/* GNU Ocrad - Optical Character Recognition program
Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Antonio Diaz Diaz.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
#include "common.h"
#include "iso_8859.h"
#include "ucs.h"
#include "user_filter.h"
namespace {
class Set
std::vector< unsigned char > data; // faster than bool
int parsed_len_;
bool in;
explicit Set( const std::string & regex, const unsigned i0 = 0 );
bool includes( const unsigned char ch ) const
{ return ( parsed_len_ > 0 && in == data[ch] ); }
int parsed_len() const { return parsed_len_; }
Set::Set( const std::string & regex, const unsigned i0 )
: data( 256, false ), parsed_len_( 0 ), in( true )
if( i0 + 2 >= regex.size() || regex[i0] != '[' ) return;
unsigned i = i0 + 1;
bool fail = true;
if( regex[i] == '^' ) { ++i; in = false; }
if( regex[i] == ']' ) data[regex[i++]] = true;
for( ; i < regex.size(); ++i )
unsigned char ch1 = regex[i];
if( ch1 == ']' ) { ++i; fail = false; break; }
if( ch1 == '\\' )
int len, cht = ISO_8859::escape( regex, i + 1, &len );
if( cht < 0 ) break;
ch1 = cht; i += len;
if( i + 2 >= regex.size() || regex[i+1] != '-' || regex[i+2] == ']' )
data[ch1] = true;
else // range
i += 2;
unsigned char ch2 = regex[i];
if( ch2 == '\\' )
int len, cht = ISO_8859::escape( regex, i + 1, &len );
if( cht < 0 ) break;
ch2 = cht; i += len;
for( int c = ch1; c <= ch2; ++c ) data[c] = true;
if( !fail ) parsed_len_ = i - i0;
int my_fgetc( FILE * const f, const bool allow_comment = true )
int ch = std::fgetc( f );
if( ch == '#' && allow_comment ) // comment
{ do ch = std::fgetc( f ); while( ch != '\n' && ch != EOF ); }
return ch;
// Read a line discarding comments, leading and trailing whitespace and
// blank lines.
// Returns the size of 'line', or 0 if at EOF.
int my_fgets( FILE * const f, std::string & line, int & linenum )
int ch;
do { ch = my_fgetc( f ); if( ch == '\n' ) ++linenum; }
while( UCS::isspace( ch ) ); // discard leading whitespace and blank lines
while( ch != EOF )
line += ch;
ch = my_fgetc( f, UCS::isspace( ch ) );
if( ch == '\n' ) { ++linenum; break; }
if( ch == EOF && !line.empty() ) ++linenum;
unsigned i = line.size(); // remove trailing whitespace
while( i > 0 && UCS::isspace( (unsigned char)line[i-1] ) ) --i;
if( i < line.size() ) line.resize( i );
return line.size();
} // end namespace
bool User_filter::enable_char( const int code, int new_code )
if( code < 0 || code > 0xFFFF ) return false;
if( new_code < 0 || new_code > 0xFFFF ) new_code = code;
if( code < 256 ) table1[code] = new_code;
unsigned i = table2.size();
while( i > 0 && table2[i-1].code > code ) --i;
if( i == 0 || table2[i-1].code < code )
table2.insert( table2.begin() + i, Entry( code, new_code ) );
else table2[i-1].new_code = new_code;
return true;
int User_filter::parse_char( const std::string & line, unsigned &i ) const
int code = -1;
const unsigned len = line.size();
while( i < len && std::isspace( line[i] ) ) ++i; // strip spaces
if( i + 2 < len && line[i] == '\'' )
if( line[i+1] == '\\' ) // '\X'
int l, cht = ISO_8859::escape( line, i + 2, &l );
if( cht >= 0 && i + 2 + l < len && line[i+2+l] == '\'' )
{ code = UCS::map_to_ucs( cht ); i += 3 + l; }
else if( line[i+2] == '\'' ) // 'X'
{ code = UCS::map_to_ucs( line[i+1] ); i += 3; }
else if( i + 4 < len && line[i] == 'U' ) // UXXXX
code = 0;
for( int j = 1; j <= 4; ++j )
const int d = ISO_8859::xvalue( line[i+j] );
if( d < 0 ) { code = -1; ; break; }
code = ( code << 4 ) + d;
if( code >= 0 ) i += 5;
if( code >= 0 )
while( i < len && std::isspace( line[i] ) ) ++i; // strip spaces
if( i < len && line[i] != ',' && line[i] != '-' ) code = -1;
return code;
void User_filter::set_file_error( const char * const file_name, const int linenum )
char buf[80];
snprintf( buf, sizeof buf, "error in file '%s', line %d.", file_name, linenum );
error_ = buf;
User_filter::User_filter( const char * const file_name )
: table1( 256, -1 ), retval_( 0 ), default_( d_discard )
FILE * const f = std::fopen( file_name, "r" );
if( !f )
error_ = "Can't open file '"; error_ += file_name; error_ += '\'';
retval_ = 1;
std::string line;
int linenum = 0;
while( retval_ == 0 )
if( my_fgets( f, line, linenum ) <= 0 ) break;
if( line == "leave" )
{ if( !default_ ) default_ = d_leave; else retval_ = 2; continue; }
else if( line == "mark" )
{ if( !default_ ) default_ = d_mark; else retval_ = 2; continue; }
int new_code = -1; // parse new_code first (if any)
for( unsigned equ = line.size(), j = 0; j < 2; ++j )
equ = line.rfind( '=', equ - 1 );
if( equ >= line.size() ) break;
unsigned i = equ + 1;
const int tmp = parse_char( line, i );
if( tmp >= 0 && i == line.size() && enable_char( tmp, tmp ) )
{ new_code = tmp; line.resize( equ ); break; }
unsigned i = 0; // index in line
while( retval_ == 0 ) // parse
while( i < line.size() && std::isspace( line[i] ) ) ++i; // strip spaces
if( i >= line.size() ) break; // no more chars in line
const unsigned char ch = line[i];
if( ch == '[' ) // parse set
Set set( line, i ); // Set of characters to recognize
if( !set.parsed_len() ) { retval_ = 2; break; }
i += set.parsed_len();
for( int c = 0; c < 256; ++c )
if( set.includes( c ) && !enable_char( c, new_code ) )
{ retval_ = 2; break; }
else if( ch == '\'' || ch == 'U' ) // parse char or range
const int code = parse_char( line, i );
if( code < 0 || !enable_char( code, new_code ) )
{ retval_ = 2; break; }
if( i < line.size() && line[i] == '-' )
const int code2 = parse_char( line, i );
if( code2 <= code ) { retval_ = 2; break; }
for( int j = code + 1; j <= code2; ++j )
if( !enable_char( j, new_code ) ) { retval_ = 2; break; }
else { retval_ = 2; break; } // no set, char or range
if( i < line.size() && line[i] == ',' ) ++i;
if( std::fclose( f ) != 0 && retval_ == 0 ) retval_ = 1;
if( retval_ != 0 ) set_file_error( file_name, linenum );
int User_filter::get_new_code( const int code ) const
int result = -1;
if( code >= 0 )
if( code < 256 ) result = table1[code];
for( unsigned i = 0; i < table2.size(); ++i )
if( code == table2[i].code ) { result = table2[i].new_code; break; }
if( result < 0 && default_ == d_leave ) result = code;
return result;