/* GNU Mailutils -- a suite of utilities for electronic mail Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GNU Mailutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Mailutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Mailutils. If not, see . */ #include "mail.h" #define FIND_IN_TABLE(f,t,c)\ f ((void*)(t), sizeof ((t)) / sizeof ((t)[0]), sizeof ((t)[0]), c) static const struct mail_command_entry mail_command_table[] = { { "a", "alias", "a[lias] [alias [address...]]", 0, mail_alias, alias_compl }, { "alt", "alternates", "alt[ernates] name...", 0, mail_alt, NULL }, { "C", "Copy", "C[opy] [msglist]", 0, mail_copy, msglist_compl }, { "cd", "cd", "cd [directory]", 0, mail_cd, dir_compl }, { "ch", "chdir", "ch[dir] directory", 0, mail_cd, NULL }, { "c", "copy", "c[opy] [[msglist] file]", 0, mail_copy, msglist_file_compl }, { "dec", "decode", "dec[ode] [msglist]", 0, mail_decode, msglist_compl }, { "d", "delete", "d[elete] [msglist]", 0, mail_delete, msglist_compl }, { "di", "discard", "di[scard] [header-field...]", 0, mail_discard, no_compl }, { "dp", "dp", "dp [msglist]", 0, mail_dp, msglist_compl }, { "dt", "dt", "dt [msglist]", 0, mail_dp, msglist_compl }, { "ec", "echo", "ec[ho] string ...", 0, mail_echo, no_compl }, { "e", "edit", "e[dit] [msglist]", 0, mail_edit, msglist_compl }, { "el", "else", "el[se]", EF_FLOW, mail_else, no_compl }, { "en", "endif", "en[dif]", EF_FLOW, mail_endif, no_compl }, { "env", "envelope", "en[velope]", 0, mail_envelope, msglist_compl }, { "ex", "exit", "ex[it]", 0, mail_exit, no_compl }, { "F", "Followup", "F[ollowup] [msglist]", EF_SEND, mail_followup, msglist_compl }, { "fi", "file", "fi[le] [file]", 0, mail_file, file_compl }, { "fold", "folder", "fold[er] [file]", 0, mail_file, file_compl }, { "folders", "folders", "folders", 0, mail_folders, no_compl }, { "fo", "followup", "fo[llowup] [message]", EF_SEND, mail_followup, msglist_compl }, { "f", "from", "f[rom] [msglist]", 0, mail_from, msglist_compl }, { "g", "group", "g[roup] [alias [address...]]", 0, mail_alias, alias_compl }, { "h", "headers", "h[eaders] [msglist]", 0, mail_headers, msglist_compl }, { "hel", "help", "hel[p] [command...]", 0, mail_help, command_compl }, { "ho", "hold", "ho[ld] [msglist]", 0, mail_hold, msglist_compl }, { "i", "if", "i[f] s|r|t", EF_FLOW, mail_if, no_compl }, { "ig", "ignore", "ig[nore] [header-field...]", 0, mail_discard, no_compl }, { "inc", "incorporate", "inc[orporate]", 0, mail_inc, no_compl }, { "l", "list", "l[ist]", 0, mail_list, no_compl }, { "m", "mail", "m[ail] [address...]", EF_SEND, mail_send, alias_compl }, { "M", "Mail", "M[ail] [address...]", EF_SEND, mail_send, alias_compl }, { "mb", "mbox", "mb[ox] [msglist]", 0, mail_mbox, msglist_compl }, { "n", "next", "n[ext] [message]", 0, mail_next, no_compl }, { "nosender", "nos", "nos[ender] [header-field...]", 0, mail_nosender, no_compl }, { "nou", "nounfold", "nou[nfold] [header-field]", 0, mail_nounfold, no_compl }, { "P", "Print", "P[rint] [msglist]", 0, mail_print, msglist_compl }, { "pi", "pipe", "pi[pe] [[msglist] command]", 0, mail_pipe, exec_compl }, { "pre", "preserve", "pre[serve] [msglist]", 0, mail_hold, msglist_compl }, { "prev", "previous", "prev[ious] [message]", 0, mail_previous, no_compl }, { "p", "print", "p[rint] [msglist]", 0, mail_print, msglist_compl }, { "q", "quit", "q[uit]", 0, mail_quit, no_compl }, { "R", "Reply", "R[eply] [msglist]", EF_SEND, mail_reply, msglist_compl }, { "R", "Respond", "R[espond] [msglist]", EF_SEND, mail_reply, msglist_compl }, { "r", "reply", "r[eply] [message]", EF_SEND, mail_reply, msglist_compl }, { "r", "respond", "r[espond] [message]", EF_SEND, mail_reply, msglist_compl }, { "ret", "retain", "ret[ain] [header-field]", 0, mail_retain, no_compl }, { "S", "Save", "S[ave] [msglist]", 0, mail_save, msglist_compl }, { "s", "save", "s[ave] [[msglist] file]", 0, mail_save, msglist_file_compl }, { "sen", "sendheader", "sen[dheader] [[header][: value]]", EF_SEND, mail_sendheader, no_compl }, { "se", "set", "se[t] [name[=[string]]...] [name=number...] [noname...]", 0, mail_set, mailvar_set_compl }, { "setq", "setq", NULL, EF_HIDDEN, mail_set, no_compl }, { "sender", "sen", "sen[der] [header-field...]", 0, mail_sender, no_compl }, { "sete", "setenv", "sete[nv] [name[=value]]", 0, mail_setenv, no_compl }, { "sh", "shell", "sh[ell] [command]", 0, mail_shell, shell_compl }, { "si", "size", "si[ze] [msglist]", 0, mail_size, msglist_compl }, { "so", "source", "so[urce] file", 0, mail_source, NULL }, { "st", "struct", "st[ruct] [msglist]", 0, mail_struct, NULL }, { "su", "summary", "su[mmary]", 0, mail_summary, no_compl }, { "T", "Type", "T[ype] [msglist]", 0, mail_print, msglist_compl }, { "ta", "tag", "ta[g] [msglist]", 0, mail_tag, msglist_compl }, { "to", "top", "to[p] [msglist]", 0, mail_top, msglist_compl }, { "tou", "touch", "tou[ch] [msglist]", 0, mail_touch, msglist_compl }, { "t", "type", "t[ype] [msglist]", 0, mail_print, msglist_compl }, { "una", "unalias", "una[lias] [alias]...", 0, mail_unalias, NULL }, { "u", "undelete", "u[ndelete] [msglist]", 0, mail_undelete, msglist_compl }, { "unf", "unfold", "unf[old] [header-field]", 0, mail_unfold, no_compl }, { "uns", "unset", "uns[et] name...", 0, mail_unset, mailvar_set_compl }, { "unt", "untag", "unt[ag] [msglist]", 0, mail_tag, msglist_compl }, { "va", "variable", "variable [name...]", 0, mail_variable, mailvar_set_compl }, { "ve", "version", "ve[rsion]", 0, mail_version, no_compl }, { "v", "visual", "v[isual] [msglist]", 0, mail_visual, msglist_compl }, { "wa", "warranty", "wa[rranty]", 0, mail_warranty, no_compl }, { "W", "Write", "W[rite] [msglist]", 0, mail_write, msglist_compl }, { "w", "write", "w[rite] [[msglist] file]", 0, mail_write, msglist_file_compl }, { "x", "xit", "x[it]", 0, mail_exit, no_compl }, { "z", "", "z[+|-|. [count]]", 0, mail_z, no_compl }, { "?", "?", "? [command...]", 0, mail_help, command_compl }, { "!", "", "![command]", 0, mail_shell, shell_compl }, { "=", "=", "=", 0, mail_eq, no_compl }, { "#", "#", "# comment", 0, NULL, no_compl }, { "*", "*", "*", 0, mail_list, no_compl }, { "+", "+", "+ [message]", 0, mail_next, msglist_compl }, { "|", "|", "| [[msglist] command]", 0, mail_pipe, exec_compl }, { "-", "-", "- [message]", 0, mail_previous, msglist_compl }, }; const struct mail_command_entry * mail_find_command (const char *cmd) { return FIND_IN_TABLE (util_find_entry, mail_command_table, cmd); } int mail_command_help (const char *cmd) { return FIND_IN_TABLE (util_help, mail_command_table, cmd); } void mail_command_list () { util_command_list ((void*)mail_command_table, sizeof (mail_command_table) / sizeof (mail_command_table[0]), sizeof (mail_command_table[0])); } const struct mail_command * mail_command_name (int i) { if (i < 0 || i >= sizeof (mail_command_table) / sizeof (mail_command_table[0])) return NULL; return (struct mail_command*) &mail_command_table[i]; } static const struct mail_escape_entry mail_escape_table[] = { {"!", "!", "![shell-command]", escape_shell }, {":", ":", ":[mail-command]", escape_command }, {"-", "-", "-[mail-command]", escape_command }, {"+", "+", "+name [content-type [encoding]]", escape_attach }, {"^", "^", "^N", escape_remove_attachment }, {"/", "/", "/", escape_toggle_multipart_type }, {"?", "?", "?", escape_help }, {"A", "A", "A", escape_sign }, {"a", "a", "a", escape_sign }, {"b", "b", "b[bcc-list]", escape_bcc }, {"c", "c", "c[cc-list]", escape_cc }, {"d", "d", "d", escape_deadletter }, {"e", "e", "e", escape_editor }, {"f", "f", "f[mesg-list]", escape_print }, {"F", "F", "F[mesg-list]", escape_print }, {"h", "h", "h", escape_headers }, {"i", "i", "i[var-name]", escape_insert }, {"l", "l", "l", escape_list_attachments }, {"m", "m", "m[mesg-list]", escape_quote }, {"M", "M", "M[mesg-list]", escape_quote }, {"p", "p", "p", escape_type_input }, {"r", "<", "r[filename]", escape_read }, {"s", "s", "s[string]", escape_subj }, {"t", "t", "t[name-list]", escape_to }, {"v", "v", "v", escape_visual }, {"w", "w", "w[filename]", escape_write }, {"x", "x", "x", NULL }, /* Implemented directly in send.c */ {"|", "|", "|[shell-command]", escape_pipe }, }; const struct mail_escape_entry * mail_find_escape (const char *cmd) { return FIND_IN_TABLE (util_find_entry, mail_escape_table, cmd); } int mail_escape_help (const char *cmd) { return FIND_IN_TABLE (util_help, mail_escape_table, cmd); }