# Copyright (c) 1991 Bell Communications Research, Inc. (Bellcore) # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this material # for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided # that the above copyright notice and this permission notice # appear in all copies, and that the name of Bellcore not be # used in advertising or publicity pertaining to this # material without the specific, prior written permission # of an authorized representative of Bellcore. BELLCORE # MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR SUITABILITY # OF THIS MATERIAL FOR ANY PURPOSE. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS", # WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. # RM=rm FOOBAR-sun4=-Bstatic STATICFLAG=FOOBAR${HOST_ARCH} CFLAGS = -g -I. ${$(STATICFLAG)} LDLIBS = CONFIGDIR = .. LOCALCFLAGS= -I${CONFIGDIR} ${CFLAGS} .c.o: $(RM) -f $@ $(CC) -c $(LOCALCFLAGS) $*.c all: metamail mmencode mailto splitmail codes.o: codes.c ../config.h mailto.o: mailto.c ../config.h metamail.o: metamail.c ../config.h shared.o: shared.c ../config.h splitmail.o: shared.c ../config.h mmencode: mmencode.o codes.o shared.o $(RM) -f mmencode $(CC) $(LOCALCFLAGS) -o mmencode mmencode.o codes.o shared.o $(LDLIBS) mailto: mailto.o codes.o shared.o $(RM) -f mailto $(CC) $(LOCALCFLAGS) -o mailto mailto.o codes.o shared.o -lncurses $(LDLIBS) splitmail: splitmail.o shared.o $(RM) -f splitmail $(CC) $(LOCALCFLAGS) -o splitmail splitmail.o shared.o $(LDLIBS) #metamail: metamail.o codes.o uue.o shared.o putenv.o metamail: metamail.o codes.o uue.o shared.o $(RM) -f metamail $(CC) $(LOCALCFLAGS) -o metamail metamail.o codes.o uue.o shared.o $(LDLIBS) clean: $(RM) -f metamail mmencode mailto splitmail *.o *.BAK