/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: imagefind.h // Description: Class to find image and drawing regions in an image // and create a corresponding list of empty blobs. // Author: Ray Smith // // (C) Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef TESSERACT_TEXTORD_IMAGEFIND_H_ #define TESSERACT_TEXTORD_IMAGEFIND_H_ #include "debugpixa.h" #include struct Boxa; struct Pix; struct Pixa; namespace tesseract { class ColPartitionGrid; class ColPartition_LIST; class TabFind; class TBOX; class FCOORD; class TO_BLOCK; class BLOBNBOX_LIST; // The ImageFind class is a simple static function wrapper class that // exposes the FindImages function and some useful helper functions. class ImageFind { public: // Finds image regions within the BINARY source pix (page image) and returns // the image regions as a mask image. // The returned pix may be nullptr, meaning no images found. // If not nullptr, it must be PixDestroyed by the caller. // If textord_tabfind_show_images, debug images are appended to pixa_debug. static Pix* FindImages(Pix* pix, DebugPixa* pixa_debug); // Generates a Boxa, Pixa pair from the input binary (image mask) pix, // analogous to pixConnComp, except that connected components which are nearly // rectangular are replaced with solid rectangles. // The returned boxa, pixa may be nullptr, meaning no images found. // If not nullptr, they must be destroyed by the caller. // Resolution of pix should match the source image (Tesseract::pix_binary_) // so the output coordinate systems match. static void ConnCompAndRectangularize(Pix* pix, DebugPixa* pixa_debug, Boxa** boxa, Pixa** pixa); // Returns true if there is a rectangle in the source pix, such that all // pixel rows and column slices outside of it have less than // min_fraction of the pixels black, and within max_skew_gradient fraction // of the pixels on the inside, there are at least max_fraction of the // pixels black. In other words, the inside of the rectangle looks roughly // rectangular, and the outside of it looks like extra bits. // On return, the rectangle is defined by x_start, y_start, x_end and y_end. // Note: the algorithm is iterative, allowing it to slice off pixels from // one edge, allowing it to then slice off more pixels from another edge. static bool pixNearlyRectangular(Pix* pix, double min_fraction, double max_fraction, double max_skew_gradient, int* x_start, int* y_start, int* x_end, int* y_end); // Given an input pix, and a bounding rectangle, the sides of the rectangle // are shrunk inwards until they bound any black pixels found within the // original rectangle. Returns false if the rectangle contains no black // pixels at all. static bool BoundsWithinRect(Pix* pix, int* x_start, int* y_start, int* x_end, int* y_end); // Given a point in 3-D (RGB) space, returns the squared Euclidean distance // of the point from the given line, defined by a pair of points in the 3-D // (RGB) space, line1 and line2. static double ColorDistanceFromLine(const uint8_t* line1, const uint8_t* line2, const uint8_t* point); // Returns the leptonica combined code for the given RGB triplet. static uint32_t ComposeRGB(uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b); // Returns the input value clipped to a uint8_t. static uint8_t ClipToByte(double pixel); // Computes the light and dark extremes of color in the given rectangle of // the given pix, which is factor smaller than the coordinate system in rect. // The light and dark points are taken to be the upper and lower 8th-ile of // the most deviant of R, G and B. The value of the other 2 channels are // computed by linear fit against the most deviant. // The colors of the two point are returned in color1 and color2, with the // alpha channel set to a scaled mean rms of the fits. // If color_map1 is not null then it and color_map2 get rect pasted in them // with the two calculated colors, and rms map gets a pasted rect of the rms. // color_map1, color_map2 and rms_map are assumed to be the same scale as pix. static void ComputeRectangleColors(const TBOX& rect, Pix* pix, int factor, Pix* color_map1, Pix* color_map2, Pix* rms_map, uint8_t* color1, uint8_t* color2); // Returns true if there are no black pixels in between the boxes. // The im_box must represent the bounding box of the pix in tesseract // coordinates, which may be negative, due to rotations to make the textlines // horizontal. The boxes are rotated by rotation, which should undo such // rotations, before mapping them onto the pix. static bool BlankImageInBetween(const TBOX& box1, const TBOX& box2, const TBOX& im_box, const FCOORD& rotation, Pix* pix); // Returns the number of pixels in box in the pix. // The im_box must represent the bounding box of the pix in tesseract // coordinates, which may be negative, due to rotations to make the textlines // horizontal. The boxes are rotated by rotation, which should undo such // rotations, before mapping them onto the pix. static int CountPixelsInRotatedBox(TBOX box, const TBOX& im_box, const FCOORD& rotation, Pix* pix); // Locates all the image partitions in the part_grid, that were found by a // previous call to FindImagePartitions, marks them in the image_mask, // removes them from the grid, and deletes them. This makes it possible to // call FindImagePartitions again to produce less broken-up and less // overlapping image partitions. // rerotation specifies how to rotate the partition coords to match // the image_mask, since this function is used after orientation correction. static void TransferImagePartsToImageMask(const FCOORD& rerotation, ColPartitionGrid* part_grid, Pix* image_mask); // Runs a CC analysis on the image_pix mask image, and creates // image partitions from them, cutting out strong text, and merging with // nearby image regions such that they don't interfere with text. // Rotation and rerotation specify how to rotate image coords to match // the blob and partition coords and back again. // The input/output part_grid owns all the created partitions, and // the partitions own all the fake blobs that belong in the partitions. // Since the other blobs in the other partitions will be owned by the block, // ColPartitionGrid::ReTypeBlobs must be called afterwards to fix this // situation and collect the image blobs. static void FindImagePartitions(Pix* image_pix, const FCOORD& rotation, const FCOORD& rerotation, TO_BLOCK* block, TabFind* tab_grid, DebugPixa* pixa_debug, ColPartitionGrid* part_grid, ColPartition_LIST* big_parts); }; } // namespace tesseract. #endif // TESSERACT_TEXTORD_LINEFIND_H_