/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: tabfind.cpp // Description: Subclass of BBGrid to find vertically aligned blobs. // Author: Ray Smith // // (C) Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #include "tabfind.h" #include "alignedblob.h" #include "colpartitiongrid.h" #include "detlinefit.h" #include "host.h" // for NearlyEqual #include "linefind.h" #include namespace tesseract { // Multiple of box size to search for initial gaps. const int kTabRadiusFactor = 5; // Min and Max multiple of height to search vertically when extrapolating. const int kMinVerticalSearch = 3; const int kMaxVerticalSearch = 12; const int kMaxRaggedSearch = 25; // Minimum number of lines in a column width to make it interesting. const int kMinLinesInColumn = 10; // Minimum width of a column to be interesting. const int kMinColumnWidth = 200; // Minimum fraction of total column lines for a column to be interesting. const double kMinFractionalLinesInColumn = 0.125; // Fraction of height used as alignment tolerance for aligned tabs. const double kAlignedFraction = 0.03125; // Maximum gutter width (in absolute inch) that we care about const double kMaxGutterWidthAbsolute = 2.00; // Multiplier of gridsize for min gutter width of TT_MAYBE_RAGGED blobs. const int kRaggedGutterMultiple = 5; // Min aspect ratio of tall objects to be considered a separator line. // (These will be ignored in searching the gutter for obstructions.) const double kLineFragmentAspectRatio = 10.0; // Min number of points to accept after evaluation. const int kMinEvaluatedTabs = 3; // Up to 30 degrees is allowed for rotations of diacritic blobs. // Keep this value slightly larger than kCosSmallAngle in blobbox.cpp // so that the assert there never fails. const double kCosMaxSkewAngle = 0.866025; static BOOL_VAR(textord_tabfind_show_initialtabs, false, "Show tab candidates"); static BOOL_VAR(textord_tabfind_show_finaltabs, false, "Show tab vectors"); TabFind::TabFind(int gridsize, const ICOORD& bleft, const ICOORD& tright, TabVector_LIST* vlines, int vertical_x, int vertical_y, int resolution) : AlignedBlob(gridsize, bleft, tright), resolution_(resolution), image_origin_(0, tright.y() - 1), v_it_(&vectors_) { width_cb_ = nullptr; v_it_.add_list_after(vlines); SetVerticalSkewAndParallelize(vertical_x, vertical_y); using namespace std::placeholders; // for _1 width_cb_ = std::bind(&TabFind::CommonWidth, this, _1); } TabFind::~TabFind() { } ///////////////// PUBLIC functions (mostly used by TabVector). ////////////// // Insert a list of blobs into the given grid (not necessarily this). // If take_ownership is true, then the blobs are removed from the source list. // See InsertBlob for the other arguments. // It would seem to make more sense to swap this and grid, but this way // around allows grid to not be derived from TabFind, eg a ColPartitionGrid, // while the grid that provides the tab stops(this) has to be derived from // TabFind. void TabFind::InsertBlobsToGrid(bool h_spread, bool v_spread, BLOBNBOX_LIST* blobs, BBGrid* grid) { BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it(blobs); int b_count = 0; int reject_count = 0; for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* blob = blob_it.data(); // if (InsertBlob(true, true, blob, grid)) { if (InsertBlob(h_spread, v_spread, blob, grid)) { ++b_count; } else { ++reject_count; } } if (textord_debug_tabfind) { tprintf("Inserted %d blobs into grid, %d rejected.\n", b_count, reject_count); } } // Insert a single blob into the given grid (not necessarily this). // If h_spread, then all cells covered horizontally by the box are // used, otherwise, just the bottom-left. Similarly for v_spread. // A side effect is that the left and right rule edges of the blob are // set according to the tab vectors in this (not grid). bool TabFind::InsertBlob(bool h_spread, bool v_spread, BLOBNBOX* blob, BBGrid* grid) { TBOX box = blob->bounding_box(); blob->set_left_rule(LeftEdgeForBox(box, false, false)); blob->set_right_rule(RightEdgeForBox(box, false, false)); blob->set_left_crossing_rule(LeftEdgeForBox(box, true, false)); blob->set_right_crossing_rule(RightEdgeForBox(box, true, false)); if (blob->joined_to_prev()) return false; grid->InsertBBox(h_spread, v_spread, blob); return true; } // Calls SetBlobRuleEdges for all the blobs in the given block. void TabFind::SetBlockRuleEdges(TO_BLOCK* block) { SetBlobRuleEdges(&block->blobs); SetBlobRuleEdges(&block->small_blobs); SetBlobRuleEdges(&block->noise_blobs); SetBlobRuleEdges(&block->large_blobs); } // Sets the left and right rule and crossing_rules for the blobs in the given // list by fiding the next outermost tabvectors for each blob. void TabFind::SetBlobRuleEdges(BLOBNBOX_LIST* blobs) { BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it(blobs); for (blob_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !blob_it.cycled_list(); blob_it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* blob = blob_it.data(); TBOX box = blob->bounding_box(); blob->set_left_rule(LeftEdgeForBox(box, false, false)); blob->set_right_rule(RightEdgeForBox(box, false, false)); blob->set_left_crossing_rule(LeftEdgeForBox(box, true, false)); blob->set_right_crossing_rule(RightEdgeForBox(box, true, false)); } } // Returns the gutter width of the given TabVector between the given y limits. // Also returns x-shift to be added to the vector to clear any intersecting // blobs. The shift is deducted from the returned gutter. // If ignore_unmergeables is true, then blobs of UnMergeableType are // ignored as if they don't exist. (Used for text on image.) // max_gutter_width is used as the maximum width worth searching for in case // there is nothing near the TabVector. int TabFind::GutterWidth(int bottom_y, int top_y, const TabVector& v, bool ignore_unmergeables, int max_gutter_width, int* required_shift) { bool right_to_left = v.IsLeftTab(); int bottom_x = v.XAtY(bottom_y); int top_x = v.XAtY(top_y); int start_x = right_to_left ? std::max(top_x, bottom_x) : std::min(top_x, bottom_x); BlobGridSearch sidesearch(this); sidesearch.StartSideSearch(start_x, bottom_y, top_y); int min_gap = max_gutter_width; *required_shift = 0; BLOBNBOX* blob = nullptr; while ((blob = sidesearch.NextSideSearch(right_to_left)) != nullptr) { const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box(); if (box.bottom() >= top_y || box.top() <= bottom_y) continue; // Doesn't overlap enough. if (box.height() >= gridsize() * 2 && box.height() > box.width() * kLineFragmentAspectRatio) { // Skip likely separator line residue. continue; } if (ignore_unmergeables && BLOBNBOX::UnMergeableType(blob->region_type())) continue; // Skip non-text if required. int mid_y = (box.bottom() + box.top()) / 2; // We use the x at the mid-y so that the required_shift guarantees // to clear all the blobs on the tab-stop. If we use the min/max // of x at top/bottom of the blob, then exactness would be required, // which is not a good thing. int tab_x = v.XAtY(mid_y); int gap; if (right_to_left) { gap = tab_x - box.right(); if (gap < 0 && box.left() - tab_x < *required_shift) *required_shift = box.left() - tab_x; } else { gap = box.left() - tab_x; if (gap < 0 && box.right() - tab_x > *required_shift) *required_shift = box.right() - tab_x; } if (gap > 0 && gap < min_gap) min_gap = gap; } // Result may be negative, in which case, this is a really bad tabstop. return min_gap - abs(*required_shift); } // Find the gutter width and distance to inner neighbour for the given blob. void TabFind::GutterWidthAndNeighbourGap(int tab_x, int mean_height, int max_gutter, bool left, BLOBNBOX* bbox, int* gutter_width, int* neighbour_gap) { const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); // The gutter and internal sides of the box. int gutter_x = left ? box.left() : box.right(); int internal_x = left ? box.right() : box.left(); // On ragged edges, the gutter side of the box is away from the tabstop. int tab_gap = left ? gutter_x - tab_x : tab_x - gutter_x; *gutter_width = max_gutter; // If the box is away from the tabstop, we need to increase // the allowed gutter width. if (tab_gap > 0) *gutter_width += tab_gap; bool debug = WithinTestRegion(2, box.left(), box.bottom()); if (debug) tprintf("Looking in gutter\n"); // Find the nearest blob on the outside of the column. BLOBNBOX* gutter_bbox = AdjacentBlob(bbox, left, bbox->flow() == BTFT_TEXT_ON_IMAGE, 0.0, *gutter_width, box.top(), box.bottom()); if (gutter_bbox != nullptr) { const TBOX& gutter_box = gutter_bbox->bounding_box(); *gutter_width = left ? tab_x - gutter_box.right() : gutter_box.left() - tab_x; } if (*gutter_width >= max_gutter) { // If there is no box because a tab was in the way, get the tab coord. TBOX gutter_box(box); if (left) { gutter_box.set_left(tab_x - max_gutter - 1); gutter_box.set_right(tab_x - max_gutter); int tab_gutter = RightEdgeForBox(gutter_box, true, false); if (tab_gutter < tab_x - 1) *gutter_width = tab_x - tab_gutter; } else { gutter_box.set_left(tab_x + max_gutter); gutter_box.set_right(tab_x + max_gutter + 1); int tab_gutter = LeftEdgeForBox(gutter_box, true, false); if (tab_gutter > tab_x + 1) *gutter_width = tab_gutter - tab_x; } } if (*gutter_width > max_gutter) *gutter_width = max_gutter; // Now look for a neighbour on the inside. if (debug) tprintf("Looking for neighbour\n"); BLOBNBOX* neighbour = AdjacentBlob(bbox, !left, bbox->flow() == BTFT_TEXT_ON_IMAGE, 0.0, *gutter_width, box.top(), box.bottom()); int neighbour_edge = left ? RightEdgeForBox(box, true, false) : LeftEdgeForBox(box, true, false); if (neighbour != nullptr) { const TBOX& n_box = neighbour->bounding_box(); if (debug) { tprintf("Found neighbour:"); n_box.print(); } if (left && n_box.left() < neighbour_edge) neighbour_edge = n_box.left(); else if (!left && n_box.right() > neighbour_edge) neighbour_edge = n_box.right(); } *neighbour_gap = left ? neighbour_edge - internal_x : internal_x - neighbour_edge; } // Return the x-coord that corresponds to the right edge for the given // box. If there is a rule line to the right that vertically overlaps it, // then return the x-coord of the rule line, otherwise return the right // edge of the page. For details see RightTabForBox below. int TabFind::RightEdgeForBox(const TBOX& box, bool crossing, bool extended) { TabVector* v = RightTabForBox(box, crossing, extended); return v == nullptr ? tright_.x() : v->XAtY((box.top() + box.bottom()) / 2); } // As RightEdgeForBox, but finds the left Edge instead. int TabFind::LeftEdgeForBox(const TBOX& box, bool crossing, bool extended) { TabVector* v = LeftTabForBox(box, crossing, extended); return v == nullptr ? bleft_.x() : v->XAtY((box.top() + box.bottom()) / 2); } // This comment documents how this function works. // For its purpose and arguments, see the comment in tabfind.h. // TabVectors are stored sorted by perpendicular distance of middle from // the global mean vertical vector. Since the individual vectors can have // differing directions, their XAtY for a given y is not necessarily in the // right order. Therefore the search has to be run with a margin. // The middle of a vector that passes through (x,y) cannot be higher than // halfway from y to the top, or lower than halfway from y to the bottom // of the coordinate range; therefore, the search margin is the range of // sort keys between these halfway points. Any vector with a sort key greater // than the upper margin must be to the right of x at y, and likewise any // vector with a sort key less than the lower margin must pass to the left // of x at y. TabVector* TabFind::RightTabForBox(const TBOX& box, bool crossing, bool extended) { if (v_it_.empty()) return nullptr; int top_y = box.top(); int bottom_y = box.bottom(); int mid_y = (top_y + bottom_y) / 2; int right = crossing ? (box.left() + box.right()) / 2 : box.right(); int min_key, max_key; SetupTabSearch(right, mid_y, &min_key, &max_key); // Position the iterator at the first TabVector with sort_key >= min_key. while (!v_it_.at_first() && v_it_.data()->sort_key() >= min_key) v_it_.backward(); while (!v_it_.at_last() && v_it_.data()->sort_key() < min_key) v_it_.forward(); // Find the leftmost tab vector that overlaps and has XAtY(mid_y) >= right. TabVector* best_v = nullptr; int best_x = -1; int key_limit = -1; do { TabVector* v = v_it_.data(); int x = v->XAtY(mid_y); if (x >= right && (v->VOverlap(top_y, bottom_y) > 0 || (extended && v->ExtendedOverlap(top_y, bottom_y) > 0))) { if (best_v == nullptr || x < best_x) { best_v = v; best_x = x; // We can guarantee that no better vector can be found if the // sort key exceeds that of the best by max_key - min_key. key_limit = v->sort_key() + max_key - min_key; } } // Break when the search is done to avoid wrapping the iterator and // thereby potentially slowing the next search. if (v_it_.at_last() || (best_v != nullptr && v->sort_key() > key_limit)) break; // Prevent restarting list for next call. v_it_.forward(); } while (!v_it_.at_first()); return best_v; } // As RightTabForBox, but finds the left TabVector instead. TabVector* TabFind::LeftTabForBox(const TBOX& box, bool crossing, bool extended) { if (v_it_.empty()) return nullptr; int top_y = box.top(); int bottom_y = box.bottom(); int mid_y = (top_y + bottom_y) / 2; int left = crossing ? (box.left() + box.right()) / 2 : box.left(); int min_key, max_key; SetupTabSearch(left, mid_y, &min_key, &max_key); // Position the iterator at the last TabVector with sort_key <= max_key. while (!v_it_.at_last() && v_it_.data()->sort_key() <= max_key) v_it_.forward(); while (!v_it_.at_first() && v_it_.data()->sort_key() > max_key) { v_it_.backward(); } // Find the rightmost tab vector that overlaps and has XAtY(mid_y) <= left. TabVector* best_v = nullptr; int best_x = -1; int key_limit = -1; do { TabVector* v = v_it_.data(); int x = v->XAtY(mid_y); if (x <= left && (v->VOverlap(top_y, bottom_y) > 0 || (extended && v->ExtendedOverlap(top_y, bottom_y) > 0))) { if (best_v == nullptr || x > best_x) { best_v = v; best_x = x; // We can guarantee that no better vector can be found if the // sort key is less than that of the best by max_key - min_key. key_limit = v->sort_key() - (max_key - min_key); } } // Break when the search is done to avoid wrapping the iterator and // thereby potentially slowing the next search. if (v_it_.at_first() || (best_v != nullptr && v->sort_key() < key_limit)) break; // Prevent restarting list for next call. v_it_.backward(); } while (!v_it_.at_last()); return best_v; } // Return true if the given width is close to one of the common // widths in column_widths_. bool TabFind::CommonWidth(int width) { width /= kColumnWidthFactor; ICOORDELT_IT it(&column_widths_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { ICOORDELT* w = it.data(); if (w->x() - 1 <= width && width <= w->y() + 1) return true; } return false; } // Return true if the sizes are more than a // factor of 2 different. bool TabFind::DifferentSizes(int size1, int size2) { return size1 > size2 * 2 || size2 > size1 * 2; } // Return true if the sizes are more than a // factor of 5 different. bool TabFind::VeryDifferentSizes(int size1, int size2) { return size1 > size2 * 5 || size2 > size1 * 5; } ///////////////// PROTECTED functions (used by ColumnFinder). ////////////// // Top-level function to find TabVectors in an input page block. // Returns false if the detected skew angle is impossible. // Applies the detected skew angle to deskew the tabs, blobs and part_grid. bool TabFind::FindTabVectors(TabVector_LIST* hlines, BLOBNBOX_LIST* image_blobs, TO_BLOCK* block, int min_gutter_width, double tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction, ColPartitionGrid* part_grid, FCOORD* deskew, FCOORD* reskew) { ScrollView* tab_win = FindInitialTabVectors(image_blobs, min_gutter_width, tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction, block); ComputeColumnWidths(tab_win, part_grid); TabVector::MergeSimilarTabVectors(vertical_skew_, &vectors_, this); SortVectors(); CleanupTabs(); if (!Deskew(hlines, image_blobs, block, deskew, reskew)) return false; // Skew angle is too large. part_grid->Deskew(*deskew); ApplyTabConstraints(); #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (textord_tabfind_show_finaltabs) { tab_win = MakeWindow(640, 50, "FinalTabs"); DisplayBoxes(tab_win); DisplayTabs("FinalTabs", tab_win); tab_win = DisplayTabVectors(tab_win); } #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED return true; } // Top-level function to not find TabVectors in an input page block, // but setup for single column mode. void TabFind::DontFindTabVectors(BLOBNBOX_LIST* image_blobs, TO_BLOCK* block, FCOORD* deskew, FCOORD* reskew) { InsertBlobsToGrid(false, false, image_blobs, this); InsertBlobsToGrid(true, false, &block->blobs, this); deskew->set_x(1.0f); deskew->set_y(0.0f); reskew->set_x(1.0f); reskew->set_y(0.0f); } // Cleans up the lists of blobs in the block ready for use by TabFind. // Large blobs that look like text are moved to the main blobs list. // Main blobs that are superseded by the image blobs are deleted. void TabFind::TidyBlobs(TO_BLOCK* block) { BLOBNBOX_IT large_it = &block->large_blobs; BLOBNBOX_IT blob_it = &block->blobs; int b_count = 0; for (large_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !large_it.cycled_list(); large_it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* large_blob = large_it.data(); if (large_blob->owner() != nullptr) { blob_it.add_to_end(large_it.extract()); ++b_count; } } if (textord_debug_tabfind) { tprintf("Moved %d large blobs to normal list\n", b_count); #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED ScrollView* rej_win = MakeWindow(500, 300, "Image blobs"); block->plot_graded_blobs(rej_win); block->plot_noise_blobs(rej_win); rej_win->Update(); #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED } block->DeleteUnownedNoise(); } // Helper function to setup search limits for *TabForBox. void TabFind::SetupTabSearch(int x, int y, int* min_key, int* max_key) { int key1 = TabVector::SortKey(vertical_skew_, x, (y + tright_.y()) / 2); int key2 = TabVector::SortKey(vertical_skew_, x, (y + bleft_.y()) / 2); *min_key = std::min(key1, key2); *max_key = std::max(key1, key2); } #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED ScrollView* TabFind::DisplayTabVectors(ScrollView* tab_win) { // For every vector, display it. TabVector_IT it(&vectors_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* vector = it.data(); vector->Display(tab_win); } tab_win->Update(); return tab_win; } #endif // PRIVATE CODE. // // First part of FindTabVectors, which may be used twice if the text // is mostly of vertical alignment. ScrollView* TabFind::FindInitialTabVectors(BLOBNBOX_LIST* image_blobs, int min_gutter_width, double tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction, TO_BLOCK* block) { #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (textord_tabfind_show_initialtabs) { ScrollView* line_win = MakeWindow(0, 0, "VerticalLines"); line_win = DisplayTabVectors(line_win); } #endif // Prepare the grid. if (image_blobs != nullptr) InsertBlobsToGrid(true, false, image_blobs, this); InsertBlobsToGrid(true, false, &block->blobs, this); ScrollView* initial_win = FindTabBoxes(min_gutter_width, tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction); FindAllTabVectors(min_gutter_width); TabVector::MergeSimilarTabVectors(vertical_skew_, &vectors_, this); SortVectors(); EvaluateTabs(); #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (textord_tabfind_show_initialtabs && initial_win != nullptr) initial_win = DisplayTabVectors(initial_win); #endif MarkVerticalText(); return initial_win; } #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED // Helper displays all the boxes in the given vector on the given window. static void DisplayBoxVector(const GenericVector& boxes, ScrollView* win) { for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); ++i) { TBOX box = boxes[i]->bounding_box(); int left_x = box.left(); int right_x = box.right(); int top_y = box.top(); int bottom_y = box.bottom(); ScrollView::Color box_color = boxes[i]->BoxColor(); win->Pen(box_color); win->Rectangle(left_x, bottom_y, right_x, top_y); } win->Update(); } #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED // For each box in the grid, decide whether it is a candidate tab-stop, // and if so add it to the left/right tab boxes. ScrollView* TabFind::FindTabBoxes(int min_gutter_width, double tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction) { left_tab_boxes_.clear(); right_tab_boxes_.clear(); // For every bbox in the grid, determine whether it uses a tab on an edge. GridSearch gsearch(this); gsearch.StartFullSearch(); BLOBNBOX* bbox; while ((bbox = gsearch.NextFullSearch()) != nullptr) { if (TestBoxForTabs(bbox, min_gutter_width, tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction)) { // If it is any kind of tab, insert it into the vectors. if (bbox->left_tab_type() != TT_NONE) left_tab_boxes_.push_back(bbox); if (bbox->right_tab_type() != TT_NONE) right_tab_boxes_.push_back(bbox); } } // Sort left tabs by left and right by right to see the outermost one first // on a ragged tab. left_tab_boxes_.sort(SortByBoxLeft); right_tab_boxes_.sort(SortRightToLeft); ScrollView* tab_win = nullptr; #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (textord_tabfind_show_initialtabs) { tab_win = MakeWindow(0, 100, "InitialTabs"); tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::BLUE); tab_win->Brush(ScrollView::NONE); // Display the left and right tab boxes. DisplayBoxVector(left_tab_boxes_, tab_win); DisplayBoxVector(right_tab_boxes_, tab_win); tab_win = DisplayTabs("Tabs", tab_win); } #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED return tab_win; } bool TabFind::TestBoxForTabs(BLOBNBOX* bbox, int min_gutter_width, double tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction) { GridSearch radsearch(this); TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box(); // If there are separator lines, get the column edges. int left_column_edge = bbox->left_rule(); int right_column_edge = bbox->right_rule(); // The edges of the bounding box of the blob being processed. int left_x = box.left(); int right_x = box.right(); int top_y = box.top(); int bottom_y = box.bottom(); int height = box.height(); bool debug = WithinTestRegion(3, left_x, top_y); if (debug) { tprintf("Column edges for blob at (%d,%d)->(%d,%d) are [%d, %d]\n", left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, left_column_edge, right_column_edge); } // Compute a search radius based on a multiple of the height. int radius = (height * kTabRadiusFactor + gridsize_ - 1) / gridsize_; radsearch.StartRadSearch((left_x + right_x)/2, (top_y + bottom_y)/2, radius); // In Vertical Page mode, once we have an estimate of the vertical line // spacing, the minimum amount of gutter space before a possible tab is // increased under the assumption that column partition is always larger // than line spacing. int min_spacing = static_cast(height * tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction); if (min_gutter_width > min_spacing) min_spacing = min_gutter_width; int min_ragged_gutter = kRaggedGutterMultiple * gridsize(); if (min_gutter_width > min_ragged_gutter) min_ragged_gutter = min_gutter_width; int target_right = left_x - min_spacing; int target_left = right_x + min_spacing; // We will be evaluating whether the left edge could be a left tab, and // whether the right edge could be a right tab. // A box can be a tab if its bool is_(left/right)_tab remains true, meaning // that no blobs have been found in the gutter during the radial search. // A box can also be a tab if there are objects in the gutter only above // or only below, and there are aligned objects on the opposite side, but // not too many unaligned objects. The maybe_(left/right)_tab_up counts // aligned objects above and negatively counts unaligned objects above, // and is set to -INT32_MAX if a gutter object is found above. // The other 3 maybe ints work similarly for the other sides. // These conditions are very strict, to minimize false positives, and really // only aligned tabs and outermost ragged tab blobs will qualify, so we // also have maybe_ragged_left/right with less stringent rules. // A blob that is maybe_ragged_left/right will be further qualified later, // using the min_ragged_gutter. bool is_left_tab = true; bool is_right_tab = true; bool maybe_ragged_left = true; bool maybe_ragged_right = true; int maybe_left_tab_up = 0; int maybe_right_tab_up = 0; int maybe_left_tab_down = 0; int maybe_right_tab_down = 0; if (bbox->leader_on_left()) { is_left_tab = false; maybe_ragged_left = false; maybe_left_tab_up = -INT32_MAX; maybe_left_tab_down = -INT32_MAX; } if (bbox->leader_on_right()) { is_right_tab = false; maybe_ragged_right = false; maybe_right_tab_up = -INT32_MAX; maybe_right_tab_down = -INT32_MAX; } int alignment_tolerance = static_cast(resolution_ * kAlignedFraction); BLOBNBOX* neighbour = nullptr; while ((neighbour = radsearch.NextRadSearch()) != nullptr) { if (neighbour == bbox) continue; TBOX nbox = neighbour->bounding_box(); int n_left = nbox.left(); int n_right = nbox.right(); if (debug) tprintf("Neighbour at (%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n", n_left, nbox.bottom(), n_right, nbox.top()); // If the neighbouring blob is the wrong side of a separator line, then it // "doesn't exist" as far as we are concerned. if (n_right > right_column_edge || n_left < left_column_edge || left_x < neighbour->left_rule() || right_x > neighbour->right_rule()) continue; // Separator line in the way. int n_mid_x = (n_left + n_right) / 2; int n_mid_y = (nbox.top() + nbox.bottom()) / 2; if (n_mid_x <= left_x && n_right >= target_right) { if (debug) tprintf("Not a left tab\n"); is_left_tab = false; if (n_mid_y < top_y) maybe_left_tab_down = -INT32_MAX; if (n_mid_y > bottom_y) maybe_left_tab_up = -INT32_MAX; } else if (NearlyEqual(left_x, n_left, alignment_tolerance)) { if (debug) tprintf("Maybe a left tab\n"); if (n_mid_y > top_y && maybe_left_tab_up > -INT32_MAX) ++maybe_left_tab_up; if (n_mid_y < bottom_y && maybe_left_tab_down > -INT32_MAX) ++maybe_left_tab_down; } else if (n_left < left_x && n_right >= left_x) { // Overlaps but not aligned so negative points on a maybe. if (debug) tprintf("Maybe Not a left tab\n"); if (n_mid_y > top_y && maybe_left_tab_up > -INT32_MAX) --maybe_left_tab_up; if (n_mid_y < bottom_y && maybe_left_tab_down > -INT32_MAX) --maybe_left_tab_down; } if (n_left < left_x && nbox.y_overlap(box) && n_right >= target_right) { maybe_ragged_left = false; if (debug) tprintf("Not a ragged left\n"); } if (n_mid_x >= right_x && n_left <= target_left) { if (debug) tprintf("Not a right tab\n"); is_right_tab = false; if (n_mid_y < top_y) maybe_right_tab_down = -INT32_MAX; if (n_mid_y > bottom_y) maybe_right_tab_up = -INT32_MAX; } else if (NearlyEqual(right_x, n_right, alignment_tolerance)) { if (debug) tprintf("Maybe a right tab\n"); if (n_mid_y > top_y && maybe_right_tab_up > -INT32_MAX) ++maybe_right_tab_up; if (n_mid_y < bottom_y && maybe_right_tab_down > -INT32_MAX) ++maybe_right_tab_down; } else if (n_right > right_x && n_left <= right_x) { // Overlaps but not aligned so negative points on a maybe. if (debug) tprintf("Maybe Not a right tab\n"); if (n_mid_y > top_y && maybe_right_tab_up > -INT32_MAX) --maybe_right_tab_up; if (n_mid_y < bottom_y && maybe_right_tab_down > -INT32_MAX) --maybe_right_tab_down; } if (n_right > right_x && nbox.y_overlap(box) && n_left <= target_left) { maybe_ragged_right = false; if (debug) tprintf("Not a ragged right\n"); } if (maybe_left_tab_down == -INT32_MAX && maybe_left_tab_up == -INT32_MAX && maybe_right_tab_down == -INT32_MAX && maybe_right_tab_up == -INT32_MAX) break; } if (is_left_tab || maybe_left_tab_up > 1 || maybe_left_tab_down > 1) { bbox->set_left_tab_type(TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED); } else if (maybe_ragged_left && ConfirmRaggedLeft(bbox, min_ragged_gutter)) { bbox->set_left_tab_type(TT_MAYBE_RAGGED); } else { bbox->set_left_tab_type(TT_NONE); } if (is_right_tab || maybe_right_tab_up > 1 || maybe_right_tab_down > 1) { bbox->set_right_tab_type(TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED); } else if (maybe_ragged_right && ConfirmRaggedRight(bbox, min_ragged_gutter)) { bbox->set_right_tab_type(TT_MAYBE_RAGGED); } else { bbox->set_right_tab_type(TT_NONE); } if (debug) { tprintf("Left result = %s, Right result=%s\n", bbox->left_tab_type() == TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED ? "Aligned" : (bbox->left_tab_type() == TT_MAYBE_RAGGED ? "Ragged" : "None"), bbox->right_tab_type() == TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED ? "Aligned" : (bbox->right_tab_type() == TT_MAYBE_RAGGED ? "Ragged" : "None")); } return bbox->left_tab_type() != TT_NONE || bbox->right_tab_type() != TT_NONE; } // Returns true if there is nothing in the rectangle of width min_gutter to // the left of bbox. bool TabFind::ConfirmRaggedLeft(BLOBNBOX* bbox, int min_gutter) { TBOX search_box(bbox->bounding_box()); search_box.set_right(search_box.left()); search_box.set_left(search_box.left() - min_gutter); return NothingYOverlapsInBox(search_box, bbox->bounding_box()); } // Returns true if there is nothing in the rectangle of width min_gutter to // the right of bbox. bool TabFind::ConfirmRaggedRight(BLOBNBOX* bbox, int min_gutter) { TBOX search_box(bbox->bounding_box()); search_box.set_left(search_box.right()); search_box.set_right(search_box.right() + min_gutter); return NothingYOverlapsInBox(search_box, bbox->bounding_box()); } // Returns true if there is nothing in the given search_box that vertically // overlaps target_box other than target_box itself. bool TabFind::NothingYOverlapsInBox(const TBOX& search_box, const TBOX& target_box) { BlobGridSearch rsearch(this); rsearch.StartRectSearch(search_box); BLOBNBOX* blob; while ((blob = rsearch.NextRectSearch()) != nullptr) { const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box(); if (box.y_overlap(target_box) && !(box == target_box)) return false; } return true; } void TabFind::FindAllTabVectors(int min_gutter_width) { // A list of vectors that will be created in estimating the skew. TabVector_LIST dummy_vectors; // An estimate of the vertical direction, revised as more lines are added. int vertical_x = 0; int vertical_y = 1; // Find an estimate of the vertical direction by finding some tab vectors. // Slowly up the search size until we get some vectors. for (int search_size = kMinVerticalSearch; search_size < kMaxVerticalSearch; search_size += kMinVerticalSearch) { int vector_count = FindTabVectors(search_size, TA_LEFT_ALIGNED, min_gutter_width, &dummy_vectors, &vertical_x, &vertical_y); vector_count += FindTabVectors(search_size, TA_RIGHT_ALIGNED, min_gutter_width, &dummy_vectors, &vertical_x, &vertical_y); if (vector_count > 0) break; } // Get rid of the test vectors and reset the types of the tabs. dummy_vectors.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < left_tab_boxes_.size(); ++i) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = left_tab_boxes_[i]; if (bbox->left_tab_type() == TT_CONFIRMED) bbox->set_left_tab_type(TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED); } for (int i = 0; i < right_tab_boxes_.size(); ++i) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = right_tab_boxes_[i]; if (bbox->right_tab_type() == TT_CONFIRMED) bbox->set_right_tab_type(TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED); } if (textord_debug_tabfind) { tprintf("Beginning real tab search with vertical = %d,%d...\n", vertical_x, vertical_y); } // Now do the real thing ,but keep the vectors in the dummy_vectors list // until they are all done, so we don't get the tab vectors confused with // the rule line vectors. FindTabVectors(kMaxVerticalSearch, TA_LEFT_ALIGNED, min_gutter_width, &dummy_vectors, &vertical_x, &vertical_y); FindTabVectors(kMaxVerticalSearch, TA_RIGHT_ALIGNED, min_gutter_width, &dummy_vectors, &vertical_x, &vertical_y); FindTabVectors(kMaxRaggedSearch, TA_LEFT_RAGGED, min_gutter_width, &dummy_vectors, &vertical_x, &vertical_y); FindTabVectors(kMaxRaggedSearch, TA_RIGHT_RAGGED, min_gutter_width, &dummy_vectors, &vertical_x, &vertical_y); // Now add the vectors to the vectors_ list. TabVector_IT v_it(&vectors_); v_it.add_list_after(&dummy_vectors); // Now use the summed (mean) vertical vector as the direction for everything. SetVerticalSkewAndParallelize(vertical_x, vertical_y); } // Helper for FindAllTabVectors finds the vectors of a particular type. int TabFind::FindTabVectors(int search_size_multiple, TabAlignment alignment, int min_gutter_width, TabVector_LIST* vectors, int* vertical_x, int* vertical_y) { TabVector_IT vector_it(vectors); int vector_count = 0; // Search the right or left tab boxes, looking for tab vectors. bool right = alignment == TA_RIGHT_ALIGNED || alignment == TA_RIGHT_RAGGED; const GenericVector& boxes = right ? right_tab_boxes_ : left_tab_boxes_; for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); ++i) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = boxes[i]; if ((!right && bbox->left_tab_type() == TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED) || (right && bbox->right_tab_type() == TT_MAYBE_ALIGNED)) { TabVector* vector = FindTabVector(search_size_multiple, min_gutter_width, alignment, bbox, vertical_x, vertical_y); if (vector != nullptr) { ++vector_count; vector_it.add_to_end(vector); } } } return vector_count; } // Finds a vector corresponding to a tabstop running through the // given box of the given alignment type. // search_size_multiple is a multiple of height used to control // the size of the search. // vertical_x and y are updated with an estimate of the real // vertical direction. (skew finding.) // Returns nullptr if no decent tabstop can be found. TabVector* TabFind::FindTabVector(int search_size_multiple, int min_gutter_width, TabAlignment alignment, BLOBNBOX* bbox, int* vertical_x, int* vertical_y) { int height = std::max(static_cast(bbox->bounding_box().height()), gridsize()); AlignedBlobParams align_params(*vertical_x, *vertical_y, height, search_size_multiple, min_gutter_width, resolution_, alignment); // FindVerticalAlignment is in the parent (AlignedBlob) class. return FindVerticalAlignment(align_params, bbox, vertical_x, vertical_y); } // Set the vertical_skew_ member from the given vector and refit // all vectors parallel to the skew vector. void TabFind::SetVerticalSkewAndParallelize(int vertical_x, int vertical_y) { // Fit the vertical vector into an ICOORD, which is 16 bit. vertical_skew_.set_with_shrink(vertical_x, vertical_y); if (textord_debug_tabfind) tprintf("Vertical skew vector=(%d,%d)\n", vertical_skew_.x(), vertical_skew_.y()); v_it_.set_to_list(&vectors_); for (v_it_.mark_cycle_pt(); !v_it_.cycled_list(); v_it_.forward()) { TabVector* v = v_it_.data(); v->Fit(vertical_skew_, true); } // Now sort the vectors as their direction has potentially changed. SortVectors(); } // Sort all the current vectors using the given vertical direction vector. void TabFind::SortVectors() { vectors_.sort(TabVector::SortVectorsByKey); v_it_.set_to_list(&vectors_); } // Evaluate all the current tab vectors. void TabFind::EvaluateTabs() { TabVector_IT rule_it(&vectors_); for (rule_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !rule_it.cycled_list(); rule_it.forward()) { TabVector* tab = rule_it.data(); if (!tab->IsSeparator()) { tab->Evaluate(vertical_skew_, this); if (tab->BoxCount() < kMinEvaluatedTabs) { if (textord_debug_tabfind > 2) tab->Print("Too few boxes"); delete rule_it.extract(); v_it_.set_to_list(&vectors_); } else if (WithinTestRegion(3, tab->startpt().x(), tab->startpt().y())) { tab->Print("Evaluated tab"); } } } } // Trace textlines from one side to the other of each tab vector, saving // the most frequent column widths found in a list so that a given width // can be tested for being a common width with a simple callback function. void TabFind::ComputeColumnWidths(ScrollView* tab_win, ColPartitionGrid* part_grid) { #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (tab_win != nullptr) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::WHITE); #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED // Accumulate column sections into a STATS int col_widths_size = (tright_.x() - bleft_.x()) / kColumnWidthFactor; STATS col_widths(0, col_widths_size + 1); ApplyPartitionsToColumnWidths(part_grid, &col_widths); #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (tab_win != nullptr) { tab_win->Update(); } #endif // !GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (textord_debug_tabfind > 1) col_widths.print(); // Now make a list of column widths. MakeColumnWidths(col_widths_size, &col_widths); // Turn the column width into a range. ApplyPartitionsToColumnWidths(part_grid, nullptr); } // Finds column width and: // if col_widths is not null (pass1): // pair-up tab vectors with existing ColPartitions and accumulate widths. // else (pass2): // find the largest real partition width for each recorded column width, // to be used as the minimum acceptable width. void TabFind::ApplyPartitionsToColumnWidths(ColPartitionGrid* part_grid, STATS* col_widths) { // For every ColPartition in the part_grid, add partners to the tabvectors // and accumulate the column widths. ColPartitionGridSearch gsearch(part_grid); gsearch.StartFullSearch(); ColPartition* part; while ((part = gsearch.NextFullSearch()) != nullptr) { BLOBNBOX_C_IT blob_it(part->boxes()); if (blob_it.empty()) continue; BLOBNBOX* left_blob = blob_it.data(); blob_it.move_to_last(); BLOBNBOX* right_blob = blob_it.data(); TabVector* left_vector = LeftTabForBox(left_blob->bounding_box(), true, false); if (left_vector == nullptr || left_vector->IsRightTab()) continue; TabVector* right_vector = RightTabForBox(right_blob->bounding_box(), true, false); if (right_vector == nullptr || right_vector->IsLeftTab()) continue; int line_left = left_vector->XAtY(left_blob->bounding_box().bottom()); int line_right = right_vector->XAtY(right_blob->bounding_box().bottom()); // Add to STATS of measurements if the width is significant. int width = line_right - line_left; if (col_widths != nullptr) { AddPartnerVector(left_blob, right_blob, left_vector, right_vector); if (width >= kMinColumnWidth) col_widths->add(width / kColumnWidthFactor, 1); } else { width /= kColumnWidthFactor; ICOORDELT_IT it(&column_widths_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { ICOORDELT* w = it.data(); if (NearlyEqual(width, w->y(), 1)) { int true_width = part->bounding_box().width() / kColumnWidthFactor; if (true_width <= w->y() && true_width > w->x()) w->set_x(true_width); break; } } } } } // Helper makes the list of common column widths in column_widths_ from the // input col_widths. Destroys the content of col_widths by repeatedly // finding the mode and erasing the peak. void TabFind::MakeColumnWidths(int col_widths_size, STATS* col_widths) { ICOORDELT_IT w_it(&column_widths_); int total_col_count = col_widths->get_total(); while (col_widths->get_total() > 0) { int width = col_widths->mode(); int col_count = col_widths->pile_count(width); col_widths->add(width, -col_count); // Get the entire peak. for (int left = width - 1; left > 0 && col_widths->pile_count(left) > 0; --left) { int new_count = col_widths->pile_count(left); col_count += new_count; col_widths->add(left, -new_count); } for (int right = width + 1; right < col_widths_size && col_widths->pile_count(right) > 0; ++right) { int new_count = col_widths->pile_count(right); col_count += new_count; col_widths->add(right, -new_count); } if (col_count > kMinLinesInColumn && col_count > kMinFractionalLinesInColumn * total_col_count) { auto* w = new ICOORDELT(0, width); w_it.add_after_then_move(w); if (textord_debug_tabfind) tprintf("Column of width %d has %d = %.2f%% lines\n", width * kColumnWidthFactor, col_count, 100.0 * col_count / total_col_count); } } } // Mark blobs as being in a vertical text line where that is the case. // Returns true if the majority of the image is vertical text lines. void TabFind::MarkVerticalText() { if (textord_debug_tabfind) tprintf("Checking for vertical lines\n"); BlobGridSearch gsearch(this); gsearch.StartFullSearch(); BLOBNBOX* blob = nullptr; while ((blob = gsearch.NextFullSearch()) != nullptr) { if (blob->region_type() < BRT_UNKNOWN) continue; if (blob->UniquelyVertical()) { blob->set_region_type(BRT_VERT_TEXT); } } } int TabFind::FindMedianGutterWidth(TabVector_LIST *lines) { TabVector_IT it(lines); int prev_right = -1; int max_gap = static_cast(kMaxGutterWidthAbsolute * resolution_); STATS gaps(0, max_gap); STATS heights(0, max_gap); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* v = it.data(); TabVector* partner = v->GetSinglePartner(); if (!v->IsLeftTab() || v->IsSeparator() || !partner) continue; heights.add(partner->startpt().x() - v->startpt().x(), 1); if (prev_right > 0 && v->startpt().x() > prev_right) { gaps.add(v->startpt().x() - prev_right, 1); } prev_right = partner->startpt().x(); } if (textord_debug_tabfind) tprintf("TabGutter total %d median_gap %.2f median_hgt %.2f\n", gaps.get_total(), gaps.median(), heights.median()); if (gaps.get_total() < kMinLinesInColumn) return 0; return static_cast(gaps.median()); } // Find the next adjacent (looking to the left or right) blob on this text // line, with the constraint that it must vertically significantly overlap // the [top_y, bottom_y] range. // If ignore_images is true, then blobs with aligned_text() < 0 are treated // as if they do not exist. BLOBNBOX* TabFind::AdjacentBlob(const BLOBNBOX* bbox, bool look_left, bool ignore_images, double min_overlap_fraction, int gap_limit, int top_y, int bottom_y) { GridSearch sidesearch(this); const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); int left = box.left(); int right = box.right(); int mid_x = (left + right) / 2; sidesearch.StartSideSearch(mid_x, bottom_y, top_y); int best_gap = 0; bool debug = WithinTestRegion(3, left, bottom_y); BLOBNBOX* result = nullptr; BLOBNBOX* neighbour = nullptr; while ((neighbour = sidesearch.NextSideSearch(look_left)) != nullptr) { if (debug) { tprintf("Adjacent blob: considering box:"); neighbour->bounding_box().print(); } if (neighbour == bbox || (ignore_images && neighbour->region_type() < BRT_UNKNOWN)) continue; const TBOX& nbox = neighbour->bounding_box(); int n_top_y = nbox.top(); int n_bottom_y = nbox.bottom(); int v_overlap = std::min(n_top_y, top_y) - std::max(n_bottom_y, bottom_y); int height = top_y - bottom_y; int n_height = n_top_y - n_bottom_y; if (v_overlap > min_overlap_fraction * std::min(height, n_height) && (min_overlap_fraction == 0.0 || !DifferentSizes(height, n_height))) { int n_left = nbox.left(); int n_right = nbox.right(); int h_gap = std::max(n_left, left) - std::min(n_right, right); int n_mid_x = (n_left + n_right) / 2; if (look_left == (n_mid_x < mid_x) && n_mid_x != mid_x) { if (h_gap > gap_limit) { // Hit a big gap before next tab so don't return anything. if (debug) tprintf("Giving up due to big gap = %d vs %d\n", h_gap, gap_limit); return result; } if (h_gap > 0 && (look_left ? neighbour->right_tab_type() : neighbour->left_tab_type()) >= TT_CONFIRMED) { // Hit a tab facing the wrong way. Stop in case we are crossing // the column boundary. if (debug) tprintf("Collision with like tab of type %d at %d,%d\n", look_left ? neighbour->right_tab_type() : neighbour->left_tab_type(), n_left, nbox.bottom()); return result; } // This is a good fit to the line. Continue with this // neighbour as the bbox if the best gap. if (result == nullptr || h_gap < best_gap) { if (debug) tprintf("Good result\n"); result = neighbour; best_gap = h_gap; } else { // The new one is worse, so we probably already have the best result. return result; } } else if (debug) { tprintf("Wrong way\n"); } } else if (debug) { tprintf("Insufficient overlap\n"); } } if (WithinTestRegion(3, left, box.top())) tprintf("Giving up due to end of search\n"); return result; // Hit the edge and found nothing. } // Add a bi-directional partner relationship between the left // and the right. If one (or both) of the vectors is a separator, // extend a nearby extendable vector or create a new one of the // correct type, using the given left or right blob as a guide. void TabFind::AddPartnerVector(BLOBNBOX* left_blob, BLOBNBOX* right_blob, TabVector* left, TabVector* right) { const TBOX& left_box = left_blob->bounding_box(); const TBOX& right_box = right_blob->bounding_box(); if (left->IsSeparator()) { // Try to find a nearby left edge to extend. TabVector* v = LeftTabForBox(left_box, true, true); if (v != nullptr && v != left && v->IsLeftTab() && v->XAtY(left_box.top()) > left->XAtY(left_box.top())) { left = v; // Found a good replacement. left->ExtendToBox(left_blob); } else { // Fake a vector. left = new TabVector(*left, TA_LEFT_RAGGED, vertical_skew_, left_blob); vectors_.add_sorted(TabVector::SortVectorsByKey, left); v_it_.move_to_first(); } } if (right->IsSeparator()) { // Try to find a nearby left edge to extend. if (WithinTestRegion(3, right_box.right(), right_box.bottom())) { tprintf("Box edge (%d,%d-%d)", right_box.right(), right_box.bottom(), right_box.top()); right->Print(" looking for improvement for"); } TabVector* v = RightTabForBox(right_box, true, true); if (v != nullptr && v != right && v->IsRightTab() && v->XAtY(right_box.top()) < right->XAtY(right_box.top())) { right = v; // Found a good replacement. right->ExtendToBox(right_blob); if (WithinTestRegion(3, right_box.right(), right_box.bottom())) { right->Print("Extended vector"); } } else { // Fake a vector. right = new TabVector(*right, TA_RIGHT_RAGGED, vertical_skew_, right_blob); vectors_.add_sorted(TabVector::SortVectorsByKey, right); v_it_.move_to_first(); if (WithinTestRegion(3, right_box.right(), right_box.bottom())) { right->Print("Created new vector"); } } } left->AddPartner(right); right->AddPartner(left); } // Remove separators and unused tabs from the main vectors_ list // to the dead_vectors_ list. void TabFind::CleanupTabs() { // TODO(rays) Before getting rid of separators and unused vectors, it // would be useful to try moving ragged vectors outwards to see if this // allows useful extension. Could be combined with checking ends of partners. TabVector_IT it(&vectors_); TabVector_IT dead_it(&dead_vectors_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* v = it.data(); if (v->IsSeparator() || v->Partnerless()) { dead_it.add_after_then_move(it.extract()); v_it_.set_to_list(&vectors_); } else { v->FitAndEvaluateIfNeeded(vertical_skew_, this); } } } // Apply the given rotation to the given list of blobs. void TabFind::RotateBlobList(const FCOORD& rotation, BLOBNBOX_LIST* blobs) { BLOBNBOX_IT it(blobs); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { it.data()->rotate_box(rotation); } } // Recreate the grid with deskewed BLOBNBOXes. // Returns false if the detected skew angle is impossible. bool TabFind::Deskew(TabVector_LIST* hlines, BLOBNBOX_LIST* image_blobs, TO_BLOCK* block, FCOORD* deskew, FCOORD* reskew) { ComputeDeskewVectors(deskew, reskew); if (deskew->x() < kCosMaxSkewAngle) return false; RotateBlobList(*deskew, image_blobs); RotateBlobList(*deskew, &block->blobs); RotateBlobList(*deskew, &block->small_blobs); RotateBlobList(*deskew, &block->noise_blobs); // Rotate the horizontal vectors. The vertical vectors don't need // rotating as they can just be refitted. TabVector_IT h_it(hlines); for (h_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !h_it.cycled_list(); h_it.forward()) { TabVector* h = h_it.data(); h->Rotate(*deskew); } TabVector_IT d_it(&dead_vectors_); for (d_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !d_it.cycled_list(); d_it.forward()) { TabVector* d = d_it.data(); d->Rotate(*deskew); } SetVerticalSkewAndParallelize(0, 1); // Rebuild the grid to the new size. TBOX grid_box(bleft_, tright_); grid_box.rotate_large(*deskew); Init(gridsize(), grid_box.botleft(), grid_box.topright()); InsertBlobsToGrid(false, false, image_blobs, this); InsertBlobsToGrid(true, false, &block->blobs, this); return true; } // Flip the vertical and horizontal lines and rotate the grid ready // for working on the rotated image. // This also makes parameter adjustments for FindInitialTabVectors(). void TabFind::ResetForVerticalText(const FCOORD& rotate, const FCOORD& rerotate, TabVector_LIST* horizontal_lines, int* min_gutter_width) { // Rotate the horizontal and vertical vectors and swap them over. // Only the separators are kept and rotated; other tabs are used // to estimate the gutter width then thrown away. TabVector_LIST ex_verticals; TabVector_IT ex_v_it(&ex_verticals); TabVector_LIST vlines; TabVector_IT v_it(&vlines); while (!v_it_.empty()) { TabVector* v = v_it_.extract(); if (v->IsSeparator()) { v->Rotate(rotate); ex_v_it.add_after_then_move(v); } else { v_it.add_after_then_move(v); } v_it_.forward(); } // Adjust the min gutter width for better tabbox selection // in 2nd call to FindInitialTabVectors(). int median_gutter = FindMedianGutterWidth(&vlines); if (median_gutter > *min_gutter_width) *min_gutter_width = median_gutter; TabVector_IT h_it(horizontal_lines); for (h_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !h_it.cycled_list(); h_it.forward()) { TabVector* h = h_it.data(); h->Rotate(rotate); } v_it_.add_list_after(horizontal_lines); v_it_.move_to_first(); h_it.set_to_list(horizontal_lines); h_it.add_list_after(&ex_verticals); // Rebuild the grid to the new size. TBOX grid_box(bleft(), tright()); grid_box.rotate_large(rotate); Init(gridsize(), grid_box.botleft(), grid_box.topright()); } // Clear the grid and get rid of the tab vectors, but not separators, // ready to start again. void TabFind::Reset() { v_it_.move_to_first(); for (v_it_.mark_cycle_pt(); !v_it_.cycled_list(); v_it_.forward()) { if (!v_it_.data()->IsSeparator()) delete v_it_.extract(); } Clear(); } // Reflect the separator tab vectors and the grids in the y-axis. // Can only be called after Reset! void TabFind::ReflectInYAxis() { TabVector_LIST temp_list; TabVector_IT temp_it(&temp_list); v_it_.move_to_first(); // The TabVector list only contains vertical lines, but they need to be // reflected and the list needs to be reversed, so they are still in // sort_key order. while (!v_it_.empty()) { TabVector* v = v_it_.extract(); v_it_.forward(); v->ReflectInYAxis(); temp_it.add_before_then_move(v); } v_it_.add_list_after(&temp_list); v_it_.move_to_first(); // Reset this grid with reflected bounding boxes. TBOX grid_box(bleft(), tright()); int tmp = grid_box.left(); grid_box.set_left(-grid_box.right()); grid_box.set_right(-tmp); Init(gridsize(), grid_box.botleft(), grid_box.topright()); } // Compute the rotation required to deskew, and its inverse rotation. void TabFind::ComputeDeskewVectors(FCOORD* deskew, FCOORD* reskew) { double length = vertical_skew_ % vertical_skew_; length = sqrt(length); deskew->set_x(static_cast(vertical_skew_.y() / length)); deskew->set_y(static_cast(vertical_skew_.x() / length)); reskew->set_x(deskew->x()); reskew->set_y(-deskew->y()); } // Compute and apply constraints to the end positions of TabVectors so // that where possible partners end at the same y coordinate. void TabFind::ApplyTabConstraints() { TabVector_IT it(&vectors_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* v = it.data(); v->SetupConstraints(); } for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* v = it.data(); // With the first and last partner, we want a common bottom and top, // respectively, and for each change of partner, we want a common // top of first with bottom of next. v->SetupPartnerConstraints(); } // TODO(rays) The back-to-back pairs should really be done like the // front-to-front pairs, but there is no convenient way of producing the // list of partners like there is with the front-to-front. for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* v = it.data(); if (!v->IsRightTab()) continue; // For each back-to-back pair of vectors, try for common top and bottom. TabVector_IT partner_it(it); for (partner_it.forward(); !partner_it.at_first(); partner_it.forward()) { TabVector* partner = partner_it.data(); if (!partner->IsLeftTab() || !v->VOverlap(*partner)) continue; v->SetupPartnerConstraints(partner); } } // Now actually apply the constraints to get common start/end points. for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* v = it.data(); if (!v->IsSeparator()) v->ApplyConstraints(); } // TODO(rays) Where constraint application fails, it would be good to try // checking the ends to see if they really should be moved. } } // namespace tesseract.