// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include // for std::isnan, NAN #include // for std::locale::classic #include // for std::stringstream #include // TessBaseAPI::Version #include "commandlineflags.h" #include "errcode.h" #include "tprintf.h" // for tprintf namespace tesseract { static bool IntFlagExists(const char* flag_name, int32_t* value) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; IntParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->int_params, empty); if (p == nullptr) return false; *value = (int32_t)(*p); return true; } static bool DoubleFlagExists(const char* flag_name, double* value) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; DoubleParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->double_params, empty); if (p == nullptr) return false; *value = static_cast(*p); return true; } static bool BoolFlagExists(const char* flag_name, bool* value) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; BoolParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->bool_params, empty); if (p == nullptr) return false; *value = bool(*p); return true; } static bool StringFlagExists(const char* flag_name, const char** value) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; StringParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->string_params, empty); *value = (p != nullptr) ? p->c_str() : nullptr; return p != nullptr; } static void SetIntFlagValue(const char* flag_name, const int32_t new_val) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; IntParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->int_params, empty); ASSERT_HOST(p != nullptr); p->set_value(new_val); } static void SetDoubleFlagValue(const char* flag_name, const double new_val) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; DoubleParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->double_params, empty); ASSERT_HOST(p != nullptr); p->set_value(new_val); } static void SetBoolFlagValue(const char* flag_name, const bool new_val) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; BoolParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->bool_params, empty); ASSERT_HOST(p != nullptr); p->set_value(new_val); } static void SetStringFlagValue(const char* flag_name, const char* new_val) { STRING full_flag_name("FLAGS_"); full_flag_name += flag_name; GenericVector empty; StringParam *p = ParamUtils::FindParam( full_flag_name.c_str(), GlobalParams()->string_params, empty); ASSERT_HOST(p != nullptr); p->set_value(STRING(new_val)); } static bool SafeAtoi(const char* str, int* val) { char* endptr = nullptr; *val = strtol(str, &endptr, 10); return endptr != nullptr && *endptr == '\0'; } static bool SafeAtod(const char* str, double* val) { double d = NAN; std::stringstream stream(str); // Use "C" locale for reading double value. stream.imbue(std::locale::classic()); stream >> d; *val = 0; bool success = !std::isnan(d); if (success) { *val = d; } return success; } static void PrintCommandLineFlags() { const char* kFlagNamePrefix = "FLAGS_"; const int kFlagNamePrefixLen = strlen(kFlagNamePrefix); for (int i = 0; i < GlobalParams()->int_params.size(); ++i) { if (!strncmp(GlobalParams()->int_params[i]->name_str(), kFlagNamePrefix, kFlagNamePrefixLen)) { printf(" --%s %s (type:int default:%d)\n", GlobalParams()->int_params[i]->name_str() + kFlagNamePrefixLen, GlobalParams()->int_params[i]->info_str(), int32_t(*(GlobalParams()->int_params[i]))); } } for (int i = 0; i < GlobalParams()->double_params.size(); ++i) { if (!strncmp(GlobalParams()->double_params[i]->name_str(), kFlagNamePrefix, kFlagNamePrefixLen)) { printf(" --%s %s (type:double default:%g)\n", GlobalParams()->double_params[i]->name_str() + kFlagNamePrefixLen, GlobalParams()->double_params[i]->info_str(), static_cast(*(GlobalParams()->double_params[i]))); } } for (int i = 0; i < GlobalParams()->bool_params.size(); ++i) { if (!strncmp(GlobalParams()->bool_params[i]->name_str(), kFlagNamePrefix, kFlagNamePrefixLen)) { printf(" --%s %s (type:bool default:%s)\n", GlobalParams()->bool_params[i]->name_str() + kFlagNamePrefixLen, GlobalParams()->bool_params[i]->info_str(), bool(*(GlobalParams()->bool_params[i])) ? "true" : "false"); } } for (int i = 0; i < GlobalParams()->string_params.size(); ++i) { if (!strncmp(GlobalParams()->string_params[i]->name_str(), kFlagNamePrefix, kFlagNamePrefixLen)) { printf(" --%s %s (type:string default:%s)\n", GlobalParams()->string_params[i]->name_str() + kFlagNamePrefixLen, GlobalParams()->string_params[i]->info_str(), GlobalParams()->string_params[i]->c_str()); } } } void ParseCommandLineFlags(const char* usage, int* argc, char*** argv, const bool remove_flags) { if (*argc == 1) { printf("USAGE: %s\n", usage); PrintCommandLineFlags(); exit(0); } if (*argc > 1 && (!strcmp((*argv)[1], "-v") || !strcmp((*argv)[1], "--version"))) { printf("%s\n", TessBaseAPI::Version()); exit(0); } int i; for (i = 1; i < *argc; ++i) { const char* current_arg = (*argv)[i]; // If argument does not start with a hyphen then break. if (current_arg[0] != '-') { break; } // Position current_arg after startings hyphens. We treat a sequence of // one or two consecutive hyphens identically. ++current_arg; if (current_arg[0] == '-') { ++current_arg; } // If this is asking for usage, print the help message and abort. if (!strcmp(current_arg, "help")) { printf("Usage:\n %s [OPTION ...]\n\n", usage); PrintCommandLineFlags(); exit(0); } // Find the starting position of the value if it was specified in this // string. const char* equals_position = strchr(current_arg, '='); const char* rhs = nullptr; if (equals_position != nullptr) { rhs = equals_position + 1; } // Extract the flag name. STRING lhs; if (equals_position == nullptr) { lhs = current_arg; } else { lhs.assign(current_arg, equals_position - current_arg); } if (!lhs.length()) { tprintf("ERROR: Bad argument: %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } // Find the flag name in the list of global flags. // int32_t flag int32_t int_val; if (IntFlagExists(lhs.c_str(), &int_val)) { if (rhs != nullptr) { if (!strlen(rhs)) { // Bad input of the format --int_flag= tprintf("ERROR: Bad argument: %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } if (!SafeAtoi(rhs, &int_val)) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not parse int from %s in flag %s\n", rhs, (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } } else { // We need to parse the next argument if (i + 1 >= *argc) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not find value argument for flag %s\n", lhs.c_str()); exit(1); } else { ++i; if (!SafeAtoi((*argv)[i], &int_val)) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not parse int32_t from %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } } } SetIntFlagValue(lhs.c_str(), int_val); continue; } // double flag double double_val; if (DoubleFlagExists(lhs.c_str(), &double_val)) { if (rhs != nullptr) { if (!strlen(rhs)) { // Bad input of the format --double_flag= tprintf("ERROR: Bad argument: %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } if (!SafeAtod(rhs, &double_val)) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not parse double from %s in flag %s\n", rhs, (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } } else { // We need to parse the next argument if (i + 1 >= *argc) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not find value argument for flag %s\n", lhs.c_str()); exit(1); } else { ++i; if (!SafeAtod((*argv)[i], &double_val)) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not parse double from %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } } } SetDoubleFlagValue(lhs.c_str(), double_val); continue; } // Bool flag. Allow input forms --flag (equivalent to --flag=true), // --flag=false, --flag=true, --flag=0 and --flag=1 bool bool_val; if (BoolFlagExists(lhs.c_str(), &bool_val)) { if (rhs == nullptr) { // --flag form bool_val = true; } else { if (!strlen(rhs)) { // Bad input of the format --bool_flag= tprintf("ERROR: Bad argument: %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } if (!strcmp(rhs, "false") || !strcmp(rhs, "0")) { bool_val = false; } else if (!strcmp(rhs, "true") || !strcmp(rhs, "1")) { bool_val = true; } else { tprintf("ERROR: Could not parse bool from flag %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } } SetBoolFlagValue(lhs.c_str(), bool_val); continue; } // string flag const char* string_val; if (StringFlagExists(lhs.c_str(), &string_val)) { if (rhs != nullptr) { string_val = rhs; } else { // Pick the next argument if (i + 1 >= *argc) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not find string value for flag %s\n", lhs.c_str()); exit(1); } else { string_val = (*argv)[++i]; } } SetStringFlagValue(lhs.c_str(), string_val); continue; } // Flag was not found. Exit with an error message. tprintf("ERROR: Non-existent flag %s\n", (*argv)[i]); exit(1); } // for each argv if (remove_flags) { (*argv)[i - 1] = (*argv)[0]; (*argv) += (i - 1); (*argc) -= (i - 1); } } } // namespace tesseract