/********************************************************************** * File: reject.cpp (Formerly reject.c) * Description: Rejection functions used in tessedit * Author: Phil Cheatle * * (C) Copyright 1992, Hewlett-Packard Ltd. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************/ // Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #include "reject.h" #ifdef DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE #include "tesseractclass.h" namespace tesseract { int16_t Tesseract::safe_dict_word(const WERD_RES *werd_res) { const WERD_CHOICE &word = *werd_res->best_choice; int dict_word_type = werd_res->tesseract->dict_word(word); return dict_word_type == DOC_DAWG_PERM ? 0 : dict_word_type; } } // namespace tesseract #else #include "tessvars.h" #include "control.h" #include "docqual.h" #include "tesseractclass.h" #include "genericvector.h" #include "helpers.h" #include #include #include namespace tesseract { CLISTIZEH (STRING) CLISTIZE (STRING) /************************************************************************* * set_done() * * Set the done flag based on the word acceptability criteria *************************************************************************/ void Tesseract::set_done(WERD_RES *word, int16_t pass) { word->done = word->tess_accepted && (strchr(word->best_choice->unichar_string().c_str(), ' ') == nullptr); bool word_is_ambig = word->best_choice->dangerous_ambig_found(); bool word_from_dict = word->best_choice->permuter() == SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM || word->best_choice->permuter() == FREQ_DAWG_PERM || word->best_choice->permuter() == USER_DAWG_PERM; if (word->done && (pass == 1) && (!word_from_dict || word_is_ambig) && one_ell_conflict(word, false)) { if (tessedit_rejection_debug) tprintf("one_ell_conflict detected\n"); word->done = false; } if (word->done && ((!word_from_dict && word->best_choice->permuter() != NUMBER_PERM) || word_is_ambig)) { if (tessedit_rejection_debug) tprintf("non-dict or ambig word detected\n"); word->done = false; } if (tessedit_rejection_debug) { tprintf("set_done(): done=%d\n", word->done); word->best_choice->print(""); } } /************************************************************************* * make_reject_map() * * Sets the done flag to indicate whether the resylt is acceptable. * * Sets a reject map for the word. *************************************************************************/ void Tesseract::make_reject_map(WERD_RES *word, ROW *row, int16_t pass) { int i; int offset; flip_0O(word); check_debug_pt(word, -1); // For trap only set_done(word, pass); // Set acceptance word->reject_map.initialise(word->best_choice->unichar_lengths().length()); reject_blanks(word); /* 0: Rays original heuristic - the baseline */ if (tessedit_reject_mode == 0) { if (!word->done) reject_poor_matches(word); } else if (tessedit_reject_mode == 5) { /* 5: Reject I/1/l from words where there is no strong contextual confirmation; the whole of any unacceptable words (incl PERM rej of dubious 1/I/ls); and the whole of any words which are very small */ if (kBlnXHeight / word->denorm.y_scale() <= min_sane_x_ht_pixels) { word->reject_map.rej_word_small_xht(); } else { one_ell_conflict(word, true); /* Originally the code here just used the done flag. Now I have duplicated and unpacked the conditions for setting the done flag so that each mechanism can be turned on or off independently. This works WITHOUT affecting the done flag setting. */ if (rej_use_tess_accepted && !word->tess_accepted) word->reject_map.rej_word_not_tess_accepted (); if (rej_use_tess_blanks && (strchr (word->best_choice->unichar_string().c_str(), ' ') != nullptr)) word->reject_map.rej_word_contains_blanks (); WERD_CHOICE* best_choice = word->best_choice; if (rej_use_good_perm) { if ((best_choice->permuter() == SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM || best_choice->permuter() == FREQ_DAWG_PERM || best_choice->permuter() == USER_DAWG_PERM) && (!rej_use_sensible_wd || acceptable_word_string(*word->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_string().c_str(), best_choice->unichar_lengths().c_str()) != AC_UNACCEPTABLE)) { // PASSED TEST } else if (best_choice->permuter() == NUMBER_PERM) { if (rej_alphas_in_number_perm) { for (i = 0, offset = 0; best_choice->unichar_string()[offset] != '\0'; offset += best_choice->unichar_lengths()[i++]) { if (word->reject_map[i].accepted() && word->uch_set->get_isalpha( best_choice->unichar_string().c_str() + offset, best_choice->unichar_lengths()[i])) word->reject_map[i].setrej_bad_permuter(); // rej alpha } } } else { word->reject_map.rej_word_bad_permuter(); } } /* Ambig word rejection was here once !!*/ } } else { tprintf("BAD tessedit_reject_mode\n"); ASSERT_HOST("Fatal error encountered!" == nullptr); } if (tessedit_image_border > -1) reject_edge_blobs(word); check_debug_pt (word, 10); if (tessedit_rejection_debug) { tprintf("Permuter Type = %d\n", word->best_choice->permuter ()); tprintf("Certainty: %f Rating: %f\n", word->best_choice->certainty (), word->best_choice->rating ()); tprintf("Dict word: %d\n", dict_word(*(word->best_choice))); } flip_hyphens(word); check_debug_pt(word, 20); } void reject_blanks(WERD_RES *word) { int16_t i; int16_t offset; for (i = 0, offset = 0; word->best_choice->unichar_string()[offset] != '\0'; offset += word->best_choice->unichar_lengths()[i], i += 1) { if (word->best_choice->unichar_string()[offset] == ' ') //rej unrecognised blobs word->reject_map[i].setrej_tess_failure (); } } void Tesseract::reject_I_1_L(WERD_RES *word) { int16_t i; int16_t offset; for (i = 0, offset = 0; word->best_choice->unichar_string()[offset] != '\0'; offset += word->best_choice->unichar_lengths()[i], i += 1) { if (STRING (conflict_set_I_l_1). contains (word->best_choice->unichar_string()[offset])) { //rej 1Il conflict word->reject_map[i].setrej_1Il_conflict (); } } } void reject_poor_matches(WERD_RES *word) { float threshold = compute_reject_threshold(word->best_choice); for (int i = 0; i < word->best_choice->length(); ++i) { if (word->best_choice->unichar_id(i) == UNICHAR_SPACE) word->reject_map[i].setrej_tess_failure(); else if (word->best_choice->certainty(i) < threshold) word->reject_map[i].setrej_poor_match(); } } /********************************************************************** * compute_reject_threshold * * Set a rejection threshold for this word. * Initially this is a trivial function which looks for the largest * gap in the certainty value. **********************************************************************/ float compute_reject_threshold(WERD_CHOICE* word) { float threshold; // rejection threshold float bestgap = 0.0f; // biggest gap float gapstart; // bottom of gap int blob_count = word->length(); GenericVector ratings; ratings.resize_no_init(blob_count); for (int i = 0; i < blob_count; ++i) { ratings[i] = word->certainty(i); } ratings.sort(); gapstart = ratings[0] - 1; // all reject if none better if (blob_count >= 3) { for (int index = 0; index < blob_count - 1; index++) { if (ratings[index + 1] - ratings[index] > bestgap) { bestgap = ratings[index + 1] - ratings[index]; // find biggest gapstart = ratings[index]; } } } threshold = gapstart + bestgap / 2; return threshold; } /************************************************************************* * reject_edge_blobs() * * If the word is perilously close to the edge of the image, reject those blobs * in the word which are too close to the edge as they could be clipped. *************************************************************************/ void Tesseract::reject_edge_blobs(WERD_RES *word) { TBOX word_box = word->word->bounding_box(); // Use the box_word as it is already denormed back to image coordinates. int blobcount = word->box_word->length(); if (word_box.left() < tessedit_image_border || word_box.bottom() < tessedit_image_border || word_box.right() + tessedit_image_border > ImageWidth() - 1 || word_box.top() + tessedit_image_border > ImageHeight() - 1) { ASSERT_HOST(word->reject_map.length() == blobcount); for (int blobindex = 0; blobindex < blobcount; blobindex++) { TBOX blob_box = word->box_word->BlobBox(blobindex); if (blob_box.left() < tessedit_image_border || blob_box.bottom() < tessedit_image_border || blob_box.right() + tessedit_image_border > ImageWidth() - 1 || blob_box.top() + tessedit_image_border > ImageHeight() - 1) { word->reject_map[blobindex].setrej_edge_char(); // Close to edge } } } } /********************************************************************** * one_ell_conflict() * * Identify words where there is a potential I/l/1 error. * - A bundle of contextual heuristics! **********************************************************************/ bool Tesseract::one_ell_conflict(WERD_RES* word_res, bool update_map) { const char *word; const char *lengths; int16_t word_len; //its length int16_t first_alphanum_index_; int16_t first_alphanum_offset_; int16_t i; int16_t offset; bool non_conflict_set_char; //non conf set a/n? bool conflict = false; bool allow_1s; ACCEPTABLE_WERD_TYPE word_type; bool dict_perm_type; bool dict_word_ok; int dict_word_type; word = word_res->best_choice->unichar_string().c_str(); lengths = word_res->best_choice->unichar_lengths().c_str(); word_len = strlen(lengths); /* If there are no occurrences of the conflict set characters then the word is OK. */ if (strpbrk(word, conflict_set_I_l_1.c_str()) == nullptr) return false; /* There is a conflict if there are NO other (confirmed) alphanumerics apart from those in the conflict set. */ for (i = 0, offset = 0, non_conflict_set_char = false; (i < word_len) && !non_conflict_set_char; offset += lengths[i++]) non_conflict_set_char = (word_res->uch_set->get_isalpha(word + offset, lengths[i]) || word_res->uch_set->get_isdigit(word + offset, lengths[i])) && !STRING (conflict_set_I_l_1).contains (word[offset]); if (!non_conflict_set_char) { if (update_map) reject_I_1_L(word_res); return true; } /* If the word is accepted by a dawg permuter, and the first alpha character is "I" or "l", check to see if the alternative is also a dawg word. If it is, then there is a potential error otherwise the word is ok. */ dict_perm_type = (word_res->best_choice->permuter () == SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM) || (word_res->best_choice->permuter () == USER_DAWG_PERM) || (rej_trust_doc_dawg && (word_res->best_choice->permuter () == DOC_DAWG_PERM)) || (word_res->best_choice->permuter () == FREQ_DAWG_PERM); dict_word_type = dict_word(*(word_res->best_choice)); dict_word_ok = (dict_word_type > 0) && (rej_trust_doc_dawg || (dict_word_type != DOC_DAWG_PERM)); if ((rej_1Il_use_dict_word && dict_word_ok) || (rej_1Il_trust_permuter_type && dict_perm_type) || (dict_perm_type && dict_word_ok)) { first_alphanum_index_ = first_alphanum_index (word, lengths); first_alphanum_offset_ = first_alphanum_offset (word, lengths); if (lengths[first_alphanum_index_] == 1 && word[first_alphanum_offset_] == 'I') { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'l'; if (safe_dict_word(word_res) > 0) { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'I'; if (update_map) word_res->reject_map[first_alphanum_index_]. setrej_1Il_conflict(); return true; } else { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'I'; return false; } } if (lengths[first_alphanum_index_] == 1 && word[first_alphanum_offset_] == 'l') { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'I'; if (safe_dict_word(word_res) > 0) { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'l'; if (update_map) word_res->reject_map[first_alphanum_index_]. setrej_1Il_conflict(); return true; } else { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'l'; return false; } } return false; } /* NEW 1Il code. The old code relied on permuter types too much. In fact, tess will use TOP_CHOICE permute for good things like "palette". In this code the string is examined independently to see if it looks like a well formed word. */ /* REGARDLESS OF PERMUTER, see if flipping a leading I/l generates a dictionary word. */ first_alphanum_index_ = first_alphanum_index (word, lengths); first_alphanum_offset_ = first_alphanum_offset (word, lengths); if (lengths[first_alphanum_index_] == 1 && word[first_alphanum_offset_] == 'l') { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'I'; if (safe_dict_word(word_res) > 0) return false; else word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'l'; } else if (lengths[first_alphanum_index_] == 1 && word[first_alphanum_offset_] == 'I') { word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'l'; if (safe_dict_word(word_res) > 0) return false; else word_res->best_choice->unichar_string()[first_alphanum_offset_] = 'I'; } /* For strings containing digits: If there are no alphas OR the numeric permuter liked the word, reject any non 1 conflict chs Else reject all conflict chs */ if (word_contains_non_1_digit (word, lengths)) { allow_1s = (alpha_count (word, lengths) == 0) || (word_res->best_choice->permuter () == NUMBER_PERM); int16_t offset; conflict = false; for (i = 0, offset = 0; word[offset] != '\0'; offset += word_res->best_choice->unichar_lengths()[i++]) { if ((!allow_1s || (word[offset] != '1')) && STRING (conflict_set_I_l_1).contains (word[offset])) { if (update_map) word_res->reject_map[i].setrej_1Il_conflict (); conflict = true; } } return conflict; } /* For anything else. See if it conforms to an acceptable word type. If so, treat accordingly. */ word_type = acceptable_word_string(*word_res->uch_set, word, lengths); if ((word_type == AC_LOWER_CASE) || (word_type == AC_INITIAL_CAP)) { first_alphanum_index_ = first_alphanum_index (word, lengths); first_alphanum_offset_ = first_alphanum_offset (word, lengths); if (STRING (conflict_set_I_l_1).contains (word[first_alphanum_offset_])) { if (update_map) word_res->reject_map[first_alphanum_index_]. setrej_1Il_conflict (); return true; } else return false; } else if (word_type == AC_UPPER_CASE) { return false; } else { if (update_map) reject_I_1_L(word_res); return true; } } int16_t Tesseract::first_alphanum_index(const char *word, const char *word_lengths) { int16_t i; int16_t offset; for (i = 0, offset = 0; word[offset] != '\0'; offset += word_lengths[i++]) { if (unicharset.get_isalpha(word + offset, word_lengths[i]) || unicharset.get_isdigit(word + offset, word_lengths[i])) return i; } return -1; } int16_t Tesseract::first_alphanum_offset(const char *word, const char *word_lengths) { int16_t i; int16_t offset; for (i = 0, offset = 0; word[offset] != '\0'; offset += word_lengths[i++]) { if (unicharset.get_isalpha(word + offset, word_lengths[i]) || unicharset.get_isdigit(word + offset, word_lengths[i])) return offset; } return -1; } int16_t Tesseract::alpha_count(const char *word, const char *word_lengths) { int16_t i; int16_t offset; int16_t count = 0; for (i = 0, offset = 0; word[offset] != '\0'; offset += word_lengths[i++]) { if (unicharset.get_isalpha (word + offset, word_lengths[i])) count++; } return count; } bool Tesseract::word_contains_non_1_digit(const char* word, const char* word_lengths) { int16_t i; int16_t offset; for (i = 0, offset = 0; word[offset] != '\0'; offset += word_lengths[i++]) { if (unicharset.get_isdigit (word + offset, word_lengths[i]) && (word_lengths[i] != 1 || word[offset] != '1')) return true; } return false; } /************************************************************************* * dont_allow_1Il() * Don't unreject LONE accepted 1Il conflict set chars *************************************************************************/ void Tesseract::dont_allow_1Il(WERD_RES *word) { int i = 0; int offset; int word_len = word->reject_map.length(); const char *s = word->best_choice->unichar_string().c_str(); const char *lengths = word->best_choice->unichar_lengths().c_str(); bool accepted_1Il = false; for (i = 0, offset = 0; i < word_len; offset += word->best_choice->unichar_lengths()[i++]) { if (word->reject_map[i].accepted()) { if (STRING(conflict_set_I_l_1).contains(s[offset])) { accepted_1Il = true; } else { if (word->uch_set->get_isalpha(s + offset, lengths[i]) || word->uch_set->get_isdigit(s + offset, lengths[i])) return; // >=1 non 1Il ch accepted } } } if (!accepted_1Il) return; //Nothing to worry about for (i = 0, offset = 0; i < word_len; offset += word->best_choice->unichar_lengths()[i++]) { if (STRING(conflict_set_I_l_1).contains(s[offset]) && word->reject_map[i].accepted()) word->reject_map[i].setrej_postNN_1Il(); } } int16_t Tesseract::count_alphanums(WERD_RES *word_res) { int count = 0; const WERD_CHOICE *best_choice = word_res->best_choice; for (int i = 0; i < word_res->reject_map.length(); ++i) { if ((word_res->reject_map[i].accepted()) && (word_res->uch_set->get_isalpha(best_choice->unichar_id(i)) || word_res->uch_set->get_isdigit(best_choice->unichar_id(i)))) { count++; } } return count; } // reject all if most rejected. void Tesseract::reject_mostly_rejects(WERD_RES *word) { /* Reject the whole of the word if the fraction of rejects exceeds a limit */ if (static_cast(word->reject_map.reject_count()) / word->reject_map.length() >= rej_whole_of_mostly_reject_word_fract) word->reject_map.rej_word_mostly_rej(); } bool Tesseract::repeated_nonalphanum_wd(WERD_RES* word, ROW* row) { int16_t char_quality; int16_t accepted_char_quality; if (word->best_choice->unichar_lengths().length() <= 1) return false; if (!STRING(ok_repeated_ch_non_alphanum_wds). contains(word->best_choice->unichar_string()[0])) return false; UNICHAR_ID uch_id = word->best_choice->unichar_id(0); for (int i = 1; i < word->best_choice->length(); ++i) { if (word->best_choice->unichar_id(i) != uch_id) return false; } word_char_quality(word, &char_quality, &accepted_char_quality); if ((word->best_choice->unichar_lengths().length () == char_quality) && (char_quality == accepted_char_quality)) return true; else return false; } int16_t Tesseract::safe_dict_word(const WERD_RES *werd_res) { const WERD_CHOICE &word = *werd_res->best_choice; int dict_word_type = werd_res->tesseract->dict_word(word); return dict_word_type == DOC_DAWG_PERM ? 0 : dict_word_type; } // Note: After running this function word_res->ratings // might not contain the right BLOB_CHOICE corresponding to each character // in word_res->best_choice. void Tesseract::flip_hyphens(WERD_RES *word_res) { WERD_CHOICE *best_choice = word_res->best_choice; int i; int prev_right = -9999; int next_left; TBOX out_box; float aspect_ratio; if (tessedit_lower_flip_hyphen <= 1) return; int num_blobs = word_res->rebuild_word->NumBlobs(); UNICHAR_ID unichar_dash = word_res->uch_set->unichar_to_id("-"); for (i = 0; i < best_choice->length() && i < num_blobs; ++i) { TBLOB* blob = word_res->rebuild_word->blobs[i]; out_box = blob->bounding_box(); if (i + 1 == num_blobs) next_left = 9999; else next_left = word_res->rebuild_word->blobs[i + 1]->bounding_box().left(); // Don't touch small or touching blobs - it is too dangerous. if ((out_box.width() > 8 * word_res->denorm.x_scale()) && (out_box.left() > prev_right) && (out_box.right() < next_left)) { aspect_ratio = out_box.width() / static_cast(out_box.height()); if (word_res->uch_set->eq(best_choice->unichar_id(i), ".")) { if (aspect_ratio >= tessedit_upper_flip_hyphen && word_res->uch_set->contains_unichar_id(unichar_dash) && word_res->uch_set->get_enabled(unichar_dash)) { /* Certain HYPHEN */ best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_dash, i); if (word_res->reject_map[i].rejected()) word_res->reject_map[i].setrej_hyphen_accept(); } if ((aspect_ratio > tessedit_lower_flip_hyphen) && word_res->reject_map[i].accepted()) //Suspected HYPHEN word_res->reject_map[i].setrej_hyphen (); } else if (best_choice->unichar_id(i) == unichar_dash) { if ((aspect_ratio >= tessedit_upper_flip_hyphen) && (word_res->reject_map[i].rejected())) word_res->reject_map[i].setrej_hyphen_accept(); //Certain HYPHEN if ((aspect_ratio <= tessedit_lower_flip_hyphen) && (word_res->reject_map[i].accepted())) //Suspected HYPHEN word_res->reject_map[i].setrej_hyphen(); } } prev_right = out_box.right(); } } // Note: After running this function word_res->ratings // might not contain the right BLOB_CHOICE corresponding to each character // in word_res->best_choice. void Tesseract::flip_0O(WERD_RES *word_res) { WERD_CHOICE *best_choice = word_res->best_choice; int i; TBOX out_box; if (!tessedit_flip_0O) return; int num_blobs = word_res->rebuild_word->NumBlobs(); for (i = 0; i < best_choice->length() && i < num_blobs; ++i) { TBLOB* blob = word_res->rebuild_word->blobs[i]; if (word_res->uch_set->get_isupper(best_choice->unichar_id(i)) || word_res->uch_set->get_isdigit(best_choice->unichar_id(i))) { out_box = blob->bounding_box(); if ((out_box.top() < kBlnBaselineOffset + kBlnXHeight) || (out_box.bottom() > kBlnBaselineOffset + kBlnXHeight / 4)) return; //Beware words with sub/superscripts } } UNICHAR_ID unichar_0 = word_res->uch_set->unichar_to_id("0"); UNICHAR_ID unichar_O = word_res->uch_set->unichar_to_id("O"); if (unichar_0 == INVALID_UNICHAR_ID || !word_res->uch_set->get_enabled(unichar_0) || unichar_O == INVALID_UNICHAR_ID || !word_res->uch_set->get_enabled(unichar_O)) { return; // 0 or O are not present/enabled in unicharset } for (i = 1; i < best_choice->length(); ++i) { if (best_choice->unichar_id(i) == unichar_0 || best_choice->unichar_id(i) == unichar_O) { /* A0A */ if ((i+1) < best_choice->length() && non_O_upper(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-1)) && non_O_upper(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i+1))) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_O, i); } /* A00A */ if (non_O_upper(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-1)) && (i+1) < best_choice->length() && (best_choice->unichar_id(i+1) == unichar_0 || best_choice->unichar_id(i+1) == unichar_O) && (i+2) < best_choice->length() && non_O_upper(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i+2))) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_O, i); i++; } /* AA0 */ if ((i > 1) && non_O_upper(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-2)) && non_O_upper(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-1)) && (((i+1) < best_choice->length() && !word_res->uch_set->get_isdigit(best_choice->unichar_id(i+1)) && !word_res->uch_set->eq(best_choice->unichar_id(i+1), "l") && !word_res->uch_set->eq(best_choice->unichar_id(i+1), "I")) || (i == best_choice->length() - 1))) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_O, i); } /* 9O9 */ if (non_0_digit(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-1)) && (i+1) < best_choice->length() && non_0_digit(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i+1))) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i); } /* 9OOO */ if (non_0_digit(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-1)) && (i+2) < best_choice->length() && (best_choice->unichar_id(i+1) == unichar_0 || best_choice->unichar_id(i+1) == unichar_O) && (best_choice->unichar_id(i+2) == unichar_0 || best_choice->unichar_id(i+2) == unichar_O)) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i); best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i+1); best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i+2); i += 2; } /* 9OO */ if (non_0_digit(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-1)) && (i+2) < best_choice->length() && (best_choice->unichar_id(i+1) == unichar_0 || best_choice->unichar_id(i+1) == unichar_O) && !word_res->uch_set->get_isupper(best_choice->unichar_id(i+2))) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i); best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i+1); i++; } /* 9O */ if (non_0_digit(*word_res->uch_set, best_choice->unichar_id(i-1)) && (i+1) < best_choice->length() && !word_res->uch_set->get_isupper(best_choice->unichar_id(i+1))) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i); } /* 9[.,]OOO.. */ if ((i > 1) && (word_res->uch_set->eq(best_choice->unichar_id(i-1), ".") || word_res->uch_set->eq(best_choice->unichar_id(i-1), ",")) && (word_res->uch_set->get_isdigit(best_choice->unichar_id(i-2)) || best_choice->unichar_id(i-2) == unichar_O)) { if (best_choice->unichar_id(i-2) == unichar_O) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i-2); } while (i < best_choice->length() && (best_choice->unichar_id(i) == unichar_O || best_choice->unichar_id(i) == unichar_0)) { best_choice->set_unichar_id(unichar_0, i); i++; } i--; } } } } bool Tesseract::non_O_upper(const UNICHARSET& ch_set, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) { return ch_set.get_isupper(unichar_id) && !ch_set.eq(unichar_id, "O"); } bool Tesseract::non_0_digit(const UNICHARSET& ch_set, UNICHAR_ID unichar_id) { return ch_set.get_isdigit(unichar_id) && !ch_set.eq(unichar_id, "0"); } } // namespace tesseract #endif // def DISABLED_LEGACY_ENGINE