/********************************************************************** * File: baseapi.cpp * Description: Simple API for calling tesseract. * Author: Ray Smith * * (C) Copyright 2006, Google Inc. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************/ #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // for M_PI // Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE #include "blobclass.h" // for ExtractFontName #endif #include "boxword.h" // for BoxWord #include "coutln.h" // for C_OUTLINE_IT, C_OUTLINE_LIST #include "dawg_cache.h" // for DawgCache #include "dict.h" // for Dict #include "edgblob.h" // for extract_edges #include "elst.h" // for ELIST_ITERATOR, ELISTIZE, ELISTIZEH #include "environ.h" // for l_uint8 #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE #include "equationdetect.h" // for EquationDetect #endif #include "errcode.h" // for ASSERT_HOST #include "host.h" // for MAX_PATH #include "imageio.h" // for IFF_TIFF_G4, IFF_TIFF, IFF_TIFF_G3, ... #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE #include "intfx.h" // for INT_FX_RESULT_STRUCT #endif #include "mutableiterator.h" // for MutableIterator #include "normalis.h" // for kBlnBaselineOffset, kBlnXHeight #if defined(USE_OPENCL) #include "openclwrapper.h" // for OpenclDevice #endif #include "pageres.h" // for PAGE_RES_IT, WERD_RES, PAGE_RES, CR_DE... #include "paragraphs.h" // for DetectParagraphs #include "params.h" // for BoolParam, IntParam, DoubleParam, Stri... #include "pdblock.h" // for PDBLK #include "points.h" // for FCOORD #include "polyblk.h" // for POLY_BLOCK #include "rect.h" // for TBOX #include "stepblob.h" // for C_BLOB_IT, C_BLOB, C_BLOB_LIST #include "tessdatamanager.h" // for TessdataManager, kTrainedDataSuffix #include "tesseractclass.h" // for Tesseract #include "tprintf.h" // for tprintf #include "werd.h" // for WERD, WERD_IT, W_FUZZY_NON, W_FUZZY_SP #include #include // for TessResultRenderer #include // for ResultIterator #include "strngs.h" // for STRING #include // for ImageThresholder #include "helpers.h" // for IntCastRounded, chomp_string #include // for ETEXT_DESC #include // for OSResults, OSBestResult, OrientationId... #include // for round, M_PI #include // for int32_t #include // for strcmp, strcpy #include // for size_t #include // for std::cin #include // for std::locale::classic #include // for std::unique_ptr #include // for std::pair #include // for std::stringstream #include // for std::vector #include "allheaders.h" // for pixDestroy, boxCreate, boxaAddBox, box... #ifdef HAVE_LIBCURL #include #endif #ifdef __linux__ #include // for sigaction, SA_RESETHAND, SIGBUS, SIGFPE #endif #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include #else #include // for closedir, opendir, readdir, DIR, dirent #include #include #include // for stat, S_IFDIR #include #endif // _WIN32 namespace tesseract { static BOOL_VAR(stream_filelist, false, "Stream a filelist from stdin"); static STRING_VAR(document_title, "", "Title of output document (used for hOCR and PDF output)"); /** Minimum sensible image size to be worth running tesseract. */ const int kMinRectSize = 10; /** Character returned when Tesseract couldn't recognize as anything. */ const char kTesseractReject = '~'; /** Character used by UNLV error counter as a reject. */ const char kUNLVReject = '~'; /** Character used by UNLV as a suspect marker. */ const char kUNLVSuspect = '^'; /** * Filename used for input image file, from which to derive a name to search * for a possible UNLV zone file, if none is specified by SetInputName. */ static const char* kInputFile = "noname.tif"; /** * Temp file used for storing current parameters before applying retry values. */ static const char* kOldVarsFile = "failed_vars.txt"; /** Max string length of an int. */ const int kMaxIntSize = 22; /* Add all available languages recursively. */ static void addAvailableLanguages(const std::string& datadir, const std::string& base, std::vector* langs) { auto base2 = base; if (!base2.empty()) base2 += "/"; const size_t extlen = sizeof(kTrainedDataSuffix); #ifdef _WIN32 WIN32_FIND_DATA data; HANDLE handle = FindFirstFile((datadir + base2 + "*").c_str(), &data); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { BOOL result = TRUE; for (; result;) { char *name = data.cFileName; // Skip '.', '..', and hidden files if (name[0] != '.') { if ((data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { addAvailableLanguages(datadir, base2 + name, langs); } else { size_t len = strlen(name); if (len > extlen && name[len - extlen] == '.' && strcmp(&name[len - extlen + 1], kTrainedDataSuffix) == 0) { name[len - extlen] = '\0'; langs->push_back(base2 + name); } } } result = FindNextFile(handle, &data); } FindClose(handle); } #else // _WIN32 DIR* dir = opendir((datadir + base).c_str()); if (dir != nullptr) { dirent *de; while ((de = readdir(dir))) { char *name = de->d_name; // Skip '.', '..', and hidden files if (name[0] != '.') { struct stat st; if (stat((datadir + base2 + name).c_str(), &st) == 0 && (st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) == S_IFDIR) { addAvailableLanguages(datadir, base2 + name, langs); } else { size_t len = strlen(name); if (len > extlen && name[len - extlen] == '.' && strcmp(&name[len - extlen + 1], kTrainedDataSuffix) == 0) { name[len - extlen] = '\0'; langs->push_back(base2 + name); } } } } closedir(dir); } #endif } TessBaseAPI::TessBaseAPI() : tesseract_(nullptr), osd_tesseract_(nullptr), equ_detect_(nullptr), reader_(nullptr), // Thresholder is initialized to nullptr here, but will be set before use by: // A constructor of a derived API, SetThresholder(), or // created implicitly when used in InternalSetImage. thresholder_(nullptr), paragraph_models_(nullptr), block_list_(nullptr), page_res_(nullptr), last_oem_requested_(OEM_DEFAULT), recognition_done_(false), rect_left_(0), rect_top_(0), rect_width_(0), rect_height_(0), image_width_(0), image_height_(0) { #if !defined(NDEBUG) // The Tesseract executables would use the "C" locale by default, // but other software which is linked against the Tesseract library // typically uses the locale from the user's environment. // Here the default is overridden to allow debugging of potential // problems caused by the locale settings. // Use the current locale if building debug code. try { std::locale::global(std::locale("")); } catch (const std::runtime_error& ex) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Could not set the current locale\n"); } #endif } TessBaseAPI::~TessBaseAPI() { End(); } /** * Returns the version identifier as a static string. Do not delete. */ const char* TessBaseAPI::Version() { return TESSERACT_VERSION_STR; } /** * If compiled with OpenCL AND an available OpenCL * device is deemed faster than serial code, then * "device" is populated with the cl_device_id * and returns sizeof(cl_device_id) * otherwise *device=nullptr and returns 0. */ size_t TessBaseAPI::getOpenCLDevice(void **data) { #ifdef USE_OPENCL ds_device device = OpenclDevice::getDeviceSelection(); if (device.type == DS_DEVICE_OPENCL_DEVICE) { *data = new cl_device_id; memcpy(*data, &device.oclDeviceID, sizeof(cl_device_id)); return sizeof(cl_device_id); } #endif *data = nullptr; return 0; } /** * Set the name of the input file. Needed only for training and * loading a UNLV zone file. */ void TessBaseAPI::SetInputName(const char* name) { input_file_ = name ? name : ""; } /** Set the name of the output files. Needed only for debugging. */ void TessBaseAPI::SetOutputName(const char* name) { output_file_ = name ? name : ""; } bool TessBaseAPI::SetVariable(const char* name, const char* value) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) tesseract_ = new Tesseract; return ParamUtils::SetParam(name, value, SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_NON_INIT_ONLY, tesseract_->params()); } bool TessBaseAPI::SetDebugVariable(const char* name, const char* value) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) tesseract_ = new Tesseract; return ParamUtils::SetParam(name, value, SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_DEBUG_ONLY, tesseract_->params()); } bool TessBaseAPI::GetIntVariable(const char *name, int *value) const { auto *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( name, GlobalParams()->int_params, tesseract_->params()->int_params); if (p == nullptr) return false; *value = (int32_t)(*p); return true; } bool TessBaseAPI::GetBoolVariable(const char *name, bool *value) const { auto *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( name, GlobalParams()->bool_params, tesseract_->params()->bool_params); if (p == nullptr) return false; *value = bool(*p); return true; } const char *TessBaseAPI::GetStringVariable(const char *name) const { auto *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( name, GlobalParams()->string_params, tesseract_->params()->string_params); return (p != nullptr) ? p->c_str() : nullptr; } bool TessBaseAPI::GetDoubleVariable(const char *name, double *value) const { auto *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( name, GlobalParams()->double_params, tesseract_->params()->double_params); if (p == nullptr) return false; *value = (double)(*p); return true; } /** Get value of named variable as a string, if it exists. */ bool TessBaseAPI::GetVariableAsString(const char* name, std::string* val) { return ParamUtils::GetParamAsString(name, tesseract_->params(), val); } /** Print Tesseract parameters to the given file. */ void TessBaseAPI::PrintVariables(FILE *fp) const { ParamUtils::PrintParams(fp, tesseract_->params()); } /** * The datapath must be the name of the data directory or * some other file in which the data directory resides (for instance argv[0].) * The language is (usually) an ISO 639-3 string or nullptr will default to eng. * If numeric_mode is true, then only digits and Roman numerals will * be returned. * @return: 0 on success and -1 on initialization failure. */ int TessBaseAPI::Init(const char* datapath, const char* language, OcrEngineMode oem, char **configs, int configs_size, const std::vector *vars_vec, const std::vector *vars_values, bool set_only_non_debug_params) { return Init(datapath, 0, language, oem, configs, configs_size, vars_vec, vars_values, set_only_non_debug_params, nullptr); } // In-memory version reads the traineddata file directly from the given // data[data_size] array. Also implements the version with a datapath in data, // flagged by data_size = 0. int TessBaseAPI::Init(const char* data, int data_size, const char* language, OcrEngineMode oem, char** configs, int configs_size, const std::vector* vars_vec, const std::vector* vars_values, bool set_only_non_debug_params, FileReader reader) { // Default language is "eng". if (language == nullptr) language = "eng"; if (data == nullptr) { data = ""; } std::string datapath = data_size == 0 ? data : language; // If the datapath, OcrEngineMode or the language have changed - start again. // Note that the language_ field stores the last requested language that was // initialized successfully, while tesseract_->lang stores the language // actually used. They differ only if the requested language was nullptr, in // which case tesseract_->lang is set to the Tesseract default ("eng"). if (tesseract_ != nullptr && (datapath_.empty() || language_.empty() || datapath_ != datapath || last_oem_requested_ != oem || (language_ != language && tesseract_->lang != language))) { delete tesseract_; tesseract_ = nullptr; } #ifdef USE_OPENCL OpenclDevice od; od.InitEnv(); #endif bool reset_classifier = true; if (tesseract_ == nullptr) { reset_classifier = false; tesseract_ = new Tesseract; if (reader != nullptr) reader_ = reader; TessdataManager mgr(reader_); if (data_size != 0) { mgr.LoadMemBuffer(language, data, data_size); } if (tesseract_->init_tesseract( datapath.c_str(), output_file_.c_str(), language, oem, configs, configs_size, vars_vec, vars_values, set_only_non_debug_params, &mgr) != 0) { return -1; } } // Update datapath and language requested for the last valid initialization. datapath_ = datapath; if ((strcmp(datapath_.c_str(), "") == 0) && (strcmp(tesseract_->datadir.c_str(), "") != 0)) datapath_ = tesseract_->datadir; language_ = language; last_oem_requested_ = oem; #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE // For same language and datapath, just reset the adaptive classifier. if (reset_classifier) { tesseract_->ResetAdaptiveClassifier(); } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE return 0; } /** * Returns the languages string used in the last valid initialization. * If the last initialization specified "deu+hin" then that will be * returned. If hin loaded eng automatically as well, then that will * not be included in this list. To find the languages actually * loaded use GetLoadedLanguagesAsVector. * The returned string should NOT be deleted. */ const char* TessBaseAPI::GetInitLanguagesAsString() const { return language_.c_str(); } /** * Returns the loaded languages in the vector of std::string. * Includes all languages loaded by the last Init, including those loaded * as dependencies of other loaded languages. */ void TessBaseAPI::GetLoadedLanguagesAsVector( std::vector* langs) const { langs->clear(); if (tesseract_ != nullptr) { langs->push_back(tesseract_->lang); int num_subs = tesseract_->num_sub_langs(); for (int i = 0; i < num_subs; ++i) langs->push_back(tesseract_->get_sub_lang(i)->lang); } } /** * Returns the available languages in the sorted vector of std::string. */ void TessBaseAPI::GetAvailableLanguagesAsVector( std::vector* langs) const { langs->clear(); if (tesseract_ != nullptr) { addAvailableLanguages(tesseract_->datadir, "", langs); std::sort(langs->begin(), langs->end()); } } //TODO(amit): Adapt to lstm #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Init only the lang model component of Tesseract. The only functions * that work after this init are SetVariable and IsValidWord. * WARNING: temporary! This function will be removed from here and placed * in a separate API at some future time. */ int TessBaseAPI::InitLangMod(const char* datapath, const char* language) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) tesseract_ = new Tesseract; else ParamUtils::ResetToDefaults(tesseract_->params()); TessdataManager mgr; return tesseract_->init_tesseract_lm(datapath, nullptr, language, &mgr); } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Init only for page layout analysis. Use only for calls to SetImage and * AnalysePage. Calls that attempt recognition will generate an error. */ void TessBaseAPI::InitForAnalysePage() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) { tesseract_ = new Tesseract; #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE tesseract_->InitAdaptiveClassifier(nullptr); #endif } } /** * Read a "config" file containing a set of parameter name, value pairs. * Searches the standard places: tessdata/configs, tessdata/tessconfigs * and also accepts a relative or absolute path name. */ void TessBaseAPI::ReadConfigFile(const char* filename) { tesseract_->read_config_file(filename, SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_NON_INIT_ONLY); } /** Same as above, but only set debug params from the given config file. */ void TessBaseAPI::ReadDebugConfigFile(const char* filename) { tesseract_->read_config_file(filename, SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_DEBUG_ONLY); } /** * Set the current page segmentation mode. Defaults to PSM_AUTO. * The mode is stored as an IntParam so it can also be modified by * ReadConfigFile or SetVariable("tessedit_pageseg_mode", mode as string). */ void TessBaseAPI::SetPageSegMode(PageSegMode mode) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) tesseract_ = new Tesseract; tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode.set_value(mode); } /** Return the current page segmentation mode. */ PageSegMode TessBaseAPI::GetPageSegMode() const { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) return PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK; return static_cast( static_cast(tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode)); } /** * Recognize a rectangle from an image and return the result as a string. * May be called many times for a single Init. * Currently has no error checking. * Greyscale of 8 and color of 24 or 32 bits per pixel may be given. * Palette color images will not work properly and must be converted to * 24 bit. * Binary images of 1 bit per pixel may also be given but they must be * byte packed with the MSB of the first byte being the first pixel, and a * one pixel is WHITE. For binary images set bytes_per_pixel=0. * The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded * as UTF8 and must be freed with the delete [] operator. */ char* TessBaseAPI::TesseractRect(const unsigned char* imagedata, int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line, int left, int top, int width, int height) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || width < kMinRectSize || height < kMinRectSize) return nullptr; // Nothing worth doing. // Since this original api didn't give the exact size of the image, // we have to invent a reasonable value. int bits_per_pixel = bytes_per_pixel == 0 ? 1 : bytes_per_pixel * 8; SetImage(imagedata, bytes_per_line * 8 / bits_per_pixel, height + top, bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_line); SetRectangle(left, top, width, height); return GetUTF8Text(); } #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Call between pages or documents etc to free up memory and forget * adaptive data. */ void TessBaseAPI::ClearAdaptiveClassifier() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) return; tesseract_->ResetAdaptiveClassifier(); tesseract_->ResetDocumentDictionary(); } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Provide an image for Tesseract to recognize. Format is as * TesseractRect above. Copies the image buffer and converts to Pix. * SetImage clears all recognition results, and sets the rectangle to the * full image, so it may be followed immediately by a GetUTF8Text, and it * will automatically perform recognition. */ void TessBaseAPI::SetImage(const unsigned char* imagedata, int width, int height, int bytes_per_pixel, int bytes_per_line) { if (InternalSetImage()) { thresholder_->SetImage(imagedata, width, height, bytes_per_pixel, bytes_per_line); SetInputImage(thresholder_->GetPixRect()); } } void TessBaseAPI::SetSourceResolution(int ppi) { if (thresholder_) thresholder_->SetSourceYResolution(ppi); else tprintf("Please call SetImage before SetSourceResolution.\n"); } /** * Provide an image for Tesseract to recognize. As with SetImage above, * Tesseract takes its own copy of the image, so it need not persist until * after Recognize. * Pix vs raw, which to use? * Use Pix where possible. Tesseract uses Pix as its internal representation * and it is therefore more efficient to provide a Pix directly. */ void TessBaseAPI::SetImage(Pix* pix) { if (InternalSetImage()) { if (pixGetSpp(pix) == 4 && pixGetInputFormat(pix) == IFF_PNG) { // remove alpha channel from png Pix* p1 = pixRemoveAlpha(pix); pixSetSpp(p1, 3); (void)pixCopy(pix, p1); pixDestroy(&p1); } thresholder_->SetImage(pix); SetInputImage(thresholder_->GetPixRect()); } } /** * Restrict recognition to a sub-rectangle of the image. Call after SetImage. * Each SetRectangle clears the recogntion results so multiple rectangles * can be recognized with the same image. */ void TessBaseAPI::SetRectangle(int left, int top, int width, int height) { if (thresholder_ == nullptr) return; thresholder_->SetRectangle(left, top, width, height); ClearResults(); } /** * ONLY available after SetImage if you have Leptonica installed. * Get a copy of the internal thresholded image from Tesseract. */ Pix* TessBaseAPI::GetThresholdedImage() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || thresholder_ == nullptr) return nullptr; if (tesseract_->pix_binary() == nullptr && !Threshold(tesseract_->mutable_pix_binary())) { return nullptr; } return pixClone(tesseract_->pix_binary()); } /** * Get the result of page layout analysis as a leptonica-style * Boxa, Pixa pair, in reading order. * Can be called before or after Recognize. */ Boxa* TessBaseAPI::GetRegions(Pixa** pixa) { return GetComponentImages(RIL_BLOCK, false, pixa, nullptr); } /** * Get the textlines as a leptonica-style Boxa, Pixa pair, in reading order. * Can be called before or after Recognize. * If blockids is not nullptr, the block-id of each line is also returned as an * array of one element per line. delete [] after use. * If paraids is not nullptr, the paragraph-id of each line within its block is * also returned as an array of one element per line. delete [] after use. */ Boxa* TessBaseAPI::GetTextlines(const bool raw_image, const int raw_padding, Pixa** pixa, int** blockids, int** paraids) { return GetComponentImages(RIL_TEXTLINE, true, raw_image, raw_padding, pixa, blockids, paraids); } /** * Get textlines and strips of image regions as a leptonica-style Boxa, Pixa * pair, in reading order. Enables downstream handling of non-rectangular * regions. * Can be called before or after Recognize. * If blockids is not nullptr, the block-id of each line is also returned as an * array of one element per line. delete [] after use. */ Boxa* TessBaseAPI::GetStrips(Pixa** pixa, int** blockids) { return GetComponentImages(RIL_TEXTLINE, false, pixa, blockids); } /** * Get the words as a leptonica-style * Boxa, Pixa pair, in reading order. * Can be called before or after Recognize. */ Boxa* TessBaseAPI::GetWords(Pixa** pixa) { return GetComponentImages(RIL_WORD, true, pixa, nullptr); } /** * Gets the individual connected (text) components (created * after pages segmentation step, but before recognition) * as a leptonica-style Boxa, Pixa pair, in reading order. * Can be called before or after Recognize. */ Boxa* TessBaseAPI::GetConnectedComponents(Pixa** pixa) { return GetComponentImages(RIL_SYMBOL, true, pixa, nullptr); } /** * Get the given level kind of components (block, textline, word etc.) as a * leptonica-style Boxa, Pixa pair, in reading order. * Can be called before or after Recognize. * If blockids is not nullptr, the block-id of each component is also returned * as an array of one element per component. delete [] after use. * If text_only is true, then only text components are returned. */ Boxa* TessBaseAPI::GetComponentImages(PageIteratorLevel level, bool text_only, bool raw_image, const int raw_padding, Pixa** pixa, int** blockids, int** paraids) { PageIterator* page_it = GetIterator(); if (page_it == nullptr) page_it = AnalyseLayout(); if (page_it == nullptr) return nullptr; // Failed. // Count the components to get a size for the arrays. int component_count = 0; int left, top, right, bottom; if (raw_image) { // Get bounding box in original raw image with padding. do { if (page_it->BoundingBox(level, raw_padding, &left, &top, &right, &bottom) && (!text_only || PTIsTextType(page_it->BlockType()))) ++component_count; } while (page_it->Next(level)); } else { // Get bounding box from binarized imaged. Note that this could be // differently scaled from the original image. do { if (page_it->BoundingBoxInternal(level, &left, &top, &right, &bottom) && (!text_only || PTIsTextType(page_it->BlockType()))) ++component_count; } while (page_it->Next(level)); } Boxa* boxa = boxaCreate(component_count); if (pixa != nullptr) *pixa = pixaCreate(component_count); if (blockids != nullptr) *blockids = new int[component_count]; if (paraids != nullptr) *paraids = new int[component_count]; int blockid = 0; int paraid = 0; int component_index = 0; page_it->Begin(); do { bool got_bounding_box; if (raw_image) { got_bounding_box = page_it->BoundingBox(level, raw_padding, &left, &top, &right, &bottom); } else { got_bounding_box = page_it->BoundingBoxInternal(level, &left, &top, &right, &bottom); } if (got_bounding_box && (!text_only || PTIsTextType(page_it->BlockType()))) { Box* lbox = boxCreate(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); boxaAddBox(boxa, lbox, L_INSERT); if (pixa != nullptr) { Pix* pix = nullptr; if (raw_image) { pix = page_it->GetImage(level, raw_padding, GetInputImage(), &left, &top); } else { pix = page_it->GetBinaryImage(level); } pixaAddPix(*pixa, pix, L_INSERT); pixaAddBox(*pixa, lbox, L_CLONE); } if (paraids != nullptr) { (*paraids)[component_index] = paraid; if (page_it->IsAtFinalElement(RIL_PARA, level)) ++paraid; } if (blockids != nullptr) { (*blockids)[component_index] = blockid; if (page_it->IsAtFinalElement(RIL_BLOCK, level)) { ++blockid; paraid = 0; } } ++component_index; } } while (page_it->Next(level)); delete page_it; return boxa; } int TessBaseAPI::GetThresholdedImageScaleFactor() const { if (thresholder_ == nullptr) { return 0; } return thresholder_->GetScaleFactor(); } /** * Runs page layout analysis in the mode set by SetPageSegMode. * May optionally be called prior to Recognize to get access to just * the page layout results. Returns an iterator to the results. * If merge_similar_words is true, words are combined where suitable for use * with a line recognizer. Use if you want to use AnalyseLayout to find the * textlines, and then want to process textline fragments with an external * line recognizer. * Returns nullptr on error or an empty page. * The returned iterator must be deleted after use. * WARNING! This class points to data held within the TessBaseAPI class, and * therefore can only be used while the TessBaseAPI class still exists and * has not been subjected to a call of Init, SetImage, Recognize, Clear, End * DetectOS, or anything else that changes the internal PAGE_RES. */ PageIterator* TessBaseAPI::AnalyseLayout() { return AnalyseLayout(false); } PageIterator* TessBaseAPI::AnalyseLayout(bool merge_similar_words) { if (FindLines() == 0) { if (block_list_->empty()) return nullptr; // The page was empty. page_res_ = new PAGE_RES(merge_similar_words, block_list_, nullptr); DetectParagraphs(false); return new PageIterator( page_res_, tesseract_, thresholder_->GetScaleFactor(), thresholder_->GetScaledYResolution(), rect_left_, rect_top_, rect_width_, rect_height_); } return nullptr; } /** * Recognize the tesseract global image and return the result as Tesseract * internal structures. */ int TessBaseAPI::Recognize(ETEXT_DESC* monitor) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) return -1; if (FindLines() != 0) return -1; delete page_res_; if (block_list_->empty()) { page_res_ = new PAGE_RES(false, block_list_, &tesseract_->prev_word_best_choice_); return 0; // Empty page. } tesseract_->SetBlackAndWhitelist(); recognition_done_ = true; #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE if (tesseract_->tessedit_resegment_from_line_boxes) { page_res_ = tesseract_->ApplyBoxes(input_file_.c_str(), true, block_list_); } else if (tesseract_->tessedit_resegment_from_boxes) { page_res_ = tesseract_->ApplyBoxes(input_file_.c_str(), false, block_list_); } else #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE { page_res_ = new PAGE_RES(tesseract_->AnyLSTMLang(), block_list_, &tesseract_->prev_word_best_choice_); } if (page_res_ == nullptr) { return -1; } if (tesseract_->tessedit_train_line_recognizer) { if (!tesseract_->TrainLineRecognizer(input_file_.c_str(), output_file_, block_list_)) { return -1; } tesseract_->CorrectClassifyWords(page_res_); return 0; } #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE if (tesseract_->tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes) { tesseract_->CorrectClassifyWords(page_res_); return 0; } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE int result = 0; if (tesseract_->interactive_display_mode) { #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED tesseract_->pgeditor_main(rect_width_, rect_height_, page_res_); #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED // The page_res is invalid after an interactive session, so cleanup // in a way that lets us continue to the next page without crashing. delete page_res_; page_res_ = nullptr; return -1; #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE } else if (tesseract_->tessedit_train_from_boxes) { STRING fontname; ExtractFontName(output_file_.c_str(), &fontname); tesseract_->ApplyBoxTraining(fontname, page_res_); } else if (tesseract_->tessedit_ambigs_training) { FILE* training_output_file = tesseract_->init_recog_training(input_file_.c_str()); // OCR the page segmented into words by tesseract. tesseract_->recog_training_segmented( input_file_.c_str(), page_res_, monitor, training_output_file); fclose(training_output_file); #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE } else { // Now run the main recognition. bool wait_for_text = true; GetBoolVariable("paragraph_text_based", &wait_for_text); if (!wait_for_text) DetectParagraphs(false); if (tesseract_->recog_all_words(page_res_, monitor, nullptr, nullptr, 0)) { if (wait_for_text) DetectParagraphs(true); } else { result = -1; } } return result; } // Takes ownership of the input pix. void TessBaseAPI::SetInputImage(Pix* pix) { tesseract_->set_pix_original(pix); } Pix* TessBaseAPI::GetInputImage() { return tesseract_->pix_original(); } const char * TessBaseAPI::GetInputName() { if (!input_file_.empty()) { return input_file_.c_str(); } return nullptr; } const char * TessBaseAPI::GetDatapath() { return tesseract_->datadir.c_str(); } int TessBaseAPI::GetSourceYResolution() { return thresholder_->GetSourceYResolution(); } // If flist exists, get data from there. Otherwise get data from buf. // Seems convoluted, but is the easiest way I know of to meet multiple // goals. Support streaming from stdin, and also work on platforms // lacking fmemopen. // TODO: check different logic for flist/buf and simplify. bool TessBaseAPI::ProcessPagesFileList(FILE *flist, std::string *buf, const char* retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer* renderer, int tessedit_page_number) { if (!flist && !buf) return false; int page = (tessedit_page_number >= 0) ? tessedit_page_number : 0; char pagename[MAX_PATH]; std::vector lines; if (!flist) { std::string line; for (const auto ch : *buf) { if (ch == '\n') { lines.push_back(line); line.clear(); } else { line.push_back(ch); } } if (lines.empty()) return false; } // Skip to the requested page number. for (int i = 0; i < page; i++) { if (flist) { if (fgets(pagename, sizeof(pagename), flist) == nullptr) break; } } // Begin producing output if (renderer && !renderer->BeginDocument(document_title.c_str())) { return false; } // Loop over all pages - or just the requested one while (true) { if (flist) { if (fgets(pagename, sizeof(pagename), flist) == nullptr) break; } else { if (page >= lines.size()) break; snprintf(pagename, sizeof(pagename), "%s", lines[page].c_str()); } chomp_string(pagename); Pix *pix = pixRead(pagename); if (pix == nullptr) { tprintf("Image file %s cannot be read!\n", pagename); return false; } tprintf("Page %d : %s\n", page, pagename); bool r = ProcessPage(pix, page, pagename, retry_config, timeout_millisec, renderer); pixDestroy(&pix); if (!r) return false; if (tessedit_page_number >= 0) break; ++page; } // Finish producing output if (renderer && !renderer->EndDocument()) { return false; } return true; } bool TessBaseAPI::ProcessPagesMultipageTiff(const l_uint8 *data, size_t size, const char* filename, const char* retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer* renderer, int tessedit_page_number) { Pix *pix = nullptr; int page = (tessedit_page_number >= 0) ? tessedit_page_number : 0; size_t offset = 0; for (; ; ++page) { if (tessedit_page_number >= 0) { page = tessedit_page_number; pix = (data) ? pixReadMemTiff(data, size, page) : pixReadTiff(filename, page); } else { pix = (data) ? pixReadMemFromMultipageTiff(data, size, &offset) : pixReadFromMultipageTiff(filename, &offset); } if (pix == nullptr) break; tprintf("Page %d\n", page + 1); char page_str[kMaxIntSize]; snprintf(page_str, kMaxIntSize - 1, "%d", page); SetVariable("applybox_page", page_str); bool r = ProcessPage(pix, page, filename, retry_config, timeout_millisec, renderer); pixDestroy(&pix); if (!r) return false; if (tessedit_page_number >= 0) break; if (!offset) break; } return true; } // Master ProcessPages calls ProcessPagesInternal and then does any post- // processing required due to being in a training mode. bool TessBaseAPI::ProcessPages(const char* filename, const char* retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer* renderer) { bool result = ProcessPagesInternal(filename, retry_config, timeout_millisec, renderer); #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE if (result) { if (tesseract_->tessedit_train_from_boxes && !tesseract_->WriteTRFile(output_file_.c_str())) { tprintf("Write of TR file failed: %s\n", output_file_.c_str()); return false; } } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE return result; } static size_t WriteMemoryCallback(void *contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userp) { size = size * nmemb; std::string* buf = reinterpret_cast(userp); buf->append(reinterpret_cast(contents), size); return size; } // In the ideal scenario, Tesseract will start working on data as soon // as it can. For example, if you stream a filelist through stdin, we // should start the OCR process as soon as the first filename is // available. This is particularly useful when hooking Tesseract up to // slow hardware such as a book scanning machine. // // Unfortunately there are tradeoffs. You can't seek on stdin. That // makes automatic detection of datatype (TIFF? filelist? PNG?) // impractical. So we support a command line flag to explicitly // identify the scenario that really matters: filelists on // stdin. We'll still do our best if the user likes pipes. bool TessBaseAPI::ProcessPagesInternal(const char* filename, const char* retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer* renderer) { bool stdInput = !strcmp(filename, "stdin") || !strcmp(filename, "-"); if (stdInput) { #ifdef WIN32 if (_setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY) == -1) tprintf("ERROR: cin to binary: %s", strerror(errno)); #endif // WIN32 } if (stream_filelist) { return ProcessPagesFileList(stdin, nullptr, retry_config, timeout_millisec, renderer, tesseract_->tessedit_page_number); } // At this point we are officially in autodection territory. // That means any data in stdin must be buffered, to make it // seekable. std::string buf; const l_uint8 *data = nullptr; if (stdInput) { buf.assign((std::istreambuf_iterator(std::cin)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); data = reinterpret_cast(buf.data()); } else if (strncmp(filename, "http:", 5) == 0 || strncmp(filename, "https:", 6) == 0 ) { // Get image or image list by URL. #ifdef HAVE_LIBCURL CURL* curl = curl_easy_init(); if (curl == nullptr) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, curl_easy_init failed\n"); return false; } else { CURLcode curlcode; auto error = [curl, &curlcode](const char* function) { fprintf(stderr, "Error, %s failed with error %s\n", function, curl_easy_strerror(curlcode)); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return false; }; curlcode = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, filename); if (curlcode != CURLE_OK) { return error("curl_easy_setopt"); } curlcode = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteMemoryCallback); if (curlcode != CURLE_OK) { return error("curl_easy_setopt"); } curlcode = curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &buf); if (curlcode != CURLE_OK) { return error("curl_easy_setopt"); } curlcode = curl_easy_perform(curl); if (curlcode != CURLE_OK) { return error("curl_easy_perform"); } curl_easy_cleanup(curl); data = reinterpret_cast(buf.data()); } #else fprintf(stderr, "Error, this tesseract has no URL support\n"); return false; #endif } else { // Check whether the input file can be read. if (FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb")) { fclose(file); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error, cannot read input file %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return false; } } // Here is our autodetection int format; int r = (data != nullptr) ? findFileFormatBuffer(data, &format) : findFileFormat(filename, &format); // Maybe we have a filelist if (r != 0 || format == IFF_UNKNOWN) { std::string s; if (data != nullptr) { s = buf.c_str(); } else { std::ifstream t(filename); std::string u((std::istreambuf_iterator(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator()); s = u.c_str(); } return ProcessPagesFileList(nullptr, &s, retry_config, timeout_millisec, renderer, tesseract_->tessedit_page_number); } // Maybe we have a TIFF which is potentially multipage bool tiff = (format == IFF_TIFF || format == IFF_TIFF_PACKBITS || format == IFF_TIFF_RLE || format == IFF_TIFF_G3 || format == IFF_TIFF_G4 || format == IFF_TIFF_LZW || #if LIBLEPT_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 || LIBLEPT_MINOR_VERSION > 76 format == IFF_TIFF_JPEG || #endif format == IFF_TIFF_ZIP); // Fail early if we can, before producing any output Pix *pix = nullptr; if (!tiff) { pix = (data != nullptr) ? pixReadMem(data, buf.size()) : pixRead(filename); if (pix == nullptr) { return false; } } // Begin the output if (renderer && !renderer->BeginDocument(document_title.c_str())) { pixDestroy(&pix); return false; } // Produce output r = (tiff) ? ProcessPagesMultipageTiff(data, buf.size(), filename, retry_config, timeout_millisec, renderer, tesseract_->tessedit_page_number) : ProcessPage(pix, 0, filename, retry_config, timeout_millisec, renderer); // Clean up memory as needed pixDestroy(&pix); // End the output if (!r || (renderer && !renderer->EndDocument())) { return false; } return true; } bool TessBaseAPI::ProcessPage(Pix* pix, int page_index, const char* filename, const char* retry_config, int timeout_millisec, TessResultRenderer* renderer) { SetInputName(filename); SetImage(pix); bool failed = false; if (tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode == PSM_AUTO_ONLY) { // Disabled character recognition PageIterator* it = AnalyseLayout(); if (it == nullptr) { failed = true; } else { delete it; } } else if (tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode == PSM_OSD_ONLY) { failed = FindLines() != 0; } else if (timeout_millisec > 0) { // Running with a timeout. ETEXT_DESC monitor; monitor.cancel = nullptr; monitor.cancel_this = nullptr; monitor.set_deadline_msecs(timeout_millisec); // Now run the main recognition. failed = Recognize(&monitor) < 0; } else { // Normal layout and character recognition with no timeout. failed = Recognize(nullptr) < 0; } if (tesseract_->tessedit_write_images) { Pix* page_pix = GetThresholdedImage(); pixWrite("tessinput.tif", page_pix, IFF_TIFF_G4); } if (failed && retry_config != nullptr && retry_config[0] != '\0') { // Save current config variables before switching modes. FILE* fp = fopen(kOldVarsFile, "wb"); if (fp == nullptr) { tprintf("Error, failed to open file \"%s\"\n", kOldVarsFile); } else { PrintVariables(fp); fclose(fp); } // Switch to alternate mode for retry. ReadConfigFile(retry_config); SetImage(pix); Recognize(nullptr); // Restore saved config variables. ReadConfigFile(kOldVarsFile); } if (renderer && !failed) { failed = !renderer->AddImage(this); } return !failed; } /** * Get a left-to-right iterator to the results of LayoutAnalysis and/or * Recognize. The returned iterator must be deleted after use. */ LTRResultIterator* TessBaseAPI::GetLTRIterator() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || page_res_ == nullptr) return nullptr; return new LTRResultIterator( page_res_, tesseract_, thresholder_->GetScaleFactor(), thresholder_->GetScaledYResolution(), rect_left_, rect_top_, rect_width_, rect_height_); } /** * Get a reading-order iterator to the results of LayoutAnalysis and/or * Recognize. The returned iterator must be deleted after use. * WARNING! This class points to data held within the TessBaseAPI class, and * therefore can only be used while the TessBaseAPI class still exists and * has not been subjected to a call of Init, SetImage, Recognize, Clear, End * DetectOS, or anything else that changes the internal PAGE_RES. */ ResultIterator* TessBaseAPI::GetIterator() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || page_res_ == nullptr) return nullptr; return ResultIterator::StartOfParagraph(LTRResultIterator( page_res_, tesseract_, thresholder_->GetScaleFactor(), thresholder_->GetScaledYResolution(), rect_left_, rect_top_, rect_width_, rect_height_)); } /** * Get a mutable iterator to the results of LayoutAnalysis and/or Recognize. * The returned iterator must be deleted after use. * WARNING! This class points to data held within the TessBaseAPI class, and * therefore can only be used while the TessBaseAPI class still exists and * has not been subjected to a call of Init, SetImage, Recognize, Clear, End * DetectOS, or anything else that changes the internal PAGE_RES. */ MutableIterator* TessBaseAPI::GetMutableIterator() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || page_res_ == nullptr) return nullptr; return new MutableIterator(page_res_, tesseract_, thresholder_->GetScaleFactor(), thresholder_->GetScaledYResolution(), rect_left_, rect_top_, rect_width_, rect_height_); } /** Make a text string from the internal data structures. */ char* TessBaseAPI::GetUTF8Text() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || (!recognition_done_ && Recognize(nullptr) < 0)) return nullptr; std::string text(""); ResultIterator *it = GetIterator(); do { if (it->Empty(RIL_PARA)) continue; const std::unique_ptr para_text(it->GetUTF8Text(RIL_PARA)); text += para_text.get(); } while (it->Next(RIL_PARA)); char* result = new char[text.length() + 1]; strncpy(result, text.c_str(), text.length() + 1); delete it; return result; } static void AddBoxToTSV(const PageIterator* it, PageIteratorLevel level, STRING* text) { int left, top, right, bottom; it->BoundingBox(level, &left, &top, &right, &bottom); text->add_str_int("\t", left); text->add_str_int("\t", top); text->add_str_int("\t", right - left); text->add_str_int("\t", bottom - top); } /** * Make a TSV-formatted string from the internal data structures. * page_number is 0-based but will appear in the output as 1-based. * Returned string must be freed with the delete [] operator. */ char* TessBaseAPI::GetTSVText(int page_number) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || (page_res_ == nullptr && Recognize(nullptr) < 0)) return nullptr; int lcnt = 1, bcnt = 1, pcnt = 1, wcnt = 1; int page_id = page_number + 1; // we use 1-based page numbers. STRING tsv_str(""); int page_num = page_id; int block_num = 0; int par_num = 0; int line_num = 0; int word_num = 0; tsv_str.add_str_int("1\t", page_num); // level 1 - page tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", block_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", par_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", line_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", word_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", rect_left_); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", rect_top_); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", rect_width_); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", rect_height_); tsv_str += "\t-1\t\n"; ResultIterator* res_it = GetIterator(); while (!res_it->Empty(RIL_BLOCK)) { if (res_it->Empty(RIL_WORD)) { res_it->Next(RIL_WORD); continue; } // Add rows for any new block/paragraph/textline. if (res_it->IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_BLOCK)) { block_num++; par_num = 0; line_num = 0; word_num = 0; tsv_str.add_str_int("2\t", page_num); // level 2 - block tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", block_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", par_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", line_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", word_num); AddBoxToTSV(res_it, RIL_BLOCK, &tsv_str); tsv_str += "\t-1\t\n"; // end of row for block } if (res_it->IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_PARA)) { par_num++; line_num = 0; word_num = 0; tsv_str.add_str_int("3\t", page_num); // level 3 - paragraph tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", block_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", par_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", line_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", word_num); AddBoxToTSV(res_it, RIL_PARA, &tsv_str); tsv_str += "\t-1\t\n"; // end of row for para } if (res_it->IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_TEXTLINE)) { line_num++; word_num = 0; tsv_str.add_str_int("4\t", page_num); // level 4 - line tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", block_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", par_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", line_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", word_num); AddBoxToTSV(res_it, RIL_TEXTLINE, &tsv_str); tsv_str += "\t-1\t\n"; // end of row for line } // Now, process the word... int left, top, right, bottom; res_it->BoundingBox(RIL_WORD, &left, &top, &right, &bottom); word_num++; tsv_str.add_str_int("5\t", page_num); // level 5 - word tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", block_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", par_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", line_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", word_num); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", left); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", top); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", right - left); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", bottom - top); tsv_str.add_str_int("\t", res_it->Confidence(RIL_WORD)); tsv_str += "\t"; // Increment counts if at end of block/paragraph/textline. if (res_it->IsAtFinalElement(RIL_TEXTLINE, RIL_WORD)) lcnt++; if (res_it->IsAtFinalElement(RIL_PARA, RIL_WORD)) pcnt++; if (res_it->IsAtFinalElement(RIL_BLOCK, RIL_WORD)) bcnt++; do { tsv_str += std::unique_ptr(res_it->GetUTF8Text(RIL_SYMBOL)).get(); res_it->Next(RIL_SYMBOL); } while (!res_it->Empty(RIL_BLOCK) && !res_it->IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_WORD)); tsv_str += "\n"; // end of row wcnt++; } char* ret = new char[tsv_str.length() + 1]; strcpy(ret, tsv_str.c_str()); delete res_it; return ret; } /** The 5 numbers output for each box (the usual 4 and a page number.) */ const int kNumbersPerBlob = 5; /** * The number of bytes taken by each number. Since we use int16_t for ICOORD, * assume only 5 digits max. */ const int kBytesPerNumber = 5; /** * Multiplier for max expected textlength assumes (kBytesPerNumber + space) * * kNumbersPerBlob plus the newline. Add to this the * original UTF8 characters, and one kMaxBytesPerLine for safety. */ const int kBytesPerBoxFileLine = (kBytesPerNumber + 1) * kNumbersPerBlob + 1; /** Max bytes in the decimal representation of int64_t. */ const int kBytesPer64BitNumber = 20; /** * A maximal single box could occupy kNumbersPerBlob numbers at * kBytesPer64BitNumber digits (if someone sneaks in a 64 bit value) and a * space plus the newline and the maximum length of a UNICHAR. * Test against this on each iteration for safety. */ const int kMaxBytesPerLine = kNumbersPerBlob * (kBytesPer64BitNumber + 1) + 1 + UNICHAR_LEN; /** * The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded * as a UTF8 box file. * page_number is a 0-base page index that will appear in the box file. * Returned string must be freed with the delete [] operator. */ char* TessBaseAPI::GetBoxText(int page_number) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || (!recognition_done_ && Recognize(nullptr) < 0)) return nullptr; int blob_count; int utf8_length = TextLength(&blob_count); int total_length = blob_count * kBytesPerBoxFileLine + utf8_length + kMaxBytesPerLine; char* result = new char[total_length]; result[0] = '\0'; int output_length = 0; LTRResultIterator* it = GetLTRIterator(); do { int left, top, right, bottom; if (it->BoundingBox(RIL_SYMBOL, &left, &top, &right, &bottom)) { const std::unique_ptr text( it->GetUTF8Text(RIL_SYMBOL)); // Tesseract uses space for recognition failure. Fix to a reject // character, kTesseractReject so we don't create illegal box files. for (int i = 0; text[i] != '\0'; ++i) { if (text[i] == ' ') text[i] = kTesseractReject; } snprintf(result + output_length, total_length - output_length, "%s %d %d %d %d %d\n", text.get(), left, image_height_ - bottom, right, image_height_ - top, page_number); output_length += strlen(result + output_length); // Just in case... if (output_length + kMaxBytesPerLine > total_length) break; } } while (it->Next(RIL_SYMBOL)); delete it; return result; } /** * Conversion table for non-latin characters. * Maps characters out of the latin set into the latin set. * TODO(rays) incorporate this translation into unicharset. */ const int kUniChs[] = { 0x20ac, 0x201c, 0x201d, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x2022, 0x2014, 0 }; /** Latin chars corresponding to the unicode chars above. */ const int kLatinChs[] = { 0x00a2, 0x0022, 0x0022, 0x0027, 0x0027, 0x00b7, 0x002d, 0 }; /** * The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded * as UNLV format Latin-1 with specific reject and suspect codes. * Returned string must be freed with the delete [] operator. */ char* TessBaseAPI::GetUNLVText() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || (!recognition_done_ && Recognize(nullptr) < 0)) return nullptr; bool tilde_crunch_written = false; bool last_char_was_newline = true; bool last_char_was_tilde = false; int total_length = TextLength(nullptr); PAGE_RES_IT page_res_it(page_res_); char* result = new char[total_length]; char* ptr = result; for (page_res_it.restart_page(); page_res_it.word () != nullptr; page_res_it.forward()) { WERD_RES *word = page_res_it.word(); // Process the current word. if (word->unlv_crunch_mode != CR_NONE) { if (word->unlv_crunch_mode != CR_DELETE && (!tilde_crunch_written || (word->unlv_crunch_mode == CR_KEEP_SPACE && word->word->space() > 0 && !word->word->flag(W_FUZZY_NON) && !word->word->flag(W_FUZZY_SP)))) { if (!word->word->flag(W_BOL) && word->word->space() > 0 && !word->word->flag(W_FUZZY_NON) && !word->word->flag(W_FUZZY_SP)) { /* Write a space to separate from preceding good text */ *ptr++ = ' '; last_char_was_tilde = false; } if (!last_char_was_tilde) { // Write a reject char. last_char_was_tilde = true; *ptr++ = kUNLVReject; tilde_crunch_written = true; last_char_was_newline = false; } } } else { // NORMAL PROCESSING of non tilde crunched words. tilde_crunch_written = false; tesseract_->set_unlv_suspects(word); const char* wordstr = word->best_choice->unichar_string().c_str(); const STRING& lengths = word->best_choice->unichar_lengths(); int length = lengths.length(); int i = 0; int offset = 0; if (last_char_was_tilde && word->word->space() == 0 && wordstr[offset] == ' ') { // Prevent adjacent tilde across words - we know that adjacent tildes // within words have been removed. // Skip the first character. offset = lengths[i++]; } if (i < length && wordstr[offset] != 0) { if (!last_char_was_newline) *ptr++ = ' '; else last_char_was_newline = false; for (; i < length; offset += lengths[i++]) { if (wordstr[offset] == ' ' || wordstr[offset] == kTesseractReject) { *ptr++ = kUNLVReject; last_char_was_tilde = true; } else { if (word->reject_map[i].rejected()) *ptr++ = kUNLVSuspect; UNICHAR ch(wordstr + offset, lengths[i]); int uni_ch = ch.first_uni(); for (int j = 0; kUniChs[j] != 0; ++j) { if (kUniChs[j] == uni_ch) { uni_ch = kLatinChs[j]; break; } } if (uni_ch <= 0xff) { *ptr++ = static_cast(uni_ch); last_char_was_tilde = false; } else { *ptr++ = kUNLVReject; last_char_was_tilde = true; } } } } } if (word->word->flag(W_EOL) && !last_char_was_newline) { /* Add a new line output */ *ptr++ = '\n'; tilde_crunch_written = false; last_char_was_newline = true; last_char_was_tilde = false; } } *ptr++ = '\n'; *ptr = '\0'; return result; } #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Detect the orientation of the input image and apparent script (alphabet). * orient_deg is the detected clockwise rotation of the input image in degrees * (0, 90, 180, 270) * orient_conf is the confidence (15.0 is reasonably confident) * script_name is an ASCII string, the name of the script, e.g. "Latin" * script_conf is confidence level in the script * Returns true on success and writes values to each parameter as an output */ bool TessBaseAPI::DetectOrientationScript(int* orient_deg, float* orient_conf, const char** script_name, float* script_conf) { OSResults osr; bool osd = DetectOS(&osr); if (!osd) { return false; } int orient_id = osr.best_result.orientation_id; int script_id = osr.get_best_script(orient_id); if (orient_conf) *orient_conf = osr.best_result.oconfidence; if (orient_deg) *orient_deg = orient_id * 90; // convert quadrant to degrees if (script_name) { const char* script = osr.unicharset->get_script_from_script_id(script_id); *script_name = script; } if (script_conf) *script_conf = osr.best_result.sconfidence; return true; } /** * The recognized text is returned as a char* which is coded * as UTF8 and must be freed with the delete [] operator. * page_number is a 0-based page index that will appear in the osd file. */ char* TessBaseAPI::GetOsdText(int page_number) { int orient_deg; float orient_conf; const char* script_name; float script_conf; if (!DetectOrientationScript(&orient_deg, &orient_conf, &script_name, &script_conf)) return nullptr; // clockwise rotation needed to make the page upright int rotate = OrientationIdToValue(orient_deg / 90); std::stringstream stream; // Use "C" locale (needed for float values orient_conf and script_conf). stream.imbue(std::locale::classic()); // Use fixed notation with 2 digits after the decimal point for float values. stream.precision(2); stream << std::fixed << "Page number: " << page_number << "\n" << "Orientation in degrees: " << orient_deg << "\n" << "Rotate: " << rotate << "\n" << "Orientation confidence: " << orient_conf << "\n" << "Script: " << script_name << "\n" << "Script confidence: " << script_conf << "\n"; const std::string& text = stream.str(); char* result = new char[text.length() + 1]; strcpy(result, text.c_str()); return result; } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** Returns the average word confidence for Tesseract page result. */ int TessBaseAPI::MeanTextConf() { int* conf = AllWordConfidences(); if (!conf) return 0; int sum = 0; int *pt = conf; while (*pt >= 0) sum += *pt++; if (pt != conf) sum /= pt - conf; delete [] conf; return sum; } /** Returns an array of all word confidences, terminated by -1. */ int* TessBaseAPI::AllWordConfidences() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || (!recognition_done_ && Recognize(nullptr) < 0)) return nullptr; int n_word = 0; PAGE_RES_IT res_it(page_res_); for (res_it.restart_page(); res_it.word() != nullptr; res_it.forward()) n_word++; int* conf = new int[n_word+1]; n_word = 0; for (res_it.restart_page(); res_it.word() != nullptr; res_it.forward()) { WERD_RES *word = res_it.word(); WERD_CHOICE* choice = word->best_choice; int w_conf = static_cast(100 + 5 * choice->certainty()); // This is the eq for converting Tesseract confidence to 1..100 if (w_conf < 0) w_conf = 0; if (w_conf > 100) w_conf = 100; conf[n_word++] = w_conf; } conf[n_word] = -1; return conf; } #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Applies the given word to the adaptive classifier if possible. * The word must be SPACE-DELIMITED UTF-8 - l i k e t h i s , so it can * tell the boundaries of the graphemes. * Assumes that SetImage/SetRectangle have been used to set the image * to the given word. The mode arg should be PSM_SINGLE_WORD or * PSM_CIRCLE_WORD, as that will be used to control layout analysis. * The currently set PageSegMode is preserved. * Returns false if adaption was not possible for some reason. */ bool TessBaseAPI::AdaptToWordStr(PageSegMode mode, const char* wordstr) { int debug = 0; GetIntVariable("applybox_debug", &debug); bool success = true; PageSegMode current_psm = GetPageSegMode(); SetPageSegMode(mode); SetVariable("classify_enable_learning", "0"); const std::unique_ptr text(GetUTF8Text()); if (debug) { tprintf("Trying to adapt \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", text.get(), wordstr); } if (text != nullptr) { PAGE_RES_IT it(page_res_); WERD_RES* word_res = it.word(); if (word_res != nullptr) { word_res->word->set_text(wordstr); // Check to see if text matches wordstr. int w = 0; int t; for (t = 0; text[t] != '\0'; ++t) { if (text[t] == '\n' || text[t] == ' ') continue; while (wordstr[w] == ' ') ++w; if (text[t] != wordstr[w]) break; ++w; } if (text[t] != '\0' || wordstr[w] != '\0') { // No match. delete page_res_; std::vector boxes; page_res_ = tesseract_->SetupApplyBoxes(boxes, block_list_); tesseract_->ReSegmentByClassification(page_res_); tesseract_->TidyUp(page_res_); PAGE_RES_IT pr_it(page_res_); if (pr_it.word() == nullptr) success = false; else word_res = pr_it.word(); } else { word_res->BestChoiceToCorrectText(); } if (success) { tesseract_->EnableLearning = true; tesseract_->LearnWord(nullptr, word_res); } } else { success = false; } } else { success = false; } SetPageSegMode(current_psm); return success; } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Free up recognition results and any stored image data, without actually * freeing any recognition data that would be time-consuming to reload. * Afterwards, you must call SetImage or TesseractRect before doing * any Recognize or Get* operation. */ void TessBaseAPI::Clear() { if (thresholder_ != nullptr) thresholder_->Clear(); ClearResults(); if (tesseract_ != nullptr) SetInputImage(nullptr); } /** * Close down tesseract and free up all memory. End() is equivalent to * destructing and reconstructing your TessBaseAPI. * Once End() has been used, none of the other API functions may be used * other than Init and anything declared above it in the class definition. */ void TessBaseAPI::End() { Clear(); delete thresholder_; thresholder_ = nullptr; delete page_res_; page_res_ = nullptr; delete block_list_; block_list_ = nullptr; if (paragraph_models_ != nullptr) { for (auto model : *paragraph_models_) { delete model; } delete paragraph_models_; paragraph_models_ = nullptr; } if (osd_tesseract_ == tesseract_) osd_tesseract_ = nullptr; delete tesseract_; tesseract_ = nullptr; delete osd_tesseract_; osd_tesseract_ = nullptr; delete equ_detect_; equ_detect_ = nullptr; input_file_.clear(); output_file_.clear(); datapath_.clear(); language_.clear(); } // Clear any library-level memory caches. // There are a variety of expensive-to-load constant data structures (mostly // language dictionaries) that are cached globally -- surviving the Init() // and End() of individual TessBaseAPI's. This function allows the clearing // of these caches. void TessBaseAPI::ClearPersistentCache() { Dict::GlobalDawgCache()->DeleteUnusedDawgs(); } /** * Check whether a word is valid according to Tesseract's language model * returns 0 if the word is invalid, non-zero if valid */ int TessBaseAPI::IsValidWord(const char *word) { return tesseract_->getDict().valid_word(word); } // Returns true if utf8_character is defined in the UniCharset. bool TessBaseAPI::IsValidCharacter(const char *utf8_character) { return tesseract_->unicharset.contains_unichar(utf8_character); } // TODO(rays) Obsolete this function and replace with a more aptly named // function that returns image coordinates rather than tesseract coordinates. bool TessBaseAPI::GetTextDirection(int* out_offset, float* out_slope) { PageIterator* it = AnalyseLayout(); if (it == nullptr) { return false; } int x1, x2, y1, y2; it->Baseline(RIL_TEXTLINE, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); // Calculate offset and slope (NOTE: Kind of ugly) if (x2 <= x1) x2 = x1 + 1; // Convert the point pair to slope/offset of the baseline (in image coords.) *out_slope = static_cast(y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); *out_offset = static_cast(y1 - *out_slope * x1); // Get the y-coord of the baseline at the left and right edges of the // textline's bounding box. int left, top, right, bottom; if (!it->BoundingBox(RIL_TEXTLINE, &left, &top, &right, &bottom)) { delete it; return false; } int left_y = IntCastRounded(*out_slope * left + *out_offset); int right_y = IntCastRounded(*out_slope * right + *out_offset); // Shift the baseline down so it passes through the nearest bottom-corner // of the textline's bounding box. This is the difference between the y // at the lowest (max) edge of the box and the actual box bottom. *out_offset += bottom - std::max(left_y, right_y); // Switch back to bottom-up tesseract coordinates. Requires negation of // the slope and height - offset for the offset. *out_slope = -*out_slope; *out_offset = rect_height_ - *out_offset; delete it; return true; } /** Sets Dict::letter_is_okay_ function to point to the given function. */ void TessBaseAPI::SetDictFunc(DictFunc f) { if (tesseract_ != nullptr) { tesseract_->getDict().letter_is_okay_ = f; } } /** * Sets Dict::probability_in_context_ function to point to the given * function. * * @param f A single function that returns the probability of the current * "character" (in general a utf-8 string), given the context of a previous * utf-8 string. */ void TessBaseAPI::SetProbabilityInContextFunc(ProbabilityInContextFunc f) { if (tesseract_ != nullptr) { tesseract_->getDict().probability_in_context_ = f; // Set it for the sublangs too. int num_subs = tesseract_->num_sub_langs(); for (int i = 0; i < num_subs; ++i) { tesseract_->get_sub_lang(i)->getDict().probability_in_context_ = f; } } } /** Common code for setting the image. */ bool TessBaseAPI::InternalSetImage() { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) { tprintf("Please call Init before attempting to set an image.\n"); return false; } if (thresholder_ == nullptr) thresholder_ = new ImageThresholder; ClearResults(); return true; } /** * Run the thresholder to make the thresholded image, returned in pix, * which must not be nullptr. *pix must be initialized to nullptr, or point * to an existing pixDestroyable Pix. * The usual argument to Threshold is Tesseract::mutable_pix_binary(). */ bool TessBaseAPI::Threshold(Pix** pix) { ASSERT_HOST(pix != nullptr); if (*pix != nullptr) pixDestroy(pix); // Zero resolution messes up the algorithms, so make sure it is credible. int user_dpi = 0; GetIntVariable("user_defined_dpi", &user_dpi); int y_res = thresholder_->GetScaledYResolution(); if (user_dpi && (user_dpi < kMinCredibleResolution || user_dpi > kMaxCredibleResolution)) { tprintf("Warning: User defined image dpi is outside of expected range " "(%d - %d)!\n", kMinCredibleResolution, kMaxCredibleResolution); } // Always use user defined dpi if (user_dpi) { thresholder_->SetSourceYResolution(user_dpi); } else if (y_res < kMinCredibleResolution || y_res > kMaxCredibleResolution) { tprintf("Warning: Invalid resolution %d dpi. Using %d instead.\n", y_res, kMinCredibleResolution); thresholder_->SetSourceYResolution(kMinCredibleResolution); } auto pageseg_mode = static_cast( static_cast(tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode)); if (!thresholder_->ThresholdToPix(pageseg_mode, pix)) return false; thresholder_->GetImageSizes(&rect_left_, &rect_top_, &rect_width_, &rect_height_, &image_width_, &image_height_); if (!thresholder_->IsBinary()) { tesseract_->set_pix_thresholds(thresholder_->GetPixRectThresholds()); tesseract_->set_pix_grey(thresholder_->GetPixRectGrey()); } else { tesseract_->set_pix_thresholds(nullptr); tesseract_->set_pix_grey(nullptr); } // Set the internal resolution that is used for layout parameters from the // estimated resolution, rather than the image resolution, which may be // fabricated, but we will use the image resolution, if there is one, to // report output point sizes. int estimated_res = ClipToRange(thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution(), kMinCredibleResolution, kMaxCredibleResolution); if (estimated_res != thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution()) { tprintf("Estimated internal resolution %d out of range! " "Corrected to %d.\n", thresholder_->GetScaledEstimatedResolution(), estimated_res); } tesseract_->set_source_resolution(estimated_res); return true; } /** Find lines from the image making the BLOCK_LIST. */ int TessBaseAPI::FindLines() { if (thresholder_ == nullptr || thresholder_->IsEmpty()) { tprintf("Please call SetImage before attempting recognition.\n"); return -1; } if (recognition_done_) ClearResults(); if (!block_list_->empty()) { return 0; } if (tesseract_ == nullptr) { tesseract_ = new Tesseract; #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE tesseract_->InitAdaptiveClassifier(nullptr); #endif } if (tesseract_->pix_binary() == nullptr && !Threshold(tesseract_->mutable_pix_binary())) { return -1; } tesseract_->PrepareForPageseg(); #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE if (tesseract_->textord_equation_detect) { if (equ_detect_ == nullptr && !datapath_.empty()) { equ_detect_ = new EquationDetect(datapath_.c_str(), nullptr); } if (equ_detect_ == nullptr) { tprintf("Warning: Could not set equation detector\n"); } else { tesseract_->SetEquationDetect(equ_detect_); } } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE Tesseract* osd_tess = osd_tesseract_; OSResults osr; if (PSM_OSD_ENABLED(tesseract_->tessedit_pageseg_mode) && osd_tess == nullptr) { if (strcmp(language_.c_str(), "osd") == 0) { osd_tess = tesseract_; } else { osd_tesseract_ = new Tesseract; TessdataManager mgr(reader_); if (datapath_.empty()) { tprintf("Warning: Auto orientation and script detection requested," " but data path is undefined\n"); delete osd_tesseract_; osd_tesseract_ = nullptr; } else if (osd_tesseract_->init_tesseract(datapath_.c_str(), nullptr, "osd", OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr, false, &mgr) == 0) { osd_tess = osd_tesseract_; osd_tesseract_->set_source_resolution( thresholder_->GetSourceYResolution()); } else { tprintf("Warning: Auto orientation and script detection requested," " but osd language failed to load\n"); delete osd_tesseract_; osd_tesseract_ = nullptr; } } } if (tesseract_->SegmentPage(input_file_.c_str(), block_list_, osd_tess, &osr) < 0) return -1; // If Devanagari is being recognized, we use different images for page seg // and for OCR. tesseract_->PrepareForTessOCR(block_list_, osd_tess, &osr); return 0; } /** Delete the pageres and clear the block list ready for a new page. */ void TessBaseAPI::ClearResults() { if (tesseract_ != nullptr) { tesseract_->Clear(); } delete page_res_; page_res_ = nullptr; recognition_done_ = false; if (block_list_ == nullptr) block_list_ = new BLOCK_LIST; else block_list_->clear(); if (paragraph_models_ != nullptr) { for (auto model : *paragraph_models_) { delete model; } delete paragraph_models_; paragraph_models_ = nullptr; } } /** * Return the length of the output text string, as UTF8, assuming * liberally two spacing marks after each word (as paragraphs end with two * newlines), and assuming a single character reject marker for each rejected * character. * Also return the number of recognized blobs in blob_count. */ int TessBaseAPI::TextLength(int* blob_count) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || page_res_ == nullptr) return 0; PAGE_RES_IT page_res_it(page_res_); int total_length = 2; int total_blobs = 0; // Iterate over the data structures to extract the recognition result. for (page_res_it.restart_page(); page_res_it.word () != nullptr; page_res_it.forward()) { WERD_RES *word = page_res_it.word(); WERD_CHOICE* choice = word->best_choice; if (choice != nullptr) { total_blobs += choice->length() + 2; total_length += choice->unichar_string().length() + 2; for (int i = 0; i < word->reject_map.length(); ++i) { if (word->reject_map[i].rejected()) ++total_length; } } } if (blob_count != nullptr) *blob_count = total_blobs; return total_length; } #ifndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE /** * Estimates the Orientation And Script of the image. * Returns true if the image was processed successfully. */ bool TessBaseAPI::DetectOS(OSResults* osr) { if (tesseract_ == nullptr) return false; ClearResults(); if (tesseract_->pix_binary() == nullptr && !Threshold(tesseract_->mutable_pix_binary())) { return false; } if (input_file_.empty()) { input_file_ = kInputFile; } return orientation_and_script_detection(input_file_.c_str(), osr, tesseract_) > 0; } #endif // ndef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE void TessBaseAPI::set_min_orientation_margin(double margin) { tesseract_->min_orientation_margin.set_value(margin); } /** * Return text orientation of each block as determined in an earlier page layout * analysis operation. Orientation is returned as the number of ccw 90-degree * rotations (in [0..3]) required to make the text in the block upright * (readable). Note that this may not necessary be the block orientation * preferred for recognition (such as the case of vertical CJK text). * * Also returns whether the text in the block is believed to have vertical * writing direction (when in an upright page orientation). * * The returned array is of length equal to the number of text blocks, which may * be less than the total number of blocks. The ordering is intended to be * consistent with GetTextLines(). */ void TessBaseAPI::GetBlockTextOrientations(int** block_orientation, bool** vertical_writing) { delete[] *block_orientation; *block_orientation = nullptr; delete[] *vertical_writing; *vertical_writing = nullptr; BLOCK_IT block_it(block_list_); block_it.move_to_first(); int num_blocks = 0; for (block_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !block_it.cycled_list(); block_it.forward()) { if (!block_it.data()->pdblk.poly_block()->IsText()) { continue; } ++num_blocks; } if (!num_blocks) { tprintf("WARNING: Found no blocks\n"); return; } *block_orientation = new int[num_blocks]; *vertical_writing = new bool[num_blocks]; block_it.move_to_first(); int i = 0; for (block_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !block_it.cycled_list(); block_it.forward()) { if (!block_it.data()->pdblk.poly_block()->IsText()) { continue; } FCOORD re_rotation = block_it.data()->re_rotation(); float re_theta = re_rotation.angle(); FCOORD classify_rotation = block_it.data()->classify_rotation(); float classify_theta = classify_rotation.angle(); double rot_theta = - (re_theta - classify_theta) * 2.0 / M_PI; if (rot_theta < 0) rot_theta += 4; int num_rotations = static_cast(rot_theta + 0.5); (*block_orientation)[i] = num_rotations; // The classify_rotation is non-zero only if the text has vertical // writing direction. (*vertical_writing)[i] = classify_rotation.y() != 0.0f; ++i; } } void TessBaseAPI::DetectParagraphs(bool after_text_recognition) { int debug_level = 0; GetIntVariable("paragraph_debug_level", &debug_level); if (paragraph_models_ == nullptr) paragraph_models_ = new std::vector; MutableIterator *result_it = GetMutableIterator(); do { // Detect paragraphs for this block std::vector models; ::tesseract::DetectParagraphs(debug_level, after_text_recognition, result_it, &models); paragraph_models_->insert(paragraph_models_->end(), models.begin(), models.end()); } while (result_it->Next(RIL_BLOCK)); delete result_it; } /** This method returns the string form of the specified unichar. */ const char* TessBaseAPI::GetUnichar(int unichar_id) { return tesseract_->unicharset.id_to_unichar(unichar_id); } /** Return the pointer to the i-th dawg loaded into tesseract_ object. */ const Dawg *TessBaseAPI::GetDawg(int i) const { if (tesseract_ == nullptr || i >= NumDawgs()) return nullptr; return tesseract_->getDict().GetDawg(i); } /** Return the number of dawgs loaded into tesseract_ object. */ int TessBaseAPI::NumDawgs() const { return tesseract_ == nullptr ? 0 : tesseract_->getDict().NumDawgs(); } /** Escape a char string - remove <>&"' with HTML codes. */ std::string HOcrEscape(const char* text) { std::string ret; const char *ptr; for (ptr = text; *ptr; ptr++) { switch (*ptr) { case '<': ret += "<"; break; case '>': ret += ">"; break; case '&': ret += "&"; break; case '"': ret += """; break; case '\'': ret += "'"; break; default: ret += *ptr; } } return ret; } } // namespace tesseract.