/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: network.cpp // Description: Base class for neural network implementations. // Author: Ray Smith // // (C) Copyright 2013, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #include "network.h" #include // This base class needs to know about all its sub-classes because of the // factory deserializing method: CreateFromFile. #include "allheaders.h" #include "convolve.h" #include "fullyconnected.h" #include "input.h" #include "lstm.h" #include "maxpool.h" #include "parallel.h" #include "reconfig.h" #include "reversed.h" #include "scrollview.h" #include "series.h" #include "statistc.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_TENSORFLOW #include "tfnetwork.h" #endif #include "tprintf.h" namespace tesseract { // Min and max window sizes. const int kMinWinSize = 500; const int kMaxWinSize = 2000; // Window frame sizes need adding on to make the content fit. const int kXWinFrameSize = 30; const int kYWinFrameSize = 80; // String names corresponding to the NetworkType enum. // Keep in sync with NetworkType. // Names used in Serialization to allow re-ordering/addition/deletion of // layer types in NetworkType without invalidating existing network files. static char const* const kTypeNames[NT_COUNT] = { "Invalid", "Input", "Convolve", "Maxpool", "Parallel", "Replicated", "ParBidiLSTM", "DepParUDLSTM", "Par2dLSTM", "Series", "Reconfig", "RTLReversed", "TTBReversed", "XYTranspose", "LSTM", "SummLSTM", "Logistic", "LinLogistic", "LinTanh", "Tanh", "Relu", "Linear", "Softmax", "SoftmaxNoCTC", "LSTMSoftmax", "LSTMBinarySoftmax", "TensorFlow", }; Network::Network() : type_(NT_NONE), training_(TS_ENABLED), needs_to_backprop_(true), network_flags_(0), ni_(0), no_(0), num_weights_(0), forward_win_(nullptr), backward_win_(nullptr), randomizer_(nullptr) {} Network::Network(NetworkType type, const std::string& name, int ni, int no) : type_(type), training_(TS_ENABLED), needs_to_backprop_(true), network_flags_(0), ni_(ni), no_(no), num_weights_(0), name_(name), forward_win_(nullptr), backward_win_(nullptr), randomizer_(nullptr) {} // Suspends/Enables/Permanently disables training by setting the training_ // flag. Serialize and DeSerialize only operate on the run-time data if state // is TS_DISABLED or TS_TEMP_DISABLE. Specifying TS_TEMP_DISABLE will // temporarily disable layers in state TS_ENABLED, allowing a trainer to // serialize as if it were a recognizer. // TS_RE_ENABLE will re-enable layers that were previously in any disabled // state. If in TS_TEMP_DISABLE then the flag is just changed, but if in // TS_DISABLED, the deltas in the weight matrices are reinitialized so that a // recognizer can be converted back to a trainer. void Network::SetEnableTraining(TrainingState state) { if (state == TS_RE_ENABLE) { // Enable only from temp disabled. if (training_ == TS_TEMP_DISABLE) training_ = TS_ENABLED; } else if (state == TS_TEMP_DISABLE) { // Temp disable only from enabled. if (training_ == TS_ENABLED) training_ = state; } else { training_ = state; } } // Sets flags that control the action of the network. See NetworkFlags enum // for bit values. void Network::SetNetworkFlags(uint32_t flags) { network_flags_ = flags; } // Sets up the network for training. Initializes weights using weights of // scale `range` picked according to the random number generator `randomizer`. int Network::InitWeights(float range, TRand* randomizer) { randomizer_ = randomizer; return 0; } // Provides a pointer to a TRand for any networks that care to use it. // Note that randomizer is a borrowed pointer that should outlive the network // and should not be deleted by any of the networks. void Network::SetRandomizer(TRand* randomizer) { randomizer_ = randomizer; } // Sets needs_to_backprop_ to needs_backprop and returns true if // needs_backprop || any weights in this network so the next layer forward // can be told to produce backprop for this layer if needed. bool Network::SetupNeedsBackprop(bool needs_backprop) { needs_to_backprop_ = needs_backprop; return needs_backprop || num_weights_ > 0; } // Writes to the given file. Returns false in case of error. bool Network::Serialize(TFile* fp) const { int8_t data = NT_NONE; if (!fp->Serialize(&data)) return false; STRING type_name = kTypeNames[type_]; if (!type_name.Serialize(fp)) return false; data = training_; if (!fp->Serialize(&data)) return false; data = needs_to_backprop_; if (!fp->Serialize(&data)) return false; if (!fp->Serialize(&network_flags_)) return false; if (!fp->Serialize(&ni_)) return false; if (!fp->Serialize(&no_)) return false; if (!fp->Serialize(&num_weights_)) return false; uint32_t length = name_.length(); if (!fp->Serialize(&length)) return false; return fp->Serialize(name_.c_str(), length); } static NetworkType getNetworkType(TFile* fp) { int8_t data; if (!fp->DeSerialize(&data)) return NT_NONE; if (data == NT_NONE) { STRING type_name; if (!type_name.DeSerialize(fp)) return NT_NONE; for (data = 0; data < NT_COUNT && type_name != kTypeNames[data]; ++data) { } if (data == NT_COUNT) { tprintf("Invalid network layer type:%s\n", type_name.c_str()); return NT_NONE; } } return static_cast(data); } // Reads from the given file. Returns nullptr in case of error. // Determines the type of the serialized class and calls its DeSerialize // on a new object of the appropriate type, which is returned. Network* Network::CreateFromFile(TFile* fp) { NetworkType type; // Type of the derived network class. TrainingState training; // Are we currently training? bool needs_to_backprop; // This network needs to output back_deltas. int32_t network_flags; // Behavior control flags in NetworkFlags. int32_t ni; // Number of input values. int32_t no; // Number of output values. int32_t num_weights; // Number of weights in this and sub-network. STRING name; // A unique name for this layer. int8_t data; Network* network = nullptr; type = getNetworkType(fp); if (!fp->DeSerialize(&data)) return nullptr; training = data == TS_ENABLED ? TS_ENABLED : TS_DISABLED; if (!fp->DeSerialize(&data)) return nullptr; needs_to_backprop = data != 0; if (!fp->DeSerialize(&network_flags)) return nullptr; if (!fp->DeSerialize(&ni)) return nullptr; if (!fp->DeSerialize(&no)) return nullptr; if (!fp->DeSerialize(&num_weights)) return nullptr; if (!name.DeSerialize(fp)) return nullptr; switch (type) { case NT_CONVOLVE: network = new Convolve(name.c_str(), ni, 0, 0); break; case NT_INPUT: network = new Input(name.c_str(), ni, no); break; case NT_LSTM: case NT_LSTM_SOFTMAX: case NT_LSTM_SOFTMAX_ENCODED: case NT_LSTM_SUMMARY: network = new LSTM(name.c_str(), ni, no, no, false, type); break; case NT_MAXPOOL: network = new Maxpool(name.c_str(), ni, 0, 0); break; // All variants of Parallel. case NT_PARALLEL: case NT_REPLICATED: case NT_PAR_RL_LSTM: case NT_PAR_UD_LSTM: case NT_PAR_2D_LSTM: network = new Parallel(name.c_str(), type); break; case NT_RECONFIG: network = new Reconfig(name.c_str(), ni, 0, 0); break; // All variants of reversed. case NT_XREVERSED: case NT_YREVERSED: case NT_XYTRANSPOSE: network = new Reversed(name.c_str(), type); break; case NT_SERIES: network = new Series(name.c_str()); break; case NT_TENSORFLOW: #ifdef INCLUDE_TENSORFLOW network = new TFNetwork(name.c_str()); #else tprintf("TensorFlow not compiled in! -DINCLUDE_TENSORFLOW\n"); #endif break; // All variants of FullyConnected. case NT_SOFTMAX: case NT_SOFTMAX_NO_CTC: case NT_RELU: case NT_TANH: case NT_LINEAR: case NT_LOGISTIC: case NT_POSCLIP: case NT_SYMCLIP: network = new FullyConnected(name.c_str(), ni, no, type); break; default: break; } if (network) { network->training_ = training; network->needs_to_backprop_ = needs_to_backprop; network->network_flags_ = network_flags; network->num_weights_ = num_weights; if (!network->DeSerialize(fp)) { delete network; network = nullptr; } } return network; } // Returns a random number in [-range, range]. double Network::Random(double range) { ASSERT_HOST(randomizer_ != nullptr); return randomizer_->SignedRand(range); } #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED // === Debug image display methods. === // Displays the image of the matrix to the forward window. void Network::DisplayForward(const NetworkIO& matrix) { Pix* image = matrix.ToPix(); ClearWindow(false, name_.c_str(), pixGetWidth(image), pixGetHeight(image), &forward_win_); DisplayImage(image, forward_win_); forward_win_->Update(); } // Displays the image of the matrix to the backward window. void Network::DisplayBackward(const NetworkIO& matrix) { Pix* image = matrix.ToPix(); std::string window_name = name_ + "-back"; ClearWindow(false, window_name.c_str(), pixGetWidth(image), pixGetHeight(image), &backward_win_); DisplayImage(image, backward_win_); backward_win_->Update(); } // Creates the window if needed, otherwise clears it. void Network::ClearWindow(bool tess_coords, const char* window_name, int width, int height, ScrollView** window) { if (*window == nullptr) { int min_size = std::min(width, height); if (min_size < kMinWinSize) { if (min_size < 1) min_size = 1; width = width * kMinWinSize / min_size; height = height * kMinWinSize / min_size; } width += kXWinFrameSize; height += kYWinFrameSize; if (width > kMaxWinSize) width = kMaxWinSize; if (height > kMaxWinSize) height = kMaxWinSize; *window = new ScrollView(window_name, 80, 100, width, height, width, height, tess_coords); tprintf("Created window %s of size %d, %d\n", window_name, width, height); } else { (*window)->Clear(); } } // Displays the pix in the given window. and returns the height of the pix. // The pix is pixDestroyed. int Network::DisplayImage(Pix* pix, ScrollView* window) { int height = pixGetHeight(pix); window->Image(pix, 0, 0); pixDestroy(&pix); return height; } #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED } // namespace tesseract.