/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: tabvector.cpp // Description: Class to hold a near-vertical vector representing a tab-stop. // Author: Ray Smith // // (C) Copyright 2008, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #include "tabvector.h" #include "blobbox.h" #include "colfind.h" #include "colpartitionset.h" #include "detlinefit.h" #include "statistc.h" #include namespace tesseract { // Multiple of height used as a gutter for evaluation search. const int kGutterMultiple = 4; // Multiple of neighbour gap that we expect the gutter gap to be at minimum. const int kGutterToNeighbourRatio = 3; // Pixel distance for tab vectors to be considered the same. const int kSimilarVectorDist = 10; // Pixel distance for ragged tab vectors to be considered the same if there // is nothing in the overlap box const int kSimilarRaggedDist = 50; // Max multiple of height to allow filling in between blobs when evaluating. const int kMaxFillinMultiple = 11; // Min fraction of mean gutter size to allow a gutter on a good tab blob. const double kMinGutterFraction = 0.5; // Multiple of 1/n lines as a minimum gutter in evaluation. const double kLineCountReciprocal = 4.0; // Constant add-on for minimum gutter for aligned tabs. const double kMinAlignedGutter = 0.25; // Constant add-on for minimum gutter for ragged tabs. const double kMinRaggedGutter = 1.5; double_VAR(textord_tabvector_vertical_gap_fraction, 0.5, "max fraction of mean blob width allowed for vertical gaps in vertical text"); double_VAR(textord_tabvector_vertical_box_ratio, 0.5, "Fraction of box matches required to declare a line vertical"); ELISTIZE(TabConstraint) // Create a constraint for the top or bottom of this TabVector. void TabConstraint::CreateConstraint(TabVector* vector, bool is_top) { auto* constraint = new TabConstraint(vector, is_top); auto* constraints = new TabConstraint_LIST; TabConstraint_IT it(constraints); it.add_to_end(constraint); if (is_top) vector->set_top_constraints(constraints); else vector->set_bottom_constraints(constraints); } // Test to see if the constraints are compatible enough to merge. bool TabConstraint::CompatibleConstraints(TabConstraint_LIST* list1, TabConstraint_LIST* list2) { if (list1 == list2) return false; int y_min = -INT32_MAX; int y_max = INT32_MAX; if (textord_debug_tabfind > 3) tprintf("Testing constraint compatibility\n"); GetConstraints(list1, &y_min, &y_max); GetConstraints(list2, &y_min, &y_max); if (textord_debug_tabfind > 3) tprintf("Resulting range = [%d,%d]\n", y_min, y_max); return y_max >= y_min; } // Merge the lists of constraints and update the TabVector pointers. // The second list is deleted. void TabConstraint::MergeConstraints(TabConstraint_LIST* list1, TabConstraint_LIST* list2) { if (list1 == list2) return; TabConstraint_IT it(list2); if (textord_debug_tabfind > 3) tprintf("Merging constraints\n"); // The vectors of all constraints on list2 are now going to be on list1. for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabConstraint* constraint = it.data(); if (textord_debug_tabfind> 3) constraint->vector_->Print("Merge"); if (constraint->is_top_) constraint->vector_->set_top_constraints(list1); else constraint->vector_->set_bottom_constraints(list1); } it = list1; it.add_list_before(list2); delete list2; } // Set all the tops and bottoms as appropriate to a mean of the // constrained range. Delete all the constraints and list. void TabConstraint::ApplyConstraints(TabConstraint_LIST* constraints) { int y_min = -INT32_MAX; int y_max = INT32_MAX; GetConstraints(constraints, &y_min, &y_max); int y = (y_min + y_max) / 2; TabConstraint_IT it(constraints); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabConstraint* constraint = it.data(); TabVector* v = constraint->vector_; if (constraint->is_top_) { v->SetYEnd(y); v->set_top_constraints(nullptr); } else { v->SetYStart(y); v->set_bottom_constraints(nullptr); } } delete constraints; } TabConstraint::TabConstraint(TabVector* vector, bool is_top) : vector_(vector), is_top_(is_top) { if (is_top) { y_min_ = vector->endpt().y(); y_max_ = vector->extended_ymax(); } else { y_max_ = vector->startpt().y(); y_min_ = vector->extended_ymin(); } } // Get the max of the mins and the min of the maxes. void TabConstraint::GetConstraints(TabConstraint_LIST* constraints, int* y_min, int* y_max) { TabConstraint_IT it(constraints); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabConstraint* constraint = it.data(); if (textord_debug_tabfind > 3) { tprintf("Constraint is [%d,%d]", constraint->y_min_, constraint->y_max_); constraint->vector_->Print(" for"); } *y_min = std::max(*y_min, constraint->y_min_); *y_max = std::min(*y_max, constraint->y_max_); } } ELIST2IZE(TabVector) CLISTIZE(TabVector) // The constructor is private. See the bottom of the file... // Public factory to build a TabVector from a list of boxes. // The TabVector will be of the given alignment type. // The input vertical vector is used in fitting, and the output // vertical_x, vertical_y have the resulting line vector added to them // if the alignment is not ragged. // The extended_start_y and extended_end_y are the maximum possible // extension to the line segment that can be used to align with others. // The input CLIST of BLOBNBOX good_points is consumed and taken over. TabVector* TabVector::FitVector(TabAlignment alignment, ICOORD vertical, int extended_start_y, int extended_end_y, BLOBNBOX_CLIST* good_points, int* vertical_x, int* vertical_y) { auto* vector = new TabVector(extended_start_y, extended_end_y, alignment, good_points); if (!vector->Fit(vertical, false)) { delete vector; return nullptr; } if (!vector->IsRagged()) { vertical = vector->endpt_ - vector->startpt_; int weight = vector->BoxCount(); *vertical_x += vertical.x() * weight; *vertical_y += vertical.y() * weight; } return vector; } // Build a ragged TabVector by copying another's direction, shifting it // to match the given blob, and making its initial extent the height // of the blob, but its extended bounds from the bounds of the original. TabVector::TabVector(const TabVector& src, TabAlignment alignment, const ICOORD& vertical_skew, BLOBNBOX* blob) : extended_ymin_(src.extended_ymin_), extended_ymax_(src.extended_ymax_), needs_refit_(true), needs_evaluation_(true), alignment_(alignment) { BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_); it.add_to_end(blob); TBOX box = blob->bounding_box(); if (IsLeftTab()) { startpt_ = box.botleft(); endpt_ = box.topleft(); } else { startpt_ = box.botright(); endpt_ = box.topright(); } sort_key_ = SortKey(vertical_skew, (startpt_.x() + endpt_.x()) / 2, (startpt_.y() + endpt_.y()) / 2); if (textord_debug_tabfind > 3) Print("Constructed a new tab vector:"); } // Copies basic attributes of a tab vector for simple operations. // Copies things such startpt, endpt, range. // Does not copy things such as partners, boxes, or constraints. // This is useful if you only need vector information for processing, such // as in the table detection code. TabVector* TabVector::ShallowCopy() const { auto* copy = new TabVector(); copy->startpt_ = startpt_; copy->endpt_ = endpt_; copy->alignment_ = alignment_; copy->extended_ymax_ = extended_ymax_; copy->extended_ymin_ = extended_ymin_; copy->intersects_other_lines_ = intersects_other_lines_; return copy; } // Extend this vector to include the supplied blob if it doesn't // already have it. void TabVector::ExtendToBox(BLOBNBOX* new_blob) { TBOX new_box = new_blob->bounding_box(); BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_); if (!it.empty()) { BLOBNBOX* blob = it.data(); TBOX box = blob->bounding_box(); while (!it.at_last() && box.top() <= new_box.top()) { if (blob == new_blob) return; // We have it already. it.forward(); blob = it.data(); box = blob->bounding_box(); } if (box.top() >= new_box.top()) { it.add_before_stay_put(new_blob); needs_refit_ = true; return; } } needs_refit_ = true; it.add_after_stay_put(new_blob); } // Set the ycoord of the start and move the xcoord to match. void TabVector::SetYStart(int start_y) { startpt_.set_x(XAtY(start_y)); startpt_.set_y(start_y); } // Set the ycoord of the end and move the xcoord to match. void TabVector::SetYEnd(int end_y) { endpt_.set_x(XAtY(end_y)); endpt_.set_y(end_y); } // Rotate the ends by the given vector. Auto flip start and end if needed. void TabVector::Rotate(const FCOORD& rotation) { startpt_.rotate(rotation); endpt_.rotate(rotation); int dx = endpt_.x() - startpt_.x(); int dy = endpt_.y() - startpt_.y(); if ((dy < 0 && abs(dy) > abs(dx)) || (dx < 0 && abs(dx) > abs(dy))) { // Need to flip start/end. ICOORD tmp = startpt_; startpt_ = endpt_; endpt_ = tmp; } } // Setup the initial constraints, being the limits of // the vector and the extended ends. void TabVector::SetupConstraints() { TabConstraint::CreateConstraint(this, false); TabConstraint::CreateConstraint(this, true); } // Setup the constraints between the partners of this TabVector. void TabVector::SetupPartnerConstraints() { // With the first and last partner, we want a common bottom and top, // respectively, and for each change of partner, we want a common // top of first with bottom of next. TabVector_C_IT it(&partners_); TabVector* prev_partner = nullptr; for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* partner = it.data(); if (partner->top_constraints_ == nullptr || partner->bottom_constraints_ == nullptr) { partner->Print("Impossible: has no constraints"); Print("This vector has it as a partner"); continue; } if (prev_partner == nullptr) { // This is the first partner, so common bottom. if (TabConstraint::CompatibleConstraints(bottom_constraints_, partner->bottom_constraints_)) TabConstraint::MergeConstraints(bottom_constraints_, partner->bottom_constraints_); } else { // We need prev top to be common with partner bottom. if (TabConstraint::CompatibleConstraints(prev_partner->top_constraints_, partner->bottom_constraints_)) TabConstraint::MergeConstraints(prev_partner->top_constraints_, partner->bottom_constraints_); } prev_partner = partner; if (it.at_last()) { // This is the last partner, so common top. if (TabConstraint::CompatibleConstraints(top_constraints_, partner->top_constraints_)) TabConstraint::MergeConstraints(top_constraints_, partner->top_constraints_); } } } // Setup the constraints between this and its partner. void TabVector::SetupPartnerConstraints(TabVector* partner) { if (TabConstraint::CompatibleConstraints(bottom_constraints_, partner->bottom_constraints_)) TabConstraint::MergeConstraints(bottom_constraints_, partner->bottom_constraints_); if (TabConstraint::CompatibleConstraints(top_constraints_, partner->top_constraints_)) TabConstraint::MergeConstraints(top_constraints_, partner->top_constraints_); } // Use the constraints to modify the top and bottom. void TabVector::ApplyConstraints() { if (top_constraints_ != nullptr) TabConstraint::ApplyConstraints(top_constraints_); if (bottom_constraints_ != nullptr) TabConstraint::ApplyConstraints(bottom_constraints_); } // Merge close tab vectors of the same side that overlap. void TabVector::MergeSimilarTabVectors(const ICOORD& vertical, TabVector_LIST* vectors, BlobGrid* grid) { TabVector_IT it1(vectors); for (it1.mark_cycle_pt(); !it1.cycled_list(); it1.forward()) { TabVector* v1 = it1.data(); TabVector_IT it2(it1); for (it2.forward(); !it2.at_first(); it2.forward()) { TabVector* v2 = it2.data(); if (v2->SimilarTo(vertical, *v1, grid)) { // Merge into the forward one, in case the combined vector now // overlaps one in between. if (textord_debug_tabfind) { v2->Print("Merging"); v1->Print("by deleting"); } v2->MergeWith(vertical, it1.extract()); if (textord_debug_tabfind) { v2->Print("Producing"); } ICOORD merged_vector = v2->endpt(); merged_vector -= v2->startpt(); if (textord_debug_tabfind && abs(merged_vector.x()) > 100) { v2->Print("Garbage result of merge?"); } break; } } } } // Return true if this vector is the same side, overlaps, and close // enough to the other to be merged. bool TabVector::SimilarTo(const ICOORD& vertical, const TabVector& other, BlobGrid* grid) const { if ((IsRightTab() && other.IsRightTab()) || (IsLeftTab() && other.IsLeftTab())) { // If they don't overlap, at least in extensions, then there is no chance. if (ExtendedOverlap(other.extended_ymax_, other.extended_ymin_) < 0) return false; // A fast approximation to the scale factor of the sort_key_. int v_scale = abs(vertical.y()); if (v_scale == 0) v_scale = 1; // If they are close enough, then OK. if (sort_key_ + kSimilarVectorDist * v_scale >= other.sort_key_ && sort_key_ - kSimilarVectorDist * v_scale <= other.sort_key_) return true; // Ragged tabs get a bigger threshold. if (!IsRagged() || !other.IsRagged() || sort_key_ + kSimilarRaggedDist * v_scale < other.sort_key_ || sort_key_ - kSimilarRaggedDist * v_scale > other.sort_key_) return false; if (grid == nullptr) { // There is nothing else to test! return true; } // If there is nothing in the rectangle between the vector that is going to // move, and the place it is moving to, then they can be merged. // Setup a vertical search for any blob. const TabVector* mover = (IsRightTab() && sort_key_ < other.sort_key_) ? this : &other; int top_y = mover->endpt_.y(); int bottom_y = mover->startpt_.y(); int left = std::min(mover->XAtY(top_y), mover->XAtY(bottom_y)); int right = std::max(mover->XAtY(top_y), mover->XAtY(bottom_y)); int shift = abs(sort_key_ - other.sort_key_) / v_scale; if (IsRightTab()) { right += shift; } else { left -= shift; } GridSearch vsearch(grid); vsearch.StartVerticalSearch(left, right, top_y); BLOBNBOX* blob; while ((blob = vsearch.NextVerticalSearch(true)) != nullptr) { const TBOX& box = blob->bounding_box(); if (box.top() > bottom_y) return true; // Nothing found. if (box.bottom() < top_y) continue; // Doesn't overlap. int left_at_box = XAtY(box.bottom()); int right_at_box = left_at_box; if (IsRightTab()) right_at_box += shift; else left_at_box -= shift; if (std::min(right_at_box, static_cast(box.right())) > std::max(left_at_box, static_cast(box.left()))) return false; } return true; // Nothing found. } return false; } // Eat the other TabVector into this and delete it. void TabVector::MergeWith(const ICOORD& vertical, TabVector* other) { extended_ymin_ = std::min(extended_ymin_, other->extended_ymin_); extended_ymax_ = std::max(extended_ymax_, other->extended_ymax_); if (other->IsRagged()) { alignment_ = other->alignment_; } // Merge sort the two lists of boxes. BLOBNBOX_C_IT it1(&boxes_); BLOBNBOX_C_IT it2(&other->boxes_); while (!it2.empty()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox2 = it2.extract(); it2.forward(); TBOX box2 = bbox2->bounding_box(); BLOBNBOX* bbox1 = it1.data(); TBOX box1 = bbox1->bounding_box(); while (box1.bottom() < box2.bottom() && !it1.at_last()) { it1.forward(); bbox1 = it1.data(); box1 = bbox1->bounding_box(); } if (box1.bottom() < box2.bottom()) { it1.add_to_end(bbox2); } else if (bbox1 != bbox2) { it1.add_before_stay_put(bbox2); } } Fit(vertical, true); other->Delete(this); } // Add a new element to the list of partner TabVectors. // Partners must be added in order of increasing y coordinate of the text line // that makes them partners. // Groups of identical partners are merged into one. void TabVector::AddPartner(TabVector* partner) { if (IsSeparator() || partner->IsSeparator()) return; TabVector_C_IT it(&partners_); if (!it.empty()) { it.move_to_last(); if (it.data() == partner) return; } it.add_after_then_move(partner); } // Return true if other is a partner of this. bool TabVector::IsAPartner(const TabVector* other) { TabVector_C_IT it(&partners_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { if (it.data() == other) return true; } return false; } // These names must be synced with the TabAlignment enum in tabvector.h. static const char* const kAlignmentNames[] = { "Left Aligned", "Left Ragged", "Center", "Right Aligned", "Right Ragged", "Separator" }; // Print basic information about this tab vector. void TabVector::Print(const char* prefix) { tprintf( "%s %s (%d,%d)->(%d,%d) w=%d s=%d, sort key=%d, boxes=%d," " partners=%d\n", prefix, kAlignmentNames[alignment_], startpt_.x(), startpt_.y(), endpt_.x(), endpt_.y(), mean_width_, percent_score_, sort_key_, boxes_.length(), partners_.length()); } // Print basic information about this tab vector and every box in it. void TabVector::Debug(const char* prefix) { Print(prefix); BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data(); const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); tprintf("Box at (%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n", box.left(), box.bottom(), box.right(), box.top()); } } #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED // Draw this tabvector in place in the given window. void TabVector::Display(ScrollView* tab_win) { if (textord_debug_printable) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::BLUE); else if (alignment_ == TA_LEFT_ALIGNED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::LIME_GREEN); else if (alignment_ == TA_LEFT_RAGGED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::DARK_GREEN); else if (alignment_ == TA_RIGHT_ALIGNED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::PINK); else if (alignment_ == TA_RIGHT_RAGGED) tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::CORAL); else tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::WHITE); tab_win->Line(startpt_.x(), startpt_.y(), endpt_.x(), endpt_.y()); tab_win->Pen(ScrollView::GREY); tab_win->Line(startpt_.x(), startpt_.y(), startpt_.x(), extended_ymin_); tab_win->Line(endpt_.x(), extended_ymax_, endpt_.x(), endpt_.y()); char score_buf[64]; snprintf(score_buf, sizeof(score_buf), "%d", percent_score_); tab_win->TextAttributes("Times", 50, false, false, false); tab_win->Text(startpt_.x(), startpt_.y(), score_buf); } #endif // Refit the line and/or re-evaluate the vector if the dirty flags are set. void TabVector::FitAndEvaluateIfNeeded(const ICOORD& vertical, TabFind* finder) { if (needs_refit_) Fit(vertical, true); if (needs_evaluation_) Evaluate(vertical, finder); } // Evaluate the vector in terms of coverage of its length by good-looking // box edges. A good looking box is one where its nearest neighbour on the // inside is nearer than half the distance its nearest neighbour on the // outside of the putative column. Bad boxes are removed from the line. // A second pass then further filters boxes by requiring that the gutter // width be a minimum fraction of the mean gutter along the line. void TabVector::Evaluate(const ICOORD& vertical, TabFind* finder) { bool debug = false; needs_evaluation_ = false; int length = endpt_.y() - startpt_.y(); if (length == 0 || boxes_.empty()) { percent_score_ = 0; Print("Zero length in evaluate"); return; } // Compute the mean box height. BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_); int mean_height = 0; int height_count = 0; for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data(); const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); int height = box.height(); mean_height += height; ++height_count; } if (height_count > 0) mean_height /= height_count; int max_gutter = kGutterMultiple * mean_height; if (IsRagged()) { // Ragged edges face a tougher test in that the gap must always be within // the height of the blob. max_gutter = kGutterToNeighbourRatio * mean_height; } STATS gutters(0, max_gutter + 1); // Evaluate the boxes for their goodness, calculating the coverage as we go. // Remove boxes that are not good and shorten the list to the first and // last good boxes. int num_deleted_boxes = 0; bool text_on_image = false; int good_length = 0; const TBOX* prev_good_box = nullptr; for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data(); const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); int mid_y = (box.top() + box.bottom()) / 2; if (TabFind::WithinTestRegion(2, XAtY(box.bottom()), box.bottom())) { if (!debug) { tprintf("After already deleting %d boxes, ", num_deleted_boxes); Print("Starting evaluation"); } debug = true; } // A good box is one where the nearest neighbour on the inside is closer // than half the distance to the nearest neighbour on the outside // (of the putative column). bool left = IsLeftTab(); int tab_x = XAtY(mid_y); int gutter_width; int neighbour_gap; finder->GutterWidthAndNeighbourGap(tab_x, mean_height, max_gutter, left, bbox, &gutter_width, &neighbour_gap); if (debug) { tprintf("Box (%d,%d)->(%d,%d) has gutter %d, ndist %d\n", box.left(), box.bottom(), box.right(), box.top(), gutter_width, neighbour_gap); } // Now we can make the test. if (neighbour_gap * kGutterToNeighbourRatio <= gutter_width) { // A good box contributes its height to the good_length. good_length += box.top() - box.bottom(); gutters.add(gutter_width, 1); // Two good boxes together contribute the gap between them // to the good_length as well, as long as the gap is not // too big. if (prev_good_box != nullptr) { int vertical_gap = box.bottom() - prev_good_box->top(); double size1 = sqrt(static_cast(prev_good_box->area())); double size2 = sqrt(static_cast(box.area())); if (vertical_gap < kMaxFillinMultiple * std::min(size1, size2)) good_length += vertical_gap; if (debug) { tprintf("Box and prev good, gap=%d, target %g, goodlength=%d\n", vertical_gap, kMaxFillinMultiple * std::min(size1, size2), good_length); } } else { // Adjust the start to the first good box. SetYStart(box.bottom()); } prev_good_box = &box; if (bbox->flow() == BTFT_TEXT_ON_IMAGE) text_on_image = true; } else { // Get rid of boxes that are not good. if (debug) { tprintf("Bad Box (%d,%d)->(%d,%d) with gutter %d, ndist %d\n", box.left(), box.bottom(), box.right(), box.top(), gutter_width, neighbour_gap); } it.extract(); ++num_deleted_boxes; } } if (debug) { Print("Evaluating:"); } // If there are any good boxes, do it again, except this time get rid of // boxes that have a gutter that is a small fraction of the mean gutter. // This filters out ends that run into a coincidental gap in the text. int search_top = endpt_.y(); int search_bottom = startpt_.y(); int median_gutter = IntCastRounded(gutters.median()); if (gutters.get_total() > 0) { prev_good_box = nullptr; for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data(); const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); int mid_y = (box.top() + box.bottom()) / 2; // A good box is one where the gutter width is at least some constant // fraction of the mean gutter width. bool left = IsLeftTab(); int tab_x = XAtY(mid_y); int max_gutter = kGutterMultiple * mean_height; if (IsRagged()) { // Ragged edges face a tougher test in that the gap must always be // within the height of the blob. max_gutter = kGutterToNeighbourRatio * mean_height; } int gutter_width; int neighbour_gap; finder->GutterWidthAndNeighbourGap(tab_x, mean_height, max_gutter, left, bbox, &gutter_width, &neighbour_gap); // Now we can make the test. if (gutter_width >= median_gutter * kMinGutterFraction) { if (prev_good_box == nullptr) { // Adjust the start to the first good box. SetYStart(box.bottom()); search_bottom = box.top(); } prev_good_box = &box; search_top = box.bottom(); } else { // Get rid of boxes that are not good. if (debug) { tprintf("Bad Box (%d,%d)->(%d,%d) with gutter %d, mean gutter %d\n", box.left(), box.bottom(), box.right(), box.top(), gutter_width, median_gutter); } it.extract(); ++num_deleted_boxes; } } } // If there has been a good box, adjust the end. if (prev_good_box != nullptr) { SetYEnd(prev_good_box->top()); // Compute the percentage of the vector that is occupied by good boxes. int length = endpt_.y() - startpt_.y(); percent_score_ = 100 * good_length / length; if (num_deleted_boxes > 0) { needs_refit_ = true; FitAndEvaluateIfNeeded(vertical, finder); if (boxes_.empty()) return; } // Test the gutter over the whole vector, instead of just at the boxes. int required_shift; if (search_bottom > search_top) { search_bottom = startpt_.y(); search_top = endpt_.y(); } double min_gutter_width = kLineCountReciprocal / boxes_.length(); min_gutter_width += IsRagged() ? kMinRaggedGutter : kMinAlignedGutter; min_gutter_width *= mean_height; int max_gutter_width = IntCastRounded(min_gutter_width) + 1; if (median_gutter > max_gutter_width) max_gutter_width = median_gutter; int gutter_width = finder->GutterWidth(search_bottom, search_top, *this, text_on_image, max_gutter_width, &required_shift); if (gutter_width < min_gutter_width) { if (debug) { tprintf("Rejecting bad tab Vector with %d gutter vs %g min\n", gutter_width, min_gutter_width); } boxes_.shallow_clear(); percent_score_ = 0; } else if (debug) { tprintf("Final gutter %d, vs limit of %g, required shift = %d\n", gutter_width, min_gutter_width, required_shift); } } else { // There are no good boxes left, so score is 0. percent_score_ = 0; } if (debug) { Print("Evaluation complete:"); } } // (Re)Fit a line to the stored points. Returns false if the line // is degenerate. Althougth the TabVector code mostly doesn't care about the // direction of lines, XAtY would give silly results for a horizontal line. // The class is mostly aimed at use for vertical lines representing // horizontal tab stops. bool TabVector::Fit(ICOORD vertical, bool force_parallel) { needs_refit_ = false; if (boxes_.empty()) { // Don't refit something with no boxes, as that only happens // in Evaluate, and we don't want to end up with a zero vector. if (!force_parallel) return false; // If we are forcing parallel, then we just need to set the sort_key_. ICOORD midpt = startpt_; midpt += endpt_; midpt /= 2; sort_key_ = SortKey(vertical, midpt.x(), midpt.y()); return startpt_.y() != endpt_.y(); } if (!force_parallel && !IsRagged()) { // Use a fitted line as the vertical. DetLineFit linepoints; BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_); // Fit a line to all the boxes in the list. for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data(); const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); int x1 = IsRightTab() ? box.right() : box.left(); ICOORD boxpt(x1, box.bottom()); linepoints.Add(boxpt); if (it.at_last()) { ICOORD top_pt(x1, box.top()); linepoints.Add(top_pt); } } linepoints.Fit(&startpt_, &endpt_); if (startpt_.y() != endpt_.y()) { vertical = endpt_; vertical -= startpt_; } } int start_y = startpt_.y(); int end_y = endpt_.y(); sort_key_ = IsLeftTab() ? INT32_MAX : -INT32_MAX; BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_); // Choose a line parallel to the vertical such that all boxes are on the // correct side of it. mean_width_ = 0; int width_count = 0; for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data(); const TBOX& box = bbox->bounding_box(); mean_width_ += box.width(); ++width_count; int x1 = IsRightTab() ? box.right() : box.left(); // Test both the bottom and the top, as one will be more extreme, depending // on the direction of skew. int bottom_y = box.bottom(); int top_y = box.top(); int key = SortKey(vertical, x1, bottom_y); if (IsLeftTab() == (key < sort_key_)) { sort_key_ = key; startpt_ = ICOORD(x1, bottom_y); } key = SortKey(vertical, x1, top_y); if (IsLeftTab() == (key < sort_key_)) { sort_key_ = key; startpt_ = ICOORD(x1, top_y); } if (it.at_first()) start_y = bottom_y; if (it.at_last()) end_y = top_y; } if (width_count > 0) { mean_width_ = (mean_width_ + width_count - 1) / width_count; } endpt_ = startpt_ + vertical; needs_evaluation_ = true; if (start_y != end_y) { // Set the ends of the vector to fully include the first and last blobs. startpt_.set_x(XAtY(vertical, sort_key_, start_y)); startpt_.set_y(start_y); endpt_.set_x(XAtY(vertical, sort_key_, end_y)); endpt_.set_y(end_y); return true; } return false; } // Returns the singleton partner if there is one, or nullptr otherwise. TabVector* TabVector::GetSinglePartner() { if (!partners_.singleton()) return nullptr; TabVector_C_IT partner_it(&partners_); TabVector* partner = partner_it.data(); return partner; } // Return the partner of this TabVector if the vector qualifies as // being a vertical text line, otherwise nullptr. TabVector* TabVector::VerticalTextlinePartner() { if (!partners_.singleton()) return nullptr; TabVector_C_IT partner_it(&partners_); TabVector* partner = partner_it.data(); BLOBNBOX_C_IT box_it1(&boxes_); BLOBNBOX_C_IT box_it2(&partner->boxes_); // Count how many boxes are also in the other list. // At the same time, gather the mean width and median vertical gap. if (textord_debug_tabfind > 1) { Print("Testing for vertical text"); partner->Print(" partner"); } int num_matched = 0; int num_unmatched = 0; int total_widths = 0; int width = startpt().x() - partner->startpt().x(); if (width < 0) width = -width; STATS gaps(0, width * 2); BLOBNBOX* prev_bbox = nullptr; box_it2.mark_cycle_pt(); for (box_it1.mark_cycle_pt(); !box_it1.cycled_list(); box_it1.forward()) { BLOBNBOX* bbox = box_it1.data(); TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box(); if (prev_bbox != nullptr) { gaps.add(box.bottom() - prev_bbox->bounding_box().top(), 1); } while (!box_it2.cycled_list() && box_it2.data() != bbox && box_it2.data()->bounding_box().bottom() < box.bottom()) { box_it2.forward(); } if (!box_it2.cycled_list() && box_it2.data() == bbox && bbox->region_type() >= BRT_UNKNOWN && (prev_bbox == nullptr || prev_bbox->region_type() >= BRT_UNKNOWN)) ++num_matched; else ++num_unmatched; total_widths += box.width(); prev_bbox = bbox; } if (num_unmatched + num_matched == 0) return nullptr; double avg_width = total_widths * 1.0 / (num_unmatched + num_matched); double max_gap = textord_tabvector_vertical_gap_fraction * avg_width; int min_box_match = static_cast((num_matched + num_unmatched) * textord_tabvector_vertical_box_ratio); bool is_vertical = (gaps.get_total() > 0 && num_matched >= min_box_match && gaps.median() <= max_gap); if (textord_debug_tabfind > 1) { tprintf("gaps=%d, matched=%d, unmatched=%d, min_match=%d " "median gap=%.2f, width=%.2f max_gap=%.2f Vertical=%s\n", gaps.get_total(), num_matched, num_unmatched, min_box_match, gaps.median(), avg_width, max_gap, is_vertical?"Yes":"No"); } return (is_vertical) ? partner : nullptr; } // The constructor is private. TabVector::TabVector(int extended_ymin, int extended_ymax, TabAlignment alignment, BLOBNBOX_CLIST* boxes) : extended_ymin_(extended_ymin), extended_ymax_(extended_ymax), sort_key_(0), percent_score_(0), mean_width_(0), needs_refit_(true), needs_evaluation_(true), alignment_(alignment), top_constraints_(nullptr), bottom_constraints_(nullptr) { BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_); it.add_list_after(boxes); } // Delete this, but first, repoint all the partners to point to // replacement. If replacement is nullptr, then partner relationships // are removed. void TabVector::Delete(TabVector* replacement) { TabVector_C_IT it(&partners_); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { TabVector* partner = it.data(); TabVector_C_IT p_it(&partner->partners_); // If partner already has replacement in its list, then make // replacement null, and just remove this TabVector when we find it. TabVector* partner_replacement = replacement; for (p_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !p_it.cycled_list(); p_it.forward()) { TabVector* p_partner = p_it.data(); if (p_partner == partner_replacement) { partner_replacement = nullptr; break; } } // Remove all references to this, and replace with replacement if not nullptr. for (p_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !p_it.cycled_list(); p_it.forward()) { TabVector* p_partner = p_it.data(); if (p_partner == this) { p_it.extract(); if (partner_replacement != nullptr) p_it.add_before_stay_put(partner_replacement); } } if (partner_replacement != nullptr) { partner_replacement->AddPartner(partner); } } delete this; } } // namespace tesseract.