/* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* gsicc handling for unmanaged color. */ #include "std.h" #include "string_.h" #include "stdpre.h" #include "gstypes.h" #include "gsmemory.h" #include "gsstruct.h" #include "scommon.h" #include "strmio.h" #include "gx.h" #include "gxgstate.h" #include "gxcspace.h" #include "gsicc_cms.h" #include "gsicc_cache.h" /* A link structure for our non-cm color transform */ typedef struct nocm_link_s { /* Since RGB to CMYK requires BG and UCR, we need to have the gs_gstate available */ gs_gstate *pgs; byte num_in; byte num_out; gs_memory_t *memory; } nocm_link_t; static void gsicc_nocm_transform_general(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, void *inputcolor, void *outputcolor, int num_bytes_in, int num_bytes_out); /* Functions that should be optimized later to do planar/chunky with color conversions. Just putting in something that should work right now */ /* At most, we have 4 input and 4 output ptrs. Since this is used only in DeviceGray, DeviceRGB and DeviceCMYK cases */ static void gsicc_nocm_planar_to_planar(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *input_buff_desc, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *output_buff_desc, void *inputbuffer, void *outputbuffer) { int k, j; byte *inputpos[4]; byte *outputpos[4]; byte *in_buffer_ptr = (byte *) inputbuffer; byte *out_buffer_ptr = (byte *) outputbuffer; byte in_color[4], out_color[4]; for (k = 0; k < input_buff_desc->num_chan; k++) { inputpos[k] = in_buffer_ptr + k * input_buff_desc->plane_stride; } for (k = 0; k < output_buff_desc->num_chan; k++) { outputpos[k] = out_buffer_ptr + k * output_buff_desc->plane_stride; } /* Note to self. We currently only do this in the transparency buffer case which has byte representation so just stepping through plane_stride is ok at this time. */ for (k = 0; k < input_buff_desc->plane_stride ; k++) { for (j = 0; j < input_buff_desc->num_chan; j++) { in_color[j] = *(inputpos[j]); inputpos[j] += input_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; } gsicc_nocm_transform_general(dev, icclink, (void*) &(in_color[0]), (void*) &(out_color[0]), 1, 1); for (j = 0; j < output_buff_desc->num_chan; j++) { *(outputpos[j]) = out_color[j]; outputpos[j] += output_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; } } } /* This is not really used yet */ static void gsicc_nocm_planar_to_chunky(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *input_buff_desc, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *output_buff_desc, void *inputbuffer, void *outputbuffer) { } /* This is used with the fast thresholding code when doing -dUseFastColor and going out to a planar device */ static void gsicc_nocm_chunky_to_planar(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *input_buff_desc, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *output_buff_desc, void *inputbuffer, void *outputbuffer) { int k, j, m; byte *inputpos = (byte *) inputbuffer; byte *outputpos = (byte *) outputbuffer; byte *output_loc; byte *inputcolor; byte outputcolor[8]; /* 8 since we have max 4 colorants and 2 bytes/colorant */ unsigned short *pos_in_short, *pos_out_short; int num_bytes_in = input_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; int num_bytes_out = output_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; int pixel_in_step = num_bytes_in * input_buff_desc->num_chan; int plane_stride = output_buff_desc->plane_stride; /* Do row by row. */ for (k = 0; k < input_buff_desc->num_rows ; k++) { inputcolor = inputpos; output_loc = outputpos; /* split the 2 byte 1 byte case here to avoid decision in inner loop */ if (output_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan == 1) { for (j = 0; j < input_buff_desc->pixels_per_row; j++) { gsicc_nocm_transform_general(dev, icclink, (void*) inputcolor, (void*) &(outputcolor[0]), num_bytes_in, num_bytes_out); /* Stuff the output in the proper planar location */ for (m = 0; m < output_buff_desc->num_chan; m++) { *(output_loc + m * plane_stride + j) = outputcolor[m]; } inputcolor += pixel_in_step; } inputpos += input_buff_desc->row_stride; outputpos += output_buff_desc->row_stride; } else { for (j = 0; j < input_buff_desc->pixels_per_row; j++) { gsicc_nocm_transform_general(dev, icclink, (void*) inputcolor, (void*) &(outputcolor[0]), num_bytes_in, num_bytes_out); /* Stuff the output in the proper planar location */ pos_in_short = (unsigned short*) &(outputcolor[0]); pos_out_short = (unsigned short*) (output_loc); for (m = 0; m < output_buff_desc->num_chan; m++) { *(pos_out_short + m * plane_stride + j) = pos_in_short[m]; } inputcolor += pixel_in_step; } inputpos += input_buff_desc->row_stride; outputpos += output_buff_desc->row_stride; } } } static void gsicc_nocm_chunky_to_chunky(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *input_buff_desc, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *output_buff_desc, void *inputbuffer, void *outputbuffer) { int k, j; byte *inputpos = (byte *) inputbuffer; byte *outputpos = (byte *) outputbuffer; byte *inputcolor, *outputcolor; int num_bytes_in = input_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; int num_bytes_out = output_buff_desc->bytes_per_chan; int pixel_in_step = num_bytes_in * input_buff_desc->num_chan; int pixel_out_step = num_bytes_out * output_buff_desc->num_chan; /* Do row by row. */ for (k = 0; k < input_buff_desc->num_rows ; k++) { inputcolor = inputpos; outputcolor = outputpos; for (j = 0; j < input_buff_desc->pixels_per_row; j++) { gsicc_nocm_transform_general(dev, icclink, (void*) inputcolor, (void*) outputcolor, num_bytes_in, num_bytes_out); inputcolor += pixel_in_step; outputcolor += pixel_out_step; } inputpos += input_buff_desc->row_stride; outputpos += output_buff_desc->row_stride; } } /* Transform an entire buffer using the generic (non color managed) transformations */ static int gsicc_nocm_transform_color_buffer(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *input_buff_desc, gsicc_bufferdesc_t *output_buff_desc, void *inputbuffer, void *outputbuffer) { /* Since we have to do the mappings to and from frac colors we will for now just call the gsicc_nocm_transform_color as we step through the buffers. This process can be significantly sped up */ if (input_buff_desc->is_planar) { if (output_buff_desc->is_planar) { gsicc_nocm_planar_to_planar(dev, icclink, input_buff_desc, output_buff_desc, inputbuffer, outputbuffer); } else { gsicc_nocm_planar_to_chunky(dev, icclink, input_buff_desc, output_buff_desc, inputbuffer, outputbuffer); } } else { if (output_buff_desc->is_planar) { gsicc_nocm_chunky_to_planar(dev, icclink, input_buff_desc, output_buff_desc, inputbuffer, outputbuffer); } else { gsicc_nocm_chunky_to_chunky(dev, icclink, input_buff_desc, output_buff_desc, inputbuffer, outputbuffer); } } return 0; } /* Shared function between the single and buffer conversions */ static void gsicc_nocm_transform_general(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, void *inputcolor, void *outputcolor, int num_bytes_in, int num_bytes_out) { /* Input data is either single byte or 2 byte color values. The color mapping procs work on frac values so we have to sandwich the transformation between to and from frac conversions. We are only doing at most 4 source colors here */ nocm_link_t *link = (nocm_link_t*) icclink->link_handle; byte num_in = link->num_in; byte num_out = link->num_out; frac frac_in[4]; frac frac_out[GX_DEVICE_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS]; int k; if (num_bytes_in == 2) { unsigned short *data = (unsigned short *) inputcolor; for (k = 0; k < num_in; k++) { frac_in[k] = ushort2frac(data[k]); } } else { byte *data = (byte *) inputcolor; for (k = 0; k < num_in; k++) { frac_in[k] = byte2frac(data[k]); } } /* Use the device procedures to do the mapping */ switch (num_in) { case 1: dev_proc(dev, get_color_mapping_procs)(dev)->map_gray(dev, frac_in[0], frac_out); break; case 3: dev_proc(dev, get_color_mapping_procs)(dev)->map_rgb(dev, link->pgs, frac_in[0], frac_in[1], frac_in[2], frac_out); break; case 4: dev_proc(dev, get_color_mapping_procs)(dev)->map_cmyk(dev, frac_in[0], frac_in[1], frac_in[2], frac_in[3], frac_out); break; default: memset(&(frac_out[0]), 0, sizeof(frac_out)); break; } if (num_bytes_out == 2) { unsigned short *data = (unsigned short *) outputcolor; for (k = 0; k < num_out; k++) { data[k] = frac2ushort(frac_out[k]); } } else { byte *data = (byte *) outputcolor; for (k = 0; k < num_out; k++) { data[k] = frac2byte(frac_out[k]); } } return; } /* Transform a single color using the generic (non color managed) transformations */ static int gsicc_nocm_transform_color(gx_device *dev, gsicc_link_t *icclink, void *inputcolor, void *outputcolor, int num_bytes) { gsicc_nocm_transform_general(dev, icclink, inputcolor, outputcolor, num_bytes, num_bytes); return 0; } static void gsicc_nocm_freelink(gsicc_link_t *icclink) { nocm_link_t *nocm_link = (nocm_link_t*) icclink->link_handle; if (nocm_link) { if (nocm_link->pgs != NULL) { if (nocm_link->pgs->black_generation != NULL) { gs_free_object(nocm_link->memory, nocm_link->pgs->black_generation, "gsicc_nocm_freelink"); } if (nocm_link->pgs->undercolor_removal != NULL) { gs_free_object(nocm_link->memory, nocm_link->pgs->undercolor_removal, "gsicc_nocm_freelink"); } gs_free_object(nocm_link->memory, nocm_link->pgs, "gsicc_nocm_freelink"); } gs_free_object(nocm_link->memory, nocm_link, "gsicc_nocm_freelink"); icclink->link_handle = NULL; } } /* Since this is the only occurence of this object we are not going to fool aroung with reference counting and closure functions. When the link is destroyed, we will simply free the bytes */ static gx_transfer_map* gsicc_nocm_copy_curve(gx_transfer_map *in_map, gs_memory_t *mem) { gx_transfer_map *out_map; if (in_map == NULL) { return NULL; } else { out_map = (gx_transfer_map*) gs_alloc_bytes(mem, sizeof(gx_transfer_map), "gsicc_nocm_copy_curve"); if (out_map) { memset(out_map, 0, sizeof(gx_transfer_map)); out_map->proc = in_map->proc; memcpy(&(out_map->values[0]), &(in_map->values[0]), sizeof(frac) * transfer_map_size); out_map->id = gs_no_id; } return out_map; } } /* Get the link, which is the mapping procedure in this non color managed transformation case. */ gsicc_link_t* gsicc_nocm_get_link(const gs_gstate *pgs, gx_device *dev, gs_color_space_index src_index) { gsicc_link_t *result; gsicc_hashlink_t hash; nocm_link_t *nocm_link; gs_memory_t *mem = pgs->icc_link_cache->memory->non_gc_memory; bool pageneutralcolor = false; cmm_dev_profile_t *dev_profile; int code; gsicc_colorbuffer_t data_cs = gsRGB; if (dev == NULL) return NULL; /* Need to check if we need to monitor for color */ code = dev_proc(dev, get_profile)(dev, &dev_profile); if (code < 0) return NULL; if (dev_profile != NULL) { pageneutralcolor = dev_profile->pageneutralcolor; } /* We will add this to the link cache so that we can avoid the issue of black_generation and undercolor removal being GC values. Since the link is not GC we would need to copy the contents over each time a link was requested. This could be costly if we had a lot of link requests. */ hash.rend_hash = gsCMM_NONE; hash.des_hash = dev->color_info.num_components; hash.src_hash = src_index; hash.link_hashcode = src_index + hash.des_hash * 256 + hash.rend_hash * 4096; /* Check the cache for a hit. */ result = gsicc_findcachelink(hash, pgs->icc_link_cache, false, false); if (result != NULL) { return result; } /* If not, then lets create a new one. This may actually return a link if another thread has already created it while we were trying to do so */ if (gsicc_alloc_link_entry(pgs->icc_link_cache, &result, hash, false, false)) return result; if (result == NULL) return NULL; /* Now compute the link contents */ /* We (this thread) owns the lock on the new link just created. */ result->procs.map_buffer = gsicc_nocm_transform_color_buffer; result->procs.map_color = gsicc_nocm_transform_color; result->procs.free_link = gsicc_nocm_freelink; result->hashcode = hash; nocm_link = (nocm_link_t *) gs_alloc_bytes(mem, sizeof(nocm_link_t), "gsicc_nocm_get_link"); if (nocm_link == NULL) return NULL; result->link_handle = (void*) nocm_link; nocm_link->memory = mem; /* Create a dummy gs_gstate and populate the ucr/bg values. This is the only part that we need */ if ((pgs->black_generation == NULL && pgs->undercolor_removal == NULL)) { nocm_link->pgs = NULL; } else { nocm_link->pgs = (gs_gstate*) gs_alloc_bytes(mem, sizeof(gs_gstate), "gsicc_nocm_get_link"); if (nocm_link->pgs == NULL) return NULL; memset(nocm_link->pgs, 0, sizeof(gs_gstate)); /* Note if allocation of either of the maps fails, just use NULL */ nocm_link->pgs->black_generation = (gx_transfer_map*) gsicc_nocm_copy_curve(pgs->black_generation, mem); nocm_link->pgs->undercolor_removal = (gx_transfer_map*) gsicc_nocm_copy_curve(pgs->undercolor_removal, mem); } nocm_link->num_out = min(dev->color_info.num_components, GS_CLIENT_COLOR_MAX_COMPONENTS); nocm_link->num_in = src_index; result->num_input = nocm_link->num_in; result->num_output = nocm_link->num_out; result->link_handle = nocm_link; result->hashcode.link_hashcode = hash.link_hashcode; result->hashcode.des_hash = hash.des_hash; result->hashcode.src_hash = hash.src_hash; result->hashcode.rend_hash = hash.rend_hash; result->includes_softproof = false; result->includes_devlink = false; if (hash.src_hash == hash.des_hash) { result->is_identity = true; } else { result->is_identity = false; } if (nocm_link->num_in == 4) data_cs = gsCMYK; else if (nocm_link->num_in == 1) data_cs = gsGRAY; result->data_cs = data_cs; /* Set up for monitoring if not gray */ if (pageneutralcolor && nocm_link->num_in != 1) { gsicc_mcm_set_link(result); } result->valid = true; /* Now release any tasks/threads waiting for these contents by unlocking */ gx_monitor_leave(result->lock); /* done with updating, let everyone run */ return result; }