/****************************************************************************** * * File: findseam.cpp (Formerly findseam.c) * Author: Mark Seaman, OCR Technology * * (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company. ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. * *****************************************************************************/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- I n c l u d e s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "findseam.h" #include "plotedges.h" #include "outlines.h" #include "seam.h" #include "wordrec.h" // Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config_auto.h" #endif /********************************************************************** * partial_split_priority * * Assign a priority to this split based on the features that it has. * Grade it according to the different rating schemes and return the * value of its goodness. **********************************************************************/ #define partial_split_priority(split) \ (grade_split_length(split) + grade_sharpness(split)) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- T y p e s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SPLIT_CLOSENESS 20/* Difference in x value */ /* How many to keep */ #define MAX_NUM_SEAMS 150 /* How many to keep */ #define NO_FULL_PRIORITY -1/* Special marker for pri. */ /* Evaluate right away */ #define BAD_PRIORITY 9999.0 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- F u n c t i o n s ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ namespace tesseract { /********************************************************************** * add_seam_to_queue * * Adds the given new_seam to the seams priority queue, unless it is full * and the new seam is worse than the worst. **********************************************************************/ void Wordrec::add_seam_to_queue(float new_priority, SEAM *new_seam, SeamQueue* seams) { if (new_seam == nullptr) return; if (chop_debug) { tprintf("Pushing new seam with priority %g :", new_priority); new_seam->Print("seam: "); } if (seams->size() >= MAX_NUM_SEAMS) { SeamPair old_pair(0, nullptr); if (seams->PopWorst(&old_pair) && old_pair.key() <= new_priority) { if (chop_debug) { tprintf("Old seam staying with priority %g\n", old_pair.key()); } delete new_seam; seams->Push(&old_pair); return; } else if (chop_debug) { tprintf("New seam with priority %g beats old worst seam with %g\n", new_priority, old_pair.key()); } } SeamPair new_pair(new_priority, new_seam); seams->Push(&new_pair); } /********************************************************************** * choose_best_seam * * Choose the best seam that can be created by assembling this a * collection of splits. A queue of all the possible seams is * maintained. Each new split received is placed in that queue with * its partial priority value. These values in the seam queue are * evaluated and combined until a good enough seam is found. If no * further good seams are being found then this function returns to the * caller, who will send more splits. If this function is called with * a split of nullptr, then no further splits can be supplied by the * caller. **********************************************************************/ void Wordrec::choose_best_seam(SeamQueue *seam_queue, const SPLIT *split, PRIORITY priority, SEAM **seam_result, TBLOB *blob, SeamPile *seam_pile) { SEAM *seam; char str[80]; float my_priority; /* Add seam of split */ my_priority = priority; if (split != nullptr) { TPOINT split_point = split->point1->pos; split_point += split->point2->pos; split_point /= 2; seam = new SEAM(my_priority, split_point, *split); if (chop_debug > 1) seam->Print("Partial priority "); add_seam_to_queue(my_priority, seam, seam_queue); if (my_priority > chop_good_split) return; } TBOX bbox = blob->bounding_box(); /* Queue loop */ while (!seam_queue->empty()) { SeamPair seam_pair; seam_queue->Pop(&seam_pair); seam = seam_pair.extract_data(); /* Set full priority */ my_priority = seam->FullPriority(bbox.left(), bbox.right(), chop_overlap_knob, chop_centered_maxwidth, chop_center_knob, chop_width_change_knob); if (chop_debug) { sprintf (str, "Full my_priority %0.0f, ", my_priority); seam->Print(str); } if ((*seam_result == nullptr || (*seam_result)->priority() > my_priority) && my_priority < chop_ok_split) { /* No crossing */ if (seam->IsHealthy(*blob, chop_min_outline_points, chop_min_outline_area)) { delete *seam_result; *seam_result = new SEAM(*seam); (*seam_result)->set_priority(my_priority); } else { delete seam; seam = nullptr; my_priority = BAD_PRIORITY; } } if (my_priority < chop_good_split) { delete seam; return; /* Made good answer */ } if (seam) { /* Combine with others */ if (seam_pile->size() < chop_seam_pile_size) { combine_seam(*seam_pile, seam, seam_queue); SeamDecPair pair(seam_pair.key(), seam); seam_pile->Push(&pair); } else if (chop_new_seam_pile && seam_pile->size() == chop_seam_pile_size && seam_pile->PeekTop().key() > seam_pair.key()) { combine_seam(*seam_pile, seam, seam_queue); SeamDecPair pair; seam_pile->Pop(&pair); // pop the worst. // Replace the seam in pair (deleting the old one) with // the new seam and score, then push back into the heap. pair.set_key(seam_pair.key()); pair.set_data(seam); seam_pile->Push(&pair); } else { delete seam; } } my_priority = seam_queue->empty() ? NO_FULL_PRIORITY : seam_queue->PeekTop().key(); if ((my_priority > chop_ok_split) || (my_priority > chop_good_split && split)) return; } } /********************************************************************** * combine_seam * * Find other seams to combine with this one. The new seams that result * from this union should be added to the seam queue. The return value * tells whether or not any additional seams were added to the queue. **********************************************************************/ void Wordrec::combine_seam(const SeamPile& seam_pile, const SEAM* seam, SeamQueue* seam_queue) { for (int x = 0; x < seam_pile.size(); ++x) { const SEAM *this_one = seam_pile.get(x).data(); if (seam->CombineableWith(*this_one, SPLIT_CLOSENESS, chop_ok_split)) { SEAM *new_one = new SEAM(*seam); new_one->CombineWith(*this_one); if (chop_debug > 1) new_one->Print("Combo priority "); add_seam_to_queue(new_one->priority(), new_one, seam_queue); } } } /********************************************************************** * pick_good_seam * * Find and return a good seam that will split this blob into two pieces. * Work from the outlines provided. **********************************************************************/ SEAM *Wordrec::pick_good_seam(TBLOB *blob) { SeamPile seam_pile(chop_seam_pile_size); EDGEPT *points[MAX_NUM_POINTS]; EDGEPT_CLIST new_points; SEAM *seam = nullptr; TESSLINE *outline; int16_t num_points = 0; #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED if (chop_debug > 2) wordrec_display_splits.set_value(true); draw_blob_edges(blob); #endif PointHeap point_heap(MAX_NUM_POINTS); for (outline = blob->outlines; outline; outline = outline->next) prioritize_points(outline, &point_heap); while (!point_heap.empty() && num_points < MAX_NUM_POINTS) { points[num_points++] = point_heap.PeekTop().data(); point_heap.Pop(nullptr); } /* Initialize queue */ SeamQueue seam_queue(MAX_NUM_SEAMS); try_point_pairs(points, num_points, &seam_queue, &seam_pile, &seam, blob); try_vertical_splits(points, num_points, &new_points, &seam_queue, &seam_pile, &seam, blob); if (seam == nullptr) { choose_best_seam(&seam_queue, nullptr, BAD_PRIORITY, &seam, blob, &seam_pile); } else if (seam->priority() > chop_good_split) { choose_best_seam(&seam_queue, nullptr, seam->priority(), &seam, blob, &seam_pile); } EDGEPT_C_IT it(&new_points); for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) { EDGEPT *inserted_point = it.data(); if (seam == nullptr || !seam->UsesPoint(inserted_point)) { for (outline = blob->outlines; outline; outline = outline->next) { if (outline->loop == inserted_point) { outline->loop = outline->loop->next; } } remove_edgept(inserted_point); } } if (seam) { if (seam->priority() > chop_ok_split) { delete seam; seam = nullptr; } #ifndef GRAPHICS_DISABLED else if (wordrec_display_splits) { seam->Mark(edge_window); if (chop_debug > 2) { edge_window->Update(); edge_window->Wait(); } } #endif } if (chop_debug) wordrec_display_splits.set_value(false); return (seam); } /********************************************************************** * try_point_pairs * * Try all the splits that are produced by pairing critical points * together. See if any of them are suitable for use. Use a seam * queue and seam pile that have already been initialized and used. **********************************************************************/ void Wordrec::try_point_pairs(EDGEPT * points[MAX_NUM_POINTS], int16_t num_points, SeamQueue* seam_queue, SeamPile* seam_pile, SEAM ** seam, TBLOB * blob) { int16_t x; int16_t y; PRIORITY priority; for (x = 0; x < num_points; x++) { for (y = x + 1; y < num_points; y++) { if (points[y] && points[x]->WeightedDistance(*points[y], chop_x_y_weight) < chop_split_length && points[x] != points[y]->next && points[y] != points[x]->next && !is_exterior_point(points[x], points[y]) && !is_exterior_point(points[y], points[x])) { SPLIT split(points[x], points[y]); priority = partial_split_priority(&split); choose_best_seam(seam_queue, &split, priority, seam, blob, seam_pile); } } } } /********************************************************************** * try_vertical_splits * * Try all the splits that are produced by vertical projection to see * if any of them are suitable for use. Use a seam queue and seam pile * that have already been initialized and used. * Return in new_points a collection of points that were inserted into * the blob while examining vertical splits and which may safely be * removed once a seam is chosen if they are not part of the seam. **********************************************************************/ void Wordrec::try_vertical_splits(EDGEPT * points[MAX_NUM_POINTS], int16_t num_points, EDGEPT_CLIST *new_points, SeamQueue* seam_queue, SeamPile* seam_pile, SEAM ** seam, TBLOB * blob) { EDGEPT *vertical_point = nullptr; int16_t x; PRIORITY priority; TESSLINE *outline; for (x = 0; x < num_points; x++) { vertical_point = nullptr; for (outline = blob->outlines; outline; outline = outline->next) { vertical_projection_point(points[x], outline->loop, &vertical_point, new_points); } if (vertical_point && points[x] != vertical_point->next && vertical_point != points[x]->next && points[x]->WeightedDistance(*vertical_point, chop_x_y_weight) < chop_split_length) { SPLIT split(points[x], vertical_point); priority = partial_split_priority(&split); choose_best_seam(seam_queue, &split, priority, seam, blob, seam_pile); } } } }