//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Little Color Management System // Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Marti Maria Saguer // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), // to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO // THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // #include "testcms2.h" // A single check. Returns 1 if success, 0 if failed typedef cmsInt32Number (*TestFn)(cmsContext); // A parametric Tone curve test function typedef cmsFloat32Number (* dblfnptr)(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]); // Some globals to keep track of error #define TEXT_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE 4096 static char ReasonToFailBuffer[TEXT_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE]; static char SubTestBuffer[TEXT_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE]; static cmsInt32Number TotalTests = 0, TotalFail = 0; static cmsBool TrappedError; static cmsInt32Number SimultaneousErrors; #define cmsmin(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) // Die, a fatal unexpected error is detected! void Die(const char* Reason, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, Reason); vsprintf(ReasonToFailBuffer, Reason, args); va_end(args); printf("\n%s\n", ReasonToFailBuffer); fflush(stdout); exit(1); } // Memory management replacement ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is just a simple plug-in for malloc, free and realloc to keep track of memory allocated, // maximum requested as a single block and maximum allocated at a given time. Results are printed at the end static cmsUInt32Number SingleHit, MaxAllocated=0, TotalMemory=0; // I'm hiding the size before the block. This is a well-known technique and probably the blocks coming from // malloc are built in a way similar to that, but I do on my own to be portable. typedef struct { cmsUInt32Number KeepSize; cmsContext WhoAllocated; cmsUInt32Number DontCheck; union { cmsUInt64Number HiSparc; // '_cmsMemoryBlock' block is prepended by the // allocator for any requested size. Thus, union holds // "widest" type to guarantee proper '_cmsMemoryBlock' // alignment for any requested size. } alignment; } _cmsMemoryBlock; #define SIZE_OF_MEM_HEADER (sizeof(_cmsMemoryBlock)) // This is a fake thread descriptor used to check thread integrity. // Basically it returns a different threadID each time it is called. // Then the memory management replacement functions does check if each // free() is being called with same ContextID used on malloc() static cmsContext DbgThread(void) { static cmsUInt32Number n = 1; return (cmsContext) (void*) ((cmsUInt8Number*) NULL + (n++ % 0xff0)); } // The allocate routine static void* DebugMalloc(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number size) { _cmsMemoryBlock* blk; if (size <= 0) { Die("malloc requested with zero bytes"); } TotalMemory += size; if (TotalMemory > MaxAllocated) MaxAllocated = TotalMemory; if (size > SingleHit) SingleHit = size; blk = (_cmsMemoryBlock*) malloc(size + SIZE_OF_MEM_HEADER); if (blk == NULL) return NULL; blk ->KeepSize = size; blk ->WhoAllocated = ContextID; blk ->DontCheck = 0; return (void*) ((cmsUInt8Number*) blk + SIZE_OF_MEM_HEADER); } // The free routine static void DebugFree(cmsContext ContextID, void *Ptr) { _cmsMemoryBlock* blk; if (Ptr == NULL) { Die("NULL free (which is a no-op in C, but may be an clue of something going wrong)"); } blk = (_cmsMemoryBlock*) (((cmsUInt8Number*) Ptr) - SIZE_OF_MEM_HEADER); TotalMemory -= blk ->KeepSize; if (blk ->WhoAllocated != ContextID && !blk->DontCheck) { Die("Trying to free memory allocated by a different thread"); } free(blk); } // Reallocate, just a malloc, a copy and a free in this case. static void * DebugRealloc(cmsContext ContextID, void* Ptr, cmsUInt32Number NewSize) { _cmsMemoryBlock* blk; void* NewPtr; cmsUInt32Number max_sz; NewPtr = DebugMalloc(ContextID, NewSize); if (Ptr == NULL) return NewPtr; blk = (_cmsMemoryBlock*) (((cmsUInt8Number*) Ptr) - SIZE_OF_MEM_HEADER); max_sz = blk -> KeepSize > NewSize ? NewSize : blk ->KeepSize; memmove(NewPtr, Ptr, max_sz); DebugFree(ContextID, Ptr); return NewPtr; } // Let's know the totals static void DebugMemPrintTotals(void) { printf("[Memory statistics]\n"); printf("Allocated = %u MaxAlloc = %u Single block hit = %u\n", TotalMemory, MaxAllocated, SingleHit); } void DebugMemDontCheckThis(void *Ptr) { _cmsMemoryBlock* blk = (_cmsMemoryBlock*) (((cmsUInt8Number*) Ptr) - SIZE_OF_MEM_HEADER); blk ->DontCheck = 1; } // Memory string static const char* MemStr(cmsUInt32Number size) { static char Buffer[1024]; if (size > 1024*1024) { sprintf(Buffer, "%g Mb", (cmsFloat64Number) size / (1024.0*1024.0)); } else if (size > 1024) { sprintf(Buffer, "%g Kb", (cmsFloat64Number) size / 1024.0); } else sprintf(Buffer, "%g bytes", (cmsFloat64Number) size); return Buffer; } void TestMemoryLeaks(cmsBool ok) { if (TotalMemory > 0) printf("Ok, but %s are left!\n", MemStr(TotalMemory)); else { if (ok) printf("Ok.\n"); } } // Here we go with the plug-in declaration static cmsPluginMemHandler DebugMemHandler = {{ cmsPluginMagicNumber, 2060-2000, cmsPluginMemHandlerSig, NULL }, DebugMalloc, DebugFree, DebugRealloc, NULL, NULL, NULL }; // Returns a pointer to the memhandler plugin void* PluginMemHandler(void) { return (void*) &DebugMemHandler; } cmsContext WatchDogContext(void* usr) { cmsContext ctx; ctx = cmsCreateContext(&DebugMemHandler, usr); if (ctx == NULL) Die("Unable to create memory managed context"); DebugMemDontCheckThis(ctx); return ctx; } static void FatalErrorQuit(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number ErrorCode, const char *Text) { Die(Text); cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(ContextID); cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(ErrorCode); } void ResetFatalError(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsSetLogErrorHandler(ContextID, FatalErrorQuit); } // Print a dot for gauging void Dot(void) { fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); } void Say(const char* str) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", str); fflush(stdout); } // Keep track of the reason to fail void Fail(const char* frm, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, frm); vsprintf(ReasonToFailBuffer, frm, args); va_end(args); } // Keep track of subtest void SubTest(const char* frm, ...) { va_list args; Dot(); va_start(args, frm); vsprintf(SubTestBuffer, frm, args); va_end(args); } // The check framework static void Check(cmsContext ContextID, const char* Title, TestFn Fn) { cmsContext ctx = DbgThread(); printf("Checking %s ...", Title); fflush(stdout); ReasonToFailBuffer[0] = 0; SubTestBuffer[0] = 0; TrappedError = FALSE; SimultaneousErrors = 0; TotalTests++; if (Fn(ctx) && !TrappedError) { // It is a good place to check memory TestMemoryLeaks(TRUE); } else { printf("FAIL!\n"); if (SubTestBuffer[0]) printf("%s: [%s]\n\t%s\n", Title, SubTestBuffer, ReasonToFailBuffer); else printf("%s:\n\t%s\n", Title, ReasonToFailBuffer); if (SimultaneousErrors > 1) printf("\tMore than one (%d) errors were reported\n", SimultaneousErrors); TotalFail++; } fflush(stdout); } // Dump a tone curve, for easy diagnostic void DumpToneCurve(cmsContext ContextID, cmsToneCurve* gamma, const char* FileName) { cmsHANDLE hIT8; cmsUInt32Number i; hIT8 = cmsIT8Alloc(ContextID); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, hIT8, "NUMBER_OF_FIELDS", 2); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, hIT8, "NUMBER_OF_SETS", gamma ->nEntries); cmsIT8SetDataFormat(ContextID, hIT8, 0, "SAMPLE_ID"); cmsIT8SetDataFormat(ContextID, hIT8, 1, "VALUE"); for (i=0; i < gamma ->nEntries; i++) { char Val[30]; sprintf(Val, "%u", i); cmsIT8SetDataRowCol(ContextID, hIT8, i, 0, Val); sprintf(Val, "0x%x", gamma ->Table16[i]); cmsIT8SetDataRowCol(ContextID, hIT8, i, 1, Val); } cmsIT8SaveToFile(ContextID, hIT8, FileName); cmsIT8Free(ContextID, hIT8); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used to perform several checks. // The space used is a clone of a well-known commercial // color space which I will name "Above RGB" static cmsHPROFILE Create_AboveRGB(cmsContext ctx) { cmsToneCurve* Curve[3]; cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsCIExyY D65; cmsCIExyYTRIPLE Primaries = {{0.64, 0.33, 1 }, {0.21, 0.71, 1 }, {0.15, 0.06, 1 }}; Curve[0] = Curve[1] = Curve[2] = cmsBuildGamma(ctx, 2.19921875); cmsWhitePointFromTemp(ctx, &D65, 6504); hProfile = cmsCreateRGBProfile(ctx, &D65, &Primaries, Curve); cmsFreeToneCurve(ctx, Curve[0]); return hProfile; } // A gamma-2.2 gray space static cmsHPROFILE Create_Gray22(cmsContext ctx) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsToneCurve* Curve = cmsBuildGamma(ctx, 2.2); if (Curve == NULL) return NULL; hProfile = cmsCreateGrayProfile(ctx, cmsD50_xyY(ctx), Curve); cmsFreeToneCurve(ctx, Curve); return hProfile; } // A gamma-3.0 gray space static cmsHPROFILE Create_Gray30(cmsContext ctx) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsToneCurve* Curve = cmsBuildGamma(ctx, 3.0); if (Curve == NULL) return NULL; hProfile = cmsCreateGrayProfile(ctx, cmsD50_xyY(ctx), Curve); cmsFreeToneCurve(ctx, Curve); return hProfile; } static cmsHPROFILE Create_GrayLab(cmsContext ctx) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsToneCurve* Curve = cmsBuildGamma(ctx, 1.0); if (Curve == NULL) return NULL; hProfile = cmsCreateGrayProfile(ctx, cmsD50_xyY(ctx), Curve); cmsFreeToneCurve(ctx, Curve); cmsSetPCS(ctx, hProfile, cmsSigLabData); return hProfile; } // A CMYK devicelink that adds gamma 3.0 to each channel static cmsHPROFILE Create_CMYK_DeviceLink(cmsContext ctx) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsToneCurve* Tab[4]; cmsToneCurve* Curve = cmsBuildGamma(ctx, 3.0); if (Curve == NULL) return NULL; Tab[0] = Curve; Tab[1] = Curve; Tab[2] = Curve; Tab[3] = Curve; hProfile = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ctx, cmsSigCmykData, Tab); if (hProfile == NULL) return NULL; cmsFreeToneCurve(ctx, Curve); return hProfile; } // Create a fake CMYK profile, without any other requeriment that being coarse CMYK. // DON'T USE THIS PROFILE FOR ANYTHING, IT IS USELESS BUT FOR TESTING PURPOSES. typedef struct { cmsHTRANSFORM hLab2sRGB; cmsHTRANSFORM sRGB2Lab; cmsHTRANSFORM hIlimit; } FakeCMYKParams; static cmsFloat64Number Clip(cmsFloat64Number v) { if (v < 0) return 0; if (v > 1) return 1; return v; } static cmsInt32Number ForwardSampler(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], cmsUInt16Number Out[], void* Cargo) { FakeCMYKParams* p = (FakeCMYKParams*) Cargo; cmsFloat64Number rgb[3], cmyk[4]; cmsFloat64Number c, m, y, k; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, p ->hLab2sRGB, In, rgb, 1); c = 1 - rgb[0]; m = 1 - rgb[1]; y = 1 - rgb[2]; k = (c < m ? cmsmin(c, y) : cmsmin(m, y)); // NONSENSE WARNING!: I'm doing this just because this is a test // profile that may have ink limit up to 400%. There is no UCR here // so the profile is basically useless for anything but testing. cmyk[0] = c; cmyk[1] = m; cmyk[2] = y; cmyk[3] = k; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, p ->hIlimit, cmyk, Out, 1); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number ReverseSampler(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void* Cargo) { FakeCMYKParams* p = (FakeCMYKParams*) Cargo; cmsFloat64Number c, m, y, k, rgb[3]; c = In[0] / 65535.0; m = In[1] / 65535.0; y = In[2] / 65535.0; k = In[3] / 65535.0; if (k == 0) { rgb[0] = Clip(1 - c); rgb[1] = Clip(1 - m); rgb[2] = Clip(1 - y); } else if (k == 1) { rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = 0; } else { rgb[0] = Clip((1 - c) * (1 - k)); rgb[1] = Clip((1 - m) * (1 - k)); rgb[2] = Clip((1 - y) * (1 - k)); } cmsDoTransform(ContextID, p ->sRGB2Lab, rgb, Out, 1); return 1; } static cmsHPROFILE CreateFakeCMYK(cmsContext ContextID, cmsFloat64Number InkLimit, cmsBool lUseAboveRGB) { cmsHPROFILE hICC; cmsPipeline* AToB0, *BToA0; cmsStage* CLUT; FakeCMYKParams p; cmsHPROFILE hLab, hsRGB, hLimit; cmsUInt32Number cmykfrm; if (lUseAboveRGB) hsRGB = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); else hsRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); hLimit = cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink(ContextID, cmsSigCmykData, InkLimit); cmykfrm = FLOAT_SH(1) | BYTES_SH(0)|CHANNELS_SH(4); p.hLab2sRGB = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab, TYPE_Lab_16, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_DBL, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE|cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); p.sRGB2Lab = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_DBL, hLab, TYPE_Lab_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE|cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); p.hIlimit = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLimit, cmykfrm, NULL, TYPE_CMYK_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE|cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hsRGB); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLimit); hICC = cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(ContextID); if (!hICC) return NULL; cmsSetProfileVersion(ContextID, hICC, 4.3); cmsSetDeviceClass(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigOutputClass); cmsSetColorSpace(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigCmykData); cmsSetPCS(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigLabData); BToA0 = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 4); if (BToA0 == NULL) return 0; CLUT = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID, 17, 3, 4, NULL); if (CLUT == NULL) return 0; if (!cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, CLUT, ForwardSampler, &p, 0)) return 0; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, BToA0, cmsAT_BEGIN, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, 3)); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, BToA0, cmsAT_END, CLUT); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, BToA0, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, 4)); if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigBToA0Tag, (void*) BToA0)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, BToA0); AToB0 = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 4, 3); if (AToB0 == NULL) return 0; CLUT = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID, 17, 4, 3, NULL); if (CLUT == NULL) return 0; if (!cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, CLUT, ReverseSampler, &p, 0)) return 0; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, AToB0, cmsAT_BEGIN, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, 4)); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, AToB0, cmsAT_END, CLUT); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, AToB0, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, 3)); if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigAToB0Tag, (void*) AToB0)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, AToB0); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, p.hLab2sRGB); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, p.sRGB2Lab); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, p.hIlimit); cmsLinkTag(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigAToB1Tag, cmsSigAToB0Tag); cmsLinkTag(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigAToB2Tag, cmsSigAToB0Tag); cmsLinkTag(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigBToA1Tag, cmsSigBToA0Tag); cmsLinkTag(ContextID, hICC, cmsSigBToA2Tag, cmsSigBToA0Tag); return hICC; } // Does create several profiles for latter use------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static cmsInt32Number OneVirtual(cmsContext ctx, cmsHPROFILE h, const char* SubTestTxt, const char* FileName) { SubTest(SubTestTxt); if (h == NULL) return 0; if (!cmsSaveProfileToFile(ctx, h, FileName)) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ctx, h); h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ctx, FileName, "r"); if (h == NULL) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ctx, h); return 1; } // This test checks the ability of lcms2 to save its built-ins as valid profiles. // It does not check the functionality of such profiles static cmsInt32Number CreateTestProfiles(cmsContext ctx) { cmsHPROFILE h; h = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "sRGB profile", "sRGBlcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = Create_AboveRGB(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "aRGB profile", "aRGBlcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = Create_Gray22(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Gray profile", "graylcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = Create_Gray30(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Gray 3.0 profile", "gray3lcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = Create_GrayLab(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Gray Lab profile", "glablcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = Create_CMYK_DeviceLink(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Linearization profile", "linlcms2.icc")) return 0; // ------- h = cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink(ctx, cmsSigCmykData, 150); if (h == NULL) return 0; if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Ink-limiting profile", "limitlcms2.icc")) return 0; // ------ h = cmsCreateLab2Profile(ctx, NULL); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Lab 2 identity profile", "labv2lcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ctx, NULL); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Lab 4 identity profile", "labv4lcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = cmsCreateXYZProfile(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "XYZ identity profile", "xyzlcms2.icc")) return 0; // ---- h = cmsCreateNULLProfile(ctx); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "NULL profile", "nullcms2.icc")) return 0; // --- h = cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfile(ctx, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5000, 6000); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "BCHS profile", "bchslcms2.icc")) return 0; // --- h = CreateFakeCMYK(ctx, 300, FALSE); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Fake CMYK profile", "lcms2cmyk.icc")) return 0; // --- h = cmsCreateBCHSWabstractProfile(ctx, 17, 0, 1.2, 0, 3, 5000, 5000); if (!OneVirtual(ctx, h, "Brightness", "brightness.icc")) return 0; return 1; } static void RemoveTestProfiles(void) { remove("sRGBlcms2.icc"); remove("aRGBlcms2.icc"); remove("graylcms2.icc"); remove("gray3lcms2.icc"); remove("linlcms2.icc"); remove("limitlcms2.icc"); remove("labv2lcms2.icc"); remove("labv4lcms2.icc"); remove("xyzlcms2.icc"); remove("nullcms2.icc"); remove("bchslcms2.icc"); remove("lcms2cmyk.icc"); remove("glablcms2.icc"); remove("lcms2link.icc"); remove("lcms2link2.icc"); remove("brightness.icc"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check the size of basic types. If this test fails, nothing is going to work anyway static cmsInt32Number CheckBaseTypes(cmsContext ContextID) { // Ignore warnings about conditional expression #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4127) #endif if (sizeof(cmsUInt8Number) != 1) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsInt8Number) != 1) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsUInt16Number) != 2) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsInt16Number) != 2) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsUInt32Number) != 4) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsInt32Number) != 4) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsUInt64Number) != 8) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsInt64Number) != 8) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsFloat32Number) != 4) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsFloat64Number) != 8) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsSignature) != 4) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsU8Fixed8Number) != 2) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsS15Fixed16Number) != 4) return 0; if (sizeof(cmsU16Fixed16Number) != 4) return 0; return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Are we little or big endian? From Harbison&Steele. static cmsInt32Number CheckEndianness(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number BigEndian, IsOk; union { long l; char c[sizeof (long)]; } u; u.l = 1; BigEndian = (u.c[sizeof (long) - 1] == 1); #ifdef CMS_USE_BIG_ENDIAN IsOk = BigEndian; #else IsOk = !BigEndian; #endif if (!IsOk) { Die("\nOOOPPSS! You have CMS_USE_BIG_ENDIAN toggle misconfigured!\n\n" "Please, edit lcms2mt.h and %s the CMS_USE_BIG_ENDIAN toggle.\n", BigEndian? "uncomment" : "comment"); return 0; } return 1; } // Check quick floor static cmsInt32Number CheckQuickFloor(cmsContext ContextID) { if ((_cmsQuickFloor(1.234) != 1) || (_cmsQuickFloor(32767.234) != 32767) || (_cmsQuickFloor(-1.234) != -2) || (_cmsQuickFloor(-32767.1) != -32768)) { Die("\nOOOPPSS! _cmsQuickFloor() does not work as expected in your machine!\n\n" "Please, edit lcms2mt.h and uncomment the CMS_DONT_USE_FAST_FLOOR toggle.\n"); return 0; } return 1; } // Quick floor restricted to word static cmsInt32Number CheckQuickFloorWord(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsUInt32Number i; for (i=0; i < 65535; i++) { if (_cmsQuickFloorWord((cmsFloat64Number) i + 0.1234) != i) { Die("\nOOOPPSS! _cmsQuickFloorWord() does not work as expected in your machine!\n\n" "Please, edit lcms2mt.h and uncomment the CMS_DONT_USE_FAST_FLOOR toggle.\n"); return 0; } } return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Precision stuff. // On 15.16 fixed point, this is the maximum we can obtain. Remember ICC profiles have storage limits on this number #define FIXED_PRECISION_15_16 (1.0 / 65535.0) // On 8.8 fixed point, that is the max we can obtain. #define FIXED_PRECISION_8_8 (1.0 / 255.0) // On cmsFloat32Number type, this is the precision we expect #define FLOAT_PRECISSION (0.00001) static cmsFloat64Number MaxErr; static cmsFloat64Number AllowedErr = FIXED_PRECISION_15_16; cmsBool IsGoodVal(const char *title, cmsFloat64Number in, cmsFloat64Number out, cmsFloat64Number max) { cmsFloat64Number Err = fabs(in - out); if (Err > MaxErr) MaxErr = Err; if ((Err > max )) { Fail("(%s): Must be %f, But is %f ", title, in, out); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } cmsBool IsGoodFixed15_16(const char *title, cmsFloat64Number in, cmsFloat64Number out) { return IsGoodVal(title, in, out, FIXED_PRECISION_15_16); } cmsBool IsGoodFixed8_8(const char *title, cmsFloat64Number in, cmsFloat64Number out) { return IsGoodVal(title, in, out, FIXED_PRECISION_8_8); } cmsBool IsGoodWord(const char *title, cmsUInt16Number in, cmsUInt16Number out) { if ((abs(in - out) > 0 )) { Fail("(%s): Must be %x, But is %x ", title, in, out); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } cmsBool IsGoodWordPrec(const char *title, cmsUInt16Number in, cmsUInt16Number out, cmsUInt16Number maxErr) { if ((abs(in - out) > maxErr )) { Fail("(%s): Must be %x, But is %x ", title, in, out); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Fixed point ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number TestSingleFixed15_16(cmsContext ContextID, cmsFloat64Number d) { cmsS15Fixed16Number f = _cmsDoubleTo15Fixed16(ContextID, d); cmsFloat64Number RoundTrip = _cms15Fixed16toDouble(ContextID, f); cmsFloat64Number Error = fabs(d - RoundTrip); return ( Error <= FIXED_PRECISION_15_16); } static cmsInt32Number CheckFixedPoint15_16(cmsContext ContextID) { if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, 1.0)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, 2.0)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, 1.23456)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, 0.99999)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, 0.1234567890123456789099999)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, -1.0)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, -2.0)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, -1.23456)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, -1.1234567890123456789099999)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, +32767.1234567890123456789099999)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed15_16(ContextID, -32767.1234567890123456789099999)) return 0; return 1; } static cmsInt32Number TestSingleFixed8_8(cmsContext ContextID, cmsFloat64Number d) { cmsS15Fixed16Number f = _cmsDoubleTo8Fixed8(ContextID, d); cmsFloat64Number RoundTrip = _cms8Fixed8toDouble(ContextID, (cmsUInt16Number) f); cmsFloat64Number Error = fabs(d - RoundTrip); return ( Error <= FIXED_PRECISION_8_8); } static cmsInt32Number CheckFixedPoint8_8(cmsContext ContextID) { if (!TestSingleFixed8_8(ContextID, 1.0)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed8_8(ContextID, 2.0)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed8_8(ContextID, 1.23456)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed8_8(ContextID, 0.99999)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed8_8(ContextID, 0.1234567890123456789099999)) return 0; if (!TestSingleFixed8_8(ContextID, +255.1234567890123456789099999)) return 0; return 1; } // D50 constant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number CheckD50Roundtrip(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsFloat64Number cmsD50X_2 = 0.96420288; cmsFloat64Number cmsD50Y_2 = 1.0; cmsFloat64Number cmsD50Z_2 = 0.82490540; cmsS15Fixed16Number xe = _cmsDoubleTo15Fixed16(ContextID, cmsD50X); cmsS15Fixed16Number ye = _cmsDoubleTo15Fixed16(ContextID, cmsD50Y); cmsS15Fixed16Number ze = _cmsDoubleTo15Fixed16(ContextID, cmsD50Z); cmsFloat64Number x = _cms15Fixed16toDouble(ContextID, xe); cmsFloat64Number y = _cms15Fixed16toDouble(ContextID, ye); cmsFloat64Number z = _cms15Fixed16toDouble(ContextID, ze); double dx = fabs(cmsD50X - x); double dy = fabs(cmsD50Y - y); double dz = fabs(cmsD50Z - z); double euc = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz* dz); if (euc > 1E-5) { Fail("D50 roundtrip |err| > (%f) ", euc); return 0; } xe = _cmsDoubleTo15Fixed16(ContextID, cmsD50X_2); ye = _cmsDoubleTo15Fixed16(ContextID, cmsD50Y_2); ze = _cmsDoubleTo15Fixed16(ContextID, cmsD50Z_2); x = _cms15Fixed16toDouble(ContextID, xe); y = _cms15Fixed16toDouble(ContextID, ye); z = _cms15Fixed16toDouble(ContextID, ze); dx = fabs(cmsD50X_2 - x); dy = fabs(cmsD50Y_2 - y); dz = fabs(cmsD50Z_2 - z); euc = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz* dz); if (euc > 1E-5) { Fail("D50 roundtrip |err| > (%f) ", euc); return 0; } return 1; } // Linear interpolation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Since prime factors of 65535 (FFFF) are, // // 0xFFFF = 3 * 5 * 17 * 257 // // I test tables of 2, 4, 6, and 18 points, that will be exact. static void BuildTable(cmsInt32Number n, cmsUInt16Number Tab[], cmsBool Descending) { cmsInt32Number i; for (i=0; i < n; i++) { cmsFloat64Number v = (cmsFloat64Number) ((cmsFloat64Number) 65535.0 * i ) / (n-1); Tab[Descending ? (n - i - 1) : i ] = (cmsUInt16Number) floor(v + 0.5); } } // A single function that does check 1D interpolation // nNodesToCheck = number on nodes to check // Down = Create decreasing tables // Reverse = Check reverse interpolation // max_err = max allowed error static cmsInt32Number Check1D(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number nNodesToCheck, cmsBool Down, cmsInt32Number max_err) { cmsUInt32Number i; cmsUInt16Number in, out; cmsInterpParams* p; cmsUInt16Number* Tab; Tab = (cmsUInt16Number*) malloc(sizeof(cmsUInt16Number)* nNodesToCheck); if (Tab == NULL) return 0; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, nNodesToCheck, 1, 1, Tab, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_16BITS); if (p == NULL) return 0; BuildTable(nNodesToCheck, Tab, Down); for (i=0; i <= 0xffff; i++) { in = (cmsUInt16Number) i; out = 0; p ->Interpolation.Lerp16(ContextID, &in, &out, p); if (Down) out = 0xffff - out; if (abs(out - in) > max_err) { Fail("(%dp): Must be %x, But is %x : ", nNodesToCheck, in, out); _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); free(Tab); return 0; } } _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); free(Tab); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP2(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 2, FALSE, 0); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP3(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 3, FALSE, 1); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP4(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 4, FALSE, 0); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP6(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 6, FALSE, 0); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP18(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 18, FALSE, 0); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP2Down(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 2, TRUE, 0); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP3Down(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 3, TRUE, 1); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP6Down(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 6, TRUE, 0); } static cmsInt32Number Check1DLERP18Down(cmsContext ContextID) { return Check1D(ContextID, 18, TRUE, 0); } static cmsInt32Number ExhaustiveCheck1DLERP(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsUInt32Number j; printf("\n"); for (j=10; j <= 4096; j++) { if ((j % 10) == 0) printf("%u \r", j); if (!Check1D(ContextID, j, FALSE, 1)) return 0; } printf("\rResult is "); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number ExhaustiveCheck1DLERPDown(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsUInt32Number j; printf("\n"); for (j=10; j <= 4096; j++) { if ((j % 10) == 0) printf("%u \r", j); if (!Check1D(ContextID, j, TRUE, 1)) return 0; } printf("\rResult is "); return 1; } // 3D interpolation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number Check3DinterpolationFloatTetrahedral(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number i; cmsFloat32Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsFloat32Number FloatTable[] = { //R G B 0, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=0 0, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=0 0, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=0 0, .5, .25, // B=1,G=1,R=0 1, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=1 1, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=1 1, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=1 1, .5, .25 // B=1,G=1,R=1 }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, FloatTable, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_FLOAT); MaxErr = 0.0; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { In[0] = In[1] = In[2] = (cmsFloat32Number) ( (cmsFloat32Number) i / 65535.0F); p ->Interpolation.LerpFloat(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 2", Out[1], (cmsFloat32Number) In[1] / 2.F)) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 3", Out[2], (cmsFloat32Number) In[2] / 4.F)) goto Error; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr); _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number Check3DinterpolationFloatTrilinear(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number i; cmsFloat32Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsFloat32Number FloatTable[] = { //R G B 0, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=0 0, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=0 0, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=0 0, .5, .25, // B=1,G=1,R=0 1, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=1 1, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=1 1, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=1 1, .5, .25 // B=1,G=1,R=1 }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, FloatTable, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_FLOAT|CMS_LERP_FLAGS_TRILINEAR); MaxErr = 0.0; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { In[0] = In[1] = In[2] = (cmsFloat32Number) ( (cmsFloat32Number) i / 65535.0F); p ->Interpolation.LerpFloat(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 2", Out[1], (cmsFloat32Number) In[1] / 2.F)) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 3", Out[2], (cmsFloat32Number) In[2] / 4.F)) goto Error; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr); _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number Check3DinterpolationTetrahedral16(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number i; cmsUInt16Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsUInt16Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, Table, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_16BITS); MaxErr = 0.0; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { In[0] = In[1] = In[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; p ->Interpolation.Lerp16(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 2", Out[1], In[1])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 3", Out[2], In[2])) goto Error; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr); _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number Check3DinterpolationTrilinear16(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number i; cmsUInt16Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsUInt16Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, Table, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_TRILINEAR); MaxErr = 0.0; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { In[0] = In[1] = In[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; p ->Interpolation.Lerp16(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 2", Out[1], In[1])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 3", Out[2], In[2])) goto Error; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr); _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number ExaustiveCheck3DinterpolationFloatTetrahedral(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number r, g, b; cmsFloat32Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsFloat32Number FloatTable[] = { //R G B 0, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=0 0, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=0 0, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=0 0, .5, .25, // B=1,G=1,R=0 1, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=1 1, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=1 1, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=1 1, .5, .25 // B=1,G=1,R=1 }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, FloatTable, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_FLOAT); MaxErr = 0.0; for (r=0; r < 0xff; r++) for (g=0; g < 0xff; g++) for (b=0; b < 0xff; b++) { In[0] = (cmsFloat32Number) r / 255.0F; In[1] = (cmsFloat32Number) g / 255.0F; In[2] = (cmsFloat32Number) b / 255.0F; p ->Interpolation.LerpFloat(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 2", Out[1], (cmsFloat32Number) In[1] / 2.F)) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 3", Out[2], (cmsFloat32Number) In[2] / 4.F)) goto Error; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr); _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number ExaustiveCheck3DinterpolationFloatTrilinear(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number r, g, b; cmsFloat32Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsFloat32Number FloatTable[] = { //R G B 0, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=0 0, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=0 0, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=0 0, .5, .25, // B=1,G=1,R=0 1, 0, 0, // B=0,G=0,R=1 1, 0, .25, // B=1,G=0,R=1 1, .5, 0, // B=0,G=1,R=1 1, .5, .25 // B=1,G=1,R=1 }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, FloatTable, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_FLOAT|CMS_LERP_FLAGS_TRILINEAR); MaxErr = 0.0; for (r=0; r < 0xff; r++) for (g=0; g < 0xff; g++) for (b=0; b < 0xff; b++) { In[0] = (cmsFloat32Number) r / 255.0F; In[1] = (cmsFloat32Number) g / 255.0F; In[2] = (cmsFloat32Number) b / 255.0F; p ->Interpolation.LerpFloat(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 2", Out[1], (cmsFloat32Number) In[1] / 2.F)) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Channel 3", Out[2], (cmsFloat32Number) In[2] / 4.F)) goto Error; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr); _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number ExhaustiveCheck3DinterpolationTetrahedral16(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number r, g, b; cmsUInt16Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsUInt16Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, Table, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_16BITS); for (r=0; r < 0xff; r++) for (g=0; g < 0xff; g++) for (b=0; b < 0xff; b++) { In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) r ; In[1] = (cmsUInt16Number) g ; In[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) b ; p ->Interpolation.Lerp16(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 2", Out[1], In[1])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 3", Out[2], In[2])) goto Error; } _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number ExhaustiveCheck3DinterpolationTrilinear16(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInterpParams* p; cmsInt32Number r, g, b; cmsUInt16Number In[3], Out[3]; cmsUInt16Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; p = _cmsComputeInterpParams(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, Table, CMS_LERP_FLAGS_TRILINEAR); for (r=0; r < 0xff; r++) for (g=0; g < 0xff; g++) for (b=0; b < 0xff; b++) { In[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) r ; In[1] = (cmsUInt16Number)g ; In[2] = (cmsUInt16Number)b ; p ->Interpolation.Lerp16(ContextID, In, Out, p); if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 1", Out[0], In[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 2", Out[1], In[1])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodWord("Channel 3", Out[2], In[2])) goto Error; } _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 1; Error: _cmsFreeInterpParams(ContextID, p); return 0; } // Check reverse interpolation on LUTS. This is right now exclusively used by K preservation algorithm static cmsInt32Number CheckReverseInterpolation3x3(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* Lut; cmsStage* clut; cmsFloat32Number Target[4], Result[4], Hint[4]; cmsFloat32Number err, max; cmsInt32Number i; cmsUInt16Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, // 0 0 0 0, 0, 0xffff, // 0 0 1 0, 0xffff, 0, // 0 1 0 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, // 0 1 1 0xffff, 0, 0, // 1 0 0 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, // 1 0 1 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, // 1 1 0 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, // 1 1 1 }; Lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); clut = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, Table); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, clut); Target[0] = 0; Target[1] = 0; Target[2] = 0; Hint[0] = 0; Hint[1] = 0; Hint[2] = 0; cmsPipelineEvalReverseFloat(ContextID, Target, Result, NULL, Lut); if (Result[0] != 0 || Result[1] != 0 || Result[2] != 0){ Fail("Reverse interpolation didn't find zero"); goto Error; } // Transverse identity max = 0; for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { cmsFloat32Number in = i / 100.0F; Target[0] = in; Target[1] = 0; Target[2] = 0; cmsPipelineEvalReverseFloat(ContextID, Target, Result, Hint, Lut); err = fabsf(in - Result[0]); if (err > max) max = err; memcpy(Hint, Result, sizeof(Hint)); } cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, Lut); return (max <= FLOAT_PRECISSION); Error: cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, Lut); return 0; } static cmsInt32Number CheckReverseInterpolation4x3(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* Lut; cmsStage* clut; cmsFloat32Number Target[4], Result[4], Hint[4]; cmsFloat32Number err, max; cmsInt32Number i; // 4 -> 3, output gets 3 first channels copied cmsUInt16Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, // 0 0 0 0 = ( 0, 0, 0) 0, 0, 0, // 0 0 0 1 = ( 0, 0, 0) 0, 0, 0xffff, // 0 0 1 0 = ( 0, 0, 1) 0, 0, 0xffff, // 0 0 1 1 = ( 0, 0, 1) 0, 0xffff, 0, // 0 1 0 0 = ( 0, 1, 0) 0, 0xffff, 0, // 0 1 0 1 = ( 0, 1, 0) 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, // 0 1 1 0 = ( 0, 1, 1) 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, // 0 1 1 1 = ( 0, 1, 1) 0xffff, 0, 0, // 1 0 0 0 = ( 1, 0, 0) 0xffff, 0, 0, // 1 0 0 1 = ( 1, 0, 0) 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, // 1 0 1 0 = ( 1, 0, 1) 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, // 1 0 1 1 = ( 1, 0, 1) 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, // 1 1 0 0 = ( 1, 1, 0) 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, // 1 1 0 1 = ( 1, 1, 0) 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, // 1 1 1 0 = ( 1, 1, 1) 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, // 1 1 1 1 = ( 1, 1, 1) }; Lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 4, 3); clut = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID, 2, 4, 3, Table); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, clut); // Check if the LUT is behaving as expected SubTest("4->3 feasibility"); for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { Target[0] = i / 100.0F; Target[1] = Target[0]; Target[2] = 0; Target[3] = 12; cmsPipelineEvalFloat(ContextID, Target, Result, Lut); if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("0", Target[0], Result[0])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("1", Target[1], Result[1])) goto Error; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("2", Target[2], Result[2])) goto Error; } SubTest("4->3 zero"); Target[0] = 0; Target[1] = 0; Target[2] = 0; // This one holds the fixed K Target[3] = 0; // This is our hint (which is a big lie in this case) Hint[0] = 0.1F; Hint[1] = 0.1F; Hint[2] = 0.1F; cmsPipelineEvalReverseFloat(ContextID, Target, Result, Hint, Lut); if (Result[0] != 0 || Result[1] != 0 || Result[2] != 0 || Result[3] != 0){ Fail("Reverse interpolation didn't find zero"); goto Error; } SubTest("4->3 find CMY"); max = 0; for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { cmsFloat32Number in = i / 100.0F; Target[0] = in; Target[1] = 0; Target[2] = 0; cmsPipelineEvalReverseFloat(ContextID, Target, Result, Hint, Lut); err = fabsf(in - Result[0]); if (err > max) max = err; memcpy(Hint, Result, sizeof(Hint)); } cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, Lut); return (max <= FLOAT_PRECISSION); Error: cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, Lut); return 0; } // Check all interpolation. static cmsUInt16Number Fn8D1(cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4, cmsUInt16Number a5, cmsUInt16Number a6, cmsUInt16Number a7, cmsUInt16Number a8, cmsUInt32Number m) { return (cmsUInt16Number) ((a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8) / m); } static cmsUInt16Number Fn8D2(cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4, cmsUInt16Number a5, cmsUInt16Number a6, cmsUInt16Number a7, cmsUInt16Number a8, cmsUInt32Number m) { return (cmsUInt16Number) ((a1 + 3* a2 + 3* a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8 ) / (m + 4)); } static cmsUInt16Number Fn8D3(cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4, cmsUInt16Number a5, cmsUInt16Number a6, cmsUInt16Number a7, cmsUInt16Number a8, cmsUInt32Number m) { return (cmsUInt16Number) ((3*a1 + 2*a2 + 3*a3 + a4 + a5 + a6 + a7 + a8) / (m + 5)); } static cmsInt32Number Sampler3D(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void * Cargo) { Out[0] = Fn8D1(In[0], In[1], In[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3); Out[1] = Fn8D2(In[0], In[1], In[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3); Out[2] = Fn8D3(In[0], In[1], In[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3); return 1; cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(Cargo); } static cmsInt32Number Sampler4D(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void * Cargo) { Out[0] = Fn8D1(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 4); Out[1] = Fn8D2(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 4); Out[2] = Fn8D3(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], 0, 0, 0, 0, 4); return 1; cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(Cargo); } static cmsInt32Number Sampler5D(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void * Cargo) { Out[0] = Fn8D1(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], 0, 0, 0, 5); Out[1] = Fn8D2(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], 0, 0, 0, 5); Out[2] = Fn8D3(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], 0, 0, 0, 5); return 1; cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(Cargo); } static cmsInt32Number Sampler6D(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void * Cargo) { Out[0] = Fn8D1(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], 0, 0, 6); Out[1] = Fn8D2(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], 0, 0, 6); Out[2] = Fn8D3(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], 0, 0, 6); return 1; cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(Cargo); } static cmsInt32Number Sampler7D(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void * Cargo) { Out[0] = Fn8D1(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], In[6], 0, 7); Out[1] = Fn8D2(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], In[6], 0, 7); Out[2] = Fn8D3(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], In[6], 0, 7); return 1; cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(Cargo); } static cmsInt32Number Sampler8D(cmsContext ContextID, CMSREGISTER const cmsUInt16Number In[], CMSREGISTER cmsUInt16Number Out[], CMSREGISTER void * Cargo) { Out[0] = Fn8D1(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], In[6], In[7], 8); Out[1] = Fn8D2(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], In[6], In[7], 8); Out[2] = Fn8D3(In[0], In[1], In[2], In[3], In[4], In[5], In[6], In[7], 8); return 1; cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(Cargo); } static cmsBool CheckOne3D(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3) { cmsUInt16Number In[3], Out1[3], Out2[3]; In[0] = a1; In[1] = a2; In[2] = a3; // This is the interpolated value cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, In, Out1, lut); // This is the real value Sampler3D(ContextID, In, Out2, NULL); // Let's see the difference if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 1", Out1[0], Out2[0], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 2", Out1[1], Out2[1], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 3", Out1[2], Out2[2], 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static cmsBool CheckOne4D(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4) { cmsUInt16Number In[4], Out1[3], Out2[3]; In[0] = a1; In[1] = a2; In[2] = a3; In[3] = a4; // This is the interpolated value cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, In, Out1, lut); // This is the real value Sampler4D(ContextID, In, Out2, NULL); // Let's see the difference if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 1", Out1[0], Out2[0], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 2", Out1[1], Out2[1], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 3", Out1[2], Out2[2], 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static cmsBool CheckOne5D(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4, cmsUInt16Number a5) { cmsUInt16Number In[5], Out1[3], Out2[3]; In[0] = a1; In[1] = a2; In[2] = a3; In[3] = a4; In[4] = a5; // This is the interpolated value cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, In, Out1, lut); // This is the real value Sampler5D(ContextID, In, Out2, NULL); // Let's see the difference if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 1", Out1[0], Out2[0], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 2", Out1[1], Out2[1], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 3", Out1[2], Out2[2], 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static cmsBool CheckOne6D(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4, cmsUInt16Number a5, cmsUInt16Number a6) { cmsUInt16Number In[6], Out1[3], Out2[3]; In[0] = a1; In[1] = a2; In[2] = a3; In[3] = a4; In[4] = a5; In[5] = a6; // This is the interpolated value cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, In, Out1, lut); // This is the real value Sampler6D(ContextID, In, Out2, NULL); // Let's see the difference if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 1", Out1[0], Out2[0], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 2", Out1[1], Out2[1], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 3", Out1[2], Out2[2], 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static cmsBool CheckOne7D(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4, cmsUInt16Number a5, cmsUInt16Number a6, cmsUInt16Number a7) { cmsUInt16Number In[7], Out1[3], Out2[3]; In[0] = a1; In[1] = a2; In[2] = a3; In[3] = a4; In[4] = a5; In[5] = a6; In[6] = a7; // This is the interpolated value cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, In, Out1, lut); // This is the real value Sampler7D(ContextID, In, Out2, NULL); // Let's see the difference if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 1", Out1[0], Out2[0], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 2", Out1[1], Out2[1], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 3", Out1[2], Out2[2], 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static cmsBool CheckOne8D(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsUInt16Number a1, cmsUInt16Number a2, cmsUInt16Number a3, cmsUInt16Number a4, cmsUInt16Number a5, cmsUInt16Number a6, cmsUInt16Number a7, cmsUInt16Number a8) { cmsUInt16Number In[8], Out1[3], Out2[3]; In[0] = a1; In[1] = a2; In[2] = a3; In[3] = a4; In[4] = a5; In[5] = a6; In[6] = a7; In[7] = a8; // This is the interpolated value cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, In, Out1, lut); // This is the real value Sampler8D(ContextID, In, Out2, NULL); // Let's see the difference if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 1", Out1[0], Out2[0], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 2", Out1[1], Out2[1], 2)) return FALSE; if (!IsGoodWordPrec("Channel 3", Out1[2], Out2[2], 2)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static cmsInt32Number Check3Dinterp(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID, 9, 3, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler3D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check3DinterpGranular(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; cmsUInt32Number Dimensions[] = { 7, 8, 9 }; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID, Dimensions, 3, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler3D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592)) return 0; if (!CheckOne3D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check4Dinterp(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 4, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID, 9, 4, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler4D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF, 0x8888)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592, 0x9261)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12, 0xFF13)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check4DinterpGranular(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; cmsUInt32Number Dimensions[] = { 9, 8, 7, 6 }; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 4, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID, Dimensions, 4, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler4D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF, 0x8888)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592, 0x9261)) return 0; if (!CheckOne4D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12, 0xFF13)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check5DinterpGranular(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; cmsUInt32Number Dimensions[] = { 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 5, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID, Dimensions, 5, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler5D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x1234)) return 0; if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF, 0x8888, 0x8078)) return 0; if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444, 0x1455)) return 0; if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x2333)) return 0; if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592, 0x9261, 0x4567)) return 0; if (!CheckOne5D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12, 0xFF13, 0xF344)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check6DinterpGranular(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; cmsUInt32Number Dimensions[] = { 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 }; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 6, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID, Dimensions, 6, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler6D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x1234, 0x1122)) return 0; if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF, 0x8888, 0x8078, 0x2233)) return 0; if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444, 0x1455, 0x3344)) return 0; if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x2333, 0x4455)) return 0; if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592, 0x9261, 0x4567, 0x5566)) return 0; if (!CheckOne6D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12, 0xFF13, 0xF344, 0x6677)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check7DinterpGranular(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; cmsUInt32Number Dimensions[] = { 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 7, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID, Dimensions, 7, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler7D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x1234, 0x1122, 0x0056)) return 0; if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF, 0x8888, 0x8078, 0x2233, 0x0088)) return 0; if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444, 0x1455, 0x3344, 0x1987)) return 0; if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x2333, 0x4455, 0x9988)) return 0; if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592, 0x9261, 0x4567, 0x5566, 0xfe56)) return 0; if (!CheckOne7D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12, 0xFF13, 0xF344, 0x6677, 0xbabe)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Check8DinterpGranular(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsStage* mpe; cmsUInt32Number Dimensions[] = { 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 8, 3); mpe = cmsStageAllocCLut16bitGranular(ContextID, Dimensions, 8, 3, NULL); cmsStageSampleCLut16bit(ContextID, mpe, Sampler8D, NULL, 0); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, mpe); // Check accuracy if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff)) return 0; if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x8080, 0x1234, 0x1122, 0x0056, 0x0011)) return 0; if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0xFE00, 0x80FF, 0x8888, 0x8078, 0x2233, 0x0088, 0x2020)) return 0; if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0x1111, 0x2222, 0x3333, 0x4444, 0x1455, 0x3344, 0x1987, 0x4532)) return 0; if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x0013, 0x0014, 0x2333, 0x4455, 0x9988, 0x1200)) return 0; if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0x3141, 0x1415, 0x1592, 0x9261, 0x4567, 0x5566, 0xfe56, 0x6666)) return 0; if (!CheckOne8D(ContextID, lut, 0xFF00, 0xFF01, 0xFF12, 0xFF13, 0xF344, 0x6677, 0xbabe, 0xface)) return 0; cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return 1; } // Colorimetric conversions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lab to LCh and back should be performed at 1E-12 accuracy at least static cmsInt32Number CheckLab2LCh(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number l, a, b; cmsFloat64Number dist, Max = 0; cmsCIELab Lab, Lab2; cmsCIELCh LCh; for (l=0; l <= 100; l += 10) { for (a=-128; a <= +128; a += 8) { for (b=-128; b <= 128; b += 8) { Lab.L = l; Lab.a = a; Lab.b = b; cmsLab2LCh(ContextID, &LCh, &Lab); cmsLCh2Lab(ContextID, &Lab2, &LCh); dist = cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &Lab, &Lab2); if (dist > Max) Max = dist; } } } return Max < 1E-12; } // Lab to LCh and back should be performed at 1E-12 accuracy at least static cmsInt32Number CheckLab2XYZ(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number l, a, b; cmsFloat64Number dist, Max = 0; cmsCIELab Lab, Lab2; cmsCIEXYZ XYZ; for (l=0; l <= 100; l += 10) { for (a=-128; a <= +128; a += 8) { for (b=-128; b <= 128; b += 8) { Lab.L = l; Lab.a = a; Lab.b = b; cmsLab2XYZ(ContextID, NULL, &XYZ, &Lab); cmsXYZ2Lab(ContextID, NULL, &Lab2, &XYZ); dist = cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &Lab, &Lab2); if (dist > Max) Max = dist; } } } return Max < 1E-12; } // Lab to xyY and back should be performed at 1E-12 accuracy at least static cmsInt32Number CheckLab2xyY(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number l, a, b; cmsFloat64Number dist, Max = 0; cmsCIELab Lab, Lab2; cmsCIEXYZ XYZ; cmsCIExyY xyY; for (l=0; l <= 100; l += 10) { for (a=-128; a <= +128; a += 8) { for (b=-128; b <= 128; b += 8) { Lab.L = l; Lab.a = a; Lab.b = b; cmsLab2XYZ(ContextID, NULL, &XYZ, &Lab); cmsXYZ2xyY(ContextID, &xyY, &XYZ); cmsxyY2XYZ(ContextID, &XYZ, &xyY); cmsXYZ2Lab(ContextID, NULL, &Lab2, &XYZ); dist = cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &Lab, &Lab2); if (dist > Max) Max = dist; } } } return Max < 1E-12; } static cmsInt32Number CheckLabV2encoding(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number n2, i, j; cmsUInt16Number Inw[3], aw[3]; cmsCIELab Lab; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 65535; j++) { Inw[0] = Inw[1] = Inw[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) j; cmsLabEncoded2FloatV2(ContextID, &Lab, Inw); cmsFloat2LabEncodedV2(ContextID, aw, &Lab); for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (aw[i] != j) { n2++; } } } return (n2 == 0); } static cmsInt32Number CheckLabV4encoding(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number n2, i, j; cmsUInt16Number Inw[3], aw[3]; cmsCIELab Lab; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 65535; j++) { Inw[0] = Inw[1] = Inw[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) j; cmsLabEncoded2Float(ContextID, &Lab, Inw); cmsFloat2LabEncoded(ContextID, aw, &Lab); for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (aw[i] != j) { n2++; } } } return (n2 == 0); } // BlackBody ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number CheckTemp2CHRM(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number j; cmsFloat64Number d, v, Max = 0; cmsCIExyY White; for (j=4000; j < 25000; j++) { cmsWhitePointFromTemp(ContextID, &White, j); if (!cmsTempFromWhitePoint(ContextID, &v, &White)) return 0; d = fabs(v - j); if (d > Max) Max = d; } // 100 degree is the actual resolution return (Max < 100); } // Tone curves ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number CheckGammaEstimation(cmsContext ContextID, cmsToneCurve* c, cmsFloat64Number g) { cmsFloat64Number est = cmsEstimateGamma(ContextID, c, 0.001); SubTest("Gamma estimation"); if (fabs(est - g) > 0.001) return 0; return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckGammaCreation16(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve* LinGamma = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 1.0); cmsInt32Number i; cmsUInt16Number in, out; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { in = (cmsUInt16Number) i; out = cmsEvalToneCurve16(ContextID, LinGamma, in); if (in != out) { Fail("(lin gamma): Must be %x, But is %x : ", in, out); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, LinGamma); return 0; } } if (!CheckGammaEstimation(ContextID, LinGamma, 1.0)) return 0; cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, LinGamma); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckGammaCreationFlt(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve* LinGamma = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 1.0); cmsInt32Number i; cmsFloat32Number in, out; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { in = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 65535.0); out = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, LinGamma, in); if (fabs(in - out) > (1/65535.0)) { Fail("(lin gamma): Must be %f, But is %f : ", in, out); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, LinGamma); return 0; } } if (!CheckGammaEstimation(ContextID, LinGamma, 1.0)) return 0; cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, LinGamma); return 1; } // Curve curves using a single power function // Error is given in 0..ffff counts static cmsInt32Number CheckGammaFloat(cmsContext ContextID, cmsFloat64Number g) { cmsToneCurve* Curve = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, g); cmsInt32Number i; cmsFloat32Number in, out; cmsFloat64Number val, Err; MaxErr = 0.0; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { in = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 65535.0); out = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, Curve, in); val = pow((cmsFloat64Number) in, g); Err = fabs( val - out); if (Err > MaxErr) MaxErr = Err; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr * 65535.0); if (!CheckGammaEstimation(ContextID, Curve, g)) return 0; cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Curve); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma18(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaFloat(ContextID, 1.8); } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma22(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaFloat(ContextID, 2.2); } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma30(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaFloat(ContextID, 3.0); } // Check table-based gamma functions static cmsInt32Number CheckGammaFloatTable(cmsContext ContextID, cmsFloat64Number g) { cmsFloat32Number Values[1025]; cmsToneCurve* Curve; cmsInt32Number i; cmsFloat32Number in, out; cmsFloat64Number val, Err; for (i=0; i <= 1024; i++) { in = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 1024.0); Values[i] = powf(in, (float) g); } Curve = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurveFloat(ContextID, 1025, Values); MaxErr = 0.0; for (i=0; i <= 0xffff; i++) { in = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 65535.0); out = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, Curve, in); val = pow(in, g); Err = fabs(val - out); if (Err > MaxErr) MaxErr = Err; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr * 65535.0); if (!CheckGammaEstimation(ContextID, Curve, g)) return 0; cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Curve); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma18Table(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaFloatTable(ContextID, 1.8); } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma22Table(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaFloatTable(ContextID, 2.2); } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma30Table(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaFloatTable(ContextID, 3.0); } // Create a curve from a table (which is a pure gamma function) and check it against the pow function. static cmsInt32Number CheckGammaWordTable(cmsContext ContextID, cmsFloat64Number g) { cmsUInt16Number Values[1025]; cmsToneCurve* Curve; cmsInt32Number i; cmsFloat32Number in, out; cmsFloat64Number val, Err; for (i=0; i <= 1024; i++) { in = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 1024.0); Values[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) floor(pow(in, g) * 65535.0 + 0.5); } Curve = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, 1025, Values); MaxErr = 0.0; for (i=0; i <= 0xffff; i++) { in = (cmsFloat32Number) (i / 65535.0); out = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, Curve, in); val = pow(in, g); Err = fabs(val - out); if (Err > MaxErr) MaxErr = Err; } if (MaxErr > 0) printf("|Err|<%lf ", MaxErr * 65535.0); if (!CheckGammaEstimation(ContextID, Curve, g)) return 0; cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Curve); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma18TableWord(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaWordTable(ContextID, 1.8); } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma22TableWord(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaWordTable(ContextID, 2.2); } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma30TableWord(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckGammaWordTable(ContextID, 3.0); } // Curve joining test. Joining two high-gamma of 3.0 curves should // give something like linear static cmsInt32Number CheckJointCurves(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve *Forward, *Reverse, *Result; cmsBool rc; Forward = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 3.0); Reverse = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 3.0); Result = cmsJoinToneCurve(ContextID, Forward, Reverse, 256); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Reverse); rc = cmsIsToneCurveLinear(ContextID, Result); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Result); if (!rc) Fail("Joining same curve twice does not result in a linear ramp"); return rc; } // Create a gamma curve by cheating the table static cmsToneCurve* GammaTableLinear(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number nEntries, cmsBool Dir) { cmsInt32Number i; cmsToneCurve* g = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, nEntries, NULL); for (i=0; i < nEntries; i++) { cmsInt32Number v = _cmsQuantizeVal(i, nEntries); if (Dir) g->Table16[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) v; else g->Table16[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) (0xFFFF - v); } return g; } static cmsInt32Number CheckJointCurvesDescending(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve *Forward, *Reverse, *Result; cmsInt32Number i, rc; Forward = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 2.2); // Fake the curve to be table-based for (i=0; i < 4096; i++) Forward ->Table16[i] = 0xffff - Forward->Table16[i]; Forward ->Segments[0].Type = 0; Reverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); Result = cmsJoinToneCurve(ContextID, Reverse, Reverse, 256); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Reverse); rc = cmsIsToneCurveLinear(ContextID, Result); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Result); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckFToneCurvePoint(cmsContext ContextID, cmsToneCurve* c, cmsUInt16Number Point, cmsInt32Number Value) { cmsInt32Number Result; Result = cmsEvalToneCurve16(ContextID, c, Point); return (abs(Value - Result) < 2); } static cmsInt32Number CheckReverseDegenerated(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve* p, *g; cmsUInt16Number Tab[16]; Tab[0] = 0; Tab[1] = 0; Tab[2] = 0; Tab[3] = 0; Tab[4] = 0; Tab[5] = 0x5555; Tab[6] = 0x6666; Tab[7] = 0x7777; Tab[8] = 0x8888; Tab[9] = 0x9999; Tab[10]= 0xffff; Tab[11]= 0xffff; Tab[12]= 0xffff; Tab[13]= 0xffff; Tab[14]= 0xffff; Tab[15]= 0xffff; p = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, 16, Tab); g = cmsReverseToneCurve(ContextID, p); // Now let's check some points if (!CheckFToneCurvePoint(ContextID, g, 0x5555, 0x5555)) return 0; if (!CheckFToneCurvePoint(ContextID, g, 0x7777, 0x7777)) return 0; // First point for zero if (!CheckFToneCurvePoint(ContextID, g, 0x0000, 0x4444)) return 0; // Last point if (!CheckFToneCurvePoint(ContextID, g, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF)) return 0; cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, p); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, g); return 1; } // Build a parametric sRGB-like curve static cmsToneCurve* Build_sRGBGamma(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsFloat64Number Parameters[5]; Parameters[0] = 2.4; Parameters[1] = 1. / 1.055; Parameters[2] = 0.055 / 1.055; Parameters[3] = 1. / 12.92; Parameters[4] = 0.04045; // d return cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(ContextID, 4, Parameters); } // Join two gamma tables in floating point format. Result should be a straight line static cmsToneCurve* CombineGammaFloat(cmsContext ContextID, cmsToneCurve* g1, cmsToneCurve* g2) { cmsUInt16Number Tab[256]; cmsFloat32Number f; cmsInt32Number i; for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { f = (cmsFloat32Number) i / 255.0F; f = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, g2, cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, g1, f)); Tab[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) floor(f * 65535.0 + 0.5); } return cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, 256, Tab); } // Same of anterior, but using quantized tables static cmsToneCurve* CombineGamma16(cmsContext ContextID, cmsToneCurve* g1, cmsToneCurve* g2) { cmsUInt16Number Tab[256]; cmsInt32Number i; for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { cmsUInt16Number wValIn; wValIn = _cmsQuantizeVal(i, 256); Tab[i] = cmsEvalToneCurve16(ContextID, g2, cmsEvalToneCurve16(ContextID, g1, wValIn)); } return cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, 256, Tab); } static cmsInt32Number CheckJointFloatCurves_sRGB(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve *Forward, *Reverse, *Result; cmsBool rc; Forward = Build_sRGBGamma(ContextID); Reverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); Result = CombineGammaFloat(ContextID, Forward, Reverse); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Reverse); rc = cmsIsToneCurveLinear(ContextID, Result); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Result); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckJoint16Curves_sRGB(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve *Forward, *Reverse, *Result; cmsBool rc; Forward = Build_sRGBGamma(ContextID); Reverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); Result = CombineGamma16(ContextID, Forward, Reverse); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Reverse); rc = cmsIsToneCurveLinear(ContextID, Result); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Result); return rc; } // sigmoidal curve f(x) = (1-x^g) ^(1/g) static cmsInt32Number CheckJointCurvesSShaped(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsFloat64Number p = 3.2; cmsToneCurve *Forward, *Reverse, *Result; cmsInt32Number rc; Forward = cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(ContextID, 108, &p); Reverse = cmsReverseToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); Result = cmsJoinToneCurve(ContextID, Forward, Forward, 4096); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Forward); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Reverse); rc = cmsIsToneCurveLinear(ContextID, Result); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Result); return rc; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of some tone curve functions static cmsFloat32Number Gamma(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { return (cmsFloat32Number) pow(x, Params[0]); } static cmsFloat32Number CIE122(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number e, Val; if (x >= -Params[2] / Params[1]) { e = Params[1]*x + Params[2]; if (e > 0) Val = pow(e, Params[0]); else Val = 0; } else Val = 0; return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsFloat32Number IEC61966_3(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number e, Val; if (x >= -Params[2] / Params[1]) { e = Params[1]*x + Params[2]; if (e > 0) Val = pow(e, Params[0]) + Params[3]; else Val = 0; } else Val = Params[3]; return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsFloat32Number IEC61966_21(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number e, Val; if (x >= Params[4]) { e = Params[1]*x + Params[2]; if (e > 0) Val = pow(e, Params[0]); else Val = 0; } else Val = x * Params[3]; return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsFloat32Number param_5(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number e, Val; // Y = (aX + b)^Gamma + e | X >= d // Y = cX + f | else if (x >= Params[4]) { e = Params[1]*x + Params[2]; if (e > 0) Val = pow(e, Params[0]) + Params[5]; else Val = 0; } else Val = x*Params[3] + Params[6]; return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsFloat32Number param_6(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number e, Val; e = Params[1]*x + Params[2]; if (e > 0) Val = pow(e, Params[0]) + Params[3]; else Val = 0; return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsFloat32Number param_7(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number Val; Val = Params[1]*log10(Params[2] * pow(x, Params[0]) + Params[3]) + Params[4]; return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsFloat32Number param_8(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number Val; Val = (Params[0] * pow(Params[1], Params[2] * x + Params[3]) + Params[4]); return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsFloat32Number sigmoidal(cmsFloat32Number x, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsFloat64Number Val; Val = pow(1.0 - pow(1 - x, 1/Params[0]), 1/Params[0]); return (cmsFloat32Number) Val; } static cmsBool CheckSingleParametric(cmsContext ContextID, const char* Name, dblfnptr fn, cmsInt32Number Type, const cmsFloat64Number Params[]) { cmsInt32Number i; cmsToneCurve* tc; cmsToneCurve* tc_1; char InverseText[256]; tc = cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(ContextID, Type, Params); tc_1 = cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(ContextID, -Type, Params); for (i=0; i <= 1000; i++) { cmsFloat32Number x = (cmsFloat32Number) i / 1000; cmsFloat32Number y_fn, y_param, x_param, y_param2; y_fn = fn(x, Params); y_param = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, tc, x); x_param = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, tc_1, y_param); y_param2 = fn(x_param, Params); if (!IsGoodVal(Name, y_fn, y_param, FIXED_PRECISION_15_16)) goto Error; sprintf(InverseText, "Inverse %s", Name); if (!IsGoodVal(InverseText, y_fn, y_param2, FIXED_PRECISION_15_16)) goto Error; } cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, tc); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, tc_1); return TRUE; Error: cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, tc); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, tc_1); return FALSE; } // Check against some known values static cmsInt32Number CheckParametricToneCurves(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsFloat64Number Params[10]; // 1) X = Y ^ Gamma Params[0] = 2.2; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "Gamma", Gamma, 1, Params)) return 0; // 2) CIE 122-1966 // Y = (aX + b)^Gamma | X >= -b/a // Y = 0 | else Params[0] = 2.2; Params[1] = 1.5; Params[2] = -0.5; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "CIE122-1966", CIE122, 2, Params)) return 0; // 3) IEC 61966-3 // Y = (aX + b)^Gamma | X <= -b/a // Y = c | else Params[0] = 2.2; Params[1] = 1.5; Params[2] = -0.5; Params[3] = 0.3; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "IEC 61966-3", IEC61966_3, 3, Params)) return 0; // 4) IEC 61966-2.1 (sRGB) // Y = (aX + b)^Gamma | X >= d // Y = cX | X < d Params[0] = 2.4; Params[1] = 1. / 1.055; Params[2] = 0.055 / 1.055; Params[3] = 1. / 12.92; Params[4] = 0.04045; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "IEC 61966-2.1", IEC61966_21, 4, Params)) return 0; // 5) Y = (aX + b)^Gamma + e | X >= d // Y = cX + f | else Params[0] = 2.2; Params[1] = 0.7; Params[2] = 0.2; Params[3] = 0.3; Params[4] = 0.1; Params[5] = 0.5; Params[6] = 0.2; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "param_5", param_5, 5, Params)) return 0; // 6) Y = (aX + b) ^ Gamma + c Params[0] = 2.2; Params[1] = 0.7; Params[2] = 0.2; Params[3] = 0.3; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "param_6", param_6, 6, Params)) return 0; // 7) Y = a * log (b * X^Gamma + c) + d Params[0] = 2.2; Params[1] = 0.9; Params[2] = 0.9; Params[3] = 0.02; Params[4] = 0.1; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "param_7", param_7, 7, Params)) return 0; // 8) Y = a * b ^ (c*X+d) + e Params[0] = 0.9; Params[1] = 0.9; Params[2] = 1.02; Params[3] = 0.1; Params[4] = 0.2; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "param_8", param_8, 8, Params)) return 0; // 108: S-Shaped: (1 - (1-x)^1/g)^1/g Params[0] = 1.9; if (!CheckSingleParametric(ContextID, "sigmoidal", sigmoidal, 108, Params)) return 0; // All OK return 1; } // LUT checks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static cmsInt32Number CheckLUTcreation(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut; cmsPipeline* lut2; cmsInt32Number n1, n2; lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 1, 1); n1 = cmsPipelineStageCount(ContextID, lut); lut2 = cmsPipelineDup(ContextID, lut); n2 = cmsPipelineStageCount(ContextID, lut2); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut2); return (n1 == 0) && (n2 == 0); } // Create a MPE for a identity matrix static void AddIdentityMatrix(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut) { const cmsFloat64Number Identity[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocMatrix(ContextID, 3, 3, Identity, NULL)); } // Create a MPE for identity cmsFloat32Number CLUT static void AddIdentityCLUTfloat(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut) { const cmsFloat32Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 }; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocCLutFloat(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, Table)); } // Create a MPE for identity cmsFloat32Number CLUT static void AddIdentityCLUT16(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut) { const cmsUInt16Number Table[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff }; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocCLut16bit(ContextID, 2, 3, 3, Table)); } // Create a 3 fn identity curves static void Add3GammaCurves(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsFloat64Number Curve) { cmsToneCurve* id = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, Curve); cmsToneCurve* id3[3]; id3[0] = id; id3[1] = id; id3[2] = id; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocToneCurves(ContextID, 3, id3)); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, id); } static cmsInt32Number CheckFloatLUT(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut) { cmsInt32Number n1, i, j; cmsFloat32Number Inf[3], Outf[3]; n1=0; for (j=0; j < 65535; j++) { cmsInt32Number af[3]; Inf[0] = Inf[1] = Inf[2] = (cmsFloat32Number) j / 65535.0F; cmsPipelineEvalFloat(ContextID, Inf, Outf, lut); af[0] = (cmsInt32Number) floor(Outf[0]*65535.0 + 0.5); af[1] = (cmsInt32Number) floor(Outf[1]*65535.0 + 0.5); af[2] = (cmsInt32Number) floor(Outf[2]*65535.0 + 0.5); for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (af[i] != j) { n1++; } } } return (n1 == 0); } static cmsInt32Number Check16LUT(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut) { cmsInt32Number n2, i, j; cmsUInt16Number Inw[3], Outw[3]; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 65535; j++) { cmsInt32Number aw[3]; Inw[0] = Inw[1] = Inw[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) j; cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, Inw, Outw, lut); aw[0] = Outw[0]; aw[1] = Outw[1]; aw[2] = Outw[2]; for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (aw[i] != j) { n2++; } } } return (n2 == 0); } // Check any LUT that is linear static cmsInt32Number CheckStagesLUT(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsInt32Number ExpectedStages) { cmsInt32Number nInpChans, nOutpChans, nStages; nInpChans = cmsPipelineInputChannels(ContextID, lut); nOutpChans = cmsPipelineOutputChannels(ContextID, lut); nStages = cmsPipelineStageCount(ContextID, lut); return (nInpChans == 3) && (nOutpChans == 3) && (nStages == ExpectedStages); } static cmsInt32Number CheckFullLUT(cmsContext ContextID, cmsPipeline* lut, cmsInt32Number ExpectedStages) { cmsInt32Number rc = CheckStagesLUT(ContextID, lut, ExpectedStages) && Check16LUT(ContextID, lut) && CheckFloatLUT(ContextID, lut); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number Check1StageLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 1); } static cmsInt32Number Check2StageLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUTfloat(ContextID, lut); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 2); } static cmsInt32Number Check2Stage16LUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUT16(ContextID, lut); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 2); } static cmsInt32Number Check3StageLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUTfloat(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 3); } static cmsInt32Number Check3Stage16LUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUT16(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 3); } static cmsInt32Number Check4StageLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUTfloat(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 4); } static cmsInt32Number Check4Stage16LUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUT16(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 4); } static cmsInt32Number Check5StageLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUTfloat(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 5); } static cmsInt32Number Check5Stage16LUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); AddIdentityCLUT16(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 5); } static cmsInt32Number Check6StageLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityCLUTfloat(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 6); } static cmsInt32Number Check6Stage16LUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityCLUT16(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); Add3GammaCurves(ContextID, lut, 1.0); return CheckFullLUT(ContextID, lut, 6); } static cmsInt32Number CheckLab2LabLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); cmsInt32Number rc; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocLab2XYZ(ContextID)); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocXYZ2Lab(ContextID)); rc = CheckFloatLUT(ContextID, lut) && CheckStagesLUT(ContextID, lut, 2); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckXYZ2XYZLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); cmsInt32Number rc; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocXYZ2Lab(ContextID)); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocLab2XYZ(ContextID)); rc = CheckFloatLUT(ContextID, lut) && CheckStagesLUT(ContextID, lut, 2); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckLab2LabMatLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); cmsInt32Number rc; cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocLab2XYZ(ContextID)); AddIdentityMatrix(ContextID, lut); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocXYZ2Lab(ContextID)); rc = CheckFloatLUT(ContextID, lut) && CheckStagesLUT(ContextID, lut, 3); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckNamedColorLUT(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsPipeline* lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* nc; cmsInt32Number i,j, rc = 1, n2; cmsUInt16Number PCS[3]; cmsUInt16Number Colorant[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; char Name[255]; cmsUInt16Number Inw[3], Outw[3]; nc = cmsAllocNamedColorList(ContextID, 256, 3, "pre", "post"); if (nc == NULL) return 0; for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { PCS[0] = PCS[1] = PCS[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; Colorant[0] = Colorant[1] = Colorant[2] = Colorant[3] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; sprintf(Name, "#%d", i); if (!cmsAppendNamedColor(ContextID, nc, Name, PCS, Colorant)) { rc = 0; break; } } cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocNamedColor(ContextID, nc, FALSE)); cmsFreeNamedColorList(ContextID, nc); if (rc == 0) return 0; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 256; j++) { Inw[0] = (cmsUInt16Number) j; cmsPipelineEval16(ContextID, Inw, Outw, lut); for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (Outw[i] != j) { n2++; } } } cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, lut); return (n2 == 0); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // A lightweight test of multilocalized unicode structures. static cmsInt32Number CheckMLU(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsMLU* mlu, *mlu2, *mlu3; char Buffer[256], Buffer2[256]; cmsInt32Number rc = 1; cmsInt32Number i; cmsHPROFILE h= NULL; // Allocate a MLU structure, no preferred size mlu = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 0); // Add some localizations cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "en", "US", L"Hello, world"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "es", "ES", L"Hola, mundo"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "fr", "FR", L"Bonjour, le monde"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "ca", "CA", L"Hola, mon"); // Check the returned string for each language cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "en", "US", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Hello, world") != 0) rc = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "es", "ES", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Hola, mundo") != 0) rc = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "fr", "FR", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Bonjour, le monde") != 0) rc = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "ca", "CA", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Hola, mon") != 0) rc = 0; if (rc == 0) Fail("Unexpected string '%s'", Buffer); // So far, so good. cmsMLUfree(ContextID, mlu); // Now for performance, allocate an empty struct mlu = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 0); // Fill it with several thousands of different lenguages for (i=0; i < 4096; i++) { char Lang[3]; Lang[0] = (char) (i % 255); Lang[1] = (char) (i / 255); Lang[2] = 0; sprintf(Buffer, "String #%i", i); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, mlu, Lang, Lang, Buffer); } // Duplicate it mlu2 = cmsMLUdup(ContextID, mlu); // Get rid of original cmsMLUfree(ContextID, mlu); // Check all is still in place for (i=0; i < 4096; i++) { char Lang[3]; Lang[0] = (char)(i % 255); Lang[1] = (char)(i / 255); Lang[2] = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu2, Lang, Lang, Buffer2, 256); sprintf(Buffer, "String #%i", i); if (strcmp(Buffer, Buffer2) != 0) { rc = 0; break; } } if (rc == 0) Fail("Unexpected string '%s'", Buffer2); // Check profile IO h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "mlucheck.icc", "w"); cmsSetProfileVersion(ContextID, h, 4.3); cmsWriteTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigProfileDescriptionTag, mlu2); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, mlu2); h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "mlucheck.icc", "r"); mlu3 = (cmsMLU *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigProfileDescriptionTag); if (mlu3 == NULL) { Fail("Profile didn't get the MLU\n"); rc = 0; goto Error; } // Check all is still in place for (i=0; i < 4096; i++) { char Lang[3]; Lang[0] = (char) (i % 255); Lang[1] = (char) (i / 255); Lang[2] = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu3, Lang, Lang, Buffer2, 256); sprintf(Buffer, "String #%i", i); if (strcmp(Buffer, Buffer2) != 0) { rc = 0; break; } } if (rc == 0) Fail("Unexpected string '%s'", Buffer2); Error: if (h != NULL) cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); remove("mlucheck.icc"); return rc; } // A lightweight test of named color structures. static cmsInt32Number CheckNamedColorList(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* nc = NULL, *nc2; cmsInt32Number i, j, rc=1; char Name[cmsMAX_PATH]; cmsUInt16Number PCS[3]; cmsUInt16Number Colorant[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; char CheckName[cmsMAX_PATH]; cmsUInt16Number CheckPCS[3]; cmsUInt16Number CheckColorant[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; cmsHPROFILE h; nc = cmsAllocNamedColorList(ContextID, 0, 4, "prefix", "suffix"); if (nc == NULL) return 0; for (i=0; i < 4096; i++) { PCS[0] = PCS[1] = PCS[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; Colorant[0] = Colorant[1] = Colorant[2] = Colorant[3] = (cmsUInt16Number) (4096 - i); sprintf(Name, "#%d", i); if (!cmsAppendNamedColor(ContextID, nc, Name, PCS, Colorant)) { rc = 0; break; } } for (i=0; i < 4096; i++) { CheckPCS[0] = CheckPCS[1] = CheckPCS[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; CheckColorant[0] = CheckColorant[1] = CheckColorant[2] = CheckColorant[3] = (cmsUInt16Number) (4096 - i); sprintf(CheckName, "#%d", i); if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(ContextID, nc, i, Name, NULL, NULL, PCS, Colorant)) { rc = 0; goto Error; } for (j=0; j < 3; j++) { if (CheckPCS[j] != PCS[j]) { rc = 0; Fail("Invalid PCS"); goto Error; } } for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { if (CheckColorant[j] != Colorant[j]) { rc = 0; Fail("Invalid Colorant"); goto Error; }; } if (strcmp(Name, CheckName) != 0) {rc = 0; Fail("Invalid Name"); goto Error; }; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "namedcol.icc", "w"); if (h == NULL) return 0; if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigNamedColor2Tag, nc)) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); cmsFreeNamedColorList(ContextID, nc); nc = NULL; h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "namedcol.icc", "r"); nc2 = (cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigNamedColor2Tag); if (cmsNamedColorCount(ContextID, nc2) != 4096) { rc = 0; Fail("Invalid count"); goto Error; } i = cmsNamedColorIndex(ContextID, nc2, "#123"); if (i != 123) { rc = 0; Fail("Invalid index"); goto Error; } for (i=0; i < 4096; i++) { CheckPCS[0] = CheckPCS[1] = CheckPCS[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; CheckColorant[0] = CheckColorant[1] = CheckColorant[2] = CheckColorant[3] = (cmsUInt16Number) (4096 - i); sprintf(CheckName, "#%d", i); if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(ContextID, nc2, i, Name, NULL, NULL, PCS, Colorant)) { rc = 0; goto Error; } for (j=0; j < 3; j++) { if (CheckPCS[j] != PCS[j]) { rc = 0; Fail("Invalid PCS"); goto Error; } } for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { if (CheckColorant[j] != Colorant[j]) { rc = 0; Fail("Invalid Colorant"); goto Error; }; } if (strcmp(Name, CheckName) != 0) {rc = 0; Fail("Invalid Name"); goto Error; }; } cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); remove("namedcol.icc"); Error: if (nc != NULL) cmsFreeNamedColorList(ContextID, nc); return rc; } // For educational purposes ONLY. No error checking is performed! static cmsInt32Number CreateNamedColorProfile(cmsContext ContextID) { // Color list database cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* colors = cmsAllocNamedColorList(ContextID, 0, 10, 4, "PANTONE", "TCX"); // Containers for names cmsMLU* DescriptionMLU, *CopyrightMLU; // Create n empty profile cmsHPROFILE hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "named.icc", "w"); // Values cmsCIELab Lab; cmsUInt16Number PCS[3], Colorant[4]; // Set profile class cmsSetProfileVersion(ContextID, hProfile, 4.3); cmsSetDeviceClass(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigNamedColorClass); cmsSetColorSpace(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigCmykData); cmsSetPCS(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigLabData); cmsSetHeaderRenderingIntent(ContextID, hProfile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); // Add description and copyright only in english/US DescriptionMLU = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 1); CopyrightMLU = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 1); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, DescriptionMLU, "en", "US", L"Profile description"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, CopyrightMLU, "en", "US", L"Profile copyright"); cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigProfileDescriptionTag, DescriptionMLU); cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigCopyrightTag, CopyrightMLU); // Set the media white point cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag, cmsD50_XYZ()); // Populate one value, Colorant = CMYK values in 16 bits, PCS[] = Encoded Lab values (in V2 format!!) Lab.L = 50; Lab.a = 10; Lab.b = -10; cmsFloat2LabEncodedV2(ContextID, PCS, &Lab); Colorant[0] = 10 * 257; Colorant[1] = 20 * 257; Colorant[2] = 30 * 257; Colorant[3] = 40 * 257; cmsAppendNamedColor(ContextID, colors, "Hazelnut 14-1315", PCS, Colorant); // Another one. Consider to write a routine for that Lab.L = 40; Lab.a = -5; Lab.b = 8; cmsFloat2LabEncodedV2(ContextID, PCS, &Lab); Colorant[0] = 10 * 257; Colorant[1] = 20 * 257; Colorant[2] = 30 * 257; Colorant[3] = 40 * 257; cmsAppendNamedColor(ContextID, colors, "Kale 18-0107", PCS, Colorant); // Write the colors database cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigNamedColor2Tag, colors); // That will create the file cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); // Free resources cmsFreeNamedColorList(ContextID, colors); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, DescriptionMLU); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, CopyrightMLU); remove("named.icc"); return 1; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Formatters static cmsBool FormatterFailed; static void CheckSingleFormatter16(cmsContext id, cmsUInt32Number Type, const char* Text) { cmsUInt16Number Values[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; cmsUInt8Number Buffer[1024]; cmsFormatter f, b; cmsInt32Number i, j, nChannels, bytes; _cmsTRANSFORM info; // Already failed? if (FormatterFailed) return; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.OutputFormat = info.InputFormat = Type; // Go forth and back f = _cmsGetFormatter(id, Type, cmsFormatterInput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_16BITS); b = _cmsGetFormatter(id, Type, cmsFormatterOutput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_16BITS); if (f.Fmt16 == NULL || b.Fmt16 == NULL) { Fail("no formatter for %s", Text); FormatterFailed = TRUE; // Useful for debug f = _cmsGetFormatter(id, Type, cmsFormatterInput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_16BITS); b = _cmsGetFormatter(id, Type, cmsFormatterOutput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_16BITS); return; } nChannels = T_CHANNELS(Type); bytes = T_BYTES(Type); for (j=0; j < 5; j++) { for (i=0; i < nChannels; i++) { Values[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) (i+j); // For 8-bit if (bytes == 1) Values[i] <<= 8; } b.Fmt16(id, &info, Values, Buffer, 2); memset(Values, 0, sizeof(Values)); f.Fmt16(id, &info, Values, Buffer, 2); for (i=0; i < nChannels; i++) { if (bytes == 1) Values[i] >>= 8; if (Values[i] != i+j) { Fail("%s failed", Text); FormatterFailed = TRUE; // Useful for debug for (i=0; i < nChannels; i++) { Values[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) (i+j); // For 8-bit if (bytes == 1) Values[i] <<= 8; } b.Fmt16(id, &info, Values, Buffer, 1); f.Fmt16(id, &info, Values, Buffer, 1); return; } } } } #define C(a) CheckSingleFormatter16(0, a, #a) // Check all formatters static cmsInt32Number CheckFormatters16(cmsContext ContextID) { FormatterFailed = FALSE; C( TYPE_GRAY_8 ); C( TYPE_GRAY_8_REV ); C( TYPE_GRAY_16 ); C( TYPE_GRAY_16_REV ); C( TYPE_GRAY_16_SE ); C( TYPE_GRAYA_8 ); C( TYPE_GRAYA_16 ); C( TYPE_GRAYA_16_SE ); C( TYPE_GRAYA_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_GRAYA_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_RGB_8 ); C( TYPE_RGB_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_BGR_8 ); C( TYPE_BGR_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_RGB_16 ); C( TYPE_RGB_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_RGB_16_SE ); C( TYPE_BGR_16 ); C( TYPE_BGR_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_BGR_16_SE ); C( TYPE_RGBA_8 ); C( TYPE_RGBA_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_RGBA_16 ); C( TYPE_RGBA_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_RGBA_16_SE ); C( TYPE_ARGB_8 ); C( TYPE_ARGB_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_ARGB_16 ); C( TYPE_ABGR_8 ); C( TYPE_ABGR_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_ABGR_16 ); C( TYPE_ABGR_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_ABGR_16_SE ); C( TYPE_BGRA_8 ); C( TYPE_BGRA_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_BGRA_16 ); C( TYPE_BGRA_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMY_8 ); C( TYPE_CMY_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_CMY_16 ); C( TYPE_CMY_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_CMY_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYKA_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK_8_REV ); C( TYPE_YUVK_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_CMYK_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK_16_REV ); C( TYPE_YUVK_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_CMYK_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KCMY_8 ); C( TYPE_KCMY_8_REV ); C( TYPE_KCMY_16 ); C( TYPE_KCMY_16_REV ); C( TYPE_KCMY_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK5_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK5_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK5_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC5_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC5_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC5_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK6_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK6_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_CMYK6_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK6_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_CMYK6_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK7_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK7_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK7_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC7_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC7_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC7_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK8_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK8_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK8_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC8_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC8_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC8_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK9_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK9_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK9_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC9_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC9_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC9_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK10_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK10_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK10_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC10_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC10_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC10_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK11_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK11_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK11_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC11_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC11_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC11_16_SE ); C( TYPE_CMYK12_8 ); C( TYPE_CMYK12_16 ); C( TYPE_CMYK12_16_SE ); C( TYPE_KYMC12_8 ); C( TYPE_KYMC12_16 ); C( TYPE_KYMC12_16_SE ); C( TYPE_XYZ_16 ); C( TYPE_Lab_8 ); C( TYPE_ALab_8 ); C( TYPE_Lab_16 ); C( TYPE_Yxy_16 ); C( TYPE_YCbCr_8 ); C( TYPE_YCbCr_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_YCbCr_16 ); C( TYPE_YCbCr_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_YCbCr_16_SE ); C( TYPE_YUV_8 ); C( TYPE_YUV_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_YUV_16 ); C( TYPE_YUV_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_YUV_16_SE ); C( TYPE_HLS_8 ); C( TYPE_HLS_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_HLS_16 ); C( TYPE_HLS_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_HLS_16_SE ); C( TYPE_HSV_8 ); C( TYPE_HSV_8_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_HSV_16 ); C( TYPE_HSV_16_PLANAR ); C( TYPE_HSV_16_SE ); C( TYPE_XYZ_FLT ); C( TYPE_Lab_FLT ); C( TYPE_GRAY_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGB_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGR_FLT ); C( TYPE_CMYK_FLT ); C( TYPE_LabA_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGBA_FLT ); C( TYPE_ARGB_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGRA_FLT ); C( TYPE_ABGR_FLT ); C( TYPE_XYZ_DBL ); C( TYPE_Lab_DBL ); C( TYPE_GRAY_DBL ); C( TYPE_RGB_DBL ); C( TYPE_BGR_DBL ); C( TYPE_CMYK_DBL ); C( TYPE_LabV2_8 ); C( TYPE_ALabV2_8 ); C( TYPE_LabV2_16 ); #ifndef CMS_NO_HALF_SUPPORT C( TYPE_GRAY_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGB_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_CMYK_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGBA_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGBA_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_ARGB_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGR_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGRA_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_ABGR_HALF_FLT ); #endif return FormatterFailed == 0 ? 1 : 0; } #undef C static void CheckSingleFormatterFloat(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number Type, const char* Text) { cmsFloat32Number Values[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; cmsUInt8Number Buffer[1024]; cmsFormatter f, b; cmsInt32Number i, j, nChannels; _cmsTRANSFORM info; // Already failed? if (FormatterFailed) return; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.OutputFormat = info.InputFormat = Type; // Go forth and back f = _cmsGetFormatter(ContextID, Type, cmsFormatterInput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_FLOAT); b = _cmsGetFormatter(ContextID, Type, cmsFormatterOutput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_FLOAT); if (f.FmtFloat == NULL || b.FmtFloat == NULL) { Fail("no formatter for %s", Text); FormatterFailed = TRUE; // Useful for debug f = _cmsGetFormatter(ContextID, Type, cmsFormatterInput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_FLOAT); b = _cmsGetFormatter(ContextID, Type, cmsFormatterOutput, CMS_PACK_FLAGS_FLOAT); return; } nChannels = T_CHANNELS(Type); for (j=0; j < 5; j++) { for (i=0; i < nChannels; i++) { Values[i] = (cmsFloat32Number) (i+j); } b.FmtFloat(ContextID, &info, Values, Buffer, 1); memset(Values, 0, sizeof(Values)); f.FmtFloat(ContextID, &info, Values, Buffer, 1); for (i=0; i < nChannels; i++) { cmsFloat64Number delta = fabs(Values[i] - ( i+j)); if (delta > 0.000000001) { Fail("%s failed", Text); FormatterFailed = TRUE; // Useful for debug for (i=0; i < nChannels; i++) { Values[i] = (cmsFloat32Number) (i+j); } b.FmtFloat(ContextID, &info, Values, Buffer, 1); f.FmtFloat(ContextID, &info, Values, Buffer, 1); return; } } } } #define C(a) CheckSingleFormatterFloat(ContextID, a, #a) static cmsInt32Number CheckFormattersFloat(cmsContext ContextID) { FormatterFailed = FALSE; C( TYPE_XYZ_FLT ); C( TYPE_Lab_FLT ); C( TYPE_GRAY_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGB_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGR_FLT ); C( TYPE_CMYK_FLT ); C( TYPE_LabA_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGBA_FLT ); C( TYPE_ARGB_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGRA_FLT ); C( TYPE_ABGR_FLT ); C( TYPE_XYZ_DBL ); C( TYPE_Lab_DBL ); C( TYPE_GRAY_DBL ); C( TYPE_RGB_DBL ); C( TYPE_BGR_DBL ); C( TYPE_CMYK_DBL ); C( TYPE_XYZ_FLT ); #ifndef CMS_NO_HALF_SUPPORT C( TYPE_GRAY_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGB_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_CMYK_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGBA_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_RGBA_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_ARGB_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGR_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_BGRA_HALF_FLT ); C( TYPE_ABGR_HALF_FLT ); #endif return FormatterFailed == 0 ? 1 : 0; } #undef C #ifndef CMS_NO_HALF_SUPPORT // Check half float #define my_isfinite(x) ((x) != (x)) static cmsInt32Number CheckFormattersHalf(cmsContext ContextID) { int i, j; for (i=0; i < 0xffff; i++) { cmsFloat32Number f = _cmsHalf2Float((cmsUInt16Number) i); if (!my_isfinite(f)) { j = _cmsFloat2Half(f); if (i != j) { Fail("%d != %d in Half float support!\n", i, j); return 0; } } } return 1; } #endif static cmsInt32Number CheckOneRGB(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsUInt16Number R, cmsUInt16Number G, cmsUInt16Number B, cmsUInt16Number Ro, cmsUInt16Number Go, cmsUInt16Number Bo) { cmsUInt16Number RGB[3]; cmsUInt16Number Out[3]; RGB[0] = R; RGB[1] = G; RGB[2] = B; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, RGB, Out, 1); return IsGoodWord("R", Ro , Out[0]) && IsGoodWord("G", Go , Out[1]) && IsGoodWord("B", Bo , Out[2]); } // Check known values going from sRGB to XYZ static cmsInt32Number CheckOneRGB_double(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsFloat64Number R, cmsFloat64Number G, cmsFloat64Number B, cmsFloat64Number Ro, cmsFloat64Number Go, cmsFloat64Number Bo) { cmsFloat64Number RGB[3]; cmsFloat64Number Out[3]; RGB[0] = R; RGB[1] = G; RGB[2] = B; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, RGB, Out, 1); return IsGoodVal("R", Ro , Out[0], 0.01) && IsGoodVal("G", Go , Out[1], 0.01) && IsGoodVal("B", Bo , Out[2], 0.01); } static cmsInt32Number CheckChangeBufferFormat(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hsRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsHTRANSFORM xform2; xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_16, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hsRGB); if (xform == NULL) return 0; if (!CheckOneRGB(ContextID, xform, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOneRGB(ContextID, xform, 120, 0, 0, 120, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOneRGB(ContextID, xform, 0, 222, 255, 0, 222, 255)) return 0; xform2 = cmsCloneTransformChangingFormats(ContextID, xform, TYPE_BGR_16, TYPE_RGB_16); if (!xform2) return 0; if (!CheckOneRGB(ContextID, xform2, 0, 0, 123, 123, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOneRGB(ContextID, xform2, 154, 234, 0, 0, 234, 154)) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID,xform2); xform2 = cmsCloneTransformChangingFormats(ContextID, xform, TYPE_RGB_DBL, TYPE_RGB_DBL); if (!xform2) return 0; if (!CheckOneRGB_double(ContextID, xform2, 0.20, 0, 0, 0.20, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOneRGB_double(ContextID, xform2, 0, 0.9, 1, 0, 0.9, 1)) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID,xform2); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID,xform); return 1; } // Write tag testbed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number CheckXYZ(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsCIEXYZ XYZ, *Pt; switch (Pass) { case 1: XYZ.X = 1.0; XYZ.Y = 1.1; XYZ.Z = 1.2; return cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &XYZ); case 2: Pt = (cmsCIEXYZ *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; return IsGoodFixed15_16("X", 1.0, Pt ->X) && IsGoodFixed15_16("Y", 1.1, Pt->Y) && IsGoodFixed15_16("Z", 1.2, Pt -> Z); default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamma(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsToneCurve *g, *Pt; cmsInt32Number rc; switch (Pass) { case 1: g = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 1.0); rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, g); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, g); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsToneCurve *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; return cmsIsToneCurveLinear(ContextID, Pt); default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckTextSingle(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsMLU *m, *Pt; cmsInt32Number rc; char Buffer[256]; switch (Pass) { case 1: m = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 0); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, m, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, "Test test"); rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, m); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, m); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsMLU *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Test test") != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckText(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsMLU *m, *Pt; cmsInt32Number rc; char Buffer[256]; switch (Pass) { case 1: m = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 0); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, m, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, "Test test"); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, m, "en", "US", "1 1 1 1"); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, m, "es", "ES", "2 2 2 2"); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, m, "ct", "ES", "3 3 3 3"); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, m, "en", "GB", "444444444"); rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, m); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, m); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsMLU *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Test test") != 0) return FALSE; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, "en", "US", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "1 1 1 1") != 0) return FALSE; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, "es", "ES", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "2 2 2 2") != 0) return FALSE; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, "ct", "ES", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "3 3 3 3") != 0) return FALSE; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, "en", "GB", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "444444444") != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckData(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsICCData *Pt; cmsICCData d = { 1, 0, { '?' }}; cmsInt32Number rc; switch (Pass) { case 1: rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &d); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsICCData *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; return (Pt ->data[0] == '?') && (Pt ->flag == 0) && (Pt ->len == 1); default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckSignature(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsTagSignature *Pt, Holder; switch (Pass) { case 1: Holder = (cmsTagSignature) cmsSigPerceptualReferenceMediumGamut; return cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &Holder); case 2: Pt = (cmsTagSignature *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; return *Pt == cmsSigPerceptualReferenceMediumGamut; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckDateTime(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { struct tm *Pt, Holder; switch (Pass) { case 1: Holder.tm_hour = 1; Holder.tm_min = 2; Holder.tm_sec = 3; Holder.tm_mday = 4; Holder.tm_mon = 5; Holder.tm_year = 2009 - 1900; return cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &Holder); case 2: Pt = (struct tm *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; return (Pt ->tm_hour == 1 && Pt ->tm_min == 2 && Pt ->tm_sec == 3 && Pt ->tm_mday == 4 && Pt ->tm_mon == 5 && Pt ->tm_year == 2009 - 1900); default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckNamedColor(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag, cmsInt32Number max_check, cmsBool colorant_check) { cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST* nc; cmsInt32Number i, j, rc; char Name[255]; cmsUInt16Number PCS[3]; cmsUInt16Number Colorant[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; char CheckName[255]; cmsUInt16Number CheckPCS[3]; cmsUInt16Number CheckColorant[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; switch (Pass) { case 1: nc = cmsAllocNamedColorList(ContextID, 0, 4, "prefix", "suffix"); if (nc == NULL) return 0; for (i=0; i < max_check; i++) { PCS[0] = PCS[1] = PCS[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; Colorant[0] = Colorant[1] = Colorant[2] = Colorant[3] = (cmsUInt16Number) (max_check - i); sprintf(Name, "#%d", i); if (!cmsAppendNamedColor(ContextID, nc, Name, PCS, Colorant)) { Fail("Couldn't append named color"); return 0; } } rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, nc); cmsFreeNamedColorList(ContextID, nc); return rc; case 2: nc = (cmsNAMEDCOLORLIST *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (nc == NULL) return 0; for (i=0; i < max_check; i++) { CheckPCS[0] = CheckPCS[1] = CheckPCS[2] = (cmsUInt16Number) i; CheckColorant[0] = CheckColorant[1] = CheckColorant[2] = CheckColorant[3] = (cmsUInt16Number) (max_check - i); sprintf(CheckName, "#%d", i); if (!cmsNamedColorInfo(ContextID, nc, i, Name, NULL, NULL, PCS, Colorant)) { Fail("Invalid string"); return 0; } for (j=0; j < 3; j++) { if (CheckPCS[j] != PCS[j]) { Fail("Invalid PCS"); return 0; } } // This is only used on named color list if (colorant_check) { for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { if (CheckColorant[j] != Colorant[j]) { Fail("Invalid Colorant"); return 0; }; } } if (strcmp(Name, CheckName) != 0) { Fail("Invalid Name"); return 0; }; } return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckLUT(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsPipeline* Lut, *Pt; cmsInt32Number rc; switch (Pass) { case 1: Lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); if (Lut == NULL) return 0; // Create an identity LUT cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, 3)); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCLut(ContextID, 3)); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocIdentityCurves(ContextID, 3)); rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, Lut); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, Lut); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsPipeline *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; // Transform values, check for identity return Check16LUT(ContextID, Pt); default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckCHAD(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsFloat64Number *Pt; cmsFloat64Number CHAD[] = { 0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8 }; cmsInt32Number i; switch (Pass) { case 1: return cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, CHAD); case 2: Pt = (cmsFloat64Number *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; for (i=0; i < 9; i++) { if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("CHAD", Pt[i], CHAD[i])) return 0; } return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckChromaticity(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsCIExyYTRIPLE *Pt, c = { {0, .1, 1 }, { .3, .4, 1 }, { .6, .7, 1 }}; switch (Pass) { case 1: return cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &c); case 2: Pt = (cmsCIExyYTRIPLE *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("xyY", Pt ->Red.x, c.Red.x)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("xyY", Pt ->Red.y, c.Red.y)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("xyY", Pt ->Green.x, c.Green.x)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("xyY", Pt ->Green.y, c.Green.y)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("xyY", Pt ->Blue.x, c.Blue.x)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("xyY", Pt ->Blue.y, c.Blue.y)) return 0; return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckColorantOrder(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsUInt8Number *Pt, c[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; cmsInt32Number i; switch (Pass) { case 1: for (i=0; i < cmsMAXCHANNELS; i++) c[i] = (cmsUInt8Number) (cmsMAXCHANNELS - i - 1); return cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, c); case 2: Pt = (cmsUInt8Number *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; for (i=0; i < cmsMAXCHANNELS; i++) { if (Pt[i] != ( cmsMAXCHANNELS - i - 1 )) return 0; } return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckMeasurement(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsICCMeasurementConditions *Pt, m; switch (Pass) { case 1: m.Backing.X = 0.1; m.Backing.Y = 0.2; m.Backing.Z = 0.3; m.Flare = 1.0; m.Geometry = 1; m.IlluminantType = cmsILLUMINANT_TYPE_D50; m.Observer = 1; return cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &m); case 2: Pt = (cmsICCMeasurementConditions *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Backing", Pt ->Backing.X, 0.1)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Backing", Pt ->Backing.Y, 0.2)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Backing", Pt ->Backing.Z, 0.3)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Flare", Pt ->Flare, 1.0)) return 0; if (Pt ->Geometry != 1) return 0; if (Pt ->IlluminantType != cmsILLUMINANT_TYPE_D50) return 0; if (Pt ->Observer != 1) return 0; return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckUcrBg(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsUcrBg *Pt, m; cmsInt32Number rc; char Buffer[256]; switch (Pass) { case 1: m.Ucr = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 2.4); m.Bg = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, -2.2); m.Desc = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 1); cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, m.Desc, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, "test UCR/BG"); rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &m); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, m.Desc); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, m.Bg); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, m.Ucr); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsUcrBg *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt ->Desc, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "test UCR/BG") != 0) return 0; return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckCRDinfo(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsMLU *mlu; char Buffer[256]; cmsInt32Number rc; switch (Pass) { case 1: mlu = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 5); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "nm", L"test postscript"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#0", L"perceptual"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#1", L"relative_colorimetric"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#2", L"saturation"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#3", L"absolute_colorimetric"); rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, mlu); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, mlu); return rc; case 2: mlu = (cmsMLU*) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (mlu == NULL) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "nm", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "test postscript") != 0) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#0", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "perceptual") != 0) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#1", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "relative_colorimetric") != 0) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#2", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "saturation") != 0) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "PS", "#3", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "absolute_colorimetric") != 0) return 0; return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsToneCurve *CreateSegmentedCurve(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsCurveSegment Seg[3]; cmsFloat32Number Sampled[2] = { 0, 1}; Seg[0].Type = 6; Seg[0].Params[0] = 1; Seg[0].Params[1] = 0; Seg[0].Params[2] = 0; Seg[0].Params[3] = 0; Seg[0].x0 = -1E22F; Seg[0].x1 = 0; Seg[1].Type = 0; Seg[1].nGridPoints = 2; Seg[1].SampledPoints = Sampled; Seg[1].x0 = 0; Seg[1].x1 = 1; Seg[2].Type = 6; Seg[2].Params[0] = 1; Seg[2].Params[1] = 0; Seg[2].Params[2] = 0; Seg[2].Params[3] = 0; Seg[2].x0 = 1; Seg[2].x1 = 1E22F; return cmsBuildSegmentedToneCurve(ContextID, 3, Seg); } static cmsInt32Number CheckMPE(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsPipeline* Lut, *Pt; cmsToneCurve* G[3]; cmsInt32Number rc; switch (Pass) { case 1: Lut = cmsPipelineAlloc(ContextID, 3, 3); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_BEGIN, _cmsStageAllocLabV2ToV4(ContextID)); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_END, _cmsStageAllocLabV4ToV2(ContextID)); AddIdentityCLUTfloat(ContextID, Lut); G[0] = G[1] = G[2] = CreateSegmentedCurve(ContextID); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, Lut, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocToneCurves(ContextID, 3, G)); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, G[0]); rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, Lut); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, Lut); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsPipeline *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; return CheckFloatLUT(ContextID, Pt); default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckScreening(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsTagSignature tag) { cmsScreening *Pt, sc; cmsInt32Number rc; switch (Pass) { case 1: sc.Flag = 0; sc.nChannels = 1; sc.Channels[0].Frequency = 2.0; sc.Channels[0].ScreenAngle = 3.0; sc.Channels[0].SpotShape = cmsSPOT_ELLIPSE; rc = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag, &sc); return rc; case 2: Pt = (cmsScreening *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, tag); if (Pt == NULL) return 0; if (Pt ->nChannels != 1) return 0; if (Pt ->Flag != 0) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Freq", Pt ->Channels[0].Frequency, 2.0)) return 0; if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("Angle", Pt ->Channels[0].ScreenAngle, 3.0)) return 0; if (Pt ->Channels[0].SpotShape != cmsSPOT_ELLIPSE) return 0; return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsBool CheckOneStr(cmsContext ContextID, cmsMLU* mlu, cmsInt32Number n) { char Buffer[256], Buffer2[256]; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "en", "US", Buffer, 255); sprintf(Buffer2, "Hello, world %d", n); if (strcmp(Buffer, Buffer2) != 0) return FALSE; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "es", "ES", Buffer, 255); sprintf(Buffer2, "Hola, mundo %d", n); if (strcmp(Buffer, Buffer2) != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static void SetOneStr(cmsContext ContextID, cmsMLU** mlu, const wchar_t* s1, const wchar_t* s2) { *mlu = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 0); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, *mlu, "en", "US", s1); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, *mlu, "es", "ES", s2); } static cmsInt32Number CheckProfileSequenceTag(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { cmsSEQ* s; cmsInt32Number i; switch (Pass) { case 1: s = cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription(ContextID, 3); if (s == NULL) return 0; SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[0].Manufacturer, L"Hello, world 0", L"Hola, mundo 0"); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[0].Model, L"Hello, world 0", L"Hola, mundo 0"); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[1].Manufacturer, L"Hello, world 1", L"Hola, mundo 1"); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[1].Model, L"Hello, world 1", L"Hola, mundo 1"); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[2].Manufacturer, L"Hello, world 2", L"Hola, mundo 2"); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[2].Model, L"Hello, world 2", L"Hola, mundo 2"); #ifdef CMS_DONT_USE_INT64 s ->seq[0].attributes[0] = cmsTransparency|cmsMatte; s ->seq[0].attributes[1] = 0; #else s ->seq[0].attributes = cmsTransparency|cmsMatte; #endif #ifdef CMS_DONT_USE_INT64 s ->seq[1].attributes[0] = cmsReflective|cmsMatte; s ->seq[1].attributes[1] = 0; #else s ->seq[1].attributes = cmsReflective|cmsMatte; #endif #ifdef CMS_DONT_USE_INT64 s ->seq[2].attributes[0] = cmsTransparency|cmsGlossy; s ->seq[2].attributes[1] = 0; #else s ->seq[2].attributes = cmsTransparency|cmsGlossy; #endif if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigProfileSequenceDescTag, s)) return 0; cmsFreeProfileSequenceDescription(ContextID, s); return 1; case 2: s = (cmsSEQ *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigProfileSequenceDescTag); if (s == NULL) return 0; if (s ->n != 3) return 0; #ifdef CMS_DONT_USE_INT64 if (s ->seq[0].attributes[0] != (cmsTransparency|cmsMatte)) return 0; if (s ->seq[0].attributes[1] != 0) return 0; #else if (s ->seq[0].attributes != (cmsTransparency|cmsMatte)) return 0; #endif #ifdef CMS_DONT_USE_INT64 if (s ->seq[1].attributes[0] != (cmsReflective|cmsMatte)) return 0; if (s ->seq[1].attributes[1] != 0) return 0; #else if (s ->seq[1].attributes != (cmsReflective|cmsMatte)) return 0; #endif #ifdef CMS_DONT_USE_INT64 if (s ->seq[2].attributes[0] != (cmsTransparency|cmsGlossy)) return 0; if (s ->seq[2].attributes[1] != 0) return 0; #else if (s ->seq[2].attributes != (cmsTransparency|cmsGlossy)) return 0; #endif // Check MLU for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (!CheckOneStr(ContextID, s -> seq[i].Manufacturer, i)) return 0; if (!CheckOneStr(ContextID, s -> seq[i].Model, i)) return 0; } return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckProfileSequenceIDTag(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { cmsSEQ* s; cmsInt32Number i; switch (Pass) { case 1: s = cmsAllocProfileSequenceDescription(ContextID, 3); if (s == NULL) return 0; memcpy(s ->seq[0].ProfileID.ID8, "0123456789ABCDEF", 16); memcpy(s ->seq[1].ProfileID.ID8, "1111111111111111", 16); memcpy(s ->seq[2].ProfileID.ID8, "2222222222222222", 16); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[0].Description, L"Hello, world 0", L"Hola, mundo 0"); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[1].Description, L"Hello, world 1", L"Hola, mundo 1"); SetOneStr(ContextID, &s -> seq[2].Description, L"Hello, world 2", L"Hola, mundo 2"); if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigProfileSequenceIdTag, s)) return 0; cmsFreeProfileSequenceDescription(ContextID, s); return 1; case 2: s = (cmsSEQ *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigProfileSequenceIdTag); if (s == NULL) return 0; if (s ->n != 3) return 0; if (memcmp(s ->seq[0].ProfileID.ID8, "0123456789ABCDEF", 16) != 0) return 0; if (memcmp(s ->seq[1].ProfileID.ID8, "1111111111111111", 16) != 0) return 0; if (memcmp(s ->seq[2].ProfileID.ID8, "2222222222222222", 16) != 0) return 0; for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { if (!CheckOneStr(ContextID, s -> seq[i].Description, i)) return 0; } return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckICCViewingConditions(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { cmsICCViewingConditions* v; cmsICCViewingConditions s; switch (Pass) { case 1: s.IlluminantType = 1; s.IlluminantXYZ.X = 0.1; s.IlluminantXYZ.Y = 0.2; s.IlluminantXYZ.Z = 0.3; s.SurroundXYZ.X = 0.4; s.SurroundXYZ.Y = 0.5; s.SurroundXYZ.Z = 0.6; if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigViewingConditionsTag, &s)) return 0; return 1; case 2: v = (cmsICCViewingConditions *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigViewingConditionsTag); if (v == NULL) return 0; if (v ->IlluminantType != 1) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("IlluminantXYZ.X", v ->IlluminantXYZ.X, 0.1, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("IlluminantXYZ.Y", v ->IlluminantXYZ.Y, 0.2, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("IlluminantXYZ.Z", v ->IlluminantXYZ.Z, 0.3, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("SurroundXYZ.X", v ->SurroundXYZ.X, 0.4, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("SurroundXYZ.Y", v ->SurroundXYZ.Y, 0.5, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("SurroundXYZ.Z", v ->SurroundXYZ.Z, 0.6, 0.001)) return 0; return 1; default: return 0; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckVCGT(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { cmsToneCurve* Curves[3]; cmsToneCurve** PtrCurve; switch (Pass) { case 1: Curves[0] = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 1.1); Curves[1] = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 2.2); Curves[2] = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 3.4); if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigVcgtTag, Curves)) return 0; cmsFreeToneCurveTriple(ContextID, Curves); return 1; case 2: PtrCurve = (cmsToneCurve **) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigVcgtTag); if (PtrCurve == NULL) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("VCGT R", cmsEstimateGamma(ContextID, PtrCurve[0], 0.01), 1.1, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("VCGT G", cmsEstimateGamma(ContextID, PtrCurve[1], 0.01), 2.2, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("VCGT B", cmsEstimateGamma(ContextID, PtrCurve[2], 0.01), 3.4, 0.001)) return 0; return 1; default:; } return 0; } // Only one of the two following may be used, as they share the same tag static cmsInt32Number CheckDictionary16(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { cmsHANDLE hDict; const cmsDICTentry* e; switch (Pass) { case 1: hDict = cmsDictAlloc(ContextID); cmsDictAddEntry(ContextID, hDict, L"Name0", NULL, NULL, NULL); cmsDictAddEntry(ContextID, hDict, L"Name1", L"", NULL, NULL); cmsDictAddEntry(ContextID, hDict, L"Name", L"String", NULL, NULL); cmsDictAddEntry(ContextID, hDict, L"Name2", L"12", NULL, NULL); if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigMetaTag, hDict)) return 0; cmsDictFree(ContextID, hDict); return 1; case 2: hDict = cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigMetaTag); if (hDict == NULL) return 0; e = cmsDictGetEntryList(ContextID, hDict); if (memcmp(e ->Name, L"Name2", sizeof(wchar_t) * 5) != 0) return 0; if (memcmp(e ->Value, L"12", sizeof(wchar_t) * 2) != 0) return 0; e = cmsDictNextEntry(ContextID, e); if (memcmp(e ->Name, L"Name", sizeof(wchar_t) * 4) != 0) return 0; if (memcmp(e ->Value, L"String", sizeof(wchar_t) * 5) != 0) return 0; e = cmsDictNextEntry(ContextID, e); if (memcmp(e ->Name, L"Name1", sizeof(wchar_t) *5) != 0) return 0; if (e ->Value == NULL) return 0; if (*e->Value != 0) return 0; e = cmsDictNextEntry(ContextID, e); if (memcmp(e ->Name, L"Name0", sizeof(wchar_t) * 5) != 0) return 0; if (e ->Value != NULL) return 0; return 1; default:; } return 0; } static cmsInt32Number CheckDictionary24(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { cmsHANDLE hDict; const cmsDICTentry* e; cmsMLU* DisplayName; char Buffer[256]; cmsInt32Number rc = 1; switch (Pass) { case 1: hDict = cmsDictAlloc(ContextID); DisplayName = cmsMLUalloc(ContextID, 0); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, DisplayName, "en", "US", L"Hello, world"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, DisplayName, "es", "ES", L"Hola, mundo"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, DisplayName, "fr", "FR", L"Bonjour, le monde"); cmsMLUsetWide(ContextID, DisplayName, "ca", "CA", L"Hola, mon"); cmsDictAddEntry(ContextID, hDict, L"Name", L"String", DisplayName, NULL); cmsMLUfree(ContextID, DisplayName); cmsDictAddEntry(ContextID, hDict, L"Name2", L"12", NULL, NULL); if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigMetaTag, hDict)) return 0; cmsDictFree(ContextID, hDict); return 1; case 2: hDict = cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigMetaTag); if (hDict == NULL) return 0; e = cmsDictGetEntryList(ContextID, hDict); if (memcmp(e ->Name, L"Name2", sizeof(wchar_t) * 5) != 0) return 0; if (memcmp(e ->Value, L"12", sizeof(wchar_t) * 2) != 0) return 0; e = cmsDictNextEntry(ContextID, e); if (memcmp(e ->Name, L"Name", sizeof(wchar_t) * 4) != 0) return 0; if (memcmp(e ->Value, L"String", sizeof(wchar_t) * 5) != 0) return 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, e->DisplayName, "en", "US", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Hello, world") != 0) rc = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, e->DisplayName, "es", "ES", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Hola, mundo") != 0) rc = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, e->DisplayName, "fr", "FR", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Bonjour, le monde") != 0) rc = 0; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, e->DisplayName, "ca", "CA", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Hola, mon") != 0) rc = 0; if (rc == 0) Fail("Unexpected string '%s'", Buffer); return 1; default:; } return 0; } static cmsInt32Number CheckRAWtags(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Pass, cmsHPROFILE hProfile) { char Buffer[7]; switch (Pass) { case 1: return cmsWriteRawTag(ContextID, hProfile, (cmsTagSignature) 0x31323334, "data123", 7); case 2: if (!cmsReadRawTag(ContextID, hProfile, (cmsTagSignature) 0x31323334, Buffer, 7)) return 0; if (strncmp(Buffer, "data123", 7) != 0) return 0; return 1; default: return 0; } } // This is a very big test that checks every single tag static cmsInt32Number CheckProfileCreation(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE h; cmsInt32Number Pass; h = cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(ContextID); if (h == NULL) return 0; cmsSetProfileVersion(ContextID, h, 4.3); if (cmsGetTagCount(ContextID, h) != 0) { Fail("Empty profile with nonzero number of tags"); goto Error; } if (cmsIsTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigAToB0Tag)) { Fail("Found a tag in an empty profile"); goto Error; } cmsSetColorSpace(ContextID, h, cmsSigRgbData); if (cmsGetColorSpace(ContextID, h) != cmsSigRgbData) { Fail("Unable to set colorspace"); goto Error; } cmsSetPCS(ContextID, h, cmsSigLabData); if (cmsGetPCS(ContextID, h) != cmsSigLabData) { Fail("Unable to set colorspace"); goto Error; } cmsSetDeviceClass(ContextID, h, cmsSigDisplayClass); if (cmsGetDeviceClass(ContextID, h) != cmsSigDisplayClass) { Fail("Unable to set deviceclass"); goto Error; } cmsSetHeaderRenderingIntent(ContextID, h, INTENT_SATURATION); if (cmsGetHeaderRenderingIntent(ContextID, h) != INTENT_SATURATION) { Fail("Unable to set rendering intent"); goto Error; } for (Pass = 1; Pass <= 2; Pass++) { SubTest("Tags holding XYZ"); if (!CheckXYZ(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBlueColorantTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckXYZ(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigGreenColorantTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckXYZ(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigRedColorantTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckXYZ(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigMediaBlackPointTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckXYZ(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckXYZ(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigLuminanceTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding curves"); if (!CheckGamma(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBlueTRCTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckGamma(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigGrayTRCTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckGamma(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigGreenTRCTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckGamma(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigRedTRCTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding text"); if (!CheckTextSingle(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigCharTargetTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckTextSingle(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigScreeningDescTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckText(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigCopyrightTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckText(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigProfileDescriptionTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckText(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigDeviceMfgDescTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckText(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigDeviceModelDescTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckText(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigViewingCondDescTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding cmsICCData"); if (!CheckData(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPs2CRD0Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckData(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPs2CRD1Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckData(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPs2CRD2Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckData(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPs2CRD3Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckData(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPs2CSATag)) goto Error; if (!CheckData(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPs2RenderingIntentTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding signatures"); if (!CheckSignature(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigColorimetricIntentImageStateTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckSignature(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPerceptualRenderingIntentGamutTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckSignature(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigSaturationRenderingIntentGamutTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckSignature(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigTechnologyTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding date_time"); if (!CheckDateTime(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigCalibrationDateTimeTag)) goto Error; if (!CheckDateTime(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigDateTimeTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding named color lists"); if (!CheckNamedColor(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigColorantTableTag, 15, FALSE)) goto Error; if (!CheckNamedColor(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigColorantTableOutTag, 15, FALSE)) goto Error; if (!CheckNamedColor(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigNamedColor2Tag, 4096, TRUE)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding LUTs"); if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigAToB0Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigAToB1Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigAToB2Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBToA0Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBToA1Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBToA2Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPreview0Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPreview1Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigPreview2Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckLUT(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigGamutTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding CHAD"); if (!CheckCHAD(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigChromaticAdaptationTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding Chromaticity"); if (!CheckChromaticity(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigChromaticityTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding colorant order"); if (!CheckColorantOrder(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigColorantOrderTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding measurement"); if (!CheckMeasurement(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigMeasurementTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding CRD info"); if (!CheckCRDinfo(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigCrdInfoTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding UCR/BG"); if (!CheckUcrBg(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigUcrBgTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding MPE"); if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigDToB0Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigDToB1Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigDToB2Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigDToB3Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBToD0Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBToD1Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBToD2Tag)) goto Error; if (!CheckMPE(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigBToD3Tag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags using screening"); if (!CheckScreening(ContextID, Pass, h, cmsSigScreeningTag)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding profile sequence description"); if (!CheckProfileSequenceTag(ContextID, Pass, h)) goto Error; if (!CheckProfileSequenceIDTag(ContextID, Pass, h)) goto Error; SubTest("Tags holding ICC viewing conditions"); if (!CheckICCViewingConditions(ContextID, Pass, h)) goto Error; SubTest("VCGT tags"); if (!CheckVCGT(ContextID, Pass, h)) goto Error; SubTest("RAW tags"); if (!CheckRAWtags(ContextID, Pass, h)) goto Error; SubTest("Dictionary meta tags"); // if (!CheckDictionary16(ContextID, Pass, h)) goto Error; if (!CheckDictionary24(ContextID, Pass, h)) goto Error; if (Pass == 1) { cmsSaveProfileToFile(ContextID, h, "alltags.icc"); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "alltags.icc", "r"); } } /* Not implemented (by design): cmsSigDataTag = 0x64617461, // 'data' -- Unused cmsSigDeviceSettingsTag = 0x64657673, // 'devs' -- Unused cmsSigNamedColorTag = 0x6E636f6C, // 'ncol' -- Don't use this one, deprecated by ICC cmsSigOutputResponseTag = 0x72657370, // 'resp' -- Possible patent on this */ cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); remove("alltags.icc"); return 1; Error: cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); remove("alltags.icc"); return 0; } // Thanks to Christopher James Halse Rogers for the bugfixing and providing this test static cmsInt32Number CheckVersionHeaderWriting(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE h; int index; float test_versions[] = { 2.3f, 4.08f, 4.09f, 4.3f }; for (index = 0; index < sizeof(test_versions)/sizeof(test_versions[0]); index++) { h = cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(ContextID); if (h == NULL) return 0; cmsSetProfileVersion(ContextID, h, test_versions[index]); cmsSaveProfileToFile(ContextID, h, "versions.icc"); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "versions.icc", "r"); // Only the first 3 digits are significant if (fabs(cmsGetProfileVersion(ContextID, h) - test_versions[index]) > 0.005) { Fail("Version failed to round-trip: wrote %.2f, read %.2f", test_versions[index], cmsGetProfileVersion(ContextID, h)); return 0; } cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); remove("versions.icc"); } return 1; } // Test on Richard Hughes "crayons.icc" static cmsInt32Number CheckMultilocalizedProfile(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsMLU *Pt; char Buffer[256]; hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "crayons.icc", "r"); Pt = (cmsMLU *) cmsReadTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigProfileDescriptionTag); cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, "en", "GB", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Crayon Colours") != 0) return FALSE; cmsMLUgetASCII(ContextID, Pt, "en", "US", Buffer, 256); if (strcmp(Buffer, "Crayon Colors") != 0) return FALSE; cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); return TRUE; } // Error reporting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void ErrorReportingFunction(cmsContext ContextID, cmsUInt32Number ErrorCode, const char *Text) { TrappedError = TRUE; SimultaneousErrors++; strncpy(ReasonToFailBuffer, Text, TEXT_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE-1); cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(ContextID); cmsUNUSED_PARAMETER(ErrorCode); } static cmsInt32Number CheckBadProfiles(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE h; h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "IDoNotExist.icc", "r"); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "IAmIllFormed*.icc", "r"); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } // No profile name given h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "", "r"); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "..", "r"); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "IHaveBadAccessMode.icc", "@"); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "bad.icc", "r"); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "toosmall.icc", "r"); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(ContextID, NULL, 3); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } h = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(ContextID, "123", 3); if (h != NULL) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 0; } if (SimultaneousErrors != 9) return 0; return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckErrReportingOnBadProfiles(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number rc; cmsSetLogErrorHandler(ContextID, ErrorReportingFunction); rc = CheckBadProfiles(ContextID); cmsSetLogErrorHandler(ContextID, FatalErrorQuit); // Reset the error state TrappedError = FALSE; return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckBadTransforms(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE h1 = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); cmsHTRANSFORM x1; x1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0); if (x1 != NULL) { cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, x1); return 0; } x1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_RGB_8, h1, TYPE_RGB_8, 12345, 0); if (x1 != NULL) { cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, x1); return 0; } x1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_CMYK_8, h1, TYPE_RGB_8, 0, 0); if (x1 != NULL) { cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, x1); return 0; } x1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_RGB_8, h1, TYPE_CMYK_8, 1, 0); if (x1 != NULL) { cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, x1); return 0; } // sRGB does its output as XYZ! x1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_RGB_8, NULL, TYPE_Lab_8, 1, 0); if (x1 != NULL) { cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, x1); return 0; } cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h1); { cmsHPROFILE hp1 = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"); cmsHPROFILE hp2 = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); x1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hp1, TYPE_BGR_8, hp2, TYPE_BGR_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hp1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hp2); if (x1 != NULL) { cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, x1); return 0; } } return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckErrReportingOnBadTransforms(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number rc; cmsSetLogErrorHandler(ContextID, ErrorReportingFunction); rc = CheckBadTransforms(ContextID); cmsSetLogErrorHandler(ContextID, FatalErrorQuit); // Reset the error state TrappedError = FALSE; return rc; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check a linear xform static cmsInt32Number Check8linearXFORM(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsInt32Number nChan) { cmsInt32Number n2, i, j; cmsUInt8Number Inw[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Outw[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 0xFF; j++) { memset(Inw, j, sizeof(Inw)); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, Inw, Outw, 1); for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) { cmsInt32Number dif = abs(Outw[i] - j); if (dif > n2) n2 = dif; } } // We allow 2 contone of difference on 8 bits if (n2 > 2) { Fail("Differences too big (%x)", n2); return 0; } return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Compare8bitXFORM(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform1, cmsHTRANSFORM xform2, cmsInt32Number nChan) { cmsInt32Number n2, i, j; cmsUInt8Number Inw[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Outw1[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Outw2[cmsMAXCHANNELS];; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 0xFF; j++) { memset(Inw, j, sizeof(Inw)); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform1, Inw, Outw1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform2, Inw, Outw2, 1); for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) { cmsInt32Number dif = abs(Outw2[i] - Outw1[i]); if (dif > n2) n2 = dif; } } // We allow 2 contone of difference on 8 bits if (n2 > 2) { Fail("Differences too big (%x)", n2); return 0; } return 1; } // Check a linear xform static cmsInt32Number Check16linearXFORM(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsInt32Number nChan) { cmsInt32Number n2, i, j; cmsUInt16Number Inw[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Outw[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 0xFFFF; j++) { for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) Inw[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) j; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, Inw, Outw, 1); for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) { cmsInt32Number dif = abs(Outw[i] - j); if (dif > n2) n2 = dif; } // We allow 2 contone of difference on 16 bits if (n2 > 0x200) { Fail("Differences too big (%x)", n2); return 0; } } return 1; } static cmsInt32Number Compare16bitXFORM(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform1, cmsHTRANSFORM xform2, cmsInt32Number nChan) { cmsInt32Number n2, i, j; cmsUInt16Number Inw[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Outw1[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Outw2[cmsMAXCHANNELS];; n2=0; for (j=0; j < 0xFFFF; j++) { for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) Inw[i] = (cmsUInt16Number) j; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform1, Inw, Outw1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform2, Inw, Outw2, 1); for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) { cmsInt32Number dif = abs(Outw2[i] - Outw1[i]); if (dif > n2) n2 = dif; } } // We allow 2 contone of difference on 16 bits if (n2 > 0x200) { Fail("Differences too big (%x)", n2); return 0; } return 1; } // Check a linear xform static cmsInt32Number CheckFloatlinearXFORM(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsInt32Number nChan) { cmsInt32Number i, j; cmsFloat32Number In[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Out[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; for (j=0; j < 0xFFFF; j++) { for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) In[i] = (cmsFloat32Number) (j / 65535.0);; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, In, Out, 1); for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) { // We allow no difference in floating point if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("linear xform cmsFloat32Number", Out[i], (cmsFloat32Number) (j / 65535.0))) return 0; } } return 1; } // Check a linear xform static cmsInt32Number CompareFloatXFORM(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform1, cmsHTRANSFORM xform2, cmsInt32Number nChan) { cmsInt32Number i, j; cmsFloat32Number In[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Out1[cmsMAXCHANNELS], Out2[cmsMAXCHANNELS]; for (j=0; j < 0xFFFF; j++) { for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) In[i] = (cmsFloat32Number) (j / 65535.0);; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform1, In, Out1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform2, In, Out2, 1); for (i=0; i < nChan; i++) { // We allow no difference in floating point if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("linear xform cmsFloat32Number", Out1[i], Out2[i])) return 0; } } return 1; } // Curves only transforms ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number CheckCurvesOnlyTransforms(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHTRANSFORM xform1, xform2; cmsHPROFILE h1, h2, h3; cmsToneCurve* c1, *c2, *c3; cmsInt32Number rc = 1; c1 = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 2.2); c2 = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 1/2.2); c3 = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 4.84); h1 = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ContextID, cmsSigGrayData, &c1); h2 = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ContextID, cmsSigGrayData, &c2); h3 = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ContextID, cmsSigGrayData, &c3); SubTest("Gray float optimizeable transform"); xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, h2, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); rc &= CheckFloatlinearXFORM(ContextID, xform1, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform1); if (rc == 0) goto Error; SubTest("Gray 8 optimizeable transform"); xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_GRAY_8, h2, TYPE_GRAY_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); rc &= Check8linearXFORM(ContextID, xform1, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform1); if (rc == 0) goto Error; SubTest("Gray 16 optimizeable transform"); xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_GRAY_16, h2, TYPE_GRAY_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); rc &= Check16linearXFORM(ContextID, xform1, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform1); if (rc == 0) goto Error; SubTest("Gray float non-optimizeable transform"); xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, h1, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); xform2 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h3, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, NULL, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); rc &= CompareFloatXFORM(ContextID, xform1, xform2, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform2); if (rc == 0) goto Error; SubTest("Gray 8 non-optimizeable transform"); xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_GRAY_8, h1, TYPE_GRAY_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); xform2 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h3, TYPE_GRAY_8, NULL, TYPE_GRAY_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); rc &= Compare8bitXFORM(ContextID, xform1, xform2, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform2); if (rc == 0) goto Error; SubTest("Gray 16 non-optimizeable transform"); xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h1, TYPE_GRAY_16, h1, TYPE_GRAY_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); xform2 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h3, TYPE_GRAY_16, NULL, TYPE_GRAY_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); rc &= Compare16bitXFORM(ContextID, xform1, xform2, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform2); if (rc == 0) goto Error; Error: cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h2); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h3); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, c1); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, c2); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, c3); return rc; } // Lab to Lab trivial transforms ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsFloat64Number MaxDE; static cmsInt32Number CheckOneLab(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsFloat64Number L, cmsFloat64Number a, cmsFloat64Number b) { cmsCIELab In, Out; cmsFloat64Number dE; In.L = L; In.a = a; In.b = b; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, &In, &Out, 1); dE = cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &In, &Out); if (dE > MaxDE) MaxDE = dE; if (MaxDE > 0.003) { Fail("dE=%f Lab1=(%f, %f, %f)\n\tLab2=(%f %f %f)", MaxDE, In.L, In.a, In.b, Out.L, Out.a, Out.b); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, &In, &Out, 1); return 0; } return 1; } // Check several Lab, slicing at non-exact values. Precision should be 16 bits. 50x50x50 checks aprox. static cmsInt32Number CheckSeveralLab(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform) { cmsInt32Number L, a, b; MaxDE = 0; for (L=0; L < 65536; L += 1311) { for (a = 0; a < 65536; a += 1232) { for (b = 0; b < 65536; b += 1111) { if (!CheckOneLab(ContextID, xform, (L * 100.0) / 65535.0, (a / 257.0) - 128, (b / 257.0) - 128)) return 0; } } } return 1; } static cmsInt32Number OneTrivialLab(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHPROFILE hLab1, cmsHPROFILE hLab2, const char* txt) { cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc; SubTest(txt); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab1, TYPE_Lab_DBL, hLab2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab2); rc = CheckSeveralLab(ContextID, xform); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckFloatLabTransforms(cmsContext ContextID) { return OneTrivialLab(ContextID, cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL), cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL), "Lab4/Lab4") && OneTrivialLab(ContextID, cmsCreateLab2Profile(ContextID, NULL), cmsCreateLab2Profile(ContextID, NULL), "Lab2/Lab2") && OneTrivialLab(ContextID, cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL), cmsCreateLab2Profile(ContextID, NULL), "Lab4/Lab2") && OneTrivialLab(ContextID, cmsCreateLab2Profile(ContextID, NULL), cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL), "Lab2/Lab4"); } static cmsInt32Number CheckEncodedLabTransforms(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsUInt16Number In[3]; cmsCIELab Lab; cmsCIELab White = { 100, 0, 0 }; cmsHPROFILE hLab1 = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); cmsHPROFILE hLab2 = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab1, TYPE_Lab_16, hLab2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab2); In[0] = 0xFFFF; In[1] = 0x8080; In[2] = 0x8080; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, In, &Lab, 1); if (cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &Lab, &White) > 0.0001) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); hLab1 = cmsCreateLab2Profile(ContextID, NULL); hLab2 = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab1, TYPE_LabV2_16, hLab2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab2); In[0] = 0xFF00; In[1] = 0x8000; In[2] = 0x8000; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, In, &Lab, 1); if (cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &Lab, &White) > 0.0001) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); hLab2 = cmsCreateLab2Profile(ContextID, NULL); hLab1 = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab1, TYPE_Lab_DBL, hLab2, TYPE_LabV2_16, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab2); Lab.L = 100; Lab.a = 0; Lab.b = 0; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, &Lab, In, 1); if (In[0] != 0xFF00 || In[1] != 0x8000 || In[2] != 0x8000) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); hLab1 = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); hLab2 = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab1, TYPE_Lab_DBL, hLab2, TYPE_Lab_16, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab2); Lab.L = 100; Lab.a = 0; Lab.b = 0; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, &Lab, In, 1); if (In[0] != 0xFFFF || In[1] != 0x8080 || In[2] != 0x8080) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckStoredIdentities(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hLab, hLink, h4, h2; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc = 1; hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab, TYPE_Lab_8, hLab, TYPE_Lab_8, 0, 0); hLink = cmsTransform2DeviceLink(ContextID, xform, 3.4, 0); cmsSaveProfileToFile(ContextID, hLink, "abstractv2.icc"); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLink); hLink = cmsTransform2DeviceLink(ContextID, xform, 4.3, 0); cmsSaveProfileToFile(ContextID, hLink, "abstractv4.icc"); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLink); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); h4 = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "abstractv4.icc", "r"); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h4, TYPE_Lab_DBL, h4, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); SubTest("V4"); rc &= CheckSeveralLab(ContextID, xform); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h4); if (!rc) goto Error; SubTest("V2"); h2 = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "abstractv2.icc", "r"); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, h2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); rc &= CheckSeveralLab(ContextID, xform); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h2); if (!rc) goto Error; SubTest("V2 -> V4"); h2 = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "abstractv2.icc", "r"); h4 = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "abstractv4.icc", "r"); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h4, TYPE_Lab_DBL, h2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); rc &= CheckSeveralLab(ContextID, xform); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h2); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h4); SubTest("V4 -> V2"); h2 = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "abstractv2.icc", "r"); h4 = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "abstractv4.icc", "r"); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, h2, TYPE_Lab_DBL, h4, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); rc &= CheckSeveralLab(ContextID, xform); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h2); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h4); Error: remove("abstractv2.icc"); remove("abstractv4.icc"); return rc; } // Check a simple xform from a matrix profile to itself. Test floating point accuracy. static cmsInt32Number CheckMatrixShaperXFORMFloat(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hAbove, hSRGB; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc1, rc2; hAbove = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hAbove); rc1 = CheckFloatlinearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); hSRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSRGB, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hSRGB, TYPE_RGB_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSRGB); rc2 = CheckFloatlinearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return rc1 && rc2; } // Check a simple xform from a matrix profile to itself. Test 16 bits accuracy. static cmsInt32Number CheckMatrixShaperXFORM16(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hAbove, hSRGB; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc1, rc2; hAbove = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_16, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_16, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hAbove); rc1 = Check16linearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); hSRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSRGB, TYPE_RGB_16, hSRGB, TYPE_RGB_16, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSRGB); rc2 = Check16linearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return rc1 && rc2; } // Check a simple xform from a matrix profile to itself. Test 8 bits accuracy. static cmsInt32Number CheckMatrixShaperXFORM8(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hAbove, hSRGB; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc1, rc2; hAbove = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_8, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_8, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hAbove); rc1 = Check8linearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); hSRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSRGB, TYPE_RGB_8, hSRGB, TYPE_RGB_8, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSRGB); rc2 = Check8linearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return rc1 && rc2; } // TODO: Check LUT based to LUT based transforms for CMYK // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check known values going from sRGB to XYZ static cmsInt32Number CheckOneRGB_f(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsInt32Number R, cmsInt32Number G, cmsInt32Number B, cmsFloat64Number X, cmsFloat64Number Y, cmsFloat64Number Z, cmsFloat64Number err) { cmsFloat32Number RGB[3]; cmsFloat64Number Out[3]; RGB[0] = (cmsFloat32Number) (R / 255.0); RGB[1] = (cmsFloat32Number) (G / 255.0); RGB[2] = (cmsFloat32Number) (B / 255.0); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, RGB, Out, 1); return IsGoodVal("X", X , Out[0], err) && IsGoodVal("Y", Y , Out[1], err) && IsGoodVal("Z", Z , Out[2], err); } static cmsInt32Number Chack_sRGB_Float(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hsRGB, hXYZ, hLab; cmsHTRANSFORM xform1, xform2; cmsInt32Number rc; hsRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); hXYZ = cmsCreateXYZProfile(ContextID); hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hXYZ, TYPE_XYZ_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); xform2 = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hsRGB); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hXYZ); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); MaxErr = 0; // Xform 1 goes from 8 bits to XYZ, rc = CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform1, 1, 1, 1, 0.0002927, 0.0003035, 0.000250, 0.0001); rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform1, 127, 127, 127, 0.2046329, 0.212230, 0.175069, 0.0001); rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform1, 12, 13, 15, 0.0038364, 0.0039928, 0.003853, 0.0001); rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform1, 128, 0, 0, 0.0941240, 0.0480256, 0.003005, 0.0001); rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform1, 190, 25, 210, 0.3204592, 0.1605926, 0.468213, 0.0001); // Xform 2 goes from 8 bits to Lab, we allow 0.01 error max rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform2, 1, 1, 1, 0.2741748, 0, 0, 0.01); rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform2, 127, 127, 127, 53.192776, 0, 0, 0.01); rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform2, 190, 25, 210, 47.052136, 74.565610, -56.883274, 0.01); rc &= CheckOneRGB_f(ContextID, xform2, 128, 0, 0, 26.164701, 48.478171, 39.4384713, 0.01); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform2); return rc; } // --------------------------------------------------- static cmsBool GetProfileRGBPrimaries(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHPROFILE hProfile, cmsCIEXYZTRIPLE *result, cmsUInt32Number intent) { cmsHPROFILE hXYZ; cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform; cmsFloat64Number rgb[3][3] = {{1., 0., 0.}, {0., 1., 0.}, {0., 0., 1.}}; hXYZ = cmsCreateXYZProfile(ContextID); if (hXYZ == NULL) return FALSE; hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hProfile, TYPE_RGB_DBL, hXYZ, TYPE_XYZ_DBL, intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE | cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hXYZ); if (hTransform == NULL) return FALSE; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hTransform, rgb, result, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hTransform); return TRUE; } static int CheckRGBPrimaries(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hsRGB; cmsCIEXYZTRIPLE tripXYZ; cmsCIExyYTRIPLE tripxyY; cmsBool result; cmsSetAdaptationState(ContextID, 0); hsRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); if (!hsRGB) return 0; result = GetProfileRGBPrimaries(ContextID, hsRGB, &tripXYZ, INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hsRGB); if (!result) return 0; cmsXYZ2xyY(ContextID, &tripxyY.Red, &tripXYZ.Red); cmsXYZ2xyY(ContextID, &tripxyY.Green, &tripXYZ.Green); cmsXYZ2xyY(ContextID, &tripxyY.Blue, &tripXYZ.Blue); /* valus were taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RGB_color_spaces#Specifications */ if (!IsGoodFixed15_16("xRed", tripxyY.Red.x, 0.64) || !IsGoodFixed15_16("yRed", tripxyY.Red.y, 0.33) || !IsGoodFixed15_16("xGreen", tripxyY.Green.x, 0.30) || !IsGoodFixed15_16("yGreen", tripxyY.Green.y, 0.60) || !IsGoodFixed15_16("xBlue", tripxyY.Blue.x, 0.15) || !IsGoodFixed15_16("yBlue", tripxyY.Blue.y, 0.06)) { Fail("One or more primaries are wrong."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This function will check CMYK -> CMYK transforms. It uses FOGRA29 and SWOP ICC profiles static cmsInt32Number CheckCMYK(cmsContext ContextID, cmsInt32Number Intent, const char *Profile1, const char* Profile2) { cmsHPROFILE hSWOP = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, Profile1, "r"); cmsHPROFILE hFOGRA = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, Profile2, "r"); cmsHTRANSFORM xform, swop_lab, fogra_lab; cmsFloat32Number CMYK1[4], CMYK2[4]; cmsCIELab Lab1, Lab2; cmsHPROFILE hLab; cmsFloat64Number DeltaL, Max; cmsInt32Number i; hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, Intent, 0); swop_lab = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, 0); fogra_lab = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, Intent, 0); Max = 0; for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { CMYK1[0] = 10; CMYK1[1] = 20; CMYK1[2] = 30; CMYK1[3] = (cmsFloat32Number) i; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, swop_lab, CMYK1, &Lab1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, CMYK1, CMYK2, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab, CMYK2, &Lab2, 1); DeltaL = fabs(Lab1.L - Lab2.L); if (DeltaL > Max) Max = DeltaL; } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, Intent, 0); for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { CMYK1[0] = 10; CMYK1[1] = 20; CMYK1[2] = 30; CMYK1[3] = (cmsFloat32Number) i; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab, CMYK1, &Lab1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, CMYK1, CMYK2, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, swop_lab, CMYK2, &Lab2, 1); DeltaL = fabs(Lab1.L - Lab2.L); if (DeltaL > Max) Max = DeltaL; } cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSWOP); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hFOGRA); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, swop_lab); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab); return Max < 3.0; } static cmsInt32Number CheckCMYKRoundtrip(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckCMYK(ContextID, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, "test1.icc", "test1.icc"); } static cmsInt32Number CheckCMYKPerceptual(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckCMYK(ContextID, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, "test1.icc", "test2.icc"); } static cmsInt32Number CheckCMYKRelCol(cmsContext ContextID) { return CheckCMYK(ContextID, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, "test1.icc", "test2.icc"); } static cmsInt32Number CheckKOnlyBlackPreserving(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hSWOP = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"); cmsHPROFILE hFOGRA = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test2.icc", "r"); cmsHTRANSFORM xform, swop_lab, fogra_lab; cmsFloat32Number CMYK1[4], CMYK2[4]; cmsCIELab Lab1, Lab2; cmsHPROFILE hLab; cmsFloat64Number DeltaL, Max; cmsInt32Number i; hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, INTENT_PRESERVE_K_ONLY_PERCEPTUAL, 0); swop_lab = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); fogra_lab = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); Max = 0; for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { CMYK1[0] = 0; CMYK1[1] = 0; CMYK1[2] = 0; CMYK1[3] = (cmsFloat32Number) i; // SWOP CMYK to Lab1 cmsDoTransform(ContextID, swop_lab, CMYK1, &Lab1, 1); // SWOP To FOGRA using black preservation cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, CMYK1, CMYK2, 1); // Obtained FOGRA CMYK to Lab2 cmsDoTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab, CMYK2, &Lab2, 1); // We care only on L* DeltaL = fabs(Lab1.L - Lab2.L); if (DeltaL > Max) Max = DeltaL; } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); // dL should be below 3.0 // Same, but FOGRA to SWOP xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, INTENT_PRESERVE_K_ONLY_PERCEPTUAL, 0); for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { CMYK1[0] = 0; CMYK1[1] = 0; CMYK1[2] = 0; CMYK1[3] = (cmsFloat32Number) i; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab, CMYK1, &Lab1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, CMYK1, CMYK2, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, swop_lab, CMYK2, &Lab2, 1); DeltaL = fabs(Lab1.L - Lab2.L); if (DeltaL > Max) Max = DeltaL; } cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSWOP); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hFOGRA); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, swop_lab); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab); return Max < 3.0; } static cmsInt32Number CheckKPlaneBlackPreserving(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hSWOP = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"); cmsHPROFILE hFOGRA = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test2.icc", "r"); cmsHTRANSFORM xform, swop_lab, fogra_lab; cmsFloat32Number CMYK1[4], CMYK2[4]; cmsCIELab Lab1, Lab2; cmsHPROFILE hLab; cmsFloat64Number DeltaE, Max; cmsInt32Number i; hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); swop_lab = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); fogra_lab = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); Max = 0; for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { CMYK1[0] = 0; CMYK1[1] = 0; CMYK1[2] = 0; CMYK1[3] = (cmsFloat32Number) i; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, swop_lab, CMYK1, &Lab1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, CMYK1, CMYK2, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab, CMYK2, &Lab2, 1); DeltaE = cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &Lab1, &Lab2); if (DeltaE > Max) Max = DeltaE; } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hFOGRA, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hSWOP, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, INTENT_PRESERVE_K_PLANE_PERCEPTUAL, 0); for (i=0; i <= 100; i++) { CMYK1[0] = 30; CMYK1[1] = 20; CMYK1[2] = 10; CMYK1[3] = (cmsFloat32Number) i; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab, CMYK1, &Lab1, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, CMYK1, CMYK2, 1); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, swop_lab, CMYK2, &Lab2, 1); DeltaE = cmsDeltaE(ContextID, &Lab1, &Lab2); if (DeltaE > Max) Max = DeltaE; } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSWOP); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hFOGRA); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, swop_lab); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, fogra_lab); return Max < 30.0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static cmsInt32Number CheckProofingXFORMFloat(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hAbove; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc; hAbove = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(ContextID, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hAbove, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hAbove); rc = CheckFloatlinearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckProofingXFORM16(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hAbove; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc; hAbove = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); xform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(ContextID, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_16, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_16, hAbove, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING|cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hAbove); rc = Check16linearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return rc; } static cmsInt32Number CheckGamutCheck(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hSRGB, hAbove; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number rc; cmsUInt16Number Alarm[16] = { 0xDEAD, 0xBABE, 0xFACE }; // Set alarm codes to fancy values so we could check the out of gamut condition cmsSetAlarmCodes(ContextID, Alarm); // Create the profiles hSRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); hAbove = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); if (hSRGB == NULL || hAbove == NULL) return 0; // Failed SubTest("Gamut check on floating point"); // Create a gamut checker in the same space. No value should be out of gamut xform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(ContextID, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_FLT, hAbove, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK); if (!CheckFloatlinearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3)) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSRGB); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hAbove); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); Fail("Gamut check on same profile failed"); return 0; } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); SubTest("Gamut check on 16 bits"); xform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(ContextID, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_16, hAbove, TYPE_RGB_16, hSRGB, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hSRGB); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hAbove); rc = Check16linearXFORM(ContextID, xform, 3); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return rc; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static cmsInt32Number CheckBlackPoint(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsCIEXYZ Black; cmsCIELab Lab; hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"); cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(ContextID, &Black, hProfile, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"); cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(ContextID, &Black, hProfile, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsXYZ2Lab(ContextID, NULL, &Lab, &Black); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "lcms2cmyk.icc", "r"); cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(ContextID, &Black, hProfile, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsXYZ2Lab(ContextID, NULL, &Lab, &Black); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test2.icc", "r"); cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(ContextID, &Black, hProfile, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsXYZ2Lab(ContextID, NULL, &Lab, &Black); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"); cmsDetectDestinationBlackPoint(ContextID, &Black, hProfile, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); cmsXYZ2Lab(ContextID, NULL, &Lab, &Black); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckOneTAC(cmsContext ContextID, cmsFloat64Number InkLimit) { cmsHPROFILE h; cmsFloat64Number d; h =CreateFakeCMYK(ContextID, InkLimit, TRUE); cmsSaveProfileToFile(ContextID, h, "lcmstac.icc"); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "lcmstac.icc", "r"); d = cmsDetectTAC(ContextID, h); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); remove("lcmstac.icc"); if (fabs(d - InkLimit) > 5) return 0; return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckTAC(cmsContext ContextID) { if (!CheckOneTAC(ContextID, 180)) return 0; if (!CheckOneTAC(ContextID, 220)) return 0; if (!CheckOneTAC(ContextID, 286)) return 0; if (!CheckOneTAC(ContextID, 310)) return 0; if (!CheckOneTAC(ContextID, 330)) return 0; return 1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define NPOINTS_IT8 10 // (17*17*17*17) static cmsInt32Number CheckCGATS(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHANDLE it8; cmsInt32Number i; SubTest("IT8 creation"); it8 = cmsIT8Alloc(ContextID); if (it8 == NULL) return 0; cmsIT8SetSheetType(ContextID, it8, "LCMS/TESTING"); cmsIT8SetPropertyStr(ContextID, it8, "ORIGINATOR", "1 2 3 4"); cmsIT8SetPropertyUncooked(ContextID, it8, "DESCRIPTOR", "1234"); cmsIT8SetPropertyStr(ContextID, it8, "MANUFACTURER", "3"); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "CREATED", 4); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "SERIAL", 5); cmsIT8SetPropertyHex(ContextID, it8, "MATERIAL", 0x123); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "NUMBER_OF_SETS", NPOINTS_IT8); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "NUMBER_OF_FIELDS", 4); cmsIT8SetDataFormat(ContextID, it8, 0, "SAMPLE_ID"); cmsIT8SetDataFormat(ContextID, it8, 1, "RGB_R"); cmsIT8SetDataFormat(ContextID, it8, 2, "RGB_G"); cmsIT8SetDataFormat(ContextID, it8, 3, "RGB_B"); SubTest("Table creation"); for (i=0; i < NPOINTS_IT8; i++) { char Patch[20]; sprintf(Patch, "P%d", i); cmsIT8SetDataRowCol(ContextID, it8, i, 0, Patch); cmsIT8SetDataRowColDbl(ContextID, it8, i, 1, i); cmsIT8SetDataRowColDbl(ContextID, it8, i, 2, i); cmsIT8SetDataRowColDbl(ContextID, it8, i, 3, i); } SubTest("Save to file"); cmsIT8SaveToFile(ContextID, it8, "TEST.IT8"); cmsIT8Free(ContextID, it8); SubTest("Load from file"); it8 = cmsIT8LoadFromFile(ContextID, "TEST.IT8"); if (it8 == NULL) return 0; SubTest("Save again file"); cmsIT8SaveToFile(ContextID, it8, "TEST.IT8"); cmsIT8Free(ContextID, it8); SubTest("Load from file (II)"); it8 = cmsIT8LoadFromFile(ContextID, "TEST.IT8"); if (it8 == NULL) return 0; SubTest("Change prop value"); if (cmsIT8GetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DESCRIPTOR") != 1234) { return 0; } cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DESCRIPTOR", 5678); if (cmsIT8GetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DESCRIPTOR") != 5678) { return 0; } SubTest("Positive numbers"); if (cmsIT8GetDataDbl(ContextID, it8, "P3", "RGB_G") != 3) { return 0; } SubTest("Positive exponent numbers"); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DBL_PROP", 123E+12); if ((cmsIT8GetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DBL_PROP") - 123E+12) > 1 ) { return 0; } SubTest("Negative exponent numbers"); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DBL_PROP_NEG", 123E-45); if ((cmsIT8GetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DBL_PROP_NEG") - 123E-45) > 1E-45 ) { return 0; } SubTest("Negative numbers"); cmsIT8SetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DBL_NEG_VAL", -123); if ((cmsIT8GetPropertyDbl(ContextID, it8, "DBL_NEG_VAL")) != -123 ) { return 0; } cmsIT8Free(ContextID, it8); remove("TEST.IT8"); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckCGATS2(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHANDLE handle; const cmsUInt8Number junk[] = { 0x0, 0xd, 0xd, 0xa, 0x20, 0xd, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x3a, 0x31, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x3d, 0x3d }; handle = cmsIT8LoadFromMem(ContextID, (const void*)junk, sizeof(junk)); if (handle) cmsIT8Free(ContextID, handle); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckCGATS_Overflow(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHANDLE handle; const cmsUInt8Number junk[] = { "@\nA 1.e2147483648\n" }; handle = cmsIT8LoadFromMem(ContextID, (const void*)junk, sizeof(junk)); if (handle) cmsIT8Free(ContextID, handle); return 1; } // Create CSA/CRD static void GenerateCSA(cmsContext BuffThread, const char* cInProf, const char* FileName) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsUInt32Number n; char* Buffer; FILE* o; if (cInProf == NULL) hProfile = cmsCreateLab4Profile(BuffThread, NULL); else hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(BuffThread, cInProf, "r"); n = cmsGetPostScriptCSA(BuffThread, hProfile, 0, 0, NULL, 0); if (n == 0) return; Buffer = (char*) _cmsMalloc(BuffThread, n + 1); cmsGetPostScriptCSA(BuffThread, hProfile, 0, 0, Buffer, n); Buffer[n] = 0; if (FileName != NULL) { o = fopen(FileName, "wb"); fwrite(Buffer, n, 1, o); fclose(o); } _cmsFree(BuffThread, Buffer); cmsCloseProfile(BuffThread, hProfile); if (FileName != NULL) remove(FileName); } static void GenerateCRD(cmsContext BuffThread, const char* cOutProf, const char* FileName) { cmsHPROFILE hProfile; cmsUInt32Number n; char* Buffer; cmsUInt32Number dwFlags = 0; if (cOutProf == NULL) hProfile = cmsCreateLab4Profile(BuffThread, NULL); else hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(BuffThread, cOutProf, "r"); n = cmsGetPostScriptCRD(BuffThread, hProfile, 0, dwFlags, NULL, 0); if (n == 0) return; Buffer = (char*) _cmsMalloc(BuffThread, n + 1); cmsGetPostScriptCRD(BuffThread, hProfile, 0, dwFlags, Buffer, n); Buffer[n] = 0; if (FileName != NULL) { FILE* o = fopen(FileName, "wb"); fwrite(Buffer, n, 1, o); fclose(o); } _cmsFree(BuffThread, Buffer); cmsCloseProfile(BuffThread, hProfile); if (FileName != NULL) remove(FileName); } static cmsInt32Number CheckPostScript(cmsContext ContextID) { GenerateCSA(ContextID, "test5.icc", "sRGB_CSA.ps"); GenerateCSA(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "aRGB_CSA.ps"); GenerateCSA(ContextID, "test4.icc", "sRGBV4_CSA.ps"); GenerateCSA(ContextID, "test1.icc", "SWOP_CSA.ps"); GenerateCSA(ContextID, NULL, "Lab_CSA.ps"); GenerateCSA(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "gray_CSA.ps"); GenerateCRD(ContextID, "test5.icc", "sRGB_CRD.ps"); GenerateCRD(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "aRGB_CRD.ps"); GenerateCRD(ContextID, NULL, "Lab_CRD.ps"); GenerateCRD(ContextID, "test1.icc", "SWOP_CRD.ps"); GenerateCRD(ContextID, "test4.icc", "sRGBV4_CRD.ps"); GenerateCRD(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "gray_CRD.ps"); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckGray(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, cmsUInt8Number g, double L) { cmsCIELab Lab; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, &g, &Lab, 1); if (!IsGoodVal("a axis on gray", 0, Lab.a, 0.001)) return 0; if (!IsGoodVal("b axis on gray", 0, Lab.b, 0.001)) return 0; return IsGoodVal("Gray value", L, Lab.L, 0.01); } static cmsInt32Number CheckInputGray(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hGray = Create_Gray22(ContextID); cmsHPROFILE hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); cmsHTRANSFORM xform; if (hGray == NULL || hLab == NULL) return 0; xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hGray, TYPE_GRAY_8, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hGray); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 125, 52.768)) return 0; if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 200, 81.069)) return 0; if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 255, 100.0)) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckLabInputGray(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hGray = Create_GrayLab(ContextID); cmsHPROFILE hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); cmsHTRANSFORM xform; if (hGray == NULL || hLab == NULL) return 0; xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hGray, TYPE_GRAY_8, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hGray); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 125, 49.019)) return 0; if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 200, 78.431)) return 0; if (!CheckGray(ContextID, xform, 255, 100.0)) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckOutGray(cmsContext ContextID, cmsHTRANSFORM xform, double L, cmsUInt8Number g) { cmsCIELab Lab; cmsUInt8Number g_out; Lab.L = L; Lab.a = 0; Lab.b = 0; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, &Lab, &g_out, 1); return IsGoodVal("Gray value", g, (double) g_out, 0.01); } static cmsInt32Number CheckOutputGray(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hGray = Create_Gray22(ContextID); cmsHPROFILE hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); cmsHTRANSFORM xform; if (hGray == NULL || hLab == NULL) return 0; xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, hGray, TYPE_GRAY_8, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hGray); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); if (!CheckOutGray(ContextID, xform, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOutGray(ContextID, xform, 100, 255)) return 0; if (!CheckOutGray(ContextID, xform, 20, 52)) return 0; if (!CheckOutGray(ContextID, xform, 50, 118)) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckLabOutputGray(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE hGray = Create_GrayLab(ContextID); cmsHPROFILE hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsInt32Number i; if (hGray == NULL || hLab == NULL) return 0; xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, hGray, TYPE_GRAY_8, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hGray); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); if (!CheckOutGray(ContextID, xform, 0, 0)) return 0; if (!CheckOutGray(ContextID, xform, 100, 255)) return 0; for (i=0; i < 100; i++) { cmsUInt8Number g; g = (cmsUInt8Number) floor(i * 255.0 / 100.0 + 0.5); if (!CheckOutGray(ContextID, xform, i, g)) return 0; } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckV4gamma(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE h; cmsUInt16Number Lin[] = {0, 0xffff}; cmsToneCurve*g = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurve16(ContextID, 2, Lin); h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "v4gamma.icc", "w"); if (h == NULL) return 0; cmsSetProfileVersion(ContextID, h, 4.3); if (!cmsWriteTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigGrayTRCTag, g)) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, g); remove("v4gamma.icc"); return 1; } // cmsBool cmsGBDdumpVRML(cmsHANDLE hGBD, const char* fname); // Gamut descriptor routines static cmsInt32Number CheckGBD(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsCIELab Lab; cmsHANDLE h; cmsInt32Number L, a, b; cmsUInt32Number r1, g1, b1; cmsHPROFILE hLab, hsRGB; cmsHTRANSFORM xform; h = cmsGBDAlloc(ContextID); if (h == NULL) return 0; // Fill all Lab gamut as valid SubTest("Filling RAW gamut"); for (L=0; L <= 100; L += 10) for (a = -128; a <= 128; a += 5) for (b = -128; b <= 128; b += 5) { Lab.L = L; Lab.a = a; Lab.b = b; if (!cmsGDBAddPoint(ContextID, h, &Lab)) return 0; } // Complete boundaries SubTest("computing Lab gamut"); if (!cmsGDBCompute(ContextID, h, 0)) return 0; // All points should be inside gamut SubTest("checking Lab gamut"); for (L=10; L <= 90; L += 25) for (a = -120; a <= 120; a += 25) for (b = -120; b <= 120; b += 25) { Lab.L = L; Lab.a = a; Lab.b = b; if (!cmsGDBCheckPoint(ContextID, h, &Lab)) { return 0; } } cmsGBDFree(ContextID, h); // Now for sRGB SubTest("checking sRGB gamut"); h = cmsGBDAlloc(ContextID); hsRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ContextID, NULL); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hsRGB, TYPE_RGB_8, hLab, TYPE_Lab_DBL, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hsRGB); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hLab); for (r1=0; r1 < 256; r1 += 5) { for (g1=0; g1 < 256; g1 += 5) for (b1=0; b1 < 256; b1 += 5) { cmsUInt8Number rgb[3]; rgb[0] = (cmsUInt8Number) r1; rgb[1] = (cmsUInt8Number) g1; rgb[2] = (cmsUInt8Number) b1; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, rgb, &Lab, 1); // if (fabs(Lab.b) < 20 && Lab.a > 0) continue; if (!cmsGDBAddPoint(ContextID, h, &Lab)) { cmsGBDFree(ContextID, h); return 0; } } } if (!cmsGDBCompute(ContextID, h, 0)) return 0; // cmsGBDdumpVRML(h, "c:\\colormaps\\lab.wrl"); for (r1=10; r1 < 200; r1 += 10) { for (g1=10; g1 < 200; g1 += 10) for (b1=10; b1 < 200; b1 += 10) { cmsUInt8Number rgb[3]; rgb[0] = (cmsUInt8Number) r1; rgb[1] = (cmsUInt8Number) g1; rgb[2] = (cmsUInt8Number) b1; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, rgb, &Lab, 1); if (!cmsGDBCheckPoint(ContextID, h, &Lab)) { cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsGBDFree(ContextID, h); return 0; } } } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); cmsGBDFree(ContextID, h); SubTest("checking LCh chroma ring"); h = cmsGBDAlloc(ContextID); for (r1=0; r1 < 360; r1++) { cmsCIELCh LCh; LCh.L = 70; LCh.C = 60; LCh.h = r1; cmsLCh2Lab(ContextID, &Lab, &LCh); if (!cmsGDBAddPoint(ContextID, h, &Lab)) { cmsGBDFree(ContextID, h); return 0; } } if (!cmsGDBCompute(ContextID, h, 0)) return 0; cmsGBDFree(ContextID, h); return 1; } static int CheckMD5(cmsContext ContextID) { _cmsICCPROFILE* h; cmsHPROFILE pProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "sRGBlcms2.icc", "r"); cmsProfileID ProfileID1, ProfileID2, ProfileID3, ProfileID4; h =(_cmsICCPROFILE*) pProfile; if (cmsMD5computeID(ContextID, pProfile)) cmsGetHeaderProfileID(ContextID, pProfile, ProfileID1.ID8); if (cmsMD5computeID(ContextID, pProfile)) cmsGetHeaderProfileID(ContextID, pProfile,ProfileID2.ID8); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pProfile); pProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "sRGBlcms2.icc", "r"); h =(_cmsICCPROFILE*) pProfile; if (cmsMD5computeID(ContextID, pProfile)) cmsGetHeaderProfileID(ContextID, pProfile, ProfileID3.ID8); if (cmsMD5computeID(ContextID, pProfile)) cmsGetHeaderProfileID(ContextID, pProfile,ProfileID4.ID8); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pProfile); return ((memcmp(ProfileID1.ID8, ProfileID3.ID8, sizeof(ProfileID1)) == 0) && (memcmp(ProfileID2.ID8, ProfileID4.ID8, sizeof(ProfileID2)) == 0)); } static int CheckLinking(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE h; cmsPipeline * pipeline; cmsStage *stageBegin, *stageEnd; // Create a CLUT based profile h = cmsCreateInkLimitingDeviceLink(ContextID, cmsSigCmykData, 150); // link a second tag cmsLinkTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigAToB1Tag, cmsSigAToB0Tag); // Save the linked devicelink if (!cmsSaveProfileToFile(ContextID, h, "lcms2link.icc")) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); // Now open the profile and read the pipeline h = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "lcms2link.icc", "r"); if (h == NULL) return 0; pipeline = (cmsPipeline*) cmsReadTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigAToB1Tag); if (pipeline == NULL) { return 0; } pipeline = cmsPipelineDup(ContextID, pipeline); // extract stage from pipe line cmsPipelineUnlinkStage(ContextID, pipeline, cmsAT_BEGIN, &stageBegin); cmsPipelineUnlinkStage(ContextID, pipeline, cmsAT_END, &stageEnd); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, pipeline, cmsAT_END, stageEnd); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ContextID, pipeline, cmsAT_BEGIN, stageBegin); if (cmsTagLinkedTo(ContextID, h, cmsSigAToB1Tag) != cmsSigAToB0Tag) return 0; cmsWriteTag(ContextID, h, cmsSigAToB0Tag, pipeline); cmsPipelineFree(ContextID, pipeline); if (!cmsSaveProfileToFile(ContextID, h, "lcms2link2.icc")) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, h); return 1; } // TestMPE // // Created by Paul Miller on 30/08/2016. // static cmsHPROFILE IdentityMatrixProfile(cmsContext ctx, cmsColorSpaceSignature dataSpace) { cmsVEC3 zero = {{0,0,0}}; cmsMAT3 identity; cmsPipeline* forward; cmsPipeline* reverse; cmsHPROFILE identityProfile = cmsCreateProfilePlaceholder(ctx); cmsSetProfileVersion(ctx, identityProfile, 4.3); cmsSetDeviceClass(ctx, identityProfile, cmsSigColorSpaceClass); cmsSetColorSpace(ctx, identityProfile, dataSpace); cmsSetPCS(ctx, identityProfile, cmsSigXYZData); cmsSetHeaderRenderingIntent(ctx, identityProfile, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC); cmsWriteTag(ctx, identityProfile, cmsSigMediaWhitePointTag, cmsD50_XYZ(ctx)); _cmsMAT3identity(ctx, &identity); // build forward transform.... (RGB to PCS) forward = cmsPipelineAlloc(ctx, 3, 3); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ctx, forward, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocMatrix( ctx, 3, 3, (cmsFloat64Number*)&identity, (cmsFloat64Number*)&zero)); cmsWriteTag(ctx, identityProfile, cmsSigDToB1Tag, forward); cmsPipelineFree(ctx, forward); reverse = cmsPipelineAlloc(ctx, 3, 3); cmsPipelineInsertStage(ctx, reverse, cmsAT_END, cmsStageAllocMatrix( ctx, 3, 3, (cmsFloat64Number*)&identity, (cmsFloat64Number*)&zero)); cmsWriteTag(ctx, identityProfile, cmsSigBToD1Tag, reverse); cmsPipelineFree(ctx, reverse); return identityProfile; } static cmsInt32Number CheckFloatXYZ(cmsContext ctx) { cmsHPROFILE input; cmsHPROFILE xyzProfile = cmsCreateXYZProfile(ctx); cmsHTRANSFORM xform; cmsFloat32Number in[4]; cmsFloat32Number out[4]; in[0] = 1.0; in[1] = 1.0; in[2] = 1.0; in[3] = 0.5; // RGB to XYZ input = IdentityMatrixProfile(ctx, cmsSigRgbData); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ctx, input, TYPE_RGB_FLT, xyzProfile, TYPE_XYZ_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ctx, input); cmsDoTransform(ctx, xform, in, out, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ctx, xform); if (!IsGoodVal("Float RGB->XYZ", in[0], out[0], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float RGB->XYZ", in[1], out[1], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float RGB->XYZ", in[2], out[2], FLOAT_PRECISSION)) return 0; // XYZ to XYZ input = IdentityMatrixProfile(ctx, cmsSigXYZData); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ctx, input, TYPE_XYZ_FLT, xyzProfile, TYPE_XYZ_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ctx, input); cmsDoTransform(ctx, xform, in, out, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ctx, xform); if (!IsGoodVal("Float XYZ->XYZ", in[0], out[0], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float XYZ->XYZ", in[1], out[1], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float XYZ->XYZ", in[2], out[2], FLOAT_PRECISSION)) return 0; input = IdentityMatrixProfile(ctx, cmsSigXYZData); # define TYPE_XYZA_FLT (FLOAT_SH(1)|COLORSPACE_SH(PT_XYZ)|EXTRA_SH(1)|CHANNELS_SH(3)|BYTES_SH(4)) xform = cmsCreateTransform(ctx, input, TYPE_XYZA_FLT, xyzProfile, TYPE_XYZA_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA); cmsCloseProfile(ctx, input); cmsDoTransform(ctx, xform, in, out, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ctx, xform); if (!IsGoodVal("Float XYZA->XYZA", in[0], out[0], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float XYZA->XYZA", in[1], out[1], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float XYZA->XYZA", in[2], out[2], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float XYZA->XYZA", in[3], out[3], FLOAT_PRECISSION)) return 0; // XYZ to RGB input = IdentityMatrixProfile(ctx, cmsSigRgbData); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ctx, xyzProfile, TYPE_XYZ_FLT, input, TYPE_RGB_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ctx, input); cmsDoTransform(ctx, xform, in, out, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ctx, xform); if (!IsGoodVal("Float XYZ->RGB", in[0], out[0], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float XYZ->RGB", in[1], out[1], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float XYZ->RGB", in[2], out[2], FLOAT_PRECISSION)) return 0; // Now the optimizer should remove a stage // XYZ to RGB input = IdentityMatrixProfile(ctx, cmsSigRgbData); xform = cmsCreateTransform(ctx, input, TYPE_RGB_FLT, input, TYPE_RGB_FLT, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ctx, input); cmsDoTransform(ctx, xform, in, out, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ctx, xform); if (!IsGoodVal("Float RGB->RGB", in[0], out[0], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float RGB->RGB", in[1], out[1], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float RGB->RGB", in[2], out[2], FLOAT_PRECISSION)) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ctx, xyzProfile); return 1; } /* Bug reported 1) sRGB built-in V4.3 -> Lab identity built-in V4.3 Flags: "cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE", "cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE" Input format: TYPE_RGBA_FLT Output format: TYPE_LabA_FLT 2) and back Lab identity built-in V4.3 -> sRGB built-in V4.3 Flags: "cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE", "cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE" Input format: TYPE_LabA_FLT Output format: TYPE_RGBA_FLT */ static cmsInt32Number ChecksRGB2LabFLT(cmsContext ctx) { cmsHPROFILE hSRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ctx); cmsHPROFILE hLab = cmsCreateLab4Profile(ctx, NULL); cmsHTRANSFORM xform1 = cmsCreateTransform(ctx, hSRGB, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, hLab, TYPE_LabA_FLT, 0, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE|cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE); cmsHTRANSFORM xform2 = cmsCreateTransform(ctx, hLab, TYPE_LabA_FLT, hSRGB, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, 0, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE|cmsFLAGS_NOOPTIMIZE); cmsFloat32Number RGBA1[4], RGBA2[4], LabA[4]; int i; for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { RGBA1[0] = i / 100.0F; RGBA1[1] = i / 100.0F; RGBA1[2] = i / 100.0F; RGBA1[3] = 0; cmsDoTransform(ctx, xform1, RGBA1, LabA, 1); cmsDoTransform(ctx, xform2, LabA, RGBA2, 1); if (!IsGoodVal("Float RGB->RGB", RGBA1[0], RGBA2[0], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float RGB->RGB", RGBA1[1], RGBA2[1], FLOAT_PRECISSION) || !IsGoodVal("Float RGB->RGB", RGBA1[2], RGBA2[2], FLOAT_PRECISSION)) return 0; } cmsDeleteTransform(ctx, xform1); cmsDeleteTransform(ctx, xform2); cmsCloseProfile(ctx, hSRGB); cmsCloseProfile(ctx, hLab); return 1; } /* * parametric curve for Rec709 */ static double Rec709(double L) { if (L <0.018) return 4.5*L; else { double a = 1.099* pow(L, 0.45); a = a - 0.099; return a; } } static cmsInt32Number CheckParametricRec709(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsFloat64Number params[7]; cmsToneCurve* t; int i; params[0] = 0.45; /* y */ params[1] = pow(1.099, 1.0 / 0.45); /* a */ params[2] = 0.0; /* b */ params[3] = 4.5; /* c */ params[4] = 0.018; /* d */ params[5] = -0.099; /* e */ params[6] = 0.0; /* f */ t = cmsBuildParametricToneCurve (ContextID, 5, params); for (i=0; i < 256; i++) { cmsFloat32Number n = (cmsFloat32Number) i / 255.0F; cmsUInt16Number f1 = (cmsUInt16Number) floor(255.0 * cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, t, n) + 0.5); cmsUInt16Number f2 = (cmsUInt16Number) floor(255.0*Rec709((double) i / 255.0) + 0.5); if (f1 != f2) { cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, t); return 0; } } cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, t); return 1; } #define kNumPoints 10 typedef cmsFloat32Number(*Function)(cmsFloat32Number x); static cmsFloat32Number StraightLine( cmsFloat32Number x) { return (cmsFloat32Number) (0.1 + 0.9 * x); } static cmsInt32Number TestCurve(cmsContext ContextID, const char* label, cmsToneCurve* curve, Function fn) { cmsInt32Number ok = 1; int i; for (i = 0; i < kNumPoints*3; i++) { cmsFloat32Number x = (cmsFloat32Number)i / (kNumPoints*3 - 1); cmsFloat32Number expectedY = fn(x); cmsFloat32Number out = cmsEvalToneCurveFloat(ContextID, curve, x); if (!IsGoodVal(label, expectedY, out, FLOAT_PRECISSION)) { ok = 0; } } return ok; } static cmsInt32Number CheckFloatSamples(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsFloat32Number y[kNumPoints]; int i; cmsToneCurve *curve; cmsInt32Number ok; for (i = 0; i < kNumPoints; i++) { cmsFloat32Number x = (cmsFloat32Number)i / (kNumPoints-1); y[i] = StraightLine(x); } curve = cmsBuildTabulatedToneCurveFloat(ContextID, kNumPoints, y); ok = TestCurve(ContextID, "Float Samples", curve, StraightLine); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, curve); return ok; } static cmsInt32Number CheckFloatSegments(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number ok = 1; int i; cmsToneCurve *curve; cmsFloat32Number y[ kNumPoints]; // build a segmented curve with a sampled section... cmsCurveSegment Seg[3]; // Initialize segmented curve part up to 0.1 Seg[0].x0 = -1e22f; // -infinity Seg[0].x1 = 0.1f; Seg[0].Type = 6; // Y = (a * X + b) ^ Gamma + c Seg[0].Params[0] = 1.0f; // gamma Seg[0].Params[1] = 0.9f; // a Seg[0].Params[2] = 0.0f; // b Seg[0].Params[3] = 0.1f; // c Seg[0].Params[4] = 0.0f; // From zero to 1 Seg[1].x0 = 0.1f; Seg[1].x1 = 0.9f; Seg[1].Type = 0; Seg[1].nGridPoints = kNumPoints; Seg[1].SampledPoints = y; for (i = 0; i < kNumPoints; i++) { cmsFloat32Number x = (cmsFloat32Number) (0.1 + ((cmsFloat32Number)i / (kNumPoints-1)) * (0.9 - 0.1)); y[i] = StraightLine(x); } // from 1 to +infinity Seg[2].x0 = 0.9f; Seg[2].x1 = 1e22f; // +infinity Seg[2].Type = 6; Seg[2].Params[0] = 1.0f; Seg[2].Params[1] = 0.9f; Seg[2].Params[2] = 0.0f; Seg[2].Params[3] = 0.1f; Seg[2].Params[4] = 0.0f; curve = cmsBuildSegmentedToneCurve(ContextID, 3, Seg); ok = TestCurve(ContextID, "Float Segmented Curve", curve, StraightLine); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, curve); return ok; } static cmsInt32Number CheckReadRAW(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsInt32Number tag_size, tag_size1; char buffer[4]; cmsHPROFILE hProfile; SubTest("RAW read on on-disk"); hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"); if (hProfile == NULL) return 0; tag_size = cmsReadRawTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigGamutTag, buffer, 4); tag_size1 = cmsReadRawTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigGamutTag, NULL, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); if (tag_size != 4) return 0; if (tag_size1 != 37009) return 0; SubTest("RAW read on in-memory created profiles"); hProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); tag_size = cmsReadRawTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigGreenColorantTag, buffer, 4); tag_size1 = cmsReadRawTag(ContextID, hProfile, cmsSigGreenColorantTag, NULL, 0); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hProfile); if (tag_size != 4) return 0; if (tag_size1 != 20) return 0; return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckMeta(cmsContext ContextID) { char *data; cmsHANDLE dict; cmsHPROFILE p; cmsUInt32Number clen; FILE *fp; int rc; /* open file */ p = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "ibm-t61.icc", "r"); if (p == NULL) return 0; /* read dictionary, but don't do anything with the value */ //COMMENT OUT THE NEXT TWO LINES AND IT WORKS FINE!!! dict = cmsReadTag(ContextID, p, cmsSigMetaTag); if (dict == NULL) return 0; /* serialize profile to memory */ rc = cmsSaveProfileToMem(ContextID, p, NULL, &clen); if (!rc) return 0; data = (char*) malloc(clen); rc = cmsSaveProfileToMem(ContextID, p, data, &clen); if (!rc) return 0; /* write the memory blob to a file */ //NOTE: The crash does not happen if cmsSaveProfileToFile() is used */ fp = fopen("new.icc", "wb"); fwrite(data, 1, clen, fp); fclose(fp); free(data); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, p); /* open newly created file and read metadata */ p = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "new.icc", "r"); //ERROR: Bad dictionary Name/Value //ERROR: Corrupted tag 'meta' //test: test.c:59: main: Assertion `dict' failed. dict = cmsReadTag(ContextID, p, cmsSigMetaTag); if (dict == NULL) return 0; cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, p); return 1; } // Bug on applying null transforms on floating point buffers static cmsInt32Number CheckFloatNULLxform(cmsContext ContextID) { int i; cmsFloat32Number in[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; cmsFloat32Number out[10]; cmsHTRANSFORM xform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, NULL, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, NULL, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NULLTRANSFORM); if (xform == NULL) { Fail("Unable to create float null transform"); return 0; } cmsDoTransform(ContextID, xform, in, out, 10); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, xform); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) { if (!IsGoodVal("float nullxform", in[i], out[i], 0.001)) { return 0; } } return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckRemoveTag(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE p; cmsMLU *mlu; int ret; p = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); /* set value */ mlu = cmsMLUalloc (ContextID, 1); ret = cmsMLUsetASCII(ContextID, mlu, "en", "US", "bar"); if (!ret) return 0; ret = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, p, cmsSigDeviceMfgDescTag, mlu); if (!ret) return 0; cmsMLUfree(ContextID, mlu); /* remove the tag */ ret = cmsWriteTag(ContextID, p, cmsSigDeviceMfgDescTag, NULL); if (!ret) return 0; /* THIS EXPLODES */ cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, p); return 1; } static cmsInt32Number CheckMatrixSimplify(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE pIn; cmsHPROFILE pOut; cmsHTRANSFORM t; unsigned char buf[3] = { 127, 32, 64 }; pIn = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); pOut = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "ibm-t61.icc", "r"); if (pIn == NULL || pOut == NULL) return 0; t = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, pIn, TYPE_RGB_8, pOut, TYPE_RGB_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); cmsDoTransformStride(ContextID, t, buf, buf, 1, 1); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, t); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pOut); return buf[0] == 144 && buf[1] == 0 && buf[2] == 69; } static cmsInt32Number CheckTransformLineStride(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE pIn; cmsHPROFILE pOut; cmsHTRANSFORM t; // Our buffer is formed by 4 RGB8 lines, each line is 2 pixels wide plus a padding of one byte cmsUInt8Number buf1[]= { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, }; // Our buffer2 is formed by 4 RGBA lines, each line is 2 pixels wide plus a padding of one byte cmsUInt8Number buf2[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 1, 0}; // Our buffer3 is formed by 4 RGBA16 lines, each line is 2 pixels wide plus a padding of two bytes cmsUInt16Number buf3[] = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff, 0x0101, 0 }; cmsUInt8Number out[1024]; memset(out, 0, sizeof(out)); pIn = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); pOut = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "ibm-t61.icc", "r"); if (pIn == NULL || pOut == NULL) return 0; t = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, pIn, TYPE_RGB_8, pOut, TYPE_RGB_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA); cmsDoTransformLineStride(ContextID, t, buf1, out, 2, 4, 7, 7, 0, 0); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, t); if (memcmp(out, buf1, sizeof(buf1)) != 0) { Fail("Failed transform line stride on RGB8"); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pOut); return 0; } memset(out, 0, sizeof(out)); t = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, pIn, TYPE_RGBA_8, pOut, TYPE_RGBA_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA); cmsDoTransformLineStride(ContextID, t, buf2, out, 2, 4, 9, 9, 0, 0); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, t); if (memcmp(out, buf2, sizeof(buf2)) != 0) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pOut); Fail("Failed transform line stride on RGBA8"); return 0; } memset(out, 0, sizeof(out)); t = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, pIn, TYPE_RGBA_16, pOut, TYPE_RGBA_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA); cmsDoTransformLineStride(ContextID, t, buf3, out, 2, 4, 18, 18, 0, 0); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, t); if (memcmp(out, buf3, sizeof(buf3)) != 0) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pOut); Fail("Failed transform line stride on RGBA16"); return 0; } memset(out, 0, sizeof(out)); // From 8 to 16 t = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, pIn, TYPE_RGBA_8, pOut, TYPE_RGBA_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA); cmsDoTransformLineStride(ContextID, t, buf2, out, 2, 4, 9, 18, 0, 0); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, t); if (memcmp(out, buf3, sizeof(buf3)) != 0) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pOut); Fail("Failed transform line stride on RGBA16"); return 0; } cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, pOut); return 1; } static int CheckPlanar8opt(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE aboveRGB = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); cmsHPROFILE sRGB = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); cmsHTRANSFORM transform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, sRGB, TYPE_RGB_8_PLANAR, aboveRGB, TYPE_RGB_8_PLANAR, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, 0); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, transform); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, aboveRGB); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, sRGB); return 1; } /** * Bug reported & fixed. Thanks to Kornel Lesinski for spotting this. */ static int CheckSE(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE input_profile = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); cmsHPROFILE output_profile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); cmsHTRANSFORM tr = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, input_profile, TYPE_RGBA_8, output_profile, TYPE_RGBA_16_SE, INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_COPY_ALPHA); cmsUInt8Number rgba[4] = { 40, 41, 41, 0xfa }; cmsUInt16Number out[4]; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, tr, rgba, out, 1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, input_profile); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, output_profile); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, tr); if (out[0] != 0xf622 || out[1] != 0x7f24 || out[2] != 0x7f24) return 0; return 1; } /** * Bug reported. */ static int CheckForgedMPE(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsUInt32Number i; cmsHPROFILE srcProfile; cmsHPROFILE dstProfile; cmsColorSpaceSignature srcCS; cmsUInt32Number nSrcComponents; cmsUInt32Number srcFormat; cmsUInt32Number intent = 0; cmsUInt32Number flags = 0; cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform; cmsUInt8Number output[4]; srcProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "bad_mpe.icc", "r"); if (!srcProfile) return 0; dstProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); if (!dstProfile) { cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, srcProfile); return 0; } srcCS = cmsGetColorSpace(ContextID, srcProfile); nSrcComponents = cmsChannelsOf(ContextID, srcCS); if (srcCS == cmsSigLabData) { srcFormat = COLORSPACE_SH(PT_Lab) | CHANNELS_SH(nSrcComponents) | BYTES_SH(0); } else { srcFormat = COLORSPACE_SH(PT_ANY) | CHANNELS_SH(nSrcComponents) | BYTES_SH(1); } cmsSetLogErrorHandler(ContextID, ErrorReportingFunction); hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, srcProfile, srcFormat, dstProfile, TYPE_BGR_8, intent, flags); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, srcProfile); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, dstProfile); cmsSetLogErrorHandler(ContextID, FatalErrorQuit); // Should report error if (!TrappedError) return 0; TrappedError = FALSE; // Transform should NOT be created if (!hTransform) return 1; // Never should reach here if (T_BYTES(srcFormat) == 0) { // 0 means double double input[128]; for (i = 0; i < nSrcComponents; i++) input[i] = 0.5f; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hTransform, input, output, 1); } else { cmsUInt8Number input[128]; for (i = 0; i < nSrcComponents; i++) input[i] = 128; cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hTransform, input, output, 1); } cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hTransform); return 0; } /** * What the self test is trying to do is creating a proofing transform * with gamut check, so we can getting the coverage of one profile of * another, i.e. to approximate the gamut intersection. e.g. * Thanks to Richard Hughes for providing the test */ static int CheckProofingIntersection(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsHPROFILE profile_null, hnd1, hnd2; cmsHTRANSFORM transform; hnd1 = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(ContextID); hnd2 = Create_AboveRGB(ContextID); profile_null = cmsCreateNULLProfile(ContextID); transform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(ContextID, hnd1, TYPE_RGB_FLT, profile_null, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, hnd2, INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC, INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC, cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK | cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hnd1); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hnd2); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, profile_null); // Failed? if (transform == NULL) return 0; cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, transform); return 1; } /** * In 2.11: When I create a RGB profile, set the copyright data with an empty string, * then call cmsMD5computeID on said profile, the program crashes. */ static int CheckEmptyMLUC(cmsContext context) { cmsCIExyY white = { 0.31271, 0.32902, 1.0 }; cmsCIExyYTRIPLE primaries = { .Red = { 0.640, 0.330, 1.0 }, .Green = { 0.300, 0.600, 1.0 }, .Blue = { 0.150, 0.060, 1.0 } }; cmsFloat64Number parameters[10] = { 2.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; cmsToneCurve* toneCurve = cmsBuildParametricToneCurve(context, 1, parameters); cmsToneCurve* toneCurves[3] = { toneCurve, toneCurve, toneCurve }; cmsHPROFILE profile = cmsCreateRGBProfileTHR(context, &white, &primaries, toneCurves); cmsSetLogErrorHandlerTHR(context, FatalErrorQuit); cmsFreeToneCurve(toneCurve); // Set an empty copyright tag. This should log an error. cmsMLU* mlu = cmsMLUalloc(context, 1); cmsMLUsetASCII(mlu, "en", "AU", ""); cmsMLUsetWide(mlu, "en", "EN", L""); cmsWriteTag(profile, cmsSigCopyrightTag, mlu); cmsMLUfree(mlu); // This will cause a crash after setting an empty copyright tag. cmsMD5computeID(profile); // Cleanup cmsCloseProfile(profile); DebugMemDontCheckThis(context); return 1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // P E R F O R M A N C E C H E C K S // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct {cmsUInt8Number r, g, b, a;} Scanline_rgba8; typedef struct {cmsUInt16Number r, g, b, a;} Scanline_rgba16; typedef struct {cmsFloat32Number r, g, b, a;} Scanline_rgba32; typedef struct {cmsUInt8Number r, g, b;} Scanline_rgb8; typedef struct {cmsUInt16Number r, g, b;} Scanline_rgb16; typedef struct {cmsFloat32Number r, g, b;} Scanline_rgb32; static void TitlePerformance(const char* Txt) { printf("%-45s: ", Txt); fflush(stdout); } static void PrintPerformance(cmsUInt32Number Bytes, cmsUInt32Number SizeOfPixel, cmsFloat64Number diff) { cmsFloat64Number seconds = (cmsFloat64Number) diff / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cmsFloat64Number mpix_sec = Bytes / (1024.0*1024.0*seconds*SizeOfPixel); printf("%#4.3g MPixel/sec.\n", mpix_sec); fflush(stdout); } static void SpeedTest32bits(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; Scanline_rgba32 *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; cmsUInt32Number Interval = 4; // Power of 2 number to increment r,g,b values by in the loops to keep the test duration practically short cmsUInt32Number NumPixels; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGBA_FLT, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); NumPixels = 256 / Interval * 256 / Interval * 256 / Interval; Mb = NumPixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgba32); In = (Scanline_rgba32 *) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r += Interval) for (g=0; g < 256; g += Interval) for (b=0; b < 256; b += Interval) { In[j].r = r / 256.0f; In[j].g = g / 256.0f; In[j].b = b / 256.0f; In[j].a = (In[j].r + In[j].g + In[j].b) / 3; j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, NumPixels); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(Scanline_rgba32), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest16bits(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; Scanline_rgb16 *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_16, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); Mb = 256*256*256 * sizeof(Scanline_rgb16); In = (Scanline_rgb16*) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r++) for (g=0; g < 256; g++) for (b=0; b < 256; b++) { In[j].r = (cmsUInt16Number) ((r << 8) | r); In[j].g = (cmsUInt16Number) ((g << 8) | g); In[j].b = (cmsUInt16Number) ((b << 8) | b); j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256*256*256); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(Scanline_rgb16), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest32bitsCMYK(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; Scanline_rgba32 *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; cmsUInt32Number Interval = 4; // Power of 2 number to increment r,g,b values by in the loops to keep the test duration practically short cmsUInt32Number NumPixels; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_CMYK_FLT, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); NumPixels = 256 / Interval * 256 / Interval * 256 / Interval; Mb = NumPixels * sizeof(Scanline_rgba32); In = (Scanline_rgba32 *) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r += Interval) for (g=0; g < 256; g += Interval) for (b=0; b < 256; b += Interval) { In[j].r = r / 256.0f; In[j].g = g / 256.0f; In[j].b = b / 256.0f; In[j].a = (In[j].r + In[j].g + In[j].b) / 3; j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, NumPixels); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(Scanline_rgba32), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest16bitsCMYK(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; Scanline_rgba16 *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_CMYK_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_CMYK_16, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); Mb = 256*256*256*sizeof(Scanline_rgba16); In = (Scanline_rgba16*) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r++) for (g=0; g < 256; g++) for (b=0; b < 256; b++) { In[j].r = (cmsUInt16Number) ((r << 8) | r); In[j].g = (cmsUInt16Number) ((g << 8) | g); In[j].b = (cmsUInt16Number) ((b << 8) | b); In[j].a = 0; j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256*256*256); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(Scanline_rgba16), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest8bits(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; Scanline_rgb8 *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_RGB_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_RGB_8, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); Mb = 256*256*256*sizeof(Scanline_rgb8); In = (Scanline_rgb8*) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r++) for (g=0; g < 256; g++) for (b=0; b < 256; b++) { In[j].r = (cmsUInt8Number) r; In[j].g = (cmsUInt8Number) g; In[j].b = (cmsUInt8Number) b; j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256*256*256); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(Scanline_rgb8), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest8bitsCMYK(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; Scanline_rgba8 *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_CMYK_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_CMYK_8, INTENT_PERCEPTUAL, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); Mb = 256*256*256*sizeof(Scanline_rgba8); In = (Scanline_rgba8*) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r++) for (g=0; g < 256; g++) for (b=0; b < 256; b++) { In[j].r = (cmsUInt8Number) r; In[j].g = (cmsUInt8Number) g; In[j].b = (cmsUInt8Number) b; In[j].a = (cmsUInt8Number) 0; j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256*256*256); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(Scanline_rgba8), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest32bitsGray(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; cmsFloat32Number *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; cmsUInt32Number Interval = 4; // Power of 2 number to increment r,g,b values by in the loops to keep the test duration practically short cmsUInt32Number NumPixels; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_GRAY_FLT, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); NumPixels = 256 / Interval * 256 / Interval * 256 / Interval; Mb = NumPixels * sizeof(cmsFloat32Number); In = (cmsFloat32Number*) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r = 0; r < 256; r += Interval) for (g = 0; g < 256; g += Interval) for (b = 0; b < 256; b += Interval) { In[j] = ((r + g + b) / 768.0f); j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, NumPixels); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(cmsFloat32Number), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest16bitsGray(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; cmsUInt16Number *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_GRAY_16, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_GRAY_16, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); Mb = 256*256*256 * sizeof(cmsUInt16Number); In = (cmsUInt16Number *) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r++) for (g=0; g < 256; g++) for (b=0; b < 256; b++) { In[j] = (cmsUInt16Number) ((r + g + b) / 3); j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256*256*256); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(cmsUInt16Number), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static void SpeedTest8bitsGray(cmsContext ContextID, const char * Title, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileIn, cmsHPROFILE hlcmsProfileOut, cmsInt32Number Intent) { cmsInt32Number r, g, b, j; clock_t atime; cmsFloat64Number diff; cmsHTRANSFORM hlcmsxform; cmsUInt8Number *In; cmsUInt32Number Mb; if (hlcmsProfileIn == NULL || hlcmsProfileOut == NULL) Die("Unable to open profiles"); hlcmsxform = cmsCreateTransform(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn, TYPE_GRAY_8, hlcmsProfileOut, TYPE_GRAY_8, Intent, cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileIn); cmsCloseProfile(ContextID, hlcmsProfileOut); Mb = 256*256*256; In = (cmsUInt8Number*) malloc(Mb); j = 0; for (r=0; r < 256; r++) for (g=0; g < 256; g++) for (b=0; b < 256; b++) { In[j] = (cmsUInt8Number) r; j++; } TitlePerformance(Title); atime = clock(); cmsDoTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform, In, In, 256*256*256); diff = clock() - atime; free(In); PrintPerformance(Mb, sizeof(cmsUInt8Number), diff); cmsDeleteTransform(ContextID, hlcmsxform); } static cmsHPROFILE CreateCurves(cmsContext ContextID) { cmsToneCurve* Gamma = cmsBuildGamma(ContextID, 1.1); cmsToneCurve* Transfer[3]; cmsHPROFILE h; Transfer[0] = Transfer[1] = Transfer[2] = Gamma; h = cmsCreateLinearizationDeviceLink(ContextID, cmsSigRgbData, Transfer); cmsFreeToneCurve(ContextID, Gamma); return h; } static void SpeedTest(cmsContext ContextID) { printf("\n\nP E R F O R M A N C E T E S T S\n"); printf( "=================================\n\n"); fflush(stdout); SpeedTest8bits(ContextID, "8 bits on CLUT profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test3.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest16bits(ContextID, "16 bits on CLUT profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test3.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest32bits(ContextID, "32 bits on CLUT profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test3.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bits(ContextID, "8 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest16bits(ContextID, "16 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest32bits(ContextID, "32 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bits(ContextID, "8 bits on SAME Matrix-Shaper profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest16bits(ContextID, "16 bits on SAME Matrix-Shaper profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest32bits(ContextID, "32 bits on SAME Matrix-Shaper profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bits(ContextID, "8 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles (AbsCol)", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC); SpeedTest16bits(ContextID, "16 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles (AbsCol)", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC); SpeedTest32bits(ContextID, "32 bits on Matrix-Shaper profiles (AbsCol)", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test5.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "aRGBlcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bits(ContextID, "8 bits on curves", CreateCurves(ContextID), CreateCurves(ContextID), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest16bits(ContextID, "16 bits on curves", CreateCurves(ContextID), CreateCurves(ContextID), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest32bits(ContextID, "32 bits on curves", CreateCurves(ContextID), CreateCurves(ContextID), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bitsCMYK(ContextID, "8 bits on CMYK profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test2.icc", "r")); SpeedTest16bitsCMYK(ContextID, "16 bits on CMYK profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test2.icc", "r")); SpeedTest32bitsCMYK(ContextID, "32 bits on CMYK profiles", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test1.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "test2.icc", "r")); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bitsGray(ContextID, "8 bits on gray-to gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "gray3lcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC); SpeedTest16bitsGray(ContextID, "16 bits on gray-to gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "gray3lcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC); SpeedTest32bitsGray(ContextID, "32 bits on gray-to gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "gray3lcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bitsGray(ContextID, "8 bits on gray-to-lab gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "glablcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC); SpeedTest16bitsGray(ContextID, "16 bits on gray-to-lab gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "glablcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC); SpeedTest32bitsGray(ContextID, "32 bits on gray-to-lab gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "glablcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC); printf("\n"); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SpeedTest8bitsGray(ContextID, "8 bits on SAME gray-to-gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest16bitsGray(ContextID, "16 bits on SAME gray-to-gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); SpeedTest32bitsGray(ContextID, "32 bits on SAME gray-to-gray", cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), cmsOpenProfileFromFile(ContextID, "graylcms2.icc", "r"), INTENT_PERCEPTUAL); printf("\n"); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Print the supported intents static void PrintSupportedIntents(void) { cmsUInt32Number n, i; cmsUInt32Number Codes[200]; char* Descriptions[200]; n = cmsGetSupportedIntents(DbgThread(), 200, Codes, Descriptions); printf("Supported intents:\n"); for (i=0; i < n; i++) { printf("\t%u - %s\n", Codes[i], Descriptions[i]); } printf("\n"); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cmsInt32Number Exhaustive = 0; cmsInt32Number DoSpeedTests = 1; cmsInt32Number DoCheckTests = 1; cmsInt32Number DoPluginTests = 1; cmsInt32Number DoZooTests = 0; cmsContext ctx; #ifdef _MSC_VER _CrtSetDbgFlag ( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF ); #endif // First of all, check for the right header if (cmsGetEncodedCMMversion() != LCMS_VERSION) { Die("Oops, you are mixing header and shared lib!\nHeader version reports to be '%d' and shared lib '%d'\n", LCMS_VERSION, cmsGetEncodedCMMversion()); } printf("LittleCMS %2.2f test bed %s %s\n\n", LCMS_VERSION / 1000.0, __DATE__, __TIME__); if ((argc == 2) && strcmp(argv[1], "--exhaustive") == 0) { Exhaustive = 1; printf("Running exhaustive tests (will take a while...)\n\n"); } #ifdef LCMS_FAST_EXTENSIONS //printf("Installing fast 8 bit extension ..."); //cmsPlugin(cmsFast8Bitextensions()); printf("Installing fast float extension ..."); cmsPlugin(cmsFastFloatExtensions()); printf("done.\n"); #endif printf("Installing debug memory plug-in ... "); cmsPlugin(NULL, &DebugMemHandler); printf("done.\n"); ctx = NULL;//cmsCreateContext(NULL, NULL); printf("Installing error logger ... "); cmsSetLogErrorHandler(NULL, FatalErrorQuit); printf("done.\n"); PrintSupportedIntents(); Check(ctx, "Base types", CheckBaseTypes); Check(ctx, "endianness", CheckEndianness); Check(ctx, "quick floor", CheckQuickFloor); Check(ctx, "quick floor word", CheckQuickFloorWord); Check(ctx, "Fixed point 15.16 representation", CheckFixedPoint15_16); Check(ctx, "Fixed point 8.8 representation", CheckFixedPoint8_8); Check(ctx, "D50 roundtrip", CheckD50Roundtrip); // Create utility profiles if (DoCheckTests || DoSpeedTests) Check(ctx, "Creation of test profiles", CreateTestProfiles); if (DoCheckTests) { // Forward 1D interpolation Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in 2pt tables", Check1DLERP2); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in 3pt tables", Check1DLERP3); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in 4pt tables", Check1DLERP4); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in 6pt tables", Check1DLERP6); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in 18pt tables", Check1DLERP18); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in descending 2pt tables", Check1DLERP2Down); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in descending 3pt tables", Check1DLERP3Down); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in descending 6pt tables", Check1DLERP6Down); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in descending 18pt tables", Check1DLERP18Down); if (Exhaustive) { Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in n tables", ExhaustiveCheck1DLERP); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation in descending tables", ExhaustiveCheck1DLERPDown); } // Forward 3D interpolation Check(ctx, "3D interpolation Tetrahedral (float) ", Check3DinterpolationFloatTetrahedral); Check(ctx, "3D interpolation Trilinear (float) ", Check3DinterpolationFloatTrilinear); Check(ctx, "3D interpolation Tetrahedral (16) ", Check3DinterpolationTetrahedral16); Check(ctx, "3D interpolation Trilinear (16) ", Check3DinterpolationTrilinear16); if (Exhaustive) { Check(ctx, "Exhaustive 3D interpolation Tetrahedral (float) ", ExaustiveCheck3DinterpolationFloatTetrahedral); Check(ctx, "Exhaustive 3D interpolation Trilinear (float) ", ExaustiveCheck3DinterpolationFloatTrilinear); Check(ctx, "Exhaustive 3D interpolation Tetrahedral (16) ", ExhaustiveCheck3DinterpolationTetrahedral16); Check(ctx, "Exhaustive 3D interpolation Trilinear (16) ", ExhaustiveCheck3DinterpolationTrilinear16); } Check(ctx, "Reverse interpolation 3 -> 3", CheckReverseInterpolation3x3); Check(ctx, "Reverse interpolation 4 -> 3", CheckReverseInterpolation4x3); // High dimensionality interpolation Check(ctx, "3D interpolation", Check3Dinterp); Check(ctx, "3D interpolation with granularity", Check3DinterpGranular); Check(ctx, "4D interpolation", Check4Dinterp); Check(ctx, "4D interpolation with granularity", Check4DinterpGranular); Check(ctx, "5D interpolation with granularity", Check5DinterpGranular); Check(ctx, "6D interpolation with granularity", Check6DinterpGranular); Check(ctx, "7D interpolation with granularity", Check7DinterpGranular); Check(ctx, "8D interpolation with granularity", Check8DinterpGranular); // Encoding of colorspaces Check(ctx, "Lab to LCh and back (float only) ", CheckLab2LCh); Check(ctx, "Lab to XYZ and back (float only) ", CheckLab2XYZ); Check(ctx, "Lab to xyY and back (float only) ", CheckLab2xyY); Check(ctx, "Lab V2 encoding", CheckLabV2encoding); Check(ctx, "Lab V4 encoding", CheckLabV4encoding); // BlackBody Check(ctx, "Blackbody radiator", CheckTemp2CHRM); // Tone curves Check(ctx, "Linear gamma curves (16 bits)", CheckGammaCreation16); Check(ctx, "Linear gamma curves (float)", CheckGammaCreationFlt); Check(ctx, "Curve 1.8 (float)", CheckGamma18); Check(ctx, "Curve 2.2 (float)", CheckGamma22); Check(ctx, "Curve 3.0 (float)", CheckGamma30); Check(ctx, "Curve 1.8 (table)", CheckGamma18Table); Check(ctx, "Curve 2.2 (table)", CheckGamma22Table); Check(ctx, "Curve 3.0 (table)", CheckGamma30Table); Check(ctx, "Curve 1.8 (word table)", CheckGamma18TableWord); Check(ctx, "Curve 2.2 (word table)", CheckGamma22TableWord); Check(ctx, "Curve 3.0 (word table)", CheckGamma30TableWord); Check(ctx, "Parametric curves", CheckParametricToneCurves); Check(ctx, "Join curves", CheckJointCurves); Check(ctx, "Join curves descending", CheckJointCurvesDescending); Check(ctx, "Join curves degenerated", CheckReverseDegenerated); Check(ctx, "Join curves sRGB (Float)", CheckJointFloatCurves_sRGB); Check(ctx, "Join curves sRGB (16 bits)", CheckJoint16Curves_sRGB); Check(ctx, "Join curves sigmoidal", CheckJointCurvesSShaped); // LUT basics Check(ctx, "LUT creation & dup", CheckLUTcreation); Check(ctx, "1 Stage LUT ", Check1StageLUT); Check(ctx, "2 Stage LUT ", Check2StageLUT); Check(ctx, "2 Stage LUT (16 bits)", Check2Stage16LUT); Check(ctx, "3 Stage LUT ", Check3StageLUT); Check(ctx, "3 Stage LUT (16 bits)", Check3Stage16LUT); Check(ctx, "4 Stage LUT ", Check4StageLUT); Check(ctx, "4 Stage LUT (16 bits)", Check4Stage16LUT); Check(ctx, "5 Stage LUT ", Check5StageLUT); Check(ctx, "5 Stage LUT (16 bits) ", Check5Stage16LUT); Check(ctx, "6 Stage LUT ", Check6StageLUT); Check(ctx, "6 Stage LUT (16 bits) ", Check6Stage16LUT); // LUT operation Check(ctx, "Lab to Lab LUT (float only) ", CheckLab2LabLUT); Check(ctx, "XYZ to XYZ LUT (float only) ", CheckXYZ2XYZLUT); Check(ctx, "Lab to Lab MAT LUT (float only) ", CheckLab2LabMatLUT); Check(ctx, "Named Color LUT", CheckNamedColorLUT); Check(ctx, "Usual formatters", CheckFormatters16); Check(ctx, "Floating point formatters", CheckFormattersFloat); #ifndef CMS_NO_HALF_SUPPORT Check(ctx, "HALF formatters", CheckFormattersHalf); #endif // ChangeBuffersFormat Check(ctx, "ChangeBuffersFormat", CheckChangeBufferFormat); // MLU Check(ctx, "Multilocalized Unicode", CheckMLU); // Named color Check(ctx, "Named color lists", CheckNamedColorList); Check(ctx, "Create named color profile", CreateNamedColorProfile); // Profile I/O (this one is huge!) Check(ctx, "Profile creation", CheckProfileCreation); Check(ctx, "Header version", CheckVersionHeaderWriting); Check(ctx, "Multilocalized profile", CheckMultilocalizedProfile); // Error reporting Check(ctx, "Error reporting on bad profiles", CheckErrReportingOnBadProfiles); Check(ctx, "Error reporting on bad transforms", CheckErrReportingOnBadTransforms); // Transforms Check(ctx, "Curves only transforms", CheckCurvesOnlyTransforms); Check(ctx, "Float Lab->Lab transforms", CheckFloatLabTransforms); Check(ctx, "Encoded Lab->Lab transforms", CheckEncodedLabTransforms); Check(ctx, "Stored identities", CheckStoredIdentities); Check(ctx, "Matrix-shaper transform (float)", CheckMatrixShaperXFORMFloat); Check(ctx, "Matrix-shaper transform (16 bits)", CheckMatrixShaperXFORM16); Check(ctx, "Matrix-shaper transform (8 bits)", CheckMatrixShaperXFORM8); Check(ctx, "Primaries of sRGB", CheckRGBPrimaries); // Known values Check(ctx, "Known values across matrix-shaper", Chack_sRGB_Float); Check(ctx, "Gray input profile", CheckInputGray); Check(ctx, "Gray Lab input profile", CheckLabInputGray); Check(ctx, "Gray output profile", CheckOutputGray); Check(ctx, "Gray Lab output profile", CheckLabOutputGray); Check(ctx, "Matrix-shaper proofing transform (float)", CheckProofingXFORMFloat); Check(ctx, "Matrix-shaper proofing transform (16 bits)", CheckProofingXFORM16); Check(ctx, "Gamut check", CheckGamutCheck); Check(ctx, "CMYK roundtrip on perceptual transform", CheckCMYKRoundtrip); Check(ctx, "CMYK perceptual transform", CheckCMYKPerceptual); // Check("CMYK rel.col. transform", CheckCMYKRelCol); Check(ctx, "Black ink only preservation", CheckKOnlyBlackPreserving); Check(ctx, "Black plane preservation", CheckKPlaneBlackPreserving); Check(ctx, "Deciding curve types", CheckV4gamma); Check(ctx, "Black point detection", CheckBlackPoint); Check(ctx, "TAC detection", CheckTAC); Check(ctx, "CGATS parser", CheckCGATS); Check(ctx, "CGATS parser on junk", CheckCGATS2); Check(ctx, "CGATS parser on overflow", CheckCGATS_Overflow); Check(ctx, "PostScript generator", CheckPostScript); Check(ctx, "Segment maxima GBD", CheckGBD); Check(ctx, "MD5 digest", CheckMD5); Check(ctx, "Linking", CheckLinking); Check(ctx, "floating point tags on XYZ", CheckFloatXYZ); Check(ctx, "RGB->Lab->RGB with alpha on FLT", ChecksRGB2LabFLT); Check(ctx, "Parametric curve on Rec709", CheckParametricRec709); Check(ctx, "Floating Point sampled curve with non-zero start", CheckFloatSamples); Check(ctx, "Floating Point segmented curve with short sampled segment", CheckFloatSegments); Check(ctx, "Read RAW portions", CheckReadRAW); Check(ctx, "Check MetaTag", CheckMeta); Check(ctx, "Null transform on floats", CheckFloatNULLxform); Check(ctx, "Set free a tag", CheckRemoveTag); Check(ctx, "Matrix simplification", CheckMatrixSimplify); Check(ctx, "Planar 8 optimization", CheckPlanar8opt); Check(ctx, "Swap endian feature", CheckSE); Check(ctx, "Transform line stride RGB", CheckTransformLineStride); Check(ctx, "Forged MPE profile", CheckForgedMPE); Check(ctx, "Proofing intersection", CheckProofingIntersection); Check(ctx, "Empty MLUC", CheckEmptyMLUC); } if (DoPluginTests) { Check(ctx, "Context memory handling", CheckAllocContext); Check(ctx, "Simple context functionality", CheckSimpleContext); Check(ctx, "Alarm codes context", CheckAlarmColorsContext); Check(ctx, "Adaptation state context", CheckAdaptationStateContext); Check(ctx, "1D interpolation plugin", CheckInterp1DPlugin); Check(ctx, "3D interpolation plugin", CheckInterp3DPlugin); Check(ctx, "Parametric curve plugin", CheckParametricCurvePlugin); Check(ctx, "Formatters plugin", CheckFormattersPlugin); Check(ctx, "Tag type plugin", CheckTagTypePlugin); Check(ctx, "MPE type plugin", CheckMPEPlugin); Check(ctx, "Optimization plugin", CheckOptimizationPlugin); Check(ctx, "Rendering intent plugin", CheckIntentPlugin); Check(ctx, "Full transform plugin", CheckTransformPlugin); Check(ctx, "Mutex plugin", CheckMutexPlugin); } if (DoSpeedTests) SpeedTest(ctx); #ifdef CMS_IS_WINDOWS_ if (DoZooTests) CheckProfileZOO(ctx); #endif DebugMemPrintTotals(); cmsUnregisterPlugins(NULL); // Cleanup if (DoCheckTests || DoSpeedTests) RemoveTestProfiles(); return TotalFail; }