*** zmedia2.c.org	Mon Jul 30 07:30:12 2001
--- zmedia2.c	Sun Aug 19 12:16:36 2001
*** 430,440 ****
  	rx = ry, ry = temp;
!     /* Adjust the medium size if flexible. */ 
!     if (medium->p.x < MIN_MEDIA_SIZE && mx > rx)
! 	mx = rx;
!     if (medium->p.y < MIN_MEDIA_SIZE && my > ry)
! 	my = ry;
      /* Translate to align the centers. */ 
      gs_make_translation(mx / 2, my / 2, pmat);
--- 430,446 ----
  	rx = ry, ry = temp;
!     /* If 'medium' is flexible, adjust 'mx' and 'my' towards 'rx' and 'ry',
!        respectively. Note that 'mx' and 'my' have just acquired the largest
!        permissible value, medium->q. */
!     if (medium->p.x < mx)	/* non-empty width range */
!       if (rx < medium->p.x) mx = medium->p.x;	/* minimum */
!       else if (mx > rx) mx = rx;	/* fits */
!       /* else use medium->q.x, i.e., the maximum */
!     if (medium->p.y < my)	/* non-empty height range */
!       if (ry < medium->p.y) my = medium->p.y;	/* minimum */
!       else if (my > ry) my = ry;	/* fits */
!       /* else use medium->q.y, i.e., the maximum */
      /* Translate to align the centers. */ 
      gs_make_translation(mx / 2, my / 2, pmat);