/********************************************************************** * File: pango_font_info.cpp * Description: Font-related objects and helper functions * Author: Ranjith Unnikrishnan * * (C) Copyright 2013, Google Inc. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * **********************************************************************/ // Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif #if (defined __MINGW32__) || (defined __CYGWIN__) // workaround for stdlib.h and putenv #undef __STRICT_ANSI__ #endif #include "pango_font_info.h" #include "commandlineflags.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "normstrngs.h" #include "tlog.h" #include #include "pango/pango.h" #include "pango/pangocairo.h" #include "pango/pangofc-font.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif #define DISABLE_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK using namespace tesseract; namespace tesseract { // Default assumed output resolution. Required only for providing font metrics // in pixels. const int kDefaultResolution = 300; std::string PangoFontInfo::fonts_dir_; std::string PangoFontInfo::cache_dir_; static PangoGlyph get_glyph(PangoFont* font, gunichar wc) { #if PANGO_VERSION_CHECK(1, 44, 0) // pango_font_get_hb_font requires Pango 1.44 or newer. hb_font_t* hb_font = pango_font_get_hb_font(font); hb_codepoint_t glyph; hb_font_get_nominal_glyph(hb_font, wc, &glyph); #else // Use deprecated pango_fc_font_get_glyph for older Pango versions. PangoGlyph glyph = pango_fc_font_get_glyph(PANGO_FC_FONT(font), wc); #endif return glyph; } PangoFontInfo::PangoFontInfo() : desc_(nullptr), resolution_(kDefaultResolution) { Clear(); } PangoFontInfo::PangoFontInfo(const std::string& desc) : desc_(nullptr), resolution_(kDefaultResolution) { if (!ParseFontDescriptionName(desc)) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not parse %s\n", desc.c_str()); Clear(); } } void PangoFontInfo::Clear() { font_size_ = 0; family_name_.clear(); font_type_ = UNKNOWN; if (desc_) { pango_font_description_free(desc_); desc_ = nullptr; } } PangoFontInfo::~PangoFontInfo() { pango_font_description_free(desc_); } std::string PangoFontInfo::DescriptionName() const { if (!desc_) return ""; char* desc_str = pango_font_description_to_string(desc_); std::string desc_name(desc_str); g_free(desc_str); return desc_name; } // If not already initialized, initializes FontConfig by setting its // environment variable and creating a fonts.conf file that points to the // FLAGS_fonts_dir and the cache to FLAGS_fontconfig_tmpdir. /* static */ void PangoFontInfo::SoftInitFontConfig() { if (fonts_dir_.empty()) { HardInitFontConfig(FLAGS_fonts_dir.c_str(), FLAGS_fontconfig_tmpdir.c_str()); } } // Re-initializes font config, whether or not already initialized. // If already initialized, any existing cache is deleted, just to be sure. /* static */ void PangoFontInfo::HardInitFontConfig(const char* fonts_dir, const char* cache_dir) { if (!cache_dir_.empty()) { File::DeleteMatchingFiles( File::JoinPath(cache_dir_.c_str(), "*cache-?").c_str()); } const int MAX_FONTCONF_FILESIZE = 1024; char fonts_conf_template[MAX_FONTCONF_FILESIZE]; cache_dir_ = cache_dir; fonts_dir_ = fonts_dir; snprintf(fonts_conf_template, MAX_FONTCONF_FILESIZE, "\n" "\n" "\n" "%s\n" "%s\n" "\n" "\n", fonts_dir, cache_dir); std::string fonts_conf_file = File::JoinPath(cache_dir, "fonts.conf"); File::WriteStringToFileOrDie(fonts_conf_template, fonts_conf_file); #ifdef _WIN32 std::string env("FONTCONFIG_PATH="); env.append(cache_dir); _putenv(env.c_str()); _putenv("LANG=en_US.utf8"); #else setenv("FONTCONFIG_PATH", cache_dir, true); // Fix the locale so that the reported font names are consistent. setenv("LANG", "en_US.utf8", true); #endif // _WIN32 if (FcInitReinitialize() != FcTrue) { tprintf("FcInitiReinitialize failed!!\n"); } FontUtils::ReInit(); // Clear Pango's font cache too. pango_cairo_font_map_set_default(nullptr); } static void ListFontFamilies(PangoFontFamily*** families, int* n_families) { PangoFontInfo::SoftInitFontConfig(); PangoFontMap* font_map = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(); DISABLE_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK; pango_font_map_list_families(font_map, families, n_families); } bool PangoFontInfo::ParseFontDescription(const PangoFontDescription *desc) { Clear(); const char* family = pango_font_description_get_family(desc); if (!family) { char* desc_str = pango_font_description_to_string(desc); tprintf("WARNING: Could not parse family name from description: '%s'\n", desc_str); g_free(desc_str); return false; } family_name_ = std::string(family); desc_ = pango_font_description_copy(desc); // Set font size in points font_size_ = pango_font_description_get_size(desc); if (!pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute(desc)) { font_size_ /= PANGO_SCALE; } return true; } bool PangoFontInfo::ParseFontDescriptionName(const std::string& name) { PangoFontDescription *desc = pango_font_description_from_string(name.c_str()); bool success = ParseFontDescription(desc); pango_font_description_free(desc); return success; } // Returns the PangoFont structure corresponding to the closest available font // in the font map. Note that if the font is wholly missing, this could // correspond to a completely different font family and face. PangoFont* PangoFontInfo::ToPangoFont() const { SoftInitFontConfig(); PangoFontMap* font_map = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(); PangoContext* context = pango_context_new(); pango_cairo_context_set_resolution(context, resolution_); pango_context_set_font_map(context, font_map); PangoFont* font = nullptr; { DISABLE_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK; font = pango_font_map_load_font(font_map, context, desc_); } g_object_unref(context); return font; } bool PangoFontInfo::CoversUTF8Text(const char* utf8_text, int byte_length) const { PangoFont* font = ToPangoFont(); if (font == nullptr) { // Font not found. return false; } PangoCoverage* coverage = pango_font_get_coverage(font, nullptr); for (UNICHAR::const_iterator it = UNICHAR::begin(utf8_text, byte_length); it != UNICHAR::end(utf8_text, byte_length); ++it) { if (IsWhitespace(*it) || pango_is_zero_width(*it)) continue; if (pango_coverage_get(coverage, *it) != PANGO_COVERAGE_EXACT) { char tmp[5]; int len = it.get_utf8(tmp); tmp[len] = '\0'; tlog(2, "'%s' (U+%x) not covered by font\n", tmp, *it); pango_coverage_unref(coverage); g_object_unref(font); return false; } } pango_coverage_unref(coverage); g_object_unref(font); return true; } // This variant of strncpy permits src and dest to overlap. It will copy the // first byte first. static char* my_strnmove(char* dest, const char* src, size_t n) { char* ret = dest; // Copy characters until n reaches zero or the src byte is a nul. do { *dest = *src; --n; ++dest; ++src; } while (n && src[0]); // If we reached a nul byte and there are more 'n' left, zero them out. while (n) { *dest = '\0'; --n; ++dest; } return ret; } int PangoFontInfo::DropUncoveredChars(std::string* utf8_text) const { int num_dropped_chars = 0; PangoFont* font = ToPangoFont(); if (font == nullptr) { // Font not found, drop all characters. num_dropped_chars = utf8_text->length(); utf8_text->clear(); return num_dropped_chars; } PangoCoverage* coverage = pango_font_get_coverage(font, nullptr); // Maintain two iterators that point into the string. For space efficiency, we // will repeatedly copy one covered UTF8 character from one to the other, and // at the end resize the string to the right length. char* out = const_cast(utf8_text->c_str()); const UNICHAR::const_iterator it_begin = UNICHAR::begin(utf8_text->c_str(), utf8_text->length()); const UNICHAR::const_iterator it_end = UNICHAR::end(utf8_text->c_str(), utf8_text->length()); for (UNICHAR::const_iterator it = it_begin; it != it_end;) { // Skip bad utf-8. if (!it.is_legal()) { ++it; // One suitable error message will still be issued. continue; } int unicode = *it; int utf8_len = it.utf8_len(); const char* utf8_char = it.utf8_data(); // Move it forward before the data gets modified. ++it; if (!IsWhitespace(unicode) && !pango_is_zero_width(unicode) && pango_coverage_get(coverage, unicode) != PANGO_COVERAGE_EXACT) { if (TLOG_IS_ON(2)) { UNICHAR unichar(unicode); char* str = unichar.utf8_str(); tlog(2, "'%s' (U+%x) not covered by font\n", str, unicode); delete[] str; } ++num_dropped_chars; continue; } my_strnmove(out, utf8_char, utf8_len); out += utf8_len; } pango_coverage_unref(coverage); g_object_unref(font); utf8_text->resize(out - utf8_text->c_str()); return num_dropped_chars; } bool PangoFontInfo::GetSpacingProperties(const std::string& utf8_char, int* x_bearing, int* x_advance) const { // Convert to equivalent PangoFont structure PangoFont* font = ToPangoFont(); if (!font) return false; // Find the glyph index in the font for the supplied utf8 character. int total_advance = 0; int min_bearing = 0; // Handle multi-unicode strings by reporting the left-most position of the // x-bearing, and right-most position of the x-advance if the string were to // be rendered. const UNICHAR::const_iterator it_begin = UNICHAR::begin(utf8_char.c_str(), utf8_char.length()); const UNICHAR::const_iterator it_end = UNICHAR::end(utf8_char.c_str(), utf8_char.length()); for (UNICHAR::const_iterator it = it_begin; it != it_end; ++it) { PangoGlyph glyph_index = get_glyph(font, *it); if (!glyph_index) { // Glyph for given unicode character doesn't exist in font. g_object_unref(font); return false; } // Find the ink glyph extents for the glyph PangoRectangle ink_rect, logical_rect; pango_font_get_glyph_extents(font, glyph_index, &ink_rect, &logical_rect); pango_extents_to_pixels(&ink_rect, nullptr); pango_extents_to_pixels(&logical_rect, nullptr); int bearing = total_advance + PANGO_LBEARING(ink_rect); if (it == it_begin || bearing < min_bearing) { min_bearing = bearing; } total_advance += PANGO_RBEARING(logical_rect); } *x_bearing = min_bearing; *x_advance = total_advance; g_object_unref(font); return true; } bool PangoFontInfo::CanRenderString(const char* utf8_word, int len) const { std::vector graphemes; return CanRenderString(utf8_word, len, &graphemes); } bool PangoFontInfo::CanRenderString(const char* utf8_word, int len, std::vector* graphemes) const { if (graphemes) graphemes->clear(); // We check for font coverage of the text first, as otherwise Pango could // (undesirably) fall back to another font that does have the required // coverage. if (!CoversUTF8Text(utf8_word, len)) { return false; } // U+25CC dotted circle character that often (but not always) gets rendered // when there is an illegal grapheme sequence. const char32 kDottedCircleGlyph = 9676; bool bad_glyph = false; PangoFontMap* font_map = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(); PangoContext* context = pango_context_new(); pango_context_set_font_map(context, font_map); PangoLayout* layout; { // Pango is not releasing the cached layout. DISABLE_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK; layout = pango_layout_new(context); } if (desc_) { pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, desc_); } else { PangoFontDescription *desc = pango_font_description_from_string( DescriptionName().c_str()); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, desc); pango_font_description_free(desc); } pango_layout_set_text(layout, utf8_word, len); PangoLayoutIter* run_iter = nullptr; { // Fontconfig caches some information here that is not freed before exit. DISABLE_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK; run_iter = pango_layout_get_iter(layout); } do { PangoLayoutRun* run = pango_layout_iter_get_run_readonly(run_iter); if (!run) { tlog(2, "Found end of line nullptr run marker\n"); continue; } PangoGlyph dotted_circle_glyph; PangoFont* font = run->item->analysis.font; dotted_circle_glyph = get_glyph(font, kDottedCircleGlyph); if (TLOG_IS_ON(2)) { PangoFontDescription* desc = pango_font_describe(font); char* desc_str = pango_font_description_to_string(desc); tlog(2, "Desc of font in run: %s\n", desc_str); g_free(desc_str); pango_font_description_free(desc); } PangoGlyphItemIter cluster_iter; gboolean have_cluster; for (have_cluster = pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start(&cluster_iter, run, utf8_word); have_cluster && !bad_glyph; have_cluster = pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster(&cluster_iter)) { const int start_byte_index = cluster_iter.start_index; const int end_byte_index = cluster_iter.end_index; int start_glyph_index = cluster_iter.start_glyph; int end_glyph_index = cluster_iter.end_glyph; std::string cluster_text = std::string(utf8_word + start_byte_index, end_byte_index - start_byte_index); if (graphemes) graphemes->push_back(cluster_text); if (IsUTF8Whitespace(cluster_text.c_str())) { tlog(2, "Skipping whitespace\n"); continue; } if (TLOG_IS_ON(2)) { printf("start_byte=%d end_byte=%d start_glyph=%d end_glyph=%d ", start_byte_index, end_byte_index, start_glyph_index, end_glyph_index); } for (int i = start_glyph_index, step = (end_glyph_index > start_glyph_index) ? 1 : -1; !bad_glyph && i != end_glyph_index; i+= step) { const bool unknown_glyph = (cluster_iter.glyph_item->glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph & PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG); const bool illegal_glyph = (cluster_iter.glyph_item->glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph == dotted_circle_glyph); bad_glyph = unknown_glyph || illegal_glyph; if (TLOG_IS_ON(2)) { printf("(%d=%d)", cluster_iter.glyph_item->glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph, bad_glyph ? 1 : 0); } } if (TLOG_IS_ON(2)) { printf(" '%s'\n", cluster_text.c_str()); } if (bad_glyph) tlog(1, "Found illegal glyph!\n"); } } while (!bad_glyph && pango_layout_iter_next_run(run_iter)); pango_layout_iter_free(run_iter); g_object_unref(context); g_object_unref(layout); if (bad_glyph && graphemes) graphemes->clear(); return !bad_glyph; } // ------------------------ FontUtils ------------------------------------ std::vector FontUtils::available_fonts_; // cache list // Returns whether the specified font description is available in the fonts // directory. // // The generated list of font families and faces includes "synthesized" font // faces that are not truly loadable. Pango versions >=1.18 have a // pango_font_face_is_synthesized method that can be used to prune the list. // Until then, we are restricted to using a hack where we try to load the font // from the font_map, and then check what we loaded to see if it has the // description we expected. If it is not, then the font is deemed unavailable. // // TODO: This function reports also some not synthesized fonts as not available // e.g. 'Bitstream Charter Medium Italic', 'LMRoman17', so we need this hack // until other solution is found. /* static */ bool FontUtils::IsAvailableFont(const char* input_query_desc, std::string* best_match) { std::string query_desc(input_query_desc); PangoFontDescription *desc = pango_font_description_from_string( query_desc.c_str()); PangoFont* selected_font = nullptr; { PangoFontInfo::SoftInitFontConfig(); PangoFontMap* font_map = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(); PangoContext* context = pango_context_new(); pango_context_set_font_map(context, font_map); { DISABLE_HEAP_LEAK_CHECK; selected_font = pango_font_map_load_font(font_map, context, desc); } g_object_unref(context); } if (selected_font == nullptr) { pango_font_description_free(desc); tlog(4, "** Font '%s' failed to load from font map!\n", input_query_desc); return false; } PangoFontDescription* selected_desc = pango_font_describe(selected_font); bool equal = pango_font_description_equal(desc, selected_desc); tlog(3, "query weight = %d \t selected weight =%d\n", pango_font_description_get_weight(desc), pango_font_description_get_weight(selected_desc)); char* selected_desc_str = pango_font_description_to_string(selected_desc); tlog(2, "query_desc: '%s' Selected: '%s'\n", query_desc.c_str(), selected_desc_str); if (!equal && best_match != nullptr) { *best_match = selected_desc_str; // Clip the ending ' 0' if there is one. It seems that, if there is no // point size on the end of the fontname, then Pango always appends ' 0'. int len = best_match->size(); if (len > 2 && best_match->at(len - 1) == '0' && best_match->at(len - 2) == ' ') { *best_match = best_match->substr(0, len - 2); } } g_free(selected_desc_str); pango_font_description_free(selected_desc); g_object_unref(selected_font); pango_font_description_free(desc); if (!equal) tlog(4, "** Font '%s' failed pango_font_description_equal!\n", input_query_desc); return equal; } static bool ShouldIgnoreFontFamilyName(const char* query) { static const char* kIgnoredFamilyNames[] = {"Sans", "Serif", "Monospace", nullptr}; const char** list = kIgnoredFamilyNames; for (; *list != nullptr; ++list) { if (!strcmp(*list, query)) return true; } return false; } // Outputs description names of available fonts. /* static */ const std::vector& FontUtils::ListAvailableFonts() { if (!available_fonts_.empty()) { return available_fonts_; } PangoFontFamily** families = nullptr; int n_families = 0; ListFontFamilies(&families, &n_families); for (int i = 0; i < n_families; ++i) { const char* family_name = pango_font_family_get_name(families[i]); tlog(2, "Listing family %s\n", family_name); if (ShouldIgnoreFontFamilyName(family_name)) { continue; } int n_faces; PangoFontFace** faces = nullptr; pango_font_family_list_faces(families[i], &faces, &n_faces); for (int j = 0; j < n_faces; ++j) { PangoFontDescription* desc = pango_font_face_describe(faces[j]); char* desc_str = pango_font_description_to_string(desc); // "synthesized" font faces that are not truly loadable, so we skip it if (!pango_font_face_is_synthesized(faces[j]) && IsAvailableFont(desc_str)) { available_fonts_.push_back(desc_str); } pango_font_description_free(desc); g_free(desc_str); } g_free(faces); } g_free(families); std::sort(available_fonts_.begin(), available_fonts_.end()); return available_fonts_; } // Utilities written to be backward compatible with StringRender /* static */ int FontUtils::FontScore(const std::unordered_map& ch_map, const std::string& fontname, int* raw_score, std::vector* ch_flags) { PangoFontInfo font_info; if (!font_info.ParseFontDescriptionName(fontname)) { tprintf("ERROR: Could not parse %s\n", fontname.c_str()); } PangoFont* font = font_info.ToPangoFont(); PangoCoverage* coverage = nullptr; if (font != nullptr) coverage = pango_font_get_coverage(font, nullptr); if (ch_flags) { ch_flags->clear(); ch_flags->reserve(ch_map.size()); } *raw_score = 0; int ok_chars = 0; for (std::unordered_map::const_iterator it = ch_map.begin(); it != ch_map.end(); ++it) { bool covered = (coverage != nullptr) && (IsWhitespace(it->first) || (pango_coverage_get(coverage, it->first) == PANGO_COVERAGE_EXACT)); if (covered) { ++(*raw_score); ok_chars += it->second; } if (ch_flags) { ch_flags->push_back(covered); } } pango_coverage_unref(coverage); g_object_unref(font); return ok_chars; } /* static */ std::string FontUtils::BestFonts( const std::unordered_map& ch_map, std::vector > >* fonts) { const double kMinOKFraction = 0.99; // Weighted fraction of characters that must be renderable in a font to make // it OK even if the raw count is not good. const double kMinWeightedFraction = 0.99995; fonts->clear(); std::vector > font_flags; std::vector font_scores; std::vector raw_scores; int most_ok_chars = 0; int best_raw_score = 0; const std::vector& font_names = FontUtils::ListAvailableFonts(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < font_names.size(); ++i) { std::vector ch_flags; int raw_score = 0; int ok_chars = FontScore(ch_map, font_names[i], &raw_score, &ch_flags); most_ok_chars = std::max(ok_chars, most_ok_chars); best_raw_score = std::max(raw_score, best_raw_score); font_flags.push_back(ch_flags); font_scores.push_back(ok_chars); raw_scores.push_back(raw_score); } // Now select the fonts with a score above a threshold fraction // of both the raw and weighted best scores. To prevent bogus fonts being // selected for CJK, we require a high fraction (kMinOKFraction = 0.99) of // BOTH weighted and raw scores. // In low character-count scripts, the issue is more getting enough fonts, // when only 1 or 2 might have all those rare dingbats etc in them, so we // allow a font with a very high weighted (coverage) score // (kMinWeightedFraction = 0.99995) to be used even if its raw score is poor. int least_good_enough = static_cast(most_ok_chars * kMinOKFraction); int least_raw_enough = static_cast(best_raw_score * kMinOKFraction); int override_enough = static_cast(most_ok_chars * kMinWeightedFraction); std::string font_list; for (unsigned i = 0; i < font_names.size(); ++i) { int score = font_scores[i]; int raw_score = raw_scores[i]; if ((score >= least_good_enough && raw_score >= least_raw_enough) || score >= override_enough) { fonts->push_back(std::make_pair(font_names[i].c_str(), font_flags[i])); tlog(1, "OK font %s = %.4f%%, raw = %d = %.2f%%\n", font_names[i].c_str(), 100.0 * score / most_ok_chars, raw_score, 100.0 * raw_score / best_raw_score); font_list += font_names[i]; font_list += "\n"; } else if (score >= least_good_enough || raw_score >= least_raw_enough) { tlog(1, "Runner-up font %s = %.4f%%, raw = %d = %.2f%%\n", font_names[i].c_str(), 100.0 * score / most_ok_chars, raw_score, 100.0 * raw_score / best_raw_score); } } return font_list; } /* static */ bool FontUtils::SelectFont(const char* utf8_word, const int utf8_len, std::string* font_name, std::vector* graphemes) { return SelectFont(utf8_word, utf8_len, ListAvailableFonts(), font_name, graphemes); } /* static */ bool FontUtils::SelectFont(const char* utf8_word, const int utf8_len, const std::vector& all_fonts, std::string* font_name, std::vector* graphemes) { if (font_name) font_name->clear(); if (graphemes) graphemes->clear(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < all_fonts.size(); ++i) { PangoFontInfo font; std::vector found_graphemes; ASSERT_HOST_MSG(font.ParseFontDescriptionName(all_fonts[i]), "Could not parse font desc name %s\n", all_fonts[i].c_str()); if (font.CanRenderString(utf8_word, utf8_len, &found_graphemes)) { if (graphemes) graphemes->swap(found_graphemes); if (font_name) *font_name = all_fonts[i]; return true; } } return false; } // PangoFontInfo is reinitialized, so clear the static list of fonts. /* static */ void FontUtils::ReInit() { available_fonts_.clear(); } // Print info about used font backend /* static */ void FontUtils::PangoFontTypeInfo() { PangoFontMap* font_map = pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(); if (pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type(reinterpret_cast( font_map)) == CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_TOY) { printf("Using CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_TOY.\n"); } else if (pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type( reinterpret_cast(font_map)) == CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_FT) { printf("Using CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_FT.\n"); } else if (pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type( reinterpret_cast(font_map)) == CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_WIN32) { printf("Using CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_WIN32.\n"); } else if (pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type( reinterpret_cast(font_map)) == CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_QUARTZ) { printf("Using CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_QUARTZ.\n"); } else if (pango_cairo_font_map_get_font_type( reinterpret_cast(font_map)) == CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_USER) { printf("Using CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_USER.\n"); } else if (!font_map) { printf("Can not create pango cairo font map!\n"); } } } // namespace tesseract