/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // File: dawg2wordlist.cpp // Description: Program to create a word list from a DAWG and unicharset. // Author: David Eger // // (C) Copyright 2011, Google Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "commontraining.h" // CheckSharedLibraryVersion #include "dawg.h" #include "trie.h" #include "unicharset.h" #include "serialis.h" using namespace tesseract; static tesseract::Dawg *LoadSquishedDawg(const UNICHARSET &unicharset, const char *filename) { const int kDictDebugLevel = 1; tesseract::TFile dawg_file; if (!dawg_file.Open(filename, nullptr)) { tprintf("Could not open %s for reading.\n", filename); return nullptr; } tprintf("Loading word list from %s\n", filename); tesseract::SquishedDawg *retval = new tesseract::SquishedDawg( tesseract::DAWG_TYPE_WORD, "eng", SYSTEM_DAWG_PERM, kDictDebugLevel); if (!retval->Load(&dawg_file)) { tprintf("Could not read %s\n", filename); delete retval; return nullptr; } tprintf("Word list loaded.\n"); return retval; } class WordOutputter { public: WordOutputter(FILE *file) : file_(file) {} void output_word(const char *word) { fprintf(file_, "%s\n", word); } private: FILE *file_; }; // returns 0 if successful. static int WriteDawgAsWordlist(const UNICHARSET &unicharset, const tesseract::Dawg *dawg, const char *outfile_name) { FILE *out = fopen(outfile_name, "wb"); if (out == nullptr) { tprintf("Could not open %s for writing.\n", outfile_name); return 1; } WordOutputter outputter(out); using namespace std::placeholders; // for _1 dawg->iterate_words(unicharset, std::bind(&WordOutputter::output_word, &outputter, _1)); return fclose(out); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { tesseract::CheckSharedLibraryVersion(); if (argc > 1 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "-v") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--version"))) { printf("%s\n", tesseract::TessBaseAPI::Version()); return 0; } else if (argc != 4) { tprintf("Print all the words in a given dawg.\n"); tprintf("Usage: %s -v | --version | %s \n", argv[0], argv[0]); return 1; } const char *unicharset_file = argv[1]; const char *dawg_file = argv[2]; const char *wordlist_file = argv[3]; UNICHARSET unicharset; if (!unicharset.load_from_file(unicharset_file)) { tprintf("Error loading unicharset from %s.\n", unicharset_file); return 1; } tesseract::Dawg *dict = LoadSquishedDawg(unicharset, dawg_file); if (dict == nullptr) { tprintf("Error loading dictionary from %s.\n", dawg_file); return 1; } int retval = WriteDawgAsWordlist(unicharset, dict, wordlist_file); delete dict; return retval; }