/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: paramsd.cpp // Description: Tesseract parameter Editor // Author: Joern Wanke // // (C) Copyright 2007, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The parameters editor is used to edit all the parameters used within // tesseract from the ui. // Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED #include "paramsd.h" #include "params.h" // for ParamsVectors, StringParam, BoolParam #include "scrollview.h" // for SVEvent, ScrollView, SVET_POPUP #include "svmnode.h" // for SVMenuNode #include "tesseractclass.h" // for Tesseract #include "genericvector.h" // for GenericVector #include // for fclose, fopen, fprintf, sprintf, FILE #include // for atoi #include // for strcmp, strcspn, strlen, strncpy #include // for std::locale::classic #include // for map, _Rb_tree_iterator, map<>::iterator #include // for unique_ptr #include // for std::stringstream #include // for pair namespace tesseract { #define VARDIR "configs/" /*parameters files */ #define MAX_ITEMS_IN_SUBMENU 30 // The following variables should remain static globals, since they // are used by debug editor, which uses a single Tesseract instance. // // Contains the mappings from unique VC ids to their actual pointers. static std::map vcMap; static int nrParams = 0; static int writeCommands[2]; ELISTIZE(ParamContent) // Constructors for the various ParamTypes. ParamContent::ParamContent(tesseract::StringParam* it) { my_id_ = nrParams; nrParams++; param_type_ = VT_STRING; sIt = it; vcMap[my_id_] = this; } // Constructors for the various ParamTypes. ParamContent::ParamContent(tesseract::IntParam* it) { my_id_ = nrParams; nrParams++; param_type_ = VT_INTEGER; iIt = it; vcMap[my_id_] = this; } // Constructors for the various ParamTypes. ParamContent::ParamContent(tesseract::BoolParam* it) { my_id_ = nrParams; nrParams++; param_type_ = VT_BOOLEAN; bIt = it; vcMap[my_id_] = this; } // Constructors for the various ParamTypes. ParamContent::ParamContent(tesseract::DoubleParam* it) { my_id_ = nrParams; nrParams++; param_type_ = VT_DOUBLE; dIt = it; vcMap[my_id_] = this; } // Gets a VC object identified by its ID. ParamContent* ParamContent::GetParamContentById(int id) { return vcMap[id]; } // Copy the first N words from the source string to the target string. // Words are delimited by "_". void ParamsEditor::GetFirstWords( const char *s, // source string int n, // number of words char *t // target string ) { int full_length = strlen(s); int reqd_len = 0; // No. of chars requird const char *next_word = s; while ((n > 0) && reqd_len < full_length) { reqd_len += strcspn(next_word, "_") + 1; next_word += reqd_len; n--; } strncpy(t, s, reqd_len); t[reqd_len] = '\0'; // ensure null terminal } // Getter for the name. const char* ParamContent::GetName() const { if (param_type_ == VT_INTEGER) { return iIt->name_str(); } else if (param_type_ == VT_BOOLEAN) { return bIt->name_str(); } else if (param_type_ == VT_DOUBLE) { return dIt->name_str(); } else if (param_type_ == VT_STRING) { return sIt->name_str(); } else return "ERROR: ParamContent::GetName()"; } // Getter for the description. const char* ParamContent::GetDescription() const { if (param_type_ == VT_INTEGER) { return iIt->info_str(); } else if (param_type_ == VT_BOOLEAN) { return bIt->info_str(); } else if (param_type_ == VT_DOUBLE) { return dIt->info_str(); } else if (param_type_ == VT_STRING) { return sIt->info_str(); } else return nullptr; } // Getter for the value. STRING ParamContent::GetValue() const { STRING result; if (param_type_ == VT_INTEGER) { result.add_str_int("", *iIt); } else if (param_type_ == VT_BOOLEAN) { result.add_str_int("", *bIt); } else if (param_type_ == VT_DOUBLE) { result.add_str_double("", *dIt); } else if (param_type_ == VT_STRING) { if (STRING(*(sIt)).c_str() != nullptr) { result = sIt->c_str(); } else { result = "Null"; } } return result; } // Setter for the value. void ParamContent::SetValue(const char* val) { // TODO (wanke) Test if the values actually are properly converted. // (Quickly visible impacts?) changed_ = true; if (param_type_ == VT_INTEGER) { iIt->set_value(atoi(val)); } else if (param_type_ == VT_BOOLEAN) { bIt->set_value(atoi(val)); } else if (param_type_ == VT_DOUBLE) { std::stringstream stream(val); // Use "C" locale for reading double value. stream.imbue(std::locale::classic()); double d = 0; stream >> d; dIt->set_value(d); } else if (param_type_ == VT_STRING) { sIt->set_value(val); } } // Gets the up to the first 3 prefixes from s (split by _). // For example, tesseract_foo_bar will be split into tesseract,foo and bar. void ParamsEditor::GetPrefixes(const char* s, STRING* level_one, STRING* level_two, STRING* level_three) { std::unique_ptr p(new char[1024]); GetFirstWords(s, 1, p.get()); *level_one = p.get(); GetFirstWords(s, 2, p.get()); *level_two = p.get(); GetFirstWords(s, 3, p.get()); *level_three = p.get(); } // Compare two VC objects by their name. int ParamContent::Compare(const void* v1, const void* v2) { const ParamContent* one = *static_cast(v1); const ParamContent* two = *static_cast(v2); return strcmp(one->GetName(), two->GetName()); } // Find all editable parameters used within tesseract and create a // SVMenuNode tree from it. // TODO (wanke): This is actually sort of hackish. SVMenuNode* ParamsEditor::BuildListOfAllLeaves(tesseract::Tesseract *tess) { auto* mr = new SVMenuNode(); ParamContent_LIST vclist; ParamContent_IT vc_it(&vclist); // Amount counts the number of entries for a specific char*. // TODO(rays) get rid of the use of std::map. std::map amount; // Add all parameters to a list. int v, i; int num_iterations = (tess->params() == nullptr) ? 1 : 2; for (v = 0; v < num_iterations; ++v) { tesseract::ParamsVectors *vec = (v == 0) ? GlobalParams() : tess->params(); for (i = 0; i < vec->int_params.size(); ++i) { vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->int_params[i])); } for (i = 0; i < vec->bool_params.size(); ++i) { vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->bool_params[i])); } for (i = 0; i < vec->string_params.size(); ++i) { vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->string_params[i])); } for (i = 0; i < vec->double_params.size(); ++i) { vc_it.add_after_then_move(new ParamContent(vec->double_params[i])); } } // Count the # of entries starting with a specific prefix. for (vc_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !vc_it.cycled_list(); vc_it.forward()) { ParamContent* vc = vc_it.data(); STRING tag; STRING tag2; STRING tag3; GetPrefixes(vc->GetName(), &tag, &tag2, &tag3); amount[tag.c_str()]++; amount[tag2.c_str()]++; amount[tag3.c_str()]++; } vclist.sort(ParamContent::Compare); // Sort the list alphabetically. SVMenuNode* other = mr->AddChild("OTHER"); // go through the list again and this time create the menu structure. vc_it.move_to_first(); for (vc_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !vc_it.cycled_list(); vc_it.forward()) { ParamContent* vc = vc_it.data(); STRING tag; STRING tag2; STRING tag3; GetPrefixes(vc->GetName(), &tag, &tag2, &tag3); if (amount[tag.c_str()] == 1) { other->AddChild(vc->GetName(), vc->GetId(), vc->GetValue().c_str(), vc->GetDescription()); } else { // More than one would use this submenu -> create submenu. SVMenuNode* sv = mr->AddChild(tag.c_str()); if ((amount[tag.c_str()] <= MAX_ITEMS_IN_SUBMENU) || (amount[tag2.c_str()] <= 1)) { sv->AddChild(vc->GetName(), vc->GetId(), vc->GetValue().c_str(), vc->GetDescription()); } else { // Make subsubmenus. SVMenuNode* sv2 = sv->AddChild(tag2.c_str()); sv2->AddChild(vc->GetName(), vc->GetId(), vc->GetValue().c_str(), vc->GetDescription()); } } } return mr; } // Event listener. Waits for SVET_POPUP events and processes them. void ParamsEditor::Notify(const SVEvent* sve) { if (sve->type == SVET_POPUP) { // only catch SVET_POPUP! char* param = sve->parameter; if (sve->command_id == writeCommands[0]) { WriteParams(param, false); } else if (sve->command_id == writeCommands[1]) { WriteParams(param, true); } else { ParamContent* vc = ParamContent::GetParamContentById( sve->command_id); vc->SetValue(param); sv_window_->AddMessage("Setting %s to %s", vc->GetName(), vc->GetValue().c_str()); } } } // Integrate the parameters editor as popupmenu into the existing scrollview // window (usually the pg editor). If sv == null, create a new empty // empty window and attach the parameters editor to that window (ugly). ParamsEditor::ParamsEditor(tesseract::Tesseract* tess, ScrollView* sv) { if (sv == nullptr) { const char* name = "ParamEditorMAIN"; sv = new ScrollView(name, 1, 1, 200, 200, 300, 200); } sv_window_ = sv; //Only one event handler per window. //sv->AddEventHandler((SVEventHandler*) this); SVMenuNode* svMenuRoot = BuildListOfAllLeaves(tess); STRING paramfile; paramfile = tess->datadir; paramfile += VARDIR; // parameters dir paramfile += "edited"; // actual name SVMenuNode* std_menu = svMenuRoot->AddChild ("Build Config File"); writeCommands[0] = nrParams+1; std_menu->AddChild("All Parameters", writeCommands[0], paramfile.c_str(), "Config file name?"); writeCommands[1] = nrParams+2; std_menu->AddChild ("changed_ Parameters Only", writeCommands[1], paramfile.c_str(), "Config file name?"); svMenuRoot->BuildMenu(sv, false); } // Write all (changed_) parameters to a config file. void ParamsEditor::WriteParams(char *filename, bool changes_only) { FILE *fp; // input file char msg_str[255]; // if file exists if ((fp = fopen (filename, "rb")) != nullptr) { fclose(fp); sprintf (msg_str, "Overwrite file " "%s" "? (Y/N)", filename); int a = sv_window_->ShowYesNoDialog(msg_str); if (a == 'n') { return; } // don't write } fp = fopen (filename, "wb"); // can we write to it? if (fp == nullptr) { sv_window_->AddMessage( "Can't write to file " "%s" "", filename); return; } for (auto& iter : vcMap) { ParamContent* cur = iter.second; if (!changes_only || cur->HasChanged()) { fprintf(fp, "%-25s %-12s # %s\n", cur->GetName(), cur->GetValue().c_str(), cur->GetDescription()); } } fclose(fp); } } // namespace tesseract #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED