/* Copyright (C) 2001-2021 Artifex Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. */ /* XPS interpreter - TIFF image support */ #include "ghostxps.h" #include "stream.h" #include "strimpl.h" #include "gsstate.h" #include "jpeglib_.h" #include "sdct.h" #include "sjpeg.h" #include "srlx.h" #include "slzwx.h" #include "szlibx.h" #include "scfx.h" #include "memory_.h" /* * TIFF image loader. Should be enough to support TIFF files in XPS. * Baseline TIFF 6.0 plus CMYK, LZW, Flate and JPEG support. * Limited bit depths (1,2,4,8). * Limited planar configurations (1=chunky). * No tiles (easy fix if necessary). * TODO: RGBPal images */ typedef struct xps_tiff_s xps_tiff_t; struct xps_tiff_s { /* "file" */ byte *bp, *rp, *ep; /* byte order */ unsigned order; /* where we can find the strips of image data */ unsigned rowsperstrip; unsigned *stripoffsets; unsigned *stripbytecounts; /* colormap */ unsigned *colormap; /* assorted tags */ unsigned subfiletype; unsigned photometric; unsigned compression; unsigned imagewidth; unsigned imagelength; unsigned samplesperpixel; unsigned bitspersample; unsigned planar; unsigned extrasamples; unsigned xresolution; unsigned yresolution; unsigned resolutionunit; unsigned fillorder; unsigned g3opts; unsigned g4opts; unsigned predictor; unsigned ycbcrsubsamp[2]; byte *jpegtables; /* point into "file" buffer */ unsigned jpegtableslen; byte *profile; int profilesize; }; enum { TII = 0x4949, /* 'II' */ TMM = 0x4d4d, /* 'MM' */ TBYTE = 1, TASCII = 2, TSHORT = 3, TLONG = 4, TRATIONAL = 5 }; #define NewSubfileType 254 #define ImageWidth 256 #define ImageLength 257 #define BitsPerSample 258 #define Compression 259 #define PhotometricInterpretation 262 #define FillOrder 266 #define StripOffsets 273 #define SamplesPerPixel 277 #define RowsPerStrip 278 #define StripByteCounts 279 #define XResolution 282 #define YResolution 283 #define PlanarConfiguration 284 #define T4Options 292 #define T6Options 293 #define ResolutionUnit 296 #define Predictor 317 #define ColorMap 320 #define TileWidth 322 #define TileLength 323 #define TileOffsets 324 #define TileByteCounts 325 #define ExtraSamples 338 #define JPEGTables 347 #define YCbCrSubSampling 520 #define ICCProfile 34675 static const byte bitrev[256] = { 0x00, 0x80, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70, 0xf0, 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8, 0x04, 0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64, 0xe4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4, 0x0c, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x1c, 0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0xfc, 0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22, 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2, 0x0a, 0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a, 0xea, 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa, 0x06, 0x86, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf6, 0x0e, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e, 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee, 0x1e, 0x9e, 0x5e, 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe, 0x01, 0x81, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x21, 0xa1, 0x61, 0xe1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xd1, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x71, 0xf1, 0x09, 0x89, 0x49, 0xc9, 0x29, 0xa9, 0x69, 0xe9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xd9, 0x39, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xf9, 0x05, 0x85, 0x45, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xa5, 0x65, 0xe5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x75, 0xf5, 0x0d, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xed, 0x1d, 0x9d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0xfd, 0x03, 0x83, 0x43, 0xc3, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x63, 0xe3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xf3, 0x0b, 0x8b, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x6b, 0xeb, 0x1b, 0x9b, 0x5b, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0xfb, 0x07, 0x87, 0x47, 0xc7, 0x27, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xe7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xd7, 0x37, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xf7, 0x0f, 0x8f, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0xef, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff }; static int xps_report_error(stream_state * st, const char *str) { (void) gs_throw1(-1, "%s", str); return 0; } static inline int readbyte(xps_tiff_t *tiff) { if (tiff->rp < tiff->ep) return *tiff->rp++; return EOF; } static inline unsigned readshort(xps_tiff_t *tiff) { unsigned a = readbyte(tiff); unsigned b = readbyte(tiff); if (tiff->order == TII) return (b << 8) | a; return (a << 8) | b; } static inline unsigned readlong(xps_tiff_t *tiff) { unsigned a = readbyte(tiff); unsigned b = readbyte(tiff); unsigned c = readbyte(tiff); unsigned d = readbyte(tiff); if (tiff->order == TII) return (d << 24) | (c << 16) | (b << 8) | a; return (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d; } static int xps_decode_tiff_uncompressed(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, byte *rp, byte *rl, byte *wp, byte *wl) { memcpy(wp, rp, wl - wp); return gs_okay; } static int xps_decode_tiff_packbits(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, byte *rp, byte *rl, byte *wp, byte *wl) { stream_RLD_state state; stream_cursor_read scr; stream_cursor_write scw; int code; s_init_state((stream_state*)&state, &s_RLD_template, ctx->memory); state.report_error = xps_report_error; s_RLD_template.set_defaults((stream_state*)&state); s_RLD_template.init((stream_state*)&state); scr.ptr = rp - 1; scr.limit = rl - 1; scw.ptr = wp - 1; scw.limit = wl - 1; code = s_RLD_template.process((stream_state*)&state, &scr, &scw, true); if (code == ERRC) return gs_throw1(-1, "error in packbits data (code = %d)", code); return gs_okay; } static int xps_decode_tiff_lzw(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, byte *rp, byte *rl, byte *wp, byte *wl) { stream_LZW_state state; stream_cursor_read scr; stream_cursor_write scw; int code; s_init_state((stream_state*)&state, &s_LZWD_template, ctx->memory); state.report_error = xps_report_error; s_LZWD_template.set_defaults((stream_state*)&state); /* old-style TIFF 5.0 reversed bit order, late change */ if (rp[0] == 0 && rp[1] & 0x01) { state.EarlyChange = 0; state.FirstBitLowOrder = 1; state.OldTiff = 1; } /* new-style TIFF 6.0 normal bit order, early change */ else { state.EarlyChange = 1; state.FirstBitLowOrder = 0; state.OldTiff = 0; } s_LZWD_template.init((stream_state*)&state); scr.ptr = rp - 1; scr.limit = rl - 1; scw.ptr = wp - 1; scw.limit = wl - 1; code = s_LZWD_template.process((stream_state*)&state, &scr, &scw, true); if (code == ERRC) { s_LZWD_template.release((stream_state*)&state); return gs_throw1(-1, "error in lzw data (code = %d)", code); } s_LZWD_template.release((stream_state*)&state); return gs_okay; } static int xps_decode_tiff_flate(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, byte *rp, byte *rl, byte *wp, byte *wl) { stream_zlib_state state; stream_cursor_read scr; stream_cursor_write scw; int code; s_init_state((stream_state*)&state, &s_zlibD_template, ctx->memory); state.report_error = xps_report_error; s_zlibD_template.set_defaults((stream_state*)&state); s_zlibD_template.init((stream_state*)&state); scr.ptr = rp - 1; scr.limit = rl - 1; scw.ptr = wp - 1; scw.limit = wl - 1; code = s_zlibD_template.process((stream_state*)&state, &scr, &scw, true); if (code == ERRC) { s_zlibD_template.release((stream_state*)&state); return gs_throw1(-1, "error in flate data (code = %d)", code); } s_zlibD_template.release((stream_state*)&state); return gs_okay; } static int xps_decode_tiff_fax(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, int comp, byte *rp, byte *rl, byte *wp, byte *wl) { stream_CFD_state state; stream_cursor_read scr; stream_cursor_write scw; int code; s_init_state((stream_state*)&state, &s_CFD_template, ctx->memory); state.report_error = xps_report_error; s_CFD_template.set_defaults((stream_state*)&state); state.EndOfLine = false; state.EndOfBlock = false; state.Columns = tiff->imagewidth; state.Rows = tiff->imagelength; state.BlackIs1 = tiff->photometric == 0; state.K = 0; if (comp == 4) state.K = -1; if (comp == 2) state.EncodedByteAlign = true; s_CFD_template.init((stream_state*)&state); scr.ptr = rp - 1; scr.limit = rl - 1; scw.ptr = wp - 1; scw.limit = wl - 1; code = s_CFD_template.process((stream_state*)&state, &scr, &scw, true); if (code == ERRC) { s_CFD_template.release((stream_state*)&state); return gs_throw1(-1, "error in fax data (code = %d)", code); } s_CFD_template.release((stream_state*)&state); return gs_okay; } /* * We need more find control over JPEG decoding parameters than * the s_DCTD_template filter will give us. So we abuse the * filter, and take control after the filter setup (which sets up * the memory manager and error handling) and call the gs_jpeg * wrappers directly for doing the actual decoding. */ static int xps_decode_tiff_jpeg(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, byte *rp, byte *rl, byte *wp, byte *wl) { stream_DCT_state state; /* used by gs_jpeg_* wrappers */ jpeg_decompress_data jddp; struct jpeg_source_mgr *srcmgr; JSAMPROW scanlines[1]; int stride; int code; /* * Set up the JPEG and DCT filter voodoo. */ s_init_state((stream_state*)&state, &s_DCTD_template, ctx->memory); state.report_error = xps_report_error; s_DCTD_template.set_defaults((stream_state*)&state); state.jpeg_memory = ctx->memory; state.data.decompress = &jddp; jddp.templat = s_DCTD_template; jddp.memory = ctx->memory; jddp.scanline_buffer = NULL; jddp.PassThrough = 0; jddp.PassThroughfn = 0; jddp.device = (void *)0; if ((code = gs_jpeg_create_decompress(&state)) < 0) return gs_throw(-1, "error in gs_jpeg_create_decompress"); s_DCTD_template.init((stream_state*)&state); srcmgr = jddp.dinfo.src; /* * Read the abbreviated table file. */ if (tiff->jpegtables) { srcmgr->next_input_byte = tiff->jpegtables; srcmgr->bytes_in_buffer = tiff->jpegtableslen; code = gs_jpeg_read_header(&state, FALSE); if (code != JPEG_HEADER_TABLES_ONLY) return gs_throw(-1, "error in jpeg table data"); } /* * Read the image jpeg header. */ srcmgr->next_input_byte = rp; srcmgr->bytes_in_buffer = rl - rp; if ((code = gs_jpeg_read_header(&state, TRUE)) < 0) return gs_throw(-1, "error in jpeg_read_header"); /* when TIFF says RGB and libjpeg says YCbCr, libjpeg is wrong */ if (tiff->photometric == 2 && jddp.dinfo.jpeg_color_space == JCS_YCbCr) { jddp.dinfo.jpeg_color_space = JCS_RGB; } /* * Decode the strip image data. */ if ((code = gs_jpeg_start_decompress(&state)) < 0) return gs_throw(-1, "error in jpeg_start_decompress"); stride = jddp.dinfo.output_width * jddp.dinfo.output_components; while (wp + stride <= wl && jddp.dinfo.output_scanline < jddp.dinfo.output_height) { scanlines[0] = wp; code = gs_jpeg_read_scanlines(&state, scanlines, 1); if (code < 0) return gs_throw(01, "error in jpeg_read_scanlines"); wp += stride; } /* * Clean up. */ if ((code = gs_jpeg_finish_decompress(&state)) < 0) return gs_throw(-1, "error in jpeg_finish_decompress"); gs_jpeg_destroy(&state); return gs_okay; } static inline int getcomp(byte *line, int x, int bpc) { switch (bpc) { case 1: return line[x / 8] >> (7 - (x % 8)) & 0x01; case 2: return line[x / 4] >> ((3 - (x % 4)) * 2) & 0x03; case 4: return line[x / 2] >> ((1 - (x % 2)) * 4) & 0x0f; case 8: return line[x]; case 16: return ((line[x * 2 + 0]) << 8) | (line[x * 2 + 1]); } return 0; } static inline void putcomp(byte *line, int x, int bpc, int value) { int maxval = (1 << bpc) - 1; // clear bits first switch (bpc) { case 1: line[x / 8] &= ~(maxval << (7 - (x % 8))); break; case 2: line[x / 4] &= ~(maxval << ((3 - (x % 4)) * 2)); break; case 4: line[x / 2] &= ~(maxval << ((1 - (x % 2)) * 4)); break; } switch (bpc) { case 1: line[x / 8] |= value << (7 - (x % 8)); break; case 2: line[x / 4] |= value << ((3 - (x % 4)) * 2); break; case 4: line[x / 2] |= value << ((1 - (x % 2)) * 4); break; case 8: line[x] = value; break; case 16: line[x * 2 + 0] = value >> 8; line[x * 2 + 1] = value & 0xFF; break; } } static void xps_unpredict_tiff(byte *line, int width, int comps, int bits) { byte left[32]; int i, k, v; for (k = 0; k < comps; k++) left[k] = 0; for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (k = 0; k < comps; k++) { v = getcomp(line, i * comps + k, bits); v = v + left[k]; v = v % (1 << bits); putcomp(line, i * comps + k, bits, v); left[k] = v; } } } static void xps_unassocalpha_tiff(byte *line, int width, int comps, int bits) { int i, k, v, a; int m = (1 << bits) - 1; for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { a = getcomp(line, i * comps + (comps - 1), bits); for (k = 0; k < (comps - 1); k++) { if (a > 0) { v = getcomp(line, i * comps + k, bits); v = (v * m) / a; putcomp(line, i * comps + k, bits, v); } } } } static void xps_invert_tiff(byte *line, int width, int comps, int bits, int alpha) { int i, k, v; int m = (1 << bits) - 1; for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (k = 0; k < comps; k++) { v = getcomp(line, i * comps + k, bits); if (!alpha || k < comps - 1) v = m - v; putcomp(line, i * comps + k, bits, v); } } } static int xps_expand_colormap(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, xps_image_t *image) { int maxval = 1 << image->bits; byte *samples; byte *src, *dst; int stride; int x, y; /* colormap has first all red, then all green, then all blue values */ /* colormap values are 0..65535, bits is 4 or 8 */ /* image can be with or without extrasamples: comps is 1 or 2 */ if (image->comps != 1 && image->comps != 2) return gs_throw(-1, "invalid number of samples for RGBPal"); if (image->bits != 1 && image->bits != 4 && image->bits != 8) return gs_throw(-1, "invalid number of bits for RGBPal"); stride = image->width * (image->comps + 2); samples = xps_alloc(ctx, (size_t)stride * image->height); if (!samples) return gs_throw(gs_error_VMerror, "out of memory: samples"); for (y = 0; y < image->height; y++) { src = image->samples + (image->stride * y); dst = samples + (stride * y); for (x = 0; x < image->width; x++) { if (tiff->extrasamples) { int c = getcomp(src, x * 2, image->bits); int a = getcomp(src, x * 2 + 1, image->bits); *dst++ = tiff->colormap[c + 0] >> 8; *dst++ = tiff->colormap[c + maxval] >> 8; *dst++ = tiff->colormap[c + maxval * 2] >> 8; *dst++ = a << (8 - image->bits); } else { int c = getcomp(src, x, image->bits); *dst++ = tiff->colormap[c + 0] >> 8; *dst++ = tiff->colormap[c + maxval] >> 8; *dst++ = tiff->colormap[c + maxval * 2] >> 8; } } } image->bits = 8; image->stride = stride; image->samples = samples; return gs_okay; } static int xps_decode_tiff_strips(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, xps_image_t *image) { int error; /* switch on compression to create a filter */ /* feed each strip to the filter */ /* read out the data and pack the samples into an xps_image */ /* type 32773 / packbits -- nothing special (same row-padding as PDF) */ /* type 2 / ccitt rle -- no EOL, no RTC, rows are byte-aligned */ /* type 3 and 4 / g3 and g4 -- each strip starts new section */ /* type 5 / lzw -- each strip is handled separately */ byte *wp; unsigned row; unsigned strip; unsigned i; gs_color_space *old_cs; if (!tiff->rowsperstrip || !tiff->stripoffsets || !tiff->rowsperstrip) return gs_throw(-1, "no image data in tiff; maybe it is tiled"); if (tiff->planar != 1) return gs_throw(-1, "image data is not in chunky format"); image->width = tiff->imagewidth; image->height = tiff->imagelength; image->comps = tiff->samplesperpixel; image->bits = tiff->bitspersample; image->stride = (image->width * image->comps * image->bits + 7) / 8; old_cs = image->colorspace; switch (tiff->photometric) { case 0: /* WhiteIsZero -- inverted */ image->colorspace = ctx->gray; break; case 1: /* BlackIsZero */ image->colorspace = ctx->gray; break; case 2: /* RGB */ image->colorspace = ctx->srgb; break; case 3: /* RGBPal */ image->colorspace = ctx->srgb; break; case 5: /* CMYK */ image->colorspace = ctx->cmyk; break; case 6: /* YCbCr */ /* it's probably a jpeg ... we let jpeg convert to rgb */ image->colorspace = ctx->srgb; break; default: return gs_throw1(-1, "unknown photometric: %d", tiff->photometric); } rc_increment(image->colorspace); rc_decrement(old_cs, "xps_decode_tiff_strips"); switch (tiff->resolutionunit) { case 2: image->xres = tiff->xresolution; image->yres = tiff->yresolution; break; case 3: image->xres = (int)(tiff->xresolution * 2.54 + 0.5); image->yres = (int)(tiff->yresolution * 2.54 + 0.5); break; default: image->xres = 96; image->yres = 96; break; } /* Note xres and yres could be 0 even if unit was set. If so default to 96dpi */ if (image->xres == 0 || image->yres == 0) { image->xres = 96; image->yres = 96; } image->samples = xps_alloc(ctx, (size_t)image->stride * image->height); if (!image->samples) return gs_throw(gs_error_VMerror, "could not allocate image samples"); memset(image->samples, 0x55, (size_t)image->stride * image->height); wp = image->samples; strip = 0; for (row = 0; row < tiff->imagelength; row += tiff->rowsperstrip) { unsigned offset = tiff->stripoffsets[strip]; unsigned rlen = tiff->stripbytecounts[strip]; unsigned wlen = image->stride * tiff->rowsperstrip; byte *rp = tiff->bp + offset; if (wp + wlen > image->samples + image->stride * image->height) wlen = image->samples + image->stride * image->height - wp; if (rp + rlen > tiff->ep) return gs_throw(-1, "strip extends beyond the end of the file"); /* the bits are in un-natural order */ if (tiff->fillorder == 2) for (i = 0; i < rlen; i++) rp[i] = bitrev[rp[i]]; switch (tiff->compression) { case 1: error = xps_decode_tiff_uncompressed(ctx, tiff, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; case 2: error = xps_decode_tiff_fax(ctx, tiff, 2, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; case 3: error = xps_decode_tiff_fax(ctx, tiff, 3, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; case 4: error = xps_decode_tiff_fax(ctx, tiff, 4, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; case 5: error = xps_decode_tiff_lzw(ctx, tiff, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; case 6: error = gs_throw(-1, "deprecated JPEG in TIFF compression not supported"); break; case 7: error = xps_decode_tiff_jpeg(ctx, tiff, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; case 8: error = xps_decode_tiff_flate(ctx, tiff, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; case 32773: error = xps_decode_tiff_packbits(ctx, tiff, rp, rp + rlen, wp, wp + wlen); break; default: error = gs_throw1(-1, "unknown TIFF compression: %d", tiff->compression); } if (error) return gs_rethrow1(error, "could not decode strip %d", row / tiff->rowsperstrip); /* scramble the bits back into original order */ if (tiff->fillorder == 2) for (i = 0; i < rlen; i++) rp[i] = bitrev[rp[i]]; wp += image->stride * tiff->rowsperstrip; strip ++; } /* Predictor (only for LZW and Flate) */ if ((tiff->compression == 5 || tiff->compression == 8) && tiff->predictor == 2) { byte *p = image->samples; for (i = 0; i < image->height; i++) { xps_unpredict_tiff(p, image->width, tiff->samplesperpixel, image->bits); p += image->stride; } } /* RGBPal */ if (tiff->photometric == 3 && tiff->colormap) { error = xps_expand_colormap(ctx, tiff, image); if (error) return gs_rethrow(error, "could not expand colormap"); } /* B&W with palette */ if (tiff->photometric == 1 && tiff->colormap) { error = xps_expand_colormap(ctx, tiff, image); if (error) return gs_rethrow(error, "could not expand colormap"); } /* WhiteIsZero .. invert */ if (tiff->photometric == 0) { byte *p = image->samples; for (i = 0; i < image->height; i++) { xps_invert_tiff(p, image->width, image->comps, image->bits, tiff->extrasamples); p += image->stride; } } /* Premultiplied transparency */ if (tiff->extrasamples == 1) { /* We have to unassociate the alpha with the image data in this case */ /* otherwise it is applied twice */ byte *p = image->samples; for (i = 0; i < image->height; i++) { xps_unassocalpha_tiff(p, image->width, image->comps, image->bits); p += image->stride; } image->hasalpha = 1; } /* Non-pre-multiplied transparency */ if (tiff->extrasamples == 2) { image->hasalpha = 1; } return gs_okay; } static void xps_read_tiff_bytes(unsigned char *p, xps_tiff_t *tiff, unsigned ofs, unsigned n) { tiff->rp = tiff->bp + ofs; if (tiff->rp > tiff->ep) tiff->rp = tiff->bp; while (n--) { *p++ = readbyte(tiff); } } static void xps_read_tiff_tag_value(unsigned *p, xps_tiff_t *tiff, unsigned type, unsigned ofs, unsigned n) { tiff->rp = tiff->bp + ofs; if (tiff->rp > tiff->ep) tiff->rp = tiff->bp; while (n--) { switch (type) { case TRATIONAL: *p = readlong(tiff); *p = *p / readlong(tiff); p ++; break; case TBYTE: *p++ = readbyte(tiff); break; case TSHORT: *p++ = readshort(tiff); break; case TLONG: *p++ = readlong(tiff); break; default: *p++ = 0; break; } } } static int xps_read_tiff_tag(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, unsigned offset) { unsigned tag; unsigned type; unsigned count; unsigned value; tiff->rp = tiff->bp + offset; tag = readshort(tiff); type = readshort(tiff); count = readlong(tiff); if ((type == TBYTE && count <= 4) || (type == TSHORT && count <= 2) || (type == TLONG && count <= 1)) value = tiff->rp - tiff->bp; else value = readlong(tiff); switch (tag) { case NewSubfileType: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->subfiletype, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case ImageWidth: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->imagewidth, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case ImageLength: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->imagelength, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case BitsPerSample: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->bitspersample, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case Compression: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->compression, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case PhotometricInterpretation: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->photometric, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case FillOrder: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->fillorder, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case SamplesPerPixel: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->samplesperpixel, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case RowsPerStrip: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->rowsperstrip, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case XResolution: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->xresolution, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case YResolution: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->yresolution, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case PlanarConfiguration: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->planar, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case T4Options: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->g3opts, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case T6Options: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->g4opts, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case Predictor: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->predictor, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case ResolutionUnit: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->resolutionunit, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case YCbCrSubSampling: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(tiff->ycbcrsubsamp, tiff, type, value, 2); break; case ExtraSamples: xps_read_tiff_tag_value(&tiff->extrasamples, tiff, type, value, 1); break; case ICCProfile: tiff->profile = xps_alloc(ctx, count); if (!tiff->profile) return gs_throw(gs_error_VMerror, "could not allocate embedded icc profile"); /* ICC profile data type is set to UNDEFINED. * TBYTE reading not correct in xps_read_tiff_tag_value */ xps_read_tiff_bytes(tiff->profile, tiff, value, count); tiff->profilesize = count; break; case JPEGTables: tiff->jpegtables = tiff->bp + value; tiff->jpegtableslen = count; break; case StripOffsets: tiff->stripoffsets = (unsigned*) xps_alloc(ctx, count * sizeof(unsigned)); if (!tiff->stripoffsets) return gs_throw(gs_error_VMerror, "could not allocate strip offsets"); xps_read_tiff_tag_value(tiff->stripoffsets, tiff, type, value, count); break; case StripByteCounts: tiff->stripbytecounts = (unsigned*) xps_alloc(ctx, count * sizeof(unsigned)); if (!tiff->stripbytecounts) return gs_throw(gs_error_VMerror, "could not allocate strip byte counts"); xps_read_tiff_tag_value(tiff->stripbytecounts, tiff, type, value, count); break; case ColorMap: tiff->colormap = (unsigned*) xps_alloc(ctx, count * sizeof(unsigned)); if (!tiff->colormap) return gs_throw(gs_error_VMerror, "could not allocate color map"); xps_read_tiff_tag_value(tiff->colormap, tiff, type, value, count); break; case TileWidth: case TileLength: case TileOffsets: case TileByteCounts: return gs_throw(-1, "tiled tiffs not supported"); default: /* printf("unknown tag: %d t=%d n=%d\n", tag, type, count); */ break; } return gs_okay; } static void xps_swap_byte_order(byte *buf, int n) { int i, t; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { t = buf[i * 2 + 0]; buf[i * 2 + 0] = buf[i * 2 + 1]; buf[i * 2 + 1] = t; } } static int xps_decode_tiff_header(xps_context_t *ctx, xps_tiff_t *tiff, byte *buf, int len) { unsigned version; unsigned offset; unsigned count; unsigned i; int error; memset(tiff, 0, sizeof(xps_tiff_t)); tiff->bp = buf; tiff->rp = buf; tiff->ep = buf + len; /* tag defaults, where applicable */ tiff->bitspersample = 1; tiff->compression = 1; tiff->samplesperpixel = 1; tiff->resolutionunit = 2; tiff->rowsperstrip = 0xFFFFFFFF; tiff->fillorder = 1; tiff->planar = 1; tiff->subfiletype = 0; tiff->predictor = 1; tiff->ycbcrsubsamp[0] = 2; tiff->ycbcrsubsamp[1] = 2; /* * Read IFH */ /* get byte order marker */ tiff->order = TII; tiff->order = readshort(tiff); if (tiff->order != TII && tiff->order != TMM) return gs_throw(-1, "not a TIFF file, wrong magic marker"); /* check version */ version = readshort(tiff); if (version != 42) return gs_throw(-1, "not a TIFF file, wrong version marker"); /* get offset of IFD */ offset = readlong(tiff); /* * Read IFD */ tiff->rp = tiff->bp + offset; count = readshort(tiff); offset += 2; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { error = xps_read_tiff_tag(ctx, tiff, offset); if (error) return gs_rethrow(error, "could not read TIFF header tag"); offset += 12; } return gs_okay; } int xps_decode_tiff(xps_context_t *ctx, byte *buf, int len, xps_image_t *image) { int error = gs_okay; xps_tiff_t tiffst; xps_tiff_t *tiff = &tiffst; error = xps_decode_tiff_header(ctx, tiff, buf, len); if (error) return gs_rethrow(error, "cannot decode tiff header"); if (!tiff->stripbytecounts) { error = gs_error_unknownerror; gs_throw(error, "stripbytecounts is NULL"); goto cleanup; } /* * Decode the image strips */ if (tiff->rowsperstrip > tiff->imagelength) tiff->rowsperstrip = tiff->imagelength; error = xps_decode_tiff_strips(ctx, tiff, image); if (error) return gs_rethrow(error, "could not decode image data"); /* * Byte swap 16-bit images to big endian if necessary. */ if (image->bits == 16) { if (tiff->order == TII) xps_swap_byte_order(image->samples, image->width * image->height * image->comps); } /* * Save ICC profile data */ image->profile = tiff->profile; image->profilesize = tiff->profilesize; /* * Clean up scratch memory */ cleanup: if (tiff->colormap) xps_free(ctx, tiff->colormap); if (tiff->stripoffsets) xps_free(ctx, tiff->stripoffsets); if (tiff->stripbytecounts) xps_free(ctx, tiff->stripbytecounts); return error; } int xps_tiff_has_alpha(xps_context_t *ctx, byte *buf, int len) { int error; xps_tiff_t tiffst; xps_tiff_t *tiff = &tiffst; error = xps_decode_tiff_header(ctx, tiff, buf, len); if (error) { gs_catch(error, "cannot decode tiff header"); return 0; } if (tiff->profile) xps_free(ctx, tiff->profile); if (tiff->colormap) xps_free(ctx, tiff->colormap); if (tiff->stripoffsets) xps_free(ctx, tiff->stripoffsets); if (tiff->stripbytecounts) xps_free(ctx, tiff->stripbytecounts); return tiff->extrasamples == 2 || tiff->extrasamples == 1; }