/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: alignedblob.cpp // Description: Subclass of BBGrid to find vertically aligned blobs. // Author: Ray Smith // // (C) Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #include "alignedblob.h" #include namespace tesseract { INT_VAR(textord_debug_tabfind, 0, "Debug tab finding"); INT_VAR(textord_debug_bugs, 0, "Turn on output related to bugs in tab finding"); static INT_VAR(textord_testregion_left, -1, "Left edge of debug reporting rectangle in Leptonica coords (bottom=0/top=height), with horizontal lines x/y-flipped"); static INT_VAR(textord_testregion_top, INT32_MAX, "Top edge of debug reporting rectangle in Leptonica coords (bottom=0/top=height), with horizontal lines x/y-flipped"); static INT_VAR(textord_testregion_right, INT32_MAX, "Right edge of debug rectangle in Leptonica coords (bottom=0/top=height), with horizontal lines x/y-flipped"); static INT_VAR(textord_testregion_bottom, -1, "Bottom edge of debug rectangle in Leptonica coords (bottom=0/top=height), with horizontal lines x/y-flipped"); BOOL_VAR(textord_debug_printable, false, "Make debug windows printable"); // Fraction of resolution used as alignment tolerance for aligned tabs. const double kAlignedFraction = 0.03125; // Fraction of resolution used as alignment tolerance for ragged tabs. const double kRaggedFraction = 2.5; // Fraction of height used as a minimum gutter gap for aligned blobs. const double kAlignedGapFraction = 0.75; // Fraction of height used as a minimum gutter gap for ragged tabs. const double kRaggedGapFraction = 1.0; // Constant number of pixels used as alignment tolerance for line finding. const int kVLineAlignment = 3; // Constant number of pixels used as gutter gap tolerance for line finding. const int kVLineGutter = 1; // Constant number of pixels used as the search size for line finding. const int kVLineSearchSize = 150; // Min number of points to accept for a ragged tab stop. const int kMinRaggedTabs = 5; // Min number of points to accept for an aligned tab stop. const int kMinAlignedTabs = 4; // Constant number of pixels minimum height of a vertical line. const int kVLineMinLength = 300; // Minimum gradient for a vertical tab vector. Used to prune away junk // tab vectors with what would be a ridiculously large skew angle. // Value corresponds to tan(90 - max allowed skew angle) const double kMinTabGradient = 4.0; // Tolerance to skew on top of current estimate of skew. Divide x or y length // by kMaxSkewFactor to get the y or x skew distance. // If the angle is small, the angle in degrees is roughly 60/kMaxSkewFactor. const int kMaxSkewFactor = 15; // Constructor to set the parameters for finding aligned and ragged tabs. // Vertical_x and vertical_y are the current estimates of the true vertical // direction (up) in the image. Height is the height of the starter blob. // v_gap_multiple is the multiple of height that will be used as a limit // on vertical gap before giving up and calling the line ended. // resolution is the original image resolution, and align0 indicates the // type of tab stop to be found. AlignedBlobParams::AlignedBlobParams(int vertical_x, int vertical_y, int height, int v_gap_multiple, int min_gutter_width, int resolution, TabAlignment align0) : right_tab(align0 == TA_RIGHT_RAGGED || align0 == TA_RIGHT_ALIGNED), ragged(align0 == TA_LEFT_RAGGED || align0 == TA_RIGHT_RAGGED), alignment(align0), confirmed_type(TT_CONFIRMED), min_length(0) { // Set the tolerances according to the type of line sought. // For tab search, these are based on the image resolution for most, or // the height of the starting blob for the maximum vertical gap. max_v_gap = height * v_gap_multiple; if (ragged) { // In the case of a ragged edge, we are much more generous with the // inside alignment fraction, but also require a much bigger gutter. gutter_fraction = kRaggedGapFraction; if (alignment == TA_RIGHT_RAGGED) { l_align_tolerance = static_cast(resolution * kRaggedFraction + 0.5); r_align_tolerance = static_cast(resolution * kAlignedFraction + 0.5); } else { l_align_tolerance = static_cast(resolution * kAlignedFraction + 0.5); r_align_tolerance = static_cast(resolution * kRaggedFraction + 0.5); } min_points = kMinRaggedTabs; } else { gutter_fraction = kAlignedGapFraction; l_align_tolerance = static_cast(resolution * kAlignedFraction + 0.5); r_align_tolerance = static_cast(resolution * kAlignedFraction + 0.5); min_points = kMinAlignedTabs; } min_gutter = static_cast(height * gutter_fraction + 0.5); if (min_gutter < min_gutter_width) min_gutter = min_gutter_width; // Fit the vertical vector into an ICOORD, which is 16 bit. set_vertical(vertical_x, vertical_y); } // Constructor to set the parameters for finding vertical lines. // Vertical_x and vertical_y are the current estimates of the true vertical // direction (up) in the image. Width is the width of the starter blob. AlignedBlobParams::AlignedBlobParams(int vertical_x, int vertical_y, int width) : gutter_fraction(0.0), right_tab(false), ragged(false), alignment(TA_SEPARATOR), confirmed_type(TT_VLINE), max_v_gap(kVLineSearchSize), min_gutter(kVLineGutter), min_points(1), min_length(kVLineMinLength) { // Compute threshold for left and right alignment. l_align_tolerance = std::max(kVLineAlignment, width); r_align_tolerance = std::max(kVLineAlignment, width); // Fit the vertical vector into an ICOORD, which is 16 bit. set_vertical(vertical_x, vertical_y); } // Fit the vertical vector into an ICOORD, which is 16 bit. void AlignedBlobParams::set_vertical(int vertical_x, int vertical_y) { int factor = 1; if (vertical_y > INT16_MAX) factor = vertical_y / INT16_MAX + 1; vertical.set_x(vertical_x / factor); vertical.set_y(vertical_y / factor); } AlignedBlob::AlignedBlob(int gridsize, const ICOORD& bleft, const ICOORD& tright) : BlobGrid(gridsize, bleft, tright) { } // Return true if the given coordinates are within the test rectangle // and the debug level is at least the given detail level. bool AlignedBlob::WithinTestRegion(int detail_level, int x, int y) { if (textord_debug_tabfind < detail_level) return false; return x >= textord_testregion_left && x <= textord_testregion_right && y <= textord_testregion_top && y >= textord_testregion_bottom; } #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED // Display the tab codes of the BLOBNBOXes in this grid. ScrollView* AlignedBlob::DisplayTabs(const char* window_name, ScrollView* tab_win) { if (tab_win == nullptr) tab_win = MakeWindow(0, 50, window_name); // For every tab in the grid, display it. GridSearch gsearch(this); gsearch.StartFullSearch(); BLOBNBOX* bbox; while ((bbox = gsearch.NextFullSearch()) != nullptr) { const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); int left_x = box.left(); int right_x = box.right(); int top_y = box.top(); int bottom_y = box.bottom(); TabType tabtype = bbox->left_tab_type(); if (tabtype != TT_NONE) { if (tabtype == TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::BLUE); else if (tabtype == TT_MAYBE_RAGGED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::YELLOW); else if (tabtype == TT_CONFIRMED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::GREEN); else tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::GREY); tab_win->Line(left_x, top_y, left_x, bottom_y); } tabtype = bbox->right_tab_type(); if (tabtype != TT_NONE) { if (tabtype == TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::MAGENTA); else if (tabtype == TT_MAYBE_RAGGED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::ORANGE); else if (tabtype == TT_CONFIRMED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::RED); else tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::GREY); tab_win->Line(right_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y); } } tab_win->Update(); return tab_win; } #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED // Helper returns true if the total number of line_crossings of all the blobs // in the list is at least 2. static bool AtLeast2LineCrossings(BLOBNBOX_CLIST* blobs) { BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(blobs); int total_crossings = 0; for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { total_crossings += it.data()->line_crossings(); } return total_crossings >= 2; } // Destructor. // It is defined here, so the compiler can create a single vtable // instead of weak vtables in every compilation unit. AlignedBlob::~AlignedBlob() = default; // Finds a vector corresponding to a set of vertically aligned blob edges // running through the given box. The type of vector returned and the // search parameters are determined by the AlignedBlobParams. // vertical_x and y are updated with an estimate of the real // vertical direction. (skew finding.) // Returns nullptr if no decent vector can be found. TabVector* AlignedBlob::FindVerticalAlignment(AlignedBlobParams align_params, BLOBNBOX* bbox, int* vertical_x, int* vertical_y) { int ext_start_y, ext_end_y; BLOBNBOX_CLIST good_points; // Search up and then down from the starting bbox. TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box(); bool debug = WithinTestRegion(2, box.left(), box.bottom()); int pt_count = AlignTabs(align_params, false, bbox, &good_points, &ext_end_y); pt_count += AlignTabs(align_params, true, bbox, &good_points, &ext_start_y); BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&good_points); it.move_to_last(); box = it.data()->bounding_box(); int end_y = box.top(); int end_x = align_params.right_tab ? box.right() : box.left(); it.move_to_first(); box = it.data()->bounding_box(); int start_x = align_params.right_tab ? box.right() : box.left(); int start_y = box.bottom(); // Acceptable tab vectors must have a minimum number of points, // have a minimum acceptable length, and have a minimum gradient. // The gradient corresponds to the skew angle. // Ragged tabs don't need to satisfy the gradient condition, as they // will always end up parallel to the vertical direction. bool at_least_2_crossings = AtLeast2LineCrossings(&good_points); if ((pt_count >= align_params.min_points && end_y - start_y >= align_params.min_length && (align_params.ragged || end_y - start_y >= abs(end_x - start_x) * kMinTabGradient)) || at_least_2_crossings) { int confirmed_points = 0; // Count existing confirmed points to see if vector is acceptable. for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { bbox = it.data(); if (align_params.right_tab) { if (bbox->right_tab_type() == align_params.confirmed_type) ++confirmed_points; } else { if (bbox->left_tab_type() == align_params.confirmed_type) ++confirmed_points; } } // Ragged vectors are not allowed to use too many already used points. if (!align_params.ragged || confirmed_points + confirmed_points < pt_count) { const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); if (debug) { tprintf("Confirming tab vector of %d pts starting at %d,%d\n", pt_count, box.left(), box.bottom()); } // Flag all the aligned neighbours as confirmed . for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { bbox = it.data(); if (align_params.right_tab) { bbox->set_right_tab_type(align_params.confirmed_type); } else { bbox->set_left_tab_type(align_params.confirmed_type); } if (debug) { bbox->bounding_box().print(); } } // Now make the vector and return it. TabVector* result = TabVector::FitVector(align_params.alignment, align_params.vertical, ext_start_y, ext_end_y, &good_points, vertical_x, vertical_y); result->set_intersects_other_lines(at_least_2_crossings); if (debug) { tprintf("Box was %d, %d\n", box.left(), box.bottom()); result->Print("After fitting"); } return result; } else if (debug) { tprintf("Ragged tab used too many used points: %d out of %d\n", confirmed_points, pt_count); } } else if (debug) { tprintf("Tab vector failed basic tests: pt count %d vs min %d, " "length %d vs min %d, min grad %g\n", pt_count, align_params.min_points, end_y - start_y, align_params.min_length, abs(end_x - start_x) * kMinTabGradient); } return nullptr; } // Find a set of blobs that are aligned in the given vertical // direction with the given blob. Returns a list of aligned // blobs and the number in the list. // For other parameters see FindAlignedBlob below. int AlignedBlob::AlignTabs(const AlignedBlobParams& params, bool top_to_bottom, BLOBNBOX* bbox, BLOBNBOX_CLIST* good_points, int* end_y) { int ptcount = 0; BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(good_points); TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box(); bool debug = WithinTestRegion(2, box.left(), box.bottom()); if (debug) { tprintf("Starting alignment run at blob:"); box.print(); } int x_start = params.right_tab ? box.right() : box.left(); while (bbox != nullptr) { // Add the blob to the list if the appropriate side is a tab candidate, // or if we are working on a ragged tab. TabType type = params.right_tab ? bbox->right_tab_type() : bbox->left_tab_type(); if (((type != TT_NONE && type != TT_MAYBE_RAGGED) || params.ragged) && (it.empty() || it.data() != bbox)) { if (top_to_bottom) it.add_before_then_move(bbox); else it.add_after_then_move(bbox); ++ptcount; } // Find the next blob that is aligned with the current one. // FindAlignedBlob guarantees that forward progress will be made in the // top_to_bottom direction, and therefore eventually it will return nullptr, // making this while (bbox != nullptr) loop safe. bbox = FindAlignedBlob(params, top_to_bottom, bbox, x_start, end_y); if (bbox != nullptr) { box = bbox->bounding_box(); if (!params.ragged) x_start = params.right_tab ? box.right() : box.left(); } } if (debug) { tprintf("Alignment run ended with %d pts at blob:", ptcount); box.print(); } return ptcount; } // Search vertically for a blob that is aligned with the input bbox. // The search parameters are determined by AlignedBlobParams. // top_to_bottom tells whether to search down or up. // The return value is nullptr if nothing was found in the search box // or if a blob was found in the gutter. On a nullptr return, end_y // is set to the edge of the search box or the leading edge of the // gutter blob if one was found. BLOBNBOX* AlignedBlob::FindAlignedBlob(const AlignedBlobParams& p, bool top_to_bottom, BLOBNBOX* bbox, int x_start, int* end_y) { TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box(); // If there are separator lines, get the column edges. int left_column_edge = bbox->left_rule(); int right_column_edge = bbox->right_rule(); // start_y is used to guarantee that forward progress is made and the // search does not go into an infinite loop. New blobs must extend the // line beyond start_y. int start_y = top_to_bottom ? box.bottom() : box.top(); if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) { tprintf("Column edges for blob at (%d,%d)->(%d,%d) are [%d, %d]\n", box.left(), box.top(), box.right(), box.bottom(), left_column_edge, right_column_edge); } // Compute skew tolerance. int skew_tolerance = p.max_v_gap / kMaxSkewFactor; // Calculate xmin and xmax of the search box so that it contains // all possibly relevant boxes up to p.max_v_gap above or below according // to top_to_bottom. // Start with a notion of vertical with the current estimate. int x2 = (p.max_v_gap * p.vertical.x() + p.vertical.y()/2) / p.vertical.y(); if (top_to_bottom) { x2 = x_start - x2; *end_y = start_y - p.max_v_gap; } else { x2 = x_start + x2; *end_y = start_y + p.max_v_gap; } // Expand the box by an additional skew tolerance int xmin = std::min(x_start, x2) - skew_tolerance; int xmax = std::max(x_start, x2) + skew_tolerance; // Now add direction-specific tolerances. if (p.right_tab) { xmax += p.min_gutter; xmin -= p.l_align_tolerance; } else { xmax += p.r_align_tolerance; xmin -= p.min_gutter; } // Setup a vertical search for an aligned blob. GridSearch vsearch(this); if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("Starting %s %s search at %d-%d,%d, search_size=%d, gutter=%d\n", p.ragged ? "Ragged" : "Aligned", p.right_tab ? "Right" : "Left", xmin, xmax, start_y, p.max_v_gap, p.min_gutter); vsearch.StartVerticalSearch(xmin, xmax, start_y); // result stores the best real return value. BLOBNBOX* result = nullptr; // The backup_result is not a tab candidate and can be used if no // real tab candidate result is found. BLOBNBOX* backup_result = nullptr; // neighbour is the blob that is currently being investigated. BLOBNBOX* neighbour = nullptr; while ((neighbour = vsearch.NextVerticalSearch(top_to_bottom)) != nullptr) { if (neighbour == bbox) continue; TBOX nbox = neighbour->bounding_box(); int n_y = (nbox.top() + nbox.bottom()) / 2; if ((!top_to_bottom && n_y > start_y + p.max_v_gap) || (top_to_bottom && n_y < start_y - p.max_v_gap)) { if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("Neighbour too far at (%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n", nbox.left(), nbox.bottom(), nbox.right(), nbox.top()); break; // Gone far enough. } // It is CRITICAL to ensure that forward progress is made, (strictly // in/decreasing n_y) or the caller could loop infinitely, while // waiting for a sequence of blobs in a line to end. // NextVerticalSearch alone does not guarantee this, as there may be // more than one blob in a grid cell. See comment in AlignTabs. if ((n_y < start_y) != top_to_bottom || nbox.y_overlap(box)) continue; // Only look in the required direction. if (result != nullptr && result->bounding_box().y_gap(nbox) > gridsize()) return result; // This result is clear. if (backup_result != nullptr && p.ragged && result == nullptr && backup_result->bounding_box().y_gap(nbox) > gridsize()) return backup_result; // This result is clear. // If the neighbouring blob is the wrong side of a separator line, then it // "doesn't exist" as far as we are concerned. int x_at_n_y = x_start + (n_y - start_y) * p.vertical.x() / p.vertical.y(); if (x_at_n_y < neighbour->left_crossing_rule() || x_at_n_y > neighbour->right_crossing_rule()) continue; // Separator line in the way. int n_left = nbox.left(); int n_right = nbox.right(); int n_x = p.right_tab ? n_right : n_left; if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("neighbour at (%d,%d)->(%d,%d), n_x=%d, n_y=%d, xatn=%d\n", nbox.left(), nbox.bottom(), nbox.right(), nbox.top(), n_x, n_y, x_at_n_y); if (p.right_tab && n_left < x_at_n_y + p.min_gutter && n_right > x_at_n_y + p.r_align_tolerance && (p.ragged || n_left < x_at_n_y + p.gutter_fraction * nbox.height())) { // In the gutter so end of line. if (bbox->right_tab_type() >= TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED) bbox->set_right_tab_type(TT_DELETED); *end_y = top_to_bottom ? nbox.top() : nbox.bottom(); if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("gutter\n"); return nullptr; } if (!p.right_tab && n_left < x_at_n_y - p.l_align_tolerance && n_right > x_at_n_y - p.min_gutter && (p.ragged || n_right > x_at_n_y - p.gutter_fraction * nbox.height())) { // In the gutter so end of line. if (bbox->left_tab_type() >= TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED) bbox->set_left_tab_type(TT_DELETED); *end_y = top_to_bottom ? nbox.top() : nbox.bottom(); if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("gutter\n"); return nullptr; } if ((p.right_tab && neighbour->leader_on_right()) || (!p.right_tab && neighbour->leader_on_left())) continue; // Neighbours of leaders are not allowed to be used. if (n_x <= x_at_n_y + p.r_align_tolerance && n_x >= x_at_n_y - p.l_align_tolerance) { // Aligned so keep it. If it is a marked tab save it as result, // otherwise keep it as backup_result to return in case of later failure. if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("aligned, seeking%d, l=%d, r=%d\n", p.right_tab, neighbour->left_tab_type(), neighbour->right_tab_type()); TabType n_type = p.right_tab ? neighbour->right_tab_type() : neighbour->left_tab_type(); if (n_type != TT_NONE && (p.ragged || n_type != TT_MAYBE_RAGGED)) { if (result == nullptr) { result = neighbour; } else { // Keep the closest neighbour by Euclidean distance. // This prevents it from picking a tab blob in another column. const TBOX& old_box = result->bounding_box(); int x_diff = p.right_tab ? old_box.right() : old_box.left(); x_diff -= x_at_n_y; int y_diff = (old_box.top() + old_box.bottom()) / 2 - start_y; int old_dist = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff; x_diff = n_x - x_at_n_y; y_diff = n_y - start_y; int new_dist = x_diff * x_diff + y_diff * y_diff; if (new_dist < old_dist) result = neighbour; } } else if (backup_result == nullptr) { if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("Backup\n"); backup_result = neighbour; } else { TBOX backup_box = backup_result->bounding_box(); if ((p.right_tab && backup_box.right() < nbox.right()) || (!p.right_tab && backup_box.left() > nbox.left())) { if (WithinTestRegion(2, x_start, start_y)) tprintf("Better backup\n"); backup_result = neighbour; } } } } return result != nullptr ? result : backup_result; } } // namespace tesseract.