// Little Color Management System, fast floating point extensions
// Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Marti Maria Saguer, all rights reserved
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "fast_float_internal.h"
// Some pixel representations
typedef struct { cmsUInt8Number r, g, b; } Scanline_rgb8bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt8Number r, g, b, a; } Scanline_rgba8bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt8Number c, m, y, k; } Scanline_cmyk8bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt16Number r, g, b; } Scanline_rgb16bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt16Number r, g, b, a; } Scanline_rgba16bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt16Number c, m, y, k; } Scanline_cmyk16bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt16Number r, g, b; } Scanline_rgb15bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt16Number r, g, b, a; } Scanline_rgba15bits;
typedef struct { cmsUInt16Number r, g, b, a; } Scanline_cmyk15bits;
typedef struct { cmsFloat32Number r, g, b; } Scanline_rgbFloat;
typedef struct { cmsFloat32Number r, g, b, a; } Scanline_rgbaFloat;
typedef struct { cmsFloat32Number c, m, y, k; } Scanline_cmykFloat;
typedef struct { cmsFloat32Number L, a, b; } Scanline_LabFloat;
// 15 bit mode. <=> 8 bits mode
#define FROM_8_TO_15(x8) (cmsUInt16Number) ((((cmsUInt64Number)x8 << 15)) / 0xFF)
#define FROM_15_TO_8(x15) (cmsUInt8Number) (((cmsUInt64Number) x15 * 0xFF + 0x4000) >> 15)
// Floating point acuracy for tests
// The callback function used by cmsSetLogErrorHandler()
void FatalErrorQuit(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number ErrorCode, const char *Text)
printf("** Fatal error: %s\n", Text);
// Rise an error and exit
void Fail(const char* frm, ...)
char ReasonToFailBuffer[1024];
va_list args;
va_start(args, frm);
vsprintf(ReasonToFailBuffer, frm, args);
FatalErrorQuit(0, 0, ReasonToFailBuffer);
// unreacheable va_end(args);
// Creates a fake profile that only has a curve. Used in several places
cmsHPROFILE CreateCurves(cmsContext ContextID)
cmsToneCurve* Gamma = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 1.1);
cmsToneCurve* Transfer[3];
Transfer[0] = Transfer[1] = Transfer[2] = Gamma;
h = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ContextID, cmsSigRgbData, Transfer);
cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Gamma);
return h;
// Check for a single 15 bit Photoshop-like formatter
void CheckSingleFormatter15(cmsContext id, cmsUInt32Number Type, const char* Text)
cmsUInt16Number Values[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
cmsUInt8Number Buffer[1024];
cmsFormatter f, b;
cmsInt32Number i, j, nChannels, bytes;
_xform_head info;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
info.OutputFormat = info.InputFormat = Type;
// Get functions to go forth and back
f = Formatter_15Bit_Factory(id, Type, cmsFormatterInput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_16BITS);
b = Formatter_15Bit_Factory(id, Type, cmsFormatterOutput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_16BITS);
if (f.Fmt16 == NULL || b.Fmt16 == NULL) {
Fail("no formatter for %s", Text);
nChannels = T_CHANNELS(Type);
bytes = T_BYTES(Type);
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < nChannels; i++) {
Values[i] = (cmsUInt16Number)(i + j) << 1;
b.Fmt16(id, (struct _cmstransform_struct*) &info, Values, Buffer, 1);
memset(Values, 0, sizeof(Values));
f.Fmt16(id, (struct _cmstransform_struct*) &info, Values, Buffer, 1);
for (i = 0; i < nChannels; i++) {
if (Values[i] != ((i + j) << 1)) {
Fail("%s failed", Text);
#define C(a) CheckSingleFormatter15(0, a, #a)
// Check for all 15 bits formatters
void CheckFormatters15(void)
#undef C
cmsInt32Number checkSingleComputeIncrements(cmsUInt32Number Format, cmsUInt32Number planeStride, cmsUInt32Number ExpectedChannels, cmsUInt32Number ExpectedAlpha, ...)
cmsUInt32Number nChannels, nAlpha, nTotal, i, rc = 0 ;
cmsUInt32Number ComponentStartingOrder[cmsMAXCHANNELS], ComponentPointerIncrements[cmsMAXCHANNELS];
va_list args;
va_start(args, ExpectedAlpha);
_cmsComputeComponentIncrements(Format, planeStride, &nChannels, &nAlpha, ComponentStartingOrder, ComponentPointerIncrements);
if (nChannels != ExpectedChannels)
return 0;
if (nAlpha != ExpectedAlpha)
return 0;
nTotal = nAlpha + nChannels;
for (i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
cmsUInt32Number so = va_arg(args, cmsUInt32Number);
if (so != ComponentStartingOrder[i])
goto Error;
for (i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
cmsUInt32Number so = va_arg(args, cmsUInt32Number);
if (so != ComponentPointerIncrements[i])
goto Error;
// Success
rc = 1;
return rc;
#define CHECK(frm, plane, chans, alpha, ...) if (!checkSingleComputeIncrements(frm, plane, chans, alpha, __VA_ARGS__)) { printf("Format failed!\n"); return 0; }
// Validate the compute increments function
cmsInt32Number CheckComputeIncrements(void)
CHECK(TYPE_GRAY_8, 0, 1, 0, /**/ 0, /**/ 1);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAYA_8, 0, 1, 1, /**/ 0, 1, /**/ 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_8, 0, 1, 1, /**/ 1, 0, /**/ 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAY_16, 0, 1, 0, /**/ 0, /**/ 2);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAYA_16, 0, 1, 1, /**/ 0, 2, /**/ 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_16, 0, 1, 1, /**/ 2, 0, /**/ 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAY_FLT, 0, 1, 0, /**/ 0, /**/ 4);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAYA_FLT, 0, 1, 1, /**/ 0, 4, /**/ 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_FLT, 0, 1, 1, /**/ 4, 0, /**/ 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAY_DBL, 0, 1, 0, /**/ 0, /**/ 8);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_DBL, 0, 1, 1, /**/ 8, 0, /**/ 16, 16);
CHECK(TYPE_RGB_8, 0, 3, 0, /**/ 0, 1, 2, /**/ 3, 3, 3);
CHECK(TYPE_RGBA_8, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 0, 1, 2, 3, /**/ 4, 4, 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_ARGB_8, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 1, 2, 3, 0, /**/ 4, 4, 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_RGB_16, 0, 3, 0, /**/ 0, 2, 4, /**/ 6, 6, 6);
CHECK(TYPE_RGBA_16, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 0, 2, 4, 6, /**/ 8, 8, 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_ARGB_16, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 2, 4, 6, 0, /**/ 8, 8, 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_RGB_FLT, 0, 3, 0, /**/ 0, 4, 8, /**/ 12, 12, 12);
CHECK(TYPE_RGBA_FLT, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 0, 4, 8, 12, /**/ 16, 16, 16, 16);
CHECK(TYPE_ARGB_FLT, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 4, 8, 12, 0, /**/ 16, 16, 16, 16);
CHECK(TYPE_BGR_8, 0, 3, 0, /**/ 2, 1, 0, /**/ 3, 3, 3);
CHECK(TYPE_BGRA_8, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 2, 1, 0, 3, /**/ 4, 4, 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_ABGR_8, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 3, 2, 1, 0, /**/ 4, 4, 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_BGR_16, 0, 3, 0, /**/ 4, 2, 0, /**/ 6, 6, 6);
CHECK(TYPE_BGRA_16, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 4, 2, 0, 6, /**/ 8, 8, 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_ABGR_16, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 6, 4, 2, 0, /**/ 8, 8, 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_BGR_FLT, 0, 3, 0, /**/ 8, 4, 0, /**/ 12, 12, 12);
CHECK(TYPE_BGRA_FLT, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 8, 4, 0, 12, /**/ 16, 16, 16, 16);
CHECK(TYPE_ABGR_FLT, 0, 3, 1, /**/ 12, 8, 4, 0, /**/ 16, 16, 16, 16);
CHECK(TYPE_CMYK_8, 0, 4, 0, /**/ 0, 1, 2, 3, /**/ 4, 4, 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_CMYKA_8, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, /**/ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5);
CHECK(TYPE_ACMYK_8, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, /**/ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5);
CHECK(TYPE_KYMC_8, 0, 4, 0, /**/ 3, 2, 1, 0, /**/ 4, 4, 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_KYMCA_8, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, /**/ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5);
CHECK(TYPE_AKYMC_8, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, /**/ 5, 5, 5, 5, 5);
CHECK(TYPE_KCMY_8, 0, 4, 0, /**/ 1, 2, 3, 0, /**/ 4, 4, 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_CMYK_16, 0, 4, 0, /**/ 0, 2, 4, 6, /**/ 8, 8, 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_CMYKA_16, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, /**/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
CHECK(TYPE_ACMYK_16, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 2, 4, 6, 8, 0, /**/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
CHECK(TYPE_KYMC_16, 0, 4, 0, /**/ 6, 4, 2, 0, /**/ 8, 8, 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_KYMCA_16, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 6, 4, 2, 0, 8, /**/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
CHECK(TYPE_AKYMC_16, 0, 4, 1, /**/ 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, /**/ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
CHECK(TYPE_KCMY_16, 0, 4, 0, /**/ 2, 4, 6, 0, /**/ 8, 8, 8, 8);
// Planar
CHECK(TYPE_GRAYA_8_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 0, 100, /**/ 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_8_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 100, 0, /**/ 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAYA_16_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 0, 100, /**/ 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_16_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 100, 0, /**/ 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAYA_FLT_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 0, 100, /**/ 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_FLT_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 100, 0, /**/ 4, 4);
CHECK(TYPE_GRAYA_DBL_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 0, 100, /**/ 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_AGRAY_DBL_PLANAR, 100, 1, 1, /**/ 100, 0, /**/ 8, 8);
CHECK(TYPE_RGB_8_PLANAR, 100, 3, 0, /**/ 0, 100, 200, /**/ 1, 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_RGBA_8_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 0, 100, 200, 300, /**/ 1, 1, 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_ARGB_8_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 100, 200, 300, 0, /**/ 1, 1, 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_BGR_8_PLANAR, 100, 3, 0, /**/ 200, 100, 0, /**/ 1, 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_BGRA_8_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 200, 100, 0, 300, /**/ 1, 1, 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_ABGR_8_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 300, 200, 100, 0, /**/ 1, 1, 1, 1);
CHECK(TYPE_RGB_16_PLANAR, 100, 3, 0, /**/ 0, 100, 200, /**/ 2, 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_RGBA_16_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 0, 100, 200, 300, /**/ 2, 2, 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_ARGB_16_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 100, 200, 300, 0, /**/ 2, 2, 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_BGR_16_PLANAR, 100, 3, 0, /**/ 200, 100, 0, /**/ 2, 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_BGRA_16_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 200, 100, 0, 300, /**/ 2, 2, 2, 2);
CHECK(TYPE_ABGR_16_PLANAR, 100, 3, 1, /**/ 300, 200, 100, 0, /**/ 2, 2, 2, 2);
return 1;
// Check 15 bit mode accuracy
cmsBool Valid15(cmsUInt16Number a, cmsUInt8Number b)
return abs(FROM_15_TO_8(a) - b) <= 2;
// Check the test macros itselves
void Check15bitMacros(void)
int i;
printf("Checking 15 bit <=> 8 bit macros...");
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
cmsUInt16Number n = FROM_8_TO_15(i);
cmsUInt8Number m = FROM_15_TO_8(n);
if (m != i)
Fail("Failed on %d (->%d->%d)", i, n, m);
// Do an in-depth test by checking all RGB cube of 8 bits, going from profilein to profileout.
// Results should be same except for 2 contone levels allowed for roundoff. Note 15 bits is more
// precise than 8 bits and this is a source of discrepancies. Cache is disabled
void TryAllValues15(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent)
Scanline_rgb8bits* buffer8in;
Scanline_rgb15bits* buffer15in;
Scanline_rgb8bits* buffer8out;
Scanline_rgb15bits* buffer15out;
int r, g, b, j;
cmsUInt32Number npixels = 256 * 256 * 256; // All RGB cube in 8 bits
cmsHTRANSFORM xform15 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_15, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_15, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsHTRANSFORM xform8 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_8, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); // Transforms already created
cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut);
if (xform15 == NULL || xform8 == NULL) {
Fail("NULL transforms on check for 15 bit conversions");
// Since this is just a test, I will not check memory allocation...
buffer8in = (Scanline_rgb8bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits));
buffer15in = (Scanline_rgb15bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgb15bits));
buffer8out = (Scanline_rgb8bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits));
buffer15out = (Scanline_rgb15bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgb15bits));
// Fill input values for 8 and 15 bits
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
buffer8in[j].r = (cmsUInt8Number)r;
buffer8in[j].g = (cmsUInt8Number)g;
buffer8in[j].b = (cmsUInt8Number)b;
buffer15in[j].r = FROM_8_TO_15(r);
buffer15in[j].g = FROM_8_TO_15(g);
buffer15in[j].b = FROM_8_TO_15(b);
cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform15, buffer15in, buffer15out, npixels);
cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform8, buffer8in, buffer8out, npixels);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
// Check the results
if (!Valid15(buffer15out[j].r, buffer8out[j].r) ||
!Valid15(buffer15out[j].g, buffer8out[j].g) ||
!Valid15(buffer15out[j].b, buffer8out[j].b))
Fail("Conversion failed at (%d %d %d) != (%d %d %d)", buffer8out[j].r, buffer8out[j].g, buffer8out[j].b,
FROM_15_TO_8(buffer15out[j].r), FROM_15_TO_8(buffer15out[j].g), FROM_15_TO_8(buffer15out[j].b));
free(buffer8in); free(buffer15in);
free(buffer8out); free(buffer15out);
cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform15);
cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform8);
// Convert some known values
void Check15bitsConversions(cmsContext ContextID)
printf("Checking accuracy of 15 bits on CLUT...");
TryAllValues15(ContextID, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test3.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
printf("Checking accuracy of 15 bits on same profile ...");
TryAllValues15(ContextID, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test0.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
printf("Checking accuracy of 15 bits on Matrix...");
TryAllValues15(ContextID, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
printf("All 15 bits tests passed OK\n\n");
// Next test checks results of optimized 16 bits versus raw 16 bits.
void TryAllValues16bits(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent)
Scanline_rgba16bits* bufferIn;
Scanline_rgba16bits* bufferRawOut;
Scanline_rgba16bits* bufferPluginOut;
int r, g, b;
int j;
cmsUInt32Number npixels = 256 * 256 * 256;
cmsHTRANSFORM xformRaw = cmsCreateTransform(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_16, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE| cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA);
cmsHTRANSFORM xformPlugin = cmsCreateTransform(Plugin, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_16, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE| cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA);
cmsCloseProfile(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(Raw, hlcmsProfileOut);
if (xformRaw == NULL || xformPlugin == NULL) {
Fail("NULL transforms on check float conversions");
// Again, no checking on mem alloc because this is just a test
bufferIn = (Scanline_rgba16bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgba16bits));
bufferRawOut = (Scanline_rgba16bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgba16bits));
bufferPluginOut = (Scanline_rgba16bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgba16bits));
// Same input to both transforms
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
bufferIn[j].r = FROM_8_TO_16(0xf8);
bufferIn[j].g = FROM_8_TO_16(0xf8);
bufferIn[j].b = FROM_8_TO_16(0xf8);
bufferIn[j].a = 0xffff;
// Different transforms, different output buffers
cmsDoTransform(Raw, xformRaw, bufferIn, bufferRawOut, npixels);
cmsDoTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin, bufferIn, bufferPluginOut, npixels);
// Lets compare results
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
if (bufferRawOut[j].r != bufferPluginOut[j].r ||
bufferRawOut[j].g != bufferPluginOut[j].g ||
bufferRawOut[j].b != bufferPluginOut[j].b ||
bufferRawOut[j].a != bufferPluginOut[j].a)
"Conversion failed at [%x %x %x %x] (%x %x %x %x) != (%x %x %x %x)",
bufferIn[j].r, bufferIn[j].g, bufferIn[j].b, bufferIn[j].a,
bufferRawOut[j].r, bufferRawOut[j].g, bufferRawOut[j].b, bufferRawOut[j].a,
bufferPluginOut[j].r, bufferPluginOut[j].g, bufferPluginOut[j].b, bufferPluginOut[j].a);
free(bufferIn); free(bufferRawOut);
cmsDeleteTransform(Raw, xformRaw);
cmsDeleteTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin);
void CheckAccuracy16Bits(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin)
// CLUT should be as 16 bits or better
printf("Checking accuracy of 16 bits CLUT...");
TryAllValues16bits(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test3.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
printf("All 16 bits tests passed OK\n\n");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A C C U R A C Y C H E C K S
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check result accuracy
cmsBool ValidFloat(cmsFloat32Number a, cmsFloat32Number b)
return fabsf(a-b) < EPSILON_FLOAT_TESTS;
// Do an in-depth test by checking all RGB cube of 8 bits, going from profilein to profileout.
// Values with and without optimization are checked (different contexts, one with the plugin and another without)
// Results should be same except for EPSILON_FLOAT_TESTS allowed for accuracy/speed tradeoff. Cache is disabled
void TryAllValuesFloat(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent)
Scanline_rgbFloat* bufferIn;
Scanline_rgbFloat* bufferRawOut;
Scanline_rgbFloat* bufferPluginOut;
int r, g, b;
int j;
cmsUInt32Number npixels = 256 * 256 * 256;
cmsHTRANSFORM xformRaw = cmsCreateTransform(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_FLT, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsHTRANSFORM xformPlugin = cmsCreateTransform(Plugin, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_FLT, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(Raw, hlcmsProfileOut);
if (xformRaw == NULL || xformPlugin == NULL) {
Fail("NULL transforms on check float conversions");
// Again, no checking on mem alloc because this is just a test
bufferIn = (Scanline_rgbFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat));
bufferRawOut = (Scanline_rgbFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat));
bufferPluginOut = (Scanline_rgbFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat));
// Same input to both transforms
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
bufferIn[j].r = (cmsFloat32Number)r / 255.0f;
bufferIn[j].g = (cmsFloat32Number)g / 255.0f;
bufferIn[j].b = (cmsFloat32Number)b / 255.0f;
// Different transforms, different output buffers
cmsDoTransform(Raw, xformRaw, bufferIn, bufferRawOut, npixels);
cmsDoTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin, bufferIn, bufferPluginOut, npixels);
// Lets compare results
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
if (!ValidFloat(bufferRawOut[j].r, bufferPluginOut[j].r) ||
!ValidFloat(bufferRawOut[j].g, bufferPluginOut[j].g) ||
!ValidFloat(bufferRawOut[j].b, bufferPluginOut[j].b))
Fail("Conversion failed at (%f %f %f) != (%f %f %f)", bufferRawOut[j].r, bufferRawOut[j].g, bufferRawOut[j].b,
bufferPluginOut[j].r, bufferPluginOut[j].g, bufferPluginOut[j].b);
free(bufferIn); free(bufferRawOut);
cmsDeleteTransform(Raw, xformRaw);
cmsDeleteTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin);
void TryAllValuesFloatAlpha(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent, cmsBool copyAlpha)
Scanline_rgbaFloat* bufferIn;
Scanline_rgbaFloat* bufferRawOut;
Scanline_rgbaFloat* bufferPluginOut;
int r, g, b;
int j;
cmsUInt32Number npixels = 256 * 256 * 256;
cmsUInt32Number flags = cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE | ( copyAlpha? cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA : 0);
cmsHTRANSFORM xformRaw = cmsCreateTransform(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, Intent, flags);
cmsHTRANSFORM xformPlugin = cmsCreateTransform(Plugin, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, Intent, flags);
cmsCloseProfile(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(Plugin, hlcmsProfileOut);
if (xformRaw == NULL || xformPlugin == NULL) {
Fail("NULL transforms on check float conversions");
// Again, no checking on mem alloc because this is just a test
bufferIn = (Scanline_rgbaFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbaFloat));
bufferRawOut = (Scanline_rgbaFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbaFloat));
bufferPluginOut = (Scanline_rgbaFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbaFloat));
memset(bufferRawOut, 0, npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbaFloat));
memset(bufferPluginOut, 0, npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbaFloat));
// Same input to both transforms
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
bufferIn[j].r = (cmsFloat32Number)r / 255.0f;
bufferIn[j].g = (cmsFloat32Number)g / 255.0f;
bufferIn[j].b = (cmsFloat32Number)b / 255.0f;
bufferIn[j].a = (cmsFloat32Number) 1.0f;
// Different transforms, different output buffers
cmsDoTransform(Raw, xformRaw, bufferIn, bufferRawOut, npixels);
cmsDoTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin, bufferIn, bufferPluginOut, npixels);
// Lets compare results
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
if (!ValidFloat(bufferRawOut[j].r, bufferPluginOut[j].r) ||
!ValidFloat(bufferRawOut[j].g, bufferPluginOut[j].g) ||
!ValidFloat(bufferRawOut[j].b, bufferPluginOut[j].b) ||
!ValidFloat(bufferRawOut[j].a, bufferPluginOut[j].a))
Fail("Conversion failed at (%f %f %f %f) != (%f %f %f %f)", bufferRawOut[j].r, bufferRawOut[j].g, bufferRawOut[j].b, bufferRawOut[j].a,
bufferPluginOut[j].r, bufferPluginOut[j].g, bufferPluginOut[j].b, bufferPluginOut[j].a);
free(bufferIn); free(bufferRawOut);
cmsDeleteTransform(Raw, xformRaw);
cmsDeleteTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin);
// Next test checks results of optimized floating point versus 16 bits. That is, converting the float to 16 bits, operating
// in 16 bits and back to float. Results again should be in range of epsilon
cmsBool Valid16Float(cmsUInt16Number a, cmsFloat32Number b)
return fabs(((cmsFloat32Number)a / (cmsFloat32Number) 0xFFFF) - b) < EPSILON_FLOAT_TESTS;
// Do an in-depth test by checking all RGB cube of 8 bits, going from profilein to profileout. 16 bits temporary is used as reference
void TryAllValuesFloatVs16(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent)
Scanline_rgbFloat* bufferIn;
Scanline_rgb16bits* bufferIn16;
Scanline_rgbFloat* bufferFloatOut;
Scanline_rgb16bits* buffer16Out;
int r, g, b;
int j;
cmsUInt32Number npixels = 256 * 256 * 256;
cmsHTRANSFORM xformRaw = cmsCreateTransform(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_16, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsHTRANSFORM xformPlugin = cmsCreateTransform(Plugin, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_FLT, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(Raw, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(Raw, hlcmsProfileOut);
if (xformRaw == NULL || xformPlugin == NULL) {
Fail("NULL transforms on check float vs 16 conversions");
// Again, no checking on mem alloc because this is just a test
bufferIn = (Scanline_rgbFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat));
bufferIn16 = (Scanline_rgb16bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits));
bufferFloatOut = (Scanline_rgbFloat*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat));
buffer16Out = (Scanline_rgb16bits*)malloc(npixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits));
// Fill two equivalent input buffers
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
bufferIn[j].r = (cmsFloat32Number)r / 255.0f;
bufferIn[j].g = (cmsFloat32Number)g / 255.0f;
bufferIn[j].b = (cmsFloat32Number)b / 255.0f;
bufferIn16[j].r = FROM_8_TO_16(r);
bufferIn16[j].g = FROM_8_TO_16(g);
bufferIn16[j].b = FROM_8_TO_16(b);
// Convert
cmsDoTransform(Raw, xformRaw, bufferIn16, buffer16Out, npixels);
cmsDoTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin, bufferIn, bufferFloatOut, npixels);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
// Check for same values
if (!Valid16Float(buffer16Out[j].r, bufferFloatOut[j].r) ||
!Valid16Float(buffer16Out[j].g, bufferFloatOut[j].g) ||
!Valid16Float(buffer16Out[j].b, bufferFloatOut[j].b))
Fail("Conversion failed at (%f %f %f) != (%f %f %f)", buffer16Out[j].r / 65535.0, buffer16Out[j].g / 65535.0, buffer16Out[j].b / 65535.0,
bufferFloatOut[j].r, bufferFloatOut[j].g, bufferFloatOut[j].b);
free(bufferIn16); free(buffer16Out);
free(bufferIn); free(bufferFloatOut);
cmsDeleteTransform(Raw, xformRaw);
cmsDeleteTransform(Plugin, xformPlugin);
// Check change format feature
void CheckChangeFormat(cmsContext ContextID)
cmsHPROFILE hsRGB, hLab;
cmsHTRANSFORM xform, xform2;
cmsUInt8Number rgb8[3] = { 10, 120, 40 };
cmsUInt16Number rgb16[3] = { 10* 257, 120*257, 40*257 };
cmsUInt16Number lab16_1[3], lab16_2[3];
printf("Checking change format feature...");
hsRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID);
hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL);
xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_16, hLab, TYPE_Lab_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);
cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, rgb16, lab16_1, 1);
xform2 = cmsCloneTransformChangingFormats(ContextID, xform, TYPE_RGB_8, TYPE_Lab_16);
cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform2, rgb8, lab16_2, 1);
cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform);
cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform2);
if (memcmp(lab16_1, lab16_2, sizeof(lab16_1)) != 0)
Fail("Change format failed!");
cmsBool ValidInt(cmsUInt16Number a, cmsUInt16Number b)
return abs(a - b) <= 32;
void CheckLab2Roundtrip(cmsContext ContextID)
cmsHPROFILE hsRGB, hLab;
cmsHTRANSFORM xform, xform2;
cmsInt8Number* lab;
cmsInt32Number Mb, j;
cmsInt32Number r, g, b;
Scanline_rgb8bits* In;
Scanline_rgb8bits* Out;
printf("Checking lab2 roundtrip...");
hsRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID);
hLab = cmsCreateLab2Profile(ContextID, NULL);
cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hsRGB);
cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits);
In = (Scanline_rgb8bits*)malloc(Mb);
Out = (Scanline_rgb8bits*)malloc(Mb);
lab = (cmsInt8Number*)malloc(256 * 256 * 256 * 3 * sizeof(cmsInt8Number));
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++)
In[j].r = (cmsUInt8Number)r;
In[j].g = (cmsUInt8Number)g;
In[j].b = (cmsUInt8Number)b;
cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, In, lab, 256 * 256 * 256);
cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform2, lab, Out, 256 * 256 * 256);
cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform);
cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform2);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
// Check for same values
if (!ValidInt(In[j].r, Out[j].r) ||
!ValidInt(In[j].g, Out[j].g) ||
!ValidInt(In[j].b, Out[j].b))
Fail("Conversion failed at (%d %d %d) != (%d %d %d)", In[j].r, In[j].g, In[j].b,
Out[j].r, Out[j].g, Out[j].b);
// Convert some known values
void CheckConversionFloat(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin)
printf("Crash test.");
TryAllValuesFloatAlpha(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, FALSE);
TryAllValuesFloatAlpha(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, TRUE);
printf("Crash (II) test.");
TryAllValuesFloatAlpha(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, FALSE);
TryAllValuesFloatAlpha(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, TRUE);
// Matrix-shaper should be accurate
printf("Checking accuracy on Matrix-shaper...");
TryAllValuesFloat(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
// CLUT should be as 16 bits or better
printf("Checking accuracy of CLUT...");
TryAllValuesFloatVs16(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test3.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
// Same profile should give same values (we test both methods)
printf("Checking accuracy on same profile ...");
TryAllValuesFloatVs16(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
TryAllValuesFloat(Raw, Plugin, cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(Raw, "test0.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL);
cmsBool ValidFloat2(cmsFloat32Number a, cmsFloat32Number b)
return fabsf(a - b) < 0.007;
cmsFloat32Number distance(cmsFloat32Number rgb1[], cmsFloat32Number rgb2[])
cmsFloat32Number dr = rgb2[0] - rgb1[0];
cmsFloat32Number dg = rgb2[1] - rgb1[1];
cmsFloat32Number db = rgb2[2] - rgb1[2];
return dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db;
void CheckLab2RGB(cmsContext plugin)
cmsHPROFILE hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(plugin);
cmsHPROFILE hRGB = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(plugin, "test3.icc", "r");
cmsContext noPlugin = cmsCreateContext(0, 0);
cmsFloat32Number Lab[3], RGB[3], RGB2[3];
cmsFloat32Number maxInside = 0, maxOutside = 0, L, a, b;
printf("Checking Lab -> RGB...");
for (L = 4; L <= 100; L++)
for (a = -30; a < +30; a++)
for (b = -30; b < +30; b++)
cmsFloat32Number d;
Lab[0] = L; Lab[1] = a; Lab[2] = b;
cmsDoTransform(hXformNoPlugin, Lab, RGB, 1);
cmsDoTransform(hXformPlugin, Lab, RGB2, 1);
d = distance(RGB, RGB2);
if (d > maxInside)
maxInside = d;
for (L = 1; L <= 100; L += 5)
for (a = -100; a < +100; a += 5)
for (b = -100; b < +100; b += 5)
cmsFloat32Number d;
Lab[0] = L; Lab[1] = a; Lab[2] = b;
cmsDoTransform(hXformNoPlugin, Lab, RGB, 1);
cmsDoTransform(hXformPlugin, Lab, RGB2, 1);
d = distance(RGB, RGB2);
if (d > maxOutside)
maxOutside = d;
printf("Max distance: Inside gamut %f, Outside gamut %f\n", sqrtf(maxInside), sqrtf(maxOutside));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// P E R F O R M A N C E C H E C K S
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmsFloat64Number MPixSec(cmsFloat64Number diff)
cmsFloat64Number seconds = (cmsFloat64Number)diff / (cmsFloat64Number)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return (256.0 * 256.0 * 256.0) / (1024.0*1024.0*seconds);
typedef cmsFloat64Number(*perf_fn)(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut);
void PerformanceHeader(void)
printf(" MPixel/sec. MByte/sec.\n");
cmsHPROFILE loadProfile(const char* name)
if (*name == '*')
if (strcmp(name, "*lab") == 0)
return cmsCreateLab4Profile(ct);
if (strcmp(name, "*xyz") == 0)
return cmsCreateXYZProfile(ct);
if (strcmp(name, "*curves") == 0)
return CreateCurves(ct);
Fail("Unknown builtin '%s'", name);
return cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ct, name, "r");
cmsFloat64Number Performance(const char* Title, perf_fn fn, cmsContext ct, const char* inICC, const char* outICC, size_t sz, cmsFloat64Number prev)
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn = loadProfile(inICC);
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut = loadProfile(outICC);
cmsFloat64Number n = fn(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, hlcmsProfileOut);
printf("%-30s: ", Title); fflush(stdout);
printf("%-12.2f %-12.2f", n, n * sz);
if (prev > 0.0) {
cmsFloat64Number imp = n / prev;
if (imp > 1)
printf(" (x %-2.1f)", imp);
printf("\n"); fflush(stdout);
return n;
void ComparativeCt(cmsContext ct1, cmsContext ct2, const char* Title, perf_fn fn1, perf_fn fn2, const char* inICC, const char* outICC)
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn;
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut;
if (inICC == NULL)
hlcmsProfileIn = CreateCurves(ct1);
hlcmsProfileIn = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ct1, inICC, "r");
if (outICC == NULL)
hlcmsProfileOut = CreateCurves(ct1);
hlcmsProfileOut = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ct1, outICC, "r");
cmsFloat64Number n1 = fn1(ct1, hlcmsProfileIn, hlcmsProfileOut);
if (inICC == NULL)
hlcmsProfileIn = CreateCurves(ct2);
hlcmsProfileIn = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ct2, inICC, "r");
if (outICC == NULL)
hlcmsProfileOut = CreateCurves(ct2);
hlcmsProfileOut = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ct2, outICC, "r");
cmsFloat64Number n2 = fn2(ct2, hlcmsProfileIn, hlcmsProfileOut);
printf("%-30s: ", Title); fflush(stdout);
printf("%-12.2f %-12.2f\n", n1, n2);
void Comparative(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin, const char* Title, perf_fn fn1, perf_fn fn2, const char* inICC, const char* outICC)
ComparativeCt(Raw, Plugin, Title, fn1, fn2, inICC, outICC);
// The worst case is used, no cache and all rgb combinations
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest8bitsRGB(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_rgb8bits *In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits);
In = (Scanline_rgb8bits*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].r = (cmsUInt8Number)r;
In[j].g = (cmsUInt8Number)g;
In[j].b = (cmsUInt8Number)b;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256 * 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest8bitsRGBA(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_rgba8bits *In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgba8bits);
In = (Scanline_rgba8bits*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].r = (cmsUInt8Number)r;
In[j].g = (cmsUInt8Number)g;
In[j].b = (cmsUInt8Number)b;
In[j].a = 0;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256 * 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
// The worst case is used, no cache and all rgb combinations
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest15bitsRGB(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_rgb15bits *In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_15, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_15, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgb15bits);
In = (Scanline_rgb15bits*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].r = (cmsUInt16Number)r;
In[j].g = (cmsUInt16Number)g;
In[j].b = (cmsUInt16Number)b;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256 * 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest15bitsRGBA(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_rgba15bits *In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_15, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_15, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgba15bits);
In = (Scanline_rgba15bits*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].r = (cmsUInt16Number)r;
In[j].g = (cmsUInt16Number)g;
In[j].b = (cmsUInt16Number)b;
In[j].a = 0;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256 * 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest15bitsCMYK(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_cmyk15bits *In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_CMYK_15, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_CMYK_15, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_cmyk15bits);
In = (Scanline_cmyk15bits*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].r = (cmsUInt16Number)r;
In[j].g = (cmsUInt16Number)g;
In[j].b = (cmsUInt16Number)b;
In[j].a = (cmsUInt16Number)0;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256 * 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
// The worst case is used, no cache and all rgb combinations
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest16bitsRGB(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_rgb16bits *In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits);
In = (Scanline_rgb16bits*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].r = (cmsUInt16Number)FROM_8_TO_16(r);
In[j].g = (cmsUInt16Number)FROM_8_TO_16(g);
In[j].b = (cmsUInt16Number)FROM_8_TO_16(b);
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256 * 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest16bitsCMYK(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_cmyk16bits* In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_CMYK_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_CMYK_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
Mb = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_cmyk16bits);
In = (Scanline_cmyk16bits*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].c = (cmsUInt16Number)r;
In[j].m = (cmsUInt16Number)g;
In[j].y = (cmsUInt16Number)b;
In[j].k = (cmsUInt16Number)r;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(hlcmsxform, In, In, 256 * 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
return MPixSec(diff);
void SpeedTest8(void)
cmsContext noPlugin = cmsCreateContext(0, 0);
cmsFloat64Number t[10];
printf("P E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S 8 B I T S (D E F A U L T)\n");
t[0] = Performance("8 bits on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, noPlugin, "test5.icc", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), 0);
t[1] = Performance("8 bits on Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, noPlugin, "test5.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), 0);
t[2] = Performance("8 bits on same MatrixSh ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, noPlugin, "test0.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), 0);
t[3] = Performance("8 bits on curves ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, noPlugin, "*curves", "*curves", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), 0);
// Note that context 0 has the plug-in installed
printf("P E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S 8 B I T S (P L U G I N)\n");
Performance("8 bits on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, 0, "test5.icc", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), t[0]);
Performance("8 bits on Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, 0, "test5.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), t[1]);
Performance("8 bits on same MatrixSh ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, 0, "test0.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), t[2]);
Performance("8 bits on curves ", SpeedTest8bitsRGB, 0, "*curves", "*curves", sizeof(Scanline_rgb8bits), t[3]);
void SpeedTest15(cmsContext ct)
printf("\n\nP E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S 1 5 B I T S (P L U G I N)\n");
printf( "===============================================================\n\n");
Performance("15 bits on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest15bitsRGB, ct, "test5.icc", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb15bits), 0);
Performance("15 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles", SpeedTest15bitsRGB, ct, "test5.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb15bits), 0);
Performance("15 bits on same Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTest15bitsRGB, ct, "test0.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb15bits), 0);
Performance("15 bits on curves ", SpeedTest15bitsRGB, ct, "*curves", "*curves", sizeof(Scanline_rgb15bits), 0);
Performance("15 bits on CMYK CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest15bitsCMYK, ct, "test1.icc", "test2.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgba15bits), 0);
void SpeedTest16(cmsContext ct)
cmsContext noPlugin = cmsCreateContext(0, 0);
printf("P E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S 1 6 B I T S (D E F A U L T)\n");
Performance("16 bits on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, noPlugin, "test5.icc", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, noPlugin, "test5.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on same Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, noPlugin, "test0.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on curves ", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, noPlugin, "*curves", "*curves", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on CMYK CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest16bitsCMYK, noPlugin, "test1.icc", "test2.icc", sizeof(Scanline_cmyk16bits), 0);
printf("P E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S 1 6 B I T S (P L U G I N)\n");
Performance("16 bits on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, ct, "test5.icc", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, ct, "test5.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on same Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, ct, "test0.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on curves ", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, ct, "*curves", "*curves", sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits), 0);
Performance("16 bits on CMYK CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest16bitsCMYK, ct, "test1.icc", "test2.icc", sizeof(Scanline_cmyk16bits), 0);
// The worst case is used, no cache and all rgb combinations
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTestFloatRGB(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
void *In;
cmsUInt32Number size, Mb;
cmsUInt32Number inFormatter=0, outFormatter=0;
cmsFloat64Number seconds;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
switch (cmsGetColorSpace(hlcmsProfileIn))
case cmsSigRgbData: inFormatter = TYPE_RGB_FLT; break;
case cmsSigLabData: inFormatter = TYPE_Lab_FLT; break;
Fail("Invalid colorspace");
switch (cmsGetColorSpace(hlcmsProfileOut))
case cmsSigRgbData: outFormatter = TYPE_RGB_FLT; break;
case cmsSigLabData: outFormatter = TYPE_Lab_FLT; break;
case cmsSigXYZData: outFormatter = TYPE_XYZ_FLT; break;
Fail("Invalid colorspace");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, inFormatter, hlcmsProfileOut, outFormatter, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
j = 0;
if (inFormatter == TYPE_RGB_FLT)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b;
Scanline_rgbFloat* fill;
size = 256 * 256 * 256;
Mb = size * sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat);
In = malloc(Mb);
fill = (Scanline_rgbFloat*)In;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
fill[j].r = (cmsFloat32Number)r / 255.0f;
fill[j].g = (cmsFloat32Number)g / 255.0f;
fill[j].b = (cmsFloat32Number)b / 255.0f;
cmsFloat32Number L, a, b;
Scanline_LabFloat* fill;
size = 100 * 256 * 256;
Mb = size * sizeof(Scanline_LabFloat);
In = malloc(Mb);
fill = (Scanline_LabFloat*)In;
for (L = 0; L < 100; L++)
for (a = -127.0; a < 127.0; a++)
for (b = -127.0; b < +127.0; b++) {
fill[j].L = L;
fill[j].a = a;
fill[j].b = b;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, size);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
seconds = (cmsFloat64Number)diff / (cmsFloat64Number)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return ((cmsFloat64Number)size) / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * seconds);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTestFloatCMYK(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number c, m, y, k, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
Scanline_cmykFloat* In;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
Mb = 64 * 64 * 64 * 64 * sizeof(Scanline_cmykFloat);
In = (Scanline_cmykFloat*)malloc(Mb);
j = 0;
for (c = 0; c < 256; c += 4)
for (m = 0; m < 256; m += 4)
for (y = 0; y < 256; y += 4)
for (k = 0; k < 256; k += 4) {
In[j].c = (cmsFloat32Number)c / 255.0f;
In[j].m = (cmsFloat32Number)m / 255.0f;
In[j].y = (cmsFloat32Number)y / 255.0f;
In[j].k = (cmsFloat32Number)k / 255.0f;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, 64 * 64 * 64 * 64);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTestFloatLab(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
void* In;
cmsUInt32Number size, Mb;
cmsUInt32Number outFormatter = 0;
cmsFloat64Number seconds;
cmsFloat32Number L, a, b;
Scanline_LabFloat* fill;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
if (cmsGetColorSpace(hlcmsProfileIn) != cmsSigLabData)
Fail("Invalid colorspace");
switch (cmsGetColorSpace(hlcmsProfileOut))
case cmsSigRgbData: outFormatter = TYPE_RGB_FLT; break;
case cmsSigLabData: outFormatter = TYPE_Lab_FLT; break;
case cmsSigXYZData: outFormatter = TYPE_XYZ_FLT; break;
Fail("Invalid colorspace");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransformTHR(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_Lab_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, outFormatter, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
j = 0;
size = 100 * 256 * 256;
Mb = size * sizeof(Scanline_LabFloat);
In = malloc(Mb);
fill = (Scanline_LabFloat*)In;
for (L = 0; L < 100; L++)
for (a = -127.0; a < 127.0; a++)
for (b = -127.0; b < +127.0; b++) {
fill[j].L = L;
fill[j].a = a;
fill[j].b = b;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(hlcmsxform, In, In, size);
diff = clock() - atime;
seconds = (cmsFloat64Number)diff / (cmsFloat64Number)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return ((cmsFloat64Number)size) / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * seconds);
void SpeedTestFloat(cmsContext noPlugin, cmsContext plugin)
cmsContext noPlugin = cmsCreateContext(0, 0);
cmsFloat64Number t[10] = { 0 };
printf("P E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S F L O A T (D E F A U L T)\n");
t[0] = Performance("Floating point on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, noPlugin, "test5.icc", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), 0);
t[1] = Performance("Floating point on Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, noPlugin, "test5.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), 0);
t[2] = Performance("Floating point on same MatrixSh ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, noPlugin, "test0.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), 0);
t[3] = Performance("Floating point on curves ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, noPlugin, "*curves", "*curves", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), 0);
t[4] = Performance("Floating point on RGB->Lab ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, noPlugin, "test5.icc", "*lab", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), 0);
t[5] = Performance("Floating point on RGB->XYZ ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, noPlugin, "test3.icc", "*xyz", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), 0);
t[6] = Performance("Floating point on CMYK->CMYK ", SpeedTestFloatCMYK, noPlugin, "test1.icc", "test2.icc",sizeof(Scanline_cmykFloat), 0);
t[7] = Performance("Floating point on Lab->RGB ", SpeedTestFloatLab, noPlugin, "*lab", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_LabFloat), 0);
// Note that context 0 has the plug-in installed
printf("P E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S F L O A T (P L U G I N)\n");
Performance("Floating point on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, plugin, "test5.icc", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), t[0]);
Performance("Floating point on Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, plugin, "test5.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), t[1]);
Performance("Floating point on same MatrixSh ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, plugin, "test0.icc", "test0.icc", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), t[2]);
Performance("Floating point on curves ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, plugin, "*curves", "*curves", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), t[3]);
Performance("Floating point on RGB->Lab ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, plugin, "test5.icc", "*lab", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), t[4]);
Performance("Floating point on RGB->XYZ ", SpeedTestFloatRGB, plugin, "test3.icc", "*xyz", sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat), t[5]);
Performance("Floating point on CMYK->CMYK ", SpeedTestFloatCMYK, plugin, "test1.icc", "test2.icc", sizeof(Scanline_cmykFloat), t[6]);
Performance("Floating point on Lab->RGB ", SpeedTestFloatLab, plugin, "*lab", "test3.icc", sizeof(Scanline_LabFloat), t[7]);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTestFloatByUsing16BitsRGB(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM xform16;
Scanline_rgbFloat *In;
Scanline_rgb16bits *tmp16;
cmsUInt32Number MbFloat, Mb16;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
xform16 = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
MbFloat = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgbFloat);
Mb16 = 256 * 256 * 256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgb16bits);
In = (Scanline_rgbFloat*)malloc(MbFloat);
tmp16 = (Scanline_rgb16bits*)malloc(Mb16);
j = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In[j].r = (cmsFloat32Number)r / 255.0f;
In[j].g = (cmsFloat32Number)g / 255.0f;
In[j].b = (cmsFloat32Number)b / 255.0f;
atime = clock();
for (j = 0; j < 256 * 256 * 256; j++) {
tmp16[j].r = (cmsUInt16Number)floor(In[j].r * 65535.0 + 0.5);
tmp16[j].g = (cmsUInt16Number)floor(In[j].g * 65535.0 + 0.5);
tmp16[j].b = (cmsUInt16Number)floor(In[j].b * 65535.0 + 0.5);
cmsDoTransform(ct, xform16, tmp16, tmp16, 256 * 256 * 256);
for (j = 0; j < 256 * 256 * 256; j++) {
In[j].r = (cmsFloat32Number) (tmp16[j].r / 65535.0 );
In[j].g = (cmsFloat32Number) (tmp16[j].g / 65535.0);
In[j].b = (cmsFloat32Number) (tmp16[j].b / 65535.0);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, xform16);
return MPixSec(diff);
void ComparativeFloatVs16bits(cmsContext Raw, cmsContext Plugin)
printf("C O M P A R A T I V E converting to 16 bit vs. using float plug-in.\n");
printf(" values given in MegaPixels per second.\n");
printf(" 16 bits tmp. Float plugin\n");
Comparative(Raw, Plugin, "Floating point on CLUT profiles ", SpeedTestFloatByUsing16BitsRGB, SpeedTestFloatRGB, "test5.icc", "test3.icc");
Comparative(Raw, Plugin, "Floating point on Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTestFloatByUsing16BitsRGB, SpeedTestFloatRGB, "test5.icc", "test0.icc");
Comparative(Raw, Plugin, "Floating point on same MatrixSh ", SpeedTestFloatByUsing16BitsRGB, SpeedTestFloatRGB, "test0.icc", "test0.icc");
Comparative(Raw, Plugin, "Floating point on curves ", SpeedTestFloatByUsing16BitsRGB, SpeedTestFloatRGB, NULL, NULL);
typedef struct
Scanline_rgba8bits pixels[256][256];
cmsUInt8Number padding[4];
} padded_line;
typedef struct
padded_line line[256];
} big_bitmap;
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest8bitDoTransform(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
big_bitmap* In;
big_bitmap* Out;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
// Our test bitmap is 256 x 256 padded lines
Mb = sizeof(big_bitmap);
In = (big_bitmap*)malloc(Mb);
Out = (big_bitmap*)malloc(Mb);
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].r = (cmsUInt8Number)r;
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].g = (cmsUInt8Number)g;
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].b = (cmsUInt8Number)b;
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].a = 0;
atime = clock();
for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In->line[j].pixels, Out->line[j].pixels, 256 * 256);
diff = clock() - atime;
free(In); free(Out);
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
cmsFloat64Number SpeedTest8bitLineStride(cmsContext ct, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut)
cmsInt32Number r, g, b;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
big_bitmap* In;
big_bitmap* Out;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL)
Fail("Unable to open profiles");
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
// Our test bitmap is 256 x 256 padded lines
Mb = sizeof(big_bitmap);
In = (big_bitmap*)malloc(Mb);
Out = (big_bitmap*)malloc(Mb);
for (r = 0; r < 256; r++)
for (g = 0; g < 256; g++)
for (b = 0; b < 256; b++) {
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].r = (cmsUInt8Number)r;
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].g = (cmsUInt8Number)g;
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].b = (cmsUInt8Number)b;
In->line[r].pixels[g][b].a = 0;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransformLineStride(ct, hlcmsxform, In, Out, 256*256, 256, sizeof(padded_line), sizeof(padded_line), 0, 0);
diff = clock() - atime;
free(In); free(Out);
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
return MPixSec(diff);
void ComparativeLineStride8bits(cmsContext NoPlugin, cmsContext Plugin)
printf("C O M P A R A T I V E cmsDoTransform() vs. cmsDoTransformLineStride()\n");
printf(" values given in MegaPixels per second.\n");
ComparativeCt(NoPlugin, Plugin, "CLUT profiles ", SpeedTest8bitDoTransform, SpeedTest8bitLineStride, "test5.icc", "test3.icc");
ComparativeCt(NoPlugin, Plugin, "CLUT 16 bits ", SpeedTest16bitsRGB, SpeedTest16bitsRGB, "test5.icc", "test3.icc");
ComparativeCt(NoPlugin, Plugin, "Matrix-Shaper ", SpeedTest8bitDoTransform, SpeedTest8bitLineStride, "test5.icc", "test0.icc");
ComparativeCt(NoPlugin, Plugin, "same MatrixSh ", SpeedTest8bitDoTransform, SpeedTest8bitLineStride, "test0.icc", "test0.icc");
ComparativeCt(NoPlugin, Plugin, "curves ", SpeedTest8bitDoTransform, SpeedTest8bitLineStride, NULL, NULL);
void TestGrayTransformPerformance(cmsContext ct)
cmsInt32Number j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
float *In;
cmsInt32Number pixels;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
cmsToneCurve* gamma18;
cmsToneCurve* gamma22;
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn;
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut;
gamma18 = cmsBuildGamma(ct, 1.8);
gamma22 = cmsBuildGamma(ct, 2.2);
hlcmsProfileIn = cmsCreateGrayProfile(ct, NULL, gamma18);
hlcmsProfileOut = cmsCreateGrayProfile(ct, NULL, gamma22);
cmsFreeToneCurve(ct, gamma18);
cmsFreeToneCurve(ct, gamma22);
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_GRAY_FLT | EXTRA_SH(1), hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_GRAY_FLT|EXTRA_SH(1), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
pixels = 256 * 256 * 256;
Mb = pixels* 2*sizeof(float);
In = (float*) malloc(Mb);
for (j = 0; j < pixels*2; j++)
In[j] = (j % 256) / 255.0f;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, pixels);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
printf("Gray conversion using two gray profiles\t %-12.2f MPixels/Sec.\n", MPixSec(diff));
void TestGrayTransformPerformance1(cmsContext ct)
cmsInt32Number j;
clock_t atime;
cmsFloat64Number diff;
cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform;
float *In;
cmsInt32Number pixels;
cmsUInt32Number Mb;
cmsToneCurve* gamma18;
cmsToneCurve* gamma22;
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn;
cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut;
gamma18 = cmsBuildGamma(ct, 1.8);
gamma22 = cmsBuildGamma(ct, 1./2.2);
hlcmsProfileIn = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ct, cmsSigGrayData, &gamma18);
hlcmsProfileOut = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ct, cmsSigGrayData, &gamma22);
cmsFreeToneCurve(ct, gamma18);
cmsFreeToneCurve(ct, gamma22);
hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ct, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileIn);
cmsCloseProfile(ct, hlcmsProfileOut);
pixels = 256 * 256 * 256;
Mb = pixels* sizeof(float);
In = (float*) malloc(Mb);
for (j = 0; j < pixels; j++)
In[j] = (j % 256) / 255.0f;
atime = clock();
cmsDoTransform(ct, hlcmsxform, In, In, pixels);
diff = clock() - atime;
cmsDeleteTransform(ct, hlcmsxform);
printf("Gray conversion using two devicelinks\t %-12.2f MPixels/Sec.\n", MPixSec(diff));
// The harness test
int main()
cmsContext raw = cmsCreateContext(NULL, NULL);
cmsContext plugin = cmsCreateContext(NULL, NULL);
printf("FastFloating point extensions testbed - 1.3\n");
printf("Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Marti Maria Saguer, all rights reserved\n");
printf("\nInstalling error logger ... ");
cmsSetLogErrorHandler(raw, FatalErrorQuit);
cmsSetLogErrorHandler(plugin, FatalErrorQuit);
printf("Installing plug-in ... ");
cmsPlugin(plugin, cmsFastFloatExtensions());
// 15 bit functionality
// 16 bits functionality
CheckAccuracy16Bits(raw, plugin);
// Lab to whatever
// Change format
// Floating point functionality
CheckConversionFloat(raw, plugin);
printf("All floating point tests passed OK\n");
SpeedTestFloat(raw, plugin);
ComparativeFloatVs16bits(raw, plugin);
ComparativeLineStride8bits(raw, plugin);
// Test gray performance
printf("F L O A T G R A Y conversions performance.\n");
printf("\nAll tests passed OK\n");
return 0;