/* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* GS ICC link cache. Initial stubbing of functions. */ #include "std.h" #include "stdpre.h" #include "gstypes.h" #include "gsmemory.h" #include "gsstruct.h" #include "scommon.h" #include "gx.h" #include "gpsync.h" /* for MAX_THREADS */ #include "gxgstate.h" #include "smd5.h" #include "gscms.h" #include "gsicc_cms.h" #include "gsicc_manage.h" #include "gsicc_cache.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gsmalloc.h" /* Needed for named color structure allocation */ #include "string_.h" /* Needed for named color structure allocation */ #include "gxsync.h" #include "gzstate.h" #include "stdint_.h" /* * Note that the the external memory used to maintain * links in the CMS is generally not visible to GS. * For most CMS's the links are 33x33x33x33x4 bytes at worst * for a CMYK to CMYK MLUT which is about 4.5Mb per link. * If the link were matrix based it would be much much smaller. * We will likely want to do at least have an estimate of the * memory used based upon how the CMS is configured. * This will be done later. For now, just limit the number * of links. */ #define ICC_CACHE_MAXLINKS (MAX_THREADS*2) /* allow up to two active links per thread */ /* Static prototypes */ static gsicc_link_t * gsicc_alloc_link(gs_memory_t *memory, gsicc_hashlink_t hashcode); static int gsicc_get_cspace_hash(gsicc_manager_t *icc_manager, gx_device *dev, cmm_profile_t *profile, int64_t *hash); static int gsicc_compute_linkhash(gsicc_manager_t *icc_manager, gx_device *dev, cmm_profile_t *input_profile, cmm_profile_t *output_profile, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params, gsicc_hashlink_t *hash); static void gsicc_remove_link(gsicc_link_t *link, const gs_memory_t *memory); static void gsicc_get_buff_hash(unsigned char *data, int64_t *hash, unsigned int num_bytes); static void rc_gsicc_link_cache_free(gs_memory_t * mem, void *ptr_in, client_name_t cname); /* Structure pointer information */ struct_proc_finalize(icc_link_finalize); gs_private_st_ptrs3_final(st_icc_link, gsicc_link_t, "gsiccmanage_link", icc_link_enum_ptrs, icc_link_reloc_ptrs, icc_link_finalize, icc_link_cache, next, lock); struct_proc_finalize(icc_linkcache_finalize); gs_private_st_ptrs3_final(st_icc_linkcache, gsicc_link_cache_t, "gsiccmanage_linkcache", icc_linkcache_enum_ptrs, icc_linkcache_reloc_ptrs, icc_linkcache_finalize, head, lock, full_wait); /* These are used to construct a hash for the ICC link based upon the render parameters */ #define BP_SHIFT 0 #define REND_SHIFT 8 #define PRESERVE_SHIFT 16 /** * gsicc_cache_new: Allocate a new ICC cache manager * Return value: Pointer to allocated manager, or NULL on failure. **/ gsicc_link_cache_t * gsicc_cache_new(gs_memory_t *memory) { gsicc_link_cache_t *result; /* We want this to be maintained in stable_memory. It should be be effected by the save and restores */ result = gs_alloc_struct(memory->stable_memory, gsicc_link_cache_t, &st_icc_linkcache, "gsicc_cache_new"); if ( result == NULL ) return(NULL); result->head = NULL; result->num_links = 0; result->cache_full = false; result->memory = memory->stable_memory; result->lock = gx_monitor_label(gx_monitor_alloc(memory->stable_memory), "gsicc_cache_new"); if (result->lock == NULL) { gs_free_object(memory->stable_memory, result, "gsicc_cache_new"); return(NULL); } result->full_wait = gx_semaphore_label(gx_semaphore_alloc(memory->stable_memory), "gsicc_cache_new"); if (result->full_wait == NULL) { gx_monitor_free(result->lock); gs_free_object(memory->stable_memory, result, "gsicc_cache_new"); return(NULL); } rc_init_free(result, memory->stable_memory, 1, rc_gsicc_link_cache_free); if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, memory, "[icc] Allocating link cache = "PRI_INTPTR" memory = "PRI_INTPTR"\n", (intptr_t)result, (intptr_t)result->memory); return(result); } static void rc_gsicc_link_cache_free(gs_memory_t * mem, void *ptr_in, client_name_t cname) { /* Ending the entire cache. The ref counts on all the links should be 0 */ gsicc_link_cache_t *link_cache = (gsicc_link_cache_t * ) ptr_in; if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, mem, "[icc] Removing link cache = "PRI_INTPTR" memory = "PRI_INTPTR"\n", (intptr_t)link_cache, (intptr_t)link_cache->memory); /* NB: freeing the link_cache will call icc_linkcache_finalize */ gs_free_object(mem->stable_memory, link_cache, "rc_gsicc_link_cache_free"); } /* release the monitor of the link_cache when it is freed */ void icc_linkcache_finalize(const gs_memory_t *mem, void *ptr) { gsicc_link_cache_t *link_cache = (gsicc_link_cache_t * ) ptr; while (link_cache->head != NULL) { if (link_cache->head->ref_count != 0) { emprintf2(mem, "link at "PRI_INTPTR" being removed, but has ref_count = %d\n", (intptr_t)link_cache->head, link_cache->head->ref_count); link_cache->head->ref_count = 0; /* force removal */ } gsicc_remove_link(link_cache->head, mem); } #ifdef DEBUG if (link_cache->num_links != 0) { emprintf1(mem, "num_links is %d, should be 0.\n", link_cache->num_links); } #endif if (link_cache->rc.ref_count == 0) { gx_monitor_free(link_cache->lock); link_cache->lock = NULL; gx_semaphore_free(link_cache->full_wait); link_cache->full_wait = 0; } } /* This is a special allocation for a link that is used by devices for doing color management on post rendered data. It is not tied into the profile cache like gsicc_alloc_link. Also it goes ahead and creates the link, i.e. link creation is not delayed. */ gsicc_link_t * gsicc_alloc_link_dev(gs_memory_t *memory, cmm_profile_t *src_profile, cmm_profile_t *des_profile, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params) { gsicc_link_t *result; int cms_flags = 0; result = (gsicc_link_t*) gs_malloc(memory->stable_memory, 1, sizeof(gsicc_link_t), "gsicc_alloc_link_dev"); if (result == NULL) return NULL; result->lock = gx_monitor_label(gx_monitor_alloc(memory->stable_memory), "gsicc_link_new"); if (result->lock == NULL) { gs_free_object(memory->stable_memory, result, "gsicc_alloc_link(lock)"); return NULL; } gx_monitor_enter(result->lock); /* set up placeholder values */ result->is_monitored = false; result->orig_procs.map_buffer = NULL; result->orig_procs.map_color = NULL; result->orig_procs.free_link = NULL; result->next = NULL; result->link_handle = NULL; result->icc_link_cache = NULL; result->procs.map_buffer = gscms_transform_color_buffer; result->procs.map_color = gscms_transform_color; result->procs.free_link = gscms_release_link; result->hashcode.link_hashcode = 0; result->hashcode.des_hash = 0; result->hashcode.src_hash = 0; result->hashcode.rend_hash = 0; result->ref_count = 1; result->includes_softproof = 0; result->includes_devlink = 0; result->is_identity = false; result->valid = true; result->memory = memory->stable_memory; if_debug1m('^', result->memory, "[^]icclink "PRI_INTPTR" init = 1\n", (intptr_t)result); if (src_profile->profile_handle == NULL) { src_profile->profile_handle = gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer( src_profile->buffer, src_profile->buffer_size, memory->stable_memory); } if (des_profile->profile_handle == NULL) { des_profile->profile_handle = gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer( des_profile->buffer, des_profile->buffer_size, memory->stable_memory); } /* Check for problems.. */ if (src_profile->profile_handle == 0 || des_profile->profile_handle == 0) { gs_free_object(memory->stable_memory, result, "gsicc_alloc_link_dev"); return NULL; } /* [0] is chunky, littleendian, noalpha, 16-in, 16-out */ result->link_handle = gscms_get_link(src_profile->profile_handle, des_profile->profile_handle, rendering_params, cms_flags, memory->stable_memory); /* Check for problems.. */ if (result->link_handle == NULL) { gs_free_object(memory->stable_memory, result, "gsicc_alloc_link_dev"); return NULL; } /* Check for identity transform */ if (gsicc_get_hash(src_profile) == gsicc_get_hash(des_profile)) result->is_identity = true; /* Set the rest */ result->data_cs = src_profile->data_cs; result->num_input = src_profile->num_comps; result->num_output = des_profile->num_comps; return result; } /* And the related release of the link */ void gsicc_free_link_dev(gs_memory_t *memory, gsicc_link_t *link) { gs_memory_t *nongc_mem = memory->non_gc_memory; gs_free_object(nongc_mem, link, "gsicc_free_link_dev"); } static gsicc_link_t * gsicc_alloc_link(gs_memory_t *memory, gsicc_hashlink_t hashcode) { gsicc_link_t *result; /* The link has to be added in stable memory. We want them to be maintained across the gsave and grestore process */ result = gs_alloc_struct(memory->stable_memory, gsicc_link_t, &st_icc_link, "gsicc_alloc_link"); if (result == NULL) return NULL; /* set up placeholder values */ result->is_monitored = false; result->orig_procs.map_buffer = NULL; result->orig_procs.map_color = NULL; result->orig_procs.free_link = NULL; result->next = NULL; result->link_handle = NULL; result->procs.map_buffer = gscms_transform_color_buffer; result->procs.map_color = gscms_transform_color; result->procs.free_link = gscms_release_link; result->hashcode.link_hashcode = hashcode.link_hashcode; result->hashcode.des_hash = 0; result->hashcode.src_hash = 0; result->hashcode.rend_hash = 0; result->ref_count = 1; /* prevent it from being freed */ result->includes_softproof = 0; result->includes_devlink = 0; result->is_identity = false; result->valid = false; /* not yet complete */ result->memory = memory->stable_memory; result->lock = gx_monitor_label(gx_monitor_alloc(memory->stable_memory), "gsicc_link_new"); if (result->lock == NULL) { gs_free_object(memory->stable_memory, result, "gsicc_alloc_link(lock)"); return NULL; } gx_monitor_enter(result->lock); /* this link is owned by this thread until built and made "valid" */ if_debug1m('^', result->memory, "[^]icclink "PRI_INTPTR" init = 1\n", (intptr_t)result); return result; } static void gsicc_set_link_data(gsicc_link_t *icc_link, void *link_handle, gsicc_hashlink_t hashcode, gx_monitor_t *lock, bool includes_softproof, bool includes_devlink, bool pageneutralcolor, gsicc_colorbuffer_t data_cs) { gx_monitor_enter(lock); /* lock the cache while changing data */ icc_link->link_handle = link_handle; gscms_get_link_dim(link_handle, &(icc_link->num_input), &(icc_link->num_output), icc_link->memory); icc_link->hashcode.link_hashcode = hashcode.link_hashcode; icc_link->hashcode.des_hash = hashcode.des_hash; icc_link->hashcode.src_hash = hashcode.src_hash; icc_link->hashcode.rend_hash = hashcode.rend_hash; icc_link->includes_softproof = includes_softproof; icc_link->includes_devlink = includes_devlink; if ( (hashcode.src_hash == hashcode.des_hash) && !includes_softproof && !includes_devlink) { icc_link->is_identity = true; } else { icc_link->is_identity = false; } /* Set up for monitoring */ icc_link->data_cs = data_cs; if (pageneutralcolor) gsicc_mcm_set_link(icc_link); /* release the lock of the link so it can now be used */ icc_link->valid = true; gx_monitor_leave(icc_link->lock); gx_monitor_leave(lock); /* done with updating, let everyone run */ } static void gsicc_link_free_contents(gsicc_link_t *icc_link) { icc_link->procs.free_link(icc_link); gx_monitor_free(icc_link->lock); icc_link->lock = NULL; } void gsicc_link_free(gsicc_link_t *icc_link, const gs_memory_t *memory) { gsicc_link_free_contents(icc_link); gs_free_object(memory->stable_memory, icc_link, "gsicc_link_free"); } void icc_link_finalize(const gs_memory_t *mem, void *ptr) { gsicc_link_t *icc_link = (gsicc_link_t * ) ptr; gsicc_link_free_contents(icc_link); } static void gsicc_mash_hash(gsicc_hashlink_t *hash) { hash->link_hashcode = (hash->des_hash >> 1) ^ (hash->rend_hash) ^ (hash->src_hash); } static void gsicc_set_hash(cmm_profile_t *profile) { if (!profile->hash_is_valid) { int64_t hash; gsicc_get_icc_buff_hash(profile->buffer, &hash, profile->buffer_size); profile->hashcode = hash; profile->hash_is_valid = true; } return; } int64_t gsicc_get_hash(cmm_profile_t *profile) { if (!profile->hash_is_valid) { int64_t hash; gsicc_get_icc_buff_hash(profile->buffer, &hash, profile->buffer_size); profile->hashcode = hash; profile->hash_is_valid = true; } return profile->hashcode; } bool gsicc_profiles_equal(cmm_profile_t *profile1, cmm_profile_t *profile2) { if (profile1 == NULL || profile2 == NULL) return false; if (!(profile1->hash_is_valid)) { gsicc_set_hash(profile1); } if (!(profile1->hash_is_valid)) { gsicc_set_hash(profile2); } return profile1->hashcode == profile2->hashcode; } void gsicc_get_icc_buff_hash(unsigned char *buffer, int64_t *hash, unsigned int buff_size) { gsicc_get_buff_hash(buffer, hash, buff_size); } static void gsicc_get_buff_hash(unsigned char *data, int64_t *hash, unsigned int num_bytes) { gs_md5_state_t md5; byte digest[16]; int k; int64_t word1,word2,shift; /* We could probably do something faster than this. But use this for now. */ gs_md5_init(&md5); gs_md5_append(&md5, data, num_bytes); gs_md5_finish(&md5, digest); /* For now, xor this into 64 bit word */ word1 = 0; word2 = 0; shift = 0; /* need to do it this way because of potential word boundary issues */ for( k = 0; k<8; k++) { word1 += ((int64_t) digest[k]) << shift; word2 += ((int64_t) digest[k+8]) << shift; shift += 8; } *hash = word1 ^ word2; } /* Compute a hash code for the current transformation case. This just computes a 64bit xor of upper and lower portions of md5 for the input, output and rendering params structure. We may change this later */ static int gsicc_compute_linkhash(gsicc_manager_t *icc_manager, gx_device *dev, cmm_profile_t *input_profile, cmm_profile_t *output_profile, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params, gsicc_hashlink_t *hash) { int code; /* first get the hash codes for the color spaces */ code = gsicc_get_cspace_hash(icc_manager, dev, input_profile, &(hash->src_hash)); if (code < 0) return code; code = gsicc_get_cspace_hash(icc_manager, dev, output_profile, &(hash->des_hash)); if (code < 0) return code; /* now for the rendering paramaters, just use the word itself. At this point in time, we only include the black point setting, the intent and if we are preserving black. We don't differentiate at this time with object type since the current CMM does not create different links based upon this type setting. Other parameters such as cmm and override ICC are used prior to a link creation and so should also not factor into the link hash calculation */ hash->rend_hash = ((rendering_params->black_point_comp) << BP_SHIFT) + ((rendering_params->rendering_intent) << REND_SHIFT) + ((rendering_params->preserve_black) << PRESERVE_SHIFT); /* for now, mash all of these into a link hash */ gsicc_mash_hash(hash); return 0; } static int gsicc_get_cspace_hash(gsicc_manager_t *icc_manager, gx_device *dev, cmm_profile_t *cmm_icc_profile_data, int64_t *hash) { cmm_dev_profile_t *dev_profile; cmm_profile_t *icc_profile; gsicc_rendering_param_t render_cond; int code; if (cmm_icc_profile_data == NULL) { if (dev == NULL) return -1; code = dev_proc(dev, get_profile)(dev, &dev_profile); if (code < 0) return code; gsicc_extract_profile(dev->graphics_type_tag, dev_profile, &(icc_profile), &render_cond); *hash = icc_profile->hashcode; return 0; } if (cmm_icc_profile_data->hash_is_valid ) { *hash = cmm_icc_profile_data->hashcode; } else { /* We need to compute for this color space */ gsicc_get_icc_buff_hash(cmm_icc_profile_data->buffer, hash, cmm_icc_profile_data->buffer_size); cmm_icc_profile_data->hashcode = *hash; cmm_icc_profile_data->hash_is_valid = true; } return 0; } gsicc_link_t* gsicc_findcachelink(gsicc_hashlink_t hash, gsicc_link_cache_t *icc_link_cache, bool includes_proof, bool includes_devlink) { gsicc_link_t *curr, *prev; int64_t hashcode = hash.link_hashcode; /* Look through the cache for the hashcode */ gx_monitor_enter(icc_link_cache->lock); /* List scanning is fast, so we scan the entire list, this includes */ /* links that are currently unused, but still in the cache (zero_ref) */ curr = icc_link_cache->head; prev = NULL; while (curr != NULL ) { if (curr->hashcode.link_hashcode == hashcode && includes_proof == curr->includes_softproof && includes_devlink == curr->includes_devlink) { /* move this one to the front of the list hoping we will use it again soon */ if (prev != NULL) { /* if prev == NULL, curr is already the head */ prev->next = curr->next; curr->next = icc_link_cache->head; icc_link_cache->head = curr; } /* bump the ref_count since we will be using this one */ curr->ref_count++; if_debug3m('^', curr->memory, "[^]%s "PRI_INTPTR" ++ => %d\n", "icclink", (intptr_t)curr, curr->ref_count); while (curr->valid == false) { gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); /* exit to let other threads run briefly */ gx_monitor_enter(curr->lock); /* wait until we can acquire the lock */ gx_monitor_leave(curr->lock); /* it _should be valid now */ /* If it is still not valid, but we were able to lock, it means that the thread */ /* that was building it failed to be able to complete building it */ /* this is probably a fatal error. MV ??? */ if (curr->valid == false) { emprintf1(curr->memory, "link "PRI_INTPTR" lock released, but still not valid.\n", (intptr_t)curr); /* Breakpoint here */ } gx_monitor_enter(icc_link_cache->lock); /* re-enter to loop and check */ } gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); return(curr); /* success */ } prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); return NULL; } /* Remove link from cache. Notify CMS and free */ static void gsicc_remove_link(gsicc_link_t *link, const gs_memory_t *memory) { gsicc_link_t *curr, *prev; gsicc_link_cache_t *icc_link_cache = link->icc_link_cache; if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, memory, "[icc] Removing link = "PRI_INTPTR" memory = "PRI_INTPTR"\n", (intptr_t)link, (intptr_t)memory->stable_memory); /* NOTE: link->ref_count must be 0: assert ? */ gx_monitor_enter(icc_link_cache->lock); if (link->ref_count != 0) { emprintf2(memory, "link at "PRI_INTPTR" being removed, but has ref_count = %d\n", (intptr_t)link, link->ref_count); } curr = icc_link_cache->head; prev = NULL; while (curr != NULL ) { /* don't get rid of it if another thread has decided to use it */ if (curr == link && link->ref_count == 0) { /* remove this one from the list */ if (prev == NULL) icc_link_cache->head = curr->next; else prev->next = curr->next; break; } prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } /* if curr != link we didn't find it or another thread may have decided to */ /* use it (ref_count > 0). Skip freeing it if so. */ if (curr == link && link->ref_count == 0) { icc_link_cache->num_links--; /* no longer in the cache */ if (icc_link_cache->cache_full) { icc_link_cache->cache_full = false; gx_semaphore_signal(icc_link_cache->full_wait); /* let a waiting thread run */ } gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); gsicc_link_free(link, memory); /* outside link cache now. */ } else { /* even if we didn't find the link to remove, unlock the cache */ gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); } } static void gsicc_get_srcprofile(gsicc_colorbuffer_t data_cs, gs_graphics_type_tag_t graphics_type_tag, cmm_srcgtag_profile_t *srcgtag_profile, cmm_profile_t **profile, gsicc_rendering_param_t *render_cond) { (*profile) = NULL; (*render_cond).rendering_intent = gsPERCEPTUAL; (*render_cond).cmm = gsCMM_DEFAULT; switch (graphics_type_tag & ~GS_DEVICE_ENCODES_TAGS) { case GS_UNKNOWN_TAG: case GS_UNTOUCHED_TAG: default: break; case GS_PATH_TAG: if (data_cs == gsRGB) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->rgb_profiles[gsSRC_GRAPPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->rgb_rend_cond[gsSRC_GRAPPRO]; } else if (data_cs == gsCMYK) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->cmyk_profiles[gsSRC_GRAPPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->cmyk_rend_cond[gsSRC_GRAPPRO]; } else if (data_cs == gsGRAY) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->gray_profiles[gsSRC_GRAPPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->gray_rend_cond[gsSRC_GRAPPRO]; } break; case GS_IMAGE_TAG: if (data_cs == gsRGB) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->rgb_profiles[gsSRC_IMAGPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->rgb_rend_cond[gsSRC_IMAGPRO]; } else if (data_cs == gsCMYK) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->cmyk_profiles[gsSRC_IMAGPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->cmyk_rend_cond[gsSRC_IMAGPRO]; } else if (data_cs == gsGRAY) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->gray_profiles[gsSRC_IMAGPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->gray_rend_cond[gsSRC_IMAGPRO]; } break; case GS_TEXT_TAG: if (data_cs == gsRGB) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->rgb_profiles[gsSRC_TEXTPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->rgb_rend_cond[gsSRC_TEXTPRO]; } else if (data_cs == gsCMYK) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->cmyk_profiles[gsSRC_TEXTPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->cmyk_rend_cond[gsSRC_TEXTPRO]; } else if (data_cs == gsGRAY) { (*profile) = srcgtag_profile->gray_profiles[gsSRC_TEXTPRO]; *render_cond = srcgtag_profile->gray_rend_cond[gsSRC_TEXTPRO]; } break; } } gsicc_link_t* gsicc_get_link(const gs_gstate *pgs1, gx_device *dev_in, const gs_color_space *pcs_in, gs_color_space *output_colorspace, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params, gs_memory_t *memory) { cmm_profile_t *gs_input_profile; cmm_profile_t *gs_srcgtag_profile = NULL; cmm_profile_t *gs_output_profile; gs_gstate *pgs = (gs_gstate *)pgs1; gx_device *dev; gsicc_rendering_param_t render_cond; cmm_dev_profile_t *dev_profile; int code; bool devicegraytok; gs_color_space *input_colorspace = (gs_color_space*) pcs_in; if (dev_in == NULL) { /* Get from the gs_gstate which is going to be a graphic state. This only occurs for the other (non-ps/pdf) interpreters */ pgs = (gs_gstate*) pgs; dev = pgs->device; } else { dev = dev_in; } if (input_colorspace->cmm_icc_profile_data == NULL) { if (input_colorspace->icc_equivalent != NULL) { gs_input_profile = input_colorspace->icc_equivalent->cmm_icc_profile_data; } else { /* Use default type */ gs_input_profile = gsicc_get_gscs_profile(input_colorspace, pgs->icc_manager); } } else { gs_input_profile = input_colorspace->cmm_icc_profile_data; } code = dev_proc(dev, get_profile)(dev, &dev_profile); if (code < 0) return NULL; /* If present, use an graphic object defined source profile */ if (pgs->icc_manager != NULL && pgs->icc_manager->srcgtag_profile != NULL) { if (gs_input_profile->data_cs == gsRGB || gs_input_profile->data_cs == gsCMYK || gs_input_profile->data_cs == gsGRAY) { gsicc_get_srcprofile(gs_input_profile->data_cs, dev->graphics_type_tag, pgs->icc_manager->srcgtag_profile, &(gs_srcgtag_profile), &render_cond); if (gs_srcgtag_profile != NULL) { /* In this case, the user is letting the source profiles drive the color management. Let that set the rendering intent and blackpoint compensation also as they must know what they are doing. However, before we do this we need to check if they want to overide embedded source profiles. See if our profile is a default one that came from DefaultRGB or DefaultCMYK for example */ int csi; csi = gsicc_get_default_type(gs_input_profile); if (render_cond.override_icc || csi == gs_color_space_index_DeviceRGB || csi == gs_color_space_index_DeviceCMYK || csi == gs_color_space_index_DeviceGray) { gs_input_profile = gs_srcgtag_profile; (*rendering_params) = render_cond; } /* We also need to worry about the case when the source profile is actually a device link profile. In this case we can go ahead now and the our link transform as we don't need to worry about a destination profile. However, it is possible that someone could do another device link profile associated with the device. */ if (gs_input_profile->isdevlink) { /* OK. Go ahead and use this one. Note output profile is not NULL so that we can compute a hash with out special conditional logic */ rendering_params->rendering_intent = render_cond.rendering_intent & gsRI_MASK; rendering_params->black_point_comp = render_cond.black_point_comp & gsBP_MASK; return gsicc_get_link_profile(pgs, dev, gs_input_profile, dev_profile->device_profile[GS_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROFILE], rendering_params, memory, false); } } else { /* In this case we may be wanting for a "unmanaged color" result. This is done by specifying "None" on the particular line for that source object. Check if this is what is desired. If it is, then return the link now. Also need to worry about the replace case */ if (render_cond.cmm == gsCMM_NONE) { gsicc_link_t *link; if (gs_input_profile->data_cs == gsRGB) { link = gsicc_nocm_get_link(pgs, dev, 3); } else { link = gsicc_nocm_get_link(pgs, dev, 4); } /* Set the identity case if we are in that situation */ if (link != NULL) { if (gs_input_profile->num_comps == dev_profile->device_profile[GS_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROFILE]->num_comps) { link->is_identity = true; } return link; } } else if (render_cond.cmm == gsCMM_REPLACE) { return gsicc_rcm_get_link(pgs, dev, gs_input_profile->data_cs); /* Note that there is never an identity case */ } } } } if (output_colorspace != NULL) { gs_output_profile = output_colorspace->cmm_icc_profile_data; devicegraytok = false; } else { /* Use the device profile. Only use the rendering intent if it has an override setting. Also, only use the blackpoint if overide_bp is set. Note that this can conflict with intents set from the source objects so the user needs to understand what options to set. */ code = dev_proc(dev, get_profile)(dev, &dev_profile); if (code < 0) return NULL; /* Check for unmanaged color case */ if (gsicc_use_fast_color(gs_input_profile) > 0 && dev_profile->usefastcolor) { /* Return a "link" from the source space to the device color space */ gsicc_link_t *link = gsicc_nocm_get_link(pgs, dev, gs_input_profile->num_comps); if (link != NULL) { if (gs_input_profile->num_comps == dev_profile->device_profile[GS_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROFILE]->num_comps) { link->is_identity = true; } return link; } } gsicc_extract_profile(dev->graphics_type_tag, dev_profile, &(gs_output_profile), &render_cond); /* Check if the incoming rendering intent was source based (this can occur for high level images in the clist) in that case we need to use the source ri and not the device one */ if (!(rendering_params->rendering_intent & gsRI_OVERRIDE)) { /* No it was not. Check if our device profile RI was specified */ if (render_cond.rendering_intent != gsRINOTSPECIFIED) { rendering_params->rendering_intent = render_cond.rendering_intent; } } /* Similar for the black point compensation */ if (!(rendering_params->black_point_comp & gsBP_OVERRIDE)) { if (render_cond.black_point_comp != gsBPNOTSPECIFIED) { rendering_params->black_point_comp = render_cond.black_point_comp; } } /* And the Black preservation */ if (!(rendering_params->preserve_black & gsKP_OVERRIDE)) { if (render_cond.preserve_black != gsBKPRESNOTSPECIFIED) { rendering_params->preserve_black = render_cond.preserve_black; } } devicegraytok = dev_profile->devicegraytok; } /* If we are going from DeviceGray to DeviceCMYK and devicegraytok is true then use the ps_gray and ps_cmyk profiles instead of these profiles */ rendering_params->rendering_intent = rendering_params->rendering_intent & gsRI_MASK; rendering_params->black_point_comp = rendering_params->black_point_comp & gsBP_MASK; rendering_params->preserve_black = rendering_params->preserve_black & gsKP_MASK; return gsicc_get_link_profile(pgs, dev, gs_input_profile, gs_output_profile, rendering_params, memory, devicegraytok); } /* This operation of adding in a new link entry is actually shared amongst different functions that can each add an entry. For example, entrys may come from the CMM or they may come from the non color managed approach (i.e. gsicc_nocm_get_link) Returns true if link was found with that has, false if alloc fails. */ bool gsicc_alloc_link_entry(gsicc_link_cache_t *icc_link_cache, gsicc_link_t **ret_link, gsicc_hashlink_t hash, bool include_softproof, bool include_devlink) { gs_memory_t *cache_mem = icc_link_cache->memory; gsicc_link_t *link; *ret_link = NULL; /* First see if we can add a link */ /* TODO: this should be based on memory usage, not just num_links */ gx_monitor_enter(icc_link_cache->lock); while (icc_link_cache->num_links >= ICC_CACHE_MAXLINKS) { /* Look through the cache for first zero ref count to re-use that entry. When ref counts go to zero, the icc_link will have been moved to the end of the list, so the first we find is the 'oldest'. If we get to the last entry we release the lock, set the cache_full flag and wait on full_wait for some other thread to let this thread run again after releasing a cache slot. Release the cache lock to let other threads run and finish with (release) a cache entry. */ link = icc_link_cache->head; while (link != NULL ) { if (link->ref_count == 0) { /* we will use this one */ if_debug3m('^', cache_mem, "[^]%s "PRI_INTPTR" ++ => %d\n", "icclink", (intptr_t)link, link->ref_count); break; } link = link->next; } if (link == NULL) { icc_link_cache->cache_full = true; /* unlock while waiting for a link to come available */ gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); gx_semaphore_wait(icc_link_cache->full_wait); /* repeat the findcachelink to see if some other thread has */ /* already started building the link we need */ *ret_link = gsicc_findcachelink(hash, icc_link_cache, include_softproof, include_devlink); /* Got a hit, return link. ref_count for the link was already bumped */ if (*ret_link != NULL) return true; gx_monitor_enter(icc_link_cache->lock); /* restore the lock */ } else { /* Remove the zero ref_count link profile we found. */ /* Even if we remove this link, we may still be maxed out so*/ /* the outermost 'while' will check to make sure some other */ /* thread did not grab the one we remove. */ gsicc_remove_link(link, cache_mem); } } /* insert an empty link that we will reserve so we can unlock while */ /* building the link contents. If successful, the entry will set */ /* the hash for the link, Set valid=false, and lock the profile */ (*ret_link) = gsicc_alloc_link(cache_mem->stable_memory, hash); /* NB: the link returned will be have the lock owned by this thread */ /* the lock will be released when the link becomes valid. */ if (*ret_link) { (*ret_link)->icc_link_cache = icc_link_cache; (*ret_link)->next = icc_link_cache->head; icc_link_cache->head = *ret_link; icc_link_cache->num_links++; } /* unlock before returning */ gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); return false; /* we didn't find it, but return a link to be filled */ } /* This is the main function called to obtain a linked transform from the ICC cache If the cache has the link ready, it will return it. If not, it will request one from the CMS and then return it. We may need to do some cache locking during this process to avoid multi-threaded issues (e.g. someone deleting while someone is updating a reference count). Note that if the source profile is a device link profile we have no output profile but may still have a proofing or another device link profile to use */ gsicc_link_t* gsicc_get_link_profile(const gs_gstate *pgs, gx_device *dev, cmm_profile_t *gs_input_profile, cmm_profile_t *gs_output_profile, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params, gs_memory_t *memory, bool devicegraytok) { gsicc_hashlink_t hash; gsicc_link_t *link, *found_link; gcmmhlink_t link_handle = NULL; gsicc_manager_t *icc_manager = pgs->icc_manager; gsicc_link_cache_t *icc_link_cache = pgs->icc_link_cache; gs_memory_t *cache_mem = pgs->icc_link_cache->memory; gcmmhprofile_t *cms_input_profile; gcmmhprofile_t *cms_output_profile = NULL; gcmmhprofile_t *cms_proof_profile = NULL; gcmmhprofile_t *cms_devlink_profile = NULL; int code; bool include_softproof = false; bool include_devicelink = false; cmm_dev_profile_t *dev_profile; cmm_profile_t *proof_profile = NULL; cmm_profile_t *devlink_profile = NULL; bool src_dev_link = gs_input_profile->isdevlink; bool pageneutralcolor = false; int cms_flags = 0; /* Determine if we are using a soft proof or device link profile */ if (dev != NULL ) { code = dev_proc(dev, get_profile)(dev, &dev_profile); if (code < 0) return NULL; if (dev_profile != NULL) { proof_profile = dev_profile->proof_profile; devlink_profile = dev_profile->link_profile; pageneutralcolor = dev_profile->pageneutralcolor; } /* If the source color is the same as the proofing color then we do not need to apply the proofing color in this case. This occurs in cases where we have a CMYK output intent profile, a Device CMYK color, and are going out to an RGB device */ if (proof_profile != NULL ) { if (proof_profile->hashcode == gs_input_profile->hashcode) { proof_profile = NULL; } else { include_softproof = true; } } if (devlink_profile != NULL) include_devicelink = true; } /* First compute the hash code for the incoming case. If the output color space is NULL we will use the device profile for the output color space */ code = gsicc_compute_linkhash(icc_manager, dev, gs_input_profile, gs_output_profile, rendering_params, &hash); if (code < 0) return NULL; /* Check the cache for a hit. Need to check if softproofing was used */ found_link = gsicc_findcachelink(hash, icc_link_cache, include_softproof, include_devicelink); /* Got a hit, return link (ref_count for the link was already bumped */ if (found_link != NULL) { if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, memory, "[icc] Found Link = "PRI_INTPTR", hash = %lld \n", (intptr_t)found_link, (long long)hash.link_hashcode); if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, memory, "[icc] input_numcomps = %d, input_hash = %lld \n", gs_input_profile->num_comps, (long long)gs_input_profile->hashcode); if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, memory, "[icc] output_numcomps = %d, output_hash = %lld \n", gs_output_profile->num_comps, (long long)gs_output_profile->hashcode); return found_link; } /* Before we do anything, check if we have a case where the source profile is coming from the clist and we don't even want to be doing any color managment */ if (gs_input_profile->profile_handle == NULL && gs_input_profile->buffer == NULL && gs_input_profile->dev != NULL) { /* ICC profile should be in clist. This is the first call to it. Note that the profiles are not really shared amongst threads like the links are. Hence the memory is for the local thread's chunk */ cms_input_profile = gsicc_get_profile_handle_clist(gs_input_profile, gs_input_profile->memory); gs_input_profile->profile_handle = cms_input_profile; /* It is possible that we are not using color management due to a setting forced from srcgtag object (the None option) which has made its way though the clist in the clist imaging code. In this case, the srcgtag_profile structure which was part of the ICC manager is no longer available. We also have the Replace option. */ if (gs_input_profile->rend_is_valid && gs_input_profile->rend_cond.cmm == gsCMM_NONE) { if (gs_input_profile->data_cs == gsRGB) { link = gsicc_nocm_get_link(pgs, dev, 3); } else { link = gsicc_nocm_get_link(pgs, dev, 4); } /* Set the identity case if we are in that situation */ if (link != NULL) { if (gs_input_profile->num_comps == dev_profile->device_profile[GS_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROFILE]->num_comps) { link->is_identity = true; } return link; } } else if (gs_input_profile->rend_is_valid && gs_input_profile->rend_cond.cmm == gsCMM_REPLACE) { return gsicc_rcm_get_link(pgs, dev, gs_input_profile->data_cs); /* Note that there is never an identity case for this type. */ } /* We may have a source profile that is a device link profile and made its way through the clist. If so get things set up to handle that properly. */ src_dev_link = gs_input_profile->isdevlink; } /* No link was found so lets create a new one if there is room. This will usually return a link that is not yet valid, but may return a valid link if another thread has already created it */ if (gsicc_alloc_link_entry(icc_link_cache, &link, hash, include_softproof, include_devicelink)) return link; if (link == NULL) return NULL; /* error, couldn't allocate a link */ /* Here the link was new and the contents have valid=false and we */ /* own the lock for the link_profile. Build the profile, set valid */ /* to true and release the lock. */ /* Now compute the link contents */ cms_input_profile = gs_input_profile->profile_handle; /* Check if the source was generated from a PS CIE color space. If yes, then we need to make sure that the CMM does not do something like force a white point mapping like lcms does. This is also the source of the issue with the flower picture that has the hand made ICC profile that is highly nonlinear at the whitepoint */ if (gsicc_profile_from_ps(gs_input_profile)) { cms_flags = cms_flags | gscms_avoid_white_fix_flag(memory); } if (cms_input_profile == NULL) { if (gs_input_profile->buffer != NULL) { cms_input_profile = gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer(gs_input_profile->buffer, gs_input_profile->buffer_size, memory); if (cms_input_profile == NULL) return NULL; gs_input_profile->profile_handle = cms_input_profile; /* This *must* be a default profile that was not set up at start-up/ However it could be one from the icc creator code which does not do an initialization at the time of creation from CalRGB etc. */ code = gsicc_initialize_default_profile(gs_input_profile); if (code < 0) return NULL; } else { /* Cant create the link. No profile present, nor any defaults to use for this. Really need to throw an error for this case. */ gsicc_remove_link(link, cache_mem); return NULL; } } /* No need to worry about an output profile handle if our source is a device link profile */ if (!src_dev_link) { cms_output_profile = gs_output_profile->profile_handle; } if (cms_output_profile == NULL && !src_dev_link) { if (gs_output_profile->buffer != NULL) { cms_output_profile = gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer(gs_output_profile->buffer, gs_output_profile->buffer_size, memory); gs_output_profile->profile_handle = cms_output_profile; /* This *must* be a default profile that was not set up at start-up */ code = gsicc_initialize_default_profile(gs_output_profile); if (code < 0) return NULL; } else { /* See if we have a clist device pointer. */ if ( gs_output_profile->dev != NULL ) { /* ICC profile should be in clist. This is the first call to it. */ cms_output_profile = gsicc_get_profile_handle_clist(gs_output_profile, gs_output_profile->memory); gs_output_profile->profile_handle = cms_output_profile; } else { /* Cant create the link. No profile present, nor any defaults to use for this. Really need to throw an error for this case. */ gsicc_remove_link(link, cache_mem); return NULL; } } } if (include_softproof) { cms_proof_profile = proof_profile->profile_handle; if (cms_proof_profile == NULL) { if (proof_profile->buffer != NULL) { cms_proof_profile = gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer(proof_profile->buffer, proof_profile->buffer_size, memory); proof_profile->profile_handle = cms_proof_profile; if (!gscms_is_threadsafe()) gx_monitor_enter(proof_profile->lock); } else { /* Cant create the link */ gsicc_remove_link(link, cache_mem); return NULL; } } } if (include_devicelink) { cms_devlink_profile = devlink_profile->profile_handle; if (cms_devlink_profile == NULL) { if (devlink_profile->buffer != NULL) { cms_devlink_profile = gsicc_get_profile_handle_buffer(devlink_profile->buffer, devlink_profile->buffer_size, memory); devlink_profile->profile_handle = cms_devlink_profile; if (!gscms_is_threadsafe()) gx_monitor_enter(devlink_profile->lock); } else { /* Cant create the link */ gsicc_remove_link(link, cache_mem); return NULL; } } } /* Profile reading of same structure not thread safe in CMM */ if (!gscms_is_threadsafe()) { gx_monitor_enter(gs_input_profile->lock); if (!src_dev_link) { gx_monitor_enter(gs_output_profile->lock); } } /* We may have to worry about special handling for DeviceGray to DeviceCMYK to ensure that Gray is mapped to K only. This is only done once and then it is cached and the link used. Note that Adobe appears to do this only when the source color space was DeviceGray. For us, this requirement is meant by the test of gs_input_profile->default_match == DEFAULT_GRAY */ if (!src_dev_link && gs_output_profile->data_cs == gsCMYK && gs_input_profile->data_cs == gsGRAY && gs_input_profile->default_match == DEFAULT_GRAY && pgs->icc_manager != NULL && devicegraytok) { if (icc_manager->graytok_profile == NULL) { icc_manager->graytok_profile = gsicc_set_iccsmaskprofile(GRAY_TO_K, strlen(GRAY_TO_K), pgs->icc_manager, pgs->icc_manager->memory->stable_memory); if (icc_manager->graytok_profile == NULL) { /* Cant create the link */ /* FIXME: clean up allocations and locksso far ??? */ gsicc_remove_link(link, cache_mem); return NULL; } } if (icc_manager->smask_profiles == NULL) { code = gsicc_initialize_iccsmask(icc_manager); } cms_input_profile = icc_manager->smask_profiles->smask_gray->profile_handle; cms_output_profile = icc_manager->graytok_profile->profile_handle; /* Turn off bp compensation in this case as there is a bug in lcms */ rendering_params->black_point_comp = false; cms_flags = 0; /* Turn off any flag setting */ } /* Get the link with the proof and or device link profile */ if (include_softproof || include_devicelink || src_dev_link) { link_handle = gscms_get_link_proof_devlink(cms_input_profile, cms_proof_profile, cms_output_profile, cms_devlink_profile, rendering_params, src_dev_link, cms_flags, cache_mem->non_gc_memory); if (!gscms_is_threadsafe()) { if (include_softproof) { gx_monitor_leave(proof_profile->lock); } if (include_devicelink) { gx_monitor_leave(devlink_profile->lock); } } } else { link_handle = gscms_get_link(cms_input_profile, cms_output_profile, rendering_params, cms_flags, cache_mem->non_gc_memory); } if (!gscms_is_threadsafe()) { if (!src_dev_link) { gx_monitor_leave(gs_output_profile->lock); } gx_monitor_leave(gs_input_profile->lock); } if (link_handle != NULL) { if (gs_input_profile->data_cs == gsGRAY) pageneutralcolor = false; gsicc_set_link_data(link, link_handle, hash, icc_link_cache->lock, include_softproof, include_devicelink, pageneutralcolor, gs_input_profile->data_cs); if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, cache_mem, "[icc] New Link = "PRI_INTPTR", hash = %lld \n", (intptr_t)link, (long long)hash.link_hashcode); if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, cache_mem, "[icc] input_numcomps = %d, input_hash = %lld \n", gs_input_profile->num_comps, (long long)gs_input_profile->hashcode); if_debug2m(gs_debug_flag_icc, cache_mem, "[icc] output_numcomps = %d, output_hash = %lld \n", gs_output_profile->num_comps, (long long)gs_output_profile->hashcode); } else { /* If other threads are waiting, we won't have set link->valid true. */ /* This could result in an infinite loop if other threads are waiting */ /* for it to be made valid. (see gsicc_findcachelink). */ link->ref_count--; /* this thread no longer using this link entry */ if_debug2m('^', link->memory, "[^]icclink "PRI_INTPTR" -- => %d\n", (intptr_t)link, link->ref_count); if (icc_link_cache->cache_full) { icc_link_cache->cache_full = false; gx_semaphore_signal(icc_link_cache->full_wait); /* let a waiting thread run */ } gx_monitor_leave(link->lock); gsicc_remove_link(link, cache_mem); return NULL; } return link; } /* The following is used to transform a named color value at a particular tint value to the output device values. This function is provided only as a demonstration and will likely need to be altered and optimized for those wishing to perform full spot color look-up support. The object used to perform the transformation is typically a look-up table that contains the spot color name and a CIELAB value for 100% colorant (it could also contain device values in the table). It can be more complex where-by you have a 1-D lut that provides CIELAB values or direct device values as a function of tint. In such a case, the table would be interpolated to compute all possible tint values. If CIELAB values are provided, they can be pushed through the device profile using the CMM. In this particular demonstration, we simply provide CIELAB for a few color names in the file toolbin/color/named_color/named_color_table.txt . The tint value is used to scale the CIELAB value from 100% colorant to a D50 whitepoint. The resulting CIELAB value is then pushed through the CMM to obtain device values for the current device. The file named_colors.pdf which is in toolbin/color/named_color/ contains these spot colors and will enable the user to see how the code behaves. The named color table is specified to ghostscript by the command line option -sNamedProfile=./toolbin/color/named_color/named_color_table.txt (or with full path name). If it is desired to have ghostscript compiled with the named color table, it can be placed in the iccprofiles directory and then build ghostscript with COMPILE_INITS=1. When specified the file contents are pointed to by the buffer member variable of the device_named profile in profile manager. When the first call occurs in here, the contents of the buffer are parsed and placed into a custom stucture that is pointed to by the profile pointer. Note that this pointer is not visible to the garbage collector and should be allocated in non-gc memory as is demonstrated in this sample. The structure elements are released when the profile is destroyed through the call to gsicc_named_profile_release, which is set as the value of the profile member variable release. Note that there are calls defined in gsicc_littlecms.c that will create link transforms between Named Color ICC profiles and the output device. Such profiles are rarely used (at least I have not run across any yet) so the code is currently not used. Also note that for those serious about named color support, a cache as well as efficient table-look-up methods would likely be important for performance. Finally note that PANTONE is a registered trademark and PANTONE colors are a licensed product of XRITE Inc. See http://www.pantone.com for more information. Licensees of Pantone color libraries or similar libraries should find it straight forward to interface. Pantone names are referred to in named_color_table.txt and contained in the file named_colors.pdf. !!!!IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO PERFORM THE PROPER DEALLOCATION CLEAN-UP OF THE STRUCTURES WHEN rc_free_icc_profile OCCURS FOR THE NAMED COLOR PROFILE!!!!!! See gsicc_named_profile_release below for an example. This is set in the profile release member variable. */ /* Define the demo structure and function for named color look-up */ typedef struct gsicc_namedcolortable_s { gsicc_namedcolor_t *named_color; /* The named color */ unsigned int number_entries; /* The number of entries */ gs_memory_t *memory; } gsicc_namedcolortable_t; /* Support functions for parsing buffer */ static int get_to_next_line(char **buffptr, int *buffer_count) { while (1) { if (**buffptr == ';') { (*buffptr)++; (*buffer_count)--; return(0); } else { (*buffptr)++; (*buffer_count)--; } if (*buffer_count <= 0) { return -1; } } } /* Release the structures we allocated in gsicc_transform_named_color */ static void gsicc_named_profile_release(void *ptr, gs_memory_t *memory) { gsicc_namedcolortable_t *namedcolor_table = (gsicc_namedcolortable_t*) ptr; unsigned int num_entries; gs_memory_t *mem; int k; gsicc_namedcolor_t *namedcolor_data; if (namedcolor_table != NULL) { mem = namedcolor_table->memory; num_entries = namedcolor_table->number_entries; namedcolor_data = namedcolor_table->named_color; for (k = 0; k < num_entries; k++) { gs_free(mem, namedcolor_data[k].colorant_name, 1, namedcolor_data[k].name_size + 1, "gsicc_named_profile_release (colorant_name)"); } gs_free(mem, namedcolor_data, num_entries, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolor_t), "gsicc_named_profile_release (namedcolor_data)"); gs_free(namedcolor_table->memory, namedcolor_table, 1, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolortable_t), "gsicc_named_profile_release (namedcolor_table)"); } } static int create_named_profile(gs_memory_t *mem, cmm_profile_t *named_profile) { /* Create the structure that we will use in searching */ /* Note that we do this in non-GC memory since the profile pointer is not GC'd */ gsicc_namedcolortable_t *namedcolor_table; gsicc_namedcolor_t *namedcolor_data; char *buffptr; int buffer_count; int count; unsigned int num_entries; int code; int k, j; char *pch, *temp_ptr, *last = NULL; bool done; int curr_name_size; float lab[3]; namedcolor_table = (gsicc_namedcolortable_t*)gs_malloc(mem, 1, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolortable_t), "create_named_profile"); if (namedcolor_table == NULL) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); namedcolor_table->memory = mem; /* Parse buffer and load the structure we will be searching */ buffptr = (char*)named_profile->buffer; buffer_count = named_profile->buffer_size; count = sscanf(buffptr, "%d", &num_entries); if (num_entries < 1 || count == 0) { gs_free(mem, namedcolor_table, 1, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolortable_t), "create_named_profile"); return -1; } code = get_to_next_line(&buffptr, &buffer_count); if (code < 0) { gs_free(mem, namedcolor_table, 1, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolortable_t), "create_named_profile"); return -1; } namedcolor_data = (gsicc_namedcolor_t*)gs_malloc(mem, num_entries, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolor_t), "create_named_profile"); if (namedcolor_data == NULL) { gs_free(mem, namedcolor_table, num_entries, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolortable_t), "create_named_profile"); return_error(gs_error_VMerror); } namedcolor_table->number_entries = num_entries; namedcolor_table->named_color = namedcolor_data; for (k = 0; k < num_entries; k++) { if (k == 0) { pch = gs_strtok(buffptr, ",;", &last); } else { pch = gs_strtok(NULL, ",;", &last); } /* Remove any /0d /0a stuff from start */ temp_ptr = pch; done = 0; while (!done) { if (*temp_ptr == 0x0d || *temp_ptr == 0x0a) { temp_ptr++; } else { done = 1; } } curr_name_size = strlen(temp_ptr); namedcolor_data[k].name_size = curr_name_size; /* +1 for the null */ namedcolor_data[k].colorant_name = (char*)gs_malloc(mem, 1, curr_name_size + 1, "create_named_profile"); if (namedcolor_data[k].colorant_name == NULL) { /* Free up all that has been allocated so far */ for (j = 0; j < k; j++) { gs_free(mem, namedcolor_table, 1, namedcolor_data[j].name_size+1, "create_named_profile"); } gs_free(mem, namedcolor_data, num_entries, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolor_t), "create_named_profile"); gs_free(mem, namedcolor_table, num_entries, sizeof(gsicc_namedcolortable_t), "create_named_profile"); return_error(gs_error_VMerror); } strncpy(namedcolor_data[k].colorant_name, temp_ptr, namedcolor_data[k].name_size + 1); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { pch = gs_strtok(NULL, ",;", &last); count = sscanf(pch, "%f", &(lab[j])); } lab[0] = lab[0] * 65535 / 100.0; lab[1] = (lab[1] + 128.0) * 65535 / 255; lab[2] = (lab[2] + 128.0) * 65535 / 255; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (lab[j] > 65535) lab[j] = 65535; if (lab[j] < 0) lab[j] = 0; namedcolor_data[k].lab[j] = (unsigned short)lab[j]; } } /* Assign to the profile pointer */ named_profile->profile_handle = namedcolor_table; named_profile->release = gsicc_named_profile_release; return 0; } /* Check for support of named color at time of install of DeviceN or Sep color space. This function returning false means that Process colorants (e.g. CMYK) will not undergo color management. */ bool gsicc_support_named_color(const gs_color_space *pcs, const gs_gstate *pgs) { cmm_profile_t *named_profile; gsicc_namedcolortable_t *namedcolor_table; unsigned int num_entries; int k, code, i, num_comp, num_spots=0, num_process=0, num_other=0; gs_color_space_index type = gs_color_space_get_index(pcs); char **names = NULL; byte *pname = NULL; /* Silence compiler warning */ uint name_size = 0; /* Silence compiler warning */ bool is_supported; /* Get the data for the named profile */ named_profile = pgs->icc_manager->device_named; if (named_profile->buffer != NULL && named_profile->profile_handle == NULL) { code = create_named_profile(pgs->memory->non_gc_memory, named_profile); if (code < 0) return false; } namedcolor_table = (gsicc_namedcolortable_t*)named_profile->profile_handle; num_entries = namedcolor_table->number_entries; /* Get the color space specifics */ if (type == gs_color_space_index_DeviceN) { names = pcs->params.device_n.names; num_comp = pcs->params.device_n.num_components; } else if (type == gs_color_space_index_Separation) { pname = (byte *)pcs->params.separation.sep_name; name_size = strlen(pcs->params.separation.sep_name); num_comp = 1; } else return false; /* Step through the color space colorants */ for (i = 0; i < num_comp; i++) { if (type == gs_color_space_index_DeviceN) { pname = (byte *)names[i]; name_size = strlen(names[i]); } /* Classify */ if (strncmp((char *)pname, "None", name_size) == 0 || strncmp((char *)pname, "All", name_size) == 0) { num_other++; } else { if (strncmp((char *)pname, "Cyan", name_size) == 0 || strncmp((char *)pname, "Magenta", name_size) == 0 || strncmp((char *)pname, "Yellow", name_size) == 0 || strncmp((char *)pname, "Black", name_size) == 0) { num_process++; } else { num_spots++; } } /* Check if the colorant is supported */ is_supported = false; for (k = 0; k < num_entries; k++) { if (name_size == namedcolor_table->named_color[k].name_size) { if (strncmp((const char *)namedcolor_table->named_color[k].colorant_name, (const char *)pname, name_size) == 0) { is_supported = true; break; } } } if (!is_supported) return false; } /* If we made it this far, all the individual colorants are supported. If the names contained no spots, then let standard color management processing occur. It may be that some applications want standard processing in other cases. For example, [Cyan Magenta Varnish] to a tiffsep-like device one may want color management to occur for the Cyan and Magenta but Varnish to pass to the separation device unmolested. You will then want to add "Varnish" to the list of names in the above test for the Process colorants of Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black to avoid "Varnish" being counted as a spot here */ if (num_spots == 0) return false; return true; } /* Function returns -1 if a name is not found. Otherwise it will transform the named colors and return 0 */ int gsicc_transform_named_color(const float tint_values[], gsicc_namedcolor_t color_names[], uint num_names, gx_color_value device_values[], const gs_gstate *pgs, gx_device *dev, cmm_profile_t *gs_output_profile, gsicc_rendering_param_t *rendering_params) { unsigned int num_entries; cmm_profile_t *named_profile; gsicc_namedcolortable_t *namedcolor_table; int num_nonnone_names; uint k,j,n; int code; bool found_match; unsigned short psrc[GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS]; unsigned short psrc_cm[GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS]; unsigned short *psrc_temp; unsigned short white_lab[3] = {65535, 32767, 32767}; gsicc_link_t *icc_link; cmm_profile_t *curr_output_profile; gsicc_rendering_param_t render_cond; cmm_dev_profile_t *dev_profile; int indices[GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS]; gs_memory_t *nongc_mem = pgs->memory->non_gc_memory; /* Set indices to avoid use of uninitialized index. It is actually not possible to access them using real data but someone could perhaps be malicious and cause a problem */ memset(&(indices[0]), 0, sizeof(indices)); /* Check if the data that we have has already been generated. */ if (pgs->icc_manager != NULL) { if (pgs->icc_manager->device_named != NULL) { named_profile = pgs->icc_manager->device_named; if (named_profile->buffer != NULL && named_profile->profile_handle == NULL) { code = create_named_profile(nongc_mem, named_profile); if (code < 0) return -1; } namedcolor_table = (gsicc_namedcolortable_t*)named_profile->profile_handle; num_entries = namedcolor_table->number_entries; /* Go through each of our spot names, getting the color value for each one. */ num_nonnone_names = num_names; for (n = 0; n < num_names; n++) { /* Search our structure for the color name. Ignore the None colorant names. All is a special case that someone may want to detect and do some special handling for. In this particular example we would punt with All and let the default methods handle it */ found_match = false; if (strncmp("None", (const char *)color_names[n].colorant_name, color_names[n].name_size) == 0) { num_nonnone_names--; } else { /* Colorant was not None */ for (k = 0; k < num_entries; k++) { if (color_names[n].name_size == namedcolor_table->named_color[k].name_size) { if (strncmp((const char *)namedcolor_table->named_color[k].colorant_name, (const char *)color_names[n].colorant_name, color_names[n].name_size) == 0) { found_match = true; break; } } } if (found_match) { indices[n] = k; } else { /* We do not know this colorant, return -1 */ return -1; } } } if (num_nonnone_names < 1) return -1; /* No non-None colorants. */ /* We have all the colorants. Lets go through and see if we can make something that looks like a merge of the various ones */ /* Apply tint, blend LAB values. Note that we may have wanted to check if we even want to do this. It is possible that the device directly supports this particular colorant. One may want to check the alt tint transform boolean */ /* Start with white */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { psrc[j] = white_lab[j]; } for (n = 0; n < num_nonnone_names; n++) { /* Blend with the current color based upon current tint value */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { psrc[j] = (unsigned short) ((float) namedcolor_table->named_color[indices[n]].lab[j] * tint_values[n] + (float) psrc[j] * (1.0 - tint_values[n])); } } /* Push LAB value through CMM to get CMYK device values */ /* Note that there are several options here. You could us an NCLR icc profile to compute the device colors that you want. For, example if the output device had an NCLR profile. However, what you MUST do here is set ALL the device values. Hence, below we initialize all of them to zero and in this particular example, set only the ones that were output from the device profile */ if ( gs_output_profile != NULL ) { curr_output_profile = gs_output_profile; } else { /* Use the device profile. Note if one was not set for the device, the default CMYK profile is used. Note that if we specified and NCLR profile it will be used here */ code = dev_proc(dev, get_profile)(dev, &dev_profile); gsicc_extract_profile(dev->graphics_type_tag, dev_profile, &(curr_output_profile), &render_cond); } icc_link = gsicc_get_link_profile(pgs, dev, pgs->icc_manager->lab_profile, curr_output_profile, rendering_params, pgs->memory, false); if (icc_link->is_identity) { psrc_temp = &(psrc[0]); } else { /* Transform the color */ psrc_temp = &(psrc_cm[0]); (icc_link->procs.map_color)(dev, icc_link, psrc, psrc_temp, 2); } gsicc_release_link(icc_link); /* Clear out ALL the color values */ for (k = 0; k < dev->color_info.num_components; k++){ device_values[k] = 0; } /* Set only the values that came from the profile. By default this would generally be just CMYK values. For the equivalent color computation case it certainly will be. If someone specified an NCLR profile it could be more. Note that if an NCLR profile is being used we will want to make sure the colorant order is correct */ for (k = 0; k < curr_output_profile->num_comps; k++){ device_values[k] = psrc_temp[k]; } return 0; } } return -1; /* Color not found */ } /* Used by gs to notify the ICC manager that we are done with this link for now */ /* This may release elements waiting on an icc_link_cache slot */ void gsicc_release_link(gsicc_link_t *icclink) { gsicc_link_cache_t *icc_link_cache; if (icclink == NULL) return; icc_link_cache = icclink->icc_link_cache; gx_monitor_enter(icc_link_cache->lock); if_debug2m('^', icclink->memory, "[^]icclink "PRI_INTPTR" -- => %d\n", (intptr_t)icclink, icclink->ref_count - 1); /* Decrement the reference count */ if (--(icclink->ref_count) == 0) { gsicc_link_t *curr, *prev; /* Find link in cache, and move it to the end of the list. */ /* This way zero ref_count links are found LRU first */ curr = icc_link_cache->head; prev = NULL; while (curr != icclink) { prev = curr; curr = curr->next; }; if (prev == NULL) { /* this link was the head */ icc_link_cache->head = curr->next; } else { prev->next = curr->next; /* de-link this one */ } /* Find the first zero-ref entry on the list */ curr = icc_link_cache->head; prev = NULL; while (curr != NULL && curr->ref_count > 0) { prev = curr; curr = curr->next; } /* Found where to link this one into the tail of the list */ if (prev == NULL) { icc_link_cache->head = icclink; icclink->next = icc_link_cache->head->next; } else { /* link this one in here */ prev->next = icclink; icclink->next = curr; } /* Finally, if some thread was waiting because the cache was full, let it run */ if (icc_link_cache->cache_full) { icc_link_cache->cache_full = false; gx_semaphore_signal(icc_link_cache->full_wait); /* let a waiting thread run */ } } gx_monitor_leave(icc_link_cache->lock); } /* Used to initialize the buffer description prior to color conversion */ void gsicc_init_buffer(gsicc_bufferdesc_t *buffer_desc, unsigned char num_chan, unsigned char bytes_per_chan, bool has_alpha, bool alpha_first, bool is_planar, int plane_stride, int row_stride, int num_rows, int pixels_per_row) { buffer_desc->num_chan = num_chan; buffer_desc->bytes_per_chan = bytes_per_chan; buffer_desc->has_alpha = has_alpha; buffer_desc->alpha_first = alpha_first; buffer_desc->is_planar = is_planar; buffer_desc->plane_stride = plane_stride; buffer_desc->row_stride = row_stride; buffer_desc->num_rows = num_rows; buffer_desc->pixels_per_row = pixels_per_row; buffer_desc->endian_swap = false; } /* Return the proper component numbers based upon the profiles of the device. This is in here since it is usually called when creating and using a link from the link cache. */ int gsicc_get_device_profile_comps(const cmm_dev_profile_t *dev_profile) { if (dev_profile->link_profile == NULL) { return dev_profile->device_profile[GS_DEFAULT_DEVICE_PROFILE]->num_comps; } else { return dev_profile->link_profile->num_comps_out; } }