// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // Author: rays@google.com (Ray Smith) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: intfeaturedist.cpp // Description: Fast set-difference-based feature distance calculator. // Created: Thu Sep 01 13:07:30 PDT 2011 // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "intfeaturedist.h" #include "intfeaturemap.h" namespace tesseract { IntFeatureDist::IntFeatureDist() : size_(0), total_feature_weight_(0.0), feature_map_(nullptr), features_(nullptr), features_delta_one_(nullptr), features_delta_two_(nullptr) { } IntFeatureDist::~IntFeatureDist() { Clear(); } // Initialize the table to the given size of feature space. void IntFeatureDist::Init(const IntFeatureMap* feature_map) { size_ = feature_map->sparse_size(); Clear(); feature_map_ = feature_map; features_ = new bool[size_]; features_delta_one_ = new bool[size_]; features_delta_two_ = new bool[size_]; memset(features_, false, size_ * sizeof(features_[0])); memset(features_delta_one_, false, size_ * sizeof(features_delta_one_[0])); memset(features_delta_two_, false, size_ * sizeof(features_delta_two_[0])); total_feature_weight_ = 0.0; } // Setup the map for the given indexed_features that have been indexed by // feature_map. void IntFeatureDist::Set(const GenericVector<int>& indexed_features, int canonical_count, bool value) { total_feature_weight_ = canonical_count; for (int i = 0; i < indexed_features.size(); ++i) { const int f = indexed_features[i]; features_[f] = value; for (int dir = -kNumOffsetMaps; dir <= kNumOffsetMaps; ++dir) { if (dir == 0) continue; const int mapped_f = feature_map_->OffsetFeature(f, dir); if (mapped_f >= 0) { features_delta_one_[mapped_f] = value; for (int dir2 = -kNumOffsetMaps; dir2 <= kNumOffsetMaps; ++dir2) { if (dir2 == 0) continue; const int mapped_f2 = feature_map_->OffsetFeature(mapped_f, dir2); if (mapped_f2 >= 0) features_delta_two_[mapped_f2] = value; } } } } } // Compute the distance between the given feature vector and the last // Set feature vector. double IntFeatureDist::FeatureDistance( const GenericVector<int>& features) const { const int num_test_features = features.size(); const double denominator = total_feature_weight_ + num_test_features; double misses = denominator; for (int i = 0; i < num_test_features; ++i) { const int index = features[i]; const double weight = 1.0; if (features_[index]) { // A perfect match. misses -= 2.0 * weight; } else if (features_delta_one_[index]) { misses -= 1.5 * weight; } else if (features_delta_two_[index]) { // A near miss. misses -= 1.0 * weight; } } return misses / denominator; } // Compute the distance between the given feature vector and the last // Set feature vector. double IntFeatureDist::DebugFeatureDistance( const GenericVector<int>& features) const { const int num_test_features = features.size(); const double denominator = total_feature_weight_ + num_test_features; double misses = denominator; for (int i = 0; i < num_test_features; ++i) { const int index = features[i]; const double weight = 1.0; INT_FEATURE_STRUCT f = feature_map_->InverseMapFeature(features[i]); tprintf("Testing feature weight %g:", weight); f.print(); if (features_[index]) { // A perfect match. misses -= 2.0 * weight; tprintf("Perfect hit\n"); } else if (features_delta_one_[index]) { misses -= 1.5 * weight; tprintf("-1 hit\n"); } else if (features_delta_two_[index]) { // A near miss. misses -= 1.0 * weight; tprintf("-2 hit\n"); } else { tprintf("Total miss\n"); } } tprintf("Features present:"); for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) { if (features_[i]) { INT_FEATURE_STRUCT f = feature_map_->InverseMapFeature(i); f.print(); } } tprintf("\nMinus one features:"); for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) { if (features_delta_one_[i]) { INT_FEATURE_STRUCT f = feature_map_->InverseMapFeature(i); f.print(); } } tprintf("\nMinus two features:"); for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) { if (features_delta_two_[i]) { INT_FEATURE_STRUCT f = feature_map_->InverseMapFeature(i); f.print(); } } tprintf("\n"); return misses / denominator; } // Clear all data. void IntFeatureDist::Clear() { delete [] features_; features_ = nullptr; delete [] features_delta_one_; features_delta_one_ = nullptr; delete [] features_delta_two_; features_delta_two_ = nullptr; } } // namespace tesseract