.tr # GCONFIG_EXTRAS can be set on the command line. # Note that it consists of arguments for echogs, i.e., # it isn't just literal text. GCONFIG_EXTRAS= ld_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)ld.tr $(ld_tr) : \ $(GS_MAK) $(GLSRCDIR)$(D)version.mak $(GENCONF_XE) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(devs_tr)\ $(GLGENDIR)$(D)libcore.dev $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(devs_tr) -h $(gconfxx_h) $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(ld_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfxx_h) $(GCONFIG_EXTRAS) gsnoapi_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gsnoapi.tr gs_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gs.tr igs_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)igs.tr gsld_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gsld.tr gsnoapild_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gsnoapild.tr $(gsnoapi_tr): $(GS_MAK) $(GLSRCDIR)$(D)version.mak $(GENCONF_XE) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(ld_tr) $(devs_tr) $(PSI_DEVS_ALL)\ $(GLGENDIR)$(D)libcore.dev $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(igs_tr) - -include $(PSI_FEATURE_DEVS) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(igs_tr) -h $(iconfxx_h) $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(gsld_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(iconfig_h) -R $(iconfxx_h) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(gsnoapi_tr) -R $(devs_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gsnoapi_tr) -R $(igs_tr) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(gsnoapi_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(gsnoapild_tr) $(gs_tr): $(gsnoapi_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(gs_tr) -R $(gsnoapi_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gs_tr) - -include $(PSD)iapi.dev $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(gs_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(gsld_tr) pcl_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)pcl.tr ipcl_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)ipcl.tr pclld_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)pclld.tr $(pcl_tr): $(GS_MAK) $(GLSRCDIR)$(D)version.mak $(GENCONF_XE) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(ld_tr) $(devs_tr) $(PCL_DEVS_ALL) \ $(devs_tr) $(PCL_FEATURE_DEVS) $(GLGENDIR)$(D)libcore.dev $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(ipcl_tr) - -include $(PCL_FEATURE_DEVS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(pcl_tr) -R $(devs_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(pcl_tr) -R $(ipcl_tr) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(pcl_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(pclld_tr) xps_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)xps.tr ixps_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)ixps.tr xpsld_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)xpsld.tr $(xps_tr): $(GS_MAK) $(GLSRCDIR)$(D)version.mak $(GENCONF_XE) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(ld_tr) $(devs_tr) $(XPS_DEVS_ALL) \ $(devs_tr) $(XPS_FEATURE_DEVS) $(GLGENDIR)$(D)libcore.dev $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(ixps_tr) - -include $(XPS_FEATURE_DEVS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(xps_tr) -R $(devs_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(xps_tr) -R $(ixps_tr) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(xps_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(xpsld_tr) gpdl_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gpdl.tr igpdl_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)igpdl.tr gpdlld_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)gpdlld.tr $(gpdl_tr): $(GS_MAK) $(GLSRCDIR)$(D)version.mak $(GENCONF_XE) $(ECHOGS_XE) $(ld_tr) $(devs_tr) $(XPS_DEVS_ALL) \ $(devs_tr) $(PSI_DEVS_ALL) $(PCL_FEATURE_DEVS) $(XPS_FEATURE_DEVS) $(GLGENDIR)$(D)libcore.dev $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(igpdl_tr) - -include $(PSI_FEATURE_DEVS) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(igpdl_tr) -h $(iconfxx_h) $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(gpdlld_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(iconfig_h) -R $(iconfxx_h) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(gpdl_tr) -R $(devs_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gpdl_tr) -R $(igpdl_tr) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gpdl_tr) - -include $(PCL_FEATURE_DEVS) $(XPS_FEATURE_DEVS) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(gpdl_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused2.h $(CONFILES) $(CONFLDTR) $(gpdlld_tr) $(gconfxx_h) : $(ld_tr) $(NO_OP) $(gconfig_h) : $(gconfxx_h) $(RM_) $(gconfig_h) $(CP_) $(gconfxx_h) $(gconfig_h) # The line above is an empty command; don't delete. # save our set of makefile variables that are defined in every build (paths, etc.) $(gconfigd_h) : $(ECHOGS_XE) $(GS_MAK) $(GLSRCDIR)$(D)version.mak $(MAKEDIRS) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -w $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u GS_LIB_DEFAULT -x 2022 $(GS_LIB_DEFAULT) -x 22 $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u GS_DEV_DEFAULT -x 2022 $(GS_DEV_DEFAULT) -x 22 $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u GS_CACHE_DIR -x 2022 $(GS_CACHE_DIR) -x 22 $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u SEARCH_HERE_FIRST -s $(SEARCH_HERE_FIRST) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u GS_DOCDIR -x 2022 $(GS_DOCDIR) -x 22 $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u GS_INIT -x 2022 $(GS_INIT) -x 22 $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u GS_REVISION -s $(GS_REVISION) $(EXP)$(ECHOGS_XE) -a $(gconfigd_h) -x 23 define -s -u GS_REVISIONDATE -s $(GS_REVISIONDATE) obj_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)obj.tr $(obj_tr) : $(gs_tr) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(gs_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) -o $(obj_tr) pclobj_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)pclobj.tr $(pclobj_tr) : $(pcl_tr) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(pcl_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) -o $(pclobj_tr) xpsobj_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)xpsobj.tr $(xpsobj_tr) : $(xps_tr) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(xps_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) -o $(xpsobj_tr) pdlobj_tr=$(GLGENDIR)$(D)pdlobj.tr $(pdlobj_tr) : $(gpdl_tr) $(EXP)$(GENCONF_XE) $(gpdl_tr) -h $(GLGENDIR)$(D)unused.h $(CONFILES) -o $(pdlobj_tr)