 * File:        params.h
 * Description: Class definitions of the *_VAR classes for tunable constants.
 * Author:      Ray Smith
 * (C) Copyright 1991, Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
 ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 ** limitations under the License.

#ifndef PARAMS_H
#define PARAMS_H

#include "genericvector.h"
#include "strngs.h"

#include <cstdio>

namespace tesseract {

class IntParam;
class BoolParam;
class StringParam;
class DoubleParam;

// Enum for constraints on what kind of params should be set by SetParam().
enum SetParamConstraint {

struct ParamsVectors {
  GenericVector<IntParam*> int_params;
  GenericVector<BoolParam*> bool_params;
  GenericVector<StringParam*> string_params;
  GenericVector<DoubleParam*> double_params;

// Utility functions for working with Tesseract parameters.
class TESS_API ParamUtils {
  // Reads a file of parameter definitions and set/modify the values therein.
  // If the filename begins with a + or -, the BoolVariables will be
  // ORed or ANDed with any current values.
  // Blank lines and lines beginning # are ignored.
  // Values may have any whitespace after the name and are the rest of line.
  static bool ReadParamsFile(const char* file,  // filename to read
                             SetParamConstraint constraint,
                             ParamsVectors* member_params);

  // Read parameters from the given file pointer.
  static bool ReadParamsFromFp(SetParamConstraint constraint, TFile* fp,
                               ParamsVectors* member_params);

  // Set a parameters to have the given value.
  static bool SetParam(const char* name, const char* value,
                       SetParamConstraint constraint,
                       ParamsVectors* member_params);

  // Returns the pointer to the parameter with the given name (of the
  // appropriate type) if it was found in the vector obtained from
  // GlobalParams() or in the given member_params.
  template <class T>
  static T* FindParam(const char* name, const GenericVector<T*>& global_vec,
                      const GenericVector<T*>& member_vec) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < global_vec.size(); ++i) {
      if (strcmp(global_vec[i]->name_str(), name) == 0) return global_vec[i];
    for (i = 0; i < member_vec.size(); ++i) {
      if (strcmp(member_vec[i]->name_str(), name) == 0) return member_vec[i];
    return nullptr;
  // Removes the given pointer to the param from the given vector.
  template <class T>
  static void RemoveParam(T* param_ptr, GenericVector<T*>* vec) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vec->size(); ++i) {
      if ((*vec)[i] == param_ptr) {
  // Fetches the value of the named param as a STRING. Returns false if not
  // found.
  static bool GetParamAsString(const char* name,
                               const ParamsVectors* member_params,
                               std::string* value);

  // Print parameters to the given file.
  static void PrintParams(FILE* fp, const ParamsVectors* member_params);

  // Resets all parameters back to default values;
  static void ResetToDefaults(ParamsVectors* member_params);

// Definition of various parameter types.
class Param {
  ~Param() = default;

  const char* name_str() const { return name_; }
  const char* info_str() const { return info_; }
  bool is_init() const { return init_; }
  bool is_debug() const { return debug_; }
  bool constraint_ok(SetParamConstraint constraint) const {
    return (
        constraint == SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_NONE ||
        (constraint == SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_DEBUG_ONLY && this->is_debug()) ||
        (constraint == SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_NON_DEBUG_ONLY &&
         !this->is_debug()) ||
        (constraint == SET_PARAM_CONSTRAINT_NON_INIT_ONLY && !this->is_init()));

  Param(const char* name, const char* comment, bool init)
      : name_(name), info_(comment), init_(init) {
    debug_ = (strstr(name, "debug") != nullptr) || (strstr(name, "display"));

  const char* name_;  // name of this parameter
  const char* info_;  // for menus
  bool init_;         // needs to be set before init
  bool debug_;

class IntParam : public Param {
  IntParam(int32_t value, const char* name, const char* comment, bool init,
           ParamsVectors* vec)
      : Param(name, comment, init) {
    value_ = value;
    default_ = value;
    params_vec_ = &(vec->int_params);
  ~IntParam() { ParamUtils::RemoveParam<IntParam>(this, params_vec_); }
  operator int32_t() const { return value_; }
  void operator=(int32_t value) { value_ = value; }
  void set_value(int32_t value) { value_ = value; }
  void ResetToDefault() { value_ = default_; }
  void ResetFrom(const ParamsVectors* vec) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vec->int_params.size(); ++i) {
      if (strcmp(vec->int_params[i]->name_str(), name_) == 0) {
        // printf("overriding param %s=%d by =%d\n", name_, value_,
        // *vec->int_params[i]);
        value_ = *vec->int_params[i];

  int32_t value_;
  int32_t default_;
  // Pointer to the vector that contains this param (not owned by this class).
  GenericVector<IntParam*>* params_vec_;

class BoolParam : public Param {
  BoolParam(bool value, const char* name, const char* comment, bool init,
            ParamsVectors* vec)
      : Param(name, comment, init) {
    value_ = value;
    default_ = value;
    params_vec_ = &(vec->bool_params);
  ~BoolParam() { ParamUtils::RemoveParam<BoolParam>(this, params_vec_); }
  operator bool() const { return value_; }
  void operator=(bool value) { value_ = value; }
  void set_value(bool value) { value_ = value; }
  void ResetToDefault() { value_ = default_; }
  void ResetFrom(const ParamsVectors* vec) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vec->bool_params.size(); ++i) {
      if (strcmp(vec->bool_params[i]->name_str(), name_) == 0) {
        // printf("overriding param %s=%s by =%s\n", name_, value_ ? "true" :
        // "false", *vec->bool_params[i] ? "true" : "false");
        value_ = *vec->bool_params[i];

  bool value_;
  bool default_;
  // Pointer to the vector that contains this param (not owned by this class).
  GenericVector<BoolParam*>* params_vec_;

class StringParam : public Param {
  StringParam(const char* value, const char* name, const char* comment,
              bool init, ParamsVectors* vec)
      : Param(name, comment, init) {
    value_ = value;
    default_ = value;
    params_vec_ = &(vec->string_params);
  ~StringParam() { ParamUtils::RemoveParam<StringParam>(this, params_vec_); }
  operator STRING&() { return value_; }
  const char* c_str() const { return value_.c_str(); }
  bool empty() { return value_.length() <= 0; }
  bool operator==(const STRING& other) { return value_ == other; }
  void operator=(const STRING& value) { value_ = value; }
  void set_value(const STRING& value) { value_ = value; }
  void ResetToDefault() { value_ = default_; }
  void ResetFrom(const ParamsVectors* vec) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vec->string_params.size(); ++i) {
      if (strcmp(vec->string_params[i]->name_str(), name_) == 0) {
        // printf("overriding param %s=%s by =%s\n", name_, value_,
        // vec->string_params[i]->c_str());
        value_ = *vec->string_params[i];

  STRING value_;
  STRING default_;
  // Pointer to the vector that contains this param (not owned by this class).
  GenericVector<StringParam*>* params_vec_;

class DoubleParam : public Param {
  DoubleParam(double value, const char* name, const char* comment, bool init,
              ParamsVectors* vec)
      : Param(name, comment, init) {
    value_ = value;
    default_ = value;
    params_vec_ = &(vec->double_params);
  ~DoubleParam() { ParamUtils::RemoveParam<DoubleParam>(this, params_vec_); }
  operator double() const { return value_; }
  void operator=(double value) { value_ = value; }
  void set_value(double value) { value_ = value; }
  void ResetToDefault() { value_ = default_; }
  void ResetFrom(const ParamsVectors* vec) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vec->double_params.size(); ++i) {
      if (strcmp(vec->double_params[i]->name_str(), name_) == 0) {
        // printf("overriding param %s=%f by =%f\n", name_, value_,
        // *vec->double_params[i]);
        value_ = *vec->double_params[i];

  double value_;
  double default_;
  // Pointer to the vector that contains this param (not owned by this class).
  GenericVector<DoubleParam*>* params_vec_;

// Global parameter lists.
// To avoid the problem of undetermined order of static initialization
// global_params are accessed through the GlobalParams function that
// initializes the static pointer to global_params only on the first time
// GlobalParams() is called.
// TODO(daria): remove GlobalParams() when all global Tesseract
// parameters are converted to members.
ParamsVectors* GlobalParams();

 * Note on defining parameters.
 * The values of the parameters defined with *_INIT_* macros are guaranteed
 * to be loaded from config files before Tesseract initialization is done
 * (there is no such guarantee for parameters defined with the other macros).

#define INT_VAR_H(name, val, comment) ::tesseract::IntParam name

#define BOOL_VAR_H(name, val, comment) ::tesseract::BoolParam name

#define STRING_VAR_H(name, val, comment) ::tesseract::StringParam name

#define double_VAR_H(name, val, comment) ::tesseract::DoubleParam name

#define INT_VAR(name, val, comment) \
  ::tesseract::IntParam name(val, #name, comment, false, ::tesseract::GlobalParams())

#define BOOL_VAR(name, val, comment) \
  ::tesseract::BoolParam name(val, #name, comment, false, ::tesseract::GlobalParams())

#define STRING_VAR(name, val, comment) \
  ::tesseract::StringParam name(val, #name, comment, false, ::tesseract::GlobalParams())

#define double_VAR(name, val, comment) \
  ::tesseract::DoubleParam name(val, #name, comment, false, ::tesseract::GlobalParams())

#define INT_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, false, vec)

#define BOOL_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, false, vec)

#define STRING_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, false, vec)

#define double_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, false, vec)

#define INT_INIT_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, true, vec)

#define BOOL_INIT_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, true, vec)

#define STRING_INIT_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, true, vec)

#define double_INIT_MEMBER(name, val, comment, vec) \
  name(val, #name, comment, true, vec)

}  // namespace tesseract
