/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: fontinfo.cpp // Description: Font information classes abstracted from intproto.h/cpp. // Author: rays@google.com (Ray Smith) // // (C) Copyright 2011, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "fontinfo.h" #include "bitvector.h" #include "unicity_table.h" namespace tesseract { // Writes to the given file. Returns false in case of error. bool FontInfo::Serialize(FILE* fp) const { if (!write_info(fp, *this)) return false; if (!write_spacing_info(fp, *this)) return false; return true; } // Reads from the given file. Returns false in case of error. // If swap is true, assumes a big/little-endian swap is needed. bool FontInfo::DeSerialize(TFile* fp) { if (!read_info(fp, this)) return false; if (!read_spacing_info(fp, this)) return false; return true; } FontInfoTable::FontInfoTable() { using namespace std::placeholders; // for _1, _2 set_clear_callback(std::bind(FontInfoDeleteCallback, _1)); } FontInfoTable::~FontInfoTable() { } // Writes to the given file. Returns false in case of error. bool FontInfoTable::Serialize(FILE* fp) const { return this->SerializeClasses(fp); } // Reads from the given file. Returns false in case of error. // If swap is true, assumes a big/little-endian swap is needed. bool FontInfoTable::DeSerialize(TFile* fp) { truncate(0); return this->DeSerializeClasses(fp); } // Returns true if the given set of fonts includes one with the same // properties as font_id. bool FontInfoTable::SetContainsFontProperties( int font_id, const std::vector<ScoredFont>& font_set) const { uint32_t properties = get(font_id).properties; for (int f = 0; f < font_set.size(); ++f) { if (get(font_set[f].fontinfo_id).properties == properties) return true; } return false; } // Returns true if the given set of fonts includes multiple properties. bool FontInfoTable::SetContainsMultipleFontProperties( const std::vector<ScoredFont>& font_set) const { if (font_set.empty()) return false; int first_font = font_set[0].fontinfo_id; uint32_t properties = get(first_font).properties; for (int f = 1; f < font_set.size(); ++f) { if (get(font_set[f].fontinfo_id).properties != properties) return true; } return false; } // Moves any non-empty FontSpacingInfo entries from other to this. void FontInfoTable::MoveSpacingInfoFrom(FontInfoTable* other) { using namespace std::placeholders; // for _1, _2 set_clear_callback(std::bind(FontInfoDeleteCallback, _1)); for (int i = 0; i < other->size(); ++i) { GenericVector<FontSpacingInfo*>* spacing_vec = other->get(i).spacing_vec; if (spacing_vec != nullptr) { int target_index = get_index(other->get(i)); if (target_index < 0) { // Bit copy the FontInfo and steal all the pointers. push_back(other->get(i)); other->get(i).name = nullptr; } else { delete get(target_index).spacing_vec; get(target_index).spacing_vec = other->get(i).spacing_vec; } other->get(i).spacing_vec = nullptr; } } } // Moves this to the target unicity table. void FontInfoTable::MoveTo(UnicityTable<FontInfo>* target) { target->clear(); using namespace std::placeholders; // for _1, _2 target->set_clear_callback(std::bind(FontInfoDeleteCallback, _1)); for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { // Bit copy the FontInfo and steal all the pointers. target->push_back(get(i)); get(i).name = nullptr; get(i).spacing_vec = nullptr; } } // Callbacks for GenericVector. void FontInfoDeleteCallback(FontInfo f) { if (f.spacing_vec != nullptr) { f.spacing_vec->delete_data_pointers(); delete f.spacing_vec; f.spacing_vec = nullptr; } delete[] f.name; f.name = nullptr; } void FontSetDeleteCallback(FontSet fs) { delete[] fs.configs; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Callbacks used by UnicityTable to read/write FontInfo/FontSet structures. bool read_info(TFile* f, FontInfo* fi) { uint32_t size; if (!f->DeSerialize(&size)) return false; char* font_name = new char[size + 1]; fi->name = font_name; if (!f->DeSerialize(font_name, size)) return false; font_name[size] = '\0'; return f->DeSerialize(&fi->properties); } bool write_info(FILE* f, const FontInfo& fi) { int32_t size = strlen(fi.name); return tesseract::Serialize(f, &size) && tesseract::Serialize(f, &fi.name[0], size) && tesseract::Serialize(f, &fi.properties); } bool read_spacing_info(TFile* f, FontInfo* fi) { int32_t vec_size, kern_size; if (!f->DeSerialize(&vec_size)) return false; ASSERT_HOST(vec_size >= 0); if (vec_size == 0) return true; fi->init_spacing(vec_size); for (int i = 0; i < vec_size; ++i) { auto *fs = new FontSpacingInfo(); if (!f->DeSerialize(&fs->x_gap_before) || !f->DeSerialize(&fs->x_gap_after) || !f->DeSerialize(&kern_size)) { delete fs; return false; } if (kern_size < 0) { // indication of a nullptr entry in fi->spacing_vec delete fs; continue; } if (kern_size > 0 && (!fs->kerned_unichar_ids.DeSerialize(f) || !fs->kerned_x_gaps.DeSerialize(f))) { delete fs; return false; } fi->add_spacing(i, fs); } return true; } bool write_spacing_info(FILE* f, const FontInfo& fi) { int32_t vec_size = (fi.spacing_vec == nullptr) ? 0 : fi.spacing_vec->size(); if (!tesseract::Serialize(f, &vec_size)) return false; int16_t x_gap_invalid = -1; for (int i = 0; i < vec_size; ++i) { FontSpacingInfo *fs = fi.spacing_vec->get(i); int32_t kern_size = (fs == nullptr) ? -1 : fs->kerned_x_gaps.size(); if (fs == nullptr) { // Writing two invalid x-gaps. if (!tesseract::Serialize(f, &x_gap_invalid, 2) || !tesseract::Serialize(f, &kern_size)) { return false; } } else { if (!tesseract::Serialize(f, &fs->x_gap_before) || !tesseract::Serialize(f, &fs->x_gap_after) || !tesseract::Serialize(f, &kern_size)) { return false; } } if (kern_size > 0 && (!fs->kerned_unichar_ids.Serialize(f) || !fs->kerned_x_gaps.Serialize(f))) { return false; } } return true; } bool read_set(TFile* f, FontSet* fs) { if (!f->DeSerialize(&fs->size)) return false; fs->configs = new int[fs->size]; return f->DeSerialize(&fs->configs[0], fs->size); } bool write_set(FILE* f, const FontSet& fs) { return tesseract::Serialize(f, &fs.size) && tesseract::Serialize(f, &fs.configs[0], fs.size); } } // namespace tesseract.