/* GNU Mailutils -- a suite of utilities for electronic mail Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GNU Mailutils is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Mailutils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Mailutils. If not, see . */ #include "pop3d.h" #include "mailutils/property.h" mu_stream_t iostream; void pop3d_parse_command (char *cmd, char **pcmd, char **parg) { char *p; cmd = mu_str_skip_class (cmd, MU_CTYPE_BLANK); *pcmd = cmd; p = mu_str_skip_class_comp (cmd, MU_CTYPE_SPACE); *p++ = 0; if (*p) { *parg = p; mu_rtrim_class (p, MU_CTYPE_SPACE); } else *parg = ""; } /* This is called if GNU POP3 needs to quit without going to the UPDATE stage. This is used for conditions such as out of memory, a broken socket, or being killed on a signal */ int pop3d_abquit (int reason) { int code; /* Unlock spool */ if (state != AUTHORIZATION) { mu_mailbox_flush (mbox, 0); mu_mailbox_close (mbox); manlock_unlock (mbox); mu_mailbox_destroy (&mbox); } switch (reason) { case ERR_NO_MEM: code = EX_SOFTWARE; pop3d_outf ("-ERR %s\n", pop3d_error_string (reason)); mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("not enough memory")); break; case ERR_SIGNAL: code = EX_SOFTWARE; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("quitting on signal")); break; case ERR_TERMINATE: code = EX_OK; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_NOTICE, _("terminating on request")); break; case ERR_TIMEOUT: code = EX_TEMPFAIL; pop3d_outf ("-ERR %s\n", pop3d_error_string (reason)); if (state == TRANSACTION) mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("session timed out for user: %s"), username); else mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("session timed out for no user")); break; case ERR_NO_IFILE: code = EX_NOINPUT; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("no input stream")); break; case ERR_NO_OFILE: code = EX_IOERR; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("no socket to send to")); break; case ERR_FILE: code = EX_IOERR; break; case ERR_PROTO: code = EX_PROTOCOL; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("remote protocol error")); break; case ERR_IO: code = EX_IOERR; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("I/O error")); break; case ERR_MBOX_SYNC: code = EX_OSERR; /* FIXME: This could be EX_SOFTWARE as well? */ mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("mailbox was updated by other party: %s"), username); pop3d_outf ("-ERR [OUT-SYNC] Mailbox updated by other party or corrupt\n"); break; default: code = EX_SOFTWARE; pop3d_outf ("-ERR Quitting: %s\n", pop3d_error_string (reason)); mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("quitting (numeric reason %d)"), reason); break; } closelog (); exit (code); } static void log_cipher (mu_stream_t stream) { mu_property_t prop; int rc = mu_stream_ioctl (stream, MU_IOCTL_TLSSTREAM, MU_IOCTL_TLS_GET_CIPHER_INFO, &prop); if (rc) { mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("TLS established")); mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("can't get TLS details: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); } else { char const *cipher, *mac, *proto; if (mu_property_sget_value (prop, "cipher", &cipher)) cipher = "UNKNOWN"; if (mu_property_sget_value (prop, "mac", &mac)) mac = "UNKNOWN"; if (mu_property_sget_value (prop, "protocol", &proto)) proto = "UNKNOWN"; mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_INFO, _("TLS established using %s-%s (%s)"), cipher, mac, proto); mu_property_destroy (&prop); } } void pop3d_setio (int ifd, int ofd, struct mu_tls_config *tls_conf) { mu_stream_t str, istream, ostream; if (ifd == -1) pop3d_abquit (ERR_NO_IFILE); if (ofd == -1) pop3d_abquit (ERR_NO_OFILE); if (mu_stdio_stream_create (&istream, ifd, MU_STREAM_READ)) pop3d_abquit (ERR_NO_IFILE); mu_stream_set_buffer (istream, mu_buffer_line, 0); if (mu_stdio_stream_create (&ostream, ofd, MU_STREAM_WRITE)) pop3d_abquit (ERR_NO_OFILE); /* Combine the two streams into an I/O one. */ if (tls_conf) { int rc = mu_tls_stream_create (&str, istream, ostream, tls_conf, MU_TLS_SERVER, 0); if (rc) { mu_error (_("failed to create TLS stream: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); pop3d_abquit (ERR_FILE); } log_cipher (str); } else if (mu_iostream_create (&str, istream, ostream)) pop3d_abquit (ERR_FILE); mu_stream_unref (istream); mu_stream_unref (ostream); /* Convert all writes to CRLF form. There is no need to convert reads, as the code ignores extra \r anyway. */ if (mu_filter_create (&iostream, str, "CRLF", MU_FILTER_ENCODE, MU_STREAM_WRITE | MU_STREAM_RDTHRU)) pop3d_abquit (ERR_NO_IFILE); /* Change buffering scheme: filter streams are fully buffered by default. */ mu_stream_set_buffer (iostream, mu_buffer_line, 0); if (pop3d_transcript) { int rc; mu_stream_t dstr, xstr; rc = mu_dbgstream_create (&dstr, MU_DIAG_DEBUG); if (rc) mu_error (_("cannot create debug stream; transcript disabled: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); else { rc = mu_xscript_stream_create (&xstr, iostream, dstr, NULL); mu_stream_unref (dstr); if (rc) mu_error (_("cannot create transcript stream: %s"), mu_strerror (rc)); else { mu_stream_unref (iostream); iostream = xstr; } } } } int pop3d_init_tls_server (struct mu_tls_config *tls_conf) { mu_stream_t tlsstream, stream[2]; int rc; rc = mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_SUBSTREAM, MU_IOCTL_OP_GET, stream); if (rc) { mu_error (_("%s failed: %s"), "MU_IOCTL_GET_STREAM", mu_stream_strerror (iostream, rc)); return 1; } rc = mu_tls_stream_create (&tlsstream, stream[0], stream[1], tls_conf, MU_TLS_SERVER, 0); mu_stream_unref (stream[0]); mu_stream_unref (stream[1]); if (rc) return 1; log_cipher (tlsstream); stream[0] = stream[1] = tlsstream; rc = mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_SUBSTREAM, MU_IOCTL_OP_SET, stream); mu_stream_unref (stream[0]); mu_stream_unref (stream[1]); if (rc) { mu_error (_("%s failed: %s"), "MU_IOCTL_SET_STREAM", mu_stream_strerror (iostream, rc)); pop3d_abquit (ERR_IO); } return 0; } void pop3d_bye () { mu_stream_close (iostream); mu_stream_destroy (&iostream); } void pop3d_flush_output () { mu_stream_flush (iostream); } int pop3d_is_master () { return iostream == NULL; } void pop3d_outf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int rc; va_start (ap, fmt); rc = mu_stream_vprintf (iostream, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); if (rc) { mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("Write failed: %s"), mu_stream_strerror (iostream, rc)); pop3d_abquit (ERR_IO); } } /* Gets a line of input from the client, caller should free() */ char * pop3d_readline (char *buffer, size_t size) { int rc; size_t nbytes; alarm (idle_timeout); rc = mu_stream_readline (iostream, buffer, size, &nbytes); alarm (0); if (rc) { mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("Read failed: %s"), mu_stream_strerror (iostream, rc)); pop3d_abquit (ERR_IO); } else if (nbytes == 0) { /* After a failed authorization attempt many clients simply disconnect without issuing QUIT. We do not count this as a protocol error. */ if (state == AUTHORIZATION) exit (EX_OK); mu_diag_output (MU_DIAG_ERROR, _("Unexpected eof on input")); pop3d_abquit (ERR_PROTO); } return buffer; } /* Handling of the deletion marks */ void pop3d_mark_deleted (mu_attribute_t attr) { mu_attribute_set_userflag (attr, POP3_ATTRIBUTE_DELE); } int pop3d_is_deleted (mu_attribute_t attr) { return mu_attribute_is_deleted (attr) || mu_attribute_is_userflag (attr, POP3_ATTRIBUTE_DELE); } void pop3d_unset_deleted (mu_attribute_t attr) { if (mu_attribute_is_userflag (attr, POP3_ATTRIBUTE_DELE)) mu_attribute_unset_userflag (attr, POP3_ATTRIBUTE_DELE); } void pop3d_undelete_all () { size_t i; size_t total = 0; mu_mailbox_messages_count (mbox, &total); for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) { mu_message_t msg = NULL; mu_attribute_t attr = NULL; mu_mailbox_get_message (mbox, i, &msg); mu_message_get_attribute (msg, &attr); mu_attribute_unset_deleted (attr); } } int set_xscript_level (int xlev) { if (pop3d_transcript) { if (xlev != MU_XSCRIPT_NORMAL) { if (mu_debug_level_p (MU_DEBCAT_REMOTE, xlev == MU_XSCRIPT_SECURE ? MU_DEBUG_TRACE6 : MU_DEBUG_TRACE7)) return MU_XSCRIPT_NORMAL; } if (mu_stream_ioctl (iostream, MU_IOCTL_XSCRIPTSTREAM, MU_IOCTL_XSCRIPTSTREAM_LEVEL, &xlev) == 0) return xlev; } return 0; }