/* GNU Ocrad - Optical Character Recognition program
Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Antonio Diaz Diaz.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#include "common.h"
#include "rectangle.h"
#include "segment.h"
#include "ucs.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#include "blob.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "feats.h"
Features::Features( const Blob & b_ )
: b( b_ ), hbar_initialized( false ), vbar_initialized( false ),
lp( b, Profile::left ),
tp( b, Profile::top ), rp( b, Profile::right ), bp( b, Profile::bottom ),
hp( b, Profile::height ), wp( b, Profile::width )
void Features::row_scan_init() const
int l = -1; // begin of segment. -1 means no segment
row_scan.resize( b.height() );
for( int row = b.top(); row <= b.bottom(); ++row )
for( int col = b.left(); col <= b.right(); ++col )
bool black = b.get_bit( row, col );
if( l < 0 && black ) l = col; // begin of segment
if( l >= 0 && ( !black || col == b.right() ) ) // end of segment
{ row_scan[row-b.top()].push_back( Csegment( l, col - !black ) );
l = -1; }
void Features::col_scan_init() const
int t = -1; // begin of segment. -1 means no segment
col_scan.resize( b.width() );
for( int col = b.left(); col <= b.right(); ++col )
for( int row = b.top(); row <= b.bottom(); ++row )
bool black = b.get_bit( row, col );
if( t < 0 && black ) t = row; // begin of segment
if( t >= 0 && ( !black || row == b.bottom() ) ) // end of segment
{ col_scan[col-b.left()].push_back( Csegment( t, row - !black ) );
t = -1; }
int Features::hbars() const
if( !hbar_initialized )
hbar_initialized = true;
if( row_scan.empty() ) row_scan_init();
std::vector< Csegment > segv;
segv.reserve( b.height() );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < row_scan.size(); ++i )
if( row_scan[i].size() == 1 )
{ segv.push_back( row_scan[i][0] ); continue; }
int maxsize = 0, jmax = -1;
for( unsigned j = 0; j < row_scan[i].size(); ++j )
const int size = row_scan[i][j].size();
if( maxsize < size ) { maxsize = size; jmax = j; }
if( jmax >= 0 ) segv.push_back( row_scan[i][jmax] );
else segv.push_back( Csegment() );
const int limit = ( wp.max() + 1 ) / 2;
int state = 0, begin = 0, l = 0, r = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < b.height(); ++i )
Csegment & seg = segv[i];
switch( state )
case 0: if( seg.size() <= limit ) break;
state = 1; begin = i; l = seg.left; r = seg.right;
if( i < b.height() - 1 ) break;
case 1: if( seg.size() > limit &&
( i <= begin || seg.overlaps( segv[i-1] ) ) )
if( seg.left < l ) l = seg.left;
if( seg.right > r ) r = seg.right;
if( i < b.height() - 1 ) break;
state = 0;
int end = ( seg.size() <= limit ) ? i - 1 : i;
const int width = r - l + 1;
while( begin <= end && 3 * segv[begin].size() < 2 * width )
while( begin <= end && 3 * segv[end].size() < 2 * width )
const int height = end - begin + 1;
if( height < 1 || height > width ) break;
const int margin = std::max( height, ( b.height() / 10 ) + 1 );
if( begin >= margin )
bool good = false;
for( int j = margin; j > 0; --j )
if( 3 * segv[begin-j].size() <= 2 * width )
{ good = true; break; }
if( !good ) break;
if( end + margin < b.height() )
bool good = false;
for( int j = margin; j > 0; --j )
if( 3 * segv[end+j].size() <= 2 * width )
{ good = true; break; }
if( !good ) break;
hbar_.push_back( Rectangle( l, begin+b.top(), r, end+b.top() ) );
while( hbar_.size() > 3 ) // remove noise hbars
int wmin = hbar_[0].width();
for( unsigned i = 1; i < hbar_.size(); ++i )
if( hbar_[i].width() < wmin ) wmin = hbar_[i].width();
for( int i = hbar_.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if( hbar_[i].width() == wmin ) hbar_.erase( hbar_.begin() + i );
return hbar_.size();
int Features::vbars() const // FIXME small gaps not detected
if( !vbar_initialized )
vbar_initialized = true;
int state = 0, begin = 0, limit = b.height();
limit -= ( b.height() < 40 ) ? 3 : b.height() / 10;
for( int col = b.left(); col <= b.right(); ++col )
int c = 0, c2 = 0, count = 0;
for( int row = b.top() + 1; row < b.bottom(); ++row )
if( b.get_bit( row, col ) )
{ ++c; if( row < b.bottom() - 1 ) continue; }
else if( ( col > b.left() && b.get_bit( row, col - 1 ) ) ||
( col < b.right() && b.get_bit( row, col + 1 ) ) )
{ ++c; ++c2; if( row < b.bottom() - 1 ) continue; }
if( c > count ) { count = c; } c = 0;
if( ( count - c2 ) * 3 < limit * 2 ) count = 0;
switch( state )
case 0: if( count >= limit ) { state = 3; begin = col; }
else if( count * 4 >= limit * 3 ) { state = 2; begin = col; }
else if( count * 3 >= limit * 2 ) { state = 1; begin = col; }
case 1: if( count >= limit ) state = 3;
else if( count * 4 >= limit * 3 ) state = 2;
else if( count * 3 < limit * 2 ) state = 0;
else begin = col;
case 2: if( count >= limit ) state = 3;
else if( count * 3 < limit * 2 ) state = 0;
else if( count * 4 < limit * 3 ) state = 1;
case 3: if( count * 3 < limit * 2 || col == b.right() )
int end = ( count * 3 < limit * 2 ) ? col - 1 : col;
vbar_.push_back( Rectangle( begin, b.top(), end, b.bottom() ) );
state = 0;
return vbar_.size();
Csegment Features::v_segment( const int row, const int col ) const
const int segments = segments_in_col( col );
for( int i = 0; i < segments; ++i )
if( col_scan[col-b.left()][i].includes( row ) )
return col_scan[col-b.left()][i];
return Csegment();
int Features::test_misc( const Rectangle & charbox ) const
if( bp.minima() == 1 )
if( hbars() == 1 && hbar(0).top() <= b.top() + ( b.height() / 10 ) &&
4 * hbar(0).height() <= b.height() &&
5 * hbar(0).width() >= 4 * b.width() &&
rp[hbar(0).bottom()-b.top()+2] - rp[hbar(0).bottom()-b.top()] < b.width() / 4 &&
rp.increasing( hbar(0).vcenter() - b.top() + 1 ) )
return '7';
if( b.height() > b.width() && rp.increasing() && !tp.decreasing() &&
b.seek_left( b.vcenter(), b.hcenter() ) <= b.left() )
return '7';
if( tp.minima( b.height() / 4 ) == 1 && bp.minima( b.height() / 4 ) == 1 )
if( b.height() > 2 * b.width() && rp.increasing() &&
tp.decreasing() && lp.iscpit( 25 ) )
return '1';
if( hbars() == 1 ||
( hbars() == 2 && hbar(1).bottom() >= b.bottom() - 1 &&
3 * hbar(0).width() > 4 * hbar(1).width() ) )
if( 3 * hbar(0).height() < b.height() && hbar(0).top() <= b.top() + 1 )
int i = lp.pos( 40 );
if( 3 * wp[i] < b.width() && 5 * lp[i] > b.width() &&
5 * rp[i] > b.width() ) return 'T';
if( 3 * b.height() > 4 * b.width() &&
vbars() == 1 && vbar(0).width() >= 2 )
const int lg = vbar(0).left() - b.left();
const int rg = b.right() - vbar(0).right();
if( 2 * lg < b.width() && 2 * rg < b.width() &&
Ocrad::similar( lg, rg, 40 ) &&
4 * bp[bp.pos(25)] > 3 * b.height() &&
4 * tp[tp.pos(75)] > 3 * b.height() )
return 'l';
if( 5 * b.height() >= 4 * charbox.height() && b.height() > wp.max() &&
3 * wp[wp.pos(50)] < b.width() )
if( hbars() == 1 && hbar(0).bottom() >= b.bottom() - 1 &&
hbar(0).top() > b.vpos( 75 ) &&
Ocrad::similar( lp[lp.pos(50)], rp[rp.pos(50)], 20, 2 ) )
return 'l';
if( hbars() == 2 && hbar(0).bottom() < b.vpos( 25 ) &&
hbar(1).top() > b.vpos( 75 ) &&
hbar(1).bottom() >= b.bottom() - 1 /*&&
3 * hbar(0).width() < 4 * hbar(1).width()*/ )
if( hbar(0).right() <= hbar(1).hcenter() ) return 0;
if( 3 * hbar(0).width() <= 2 * hbar(1).width() ||
b.height() >= 3 * wp.max() ) return 'l';
return 'I';
if( ( hbars() == 2 || hbars() == 3 ) && hbar(0).top() <= b.top() + 1 &&
hbar(1).includes_vcenter( b ) &&
3 * hbar(0).width() > 4 * hbar(1).width() &&
( hbars() == 2 ||
( hbar(2).bottom() >= b.bottom() - 1 &&
3 * hbar(0).width() > 4 * hbar(2).width() ) ) ) return 'F';
if( b.height() > 3 * wp.max() )
if( rp.istip() && lp.ispit() )
{ if( lp.istpit() ) return '{'; else return '('; }
if( lp.istip() && rp.ispit() )
{ if( rp.istpit() ) return '}'; else return ')'; }
if( b.width() > 2 * wp.max() && rp.isconvex() ) return ')';
if( b.height() > 2 * b.width() && 5 * b.height() >= 4 * charbox.height() &&
lp.max() + rp.max() < b.width() )
if( 5 * rp[rp.pos(50)] > 2 * b.width() )
const int row = b.seek_top( b.vpos( 75 ), b.hpos( 75 ) );
if( ( b.top() < charbox.top() ||
b.bottom() <= charbox.bottom() + ( b.height() / 5 ) ) &&
row <= b.top() ) return 'L';
if( row > b.top() &&
b.seek_bottom( b.vpos( 75 ), b.hpos( 75 ) ) < b.bottom() )
return '[';
return '|';
return 0;