/* GNU Mailutils -- a suite of utilities for electronic mail Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GNU Mailutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Mailutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Mailutils. If not, see . */ #include "imap4d.h" #include mu_stream_t iostream; static void log_cipher (mu_stream_t stream) { mu_property_t prop; int rc = mu_stream_ioctl (stream, MU_IOCTL_TLSSTREAM, MU_IOCTL_TLS_GET_CIPHER_INFO, &prop); if (rc) { mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("TLS established")); mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("can't get TLS details: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); } else { char const *cipher, *mac, *proto; if (mu_property_sget_value (prop, "cipher", &cipher)) cipher = "UNKNOWN"; if (mu_property_sget_value (prop, "mac", &mac)) mac = "UNKNOWN"; if (mu_property_sget_value (prop, "protocol", &proto)) proto = "UNKNOWN"; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("TLS established using %s-%s (%s)"), cipher, mac, proto); mu_property_destroy (&prop); } } void io_setio (int ifd, int ofd, struct mu_tls_config *tls_conf) { mu_stream_t str, istream, ostream; if (ifd == -1) imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_IFILE); if (ofd == -1) imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_OFILE); if (mu_stdio_stream_create (&istream, ifd, MU_STREAM_READ)) imap4d_bye (ERR_STREAM_CREATE); mu_stream_set_buffer (istream, mu_buffer_line, 0); if (mu_stdio_stream_create (&ostream, ofd, MU_STREAM_WRITE)) imap4d_bye (ERR_STREAM_CREATE); mu_stream_set_buffer (ostream, mu_buffer_line, 0); /* Combine the two streams into an I/O one. */ if (tls_conf) { int rc = mu_tls_stream_create (&str, istream, ostream, tls_conf, MU_TLS_SERVER, 0); if (rc) { mu_error (_("failed to create TLS stream: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); imap4d_bye (ERR_STREAM_CREATE); } log_cipher (str); } else if (mu_iostream_create (&str, istream, ostream)) imap4d_bye (ERR_STREAM_CREATE); mu_stream_unref (istream); mu_stream_unref (ostream); /* Convert all writes to CRLF form. There is no need to convert reads, as the code ignores extra \r anyway. */ if (mu_filter_create (&iostream, str, "CRLF", MU_FILTER_ENCODE, MU_STREAM_WRITE | MU_STREAM_RDTHRU)) imap4d_bye (ERR_STREAM_CREATE); /* Change buffering scheme: filter streams are fully buffered by default. */ mu_stream_set_buffer (iostream, mu_buffer_line, 0); if (imap4d_transcript) { int rc; mu_stream_t dstr, xstr; rc = mu_dbgstream_create (&dstr, MU_DIAG_DEBUG); if (rc) mu_error (_("cannot create debug stream; transcript disabled: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); else { rc = mu_xscript_stream_create (&xstr, iostream, dstr, NULL); mu_stream_unref (dstr); if (rc) mu_error (_("cannot create transcript stream: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); else { mu_stream_unref (iostream); iostream = xstr; } } } } int imap4d_init_tls_server (struct mu_tls_config *tls_conf) { mu_stream_t tlsstream, stream[2]; int rc; rc = mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_SUBSTREAM, MU_IOCTL_OP_GET, stream); if (rc) { mu_error (_("%s failed: %s"), "MU_IOCTL_GET_STREAM", mu_stream_strerror (iostream, rc)); return 1; } rc = mu_tls_stream_create (&tlsstream, stream[0], stream[1], tls_conf, MU_TLS_SERVER, 0); mu_stream_unref (stream[0]); mu_stream_unref (stream[1]); if (rc) { mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("cannot open TLS stream: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); return 1; } log_cipher (tlsstream); stream[0] = stream[1] = tlsstream; rc = mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_SUBSTREAM, MU_IOCTL_OP_SET, stream); if (rc) { mu_error (_("%s failed: %s"), "MU_IOCTL_SET_STREAM", mu_stream_strerror (iostream, rc)); imap4d_bye (ERR_STREAM_CREATE); } mu_stream_unref (stream[0]); mu_stream_unref (stream[1]); return 0; } /* Status Code to String. */ static const char * sc2string (int rc) { switch (rc) { case RESP_OK: return "OK "; case RESP_BAD: return "BAD "; case RESP_NO: return "NO "; case RESP_BYE: return "BYE "; case RESP_PREAUTH: return "PREAUTH "; } return ""; } /* FIXME: Check return values from the output functions */ int io_copy_out (mu_stream_t str, size_t size) { int rc; struct mu_buffer_query oldbuf, newbuf; oldbuf.type = MU_TRANSPORT_OUTPUT; if (mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_TRANSPORT_BUFFER, MU_IOCTL_OP_GET, &oldbuf) == 0) { newbuf.type = MU_TRANSPORT_OUTPUT; newbuf.buftype = mu_buffer_full; newbuf.bufsize = 64*1024; mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_TRANSPORT_BUFFER, MU_IOCTL_OP_SET, &newbuf); } rc = mu_stream_copy (iostream, str, size, NULL); mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_TRANSPORT_BUFFER, MU_IOCTL_OP_SET, &oldbuf); return rc; } int io_send_bytes (const char *buf, size_t size) { return mu_stream_write (iostream, buf, size, NULL); } int io_sendf (const char *format, ...) { int status; va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); status = mu_stream_vprintf (iostream, format, ap); va_end (ap); return status; } /* Send NIL if empty string, change the quoted string to a literal if the string contains: double quotes, CR, LF, and '\\'. CR, LF will be changed to spaces. */ int io_send_qstring (const char *buffer) { if (buffer == NULL || *buffer == '\0') return io_sendf ("NIL"); if (strpbrk (buffer, "\"\r\n\\")) { char *s; int ret; char *b = mu_strdup (buffer); while ((s = strchr (b, '\n')) || (s = strchr (b, '\r'))) *s = ' '; ret = io_send_literal (b); free (b); return ret; } return io_sendf ("\"%s\"", buffer); } int io_send_astring (const char *buffer) { if (buffer == NULL) return io_sendf ("NIL"); else if (*buffer == 0) return io_sendf ("\"\""); if (strpbrk (buffer, "\"\r\n\\")) { char *s; int ret; char *b = mu_strdup (buffer); while ((s = strchr (b, '\n')) || (s = strchr (b, '\r'))) *s = ' '; ret = io_send_literal (b); free (b); return ret; } return io_sendf ("\"%s\"", buffer); } int io_send_literal (const char *buffer) { return io_sendf ("{%lu}\n%s", (unsigned long) strlen (buffer), buffer); } /* Send an untagged response. */ int io_untagged_response (int rc, const char *format, ...) { int status; va_list ap; if (iostream == NULL) { if (rc == RESP_BYE) /* RESP_BYE can be emitted when iostream has not been initialized, e.g. when a recently started child receives termination signal during initialization. */ return 0; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, /* TANSLATORS: %s is replaced with the untagged response name, followed by a space character. */ _("iostream is NULL while trying to send the %suntagged response"), sc2string (rc)); exit (EX_SOFTWARE); } mu_stream_printf (iostream, "* %s", sc2string (rc)); va_start (ap, format); status = mu_stream_vprintf (iostream, format, ap); va_end (ap); mu_stream_write (iostream, "\n", 1, NULL); return status; } /* Send the completion response and reset the state. */ int io_format_completion_response (mu_stream_t str, struct imap4d_command *command, int rc, const char *format, va_list ap) { int new_state; int status = 0; const char *sc = sc2string (rc); imap4d_sync (); mu_stream_printf (str, "%s %s%s ", command->tag, sc, command->name); mu_stream_vprintf (str, format, ap); mu_stream_write (str, "\n", 1, NULL); /* Reset the state. */ if (rc == RESP_OK) new_state = command->success; else if (command->failure <= state) new_state = command->failure; else new_state = STATE_NONE; if (new_state != STATE_NONE) { if (new_state == STATE_AUTH) set_xscript_level (MU_XSCRIPT_NORMAL); state = new_state; } return status; } int io_completion_response (struct imap4d_command *command, int rc, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; int status; va_start (ap, format); status = io_format_completion_response (iostream, command, rc, format, ap); va_end (ap); return status; } int io_stream_completion_response (mu_stream_t str, struct imap4d_command *command, int rc, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; int status; va_start (ap, format); status = io_format_completion_response (str, command, rc, format, ap); va_end (ap); return status; } /* Wait TIMEOUT seconds for data on the input stream. Returns 0 if no data available 1 if some data is available -1 an error occurred */ int io_wait_input (int timeout) { int wflags = MU_STREAM_READY_RD; struct timeval tv; int status; tv.tv_sec = timeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; status = mu_stream_wait (iostream, &wflags, &tv); if (status) { mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("cannot poll input stream: %s"), mu_strerror(status)); return -1; } return wflags & MU_STREAM_READY_RD; } void io_flush () { mu_stream_flush (iostream); } void io_getline (char **pbuf, size_t *psize, size_t *pnbytes) { size_t len; int rc = mu_stream_getline (iostream, pbuf, psize, &len); if (rc == 0) { char *s = *pbuf; if (len == 0) { imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_IFILE); /*FIXME rc = ECONNABORTED;*/ } len = mu_rtrim_class (s, MU_CTYPE_ENDLN); if (pnbytes) *pnbytes = len; } else { mu_error (_("read error: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_IFILE); } } static size_t unquote (char *line, size_t len) { char *prev = NULL; size_t rlen = len; char *p; int off = 0; while ((p = memchr (line + off, '\\', len - off))) { if (p[1] == '\\' || p[1] == '"') { if (prev) { memmove (prev, line, p - line); prev += p - line; } else prev = p; off = p[1] == '\\'; rlen--; len -= p - line + 1; line = p + 1; } } if (prev) memmove (prev, line, len); return rlen; } struct imap4d_tokbuf { char *buffer; size_t size; size_t level; int argc; int argmax; size_t *argp; }; struct imap4d_tokbuf * imap4d_tokbuf_init () { struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok = mu_alloc (sizeof (tok[0])); memset (tok, 0, sizeof (*tok)); return tok; } void imap4d_tokbuf_destroy (struct imap4d_tokbuf **ptok) { struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok = *ptok; free (tok->buffer); free (tok->argp); free (tok); *ptok = NULL; } int imap4d_tokbuf_argc (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok) { return tok->argc; } char * imap4d_tokbuf_getarg (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok, int n) { if (n < tok->argc) return tok->buffer + tok->argp[n]; return NULL; } static void imap4d_tokbuf_unquote (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok, size_t *poff, size_t *plen) { char *buf = tok->buffer + *poff; if (buf[0] == '"' && buf[*plen - 1] == '"') { ++*poff; *plen = unquote (buf + 1, *plen - 1); } } static void imap4d_tokbuf_decrlf (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok, size_t off, size_t *plen) { char *buf = tok->buffer + off; size_t len = *plen; char *p, *end = buf + len; for (p = buf; p < end; ) { if (*p == '\r' && p + 1 < end && p[1] == '\n') { p++; len--; } else *buf++ = *p++; } *plen = len; } static void imap4d_tokbuf_expand (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok, size_t size) { if (tok->size - tok->level < size) { tok->size = tok->level + size; tok->buffer = realloc (tok->buffer, tok->size); if (!tok->buffer) imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_MEM); } } #define ISDELIM(c) (strchr ("()", (c)) != NULL) static size_t insert_nul (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok, size_t off) { imap4d_tokbuf_expand (tok, 1); if (off < tok->level) { memmove (tok->buffer + off + 1, tok->buffer + off, tok->level - off); tok->level++; } tok->buffer[off] = 0; return off + 1; } static size_t gettok (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok, size_t off) { char *buf = tok->buffer; while (off < tok->level && mu_isblank (buf[off])) off++; if (tok->argc == tok->argmax) { if (tok->argmax == 0) tok->argmax = 16; else tok->argmax *= 2; tok->argp = realloc (tok->argp, tok->argmax * sizeof (tok->argp[0])); if (!tok->argp) imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_MEM); } if (buf[off] == '"') { char *start = buf + off + 1; char *p = NULL; while (*start && (p = strchr (start, '"'))) { if (p == start || p[-1] != '\\') break; start = p + 1; } if (p) { size_t len; off++; len = unquote (buf + off, p - (buf + off)); buf[off + len] = 0; tok->argp[tok->argc++] = off; return p - buf + 1; } } tok->argp[tok->argc++] = off; if (ISDELIM (buf[off])) return insert_nul (tok, off + 1); while (off < tok->level && !mu_isblank (buf[off])) { if (ISDELIM (buf[off])) return insert_nul (tok, off); off++; } insert_nul (tok, off); return off + 1; } static void imap4d_tokbuf_tokenize (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok, size_t off) { while (off < tok->level) off = gettok (tok, off); } static void check_input_err (int rc, size_t sz) { if (rc) { const char *p = mu_stream_strerror (iostream, rc); if (!p) p = mu_strerror (rc); mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("error reading from input file: %s"), p); imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_IFILE); } else if (sz == 0) { mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("unexpected eof on input")); imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_IFILE); } } static size_t imap4d_tokbuf_getline (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok) { char buffer[512]; size_t level = tok->level; do { size_t len; int rc; rc = mu_stream_readline (iostream, buffer, sizeof (buffer), &len); check_input_err (rc, len); imap4d_tokbuf_expand (tok, len); memcpy (tok->buffer + tok->level, buffer, len); tok->level += len; } while (tok->level && tok->buffer[tok->level - 1] != '\n'); tok->buffer[--tok->level] = 0; if (tok->level > 0 && tok->buffer[tok->level - 1] == '\r') tok->buffer[--tok->level] = 0; while (tok->level > 0 && mu_isblank (tok->buffer[tok->level-1])) tok->buffer[--tok->level] = 0; return level; } void imap4d_readline (struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok) { tok->argc = 0; tok->level = 0; for (;;) { char *last_arg; size_t off = imap4d_tokbuf_getline (tok); imap4d_tokbuf_tokenize (tok, off); if (tok->argc == 0) break; last_arg = tok->buffer + tok->argp[tok->argc - 1]; if (last_arg[0] == '{' && last_arg[strlen(last_arg)-1] == '}') { int rc; unsigned long number; char *sp = NULL; char *buf; size_t len; number = strtoul (last_arg + 1, &sp, 10); /* Client can ask for non-synchronised literal, if a '+' is appended to the octet count. */ if (*sp == '}') io_sendf ("+ GO AHEAD\n"); else if (*sp != '+') break; xscript_declare_client_payload (number); imap4d_tokbuf_expand (tok, number + 1); off = tok->level; buf = tok->buffer + off; len = 0; while (len < number) { size_t sz; rc = mu_stream_read (iostream, buf + len, number - len, &sz); if (rc || sz == 0) break; len += sz; } check_input_err (rc, len); imap4d_tokbuf_unquote (tok, &off, &len); imap4d_tokbuf_decrlf (tok, off, &len); tok->level += len; tok->buffer[tok->level++] = 0; tok->argp[tok->argc - 1] = off; } else break; } } struct imap4d_tokbuf * imap4d_tokbuf_from_string (char *str) { struct imap4d_tokbuf *tok = imap4d_tokbuf_init (); tok->buffer = mu_strdup (str); if (!tok->buffer) imap4d_bye (ERR_NO_MEM); tok->level = strlen (str); tok->size = tok->level + 1; imap4d_tokbuf_tokenize (tok, 0); return tok; } void io_enable_crlf (int enable) { enable = !enable; mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_FILTER, MU_IOCTL_FILTER_SET_DISABLED, &enable); }